Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School,...

Deutsch Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Transcript of Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School,...

Page 1: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

DeutschDeutsch The Story of The Story of

a Languagea Language

Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom

Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Page 2: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Languages are alive,Languages are alive,languages are changing,languages are changing,languages are travelling.languages are travelling.

Page 3: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

German is an Indo-European German is an Indo-European languagelanguage

Page 4: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

German is part of the family of Germanic languages

this family includes Dutch, English, and most Scandinavian languages (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic)

German is part of the family of Germanic languages

this family includes Dutch, English, and most Scandinavian languages (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic)

Page 5: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

German words have German words have travelled around the globe …travelled around the globe …

Page 6: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 7: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 8: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 9: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

… … and many world and many world from other from other

languages have languages have come and enriched come and enriched

the German the German languagelanguage

Page 10: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 11: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 12: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 13: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 14: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Denglish?Denglish? German contains a number of words

that sound English

However, to English native-speakers they are unknown

They are called Anglicisms

German contains a number of words that sound English

However, to English native-speakers they are unknown

They are called Anglicisms

Page 15: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 16: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Taxedo/ Taxedo/ dinner dinner jacketjacket


Page 17: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


mobile/ mobile/ cell phonecell phone


Page 18: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

German – Language beyond German – Language beyond bordersborders German is

spoken in various countries

it is an official language in

some 120 million native speakers

German is spoken in various countries

it is an official language in

some 120 million native speakers

Page 19: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

DialectsDialects German is rich of regional dialects

three major dialect groups are distinguished

1.1. Low German Low German (includes Dutch)

2.2. Middle German Middle German (includes Luxemburgish)

3.3. Upper German Upper German (includes Swiss and Austrian varieties of German)

German is rich of regional dialects

three major dialect groups are distinguished

1.1. Low German Low German (includes Dutch)

2.2. Middle German Middle German (includes Luxemburgish)

3.3. Upper German Upper German (includes Swiss and Austrian varieties of German)

Page 20: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)
Page 21: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Umlaut and Umlaut and DiphthongsDiphthongs

Page 22: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)
Page 23: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)



| F





| F



ภาษาภาษาไทยไทย DeutschDeutsch English English

1 หนึ่ง eins one

2 สอง zwei two

3 สาม drei three

4 ส� vier four

5 ห�า fünf five

6 หก sechs six

7 เจ็�ด sieben seven

8 แปด acht eight

9 เก�า neun nine

10 ส�บ zehn ten

Page 24: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)





Lektion 3: Lektion 3: Wie spät ist es?/ Wie viel Uhr ist es?

Es ist _____ Uhr. Es ist _____ Uhr.

Es ist _____ Uhr. Es ist _____ Uhr.

dreidrei sechssechs

neunneun zwölfzwölf

Page 25: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Begrüßung | Begrüßung | WelcomeWelcome

Page 26: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

das Verbdas Verb

ich (I) bin wir (we) sind

du (you) bist ihr (you) seid

er/ sie/ es (he/ she/ it) ist sie (they) sind

ich komme wir kommen

du kommst ihr kommt

er/ sie/ es kommt sie kommen

ich heiße wir heißen

du heißt ihr heißt

er/ sie/ es heißt sie heißen

sein (to be)sein (to be)

kommen (to come)kommen (to come)

heißen (named/ being heißen (named/ being called)called)

Page 27: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Sich vorstellen | Sich vorstellen | Introducing yourselfIntroducing yourself

Page 28: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)


Page 29: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Lektion 2: Lektion 2: Woher kommst du/ woher kommen sie?

Page 30: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

Nützliche WendungenNützliche Wendungen

Page 31: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)

The Classroom | The Classroom | Das KlassenzimmerDas Klassenzimmer

1.1. die Türdie Tür2.2. das Fensterdas Fenster3.3. der Tischder Tisch4.4. der Stuhlder Stuhl5.5. die Lehrerindie Lehrerin

(der Lehrer)(der Lehrer)6.6. die Schülerdie Schüler

die Schülerinnendie Schülerinnen7.7. das Buchdas Buch8.8. der Stift der Stift

(die Stifte)(die Stifte)9.9. das Heftdas Heft10.10.das Blatt Papierdas Blatt Papier

Page 32: Deutsch The Story of The Story of a Language a Language Lecture delivered at Rachineeburana School, Nakhon Pathom Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat University)
