
Digital Graphic Narrative Development Demi Broadhead

Transcript of Development

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Digital Graphic Narrative


Demi Broadhead

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Shape Task

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Shape Task

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I liked that my image included colours that were almost identical to the ones in which were included on the original image. This helped my image to create a realistic feel and make the shapes represent the animal more. In addition, I like that the shapes I have included in my Image aren’t just standard shapes; the use of the warp tool helped me to change the shape of some of my shapes to make them look more similar to the shape of the animals body parts. The use of texture on my panda shape task is effective; it helps the ears to look like they have fur on them rather than just using a solid colour. This use of texture can also be seen in my second shape task of a Chihuahua on its paws; this shows the fur on them and makes the animal have more realistic features apposed to just flat colour.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to recreate my image I would choose a more difficult animal such as an insect; particular these animals have a lot more body parts and details. Insects are also small meaning that their would be a lot of intricate detail which would need to be carried out meaning it would be more of a challenge to create. Additionally, I would add some more texture to certain parts of the animals body to give it a more realistic feel and to add some more depth to the image so It didn’t look as flat.

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?In my rotoscope I particular like the amount of detail in which I included into the face a and hair; I feel that by adding extra amounts of detail in different colours it has helped to sculpt the image more. I feel like my image portrays the chosen celebrity of Matt Healy well; the choice of colours is almost exact to the ones used In the original image. This use of colour helps to give the image a more realistic feel; the colour overlay tool was helpful when making this image as I could use the colour choosing tool to pick a colour from the original image and it would match it up as best as possible. I was then able to amend this and change the tone of the colour to make it slightly more light or dark until I felt it displayed the original image better.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to recreate a rotoscope then I would spend some more time on the facial features especially the mouth and eyes; I feel like the shape of these features aren't’t very accurate. In addition, I would add some texture to my image to make the image appear more realistic; the use of more detail on the skin and hair would allow my image to have more depth and not appear as flat to the page. The jacket and shirt of my rotoscope also lacks detail and depth; it appears to look flat and it’s just one block of solid colour therefore, I would add more detail to the clothing aspects of the image to be on par with the detail added to the face.

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Film Quotes

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Film Quotes

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What did you like about your image?I like the roto scope and comic effect that were combined and used in my first film quote image; I feel that these two effects work well together to create a contrast. I also like the font that was used for the quote; I used a warp tool and also the stroke tool to make the font look more bold and eye catching. On my first image I like the use of the colours in the comic effect; I feel like these stand out from the black background and give the image a more appealing look as the colours give a more bright feel. In my second image I like the use of comic book effect on this still image, I feel like it gives the image an abstract look. The use of font also gives a good effect as it is alongside the arrow which gives the effect that the text is moving with the arrow.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to re-make a film quote image I would try a new approach on the comic effect; I would add some colour to it specifically colours in which juxtapose each other such as yellow and purple and I would also make the threshold levels higher to try and get a more darker effect on the image. I would also try to create a film quote using just text; I could have the font filled in with an image from the movie to give it a better effect.

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Text Based

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?I like the use of stoke on some of my font; I feel like this made the font look more bold and stand out better. I like the use of the warp tool on this font also, I feel like it can help to give the font more of an abstract look as you can move certain parts of the font. In addition, using an image and putting it in the font can make your font more interesting and give it more of a vibrant feel depending on what you want to place in the font. I like the use of space in which you can add between the lettering in the font; this can give it more of an abstract look and help to fill up space on a page, or help to fit the font into smaller places by compressing the letters closer together.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to create some more text based images again I would experiment using different colours and a range of more techniques. Rather than just using the extremes of each effect in which you can add to the font I would create some text based images in different sizes and styles. . I would also choose various different fonts to see how these would work with various effects such as paragraphing; in addition, I would type up some more text to see how these effects worked when using more words rather than just a small amount.

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Comic Book

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Comic Book

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Comic Book

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?In my first image I like that you can still see the original colours from the original image as well as the threshold and darker tones in which were added. This helped to give a more realistic look to the character in the comic book effect and allows you to define the facial features well. In the second image I like the use of colour; I feel that these colours all work well together and give the comic image a more artistic and abstract look apposed to a normal comic image. I also like the use of the speech bubble as it helps to add to the comic effect by adding more comic book stereotypical features. In the last image I like that the darker tones fit the mood of the shot; these darker tones still give you enough detail to identify the character but at the same time the darkened tones gives a more mysterious and abstract look.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to create one of these images again I would use the extremes of the threshold tool by making it really high and then really low; this would allow me to work with very abstract images by having a lot of detail and then hardly any detail at all. I would also experiment with various other colour overlays by using colours in which juxtapose each other such as very bright colours for a dark image and darker colours for a brighter image.

