Detection Causal Agent of Furunculosis SalmonidFish ...clinical furunculosis canoccurin fish...

APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, OCt. 1994, p. 3874-3877 0099-2240/94/$04.00+0 Detection of Aeromonas salmonicida, Causal Agent of Furunculosis in Salmonid Fish, from the Tank Effluent of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon Smolts DAMIEN O'BRIEN,1 JENNY MOONEY,1 DERVILLA RYAN,1 EITHNE POWELL,1 MAURA HINEY,2 PETER R. SMITH,2 AND RICHARD POWELL'* Recombinant DNA Group' and Fish Disease Group, 2 Department of Microbiology, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland Received 20 December 1993/Accepted 4 August 1994 The fish pathogen, Aeromonas salmonicida, could be detected only by bacteriological culture from the kidney of dead or moribund fish in one tank in a hatchery rearing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts. However, by using a DNA probe specific for this species, allied to a PCR assay, the pathogen could be detected in water, feces and effluent samples taken from this fish tank. Also, the presence of the pathogen was found in effluent samples from two fish tanks containing apparently healthy fish. Subsequently, the presence of pathogen in these tanks was confirmed by an increase in the daily mortality rate and by plate culture from moribund fish. Aeromonas salmonicida is the causal agent of furunculosis (19), a disease of major significance in the culture of salmonid fish (2). The disease represents a serious problem to farming of Atlantic salmon and causes extensive economic losses to freshwater hatcheries and sea farms. The absence of an efficient selective medium and the poor plating efficiency of the organism in mixed cultures (14) have hampered the develop- ment of an efficient diagnostic test for A. salmonicida and, consequently, the control of furunculosis in salmonid culture. The application of PCR (21) for identification and detection of microorganisms is now well established in the field of diagnostic bacteriology (4, 10, 12, 23). The application of this technology is particularly useful when an organism of interest proves difficult to culture by normal bacteriological techniques. This is the case when attempting to detect A. salmonicida outside the host. Like many gram-negative bacteria, A. salmo- nicida has been associated with a physiological state in partic- ular environments where the organisms become nonculturable but viable (1, 18, 20). This may help explain how outbreaks of clinical furunculosis can occur in fish populations which appar- ently have not come into contact with the pathogen. It also lends controversy to the present obligate pathogen status of this bacterium and the culture-based studies showing limited survival of the organism in freshwater and seawater (1, 5, 15-17, 22). More directly, the limited ability to culture A. salmonicida from environmental samples has hindered disease management in salmonid aquaculture. Previous reports of DNA probes specific for A. salmonicida have stated their potential as a valuable aid in furunculosis control (3, 6). We described a specific DNA probe for A. salmonicida (7) and, coupled with PCR, a sensitive diagnostic test for this organism. Morgan et al. (18) found this DNA probe ideal for the detection of A. salmonicida in mixed lake water populations and commented on its potential as a rapid method of detecting nonculturable A. salmonicida cells in other environments. Here, we report the use of this probe for the detection of A. salmonicida in effluent, water, fecal, and * Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Microbi- ology, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland. Phone: 353 91 24411, ext. 2404. Fax: 353 91 25700. Electronic mail address: richard. [email protected]. sediment samples taken from a commercial freshwater hatch- ery rearing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts. Specifi- cally, this analysis was performed after notification of increased fish mortalities due to furunculosis in one tank, tank 5, in the weeks preceding the expected movement of these fish to sea. The hatchery contained 24 indoor tanks, each populated by approximately 5,500 S1 presmolt Atlantic salmon and had no previous history of furunculosis. The increase in mortalities in tank 5 (0.06% compared with the daily average of 0.01 to 0.03% in other tanks) suggested a possible clinical outbreak of furunculosis. Agar (tryptone soy agar) cultures were made from the kidneys of fish that had died in this tank. Brown- pigmented colonies were noticed and confirmed as A. salmo- nicida by microscopic examination and sensitized latex agglu- tination (13). In order to investigate the presence of the pathogen in other fish tanks, we decided to analyze samples from a selected number of tanks and from the overall farm influent and effluent in a manner that might provide useful information on the application of a DNA probe-based diag- nostic test for A. salmonicida in the salmon culture industry. Samples were collected from the hatchery as follows. Indi- vidual tank effluents (tanks 1 through 9) were filtered through cotton netting until 2 to 3 g of particulate matter had been trapped. Total farm influent and effluent samples were also collected in this manner. A second effluent sample was also taken from the retentate of the hatchery effluent filtration system (which represents a 100-fold concentration) and depos- ited in a sterile container. Two feces samples (approximately 1 g), from tank 5, were collected from the tank bottom and deposited in sterile containers. Water (10 ml) was collected from tank 5. Aseptic procedure was used throughout, and all samples were stored in the laboratory at 4°C for not more than 2 days prior to analysis. Crude preparations of DNA from all samples were obtained as follows. Approximately 0.5 g of particulate material or fecal matter was resuspended in 500 ,Iu of sterile H20 in a sterile microcentrifuge tube. The 10-ml tank water sample was cen- trifuged at 2,000 x g for 20 min, and the resulting pellet was resuspended in 500 Rl of sterile H20 and transferred into a sterile 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tube. Each sample was left shaking overnight at ambient temperature to aid resuspension before low-speed centrifugation at 320 x g for 5 min to remove 3874 Vol. 60, No. 10 on July 7, 2020 by guest Downloaded from

