Deus Vult Preview 1

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  • 8/4/2019 Deus Vult Preview 1


    Ordo AcerbusOrdo Acerbus DevotioDevotio


    - Compiled from the teachings and sermons of Abbot Hugo,- Compiled from the teachings and sermons of Abbot Hugo,Superior General of the Order, and translated from the Latin.Superior General of the Order, and translated from the Latin.

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    Know this every one of you will perish in the service of the

    Order. Save for your brothers and sisters within the Order, no-

    one will ever know your sacrifice. Those we protect and serve

    must never know of our actions, or even of our existence.

    We are ordo acerbus devotio, the Order of Bitter Piety, because

    we must serve in shadow and silence. Our works must go


    We are the instruments of Gods plan. The Lords plan mustbe protected and shielded from those who would undo His

    works. It is the duty of our order to defend Christendom

    and the Church from all her foes within and without. It

    is the duty of our order, too, to destroy those enemies whose

    existence cannot be countenanced. And it is the duty of our

    order to conceal ourselves from the simple common folk, from

    the greedy merchants and grasping nobles, and even from our

    fellow servants of God. Our work is solely for the initiated.

    As initiates of the Order, you will go where you are needed, at

    the behest of your Masters. You will seek out the enemies of

    God and bring them down. You will be the hammer of witches

    and the killer of monsters. You will be our instrument, just as

    we are Gods. We will make you into holy weapons and fill

    you with righteous fury.

    You are mortal. You shall die, unknown and unmourned, and

    your deeds will be forgotten.

    O, but my brothers and sisters, your rewards shall be great

    indeed in heaven.

    On The History of the OrderThe true history of the Order may not be revealed to you at your

    level of initiation. It is a secret only the Masters are privy to, but

    you may know that our brotherhood is an ancient one, far older

    than any of the Benedictine congregations. Our brothers walked

    the roads of the Holy Land ten centuries ago. I say this not out

    of pride, but out of humility, in the hopes that you too will

    realise the enormity of our sacred task and be likewise humbled

    before it. The serpent of pride is ever watchful, hoping to sting

    those initiates who mistake the power and authority granted

    them by the Order for their own grandeur.

    Within these walls, we refer to our Order as the Ordo Acerbus

    Devotio, but this is but a private joke shared amongst our

    cynics. In the wider world, we may wear the habits of othersas suits our needs, becoming Benedictines or Cistercians or

    village priests or mad-eyed prophets or brigands or whores

    and heretics if our duty commands it of us. Of late, some

    initiates call themselves Joachimites, after Joachim of Fiore

    who is a friend to our Order, but this too is nothing but a

    by-name. Others refer to use as the Order of St. Michel, after

    our home.

    In truth, our Order has no name. Names are unnecessary.

    The only identity we bear is in our blessed rings. Anyone who

    recognises the ring you bear will understand what it means

    and give you whatever aid and succour they can; anyone who

    does not recognise your ring is not permitted to know your

    purpose anyway.

    On the Nature of the OrderOurs is a secret and singular Order. We admit male and

    females equally, and make little distinction between the sexes.

    Our initiates are granted exceptional leeway to accomplish

    their tasks as they see fit, by any means necessary. Our purpose

    is not to teach or to glorify Gods name through prayer, it is to

    protect and shepherd His most holy Church.

    Most important of all, our members are held to be in a state

    of Extraordinary Grace. Whatsover you do, so long as it is

    in the direct service of the Order, is a pure and sinless act.

    There is nothing that cannot be forgiven if your intent is

    utterly pure. A member of our Order might lie, steal, cheat,

    murder until his hands ran red with the blood of a hundred

    martyrs, or fornicate with Beelzebub on the very altar of this

    church, and yet be free of sin if he did all these things in theservice of the Order.