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Photo Story

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What did you like about your image?I liked that my photo story included colour as well as monochrome; I highlighted the main character in the story in purple so that she stood out amongst the monochrome. I like the layout of the photo story it’s not a typical layout, I overlapped some of the images to give it a more abstract look. In addition, I like the text in which I added to some of the images I feel like it can help you to figure out what the image is showing and where the story is leading too. I like how the story jumps from one subject to another however you can still put together the pieces and figure out what Is happening in the story.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to recreate a photo story I would create a photo story in full colour and change the images so that they had a comic book effect on them to give the story an even more comic like look. I would also add some more text to the story and use a variety of different methods such as stroke and warping to make the font look more appealing and stand out more. In addition, I would also experiment using a variety of different shaped images as this could give a more abstract look to the photo story and make it more appealing to look at.

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What did you like about your image?

What would you improve if you did it again?

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Narrative Environment

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What did you like about your image?I like that the colours in my image resemble those of which you would find in an image of this scenario and setting; this helps to make the image look more realistic. I also like the use of the threshold tool and multiply, this has allowed me to add some darker detail to the mountain from the original image which helps defy the mountain and give it some more depth and realism. I like the use of the gradient tool on the sky of my image, this has helped by blending together two shades of blue to give the sky a better effect that it has clouds and is passing by.

What would you improve if you did it again?

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Initial Ideas

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Mood board summary

• Cat / Xander : I decided to have my character of Domingo’s cat black; I feel like this color will help represent his personality. As the cat murders the giant I feel that black helps to reflect death and darkness. I wanted to have a thin black cat as these are more like shadows and darkness opposed to a fluffy black kitten.

• Domingo : I decided to have Domingo as a homeless man, in the story it tells us that he isn’t wealthy and he has nothing left apart from his cat. Therefore, I feel like the images which I picked of a homeless man looking dirty and wearing brown reflects someone with no wealth and someone struggling.

• King : I wanted to have a stereotypical fairy tale king therefore, I have collected images of a large king wearing reds and purples which are typical colors that represent wealth. I have made the king look happy and jolly as in the story he is getting diamonds and gold delivered to him therefore he is a happy character.

• Giant : I collected images of big green giants; I want my giant to be reflective of those from a normal fairytale, the colors of green and brown which I will include symbolize greed, jealousy and cowardice.

• Kings daughter : These images show a princess wearing pink, as the princess is to get married in the story I feel that pink helps to symbolize the love. I have included a princess with blonde hair as this is a bright glowing color to show the importance of this character.

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8 pages, landscape format; “10x”10 large square.

Story Overview1; Domingo is homeless and he tells his cat that even though he is the last thing left he has he will never sell him.2; Xander the cat is going to go and make money so he goes to a cave and digs up the ground.3; Xander digs up some silver, he goes and gives it to Domingo and some of the silver to the king.4; Xander does the same again and digs up some gold and some diamond he gives this to the king and the king is very grateful.5; The king then organises a wedding for Domingo and his daughter.6; Xander goes and asks the king for a suit for Domingo as the ‘suit store burned down’.7; Xander goes and eats the giant so he can use his castle for the wedding venue.8; Xander goes off to help another poor person.

Export FormatJPEG

Advantages: when exporting it has full colour information which means that the images in the book will be of good quality colour wise. In addition, this file format has a large compression ratio which means that it won’t take long to compress the file.Disadvantages: a disadvantage of using JPEG as the file export format is that there can be a loss of image quality which means when exporting the images may become blurred or pixelated. This wouldn’t be suitable for a book as the visuals are important for this product.

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Deadline15th of June 2016.


My book will be aimed towards any gender; as this story isn’t a stereotypical story for any gender and it includes characters in which both genders would like. The age range for my book would be children around the age of 4/5 years old as the story is quite simple however there is some context such as the vat eating the giant which is quite violent. The target audience is also adults who have children at this age as they would need to read the story to the children due to them not being able to read. The book would be aimed at children and adults living in the UK as the story is written in English and follows an English folk tale.

Production Methods

To make my children's book I will use a variety of methods on Photoshop to create the images for the book; I will use rotoscoping to create the pictures. I will also take some pictures of some of my subjects and then rotoscope on top of the images. I will also use some shapes on Photoshop to make certain characters and subjects for the photos. I will use some font on Photoshop to type up the text for the story; I will use the warp tool to make the front appear more appealing and also add a stroke effect to make It bold and stand out more.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The strengths of the proposal is in that it has a lot of detail and clearly shows that you have a very clear picture of what you want to be making and how you are planning to do that. So including exact maples such as your export file and the exact scale that your book will be works very nicely.

