Desperation - Web viewNever for one moment had he thought they’d bring him food. ... Bending...


Transcript of Desperation - Web viewNever for one moment had he thought they’d bring him food. ... Bending...

Page 1: Desperation - Web viewNever for one moment had he thought they’d bring him food. ... Bending forward, ... lifting him up on his shoulders off the ground.“Can’t have that


Page 2: Desperation - Web viewNever for one moment had he thought they’d bring him food. ... Bending forward, ... lifting him up on his shoulders off the ground.“Can’t have that



Frustrations 5

Trickery 7

Worries 9


Special delivery 13

Called-out 15

Escorts 17

Old foes 19

Entertainer 22


No running off 27

Keep them happy 29

Winning time 32

Plans and more plans 35

Needs must ….. 37

Epilogue 39

END 40

Featuring as Tarzan Dragos Syko

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A businessman’s tale

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Chambers looked down at Tarzan. Shaking his head, bemused. Their prisoner was down on his back in the mud, bound hand-and-foot, on this river-bank. