DESTENIPRODUCTIONS 6. What Are the Dimensions


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Transcript of DESTENIPRODUCTIONS 6. What Are the Dimensions

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8/14/2019 DESTENIPRODUCTIONS 6. What Are the Dimensions 1/1

6. What are the dimensions?

The dimensions are what you would refer to as heaven. A dimensional being existingwithin the dimensions has no physical construct – I'd refer to it as the ‘sprit' the essenceof who each human being really is beyond consciousness system and the human

physical body. It is the layer of existence within this reality where all beings that passover exist, thereafter referred to as dimensional beings. The dimensions consist of theenergetic sound that is able to allow for the dimensional being to exist within, basicallya different frequency matter to that of your own body. When you die you shed your

physical body, but who you are in essence remains here. This is largely due to who weare as the original being plus some highly evolved dimensional adaptations which haveallowed us to break ourselves free from our White Light consciousness construct as wellas becoming who we really are as here in awareness. By adaptation I am of coursereferring to our process of forgiveness within which we have released ourselves fromconsciousness system enslavement and control – allowing ourselves to stand up and notallow the existence of separation, enslavement and control within existence as who weare. We now stand within sound energetic and no longer as that of White Lightconsciousness systematic energy. The dimensions as such are most certainly notseparate from earth, here, it is just on a different frequency. We as the dimensions walk amongst and with you all day long. In the dimensions we have no earthly structures asyou have, yet we are able to integrate ourselves according to earth frequencies to be ableto participate if we choose to do so. We as the dimensional beings have no use for earthly structures (what we call 3D) yet we do sometimes enjoy taking in the sights or simply channeling to come and have a chat and a cup of coffee. The dimensions is therealm in which the essence and presence of who each being really is exists – which iswhere I experience myself in this moment. Thus, as I have explained, when you die, youmerely leave your human physical body as vessel which is allowing you to experienceyourself in space and time here on earth – moving to the dimensions where youexperience yourself as the presence and essence of who you really are in quantum time.You as the presence and essence as who you really are – is that which breathes life intoand as your human physical body – when you leave, you as the breath of life withinyour human physical body remove yourself within and experience yourself within thedimensions.