Transcript of Detection Causal Agent of Furunculosis SalmonidFish ...clinical furunculosis canoccurin fish...

Page 1: Detection Causal Agent of Furunculosis SalmonidFish ...clinical furunculosis canoccurin fish populationswhichappar-ently have not come into contact with the pathogen. It also lends

APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, OCt. 1994, p. 3874-38770099-2240/94/$04.00+0

Detection of Aeromonas salmonicida, Causal Agent ofFurunculosis in Salmonid Fish, from the Tank Effluent

of Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon SmoltsDAMIEN O'BRIEN,1 JENNY MOONEY,1 DERVILLA RYAN,1 EITHNE POWELL,1

MAURA HINEY,2 PETER R. SMITH,2 AND RICHARD POWELL'*Recombinant DNA Group' and Fish Disease Group, 2 Department of

Microbiology, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland

Received 20 December 1993/Accepted 4 August 1994

The fish pathogen, Aeromonas salmonicida, could be detected only by bacteriological culture from the kidneyof dead or moribund fish in one tank in a hatchery rearing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts. However,by using a DNA probe specific for this species, allied to a PCR assay, the pathogen could be detected in water,feces and effluent samples taken from this fish tank. Also, the presence of the pathogen was found in effluentsamples from two fish tanks containing apparently healthy fish. Subsequently, the presence of pathogen inthese tanks was confirmed by an increase in the daily mortality rate and by plate culture from moribund fish.

Aeromonas salmonicida is the causal agent of furunculosis(19), a disease of major significance in the culture of salmonidfish (2). The disease represents a serious problem to farming ofAtlantic salmon and causes extensive economic losses tofreshwater hatcheries and sea farms. The absence of anefficient selective medium and the poor plating efficiency of theorganism in mixed cultures (14) have hampered the develop-ment of an efficient diagnostic test for A. salmonicida and,consequently, the control of furunculosis in salmonid culture.The application of PCR (21) for identification and detection

of microorganisms is now well established in the field ofdiagnostic bacteriology (4, 10, 12, 23). The application of thistechnology is particularly useful when an organism of interestproves difficult to culture by normal bacteriological techniques.This is the case when attempting to detect A. salmonicidaoutside the host. Like many gram-negative bacteria, A. salmo-nicida has been associated with a physiological state in partic-ular environments where the organisms become nonculturablebut viable (1, 18, 20). This may help explain how outbreaks ofclinical furunculosis can occur in fish populations which appar-ently have not come into contact with the pathogen. It alsolends controversy to the present obligate pathogen status ofthis bacterium and the culture-based studies showing limitedsurvival of the organism in freshwater and seawater (1, 5,15-17, 22). More directly, the limited ability to culture A.salmonicida from environmental samples has hindered diseasemanagement in salmonid aquaculture.

Previous reports of DNA probes specific for A. salmonicidahave stated their potential as a valuable aid in furunculosiscontrol (3, 6). We described a specific DNA probe for A.salmonicida (7) and, coupled with PCR, a sensitive diagnostictest for this organism. Morgan et al. (18) found this DNAprobe ideal for the detection of A. salmonicida in mixed lakewater populations and commented on its potential as a rapidmethod of detecting nonculturable A. salmonicida cells inother environments. Here, we report the use of this probe forthe detection of A. salmonicida in effluent, water, fecal, and

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Microbi-ology, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland. Phone: 353 9124411, ext. 2404. Fax: 353 91 25700. Electronic mail address: [email protected].

sediment samples taken from a commercial freshwater hatch-ery rearing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts. Specifi-cally, this analysis was performed after notification of increasedfish mortalities due to furunculosis in one tank, tank 5, in theweeks preceding the expected movement of these fish to sea.

