$2.oe A YE,;;R WILL BRING THE PAPE., EVERY WEEK BY MAIL J ---' ,,----------------~ . $2.00 A YEAR WILL BRINO THE PAPER EVERY WEElt BY MAIL , I 1 1 I' Village Opens Park School Census Taken Ten .enumerators were engllged thIS week tn takmg the scpool cen' sus In the Grosse POInte ~~ral agtr" ./eu1ffirat sehtiot l' dls-ltn;~ 4j;f()f "ca.-eh person "f school age tbe di,otrltt WIll rece1ve from $12 to $15 The canvas IS b-emg made from house to j house under the dIrectIon of the de- partment of chIld a.cO'Untlng \\llth an entry lIst of ran star dnvE!r$, most of them entrants m thIS year's Indlanapohs 500 mIle race the 100 mde A A A Auto Race to be run at Ft MiamI mile track here Sunday May 25th 1Sregarded tas the O11tstandmg dut track event of the season Such outstandmg stars as Deaeon LItz who lead the Indlanapohs rtace for 150 mIles last yar Wl~bur Shaw who (Contmued on Page 1 wo) ACHILLES DIANA Police Cars Will Be Enabled to Reach Scene of Emergency Call in Few Minutes Grosse Pom1:ers Will be pleased to know that a Cozy Tea Shap:pe has heen estabhshed at 1493.1 (,h~,..l""..,. .....,.. II Grosse Pomte VIllage's heauhful waterfront park was opened to resI- dents of Grosse POInte VIllage Thuts~ day May 15th I t '1g the past three months a new Jr k "ater to prOVIde bathmg sp-aee Jr "cry small chIldren has !been so wnstructed that 1t serves several put- )ose" actmg as a screen to permit a lean flow of w;lter to the oathmg space a gUide to divert drift wood and refuse which flQlWSdown the r1ver, ahd also IS a protectton to small <:h1ldten by separatmg them from those beyonu their age Several depths have been allotted to chIldren of dlfferent ages Substantial boat wells 'have been bUilt to prOVIde moormg space tor variOUS boats and yachts of VIllage reSidents who find It corwement to keep the r boats rIght at their door thus savmg not only tlme gOIng to and The Grosse Pomte Village baseball from Detr01t boatweUs but saVing tean de ated the strong CF Burgess money as well Cre J 1er~ nme last Sunday by a score Each year finds thIS beauhful ?ark of 1.:1 10 Johnny Des Rocher entered m greater demand It bemg a favorIte the gam<... n the mnth mnlng as a Tehef place for youngs-ters of baby carnage pItcher and struck out two men age up to four or five years who spend cons1d-erar'ble hme each day aec-om .. The startmg hurler Mlles bred after pallled by nursemaIds tI IS also a very the long grind and began to weaken 10 restful spot for aged people who are the last frame and Des Rocher was sent to be found seated under shady trees m to replace him Next Sunday the watchmg the bIg steameTs gOlOg up local boys play m Ferndale an.d return and down the flver-or r-eadmg the ror a home game May 24 WIth the Ihours aMTay whIle enJoymg the lake Sta1r w Jordon team breezes ------- But ~t IS really the bathmg by the COZY TEA SHOPPE enhre populatIon young and old, that makes thIS iPark so popular Grosse Pomte V1tlage IS proud and Its officIals are to: he It'onrO:t''''+ 1.... ~ Local Nine Conquers Burgess Team, 13.10 BROADCASTING TO PATROL CARS WILL BEGIN WITHIN TWO MONTHS; STATION NOW NEARLY COMPLETED \Nlthlll a penod of less than tv\o months a f1cet of 19 radiO eqUipped polIce cars WIll be orUlSlllg the area compnSlllg the f L l r0!>se Pomte VIllages hourly, respondmg to emergency calls wlthm a fe\\ sec IS of the re<:etpt of the SO$. Thls was the predlctlon made by offlc als fo11e lb t le recllpt of unoffiCIal word from Wasl!l.lngton that the Federal radol L 1ss on had approved the request of Grosse Pomte Townshlp offillah I ohce heads from Grosse Pomte Vll1age Park Farms Shores and 1c noer fo a permit to operate a stabon for the broadcastmg of orders ar J 11 ormatIOn to patrol cars The request asked for pernllsslOn to \\ Jrk of mstalhng the transmitter 111 operate on a of 2452 k 10 t e broadcastmg stat;on IS neartng c)-cles (1225) meters) w th 50 .... ,'ttt" c 11)letlon a-ccordl1l1g to Wllllam Neft of power t<ormal a mounce I cnt of th <"'1 d of the Signal dlvls10n for Grosse grantmg of the permit has not been Po I te V111age It IS temporanly held received by offiCials here yet but IS up untll the frequnecy wave length expected dally under whlch the statIOn WIlt be per- .2 ~ ~ ¥o :.;. :to ;[. nutted to operate IS announced by !!rov.. r~ ... ernment heads 'fo Nel'ghborhood Club 'fo The broadcastmg statIOn whIch IS be ng constructed and wl11 be ot>er" :to :: Qted by the TownshIp IS located at Roosevelt and Maumee avenue FIVe private telephone hnes are bemg 111~ stalled to each of the Villages and when an emergency call comes In the officer at the statIOn can get Jmmedt<l.te dIrect connectIon WIth the radIO statIon 1?re~ paratlOns are bemg made also to .enable the .firm alarm to be broadcast directly by the operator callmg In from the police statton and then to be repeated by the radIO operator Mrs Edw111 S Barbour of Lake Shore Road Grosse Pomte today head a dnve by the NatIOnal Women s Orga111zatlon for Prohlblbon Reform to defeat dry congressmen In MIchIgan ' Mrs Barbour IS the newly elected cha1rman of the orgamzatIon while other officers recently elected are Vice chalrmen Mrs LUCIen S Moore Jr Mrs Phelps Newberry Mrs C A Dean J, Mrs S1dney Waldron Mrs Cameron B Waterman all of DetrOIt and Mrs Myron J Sherman of MarQ.uette Mrs G A He.ndncks of Grand RapIds, Mrs Donald Ordway of Battle Creek, an-d MISS Els1e Mershon 0'£ Sagmaw We are startmg a membershIp drIve for 50000 W0tll6n voters to defeat dry congressmen m MIchigan Mrs Bar~ bour announced Party In the next electIOn should be second to prohIbi- tIOn reform for the Issue IS wet and dry ProhIbltlOn reform IS the one thtng that women voters c~n do for our country I have a real re"pect for a reall dry Or a real wet None of us respects a drmklOg dry We all want temperance and for that we Will stnve We WIll try to In.fluence MIchigan s congressman-all but two of whom are dry-and we W1ll concentrate upon ddeatmg the drys she concluded l We know that MichIgan IS a wet state and yet It IS a dry voting state' saId M1SS Mershon It IS hard to get people to come out from under cover They wdl say prohIbItIon never has been given a fair tnal and Hoover l' now trymg to enforce It and should be gIven an opportunIty I l It 1..$ a<;f" nf 1... + u........... 1 MRS. EDWIN S. BARBOUR HEADS WET DRIVE BY WOMEN'S ORGANIZA nON 1930Maple Season In Michigan Best in Years R. D Ml1'CHELL Markel Head Storkl ~~sit \ Mr and Mrs Leo 0 Teetaert, 862 Lorame avenue Grosse Pomte VII.. lage are recelvmg cangratulatIon.s upon the bIrth of an eIght iPoU>nd daughter Betty Jane barn May 8 The nother 1S domg nicely Tee~ taert IS a Village councIlman r I1 V ew of the plans now bemg made for the summer term of the Grosse Pomte pubhc schools It 1S tlmely to note the value of summer schools as summarIzed 111 the latest bulletm of the bureau of educatlOnal research of the Ulllvers!ty of IlhnOls The summer term for studentq from grade five to grade twelve WIll open 111 the Grosse Pomte HIgh School bU11dll1g '\1onday June 23 Reg1stratlOn v"IIt be at the HIgh School June 20 and 21 Summer seSSlOns for students 111 ele- mentary and hIgh schools have passed from the experImental stage and have condulvely shown theIr worth~ m the opmlOn of Charles W Odell asslst~ ant dIrector of the bureau of educa tlonat research who has studIed sum~ mer schools 111 several parts of the countr:y A century ago It was -common for 'CIty schools to contmue 111 seSSIOn throughout mos.t yf the summ_er and far J'UI"~f ~"1,,,,,,1 .. Summer Schools of Intensive Value to Students Enrolled The Mystery Man a drama Will be presented by the JUl1lor Class of the DetrOIt UnIVerSity School 111 the school audltOllum May 23 Th s ,;Ylll be the 111 hal dramabc offenng of the class RIchard WillIams and Wilham Loune a .... cast fo'- the leadmg Toles The school IS located on Cook road In Lochmoor ... The annual Inter Settlement \!arbJe Tournament was held at the Ne:; bor hodo 0:1ub on Mav 10th re"resent1. ves from the foIlowmg houses tak ng p1r f Tau Beta Delray Franklin street :,ophle Wnght Nelghborhood Club FIrst pnze a gold medal was t ken Iby Thomas Polowskl of SophIe Wright second prize went to Frank VIugerrllchtan of Delray who receIved The 1930 maple season was one of a SIlver medal and third pnze a bronze the best that Mlchtgan producers have medal went to Sam Todora of Frank ever expenenced accordmg to the re t 1m street Refreshments were served port released today by Verne H afte the' ames Church Agncultura[ StatJstJcan for the I r g *. * M1(~hlgan Co~o-perattv~ Crop :R:ei.-Ortln .. <;"{ :2,t~ are unde,r way Jor ~1.Ug TAS.S. Ser\'lce andl HeIlb6rl: E "Pdwe1t, Com" Tournament to be held at the N etgh- mISSIoner of Agnculture Weather con- borhood Club on May 22nd and 24th dlt10ns were iavorable 'throughout the Juvemles wIll compete on the 22nd an-d mam producmg sectIons and thiS tact, J umor Bo s on the 24th All who are coupled With cheaper labor and attrac w lfiterested y see I elf SlnlOnSOn First tlVe prlces seems to have encouraged a mstructlOns w1ll be given next Satur renewed Illterest 111 thiS mdustry It day afternon between 1 30 and 2 30 IS estlmated that 930000 trees were ,.. ,.. ,.. The adIO statIOn IS the fulfillment of tapped thiS year or 105 per cent of t le The Chauffeurs Club Will hold a the concerted efforts of townshIp :to number for 1929 ThIS IS the larg st 1 d 1 h f f th II g~ number smce 191& dance at the Neighborhood Club OJll 1a s an po Ice c Ie s 0 e VI at s Saturday, May 17th. and has been realized only after a ong LATE NEWS 'fo Warm weathe1" prevailed qUIte gen *** I and b lter struggle FIrst effortsj 11'0 FLASHES :to erally from the 17th to the 25th of A new class for women has been or obtal11 a permIt were turned down by February and many producers started gamze<l at the NeIghborhood Club the the federal radIO comr01sswn 111 Wti$h~ :to :to tappmg at thIS hme Alternate freez first meetmg bemg held on \fay 9th l11gton A trtp was made to the cap~~l 109 an<i thawmg durmg March was G 1 d d 1t th by a local comnl1ttee and a [ Leo Diegel, Grosse POInte golfer, also favora;ble and the run !\Vas the fatm~s werte a P .:,~~ sear~ed a Pla~s fo~ planatlOn was made to the engmeers 01 and Horton Smith, hiS partner In an jlongest smce 1926 The average date a er oon e tl e need for the statton mlernabonal profesSIOnal golf match, of tappmg for the entIre state w'tS other meetmgs ... ere <hscussed and It :t..ach vl1lage JS .gharmg the e~e1}se P layed 1ft North Manchest r England, was decIded to meet every ternate e, March 2 and the season closed Apnl 2 F d t2 Th 11 of the station and the patrol cars are were defeated Wednesday by Archie The average producbon per tree as b~1 :y c~mblliatI~ of ere~:~;~~s :~d bemg eqUIpped by the VIllage usmg Compston and Abe Mitchell, according reported at the eqUIValent of 261 work and the mer bers are them to Wire reports Netther Diegel nor pounds of sugar as compared w1th last Smith were In their usual form. year s low yield of 1 52 pounds and 200 look111g forward to ten 1 much Famous Drivers Ent1t old Funeral services were to b .... held FrI .. pounds m 1928 The total productIon mterest .. .. In Toledo SOO.Ml'le 'ee ... 111 terms of sugar was 2427300 pounds '" day afternoon for Mrs LaFayette Nmet} eIght per cent of thiS was mar- The Hard Ba 1 11;" .,.\.... being 01'~ CrowlElY. active In patrIotIc, hu;toncal keted III the form of syrup ganlzed and all teams Interested are and charitable work for many years, The average quabty was nmety eIght inVited to get In touch WIth Lelf SIDle who died In her home, 17505 Jefferson per cent or three per cent hIgher than anson at the Neighborhood Club on avenue, Grosse POInte Village, Wed~ that reported last year and two per Thursdays. Friday" or Saturdays, .. nesday She was 66 years old Her cent above the 1928 productIOn Few the league IS hmlted to five teams, and husband was an offiCial of the Michigan storms occurred durmg the season and thoae who first apply wIll be accepted Stove Company for many years Mr:s. the runs were consequently of a nearly Two games wIll be played every Satur~ Crowley was active In the work of the '11mfoTm excellence day aftemoon on the Neighborhood Dames of the Loyal Legion and the The average pnces receIved by MIChw Club ..rounds Getst, N A C, Chey~ Historical Memorials Society, and was 19an producers were slightly below ennes, 5t Ambrose Alumni and Cava- a member of the board of trustees of those for 1929 WIth the lllcreased hers take Special notice. Grace Hospital Services Will be held productIOn however the total value IS from the home at 2 p m the largest smce the estImates were The annual exhibit of JunIOr Hand~ -------- started 111 1917 In mast sections the craft work WIll be held at the NeIgh .. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL local demand was adequate to take care borhood Cit b ou Wednesdav May 21st JUNIORS TO PRESENT of the mcreased supply (Contmue d on Page Three) DRAMA ON MAY 23rd e Night Saturday at Famous Dam The Coohdge dam was constructed by the bureau ot Ind1an affairs and completed during the spring ot 1929 It Is located on the GUa river in Arl ~ona. Come one I Come all! St Atnfbrose Alum111are holdll1g their annual Sprmg Froltc on Fnday May 23 1930 m the Pansh Hall located at vla1'yland a.nd HamiPton avenues The mUSIC for the occasIOn w111 be Gene Goldkette s Ramblers and prom Ises to be the best Everyone IS In vlted. and a good time IS guaranteed to all who attend Don t forget the date Fnday May 23 1930 Place- St Ambrose Pansh Hall Tax WIll be 50 -cents ST. AMBROSE ALUMNI TO HOLD SPRING FROLIC ". ". ". ". ". ". 'fo 'fo 'fo 'fo 'fo ". 'fo 'fo 'fo ". 'fo 'fo R. D. Mitchell Co. will open New Village '"Market Soon Country Store .~~~. ... ... ... ... ... * Polie Wayne County Will Vote Wet at State Convention May 24 On Fnday evenl11g May 16th mem bers of the Grosse Pomte and Eastern Mlchlgan Hartlcultural Soclety are to VlSlt the garden of Mr and Mrs Fred C Burden 17020 East Jefferson avenue Grosse Pomte VIllage Each year the members VISIt thIS garden 1ll tuhp time and the display 1S always looked forward to wIth much pleasure Garden Club to Visit Burden Estate "Mother of Soldiers" Succumbs at 88Years Mrs W1mfred Lee Brent Lyster member of a dlstmgUls-hed pIOneer De trOlt fam1ly and who was the daughter wife mother and grandmother of mill tary men, was bUrled Saturday m EJm :i- wood Cemetery followmg funeral ser ~ VIces at Chnst Episcopal Church She was 88 years of age :to Mrs Lyster 1S survlven by the fol lowmg descendants three sons, Col W J Lysl1:er of Hot Sprmgs Ark Henry L Ly5ter and Col Thomas B Lyster, of Detro t and a daughter Mrs Florence L Rutherford of Ft R 11 e y Kan five grandchildrren Thomas M Parker, Henry L Parker and Edward C Parker all of Grosse POinte and John M Rutherford of Ft RIley Kan and MiSS Eltzabeth Lyster of Hot Sprmgs Ark and two great grandchIldren Thomas C Parker 'Son of Thomas M Parker and Eleanor Carroll Parker daughter of Henry L Parker ". The V!Ilage 1Iarket on Kercheval avenue at CadIeux Road WIll open m the near future WIth a complete hne of grocerIes vegetables fnut, CalldlLS meats sea foods and even Ice cream The market w!I1 be under the propnetorslllp of the R D MItchell company, whose slogan WIll be • Complete Food :,. ServIce' ". A housewife entenng the market WIll be conf.onted WIth the neat and orderly, and espeCIally sa11ltary arrangement of food stuffs Vegetable, ""J1 be contamed m sa11ltary bms The meats and ,ea foods" III be kept fresh by the latest and most modern type of refngeratlOn The bU1ldmg which was recently erected on a plot purchased by Mr \ftJchell lS 40 by 110 feet In size In exterIor It IS 01 brick constructIOn the appearance conformmg With the com~ mUl11ty m whIch It IS located Mr MItchell who for 10 years con dtl{:ted the groce'l'y department 111 the Economy Market LakeView and J ef~ ferson avenue 1S well known 111 thiS dIstnct George Rebh wtll manage the meat department of the VJ1lage Mar- ket He has man~ fnends 111 thIS dlS tnct also Frank Ryan Will manage the frUit department ln the new market The new market Will have a delivery service aond lt lS theIr purpose to supply thelr customers WIth an excellent grade otf food stuffs and meats from Ice cream to Imported .cheeses and lob sters The exact openmg date wIll be announced later B... DOROTHY DEE GROSSE POINTE SOCIETY Come On, SClen.:", Help r Every year science enables us to get there quicker !\ow, if it will only provide somethmg to do when we get thera-Buffalo ~e'\\s LOCHMOOR POLICEMAN INJURED IN CHASE OF SPEEDER, WAR VETERAN *** Mrs Wtlhs E Buhl and Mrs WII.. ham K Zlegfeld left Wednesday for a SOjourn In New York, where (Contmued on Page }our) Mr and Mrs Wayland D Stearns who spent the .past wmter m Tryon North Carohna have returned to thelr home on Cloverly road Grosse Pomte 1frs Robert T Gray Mrs Stearns s ster wlll spend the summer with them LEE BARRETT, PRESIDENT OF DETROIT AUTO CLUB, SEEKS POST ON GROSSE POINTE SCHOOL BOARD At the monthly meetmg of the De ... tro1t BranC'h of the NatlOnal AssocIa- tIon of Gardeners, held at the Hotel Statler, Tuesday evel\mg Tom Pear ... son of Grosse pOinte gave an dIus ... trated lecture on the Lake DiStrIct of England Mr Pearson stalk clWered the ma.ny famous beauty spots of the country- the wlM Bora and the m",uy hterary aSSOclatlOns (}f Wordsworth, Shelley, Sir Walter Scott .and John Ruskm. Educators to Visit Schools Here During February Convention J. It IS expe-cted that a large number of educators from all sectIOns of the coun- try WIll V1Slt the Grosse POlnte public schools next FelbruaJry whIle they are attendmg the Slxty first annual meetmg of the Department of Super1l1tendence of the 1'latlOnal EducatlOn ASSOCIation 10 DetroIt WhIle no meetmgt> of the department have been planned for Grosse Pomte It IS a custom for the educators attend- Ing such convenhons to V1SItoutstand lI1g schools In the conventIOn CIty and Its suburbs The Grosse P01l1te HIgh School has an estabbshed reputatIOn as an Qutstandmg school plant When It was opened It was the subject of an Illustrate.d artlcle m The Nahon s Schools,' a maga-:;me of nahonal .cIr~ Patrolman Fred Hansen of the Lochmoor police suffered a \broken collar culatlon among sc'hool executIves and bone and mmor brUIses 111 the termmahon of the hazardous chase of a speeder boards of education Frank Co d y supenntendent ot on Mack avenue at tne .rate of 70 rmle~ <l.ll hour EClI1lU 1d vva::'2ew::.kJ 33 of schools 111 Detr01t, submItted DetrOIt', 12574 Wade avenue ....... as arrested 1I1VltatlOn to the Department of SupeT- Hansen who was 1l1Jured when hIS motorcycle tipped as he attempted to mtendence and It was accepted by an stop suddenly at Mack and Cadleu>...avenues had chased Waszewskl from Mack unammous vote The conventIon date avenue and Vermer Road Waszweskl who IS a shell shocked World War vet 1S February 22 to February 26, 1931 More than 14000 educators 111 charge eran, underwent a iPsycopath1c 'C>...a111mahonat ReCeIV1l1gHospItal at the o!1"der of the 20000000 'Pubhc school chIldren of Judge James W Carter of Lochmoor and wlll be placed 111 an lllStltUtlOl1 m the Up red States are expected to Waszewskl was arrested by a Grosse attend the conference The conventlOn POll1te Shores Patrolman for speed111g IS the largest and most Important an- and taken to the Shores pohce statIon nual educatlonal assembly Lnstead of follO'Wlng the officer mto At the convenhon thlS year 10 At w the statIOn Waszewsk1 broke loose lanhc CIty Mr Cody preSIded Grosse and sped away wlth the Shores officer P01nte Board of Eoducatlon was 'fepre. 111 pursUlt Hansen was talkmg to Ed sented at the meetIng by [red W Sut 1 mund C Vermer 10 front of Ver111er s ter presldent and Dr SM Brownell, home at Vermer Road and Mack superIntendent of schools avenue when he saw the Shores offi:cer ------- chasmg the dnver He lamed the pur Pearson Talks on SUIt and the chase contmued at a speed k of from 60 to 75 mlles per hour along English La es Mack avenue to CadIeux road TWIce Waszewskl attempted to force Hansen off the road and finally the dnver crashed mto another car at Cadieux Road Hansen m attemptmg to stop from crashlllg mto other cars tlPped orver and shd over hIS handlebars dIVing 50 feet Leo 0 Teetaert a polIce com 1U1SSl-00eTm Grosse Pomte VIllage who was nearby wItnessed t!he acm dent He rushed Hansen and Was zewskl to the Lochmoor polIce statIon Patrolman Hansen d.t.splayed much bravery III the 'Chase and 10 the WllV Jtr1 ~ By WM J TREPAGNIER. Several slgntf <...antfactors emerge out of the announcement that J Lee Barrett has consented to become a candIdate for school trustee at the Grosse Pomte annual school electIon to be held June 9th Mr Barrett has been deeply lllterested lUieducatlOnal matters for many years and thIS fact together with the practIcal busmess expenence Whl0h he brmgs wIth him IS expected to redound to the advantage of the school dlstnct 111 the event of h1s electIon HIS candIdacy was secured through the tombmed efforts of a number of pubbc .spIrIted cltlzens of Grosse Pomte who are mterested m the movement for better schools \fr Barret s mter ests for Many years have been 111 travel #/0 development work and hIS pOSitIOn as :to executive V1ce 'PreSident of the DetrOIt ConventlOn and Tounst Bureau bnngs :to hIm mto dally contact With educators t\\ professlOnal and bus'1ness men from all parts of the country H1S w01"k for the general economlC mdustnal and educatIonal Improvement of DetrOIt and Southeastern M1chlgan by attract 111P tounsts convt 1ttons and VISltorq to thIS state has met WIth no httle success Mr Barrett has been a resinent of Gros~e Pomte for many years IS 46 years old and has two chlld'ren attend lng pubhc school He IS executIve sec retary of the Greater Detr01t camm1t tee and p1"esldent for ~he second term of the Detr01t Automobile Clulb He IS a.lso a member of the Stone tax com w cmttee whICh aIded the DetrOit city councIl WIth adVIce and sugges110ns as to Its 1930 budget At the marnage -ceremony unItmg MISS Marie Louise McMillan dau~h ter of Mr and Mr~ James Thayer \fc MIllan to Harry Taylor Bodman son of Mr and \1rs Henry E Bodman Thursday afternoon 111Grosse P0111te Memorial Church were a number of I A resolutIOn plaCing the Wayne fashaonaibles m the large assemblage county Demorcratlc committee on rec FIrst of all was Lady Harnngton of ad as favonng the repeal of the elghw England gowned all 10 VIOlet who teenth Amendment was passed by the came over especially for the weddlllg comtTIlttee at a meetmg thlS week of her U1ece She was escorted to the The resolution mstructed delegates car on the way to the reception at the to the Democratic pre prtmary conven McM1llan home 10 Essex boulevard, tlOn 111 Jackson May 24 to vote yes by her nephew James Mc\11llan who on a propos1tlOn which advocates repeal caJtne home from hIS studIes at Hotch of the amen dement Wayne county IS ".---------------'"""'ll kiSS to serves as an usher at hiS sister s sendmg 371 delegates to the conven- Dorn Admitted uddmg tlOn out of a total of 977 for the state The bridesmaids presented a fnlly The resolutlOn reads summerry appearance m theIr rosy pmk Resolved That the Democratic chIffon gowns arm bouquet of Sprmg party of the state of MIchIgan ple<1.ges flowers and large bI'lmmed horsehaIr Itset.f to work for the repeal of the hats of coral color eighteenth amendment to the federal Mr and Mrs Henry rord were pres constitution In order that each state of ent the latter -choos1ng a red prmted the unton may agam possess the nght chIffon gown WIth a blark milan hat to regulate or prohIbIt the sale of h \irs John Game Rumney appeared quot wlthm ItS own boundanes 10 ac~ m a kght colored outfit, Mrs PranCls cordance w1th the tradItIonal Demo Palms and her daug'qterl.- MISS Martha tratlc doctnne of states nghts accompamed by Brown Wllhams, MISS Four proposItIOns wt11 be voted upon f Delphme Vhay. Mts Ward Duckett, at the convention, and the one -carned 4 Mr. Rob<rt C Wilhams, Mr. H,~llry will determl~e tbe plank to whl.<h t4. T Muir Mrs 'Catherme Ctowfey 'VVll""DemoC'r-dtn: p.hrtfornt wIll be dUopted hams M1SS Vlrgmla Paddock MJSS Sally Ylllkey, MISS V1rgm1a Kelsey F.redenck Jones Jr Mrs Fredenck Scully Mrs George 0 Johnson, Mrs Boyer Candler M1SS Peggy Aainsworth He IS equally noted for hiS a{"tlvlty tn and MISS Kathenne Kresge Also \11ss motor boatmg and was fOfllnerly as Ohve Ann Brown and M1SS Peggy saclated With Gar Wood Inc as gen- Lathrop erol manager For the past two years Every seat In the chu.rch was filled he was AmerIca s rep-resenta1:1ve to the and the femmme members of SOCIety Inte1"natIOlllal Yachtmg conference 111 who were all gowned :In theIr lightest Brussels BelgIum where he acte'Cl as Summer attire were heard to breathe spokesman for the Untted States and aud10le SIghs of admlratlOn as the Canada 10 their yaohtmg rdatlons He bride who possesses the most dehcate 1S vice preSident of the AmerIcan 1blonde colormg came sweetly up the Travel Development ASSOCIation sec- aIsle on the arm of her dlstmgulshed retary of the Yachtsmen s AssocI-atton father Then another lovely plcture was of America secretary of the Gold Cup I formed when she knelt at the alta1 wlth comm ttee and several local and n&- young Bodman after takmg their vows tlOnal OrgaUlzatIons After a wedd1rng tnp m Europe Mr Mr Banett IS a reSIdent of Grosse and \frs Bodman w~ll return home the pomte Park hvmg at 1006 Kensmgton mIddle of June and take up theIr reSl road dence III Cranford Lane Grosse Pomte *• =========-==".""".~= .... -======-== ...==~...===============================================,..====,,~========--==-==================-- ...=- Vol 4-"10 24 GRO"Sh POINTI: MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 15,1930 By Mall $200 pcr year -----------_._- ---------_._--------------_.-------_._------_._--------_._---------------------------------------- ------------


