Developing a Computerized Adaptive Test

Developing a CAT

Transcript of Developing a Computerized Adaptive Test

Developing a CAT

What is CAT?

CAT is an algorithmWe need to break down and specify all aspectsChoice of major algorithmsSubalgorithmsInput parametersItem bank needs

CAT Components

1. Calibrated item bank2. Starting rule3. Item selection rule4. Scoring rule5. Stopping rule

We must provide validity documentation on each

Algorithms inside your testing engine

Test development side


CAT remains underutilized. What are the barriers?What do you think?CostComplexityFew guidelines on how to develop one


We have approximately 4 decades of technical research on CAT

Numerous books and other resources (Rudner’s tutorial) on what CAT is and how it works

Discussions of issues (Wise & Kingsbury, 2000)

Very few resources on how to develop a CAT


Best existing resource: descriptions of current CAT programsSands, Waters, & McBride (1997): ASVABElements of Adaptive Testing: Part 2 = 5 examples

JATT issue on CAT


Framework, not complete recipeIdentify choices for your org and best way to investigate/decide

Leads to better quality in the endAlso the foundation for validity arguments

Why did you choose certain things?

Seq. Stage Primary work1 Feasibility, applicability, and

planning studiesMonte carlo simulation; business case evaluation

2 Develop item bank content or utilize existing bank

Item writing and review

3 Pretest and calibrate item bank

Pretesting; item analysis

4 Determine specifications for final CAT

Post-hoc or hybrid simulations

5 Publish live CAT Publishing and distribution; software development

The 5 step model

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

Big question: is CAT worth the investment?

If so, how can we develop a project plan and timeline?

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

Answer: simulationsSimulate how a CAT would operate under specified conditions IVs Item bank size Item quality Desired precision

DVs Average test length Accuracy: CAT θ vs. true θ (or full bank)

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

For those newer to CAT…Three types of simulations

Monte CarloPost hoc (real data)Hybrid

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

At this point, real data not likely, so Monte Carlo

Generate plausible situations Item bank: 100, 200, 300… Item quality: a = 0.7, 0.8…; spread of bDesired precision: SEM = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4…

Compare results to each other and fixed formsBase values on reality (e.g., mean a)

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

Think of the results table you want to see

Bank size Target SEM Mean test length Mean SEM(current test) - 100 .32

200 0.30 ? ?

200 0.40 ? ?

300 0.30 ? ?

300 0.40 ? ?

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

Software will do this for you, allowing you to simulate CATs for thousands of examinees in secondsCATSim (ASC)WinGen (Han)FireStar (Choi)

You can then easily set up an experiment with a wide range of conditions, and run a simulation for each

Workshop by Cito on this

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

Example takeaway:CAT with bank of 300 items and SEM=0.25 has average of 53 items

Current fixed test has 100 items, SEM=0.23 in middle and 0.35+ beyond θ of ±1.5

CAT will make test more accurate for extreme examinees, about same accuracy for middle, but with 50% reduction

1. Feasibility, applicability, planning

Another question: Business Case EvaluationExample:

You deliver 100,000 tests per yearYou estimate $20/hour seat timeReducing a test from 2 hours to 1 hour then saves $2


More difficult to estimate for K-12 – cost is not seat time but time away from instruction

2. Develop item bank

Now that we have an idea what we need, we need to build it

CAT-based considerations:Difficulty spreadAnticipated exposure/security issuesTIF adequacy

Normal considerationsContent blueprintsCognitive level

3. Pretesting and analysis

Must pretest items to obtain bank calibration

Two situationsNew test, new scale: present large amounts of items to examinees

Existing test, old scale: seed itemsObviously will take longer time to pilotRequires a linking study

3. Pretesting and analysis

Then calibrate, usually IRTAlso perform other due diligence

Dimensionality DIF Model fitDistractor analysisRemove/revise items based on stats?Etc.

4. Determine final specifications

To publish a CAT, we need to specify algorithmsStarting pointItem selectionScoringTermination criterion

Also subalgorithms, such as item exposure, content, test length constraints

4. Determine final specifications

But we must have a reason for selecting specificationsValidity documentationDefensibility

Again, we turn to simulation studiesDefine competing conditions

Big difference now: we have real data!Post Hoc or Hybrid simulations

Example sim study

4. Determine final specifications

After determining psychometric specifications, evaluate more practical issues

For example, time limits; can’t really set until you know how many itemsCAT-ASVAB approach: set limits for 90-95% of population

5. Publish live CAT

Once you have finalized your item bank and CAT design, time to publish

Need to put everything into item banker and CAT engine

First: obtain the item banker and CAT engine If developing your own, this can be the biggest

step If purchasing, this is the easiest step

Epilogue: Maintaining CATLike fixed form testing, maintenance is usually necessary

Check that performing as expectedIs termination criterion being satisfied?Examinees hitting test length or other constraints?

Average test length what you expected?Exposure or security issues?

Thank you!

[email protected] PARE, Volume 16, #1