The hatchery contained 24 indoor tanks, each populated byapproximately 5,500 S1 presmolt Atlantic salmon and had no

previous history of furunculosis. The increase in mortalities intank 5 (0.06% compared with the daily average of 0.01 to0.03% in other tanks) suggested a possible clinical outbreak offurunculosis. Agar (tryptone soy agar) cultures were madefrom the kidneys of fish that had died in this tank. Brown-pigmented colonies were noticed and confirmed as A. salmo-nicida by microscopic examination and sensitized latex agglu-tination (13). In order to investigate the presence of thepathogen in other fish tanks, we decided to analyze samplesfrom a selected number of tanks and from the overall farminfluent and effluent in a manner that might provide usefulinformation on the application of a DNA probe-based diag-nostic test for A. salmonicida in the salmon culture industry.

Samples were collected from the hatchery as follows. Indi-vidual tank effluents (tanks 1 through 9) were filtered throughcotton netting until 2 to 3 g of particulate matter had beentrapped. Total farm influent and effluent samples were alsocollected in this manner. A second effluent sample was alsotaken from the retentate of the hatchery effluent filtrationsystem (which represents a 100-fold concentration) and depos-ited in a sterile container. Two feces samples (approximately 1g), from tank 5, were collected from the tank bottom anddeposited in sterile containers. Water (10 ml) was collectedfrom tank 5. Aseptic procedure was used throughout, and allsamples were stored in the laboratory at 4°C for not more than2 days prior to analysis.Crude preparations of DNA from all samples were obtained

as follows. Approximately 0.5 g of particulate material or fecalmatter was resuspended in 500 ,Iu of sterile H20 in a sterilemicrocentrifuge tube. The 10-ml tank water sample was cen-

trifuged at 2,000 x g for 20 min, and the resulting pellet wasresuspended in 500 Rl of sterile H20 and transferred into a

sterile 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tube. Each sample was leftshaking overnight at ambient temperature to aid resuspensionbefore low-speed centrifugation at 320 x g for 5 min to remove


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large particulate matter. The supernatant was recentrifuged. A250-,u portion of the supernatant was removed, and its cellswere centrifuged at 8,000 x g for 10 min. The resultant cellpellet was resuspended in 200 RI of sterile H20. Each samplewas then heated to 95°C for 10 min to lyse the cells. Tenmicroliters of proteinase K (10 mg/ml; Boehringer Mannheim,GmBH, Germany) was added before incubation at 55°C for 10min. The proteinase K was subsequently denatured by heatingthe samples to 95°C for a further 10 min. After cooling, the celldebris was pelleted by centrifugation at 10,000 x g for 30 s, andthe DNA-containing supernatant was collected.

Usually, the crude DNA extracts obtained from effluent,feces, sediment, and H20 samples are unsuitable as a templatefor PCR. This is thought to be due to the presence of PCRinhibitors. Tsai and Olson (24, 25) reported the presence ofPCR-inhibitory humic substances in crude DNA preparationsfrom environmental samples and a methodology for theirselective removal by column chromatography. In a similarfashion, our crude DNA preparations were purified withSephadex G-200 (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Uppsala, Swe-den) spun columns. One-half gram of Sephadex G-200 wasequilibrated in 20 ml of TEN buffer (10 mM Tris-Cl [pH 8.0],1 mM EDTA [pH 8.0], 100 mM NaCl). One milliliter ofSephadex solution was added to a glass wool-plugged 1-mlsterile syringe. The column was then packed by centrifugationat 300 x g. Following this, the column was washed twice by theaddition of 100 [lI of TEN buffer and centrifugation at 300 xg. Finally, 200 ,u of crude DNA extract was divided into two100-pI aliquots which were purified separately. The twoeluents were pooled, and 50 pI of the mixture was used as thetemplate for PCR amplification.An initial eubacterial-specific PCR of a 16S rRNA gene