Page 1: DETROIT AUTO CLUB, SEEKS POST LEE BARRETT Edw111S Barbour of Lake Shore Road Grosse Pomte today head a dnve by the



,,----------------~.$2.00 A YEAR WILL BRINOTHE PAPER EVERY WEElt



Village Opens Park

School Census TakenTen .enumerators were engllged

thIS week tn takmg the scpool cen'sus In the Grosse POInte ~~ral agtr"

./eu1ffirat sehtiot l' dls-ltn;~ 4j;f()f "ca.-ehperson "f school age tbe di,otrlttWIll rece1ve from $12 to $15 Thecanvas IS b-emg made from house to j

house under the dIrectIon of the de-partment of chIld a.cO'Untlng

\\llth an entry lIst of ran star dnvE!r$,most of them entrants m thIS year'sIndlanapohs 500 mIle race the 100 mdeA A A Auto Race to be run at FtMiamI mile track here Sunday May25th 1Sregarded tas the O11tstandmg duttrack event of the season

Such outstandmg stars as DeaeonLItz who lead the Indlanapohs rtace for150 mIles last yar Wl~bur Shaw who

(Contmued on Page 1 wo)


Police Cars Will Be Enabled to Reach Scene ofEmergency Call in Few Minutes

Grosse Pom1:ers Will be pleased toknow that a Cozy Tea Shap:pe has heenestabhshed at 1493.1 (,h~,..l""..,......,.. II

Grosse Pomte VIllage's heauhfulwaterfront park was opened to resI-dents of Grosse POInte VIllage Thuts~day May 15th

I t '1g the past three months a newJr k "ater to prOVIde bathmg sp-aeeJr "cry small chIldren has !been so

wnstructed that 1t serves several put-)ose" actmg as a screen to permit alean flow of w;lter to the oathmg

space a gUide to divert drift wood andrefuse which flQlWSdown the r1ver, ahdalso IS a protectton to small <:h1ldtenby separatmg them from those beyonutheir age Several depths have beenallotted to chIldren of dlfferent ages

Substantial boat wells 'have beenbUilt to prOVIde moormg space torvariOUS boats and yachts of VIllagereSidents who find It corwement tokeep the r boats rIght at their doorthus savmg not only tlme gOIng to and

The Grosse Pomte Village baseball from Detr01t boatweUs but saVingtean de ated the strong C F Burgess money as wellCre J 1er~ nme last Sunday by a score Each year finds thIS beauhful ?arkof 1.:1 10 Johnny Des Rocher entered m greater demand It bemg a favorItethe gam<... n the mnth mnlng as a Tehef place for youngs-ters of baby carnagepItcher and struck out two men age up to four or five years who spend

cons1d-erar'ble hme each day aec-om ..The startmg hurler Mlles bred after pallled by nursemaIds tI IS also a very

the long grind and began to weaken 10 restful spot for aged people who arethe last frame and Des Rocher was sent to be found seated under shady treesm to replace him Next Sunday the watchmg the bIg steameTs gOlOg uplocal boys play m Ferndale an.d return and down the flver-or r-eadmg theror a home game May 24 WIth the Ihours aMTay whIle enJoymg the lakeSta1rw Jordon team breezes

------- But ~t IS really the bathmg by theCOZY TEA SHOPPE enhre populatIon young and old, that

makes thIS iPark so popularGrosse Pomte V1tlage IS proud and

Its officIals are to: he It'onrO:t''''+1.... ~

Local Nine ConquersBurgess Team, 13.10



\Nlthlll a penod of less than tv\o months a f1cet of 19 radiO eqUipped polIcecars WIll be orUlSlllg the area compnSlllg the f L l r0!>se Pomte VIllages hourly,respondmg to emergency calls wlthm a fe\\ sec IS of the re<:etpt of the SO$.

