Developing a HTML5 Client With Lightswitch

Pieter-Jan Drouillon Developing a HTML5 Client with LightSwitch


Link to video recording on Writing a HTML5 Client from scratch is a tedious job. Anything that can lighten the burden is more than welcome. After seeing a presentation of Lightswitch, a Visual Studio plug-in, I was surprised how easy it was to create and customize a HTML5 Client. The next logical question that popped in my mind was: 'Can I use this for my drupal sites?' This presentation describes how I got started using Lightswitch for creating a HTML5 Client for my personal blog. As it turns out, there are a few options to connect to your drupal data, each with their advantages and disadvantages. Next I cover how to customize the User Interface. As the Client is HTML5 and includes jQuery Mobile, a wide range of mobile widgets is available. During the presentation, there will be demos showing how helpful Lightswitch is when creating an HTML5 Client. A basic understanding of Javascript and jQuery is convenient to follow along, but not required.

Transcript of Developing a HTML5 Client With Lightswitch

Page 1: Developing a HTML5 Client With Lightswitch

Pieter-Jan Drouillon

Developing a HTML5 Client with LightSwitch

Page 2: Developing a HTML5 Client With Lightswitch



Visual Studio & LightSwitch

What about Drupal?


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Saw a LightSwitch presentation

Fast development of HTML5 Client

Search & Filter

Cool controls out of the box

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VS & LightSwitch

VS: Microsoft IDE


VS Extension

Silverlight, HTML5 or Sharepoint App

DataSource: SQL, Azure, OData


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What is this talk about?

Is lightswitch suitable for building a HTML5 Client for Drupal website?

Story of my quest

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What data can LightSwitch consume?

Once upon a time...

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Alternative 1: OData

Vendor independent - cool!

“OData is a standardized protocol for creating and consuming data APIs”

“providing a uniform way to expose, structure, query and manipulate data”

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OData Server module

Based on OData Producer Library for PHP

Exposes entities, properties and fields

Downside: sandbox project


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DEMO - Settings

OData settings

Exposing entities


Foreign keys

What does it look like?

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Blog Client

Add datasource

Define relationships if necessary

Generate Screens

Customize if necessary

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DEMO - Basic Screen

Add Datasource

Add Overview Screen

Add Detail Screen

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What’s up with that body ?

See the HTML code of body

Defined as text

VS suggests text controls

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Custom controls to the rescue!


surrounding component


the current item with all properties and values

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DEMO - Custom Control

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DEMO - Search

Add search for title

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DEMO - Edit Data

Add Edit screen

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OData: conclusion


Quite easy

Relationships already defined


Limited to read operations

No filter/sort

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Alternative: MySQL connector

OData limited (for now)

What if you need insert/edit?

MySQL Connector

Get access to MySQL database

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DEMO - Basic Screens

Add MySQL Datasource

Define relationship - if possible :(

Add Overview Screen

Add Detail Screen

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DEMO - Editing Content

Add/Edit screen

Command button

Edit some content

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DEMO - Search

Search for title

“clean filter” button

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MySQL: Conclusion


Not completely from scratch


Define relationships

Inconsistent datatypes

Wrong datatypes

Indepth knowledge of tables required

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LightSwitch & Drupal

It’s not impossible

OData Server

Direct DB access no-go