(SSU rDNA) fragment was carried out on each sample. Thisclearly and rapidly evaluates the removal of PCR inhibitorsfrom the DNA preparations. The two primers used were 27f(5'-AGAGTlTTGATCMTGGCTCAG-3') and 685r2 (5'-TCTACGCATIT'CACYGCTAC-3') SSU rRNA sequencing prim-ers, which specifically amplify this 658-bp fragment from allbeta and gamma proteobacteria (11). Amplification of the423-bp fragment specific toA. salmonicida was carried out withthe primers, PAAS 1 (5'-CGTTGGATATGGCTC'TICCT-3')and PAAS 2 (5'-CTCAAAACGGCTGCGTACCA-3'), asdone previously in our laboratory (7) (PAAS signifies probeassay for A. salmonicida). All four oligonucleotides weresynthesized at the Oswel DNA Service Laboratory (Depart-ment of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scot-land). PCRs specific for both the (i) SSU rDNA and (ii) A.salmonicida were performed under the following conditions.Fifty-microliter reaction cocktails containing 10 pI of 1oXPCR buffer (200 mM Tris-Cl [pH 8.0], 500 mM KCl), 6 pI of25 mM MgCl2, 16 plI of 1.25 pRM deoxynucleoside triphosphatemix (Promega Corp., Madison, Wis.), 200 pmol of each primer(27f and 685r2 or PAAS 1 and PAAS 2), and 1 U of Taqpolymerase (Promega Corp.) were prepared. Then, 50 [lI ofthe purified sample DNA preparation was added to thesereaction cocktails. DNA was amplified in sterile 500-pA PCRreaction tubes (Perkin-Elmer Cetus, Norwalk, Conn.) in aprogrammable thermocycler (Omnigene TR3 CM220; HybaidLimited, Teddington, Middlesex, United Kingdom). Cyclingconditions (i) for the SSU rDNA fragment were 35 cycles of95°C for 1 min, 45°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min; and (ii) forthe A. salmonicida-specific reaction, 35 cycles of 95°C for 1min, 55°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min were performed. Bothsets of cycling conditions were followed by 5 min at 72°C toensure complete extension. Ten microliters of each PCRproduct was analyzed by gel electrophoresis on ethidium

B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

FIG. 1. (A) PCR analysis of the SSU rDNA fragment. Lanes 1 and20, X HindIII- and pBR322 HaeIII-digested molecular weight markers(0.1 ,ug each). Lane 2, PCR positive control with 1 ng ofA. salmonicidaDNA as the template. Lane 3, PCR negative control with no DNAtemplate. Lanes 4 and 5, fecal samples from the infected tank (tank 5).Lane 6, total farm influent. Lane 7, total farm effluent. Lane 8, totalfarm effluent filter retentate. Lanes 9 to 17, particulate effluent samplesfrom tanks 1 to 9, respectively. Lane 18, H20 from the infected tank(tank 5). Lane 19, blank. (B) PCR analysis of the A. salmonicida-specific DNA fragment. Lanes 1 and 20, X HindlIl- and pBR322HaeIII-digested molecular weight markers (0.1 pug each). Lane 2, PCRpositive control with 1 ng ofA. salmonicida DNA as the template. Lane3, PCR negative control with no DNA template. Lanes 4 and 5, fecalsamples from tank 5. Lane 6, total farm influent. Lane 7, total farmeffluent. Lane 8, total farm effluent filter retentate. Lanes 9 to 17,particulate effluent samples from tanks 1 to 9, respectively. Lane 18,H20 from tank 5. Lane 19, blank.

bromide-stained 1% agarose gels (Sigma Chemical Co., St.Louis, Mo.).

Figure 1A shows the successful amplification of SSU rDNAfragments from the 15 samples collected from the fish hatchery(lanes 4 to 18). With some modification to the volume of thecolumn, the use of Sephadex G-200 columns as described byTsai and Olson (25) proved very successful in removinginhibitors from the samples. This indication of the removal ofPCR inhibitors from the processed samples also promotesconfidence that false-negative results can be controlled duringthe pathogen-specific PCR. Figure 1B shows the A. salmoni-cida-specific PCR results from the 15 farm samples. Along withthe positive control (lane 2), amplification of a 423-bp DNAfragment can be seen for all the samples taken from tank 5 (2xfeces [lanes 4 and 5], water [lane 18], and effluent filterretentate [lane 8]). Quantification of pathogen numbers inthese samples is difficult because of to the inherent nonlinearkinetics of PCR and the possible presence of PCR retardantsin the sample. However, by comparison the quantities of PCR

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products generated in the farm samples appear similar to theamount generated when 1 pg of purified A. salmonicida DNAis used as template in a sensitivity assay. This quantity repre-sents approximately 200 A. salmonicida genome equivalents.Tryptone soy agar plate cultures made from all samples typesdid not identify A. salmonicida. Presumably, this reflects thepoor plating efficiency of this bacterium amongst mixed bacte-rial populations and, possibly, a nonculturable but viable state.Bacteriological examinations of kidneys from moribund fish inthis tank were positive for A. salmonicida, reflecting thepresence of pathogen in the organs of clinically infected fish.One other sample (lane 8), particulate matter from the reten-tate of the hatchery effluent, was also positive upon gelelectrophoresis.To confirm that the A. salmonicida-specific PCR products