Thls was the predlctlon made by offlc als fo11e lb t le recllpt of unoffiCIalword from Wasl!l.lngton that the Federal radol L 1 ss on had approved therequest of Grosse Pomte Townshlp offillah I ohce heads from GrossePomte Vll1age Park Farms Shores and 1 c noer fo a permit to operatea stabon for the broadcastmg of orders ar J 11 ormatIOn to patrol cars

The request asked for pernllsslOn to \\ Jrk of mstalhng the transmitter 111operate on a of 2452 k 10 t e broadcastmg stat;on IS neartngc)-cles (1225) meters) w th 50 ....,'ttt" c 11)letlon a-ccordl1l1g to Wllllam Neftof power t<ormal a mounce I cnt of th <"'1 d of the Signal dlvls10n for Grossegrantmg of the permit has not been Po I te V111age It IS temporanly heldreceived by offiCials here yet but IS up untll the frequnecy wave lengthexpected dally under whlch the statIOn WIlt be per-.2 ~ ~ ¥o :.;. :to ;[. nutted to operate IS announced by !!rov..r~ ... ernment heads'fo Nel'ghborhood Club 'fo The broadcastmg statIOn whIch IS

be ng constructed and wl11 be ot>er":to :: Qted by the TownshIp IS located at

Roosevelt and Maumee avenue FIVeprivate telephone hnes are bemg 111~stalled to each of the Villages and whenan emergency call comes In the officerat the statIOn can get Jmmedt<l.te dIrectconnectIon WIth the radIO statIon 1?re~paratlOns are bemg made also to .enablethe .firm alarm to be broadcast directlyby the operator callmg In from thepolice statton and then to be repeatedby the radIO operator

Mrs Edw111 S Barbour of Lake Shore Road Grosse Pomte today heada dnve by the NatIOnal Women s Orga111zatlon for Prohlblbon Reform todefeat dry congressmen In MIchIgan '

Mrs Barbour IS the newly elected cha1rman of the orgamzatIon whileother officers recently elected are Vice chalrmen Mrs LUCIen S Moore JrMrs Phelps Newberry Mrs C A Dean J, Mrs S1dney Waldron Mrs CameronB Waterman all of DetrOIt and Mrs Myron J Sherman of MarQ.uette MrsG A He.ndncks of Grand RapIds, Mrs Donald Ordway of Battle Creek, an-dMISS Els1e Mershon 0'£ Sagmaw

We are startmg a membershIp drIvefor 50000 W0tll6n voters to defeat drycongressmen m MIchigan Mrs Bar~bour announced Party In the nextelectIOn should be second to prohIbi-tIOn reform for the Issue IS wet anddry ProhIbltlOn reform IS the onethtng that women voters c~n do for ourcountry I have a real re"pect for areall dry Or a real wet None of usrespects a drmklOg dry

We all want temperance and forthat we Will stnve We WIll try toIn.fluence MIchigan s congressman-allbut two of whom are dry-and we W1llconcentrate upon ddeatmg the drysshe concluded

l We know that MichIgan IS a wetstate and yet It IS a dry voting state'saId M1SS Mershon It IS hard to getpeople to come out from under coverThey wdl say prohIbItIon never hasbeen given a fair tnal and Hoover l'now trymg to enforce It and should begIven an opportunIty I

l It 1..$ a<;f" nf 1...+ u........... 1


1930Maple Season InMichigan Best in Years


Markel Head

Storkl ~~sit \Mr and Mrs Leo 0 Teetaert, 862

Lorame avenue Grosse Pomte VII..lage are recelvmg cangratulatIon.supon the bIrth of an eIght iPoU>nddaughter Betty Jane barn May 8The nother 1S domg nicely Tee~taert IS a Village councIlman

r I1 V ew of the plans now bemg madefor the summer term of the GrossePomte pubhc schools It 1S tlmely tonote the value of summer schools assummarIzed 111 the latest bulletm ofthe bureau of educatlOnal research ofthe Ulllvers!ty of IlhnOls The summerterm for studentq from grade five tograde twelve WIll open 111 the GrossePomte HIgh School bU11dll1g '\1ondayJune 23 Reg1stratlOn v"IIt be at theHIgh School June 20 and 21

Summer seSSlOns for students 111 ele-mentary and hIgh schools have passedfrom the experImental stage and havecondulvely shown theIr worth~ m theopmlOn of Charles W Odell asslst~ant dIrector of the bureau of educatlonat research who has studIed sum~mer schools 111 several parts of thecountr:y

A century ago It was -common for'CIty schools to contmue 111 seSSIOnthroughout mos.t yf the summ_er andfar J'UI"~f ~"1,,,,,,1 ..

Summer Schools ofIntensive Value to

Students Enrolled

The Mystery Man a drama Will bepresented by the JUl1lor Class of theDetrOIt UnIVerSity School 111 the schoolaudltOllum May 23 Th s ,;Ylll be the111 hal dramabc offenng of the classRIchard WillIams and Wilham Lounea.... cast fo'- the leadmg Toles Theschool IS located on Cook road In



The annual Inter Settlement \!arbJeTournament was held at the Ne:; borhodo 0:1ub on Mav 10th re"resent1.

ves from the foIlowmg houses takng p1rf Tau Beta Delray Franklin

street :,ophle Wnght NelghborhoodClub FIrst pnze a gold medal wast ken Iby Thomas Polowskl of SophIeWright second prize went to FrankVIugerrllchtan of Delray who receIved

The 1930 maple season was one of a SIlver medal and third pnze a bronzethe best that Mlchtgan producers have medal went to Sam Todora of Frankever expenenced accordmg to the re t 1m street Refreshments were servedport released today by Verne H afte the' amesChurch Agncultura[ StatJstJcan for the I r g *. *M1(~hlgan Co~o-perattv~ Crop :R:ei.-Ortln..<;"{ :2,t~ are unde,r way Jor ~1.Ug TAS.S.Ser\'lce andl HeIlb6rl: E "Pdwe1t, Com" Tournament to be held at the N etgh-mISSIoner of Agnculture Weather con- borhood Club on May 22nd and 24thdlt10ns were iavorable 'throughout the Juvemles wIll compete on the 22nd an-dmam producmg sectIons and thiS tact, J umor Bo s on the 24th All who arecoupled With cheaper labor and attracw lfiterested y see I elf SlnlOnSOn FirsttlVe prlces seems to have encouraged a mstructlOns w1ll be given next Saturrenewed Illterest 111 thiS mdustry It day afternon between 1 30 and 2 30IS estlmated that 930000 trees were ,.. ,.. ,.. The adIO statIOn IS the fulfillment oftapped thiS year or 105 per cent of t le The Chauffeurs Club Will hold a the concerted efforts of townshIp

:to number for 1929 ThIS IS the larg st 1 d 1 h f f th II g~number smce 191& dance at the Neighborhood Club OJll1a s an po Ice c Ie s 0 e VI at sSaturday, May 17th. and has been realized only after a ongLATE NEWS 'fo Warm weathe1" prevailed qUIte gen * * * I and b lter struggle FIrst effortsj 11'0

FLASHES :to erally from the 17th to the 25th of A new class for women has been or obtal11 a permIt were turned down byFebruary and many producers started gamze<l at the NeIghborhood Club the the federal radIO comr01sswn 111Wti$h~

:to :to tappmg at thIS hme Alternate freez first meetmg bemg held on \fay 9th l11gton A trtp was made to the cap~~l• 109 an<i thawmg durmg March was G 1 d d 1 t th by a local comnl1ttee and a [

Leo Diegel, Grosse POInte golfer, also favora;ble and the run !\Vas the fatm~s werte aP .:,~~ sear~ed a Pla~s fo~ planatlOn was made to the engmeers 01and Horton Smith, hiS partner In an jlongest smce 1926 The average date a er oon e tl e need for the stattonmlernabonal profesSIOnal golf match, of tappmg for the entIre state w'tS other meetmgs ... ere <hscussed and It :t..ach vl1lage JS .gharmg the e~e1}sePlayed 1ft North Manchest r England, was decIded to meet every ternatee , March 2 and the season closed Apnl 2 F d t 2 Th 11 of the station and the patrol cars arewere defeated Wednesday by Archie The average producbon per tree as b~1 :y c~mblliatI~ of ere~:~;~~s :~d bemg eqUIpped by the VIllage usmgCompston and Abe Mitchell, according reported at the eqUIValent of 261 work and the mer bers are themto Wire reports Netther Diegel nor pounds of sugar as compared w1th lastSmith were In their usual form. year s low yield of 1 52 pounds and 200 look111g forward to ten 1 much Famous Drivers Ent1t old

Funeral services were to b ....held FrI .. pounds m 1928 The total productIon mterest • .. .. In Toledo SOO.Ml'le 'ee... 111 terms of sugar was 2427300 pounds '"

day afternoon for Mrs LaFayette Nmet} eIght per cent of thiS was mar- The Hard Ba 1 11;" .,.\.... being 01'~

CrowlElY. active In patrIotIc, hu;toncal keted III the form of syrup ganlzed and all teams Interested areand charitable work for many years, The average quabty was nmety eIght inVited to get In touch WIth Lelf SIDlewho died In her home, 17505 Jefferson per cent or three per cent hIgher than anson at the Neighborhood Club onavenue, Grosse POInte Village, Wed~ that reported last year and two per Thursdays. Friday" or Saturdays, ..nesday She was 66 years old Her cent above the 1928 productIOn Few the league IS hmlted to five teams, andhusband was an offiCial of the Michigan storms occurred durmg the season and thoae who first apply wIll be acceptedStove Company for many years Mr:s. the runs were consequently of a nearly Two games wIll be played every Satur~Crowley was active In the work of the '11mfoTm excellence day aftemoon on the NeighborhoodDames of the Loyal Legion and the The average pnces receIved by MIChw Club ..rounds Getst, N A C, Chey~Historical Memorials Society, and was 19an producers were slightly below ennes, 5t Ambrose Alumni and Cava-a member of the board of trustees of those for 1929 WIth the lllcreased hers take Special notice.Grace Hospital Services Will be held productIOn however the total value IS • • •from the home at 2 p m the largest smce the estImates were The annual exhibit of JunIOr Hand~

-------- started 111 1917 In mast sections the craft work WIll be held at the NeIgh ..UNIVERSITY SCHOOL local demand was adequate to take care borhood Cit b ou Wednesdav May 21st

JUNIORS TO PRESENT of the mcreased supply (Contmue d on Page Three)DRAMA ON MAY 23rd


Night Saturday at

Famous DamThe Coohdge dam was constructed

by the bureau ot Ind1an affairs andcompleted during the spring ot 1929It Is located on the GUa river in Arl~ona.

Come one I Come all!St Atnfbrose Alum111are holdll1g their

annual Sprmg Froltc on Fnday May23 1930 m the Pansh Hall located atvla1'yland a.nd HamiPton avenues

The mUSIC for the occasIOn w111 beGene Goldkette s Ramblers and promIses to be the best Everyone IS Invlted. and a good time IS guaranteedto all who attend Don t forget thedate Fnday May 23 1930 Place-St Ambrose Pansh Hall Tax WIll be50 -cents


". ". ". ". ". ". 'fo 'fo 'fo 'fo 'fo ". 'fo 'fo 'fo ". 'fo 'fo

R. D. Mitchell Co. will openNew Village '"Market Soon

Country Store.~~~.

... ... ... ... ... *


Wayne County WillVote Wet at State

Convention May 24

On Fnday evenl11g May 16th members of the Grosse Pomte and EasternMlchlgan Hartlcultural Soclety are toVlSlt the garden of Mr and Mrs FredC Burden 17020 East Jefferson avenueGrosse Pomte VIllage

Each year the members VISIt thISgarden 1ll tuhp time and the display 1Salways looked forward to wIth muchpleasure

Garden Club toVisit Burden Estate

"Mother of Soldiers"Succumbs at 88Years

Mrs W1mfred Lee Brent Lystermember of a dlstmgUls-hed pIOneer DetrOlt fam1ly and who was the daughterwife mother and grandmother of milltary men, was bUrled Saturday m EJm :i-wood Cemetery followmg funeral ser ~VIces at Chnst Episcopal Church Shewas 88 years of age :to

Mrs Lyster 1S survlven by the followmg descendants three sons, ColW J Lysl1:er of Hot Sprmgs ArkHenry L Ly5ter and Col Thomas BLyster, of Detro t and a daughterMrs Florence L Rutherford of FtR 11e y K a n five grandchildrrenThomas M Parker, Henry L Parkerand Edward C Parker all of GrossePOinte and John M Rutherford of FtRIley Kan and MiSS Eltzabeth Lysterof Hot Sprmgs Ark and two greatgrandchIldren Thomas C Parker 'Sonof Thomas M Parker and EleanorCarroll Parker daughter of Henry LParker

". The V!Ilage 1Iarket on Kercheval avenue at CadIeux Road WIll open m the near future WIth acomplete hne of grocerIes vegetables fnut, CalldlLS meats sea foods and even Ice cream The market

• w!I1 be under the propnetorslllp of the R D MItchell company, whose slogan WIll be • Complete Food:,. ServIce'". A housewife entenng the market WIll be conf.onted WIth the neat and orderly, and espeCIally

sa11ltary arrangement of food stuffs Vegetable, ""J1 be contamed m sa11ltary bms The meats and,ea foods" III be kept fresh by the latest and most modern type of refngeratlOn

The bU1ldmg which was recentlyerected on a plot purchased by Mr\ftJchell lS 40 by 110 feet In size InexterIor It IS 01 brick constructIOn theappearance conformmg With the com~mUl11ty m whIch It IS located

Mr MItchell who for 10 years condtl{:ted the groce'l'y department 111 theEconomy Market LakeView and J ef~ferson avenue 1S well known 111 thiSdIstnct George Rebh wtll manage themeat department of the VJ1lage Mar-ket He has man~ fnends 111 thIS dlStnct also Frank Ryan Will manage thefrUit department ln the new market

The new market Will have a deliveryservice aond lt lS theIr purpose to supplythelr customers WIth an excellent gradeotf food stuffs and meats from Icecream to Imported .cheeses and lobsters The exact openmg date wIll beannounced later




Come On, SClen.:", Help rEvery year science enables us to

get there quicker !\ow, if it will onlyprovide somethmg to do when we getthera-Buffalo ~e'\\s


* * *Mrs Wtlhs E Buhl and Mrs WII ..ham K Zlegfeld left Wednesday for SOjourn In New York, where

(Contmued on Page }our)

Mr and Mrs Wayland D Stearnswho spent the .past wmter m TryonNorth Carohna have returned to thelrhome on Cloverly road Grosse Pomte1frs Robert T Gray Mrs Stearnss ster wlll spend the summer withthem



At the monthly meetmg of the De ...tro1t BranC'h of the NatlOnal AssocIa-tIon of Gardeners, held at the HotelStatler, Tuesday evel\mg Tom Pear ...son of Grosse pOinte gave an dIus ...trated lecture on the Lake DiStrIct ofEngland

Mr Pearson stalk clWered the ma.nyfamous beauty spots of the country-the wlM Bora and the m",uy hteraryaSSOclatlOns (}f Wordsworth, Shelley,Sir Walter Scott .and John Ruskm.