You could include in the audience section having it being sold to further countries around the world that also speak English, so having a secondary audience added in such as Australia and north America.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Again is very detailed and is a great outline of showing exactly how everything is going to look, due to the amount of detail of the look of every character.

You could try to give more of a visual towards what sort of styling you are going to be putting into these characters through your mood boards.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

There is a lot of detail in this proposal and it clearly explains what the story is about.

You could do with another example of your export formats.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

There is a lot of detail and it clearly shows what you plan to create.

I believe there is room to add information about the font and text you are going to use.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

I like how you have balanced out all the sections equally and you’ve thought about all the gaps. It has a lot of detail and you have thought about it very thoroughly.

You could identify and add another advantage and disadvantage of the export formats.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

You’ve thought well and hard about the characters and each detail within the storyline. You have given the viewers a very detailed description on what the stories going to be like and good detail within different areas. Your mood board is very detailed and explores both sides of characters.

Add more images to your mood board which explores the other subjects within the story such as the locations in which your story may be set.

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Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.My feedback states that my proposal is written in a lot of detail and covers all of the given aspects; however I could include some more information on export formats and also the audience regards to the English speaking part. In addition, the idea generation part of my feedback states that it Is very detailed and shows various ideas of what my story could potentially look like. However, I could expand more on the text in which I will use and also the styling of the characters in which I will use and the locations my story will be set in.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with the part of my feedback stating that I need to talk more in depth about my book being targeted at an audience of English people. I stated that my book would be suited in the united kingdom because it is an English book; however from my feedback I have discovered that it would also be suitable in other countries that speak English such as America and Australia who could also be a target audience for my book.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I disagree with the part of my feedback which states that I should include more detail on the file format in which I discussed and the advantages and disadvantages of this. I believe that I wrote a valid point for each of these and backed them up with a reason in why this would be suitable/unsuitable for my product which I was making in this case a children's book.

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Original Script

Once upon a time there was a man who was very poor. He was so poor that he had to sell one thing after another to get food to keep from starving. After a while there was nothing left except the cat. He was very fond of his cat, and he said, “O, Cat, let come what will, I’ll never part with you. I would rather starve.”The cat replied, “O good master Domingo, rest in peace. You will never starve as long as you have me. I am going out into the world to make a fortune for us both.”The cat went out into the jungle and dug and dug. Every time he dug he turned up silver pieces. The cat took a number of these home to his master so that he could purchase food. The rest of the pieces of silver the cat carried to the king.The next day the cat dug up pieces of gold and carried them to the king. The next day he carried pieces of diamonds.“Where do you get these rich gifts? Who is sending me such wonderful presents?” asked the king.The cat replied, “It is my master, Domingo.”Now the king had a beautiful daughter. He thought that this man Domingo must be the richest man in the whole kingdom. He decided that his daughter should marry him at once. He made arrangements for the wedding through the cat.“I haven’t any clothes to wear at the wedding,” said Domingo when the cat told him that he was to marry the daughter of the king.“Never mind about that. Just leave it to me,” replied the cat.The cat went to the king and said, “O King, there has been a terrible fire in the tailor shop where they were making the wedding garments of my master, Domingo. The tailor and all of his assistants were burned to death, and the entire outfit of my master Domingo was destroyed. Hasn’t your majesty something which you could lend him to wear at the wedding?” The king sent the richest garments which his wardrobe afforded. Domingo was clothed in state ready for the wedding.“I have no palace to which to take my bride,” said Domingo to the cat.“Never mind. I’ll see about it at once,” replied the cat.The cat went into the forest to the great castle where the giant dwelt. He marched straight up to the big giant and said, “O Giant, I wish to borrow your castle for my master Domingo. Will you not be so kind as to lend it to me a little while?”The giant was very much insulted. “No, indeed, I’ll not lend my castle to you or your master Domingo or anybody else,” he shouted in his most terrible voice.“Very well, then,” replied the cat. He changed the giant to a piece of bacon in the twinkling of an eye and devoured him on the spot.The palace of the giant was a very wonderful palace. There was one room decked with silver, and one room decked with gold, and one room decked with diamonds. A beautiful river flowed by the garden gate.As Domingo and his bride sailed down the river to the garden gate in the royal barge, they saw the cat sitting in the window singing. After that they never saw him again. He disappeared in the jungle and went to make some other poor man rich. Perhaps he will come your way some day. Who knows? “Quem sabe?” they say in Brazil.

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Story Breakdown

1: Domingo is a homeless man, he has sold everything he owns he tells his cat that even though he is the last thing left he has he will never sell him.

2: The cat is going to go and make money as he wants to help out Domingo so he goes out and digs up the ground.

3: He digs up some silver; he goes and gives it to Domingo and he also takes some of the silver to the king.

4: He then also does the same again and digs up some gold and some diamond he gives these to the king and the king is very grateful; the king asks where these gifts are from and he tells the king they are from Domingo.