    This must not be taken as license to sin. You will answer

    for any sins you commit of your own free will. Beware the

    temptation to claim that you act in accordance with the

    Order, when in fact you follow your own sinful desires. Grace

    is extended only to those who are deserving of it; among the

    worst blights on Christendom are those former brothers and

    sisters of ours who have fallen because they believed themselves

    incorruptible. Extraordinary Grace must be seen as a terrible

    burden, not a gift.

    On The Duties of the OrderThe sacred purpose of our Order is to shepherd Christendom

    along the path of the divine plan. Every soul we save is another

    step on that long journey towards the final enlightenment of

    all Mankind. The Masters of the Order will instruct you on

    certain vital tasks, but these always remember these duties.

    You must watch for signs of corruption and sin, especially

    those inspired by supernatural evils. Where you find such

    evils, you must destroy them. Suffer not the witch to live, nor

    the demon to remain on this earthly plane. Where possible,

    you must learn all you can about your foe before putting them

    to the sword, so that the Order may better fight such dangersin the future. Books of black magic and forbidden lore should

    be brought back to the abbey so that those monks trained in

    such matters may catalogue them.

    Knowledge is dangerous. The Church is the only true light

    of wisdom in this world, and must be the gatekeeper of all

    learning. Certain things are permissible for the common

    folk to know, but other things must be concealed. The use of

    magic, the true nature of certain monsters, the use of various

    arts and devices from ancient times or other cultures, all of

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    these imperil the unwary soul. Better you burn down a village,

    sending the souls of everyone within to their judgement, than

    let perilous knowledge escape that town into the wider world.

    A man may be damned by a whisper, if his soul is not fortified

    against such blandishments.

    You must protect Christendom from enemies, within

    and without. The Saracen, the corsair, the barbarian, the

    bandit, the false prophet, the heretic: all of these are to beslain without compunction. You must also intercede where

    sin has overthrown the appointed order of society to a very

    troublesome intent. Should a lord grind his peasants into the

    earth, and make them toil tenfold while neglecting his own

    responsibilities, should a corrupt monk sell indulgences and

    keep the money instead of giving the Church its dues, should

    madmen plot to overthrow their rightful lord, or should some

    foolish scholar delve into teachings forbidden by wiser men

    in these times too may your skills be put to the Lords work.

    Any deviation from the path must be corrected, for the good

    of all souls in Christendom.

    On The Structure of the OrderThe General Superior is the head of the Order, and is

    subordinate only to the Pontiff himself.

    Under the General Superior are the Claustral Priors,

    Obediantiary Priors and Preceptors. The Claustral Priors

    reside here, in the Mont St-Michel, and each of them oversees

    a different aspect of our Orders duties. The Prior of Medicine

    is concerned with the healing of the sick, the diagnosis of

    disease, and the preparation of poison. The Prior of Arms

    is responsible for the training of novices in combat and the

    use of weapons, as well as the defence of the monastery. The

    Prior of the Archives maintains the library and archival vaults

    beneath the rock.

    The Obediantiary Priors are in charge of the other monasteries

    of our Order across Christendom, and of the various satellites

    and lesser priories here in Normandy where novices are

    trained. The Preceptors command the scattered outposts and

    secret fortresses of the Order.

    Together with certain respected individuals, these Priors and

    Preceptors are collectively referred to as the Masters, and advise

    the Superior General on what must be done. The Masters

    reside in the Mont St-Michel or their respective priories andpreceptries, and are not committed to the field save for tasks

    of grave importance.

    On the Teaching of InitiatesAll of you are Initiates of the Order. Some of you, we took

    from your mothers womb or as a young child, and we

    brought you up in a sheltered priory where your body and

    mind could be honed without interference from the outside

    worlds. Others, we recruited because of your natural gifts, or

    accomplishments, or because of your position in society.

    Still others, we took you in because this is the only place left

    to you you saw or discovered secrets that it is not permissible

    for the uninitiated to know. You, most especially, must commit

    your hearts to this Order, lest your just punishment fall upon

    you threefold.

    No matter how you came here, you have all been instructed in

    the methods of the Order. We have taught you to fight with

    weapons and without, to vanish in plain sight and to move likea shadow, how to live like a beggar and live like a king, and how

    to discern the truth thought it be clouded in deceits. We have

    taught you the use of our secret arts, of poison and choking

    fogs and secret writings and other alchemical compounds, and

    the use of our mechanical tools and superior weapons. I tell

    you this, there is no better school in all the world, and there is

    no mortal foe you cannot defeat in single combat. You are the

    perfect instruments of Gods plan.

    You have been tested, and you will be tested again, but for

    now you are worthy enough to continue in our service. From

    this point on, your life belongs to the Order. Fail, and all of

    Christendom falls with you.

    On the Abbey of Mont St-M ichelThe LORD said unto his chief disciple, thou art Peter and

    upon this rock do I build my church. The rock that was

    ordained for us by the Archangel Michael himself is this one.

    Our island is accessible from the mainland only by a narrow

    road, and that road floods at high tide; the water races across

    the flats swifter than horses can run. Here, on this sheltered

    island, we have built our abbey and our chief sanctum.

    Outsiders believe Mont St-Michel to be merely a wealthy

    monastery following the Rule of St. Benedict.

    They believe what we permit them to believe.

    Initiates, you have seen but a tiny part of the secrets of this

    isle. There are tunnels beneath your feet that worm their way

    into the very living rock and run out under the sea-bed. There

    are hidden chambers and dungeons and sealed vaults that

    you have walked past every day of your training, but have not

    noticed despite your training in perception. There are secrets

    long-buried here that sleep, waiting for the day when the

    Order has need of them and I tell you this truly, this is but

    one of the Orders fortresses.

    On The Blessed Ringand the Orders SanctionEach member of our Order bears a single token of our

    authority, in the form of a signet ring marked with the sigil of

    the crossed keys of the Pope. Those who recognise these rings

    will offer you whatever aid they can. Any bishop or senior

    member of the clergy, any monk or learned scholar, and any

    warrior monk from the knightly orders such as the Templars

    or Hospitallers will recognise the ring, and what it signifies.

    Wearing the blessed ring, you are permitted to speak with

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    supreme authority, as the Pope himself lends his endorsement

    to your words. You may demand shelter and aid, monies or

    men, or whatever else you require.

    As ever, beware the temptation to abuse this authority. Your

    fellow Christians are brothers in service to the Lord, not slaves

    to be whipped. Use the ring only when necessary.

    On The Furtherance of Our Blessed TaskYou will perish in the service of the Order. You will be whipped

    and reviled. You will be tortured, stabbed and mauled. You

    will be hurled into dungeons and imprisoned, you will have

    your eyes put out and your limbs maimed and broken. You

    will do things so vile and terrible that your very soul recoils,

    and you will walk the razor bridge over the very pit of Hell,

    where a single false step leads to eternal damnation.

    Rejoice in your sufferings. Each drop of blood you shed is

    a milestone on the path to enlightenment for all humanity.

    Each wound you endure ransoms some soul in Christendom

    from evil. Happy are those who die in the service of the Order,for they are the instruments of God!

    P: Lord, safeguard all that we have taught.

    R: The Order must never be revealed, nor its

    knowledge made open.

    P: Lord, we trust in your guidance.

    R: Better a hundred innocents die than one of

    evil escape.

    P: Lord, we are but instruments of your Will.

    R: I vow to defend Church and Order by any

    means necessary.

    P: Lord, all will face your judgement.

    R: The laws of Man are as nothing in the

    pursuit of His work.

    P: Lord, bless this child so she may serve thee

    with all her heart.

    R: This Covenant is as marriage to the Lord


    P: Lord, give her the wisdom to know when to

    act and when to remain silent.

    R: Knowledge is both salvation and


    P: Lord, we follow the path laid before us.

    R: Every soul saved is one step forward to thefinal enlightenment of Mankind.