Educators to VisitSchools Here During

February Convention


It IS expe-cted that a large number ofeducators from all sectIOns of the coun-try WIll V1Slt the Grosse POlnte publicschools next FelbruaJry whIle they areattendmg the Slxty first annual meetmgof the Department of Super1l1tendenceof the 1'latlOnal EducatlOn ASSOCIation10 DetroIt

WhIle no meetmgt> of the departmenthave been planned for Grosse Pomte ItIS a custom for the educators attend-Ing such convenhons to V1SItoutstandlI1g schools In the conventIOn CIty andIts suburbs The Grosse P01l1te HIghSchool has an estabbshed reputatIOn asan Qutstandmg school plant When Itwas opened It was the subject of anIllustrate.d artlcle m The Nahon sSchools,' a maga-:;me of nahonal .cIr~ Patrolman Fred Hansen of the Lochmoor police suffered a \broken collarculatlon among sc'hool executIves and bone and mmor brUIses 111 the termmahon of the hazardous chase of a speederboards of education

Frank Co d y supenntendent ot on Mack avenue at tne .rate of 70 rmle~ <l.ll hour EClI1lU 1d vva::'2ew::.kJ 33 ofschools 111 Detr01t, submItted DetrOIt', 12574 Wade avenue arrested1I1VltatlOn to the Department of SupeT- Hansen who was 1l1Jured when hIS motorcycle tipped as he attempted tomtendence and It was accepted by an stop suddenly at Mack and Cadleu>...avenues had chased Waszewskl from Mackunammous vote The conventIon date avenue and Vermer Road Waszweskl who IS a shell shocked World War vet1S February 22 to February 26, 1931

More than 14000 educators 111 charge eran, underwent a iPsycopath1c 'C>...a111mahonat ReCeIV1l1g HospItal at the o!1"derof the 20000000 'Pubhc school chIldren of Judge James W Carter of Lochmoor and wlll be placed 111 an lllStltUtlOl1m the Up red States are expected to Waszewskl was arrested by a Grosseattend the conference The conventlOn POll1te Shores Patrolman for speed111gIS the largest and most Important an- and taken to the Shores pohce statIonnual educatlonal assembly Lnstead of follO'Wlng the officer mto

At the convenhon thlS year 10 Atw the statIOn Waszewsk1 broke looselanhc CIty Mr Cody preSIded Grosse and sped away wlth the Shores officerP01nte Board of Eoducatlon was 'fepre. 111 pursUlt Hansen was talkmg to Edsented at the meetIng by [red W Sut 1 mund C Vermer 10 front of Ver111er ster presldent and Dr S M Brownell, home at Vermer Road and MacksuperIntendent of schools avenue when he saw the Shores offi:cer

------- chasmg the dnver He lamed the purPearson Talks on SUIt and the chase contmued at a speed

k of from 60 to 75 mlles per hour alongEnglish La es Mack avenue to CadIeux road TWIceWaszewskl attempted to force Hansenoff the road and finally the dnvercrashed mto another car at CadieuxRoad

Hansen m attemptmg to stop fromcrashlllg mto other cars tlPped orverand shd over hIS handlebars dIVing50 feet Leo 0 Teetaert a polIce com1U1SSl-00eTm Grosse Pomte VIllagewho was nearby wItnessed t!he acmdent He rushed Hansen and Waszewskl to the Lochmoor polIce statIon

Patrolman Hansen d.t.splayed muchbravery III the 'Chase and 10 the WllVJtr1 ~

By WM J TREPAGNIER.Several slgntf <...ant factors emerge out of the announcement that J Lee

Barrett has consented to become a candIdate for school trustee at the GrossePomte annual school electIon to be held June 9th Mr Barrett has beendeeply lllterested lUieducatlOnal matters for many years and thIS fact togetherwith the practIcal busmess expenence Whl0h he brmgs wIth him IS expected toredound to the advantage of the school dlstnct 111 the event of h1s electIon

HIS candIdacy was secured through the tombmed efforts of a number ofpubbc .spIrIted cltlzens of Grosse Pomte who are mterested m the movementfor better schools \fr Barret s mterests for Many years have been 111 travel #/0development work and hIS pOSitIOn as :toexecutive V1ce 'PreSident of the DetrOItConventlOn and Tounst Bureau bnngs :tohIm mto dally contact With educators t\\professlOnal and bus'1ness men from allparts of the country H1S w01"k forthe general economlC mdustnal andeducatIonal Improvement of DetrOItand Southeastern M1chlgan by attract111P tounsts convt 1ttons and VISltorqto thIS state has met WIth no httlesuccess

Mr Barrett has been a resinent ofGros~e Pomte for many years IS 46years old and has two chlld'ren attendlng pubhc school He IS executIve secretary of the Greater Detr01t camm1ttee and p1"esldent for ~he second termof the Detr01t Automobile Clulb HeIS a.lso a member of the Stone tax comwcmttee whICh aIded the DetrOit citycouncIl WIth adVIce and sugges110ns asto Its 1930 budget

At the marnage -ceremony unItmgMISS Marie Louise McMillan dau~hter of Mr and Mr~ James Thayer \fcMIllan to Harry Taylor Bodman sonof Mr and \1rs Henry E BodmanThursday afternoon 111Grosse P0111teMemorial Church were a number of I A resolutIOn plaCing the Waynefashaonaibles m the large assemblage county Demorcratlc committee on rec

FIrst of all was Lady Harnngton of ad as favonng the repeal of the elghwEngland gowned all 10 VIOlet who teenth Amendment was passed by thecame over especially for the weddlllg comtTIlttee at a meetmg thlS weekof her U1ece She was escorted to the The resolution mstructed delegatescar on the way to the reception at the to the Democratic pre prtmary convenMcM1llan home 10 Essex boulevard, tlOn 111 Jackson May 24 to vote yesby her nephew James Mc\11llan who on a propos1tlOn which advocates repealcaJtne home from hIS studIes at Hotch of the amen dement Wayne county IS".---------------'"""'ll kiSS to serves as an usher at hiS sister s sendmg 371 delegates to the conven-

Dorn Admitted uddmg tlOn out of a total of 977 for the stateThe bridesmaids presented a fnlly The resolutlOn reads

summerry appearance m theIr rosy pmk Resolved That the DemocraticchIffon gowns arm bouquet of Sprmg party of the state of MIchIgan ple<1.gesflowers and large bI'lmmed horsehaIr Itset.f to work for the repeal of thehats of coral color eighteenth amendment to the federal

Mr and Mrs Henry rord were pres constitution In order that each state ofent the latter -choos1ng a red prmted the unton may agam possess the nghtchIffon gown WIth a blark milan hat to regulate or prohIbIt the sale of h\irs John Game Rumney appeared quot wlthm ItS own boundanes 10 ac~m a kght colored outfit, Mrs PranCls cordance w1th the tradItIonal DemoPalms and her daug'qterl.- MISS Martha tratlc doctnne of states nghtsaccompamed by Brown Wllhams, MISS Four proposItIOns wt11 be voted upon fDelphme Vhay. Mts Ward Duckett, at the convention, and the one -carned 4Mr. Rob<rt C Wilhams, Mr. H,~llry will determl~e tbe plank to whl.<h t4.T Muir Mrs 'Catherme Ctowfey 'VVll""DemoC'r-dtn: p.hrtfornt wIll be dUoptedhams M1SS Vlrgmla Paddock MJSSSally Ylllkey, MISS V1rgm1a KelseyF.redenck Jones Jr Mrs FredenckScully Mrs George 0 Johnson, MrsBoyer Candler M1SS Peggy Aainsworth

He IS equally noted for hiS a{"tlvlty tn and MISS Kathenne Kresge Also \11ssmotor boatmg and was fOfllnerly as Ohve Ann Brown and M1SS Peggysaclated With Gar Wood Inc as gen- Lathroperol manager For the past two years Every seat In the chu.rch was filledhe was AmerIca s rep-resenta1:1ve to the and the femmme members of SOCIetyInte1"natIOlllal Yachtmg conference 111 who were all gowned :In theIr lightestBrussels BelgIum where he acte'Cl as Summer attire were heard to breathespokesman for the Untted States and aud10le SIghs of admlratlOn as theCanada 10 their yaohtmg rdatlons He bride who possesses the most dehcate1S vice preSident of the AmerIcan 1blonde colormg came sweetly up theTravel Development ASSOCIation sec- aIsle on the arm of her dlstmgulshedretary of the Yachtsmen s AssocI-atton father Then another lovely plcture wasof America secretary of the Gold Cup I formed when she knelt at the alta1 wlthcomm ttee and several local and n&- young Bodman after takmg their vowstlOnal OrgaUlzatIons After a wedd1rng tnp m Europe Mr

Mr Banett IS a reSIdent of Grosse and \frs Bodman w~ll return home thepomte Park hvmg at 1006 Kensmgton mIddle of June and take up theIr reSlroad dence III Cranford Lane Grosse Pomte• * •

=========-==".""".~=....-======-== ...==~...===============================================,..====,,~========--==-==================-- ...=-Vol 4-"10 24 GRO"Sh POINTI: MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 15,1930 By Mall $200 pcr year-----------_._- ---------_._--------------_.-------_._------_._--------_._---------------------------------------- ------------

Page 2: DETROIT AUTO CLUB, SEEKS POST LEE BARRETT Edw111S Barbour of Lake Shore Road Grosse Pomte today head a dnve by the


Grosse Pointe Village


month In the great utdoors offered bythese camps thls sm meT'

ApplIcatIons shou 1 be sent at onceto Phelps Newberr:; Clvll an A de tothe Secretar} of \i\ r 3972 PenobscotBldg DetrOit




People oay' "He was a good fellow whenhe had It" B"t yo" can't buy coffee anddoughnuts on a reputation for generosIty.The spenders of yesteryear are t.he beggarsof today.

Shampoo or Finger Wave with each

Marcel One Week Only



Grosse Pointe HouseCleaning Coo

Modernistic Beauty Salon

Convenient to Shop Evenings and Sundays


Complete Housecleaning ServiceWALLS WINDOWS, rLOORS, CUI INGS P J\PERING,


683 St. Clair Ave.

Where are the spendersoj yesteryear



Jefferson at Rivard Blvd.

trla~ t)rganlzatlons who are ~endl11ggroups of theIr employes to the Cltl~zens Mth-tary Trammg Camps

The warm weather of the past weekhas had a nottceable shmulatmg effecton the mterest of boys In s'j;lemlmg a

O:!(.U::tO'-- '0=01:;


Enrollments in C. M. T.Camps Pass 1,000 Mark

Ruth Chatterton al:Riviera Theater

J'tnet Gaynor Chade,; Farrell andDav d Butler the comb nat on whichmadc :,unny S1de Up tl: e out stand109 s'Cr(en 11 us cal productIOn of thepast season have done 1t agaIn

f-Itgn Socletv Blues Box \.fo,leto 1e mU':;lcal roma Ice whIch IS n.o\\ atthe \tfad so 1 theatel 1S even brtter enter1.a1l1 cnt th1.t S ....I ny S de Up It1a!> MIS Gaynor and f'arrell as- ltSstars ;:In1 Putler d rectcd

ThiS Ltest star rll g vel cle lor tnemos p( ;ltllar te m of screen sweethearts I as a mud strOl gLr story thanthc r h t pr ev ous ::)1 oductlOn and111 ere aroused by t1 e openl11~ sequel ce hold.'> unt 1 the 'inal fade cutUI dlO1l1 shed

flVL SOl & nU'11he"s are sung hy thestars anu cVl-rYOlL 01 t1 e n 10 t1 s ev L\H.r at least sounds 1kc a potel1l1als( ng hit

vllss G-avnor apd farrc I <;lllg charmngly t1lClf re"ldttlO"1 of J st Like a

Stor). Book \\-mll1ng espeCial comn C 1d'1tlon from last mght':; o.udlence

A :.trong supportmg cast mcludes thefa 1 ous \ V III am CollIer Sr HeddJ.Hopper Joyce Compton LOUIse f< azenda and LUCIan LIttlefield

High SOCIety Blues IS excellent entertamment r\"htch W11l prove pleasantto all classes of theater boers It ISrecommended Wlt'10Ut rLservatlOn


"High Society Blues"at Madison Theater



Four Chairs, No Waiting, Pony Chair for the Kiddies


Joan Crawford Starsin Outdoor Romance

Mencken TreatIse on the God-s( I ot/nnoft h.rOlcaC rt sso..:: Pamter s CraftKI ?' 1 rom a 1\ ew GardenKyne Golden Daw 1Woodman Amusements for lllvahdsHolmes Rose Garden PnmerTra n Paper ProfitsHaMes My I:<nend the Black BassVdndel cook Fool s ParadeThornton Rock Garden PnmerWIll an s Touch'ltonePasl1a Close HauledWnght D..wnWassen la 1 Colu"nbus Don QUIxote

of the SeasJell IvLlsters lO "lvfll11ature

I 14913 E. Jefferson at Alter RoadHICKORY 5192-W Amer,cal1lState Sank Bldg.

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Crystal, Card and Tea Leaf Readings free with Luncheon I Lenox 5319 14426Kerclteval Ave.

14931l;:harlevoix at Alter Road, petroit ~ PAINTSNear the Aloma Theatre ~

@l Aame Pamts" Varnishes and EnameL... Rogers Brushing Lacquer ..READINGS BY MRS. A. WILLIAMS ~ Rogers LInoleum Lacquer ~ Maco!ac. Enamel ~b'elcote Rubh~Enamel

CI d i for Autos a.nd all purposes Berry's Enamel and Varnuhea.Lunches Serv~d from 12 noon to 9 30 p m Sundays ose ffil Carter's and Duth Boy Whl~eLwd

Bridge and Afternoon T:ea Parties by ApPOintment ~ COME PRICES IN OUR PAINT nLPARTMENT~'iN~~ G S House Pol nt $2.25 gal, 68c qt

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I h C::: InSide Gloss Wl1 te $27S gal.. 7Se qt.Grosse PO"...O nte Barher S op ~I no I:zy White rname! $375 gal $100 qt40 40 20 Pa nt-SpecJal $3 00 galG S Lacquer 1 hmner % pmt 30e I Pint SOc, 1 quart 90c

~ Ed and Mack formerly with Bert ~ Iill @ Our Own B.,mcl of Floor Varnish

NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ~ 68c ",,,art $2.25gal.

