Detailed lesson plan in biology mary

Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology I. OBJECTIVES at the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: a. define cell cycle; b. identify the different stage of cell cycle. II. SUBJECT MATTER: Cell Cycle A. Reference: Capco Phoenix Series Biology 1 st Edition B. Materials: Visual aids Chalk/Blackboard III. PROCEDURE A. Preparation Teachers Activity 1. Greetings - good morning class 2. Checking of attendance 3. Motivation - Ok class, I have a question, what comes first into your mind if you see this (draw a circle in the blackboard)? - correct it’s a cycle - and how is an organism grow - yes, very good! B. Presentation - Ok class, today I will discuss to you about cell cycle. - what comes first into your mind if you heard the word “cell cycle’? - Yes correct! - What else? - correct again, another? Students Activity - good morning ma’am - (via monitor) - circle, infinite, continuous, cycle - through division of cell - cell divides and reproduce - growth of cell - in my own understanding when we say cycle it is one cell will become two ma’am!

Transcript of Detailed lesson plan in biology mary

Page 1: Detailed lesson plan in biology   mary

Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology

I. OBJECTIVESat the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. define cell cycle;b. identify the different stage of cell cycle.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Cell CycleA. Reference: Capco Phoenix Series Biology 1st Edition Materials: Visual aids


III. PROCEDUREA. Preparation

Teachers Activity

1. Greetings- good morning class

2. Checking of attendance3. Motivation- Ok class, I have a question, what

comes first into your mind if you see this (draw a circle in the blackboard)?

- correct it’s a cycle

- and how is an organism grow

- yes, very good!

B. Presentation- Ok class, today I will discuss to you

about cell cycle.- what comes first into your mind if you

heard the word “cell cycle’?- Yes correct!

- What else?

- correct again, another?

- yes, very good! all of your answers are correct.

- So all cycle is a continues event for growth of an organism.

- cell cycles are generally divided into two phases, namely interphase and mitosis.

- So, in interphase it is G1 or growth 1, S phase or synthesis phase and G2 or growth 2 to that the cell will be ready in division or reproduce again.(use the visual aids to show the G1 and G2)

- Do you understand class?

- let’s proceed to mitosis- so, in mitosis it is a continues process

and it can be divided into four different

Students Activity

- good morning ma’am- (via monitor)

- circle, infinite, continuous, cycle

- through division of cell

- cell divides and reproduce

- growth of cell

- in my own understanding when we say cycle it is one cell will become two ma’am!

- yes ma’am

Page 2: Detailed lesson plan in biology   mary

state,- what is the first stage?- ok. in this phrase where visible thread

are formed with the condensation of the chromosomes.

- this phase, two strand of chromosomes form, and each one is called chromatid, the two chromatids are joined at a region called centromere

- all begins to migrate the opposite sides of poles of the cell

- at the end of the prophase, what comes next?

- correct, what is metaphase? the chromosimes with catromeres attached to the spindle fibers are somewhat scattered.

- do you understand class?

- what is the 3rd phase?

- and what is anaphase?

- you have a point- actually anaphase is the shortest period

of mitosis, it begins with the separation of centromere.

- and lastly the Telophase

- the chromosomes are finally arrive at the opposite poles of the cell.

IV. Generalization.

V. Assignment:Advance reading in the DNA Replication

- prophase ma’am

- metaphase ma’am

- yes ma’am

- Anaphase

- the separation of the mother and daughter cell

Reported by:

Mary S. Sinaban BSED III-B