5: The king then organises a wedding for Domingo and his daughter, as he thinks Domingo is rich and a wealthy man.

6: The cat then goes and asks the king for a suit for Domingo as he doesn't have one; so the cat tells the king that the ‘suit store burned down’ so the king gives him a suit.

7: The cat goes and asks the giant if he can borrow his castle; the giant says no so then the cat eats the giant so he can use his castle for the wedding venue.

8: The cat watches the wedding through the window; after they are married the cat goes off to help another poor person.

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Draft Script 1

1: Once upon a time there was a poor man named Domingo, he sold everything he had to keep from going hungry. The only thing he had left was his cat Xander, but he promised he would never sell Xander even if it meant he would go hungry.

2: Xander told Domingo that he would go out into the world to make a fortune for them both. So Xander headed out into the world and found a cave, he began to dig.

3: To his surprise Xander dug up some silver pieces! He took some of these pieces and gave them to the King and the rest to Domingo. Tomorrow he would return and continue digging to see what else he could find.

4: The next day Xander went to dig up in the cave again, but this time he found gold and diamonds. He took these fine pieces and delivered yet again some to the king and the rest to Domingo. The king was very grateful of the gifts he asked the cat who they were from, and Xander told the king they were gifts from Domingo.

5: The king organised a wedding for Domingo and his beautiful daughter as he believed Domingo must be the richest man in town to have gifts such as diamonds.

6: Domingo was worried because he didn’t have a suit to wear to the wedding. Xander told him not to worry that he would sort it, so Xander went to the king. He told the king that the suit shop had burned down and asked if he could borrow a suit for Domingo.

7: Xander then went to the giant and asked If he could borrow his castle for the wedding. The giant said no, so Xander imagined that the giant was some bacon and gobbled him up.

8: At the wedding Xander watched from afar in the window, once married Domingo gazed back to see Xander heading out into the world to go help another poor man find his fortune.

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Draft Script 2

1: Once upon a time there was a man who was very poor. He sold everything he had to get food, the only thing he had left was his cat. “I will never sell you Xander as I am very fond of you.”

2: Xander the cat replied “ I will go out into the world and bring back a fortune for us both.” And so he headed out into the world and came across a giant cave.

3: Xander dug and dug in the cave until he stumbled across some silver! He gathered some silver and took some to the king and the rest to Domingo.

4: The next day Xander went back to the cave and this time dug up gold and diamonds. He again took some to the king and the rest to Domingo. Xander told the king the gifts were from Domingo and the king was very grateful.

5: The king organized a wedding for his beautiful daughter and Domingo as the king thought that Domingo was the richest man in town.

6: Domingo didn’t have a suit for the wedding, “don’t worry I will find you a suit.” Xander said. Xander then told the king “the suit shop has burned down, could my master Domingo borrow one of your suits?”.

7: Xander then went to the giants castle and asked him “may I borrow your castle for my masters wedding tomorrow.” The giant wasn’t very happy with this and told Xander no. So Xander imagined that the giant was some bacon and gobbled him up.

8: At the wedding Xander watched from a far, and once Domingo was married he went out into the world to help another poor man find his fortune.

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Draft Script 3

1: Once upon a time there was a man who was very poor. He sold everything he had to get food, the only thing he had left was his cat. “I will never sell you Xander as I am very fond of you.”

2: Xander the cat replied “ I will go out into the world and bring back a fortune for us both.” And so he headed out into the world and came across a giant cave.

3: Xander dug and dug in the cave until he stumbled across some silver! He gathered some silver and took some to the king and the rest to Domingo.

4: The next day Xander went back to the cave and this time dug up gold and diamonds. He again took some to the king and the rest to Domingo. Xander told the king the gifts were from Domingo and the king was very grateful.

5: As the king thought that Domingo was the richest man In town because of the gifts he gave his permission for Domingo to marry his daughter. So the king organized a wedding for his beautiful daughter and Domingo.

6: Domingo didn’t have a suit for the wedding, “don’t worry I will find you a suit.” Xander said. Xander then asked the king “the suit shop has burned down, could my master Domingo borrow one of your suits?”.

7: Xander then asked the king “may I borrow your castle for the wedding tomorrow, as you have such a beautiful home.” The king agreed, so Xander decorated the castle to make it worthy of a wedding.

8: Domingo dressed up in the suit and him and Xander arrived at the wedding, once married Domingo wanted to thank Xander for all the hard work. “Thank you Xander for you have gave me a fortune worthy of a king.” Said Domingo.

9. “Anything for you my master, I now must leave to help another man find his fortune.” Xander replied. He then left the castle in hope of finding another poor man to help.

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Final Script

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Digital Flat Plans