40c pint $l.Z5 % @


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JOHN'S PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO ;SPECIAL $600 and $700 per dOLen photographs, Includmg an ~ Our Service Guaranteedenlargement ISlZe 8xlO FREE IIWE ARE LOCATED IN GRbsSE POINTJ;: I,J~~~:~clr~~~~~:~~ic~~q~:O mi' Lenox 3164 f W II

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Grosse PointePublic Library


MISS Helen Cavanaugh was electedpreSident of the newly organl7€d Dran atlC and Soclal Club of St Martm sP'tf'lsh \115s Betty Breen Vlce presdent Helmetta Connelyy secretaryand treasurer Mrs George Breckleswas apPOlntcd moderat-ur The club ISpOJ,,-gpnng""-a Mav- p-a:r-1:) -at the Vauity

Ballroom on Wednesday Ma} 28thThe prol..eeds Will go towards the conyent lbUl1dmg fund


Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

REV A V ALLEN, Pa.torliThe Lost Art Thls \\ III be the

6UDJect of t~e mornmg message at theJ effer<;on A.venue BaptIst Cll1 rch nextSunday \Iav 18th The particular <.Irtthat IS lost 1'1 the eXl)er ence oJ someprofess ng Chnstnns and IS the answerto the lostnes of other arts IS pra) errt lS the reason for the absencJe ofpower and sails fact on many hfe \1:rAllen "'- 11 bn 19 a message des qnedto I e1p men and won en h. 10W a realand effectIve prayer expenence YouWlll enjOy thiS serVIce and profit byt The t111e lS 11 0 clock

An 11terest 19 demonstratlOn w111bemade- at the mormng service A greatdeal of dlSCllSS01 ha'l been occaSIOnedover the I tcrary Dlgcst Prol ~bltlOnPoll \i\ e ",-,01der If the Dwest methods of samphng pub1 C Op111on 01 thematter of the Flghteenth Amendmentare h r to the Dry cause OP111on ISdiVIded regardl11g the accuracy of thetest that IS bell1g made At the servlce Sunday morn ng the congregahonV\1-11be g ven opportu11lty by see-retballo to reglste lts fcd ng ln th1smatter 1 he facts dIscovered from thIStest ~lll be announced at the evenl11gservtce

Is the ch'trge that the Etble IS aBook unfit to be read by young peoplewell fou 1ded or tru-e? Regardless ofyour Opl11l0n you 'WIll be greatly111terested 11 the evenmg mes<;age mwhich Mr AIl.en wlll answer thIS questlOn Hts subJect IS 'N"ahum Themoral mdlgmlhon of thiS Old Testament Book WIll be 'Pomted out Comeanel bnng others w1th )OU The serVIce begIns promptly at 7 30 follOWIngan organ reCital at 7 15 1

Next Wednesday evenl11g WIll occur,]the annual ~etIng of thiS -church Weare happy to report progress 111 everyfield of our acttvlty and antIclpate ameetmg of real 1eJolcmg The rep6rtswlll be mterspersed Vllth numbers from

~ ~ -"""'-"''''' ..,A-::r..e-..c:e.o1l.on t2.-. 01~ r;:I

(Contlllued fro One)IS well 1nown to fans of the Toledod stnct and wI'wer (/ thtrd pIau .. 111

the A A A pomt 'ChampIOnshlp oflast year Ell! Albertson the star of!\Jew York state who proved a sensat on at Indlanpohs and ea~tern <;peedways l!l 1929 f'l;'ed rrame holder offourth pos tl0 1 111 ehalWlOnsh p standf'g Herman Schurch the west coastc;t'lr a'1d Chff Bergen the mOVle <;tu1t1all wh( lS one of the most colorful

Jrlvers of all tl1ne~ BClgere drove 111the late talkie Burn ng Up crashmghIS car at the fin sh hne makmg one ofthe most thr llll g crash scenes knownto the ph.ture llldustry

Thec;e are only a ftw of the entr esas many other.'> will be 1'1 when theentnes close \fay 17leavmg Instead a long Sl..11 mer vaca \fontana vrOOI1 Metro GoldwynHon 1 here ha.. ho\\<ever been a'>trong tendency to return to the pr1.C Mayer <;musIcal We "tern ploture startlce of havll1g summer ele nentary and r ng Joan Crawford With a supportmghlgh schools Survev'l show that the cast "",hlch mcludes John Mack Brownnnnber of system,:; offenng such ""ork Dorothy ';eha<;t1an Ricardo Cortezand 0.£ pupIl" takmg It has l1lcreasedrapIdly unHl at preent almo!>t all of Chff Edvvar{ls Benn) Rub n Karl Da 1eOl,.r larger city systems and many of and Lloyd Ingraha-n \,\1111pl-av f'ndaythose In smaller cltles towns and even 801 d Saturday May 16 and 17 at theVIllages are gWIng so-me work of thlS Pu 1ch and Judy theatertype and that the attendance has The productlOn was dIrected by Malreached at least three fourths ot a 11111 calm St ClaIr an ongInal storyhon pupils each summer the report by S) lvta Thalberg and rra lk Butlersays \lUSIC was contnbuted by NaClO Herb

In addltlOn to pOll1tmg out that the BrolNn Arthur Freed Cbfford Greyper cap,ta cost of summer school IS and Herbert S1.othatless than per capita cost of wmter Informahon 1S that the pIcture tS a The powerft.l dramatiC' ablhty ofterm work the author of the report welcome rellef from the time "orn Ih d Ruth Chatterton dlsp ayed so successdeclares that among at er a vantages draM 11g room dramao; wh1ch have bee 1 {tlly n Charmmg Sll11erS Theof keepmg the schools open all year flounshmg on the screen for some tIme Lal gh ng Lady and Madame X WIUround are Attendance dunng the 1m the respect that It was filmed almost be agam brought for""ard {or the desummLr benefits puptls educatIOnally by e 1t rely out of doors and 1 a sect on [ectatton of her numerous admm~rsallowmg some to make up fmlures by of the country rarely used as a locak when tho<>.R vlcla theater shows herhelpmg others who are able to do so for film plots Th!> was 11 the San 11e \ est film Sarah and Son durmgto gam tlme It also helps phYSIcally Jacmto Mountams 200 m les north of the week of May 10thand morally smce the school enVIron r os A"1geles and 5 DaD feet above seament lS better m both these respects level It IS sa d U'at th s <;te was LX Sara! 'tnd Son s the story of anthan that In whIch most chIldren would pressly chosen for th,e magmficent lmpovenshtd actress who IS forced tobe 1f they were out of school On the vews afforded the camera the repor gn e up hcr baby boy th'tt she 111g twhole the qualIty of summer work 15 bCl11g11:hatStudlO scenery except for 10 vork and 1vc On bccom llg famou!probably as hIgh as that of work done tenors was totally dIscarded for thIS sne tries to retrlcve the hd but endurmg the regular school year plcture counter<:; Intfll;Lle upon thc part of the

The raptd spread of the movement As a further bld for realism lt IS wealthy COtp1e who have adopted herappears to leave httle doubt that It Will reportcd the company refused the ser clll d The manner 11 whIch she acsoon become a feature of most school Vlces of ItS HlOllywood extras who corrphshes her courageous purposesystems and there appears to be no would havc appeared green In the fa-ms tl e chmax of the plcture It IScompelling reasons why any system roles of cattlemen and cowpunchers tcnse and breath tak ng~but lt lS onesnould refuse to adopt It I Ins ead the entire force of cowboys on whl'ct> leavcs an auchence In a happy

At! the regular subjects In the fifth one oJ: the larger fianges was employed glow of good spmtsslxth and seventh grades w 11 be of as atmosphere It IS said -that 5t 1 redenc \1arch IS cast opposite MISSfered m the summer term of the Grosse Clalr took advantage of th1s oppor Chatterton He play!> the part '01 tnePOlllte schools and several subJects 111 tU111tyto ferret out fifty cowboys who youl g lawyer who laUs m love W th 1 ('rthe n111th tenth eleventh and twelftn could s ng to .make up the first cowboy and tr es to help her retr eve her younggrades W11lbe offered chorus smg1lng t>he,lrown Western dtt son played by Ph Ihpc de I acy There

tlCS ever to b; heard 0t! the screen IS an abundance of spIel did chal aeterAn amuslllg slnut on thts 1mpromptu portrayal In the picture

oast was revealed> by the dI>tector who 1 rc h.lvlera for the week ISstated that while hi'; 'regular player" glaced With a no\e1 refre hmg mUS1expenenced~ttle d1fftculty 111 adjust cal reVl..e called Say It Wtth Rhythmng themse-tVes to th;.j~nge from the Monk Watsol popu.Iar master of cereconvemences of th$i ~:ull1:.erCity studIOS momes who has been away for severalto the crud9: C01JJff'OfVf.1!St the locahon weeks returns for Say It Withguarters-INhen rl't:(iln~-I'the final 'le IRhythm bl1 ~mg wl1.h hIm a scorequences of t1)e pwducti-?u It /Was neces of the newest and hottcst tunes eXIstS2.ry to trau,s'Poff fhe ~nt1re group to lllg DeSIO Rdter famous comedlan1 c ",hull() ;:.....iJ, ,,1' {: ....OW! Of!> put i<P I S'ts.r\ 15 featur"tl In thl-S '11usH:,al dIver ...

what mlght,We 'P9'Rularly termed an 11.1SLJlent 111 addlhon to many otherawful howl It} seer11.rsthey couldn t Droadwav cnte1 tallll"rS The Jazz Ser,,-leep well 11'1the fonfn\E}s of hotel bed enaders have all anged sevual novelrooms nor work well In the confines of and exotlc numbcrs for the occasIOnthe sound stages

That the tran<atlon from r'ts ernstOT!t.s to plots laId 10 the so called\\ Ide open S1aces IS not '1S C'1W 1.S la.>-appear on tt>e face of It was furtherlOd catcd by the d1fficuthes l11v0lved I E 1rollnents 11 t'1e Ot zens M 1taryfindmg horses gentle enough for ~he T"amll ~ Camp,; l1ave passed the 1000femlnl11e members of the company marlt Phelps r..ewberry Ctvlhan AIdemany of whom had never seen a buck to the Secretary of \V1.r 'tnnouncedng bronco much less nde one In the today ThiS completes two thirds ofcase O'f VI <; Crwdord 1t s reportcd the quota for Michl, 1.11 l\fr Nc\\berrythat the star s past equestrtan cAper! I stated Of tl e 83 countles m the stateence served her In good stead tn the 22 are alread) over theIr Qttota and 4.jonkmg of \10,-, so ...t..'t are a lead of tnur 1>elle( lIe Tht:::.eshe found herself as much at home 111 countlts that are ahcad of the quotasa saddle as on a Park Avenue <;ettee are bemg 'Oem ltted to contlOue enThe role of the society girl who finds rollments as vaCanClf>S are not bemgfresh Impetus 1ll a hfc rap dly grown held open for counties beh1l1d theIrstale \\hen she falls 111 love Vvlth a schedulecowpuncher IS saId to be partlcularl) Onl) five hundred vacanctes for thewell SUIted to M1SS Crawford 'l well enWe state remam o~)cn and of thISknown flaIr for persolll£ymg the mod num )er bet""een 210 al d 300 WIll beern generatIOn taken up by large fi 1ancml and mdt.S

Summer Schools ofIntensive Value to

Students Enrolled

Canal Would Be CqstlyThe cost of the proposed Nicara

guan canal would be several timesthe cost of the Panama canal TheNicaraguan canal would be about 183miles in length 70 miles of whIch willbe In Lake Nicaragua, 50 miles alongthe San Juan river and the remamder through the mountain section Theregion 6f Lake Gatun in the Panamacanal is 85 feet abo'\e mean sea levelThe level of Lake NIcaragua is 105feet The great elevatlOn of nakeNicaragua Is one of the maIn featuresof the added eQst of the Nicaraguancanal

Psychology in MatrimonyDavid Seabury, famous consulting

psychologist, sa~ s psychology can" eUbe apJilIied to the field of marrlageHe names seven kinds of love matelove, based on natural compatIbility,romantic love the kind that Is in lovewith love, sex love, home love, Inteltectual love. --propmquity love, inwhIch two persons have the samebackground and self love The firstkInd says Seabury is the only kIndto build marrIage on -Capper'sWeekly

Famous Drivers Enteredin Toledo 500.Mile Race

(COI tIll 1 [rom P'tge One)Origin of Mayas Unknown NeHr bdo t. h'1s the spnng claSSIC

drawn su I a classy field of startersWhere the Mayas came from is one as the one b lleel for Sunday \1ay 25th

of the world s ancient mysterles Re Most of the starters w111 be dnvmgsearch is now gomg on In the VatIcan Deusenbergs :lnd vidler stra ght eIghtlibrary in the hope of tracmg manu 91 cubiC Inch Job<; m whlch they wonscripts of priests who ViSited Amenca fame and fortune over the bnck .andat the time of the Spanish conquest board 0,0.1" I the past two yearsIt is hoped that these may prove a TJ.te ttcket sale for the blg event Willkey to the Mayan hlerogl~phlcs open Mon hv at the Secor Hotel Cigarwhich have been found At the time Stand In Toledo or address B Wardof the conquest the Mayas had a vast Beam OhlO Many ordersliterature pteserved on scrolls of pa have already been received by mallpyrus These were gathered and rltmmatlOn tnals WIll be rl1p startll1gburned. by the Spanish invaders De at 10 00 a 111 the mornmg of the racespite the fact that the Mayas had and It lS expected that hundreds of raceevolved a complex ClvlUzat10n and fans Will brmg thelf PICOICbaskets and

enjOy the thnll of \\-atchmg t1 e bngshad developed astronomy and mathe f seed do their one 111l1t;tlaps at trematIcs to a stage not surpassed bv ~en~ous speedthe anClent EgyptIans, the source of I The race v, 111start at 3 p mthis dvllization Is unknown _

Rapid Kneading' Helps BreadIt has been found thdt mClease of

speed in kneading bread has the effeet of incl'easmg the gluten content Gluten aids the digestIbihty ofbread, hence it is most deSired Experlments have shown that kneadIngthe dough nmety times a minutewhtch can only be done by machIneobtains the maximum results asagainst el,g-ht to ten times w)1ich h)t~e average rate when the operatIOnJs perfonned by band

Romantic French CutleA castle whIch suggests the romance

and magic of the age when knighthoodwas In fio" er should stand boldly onthe summit of a preclpItous rock orhide mysterIOusly among the shadowsof a nllghty forest

Chambord near Blois for this feaSOD is one of the most romantic ofthe f'rench chateaux on the Loire ItIs surrounded by mossy walls 24 mltesaround and its forest has ne~rly 3 000acres

The dozens of pinnacles lanternsand towers "'ttre--- "Vlsl1ite tor mlIes-lookmg on the dlm horizon like amisty Oriental city The grand clrenlar stairway which winds upward intwo directIOns at once IS the glory ofIts Interior-but there are 64 stall'cases In aU

Wide Belief in Virtuesof Peony as Medicine

The peony is credited wlth medlCInal power by peoples as far apart asthe Japanese Rnd the inhabitants ofcountries of westel'n I:uroJ;je AccordIng to ancient herbaI1sts it was anherb of the sun and consequently prescrlbed for maladies callsed b' themoon It" as good for nightmaresand menalcholy and a pre' entlve ofinsanity and convulSIOns The floY,erprobably came fl0m Japan and travelect in ancient times by ",ay of Persiato Greece where Is gave the land ofPaeonla its name and was the orlgmof tl e WOld pae'ln which onginallymeant a chant of deli'. ery from 1J1nessor wounds-another mdlcatton of thebellef that the flower had rare healIngproperties The peony appears to ha' efound its way to FlOlgland by about1600 It has frequently been madethe subject for a poem of which oneby Bliss carman is plobably the bestknowu

Fur-Bcarers Wiped Outby Forest Destruction

Fur be~l1ng animals are naturallycreatmcs ot f01est and 5t11:'-UOOand itIS mtelebtllle to note tl e eftect f()le~tdesh 11ctlOn elthu by hre or lumberlllL has on the fur bearer

Animals I he tl e valuable pine mnrten and fisher are SImply lost withoutbleeD timber and ~ou will rarely seetl acks of either of these animals inburnt 0\ ar lands or slashIng

Fo'Ces and covotes as a fule qnicklyretml1 to bUlnt OH'f areas for theSImple reason that forest destructiOngenel nllv results in a ne,,, ero,' tll ofIi ht brush and gl'lSS \\ hleh afford ..a great bre nl." g-fOl nll for mice andother rodrt is The same can be saidof moo'le and deer as tl p new growthof tender 81oats from alder birch cottonwood €lte makes gOOd feedingground for these animals

But on the whole forest destructron mm ks a Wide devastatlOD of thefur bearing speues It Is I Down ofse\etal In" In nOIthwestern Canada when rival trappers in order tod'rn e theIr enenlles out of a certainsection ha,e stooped to the nefarioUSpractice of firing large timbered areas

G P. F.......76 Kerby Road

FerrariAt 14537 Jefferson A.,..

and Pbilip A.,..Fot Pau 10 Yeara


and DYERSP~rhaps you catch your.aelf 'W'IIh..Ing' that you could buy newelothes as often aa the SPiritmoves you. Why not let yourwardrobe renew itselE1 It Will Ifyo" take fr~uent advantage ofF'en,tt.rl" ma.tuful Dry Cleanlftl'... nlee.

