Developed by Tracy Trimpe for the 2009 Smithsonian Summer Camp sciencespot

Developed by Tracy Trimpe for the 2009 Smithsonian Summer Camp Forensic Science Geocaching Activity


CSI Adventure. Developed by Tracy Trimpe for the 2009 Smithsonian Summer Camp Forensic Science Geocaching Activity. What is GPS?. GPS stands for G lobal P ositioning S ystem. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Developed by Tracy Trimpe for the 2009 Smithsonian Summer Camp sciencespot

Page 1: Developed by Tracy Trimpe for the 2009 Smithsonian Summer Camp sciencespot

Developed by Tracy Trimpefor the 2009 Smithsonian Summer Camp

Forensic ScienceGeocaching Activity

Page 2: Developed by Tracy Trimpe for the 2009 Smithsonian Summer Camp sciencespot

• GPS stands for Global Positioning System.• It uses 24 satellites positioned around the

globe. The satellites are 12,000 miles from Earth’s surface.

• We use GPS receivers to connect with the satellites to learn our position on Earth’s surface, which are based on latitude and longitude.

Havana Junior High Latitude = 40.296917 N

Longitude = 90.050007 W

What is GPS?

Images: and

How Stuff Works: GPS Explained

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How accurate is a GPS receiver?

With today’s GPS receivers we can get as close as 3 meters or 9 feet.

To determine our position, the receiver measures the time it takes to receive a signal from a satellite and converts it to a distance.

Satellite 1Satellite 2

Satellite 3

We need a total of 3 satellites to get an accurate reading.

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How is GPS used in investigations?

• Provide coordinates (locations) for emergency responders

• Document the layout of a crime scene or accident site

• Document the locations of specific pieces of evidence, vehicles, etc.

• Determine distance between locations (i.e. primary/secondary crime scene)

• Track victims or suspects to identify their location or determine where they have traveled

In one case in California, a suspect of several convenience store holdups was being monitored with a vehicle tracking device. When he held up another convenience store, the tracker proved that he had parked two blocks away from the store around the time of the holdup and left a few minutes after. This information from the tracker was used along with DNA evidence and a search warrant to make an arrest.

One of the many kinds of GPS systems also helped in the convicting of a man in New York, changing the charge from reckless endangerment to murder. This information was used to prove that George Ford purposefully murdered the babysitter that he had hired instead of accidently as he claimed. This tracking device, which had been planted by the man’s suspicious wife, provided information that contradicted what the man claimed had happened.




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What is geocaching?Geocaching - An outdoor treasure-hunting game in which the participants use a GPS receiver to hide and seek containers called "geocaches“ (Wikipedia, 2009)

Cache - A typical cache is a small waterproof container (usually a tupperware or ammo box) containing a logbook and "treasure," usually toys or trinkets of little value.

Microcache – A small container (i.e. film canister) containing only a logbook. Waypoints – Locations where a cache is hidden; identified by latitude and longitude.

Travel Bugs & Geocoins – Items that geocachers place in caches and track their locations as other geocaches move them to another cache.

Muggles – Refers to people who do not geocache. – Website devoted to geocaching and provides information on all the caches around the world. Shirt

As of July 2, 2009, there were 839,756 geocaches around the world!

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GPS Receivers

Power Button – Use this button to turn the unit on and off

Page Button – Press this button to change screens

Antenna – Keep the unit flat in your hand so that the antenna is pointed up at the sky.

Thumbstick – A “joystick” that moves up, down, left, and right to help you select options. Push it in to choose an option.

Find Button – Use to find a waypoint.

Each GPS receiver has many buttons with different functions.


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What does a GPS receiver tell you?Each GPS receiver has different screens or pages that will

provide your coordinates, show you a map, and much more!

Press the PAGE button on the top right to move each screen or page one at a time.


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Satellite Screen

The SATELLITE PAGE will be the first page you see when you start up the unit. You will need at least THREE black bars to start using the unit.


The black bars indicate the satellites your receiver is recognizing.

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The MAP PAGE will show you where you are located in relation to the main roads in the area. Use the buttons on the top left to zoom in or out.

Map Screen


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The NAVIGATION PAGE will provide an arrow to help you find a waypoint or location. You must be moving in order for it to work!

Navigation Screen


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The TRIP COMPUTER PAGE provides information on how fast you are moving and other data.

Trip Computer Screen


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Main Menu Screen

The MAIN MENU provides buttons to help you MARK a waypoint as well as FIND one.


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• This geocaching activity will test your team’s knowledge of forensic science topics as well as your navigation skills.

• Each team will use GPS receivers to find 10 evidence caches that are hidden around the building.

• Each cache focuses on a topic we have studied this week and will require you to answer 3-4 questions and/or complete a task.

• You may use any notes or activity pages you completed during the camp to help you.

• After answering all the questions and/or completing the task at a cache, your team will need to find one of the instructors to check your answers. If the answers are correct, you will receive a clue for your next waypoint. If not, you must keep trying until you have them all correct.

CSI Adventure

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CSI Adventure RulesSafety first! Caches have been placed in areas that should be easy to access. Keep your eyes open for trees, puddles, uneven ground, vehicles, and other hazards.

Play fair! Teams are not allowed to sabotage other teams by moving caches or stealing cache cards and materials Good sportsman ship is required!


The waypoint # is written on the cache card and container (if there is one). If you find a cache, but it is not the correct number you are in the wrong spot!

Keep the GPS unit flat in your hand to make sure you are getting good reception from the satellites and keep moving in order for the unit to “know” where you are located!

Remember that the GPS will get you close – within 9 feet – you will have to search the area to find the cache. Try walking away from the area and back towards it to make sure you are in the right spot.

Earth Quest Tips

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How do I find a cache?

Image #7:


2 – Push in the THUMB STICK to select WAYPOINTS.


Waypoint = A specific location that has been marked using the receiver.

1 - Press the FIND button on the left hand side of the receiver – third button from the top.


3 – Push in the THUMB STICK to choose NAME on the next menu.


4 - Push the PAGE BUTTON on the upper-right hand side to get rid of the keyboard.


5 - Select the waypoint you want using the THUMB STICK button to move down the list.


6 – Push in the THUMB STICK button to select GOTO at the bottom of the screen.


7 - START MOVING and use the ARROW on the navigation screen to help you locate your destination. You need to move in the direction of the large arrow. When you get close to your destination, an “Arriving at Destination” message will be displayed and you may notice the arrow “jumping” around.

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What does your team need to do?

• Grab a clipboard, answer sheet, pen, and 2 GPS units for your group.

• Get a clue card from the instructor to determine your first waypoint and write it on your worksheet. Have your answer checked to make sure you are going to the correct location.

It’s time for an adventure!

• Head outside and meet near the entry way.

•Wait for final instructions! Everyone will start at the same time!