Developing Strategy plan for implementation of NVEQF in Open Schooling- Kochi, June 20-21,2013

RPL in NIOS Dr. Mamta Srivastava Dy. Director, NIOS


Presentation by Dr. Mamta Srivastava, NIOS

Transcript of Developing Strategy plan for implementation of NVEQF in Open Schooling- Kochi, June 20-21,2013

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RPL in NIOS Dr. Mamta SrivastavaDy. Director, NIOS

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Contemporary Scenario in Skill Development Age Group 15-29

▫ Only 2% have formal Vocational Training▫ 8 % have non-formal Vocational Training

• 93% of workforce in un-organized sector

• New workforce entrants every year: 12.8 Million

• Existing Skill Development capacity: 3.1 Million

• Mismatch between the skill requirements of the market and the skill base of the job seekers

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•Half-a-billion labor force of India -▫It is under-utilized due to low skill endowments

and low levels of productivity

•India has the most youngest population in the world & this demographic advantage to be converted to demographic Dividend.

•In countries like Korea, Japan and Germany 60% to 96% of the youth in the age group 20-24 are vocationally trained.

Present Scenario

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•The country is and will be in a favourable demographic situation

•25% of the world labour force would be Indians by 2025 (India Labour Report, 2009)

•Target is to achieve 350 million skilled persons by 2022.

•To achieve these targets India needs a flexible education system with▫ Facilities for Lifelong Learning▫ Recognition of Prior Learning

Future Outlook

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Various forms of learning

Knowledge Skills Abilities

Formal Learnin


Non-Formal Learnin

g Informal Learnin


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Why are we focusing on RPL in India

•Large pool of skilled, unqualified workers.•To provide recognition to the skilled craftsman

and skilled workforce who do not have any formal learning and certification

•To empower adult mature learner•To provide alternate routes for studies and

equivalency•For personal development and


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Target people who have been excluded from mainstream education

A focus on employer needs – helping employers understand the skills that they already have in their organization.

Choice – greater flexibility in education systems Maximum utilization of existing human

resources Promotion of a positive learning culture –

encouraging the valuing of all learning, wherever it is gained

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NVEQF and Prior LearningCase I Case II

Level Certificate

Equivalence Equivalence Certifying Body

10 NCC 8 Degree Doctorate University and SSC

9 NCC 7PG Diploma

Masters Degree

University and SSC

8 NCC6 University and SSC

7 NCC 5Advanced Diploma

Bachelors Degree

Board of Technical Education and SSC University and SSC

6 NCC 4

5 NCC 3

Diploma Grade XII Board of Technical Education, and

SScSchool Board and SSC

4 NCC 2

3 NCC 1 Grade XI

2 NCWP 1 Grade X Grade X School Board and SSC

1 NCWP 1 Grade IX Grade IX School Board and SSC


Grade VIIIGrade V

Grade VIIIGrade V


NCC – National Competency Certificate, NCWP – National Certificate for Work Preparation

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RPL – What is it

“to recognize and validate competencies for the purpose of certification obtained outside the formal education and training systems”

• it is a form of assessment based process which makes use of evidence of learners previous non-certified achievements to demonstrate his/her competence (knowledge, skills and attitude) or achievement.

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Stakeholders in RPL



Certification body


Schools / VTP





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Participants in RPL process •Skill workers engaged in urban small scale

enterprise•Self employed people•People engaged in traditional activities•Skilled workers in rural areas •Mature /Adult Learners

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Purpose of the RPL Framework

•Simplify the RPL process and establish a common understanding amongst stakeholders

•Standardise various practices

•Aligned with the principles and values underpinning transformation of the education and training system

•Addresses the visible and invisible barriers to learning and assessment experienced by many employees/learners

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Benefits of RPLRPL can address the

• Needs of disadvantaged groups, dropouts and part time students.

• It facilitates entry into education and training programmes

• It gives recognition to certain occupation as professions which will have social and economic benefits.

• Workers and artisans in unorganized sector can gain national recognition for their skills and experience to enter into formal system of education & training.

• It may also enhance the employment prospectus• It will also help in identifying training needs of people• Will also encourage people to become life long learners.

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The Process of RPL is about

• Identifying what the learners know and can do

•Matching the skills/knowledge and experience of the learner with the unit standards

•Assessing the learner

•Acknowledging the competencies of the learner

•Providing credit to the learner for skills, knowledge and experience already acquired.

• Issuing a record of learning /qualification

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Assessment Stages

Post-Assessment Stage

Assessment Stage

Pre-Assessment Stage

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•Vocational skills assessment falls in two parts ▫Knowledge ( what & why)▫Competence

• Knowledge assessment is relatively easy to manage

• Competence assessment requires external verification /assurance.

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Assessment methods have to be

• Appropriate; best suited for the performance being assessed.

• Fair; assessment methods will not be of disadvantage to individuals or limit them in ways unrelated to the evidence sought

• Integrated with work /or learning; evidence collection can be ongoing ,linked with normal work or learning

• Manageable ;used should be straightforward, readily arranged and will not interfere with work or learning

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Types of assessment• Diagnostic: identify training needs

• Formative: over a period of learning/ practice

•Summative: at the end of the learning/practice

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If partial fulfillment of competency

Joint Certificate by NIOS & VTP/SSC

Judgment & recommendation made

Candidate assessed against selected NOS

VTP/SKP invites eligible candidate for assessment

Application received from Candidate Seeking RPL

VTP’s Screens Application

Candidate informed of short coming and registered to rectify it

NIOS/VTP developes the assessment plans tools

Support provided for gap training

Yes No

Process of RPL Assessment

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Principles of Assessment

• Validity

• Reliability

• Fairness

• Flexibility

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Assessment methods and tools

Assessment method Assessment tools

Practical observation Instructions to candidates and assessors Observation checklist with criteria

Simulation, role-play, case study

Scenario to be simulated, or outline of roles or issues to be covered

Observation check list with criteria

Written test Instructions to candidates Examination questions/paper Marking check list/answer guide for assessors

Reports, assignments, projects

Project brief Marking check list/recording tool for assessors

Portfolio or diary Guidelines for candidates Log book Recording tool for assessors

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Monitoring Mechanism

Using video for assessment

Recording and keeping results

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Appeals Processes

• Usually 30 days to appeal (in writing)

• To be heard by an independent person

• Candidate and assessor both to be heard

• Candidate may be reassessed

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What are the outcomes of RPL ?

As a result of RPL people may:▫ Plan a learning pathway; personal/career development

plan which will build on their prior learning (RPL for PCD/ formative recognition)

▫ Identify core, and other skills, which they have gained through their life and work experiences which will help them to study, train or work effectively ( building learner confidence & supporting transitions)

▫ Gain entry to a programme at college or university as alternative to traditional entry qualifications (RPL for entry)

▫ Gain credit within a programme or towards a qualification RPL for credit/ summative recognition)

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Challenges -1

•Public recognition of the RPL processes as part of the education and training systems.

•Training of the trainers and other functionaries a key issue.

•Tailored and customized learning processes must be developed further..

•How to minimize costs for the learner.

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Challenges -2•Changing current mindset that devalues

anything that does not involve traditional learning processes

•Potentially complex processes, including the need to gather adequate evidence.

•Acceptance of RPL candidate by the Industry and other Learning Institutions.

•Establishing uniform process for RPL across Organization/ Institutions /SSC.

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RPL in adult literacy

Assessment of Basic Literacy Program under Sakshar Bharat Programme(NIOS & NLMA)

•Launched by NIOS as a pilot in 2010

•Assessment twice in a year – March & August

•Nearly 2 crores candidates certified

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