~HOE ~RPAIRINGAll lat~st modern machtn~ryIn charge of expert' ~hoe-L-..-->1 """'__ '0..".....", rEtasonab~.t"

Jefferson AvenueMethodist Church

j Wmgs t~t ep c of avatlOl1 ISmatched aga-m hy Paran aunt In theproduct on of Young hagles starnngBuddy Rogers which lo; the Hollywoodtheater attractlOn fOUf days beglnnmgSunday Buddy lS a dashl11g ) OUI1'1;

officer of al/latlOn who fights 1nd love~15 convtnunglv duped by a g1rJ and <;

finally reward.,d 111 f lst movlI1g aDdspedacu1ar fasnlon Thnl1mg airplanestunts a d "v'lrt me duels bet,~eenenemy fllr-rs furmsh the spectacularslde of th dure Jean Arthtr IS thegIrl and otht.,f<; m the ca<;t are P1. 11Lukas, ]mmly Finlayson Gordon DeMam VirginIa Bruce and the funnyStuart Frwm

The stage show has been pIcked wlthunusual care and several splend d act<;are found on the bill tn a<!~htlOn to thetuneful melodIes that carne from theHollywood Merrymakers the regularstage orchestra That Charm Qua!'tette IS composed of fOUf beautlfulgIrl smgers all umverslty graduatesand well dnl1ed In the tastes of vandeVille audIences LaSalle and Mack ACouiP1e of Loose Nuts are a screammgly funny P<'l.lrof seemmgly old gentIe men who hobble out on the stageand then proceed to show that they are10 their second chIldhood 1 hey bounceand whIrl albout domg the most amaztug of a-erooatlc stunts A very funnytravesty on the old west of the goldtUlnlng days wI en Jesse James a 1dBuffalo BIll reigned l!>offered by ElliKlrk and Grace Lawrence Dummyhorses and other sett ngs are med toadd to the laughter Songs also playa part In thiS act BOIb Clarke at theorgan and short subjects on the screencomplete the bill which Includes Lloyd'Hamtlton s latest all talkmg comedy

Follow the Swallow The Hollywood as has been Its custom smce J anua1."y contmues to g1Ve away free twoFord coupes or tudors one Fnday andthe other Saturday

"Young Eagles" atHollywood Theatre

Page '!'we

The Grosse Point~ Review,!tdIt.", publ .. hed and d.. tr.puted .aelo


COMPANYLltaox 1162 14935 Ke<cheval A..

Detrcm. MtchfC&D.

Phone N1aeua 2424

__ ~~Iilll


1644 ALTER ROA.DNeal" Kercheval

"I Handing the best F1"e~hFish of ~Ii! All KInds at Lowest PrIce ~

I' ~

Daniel G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal Co.


Next Sunday mortlmg the pastor wIlltake as hiS subJect ReligIOUS Author1t)l' Where? He Will t:ltscuss that

-flVeo;il0n whlch IS so 'Puzzlmg to many I1 people today as to where they may findI n sure ground on whIch to stand m

the matter of the sourlCes of RehglOus) authonfy-.r The mU&lC~WIll be toe an

\them 'Glona sung by >the chOIr andthe solo 0 Rest In the Lord sungby MISS D1X In the evemng the thlrdpicture lecture wII be given ThIS WIllconclude the senes on the Old Testa,ment and"" 11be the last of the picturelectures gIVen here at th s hme ThemUS1C WIll be the anthem AppearThou LIght Dlvme sung by the Quartette and a solo The VO1ce of theFather sung by Mr Hague On Wednesday evenmg there wlll be a dlSCUSS10n of Buchmamsm The serVIce Vi IIIbegm at 8 00 0 clock and WIll last onehour that IS from 8 00 to 9 00 PreparatlOns are under way for Chl1dren sDay whIch wrll be ovserved Sunda)mor11l'1g Jun~ 8th at the 11 00 0 clockservice Paren1.s are mVlted to br ngchIldren for baphsm The program ISIn C'hal'ge of the fo11oV\mg co llrnltteeMrs G A KuechenmeL>ter Mrs E1dred Bowden \1rs 0 W H 'uzen andMISS Ruth 'Josher




Page 3: DETROIT AUTO CLUB, SEEKS POST LEE BARRETT Edw111S Barbour of Lake Shore Road Grosse Pomte today head a dnve by the





Page Three~

Grosse Pointe Printing


C.nfie:ld Never Played GameTo be remembered chiefly becausa

hIs name was gt.. en to a game whIchhe never played and \\ hICh \Vas ne" erpla~ eO. III any of hIS establIshmentshas been the fate of RIchard Can:neldthe world s greatest gambler AnothertWIst of fate has turned the sedatebrownstone house where mlllions ofdollars mghtly passed across thetables into offices for a brokerage fil mPlaying the market was Canfield sfavorIte form of garnblmg and he lostmore on m'lrgms th'1ll he e\er dld ona roulette wheel or a card game

Turnxng Back Tune's Pa$eaTracks \\hleh animals left in Ala

barna 230 000 000 years ago a petritied crocodIle which succumbed in~ew lUexlco 60 000 000 vears ago dmosaur bones at least 80000000 yearsold the petri:f1ed skeleon of a manwi 0 settled in Florida perhaps asmuch as 20000 yeals ago and thefrOlen bones of ammals WhICh roamedAlasha at about the same period were'1mong the Important SCIentIfic dISCOVerles announced b\" the AmerIcan Museum of I\atural HIstory recently asa result of the actIVItIes of the organizatlOn

CredIted to Novehst'1 he phrase a verdant gleen" Is

one WhlCh seems to have been WIthus for a long time as 8, reference tosomebody who Is gullIble who is easily decelved who may be a plaIn Slmpleton in fact

Actuall, however, this expression18 not ~( ( 0. as might be surmisedIn ('( 1 t lS only thIee quarters of a'" ntury since it was introduced mto

Lilt. Lngllsh language It bemg takenafter a characteI III Cuthbert Bede snovel of that very name, published in1853-Kansas C,ty Star.

Nan~y Car roll at 1!1.!!l!l!!1~lm!l!!l!I.!ll!l.m!1.lll!L!RitHiH!l.~!l!]!l!Il!!lil!lnl!ll!!1~~~l!1!!l!!l.!llilI-U!l.~Hillt!.P..l!4! !,Mll.l!l~lli!;.!~lm~l!!l!l!11 till ~lI!J1'~ ~!.l!.'!L"LY!I!illIJ!l!tllt ~~!l!!llm!l!!..l!J.!!1!liJ!~'" J'iTiiliIiiTilii1iliiiiifiil~iliriilir" iIiiTulif&iJii1iilliIiilliIialiIUllll!ii1iTiililiilifilliifiilllluiTiiiTIiliili iT& i~'ilimlfiiTi~;iTk1a.~.iJ4i1iil11 ta lilaIiifiliiTiliITiIiI

Michigan Theater ~ !Ii-- iij ~

Charnl1ng "ancy Carroll 1<; 'It tl t ~ m" :M1chlgan theater tllS V\.eek 111 her lat m =: ::est all talkll1g 1)1cture 1 he 1DeYll ~ ml.fohda) \1ISS Carro~J \\1 0 ha~ = mscorLd de c 1 d e d hIts 111 Honev ~:2t iii