were correct, and to increase detection sensitivity, 90 ,ul of eachPCR product was analyzed by slot blot and probed with aradiolabelled internally coded oligodeoxynucleotide. Follow-ing standard denaturation with 1 M NaOH and neutralizationwith 1 M HCl, the denatured PCR products were transferredonto a Nytran membrane (Schleicher & Schuell, Keene, N.H.)with a Schleicher & Schuell Minifold I slot blot apparatus. Ahybridization probe was prepared by end labelling 100 ng of aspecific internal oligodeoxynucleotide, PAAS 3 (5'-GCTAGC-CAACTCTCTTYTCCA-3'), with [-y-32P]dATP by using T4polynucleotide kinase (Promega Corp.). Hybridization be-tween 50 ng of the gel-purified probe and the membrane-bound target was achieved as follows. The components wereleft in 5x SSC (lx SSC is 0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodiumcitrate)-lX Denhardt's solution-0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) overnight at 50°C. The washes used were one 5-minwash in 5x SSC-0.1% SDS at room temperature and one5-min wash in lx SSC-0.1% SDS at room temperature.Subsequent autoradiography (Fig. 2) confirmed that correctamplification from all the sample types of tank 5 (slot Bi,particulate effluent; slots Cl and C2, 2x feces; and slot C6,water) were positive, as was the effluent filtration retentate(slot C5). The sensitivity of detection (Fig. 2, slot A4; 100 fg ofA. salmonicida DNA or approximately 20 A. salmonicidagenome equivalents) was approximately 10-fold greater thanthat of gel electrophoresis. Two tank effluent samples, whichshowed negative results upon gel electrophoresis (Fig. 1B,lanes 16 and 17), proved positive after hybridization (slots B8and B9), suggesting the presence of the pathogen in apparentlyhealthy fish. One important aspect of furunculosis is theexistence of asymptomaticA. salmonicida infection (14). Thesefish show no clinical signs of disease but are assumed to becapable of shedding the pathogen (14). Few data are availableon the number of pathogen cells present in asymptomaticallyinfected fish or shed by asymptomatic fish or on the progres-sion of clinical infection from this asymptomatic state. Withfarm management consent, these fish were kept without ther-apeutic treatment for a further week. An increase in dailymortalities was noticed in one of these tanks, and the presenceof pathogen was confirmed by bacteriological examination ofkidney from moribund fish. The subsequent history of the farmoutbreak involved the removal of fish from tank 5 and atherapeutic treatment for the remaining fish. Following trans-fer of these fish to sea, a clinical outbreak of furunculosisoccurred, which resulted in losses of approximately 7% of thetotal number of fish (8).

Important questions remain frustratingly unanswered re-garding the ecology of A. salmonicida and the mode ofdevelopment of furunculosis disease, with a major limitationbeing the lack of methods to identify the pathogen in environ-mental or nonhost samples. Gene amplification technology

A B c










FIG. 2. Slot blot hybridization autoradiogram of samples probedwith the [_y-32P]dATP-radiolabelled PAAS 3 internal oligodeoxynucle-otide. Slots Al to A5, positive controls consisting of serial dilutions ofA. salmonicida genomic DNA (100, 10, and 1 pg and 100 and 10 fg,respectively). Slot A6, negative control with no DNA template. SlotsBi to B9, particulate effluents from tanks 5, 1 to 4, and 6 to 9,respectively. Slots Cl and C2 2x feces samples from tank 5. Slot C3,total farm influent. Slot C4, total farm effluent. Slot C5, total farmeffluent filter retentate. Slot C6, H20 sample from tank 5.

should aid this problem. In the analysis reported here, al-though culture detection was negative, it was possible to detectpathogen in water and particulate matter from fish tankscontaining clinically infected and apparently healthy fish byPCR. The level of sensitivity at approximately 200 A. salmoni-cida genome equivalents per g of sample is a useful limit.However, problems remain for DNA probe-based diagnosticsystems. By design, they will detect free pathogen DNA ornonviable pathogen cells (9). Therefore, care must be taken inthe interpretation of results. Our data show a positive corre-lation between pathogen detection and subsequent clinicaldisease. Most of the samples analyzed were pathogen negative,and the background level for this bacterium in freshwaterappears to be below the limit of detection by PCR. Theseresults provide supporting evidence and demonstrate a poten-tial role for DNA probe technology in disease control ofcultured fish. The sensitivity, time length of analysis, and thenondestructive manner of sampling offer significant advan-tages. This technology may fulfill the need for a suitable tool tomonitor and evaluate management strategies to control dis-ease.

We thank all our colleagues in the Recombinant DNA Group andthe Fish Disease Group for their helpful discussion. We also thank thefish farm management and staff for their assistance.

This work was supported by the European Community Agricultureand Agro-Industry Research Programme and BioResearch Ireland.

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