Developing roles

Developing Roles

Transcript of Developing roles

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Developing Roles

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Developing Roles

The aim of this unit is to ensure that delegates realise the importance of fully understanding the aspects of their role that they are planning to delegate.

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Developing Roles

Core competency:

• Identifies appropriate roles and tasks for delegation.

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Developing Roles

Key learning outcomes:

on completion of this unit learners should be able to:

• Identify the tasks or aspects of their role that can and/or ought to be delegated.

• Create a 'position contract' for each member of their team.

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Developing Roles

How do you know what tasks to delegate?

• Many managers return to the workplace confused about what types of tasks to delegate. It is tempting to delegate those tasks you feel less able to complete effectively.

• In the words of Sir John Harvey Jones—management guru, author and one time CEO of ICI: “only do what only you can do”.

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Developing Roles

Delegating your workload :

One should only delegate those tasks in which you are already competent.

• Create an organisation chart as though you are a mini business in your own right.

This means dividing each aspect of your job into key roles.

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Developing Roles

Write a job description for each aspect, including a person profile.

• This means what each function involves.

Create an operations manual for each aspect.

• This means clearly define how each part of the job should be carried out; including the standards you expect.

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Developing Roles

A position contract :

Anyone can delegate a part of your job, having given clear instructions on what and how you want it to be carried out.

• Why should you be competent in a task yourself before delegating it?

• How can this method be used to increase, rather than reduce, individual creativity?

• What are the benefits to you in this system?

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Developing Roles

• How can you use this method to improve your strategy in delegating to the team?

• How do you increase your value to the business by delegating your workload?

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Developing Roles

Review of case study—Anita

• Where did Anita go wrong?

• Can you explain Anita’s feelings about the situation?

• What could she have done to ensure this situation did not occur?

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Developing Roles


• Think of your job role as a microcosm of an organisation.

• Fully understand the “whats” and “hows” of each aspect of your role

• Delegate those aspects in which you are already competent

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