SweetIe and mallY more mU<;lcal ~ IiIi •

comedIes glVes a br lhant dr""llat c per ~ ~formaoce 10 thl~ new product on She ~ ~

~~~:)~~:rl~~l~~~a~t~~a~~c:r~~~?c~sl~O~1 III pRINTING f h itigood g~rl who scoffs at all men a ld * 0 t ~

laughs at love The ~tory en h \\Ith a ~ e -·pJ\velful clllnax as "ancy finds the i1i. ..r.l~\~lnh~~ her dreams -and her fight <to Iii B K'" d :.I~

"uppo,tmg \11'S Ca"roll IS a pe'fect ~ etter In w'ca~t Fven the smallest parts are por iili 1IlJ:

~ liI=m':tTaHd by estabhshed players ~o that ~ =-not for are solItary moment IS a 5!S1 ss or 1 ladequate pedorm.ance allowed ~to creep 1 lto the telhng of the story ~Ph lhp Hollle:, play,; the roma ltlC kad ~01poslte the star and James KIrkwood ~nobart Bosworth Paul I ukas Ned is:"'park<; Zasu PItts Morgan Farle:) ]ed iIiProut) GU) Ohver and Laura La ::-{iVcr 1 e have promll1ent roles Edmund !IIGOt ldmg V\.ho recently dlrected GlOria, !IIS\\ anson In The Trespasser handledt mthe megaphone for TI'e DeVIl s Hoh ~day iiI5

h ~e.,tepP1l1 Fetc et and GeOlge Dewey iJiVI'a<'hmgtol1 head the elaborate Pubhx ~:,tage ('X'travaganza Alabamy Bound 1 ~~ h <;t of star enterta ners are feat ~m;d 1ll thiS Southland show that has ::-libeen ararnged especIally for Stepprn S+:e] C'tchet - famous "tage and screen ~Lomedlan and Geol"ge Dewey Wash ~llgton -famous stage and screen mel ~cdy man Ld'Uard Werner and the !i!\r chlgan "ymphony Orchestra Arthur m(.ltO\\ at the Grande Para"1l0unt ffi;~,~~jle~e;:,~a;r~:;~o:t talkIng subJectsI Company

About Pepper i1iTI e pepper used as a condiment i" ~

the product of unrIpe berrIes of Piper ~ D

mgI um a tropIcal shrub of climbing m l!Il

t I1bIt Both black and ",hite pepper .. - =:of commerce are derhed from the

same plant the latters lo.s of color III 14935Kercheval Lenox ].162 :.being due to removal by maceration 5t! - •of dlled Skm The leaves of an allkd ~form P betle are che\ ...ed by AsIatics ... -

Ith•ii IIIw areca nut and a l1ttle lime as a ;t;!.""'.= _.-pre\enthe of d~sentery Cayenne pep ;+;per comes from a speCIes of caps1 ~!!!l.HI.!~.J.!tl..Jru_!l!1!!l1l!1!~m.~.Ltt!~j!lm.L~lUII!jU[!lI.I.IIIJJ!lILII11l1~.'1I~Rl'Jgfl!l1111*..lftIil!11'l...L~l!!l!![!tj!!1l!!.Lf!j!ILIl~!JlIllll'llj!11~J.1IL!!J!1l!!l.!!1~l!!J.!I..lm~l~lllilfll!l!lHlI!Hcum TiJiilarilliTlillii iIDilIiliilliTiTiiliilii1iliiru1ili1 ii1uli II e liliiliililiffiiTii1iliiTiTiiTiiTii1i!iiriiTii1i1iiTilimififfiiliiTiTiiT;ii"iTQ1iiliifilTaTtrTRlil'iTiiTiiTiiliTill!l II IIliliTiiTi1-l~~~!l!ill!J.!L!!l!I!L!l.!!..!m.!!lH.l!.lm!.J.!!l!l!!J!l!!I!J.!.~!~mm~1 ~ 11.11. IIl1lll!! II .1l.lm!m~!l!.J~!L!.!~l!!l!l!!.l!l!!.l@l!l!!l!~J!~!U!J.!~!.LliUL.!lmJ!!l!ll.£ll!~m.Ui,_lI!l!~j~!~l!!1~J!!J!!.J.!!1.!lHl.!1!!l!J!UiTiWmifulSIiiliIiilirW&rIDJiiliiJiTiiliTli1irli1iTu .• Iu.liiijiI5l1il""iJiiIiliiliTiiTiIil • I IIIU 1111 IfB U. I. iliTiffiiTiiTii"iiTiTiilii liTiITilTiTliTifi~liTiTiiTi'iiliffiiTimliiliTitimmi'iiTii1illil llifiillllliTi'iiT:ifiiTiTiiliifiililiiliTiiliTilt.Ji»~ ~~ T ~~ m~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~


~ ~- I

~ ~ ~~ ~ f

~ ~

I A Sportsman's I~ ~~ ~~ ~~ .. . . ~~~ ~I Come in and look around Golf (luh, Oh Roy, / I~ what a selectIOn to choose from, $6 75 up, for the ~

~ beginner or the profeSSIOnal. ~ 'II. Have you looked over our fishInS; accessories ' I. I:~ We carty one of the finest assortments of fish- ~ IIili ing supplIes In the cIty of Deb Olt We InVIte in- ~ It

it; spectIOn, no oblIgatIOn to come In and inspect ~~ OUI stock. it! I~ ili I~ Here ape a few specials to introduce our "tore, III I~ allmel chandlse 1930 stock ~ II~ ~~ Golf Balls, SOc value, 3 for $1.06 ~ I~ $1.35 ~~ Tenms Balls, SOc value, 3 for ~ I~ Tennis Racquets, $400 value $3.00 ~ I~ Heddon, SplIt Bamboo FIslllnr:; Rod~ 53.50 ~ I~ All Wool Batillng SUItS $3.95 ill II~~:::::~~~~;""li: -, I II

iI1! \iVhy not take a raclIO along to your summer mI. cottalSe We carry the I:dlson, A.twater Kent, II;:ZenIth and BrunSWIck. , f We carry a full hne iti• iii rfl .f? of TenniS racquets ;: ;

$ ~ golf balls, fishmg~ l' "1 supplies, tenms balls, ~ •jIi '\'I ii. J haseballs, bats - In ~

"",.*.= Get New Records for Old Ones FREE c. j fact a full hne of A ~'*' "Ii 'IIi J Reach Sporbng ~~ Turn 111 ) OUf old phonograph records and get ne" up to ~ :1 ~ Goods ~~ date mU<.,lC" Here 1<; the phn Bll11g fOUl old rec01 ds to ~~ our store buy one and receIve one FREEt 01 R recOl d:. ~~ and bu) t\\ 0 ne\\ ones and bet t\\ 0 FREE, eic ~

~ ~~ ~~ ~I An-A~~~=::O~~~I~:Shop II 14409 E. Jefferson Ave. at Charmers III~ ~~lM9 ~~ ~~ < ~

Country Store Night Saturday at ~ \ :-tSthe Aloma Theater, CharleVOIX and ~ ~Wayhurn $1700 JU ca.h and 24 grocer?:, ~ B I. I .11. '!I!W.l!IW!l!!W..U 11II • Ii_ I II I. II .1!.l!!!!!l!ll!lI!l!!l.lLUJ!.l"tW!1!U!J.!!l!W.J.!Im.l'.l!f • 1m ~!ill!l.!!.I!!!!L.J.mID.!!.l~llirr~mmll!.. !ilIJ~n.I!L1.l!!I.!!GIn 1!1 u 'Im!J.!l.!itili!..!.l.!t!!.l!~l!!.1.!1!!J.!.l!!l!l.!!.l.RlJHI .FU};1-=-- _ .........,... '>.-..- '-"'--'" I!lliIJ!lItJiJ.!lJIY!.Illlllil! II I II. IIJ!W 'Jf~1!.~lifii!!!!!~IJJ!l~!!jliJiililiJ!!i ~n&Iii1iirHlirtiTiiiitl11i'iiiJill.~OOliJ"t"~ II II •• aliIiJilllillJ.ljIiJOOiifiliiJiiijiJjJiiJjlijJ

Figurmg Warfare's CostIn the 01'\-1l \\al the UOlOn troops

numbered 212$ 948 there are various estImates of the ConfederatE'falCes rangmg from about 000 000 to1 400 000 The total Union loss was.359528 including killed dead fromwounds dIsease etc The Confederate loss (partial statement> Is given1~ 1':l.'i821 df'ad from wounds -or dISeaSe fhe cost of the CiVIl war hasbeen estImated at $5000 000 000 Thetotal number of soldIers mob1lized lUthe '""orld war h'1.'5been estimated at6.:>038 810 thE' total kIlled 83431315\\ ounded 21 219 402 Professor Bogart s estimate of the direct costs ofthe Wo-Idwar Is $1863q3 637 097 andof the indirect costs $151 612 542 GOO

Venice Built on MudVelllce is at the head of the Add

aHe sea between the mountains andthe sea ~he whole of the pIam hasbeen formed by the debris S\\ ept downfrom the Alps by rhers In the process of time some of these banhs as5n the case of Vemce raIsed them,S~~\es above the level of the watera.nd became the true shore hne ",hIlebeJond them lay large lagoons formedundoubtedly by fresh water broughtdown by the rivers and partly by thesalt water tIde which found its wayIn at the cl1annels of the rIver mouthsOn a group of the~e mud banl~s aboutthe mIddle of the lagoon stands the<:.ity of VenIce The soil is an oozymud WhlCh can only be made capableof sustallung bUIldings by the artificialmeans of pIle drivmg

(Contmued from Page One)


Neighborhood ClubActivities

"''here BIrds Excel ManA seaplane has travel(-!d at more

than treble the speed of our fastestbh-ds, but it Is In slow l1Jght and gl1dlug that bIrds beat maD for they allpossess that wonderfUl Instinct knownas wlndsense They take full ad\ antage of all the var;l-ing currents andwith the assistance of a \try 211ghtwInd \\!11 rIse to the most giddyheights \lith scarcely any perceptiblewing mo\ eMf'nt

A True CopyDON W FA"EY

Deput) ClerkDated DetrOlt MIchIgan April 25th


The Improper FractionA teacher recened the following

note from a Dlotllf>r \\ 110 happened toVISit the school the day before" henthe class was at work on ImproperfIactions Dear Miss- I do notwant you to learn my daughter anymore ImpropeJ fractions becau!e shewill }E'arn bad soon enough withoutthe teacher learning her any MIS.----"--Exchange

Foresight Not One .. fDaniel Webster'. CiftS

When the b1ll carrymg an appropri-ation for $50000 to estahlIsh mailserVIce to the Paclfic coast came up

between the hours (f three thIrty and in congress for ~onslderation afterfive t1 rtv Mothtr<, are e~pec ally m the American conquest its most vio-'<lted to come and see the work done by lent opponent "as Damel Webster,the children and the g rls who have not senator from Massachusetts In hisfimslleddfithe~ ar

htlc1es at'e urged to come speerh of OPPOSition, 1Ir Webstex:

n an illS'! t ern saId• • •1 wo n ore \\ eeks WIll deternlloe the ,'\ hat do we want ot this vast\\ nners of the Laches Bndge Tourna worthless area this ltgLOU of sa,ages1 lHt bellg held at the \Jelghborhood I and WIld beasts of deserts of shiftllll.lCl tb TJ s has been a closely con sands und whirl"inds of dust cactn~ested tour la'1 ent throughout and Jnd praIrIe dogs? To what UOllecould) uch enthus asm dlSpla}ed \Irs J p we hope to put thesf' deserts orStt;11 t held hlgh score on VIonday these endlrss mountam ranges im-\tf.a:) 12th wlth MIss Bernadme Bn::. penetrable and co\eled to their bases011 a close second wIth eternal sno\, '/ What can we

* * * e\ er hope to do with the westernThe LIttle Garden Club have started const of 3000 mile<:;rock bOUl1Pcheer

heu' season's work at the Neighbor.. le"ls ard Unln'Htlllg wIth not a llarborhood Club We still have two gardena in it? 1\11, PreClident I "'Ill D€\-er voteeft and any girl from the age of 10 one cent from tl e publlc treasury too 15 who IS Interested may have one place the PaCIfic coast one inch Dear

assigned at the Club Immedmtely. er Boston than it IS todayIn J848 durmg the admirustrahon

ot President Polk Postmaster GeneralCave Johnson recommended the estabhshment of a post office in ~an FrancIsco WhICh was authori7ed 1\ovember9, 1848 -Kansas CIty TImes.

Men of Wisdom SeldomPerfect "Health Risks"

HIstory tells uS of few really diS-tIngulshed men v. ho ,,,ere completely

Dance Wednesday, Saturday and I healthv the blO.,l1.phy of the highSunday nIghts at the Rolanda Gardens, toned is alwa~s largely concellled WIubMack at Seven MIle Road. aches and malaises

In the great days of the Greeks onlythe athletes were good insurance risks-ond of the athletes tIlen as nowwe hear notl mg sa\- e that they, ..ereathletes 'lhere must h'ne been thousands of them first and last but notone of them as he grew older, e\ eramounted to an~ thmg

~o doubt the R\ erage hero of thegames spent his la<;t days heepmg awine shop or servmg as nlght watchman at the academy 'IeanwhIJe thephilosophers pored over the works ofHippocrates and were steady customera of all the quacks ",ho swarmed infrom the East -American l\!ercuIY

STATE OF "lIICHIGANn the ClrcUlt Court for the County


No 150546At a seSSlOn of the ClrcUlt Court for

he County of \Vayne held at theourt house m the Clty of Detr01t,

Mlc1llgan on the 24th day of ApnlA D 1930


C rcu t JudgcIt appear ng from the return of the

un mons 111 the ahove elt t1ed nuselnt certa n of t1 e respo dents ca note found \\Ith n the Lount\ of \Vaynea \\It GIRARD VER"IER 1nd



wile ELIZABrTH SECrieR RE'<>CUD D>Cl\lrL P MARKEY and0'< E MARKry hISWIfe EVlORYLrORD and ONE FORD hIS WIfeSTELLA r 0 R D SCHLOT"l1Al'<NELL rORD TORREY. HETTIE BSPI:.CK a lU that salC1 respondentsl'lVC not been served WIth summons"sued by sald court 111 the mannerrov1dcd by la\\. and that respondentsIe at <plesent non rcslde ts and ha\e

10t voluntanly appeared 11 saId pro 'eedl11gsIT IS ORDFRED ADJuDGED and

DECRI:.ED that the sa d re~po 1de'ltsGIRARD VER"IER and \1 \RGJ<"I ER'\IER JOB" r PHil LIPS andO,F PHILLIPS h S wife JOSEPHVA" A~SCrlE and O,E V\'1\SSCHF h S wlfe LUCY MARY"I A, ASSCHF CARL E SCH\!IDTnd ONE SCH\!IDT hIS" fe rLIZ


ORD 'lnd 01-JE FORD 1us WIfe~TELLA r 0 R D SCHLOTMAJ\t'\ ELL rORD TORREY HETTIC B~PECK appe'1r and sho\\ cau<;e 1fany there be why the prayer of the)etttlOner should not be gra 1tec1 onor beiore the 24th day of May A D930IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AD

UDGLD aI d DrCREED that a Cerdi.ed co y of thIS Order be perso 1

ally served t1,1)Ol1 ~alu respondentsvhenever f6und If practlcahle at leastIX da} s before May 24th 1930IT IS FURTHER ORDFRED AD

J~DGED and DECREED that theen ce of th s order 1f personal ser

vIce 1S not prachcable be made by)UbllcatlOl1 for three successIve weeksat least once 10 each week 111 theGROSSE POINTE REVIEW, New,)<lIper hamng general olrculatlOn mhe Vlllage of Lochmoor and that theast pubhcatlOn thereof be at least

SlX (6) days before the 24th day of\Iay A D 1930


hTh r

Presbyterian Church Iof the Covenant

---c; h f tl C I

COLBY & COSTEIJ 0Attorneys for PetIt 1 cr

VIllage of La lmoor802 MaJest1c Bldg,DetrOIt M1chwan

The dbject of IS petltron 1S to se.cure the openmg and v.Idenmg of EStreet In the V l1lage of I ochmoor

1405.0 East ,ft;fferson at BarnnttoJl Rd from County Lll1e to WeIr Lane, " , .,~~ 6iOt-.b.& ,~~e..fh.~a1~ead.1;;J'.2W~allit\lllil~'l.9A

e res :)t rial urc 0 ,. ovena t was crowded to capacIty wIth allDverl1O'\... H1 the Brown Chapel lastSunday I or 1 19 for the c1f"dlC1tlOn oft]w Cl 'llcd Memonal Wmdow thegftof\1r 'lnd \t[ rs Fernmand AW ttman 111n emory of theIr parentsThe n 1 <;ter tlw Rev Alfred SNickIe , "p Ire on the teach111g and the1>;' mbal '>111 Df t le wmdow

B )le "chool at 9 30\-r011 19 \\orsl p at 10 45 Mr '1\ilck I

les'> wll prLach on The Seemmgclownes'> of ( d t

YI\ jl PU)lll " '1ld 1 UXISI ellowsh pHour at ( 30

BUiines$ Directory S

Funeral Directors t

Geist & Company I•

Funeral DirectorsEdw Teppert See and Treas

Pnce IS a matter of your own deSlre14911 Kercheval Ave near Alter Road

Leno,", 4281t


Call LAfayette 5437 NIagara 2047

MiscellaneousStar a-Penn Staroleum

Wilford B. StrittmatterAuthorized White Star Dealer

Kercheval and Beaconsfield

Wll1te Star . l:.hyl . Starohne



Patchtng • Alterations .. Stucco Work

547 Ste ClaIre Grosse Pomte VIllage

NIagara 1020

Economical &Heating Co. I

(Under New Management)No Job 100 Large or Too "11a11 I

17021 KERCHE.VALAVEGroue POinte Village, MICh -_11____________


Barher shop II formerly Bert'. Barber Shop , tExpert Barbers ..Courteous Ser.. I cVIce- Modern /Samtary Methodsr GEORGEL CICOTTE. Jr Prop I

Kercheval at MarylandI

________ 0 _____ -.1

Review Liners ,For Sale


BhALTY EQlIP\1E"'\ T co lslstlng ofhaIr d;, er hcnl 1gl t 0lec stO\ c

rrnamcurl set 2 If 1<; \\ 11 "ell all orJseparate at so t\\O oak Chlffo lers al

most new garde-ll hose 'lld reel arm}cot 1. lcl 11 1.ttress full k 19th screensseveral ~17C \1 mt he <;olel th s \\cck Sat yO ...f Ice lOS1 \1a" hn 1 seco ldfloor nght

For Rent-FlatsLOv\ ER I J >\1 hI reI1t---6 rcon s

bath ,?8 St ClaIr Grosse PomteVIllage

IWork Wanted I

pWFT \\A'H rough dry \\'lsll11gs "

done at l}o 1(' <:;eparately no aCIds Iused \\ Dole 1 blankets g \ en spec al ccare all dned 11 su 1 Sun Dry LaL 11

dr) Hlckorv 7836 R

WILL TAKE C>\RE 0\ Ch Idre1 hvthe hour at \our ho lC pr ce rea

sona;ble C'tll HIckory 4173 R

I:XprRIFNCED Gardener wants"ark by d'ly or hour 1375 Lake

pomte HIckory 9507 R a


ili.~H!I!H!I!H!I!H!I!H!I!!I!Il!l!ll~'IliIIll'J.-U8UtlUBIIBUllllllua .a

Harry AkroydTeacher -of I

Piano and Organ ITheOly. Harmony and Connter

jpomt tEuropean Method

All lesson! glVen m your \

own home ;

25 years expenence as Teacher

1388 Newport Ave. Hickory 3689..M s~~Hiti~H!ii~~.-I11.llmll8UGn8n " u.

Leib Conservatory It1

of Music[onvmtmg DemonstratIOn of MUSICTeachers who have DIagnOSIng andPrescr bmg AbIlity and who lnilS't onRelaxatIOn Rhythm Ttme £,xpleiSl0n

and MemQrIzlng SelectIonsAll Branches Taught

12870 East Jefferson cor ContInentalPhone Lenox 6831

Branch110 South Phtllp Avenue

Hlckory 2151- WEast Grand C1,t'CUSPark

118 WItherellSame locatIOn 1912-1928Grosse pOInte Braneh.l



Page 4: DETROIT AUTO CLUB, SEEKS POST LEE BARRETT Edw111S Barbour of Lake Shore Road Grosse Pomte today head a dnve by the


home on Lmcoln toad, Sunday at altil1ch-eon for the VISItors Yesterday111 he1"Grosse POinte home, Mrs J Jo Bflen gave a luncheon pa.rty to feteMrs Alexandre and last eTenmg E EMacCI'"one entertamed at a d111ner atthe Grosse P0111'te Club Mrs Charle!B DuCharme was hostes-s today at asmall mformal luncheon at heT homeon Ul11V~Mty pla<:e The ~unclteon tablewas centered 'With. an arrangement ofpmk tuhps and whlte .sprmg flowersThiS everu:ng Mr and Mrs FrederickC Ford wt1l be hosts at a dmnel' mthea' home on B1Shop road, and tomorrow evenmg Mr and Mn HowardBOnDflght WIn enterta~n 16 guests at admner party In th~tr home on UmverS1ty place Grosse pomte

•ec Ion9th

Respectfully submitted,


Executive Conunittee


It is vital to the interests of the children of GrossePointe that you go to the polls on June 9th and vote formen whose integrity, intelligence and experience qualifythem for this important office. The educational serviceof a school district is no better than the Board of Educa-tion which administers such service. If through yourneglect a school board be composed of men of narrowvision, lowly ideals, men of political type whose firstthoughts are for themselves and their political friends,your children pay the price of your indifference.

Childhood years pass swiftly. Little ones quicklygrow up. Children who receive slovenly education inslovenly operated schools are cheated and you are the onewho cheats them. If a child is poorly educated you cannotturn time backward and educate that child over again.

But you CAN elect men to your school board whowill .ee to it that your children are given the benefit of athoroughly competent teaching staff, adequate equip-ment and efficientmodern methods. You CAN elect menwho will do all possible toward the end that your childmay face the world with a ~eIl-trained mind, a mindwhich thinks its way through.

The Voters League for Better Schools is composedof public spirited men and women of Grosse Pointe whohave devoted thought and effort to the elevation of ourschool system to its present high position. The Leaguewhole-heartedly endorses J. Lee Barrett and Charles A.Poupard and urges your cooperation in electing themschool trustees on June 9th.

On this date two school trust-ees will be elected to threeyear terms on the Grosse PointeBoard of Education. Your at-ten tion is invited to the candi-dacyofCharles A.Poupard andJ. Lee Barrett for these posi.


C 00




Grosse Pointe Farms



Matinees and EveningsMain Floor: Adults SO..

Children 25c

"Montana Moon"

Telephone Niagara 3898

"The Rogue Song"


Mats. Saturday and Sunday

at 3 p, In.

EVENINGS 7:30 and 9:30

Kercheval and Fisher Road


VAN AND SCHENCK111 theIr talk1e debut

"They Learned AboutWomen"

TUES - WED. - THURS.MAY 2021-22

The Year's Greatest SensatlOn'LA WRI:NCI: TIBBI:TT

Runner'. "Second Wind"The Public Hea\th Service says that

by "second wmd' 1s mennt an adjustment of the heart rate to the intakeand outgo of aif in the lungs


4 • •\lr a ld \[r H" ry St1. lard '\ ere

hosts ~aturdav eve 1 19 at a )t.ffct<;t pper 111 theIr Grosse pomte home forthe pleasure of the former s brothera.nd SIster 111 law Mr and 1IJrs JosephG Standart (Mrs E K11lg'ht Butler)The table was centered WIth an arrangement of spnng flowers conststll1g of pmk rose!5 pmk sweet peasda1S1es and babIes breath flanked byptnk tapers

(ContInued from Page One)they Will JOIn My and Mrs TheodoreD Huh!.

~nd lIeutenant Vv Illtam Clark of the dmner at theu- Grone POInte retlldence whence she wIn saIl, May 30, on the Wnlter at theI!' 80uthern realdenee InArmy to honor Mr and Mr•• James 0 Mur.. S. S OlympIC, accompanIed by her BelleaIr HeIghts, Fla, and a aho.rt

Lteutenant C ark the younger fin (Mrs Walter H Jennings), who Sister, Mra Robert T Newberry of stay at WhIle Sulphur Spnngs Thetrbrother of the explorer George Roger returned from their weddrnll' triP reo- ChIcagO, and Mias Gertrude McCarthy daughters, Patricia and Josephul&, areClark who lIt 1878 forced the Bntlsh cently. of Chicago, for two months in Europe~ With themto glve up posseSSlOn of the North"'es1: * * "" FollOWing II motor tnp on the ConM * * *Terntory mcludmg the .present states \11SS Vlrgl11Ja Kelsey <laughter of ttnent a Tunt to England and then Durmg her stay In DetrOIt Mrs J Hof Illmo s Wlsconsm OhiO IndIana, Vl:tS John Kelsey soon W)l1 be ap Oberammergaa to witne&& the "Pa. .. Alexandre Jr who 1S the guest of herand Mlchtgan o-roachmg the altar rail for she has Slon Play," they will return home, arM !>Is{er Mrs PercIyal Dodge IS bemg

The Lev. ;:,Clark party compf1sed 27 announced Monday June 2 as the date I'1vmg here Aug 1. honored at a number of mterestmg a-fmen 14 regular soldler" nme volun ! of her marnage to l<rooe'flck Eban '" * * fatrs Mr and Mrs Alexandre arnvedteers from Kentucky 1\\0 1<rench voy Jones Jr SOl).--of Mr and Mrs Fred Mr and Mrs Henry B Joy plan last week from tire East Mr Alexandreageurs a 'Negro servant and a half cnck Eiban Jones of Jackson 0 In to leave DetrOIt by motor about May returned Sunday evenmg and Mrsbreed mterpreter W th the excephon honor of \11SS Kelsey Mrs Boyer 22 for Yellowstone Park !'they WIll Alexandre !plans to :remam untIl Thursof the ""Jegro servant all were formally Candler wIll be hostess Saturday May be away a.bout a month day of thiS week Mr and Mrs Dodgeenllsted 10 the Army before startmg 24 at a dmner at the Country Club * * * were hosts at a dmner Saturday atThe exped hon started irom St LOU1~ * * * Mr and Mrs Joaeph B Schlotman their home on Lake Shore dnve for theon MaRY14 1804 and ascended the l~~ Mra Harrtet N Atterhary will leave Iare agaIn domiciled In their home III Ipleasure of the1r guests Mr and MrssRourkl \.v1erto 11s sourcehs dcrtOhsseh' de DetrOit, May 28, for New York, Grease Pomte Shores, followmg a. John W Dyar entertamed at theIr

oc y lY. Quntams reac e e eawaters of the Columbla and floateddown the nver to the Paclfic Aftere},.,plonng a large part of the OregonreglOn the detachment rCiturned oyerland reached Washmgton D C onFebruary 14 1807 havmg been absenta penod of almost three years

The exploratlOTI effected 'Was undoubtedly the most tmportant In thehIstory of the Untted States as an 10dependent nation and the success ()ifthe Journey IS clearly attr~butaJble tothe resoluton organlzmg ablhty andfair deahng of ltS lea.ders The famousOre.gon Trail has been parttally blazedas early as 1742 the LeWIS and ClarkExpedit on however defimtely estalb11shed Its trace to the PaCIfic In1810 12 It v.,as sill! more defimtely 10cated by the Astor fur hunters and by I1830 when the emlgrants began totravel It the route "as a well definedavenue of commu111catlon I

Messiah Lutheran


not vlslted ourask you to call


Phonll Niagara 0091

If vou havestore, we




Speclal Lunches for SchoolChIldren 11 30 a ill to 1 p m

Open 7 30 a m todally


Try a box of our dehclOusCREAM AND NUT CANDII:S

Packed to your order forMother's Day

Special Baking for PartiesSpecial Deliveries on Sundays

for Ice Cream and Ices

Gordon T. BurrowsPunch and Judy Theatre

BuildingIn the Farms

• • •On Saturday evenIng Mr and Mrs

CornelIus K ChapIn gave a dehghtful

Epic Journey of Lewis Oc::lO'and Clark 126Years Ago

In thIS centen:::i"";ear of the fam Punch & Judycus Oregon TraIl tt IS mterestl11g torecall thM the LeWIS and Clark Ex- fpedltlon wblCh played such an Import Theatreal t part m the Trail s locatIon embarked on ltS career of exploratlOn onMay 14 1804 The expedition sent outby PreSIdent Jefferson to explore thenorthwest portIOn of the recently pur-chased LOUIs-latla Terntory >\ as com-manded by Cap tam Menwether Lew1s

Van and Schenck atthe Punch and Judy




15001 Charlevoix Ave.Corner of Wayburn




THURSDAY, MAY 12-1000/0 All Talkmg Ptcture


"SOThis is College"

SUNDAY, MONDAY, MAY 18.19-l(JO% All Talkmg PIcture


"Party Girl"




Feature No 1-WM POWELL m

"Pointed Heels"


117 00 1ft C.. h-Alao 24 Grocer,. Priae.FREE



"The Vagabond Lover"All Smgmg and Talk111~ Picture

o. the Stae----PETE M.CURDY AND HIS



2 000000Bushel Drop I per cent For the Unlted States the, I 'Wh Y 'C conditIOn was 773 per cent W1th lastn eat ear s rop years figure at 869Farm Labor

The farm labor sItuatiOn showed onlya slight Increase 1n demand due tospr ng work while the supply Sltua.tlO11 remamed practIcally unchangedtram one month ago On May 1 thISyear the supply e>..ceeded the demandby 32 per cent Last year howeverthere was no excess supply on May 1and the five year average condItIOnsfor that date pomt to a usual excess ofonly fOUl per cent For the -countryas a whole the supply of farm labor011 \fay 1 thiS year exceeded the demand by 17 per cent

Wmter WheatMICh glan wheat grov.ers on \fay 1

reoorted the prospects for the 1930orop at 2 ml1hon bushels below the1929 produchon and more than one mtlhon bushels below the average produchon of the last ten years The effect of the drought at plantmg tt-ne ISstill apparent tn some fields butweather condltJons smce that hmehav-e been generally favoralble and thusfar alre apparently offsettmg thIS handlca'P The rams whlch were qUIte general over the state from April 15th to17th bnghtened the -outlook and thecondttlon as reported for May 1 wastwo 'Pomts hlghe.r than on Apnl 1Abandonment was below normal forthe state the largest amount oc<:ur-nng on the heavy lands tn the ThumbsectIOn and the southeastern dlstnct Advance notices from the Metro.

Out of the 854000 acres planted last Godwyn \1:ayer lot at Culver CIty 111-fall 828000 remamed for harvest on dlcate that offiCials of that company areMay 1 accordmg to the report re I more tha 1 pleased wlth the results ofleased today by the Mlchlgan Co op the first all talk111g feature pl'Cture staroerahve Crop Reportmg SerVIce The rmg Van and Schenck the pair who.condttlOn Qlfthe crop on that date was durmg the past twenty years have sung81 !per cent of normal whtch In the and wtsecracked their way over prac-lIght of pa,s,t relatlonshlps 111dl.cates a tlcally every vaudevtlle ClrcUlt 111 theprobaible yield of 180 bushjls per acre country d hThe probable pro<!uctlOl1 elf the U 111ted The p1cture whlch 15 calle T eyStates crep 15 now expected to be a'P-1 Learned About Women Will play at!prox1>mately 525070000 bushels In com- the Punch and Judy theater on Sundaypanson With 578336000 bushels har and Monday \1ay 18 and 19 BesSIevested m 1929 and 550636000 bushel! Love suprports the featured pair In athe ten year average production story dealmg wtth two baseball players

R who desert the ball <hamond for theThe prolbalble ~:oduct1on of the vaudeVille stage In some respects the

M1chigan rye crop at thlS date Isestl story resemlbles the hfe of the wellmated to be 2430(JOO bushels as agamst known vaudev1lle entertamers who actL 241 000 bushels last year The area uaIly were ball player: before they en~remammg for harvest amounts to tered upon stage ",,",or 1 fil180 000 La tear 166 000 acres Inasmuch as theIr on y prevlous m dacres s- y expenence was m a number of smgmg Southeast corner of Lakewood anwere harvested Present condltlon re shorts Holl wood mterests have been Kercheval Avenues A H A Loeberports mdtcate a probable YIeld of 135 wondermg Yhow Van and Schenck pastor 1434 Lakewood avenue Telebushels ot the same as secured 111 1929 ld k out hen It 'Came to play phone lenox 2121The natIon's rye crop prospects are for wou <!nahe 1 w F 11 d t The pastor who has been out of

6 f At: 831 000 b h 1 h h mg stratg t ro es rom a 111 lca 10nsa crop 0> "tV us e s "IV IC IS they have made out extremely well and town for two weeks 111 the lI1terest of11lose than SiX mllhon bushels above m all hkehhood WIll J0111 the rest of the Fndowment rund Campa1~n ofIf.hat of last year but four mllhon bush~ the Broadway stage stars who have Valpa.ralso Lutheran Untverstty wlllds less than the five year average shaken the dust of New York irom return 111 tllne to occupy the 'Pulpit next

FrUIt thetr shoes and are now scanmng the Sunday May 18 The senes of serThe !prospectIve frUIt crop has been Hollywood real estate pages for lots mane; on Titles of Chnstlans 'Wl11!be

lTeduced by the cold weather that pre and houses contmued and Fnends of Jesus Willvatled from Apnl 21 to 26 Tempera Bnefl the plot of the new film can be the theme of the sermon ServIcesrtures from 20 to 2S degrees prevatled cerns J:Ck and Jerry (Joe Schenck and WIlt be held as follows Genna 1 at 9<throughout the frUIt beLt and destroyed Gus Van) btg league ball players who a 111 Enghsh at 11 15 a m Sundaymany buds on sour chernes plums, filt In wmter seasons smgmg 111 vaude School at 10 15pears and early apples The damage vllle Both of them love Mary (Besste Another Elble lecture W1th pIctureswas heaViest m the southwestern coun~ Love) but she IS engaged to Jack who \\ 111be given next Tuesday evel1lng athes where much of the frUit was 111 or s'Ubseqeuntly IS vamped by a cho'fuS 8 0 clock11ear the bloom stage The loss IS be- girl (Mary Doran) Broken hearted The Laughmg Cure IS the tttle of1tcved to be very sl1ght 111 the north Mary promIses to marry Jerrv when a two acrt pllY to be given by the JunIorem counhes of the frUIt belt ~eaches the partnershlp '15 spht up by Jealousy Society on Wednesday Thursday andare practtcally a fallure m ernen The chorus gIrl romance flounWers! Fnday of next \\eek at 8 p 111

Lounty a very I11ghbtcrop mA~fn Burend however an.d Jack returns to find the mlSSlon fee IS 40c for adultsbut conslderab yetter m egan an glrl he really loves about to marry hts ch1ldrenthe countles farther north Present 111 erstwhlle pal At the cnsls orf a WorlddlCd,tlOns POl11t to the followmg per~ Senes game a dramahc sequencecentages of a full crop aJPples 70 brmgs the ortgmal lovers togetherpt'aches 32 pears 70 ~hernes, 65, agall1plums 70 and graJpes 82 People who were present at the

Hay shootmg of the basebal scenes takenTen per cent of last year s hay crop 111 Wngley Fleld w1th hundreds of

:remamed unfed on MIchIgan farms on people cheenng the grandstands tesMay 1 ThIS IS eqU1valent to 500 500 tt,fy to the reahsm of the sequences10ns as -compared WIth .stocks 0& 498000 A number of profeSSIOnal players{on!, 011 the same c;."ttc- last year For worked tn the p1cture and Jack Conw:wthe entlre country 124%000 tons of and Sam Wood the dtrectors, hadhay remamed on farms ",hen thts every 'Play fa1thfully reproduced onmonth s report was made Last year the field allowmg the players to playthere were 11159000 tons and the five ball WIthout any actmg It was average stocks amount to 13706 that sltuatlOns frequently arose 111theU)O tOllS play ng of the gan es tl'at were not I

The cond tlOn of tame hay n eadCY\'vs the or g111al story but rema1l1ed 111 the111 MIChtgan was reported at 79 per picture because they ",ere filmed and'Cent of normal or eight pomts below recorded as they actually happened 111

the May 1929 c0I1'(1111011and five per order to gIve the plcture genume atcent less than the average .condItion on rnospherethat date The U11lted States condltIOn Mike Don1tn served as club managerfigure on tame hay '\V'aS799 per cent as 111 the r.film111gof the baseball scenescontrasted With 878 per cent on >the The ongmal story was written by Asame date last year and 871 the ten P Younger and was adapted to the).ear average conditton for May 1 screen by Sarah Y Mason The dla

pasture logue was "'-1tten b) B.lgs Baet"MIChlgan pastures were reported to New York colummst

be 76 per cent of normal In condt.t1onwhIle one year ago the figure was 81

!'age 'll'our
