Detailed evaluation guidance


Transcript of Detailed evaluation guidance

Page 1: Detailed evaluation guidance


G321 Evaluation

Page 2: Detailed evaluation guidance

Question 1Example writing frame


1. What research did you carry out? What conventions did you discover were usually in thrillers? (This is already detailed on your blog so only briefly refer to it.)

2. Did you plan to challenge or conform to conventions of thrillers? Why did you make this overall decision?

3. Pick a few of the below to write about whether they’re conventional or subversive of the genre:

  The soundtrack: explain how the soundtrack intensifies the mood or action evoked in the mise-en-scene, whilst

also linking to the title. Locations: explain the significance of these. Names of characters: explain the purpose of these. Consider character types. Film title: how does it link to the story, or action, or themes, or characters… if appropriate what film or event

has inspired the title? Consider connotations. Casting: what informed this? Costume: explain how it is generic yet places the film in a contemporary context. Props. Generic significance of the plot and narrative structure. Use of titles and name of production company as a convention.

4. Do you think your product is successful in setting out what you intended to do with the conventions of thrillers?

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Question 2Example writing frame

1. Did you plan to represent a particular social group? If so, which? 

2. Why did you think this would be a good idea? How did your research of representation in thrillers inform your production?

3. How did you begin to represent these social groups?:

By their costumes? Their actions? By the plot? Consider how the mise-en-scene represents the social groups. Are these choices controversial or very stereotypical? Where else has your research informed you that these stereotypes exist? You may wish to consider how filming in Britain has impacted these representations? Would

you expect them to be different to those perhaps in a mainstream Hollywood thriller?  

4. Have you created a positive or negative representation of that social class? How do you think this affects the audience?

Reference your audience research – what did they want to see? Did you provide for your audience or did you intend to educate them? Why?

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Question 3Example writing frame

1. What kind of media product have you created?

What qualities make it mainstream or independent?

2. How would you expect to gain interest from production companies to distribute your product?

If you think it’s applicable, research some independent filmmaking competitions and suggest how you could go about entering. What would be the benefit of entering these?

3. How would you go about generating a ‘buzz’ from fans for your film before releasing it?

Viral online marketing, online distribution, reference to case studies would be good here (like Working Title)

Example: To gain interest from either a production company or building a committed fan base we would post our two minute opening to a new thriller onto the following sites on the internet because…………

UK Competitions      A selection of competitions and prizes available to enter online

Welcome to the 2 Days Later Short Film Competition Website

2 Days Later Short Film Competition Website. ...

Filmaka - Global Digital Studio film competition is a platform for undiscovered filmmakers to show their work to ...

London Short Film Festival

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Question 4Example writing frame

1. Have a look on imdb and see what the audience user ratings are for a couple of other thriller films that you have studied. What audiences tend to like them?


Search for the main page of the thriller film

Scroll down to the bottom

Under ‘Opinion’ click ‘User Ratings’

Analyse the average age and rating and comment on who they target.




2. Did this have any influence over who you planned to target?

3. What type of audience do you think your production would appeal to? Give evidence from your questionnaire data and analysed responses to support your decisions.

4. There are different ways of classifying audiences (age, wealth, social status – aspirers, mainstreamers…) Do you think you could classify your target audience in another way, other than age and gender?

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Question 5Example writing frame


1. What particular elements of your production will attract your target audience?

2. How is your production referencing other thrillers? This may help to attract audiences of other successful thrillers and therefore be good to note. If you used intertextual references it may be good to also include these and why you decided to put them in.

3. Are there any contemporary issues or themes that you feel are shown through your production? (think about issues, such as knife crime, cyber stalking, abuse against women, robberies at post offices (there was a 40 year old woman murdered by a burglar at a post office in Yorkshire), match fixing in sport. Or themes such as jealousy, power, betrayal, misogyny, trust and so on).

4. What audience feedback have you received from others watching your production? Identify strengths and weaknesses from targeting a specific audience.

5. Explain the importance of engaging an audience through an opening sequence – hooking your target audience.

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Question 6Example writing frame


Consider these questions when looking at the bullet points below.


1. What have learnt about the following…(see below)?


2. How have specific technologies helped you to research and plan, shoot and edit your film?


Your blog:

It allows you to upload story boards, photo stills, case study research, etc . Teachers and fellow students can give immediate feedback. This technology reduces the need for paper folders.

YouTube and other internet video tools:

Although you’ll need to access it at home, it is very useful for viewing clips from films or listening to possible soundtracks thus helping research and planning.


Supports researching institutional information, user ratings, external reviews , user comments and viewing trailers thus supporting research.

Social network sites:

(if students have used these to get feedback on ideas etc)

Use of digital cameras and camcorders:

They’re light, easily portable and allow students to review raw footage immediately and improve specific shots, explain any functions which have been helpful.

Editing Software:

Think about specific effects you have used and to what purpose, i.e. colour changing, tints, use of cross dissolve or fades, etc. Adding titles and sound.

Any other technology you’ve used:


Include graphics to support your points.

Don’t focus your attention on the lack of technology. This question isn’t a whinge at the lack of equipment – although you have probably learnt to be patient and overcome as many tech problems as possible!

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Question 7 

Explain your progress in chronological order… Preliminary task: planning, working in a group; demonstrating match on action,

shot/reverse shot and 180-deree angle, using sound and how this informed your opening to a thriller film

The opening to a thriller film: planning & developing all generic aspects of mise-en-scene to include location characters, costume, lighting, camera shots etc

Planning a narrative sequence that is generic Casting actors –(if appropriate the importance of using older actors to give film credibility.) The pitfalls of an over-complicated plot which doesn’t come from your range of

experience, i.e. the exchange of brief cases. Finding appropriate soundtrack that is not copyrighted. Editing Working from a strict brief, working from a generic blueprint, working within a particular

time frame. Inserting titles Sound, mixing diegetic and non diegetic sound Lighting, problems with shooting footage that is too dark to read or too quiet to hear, etc.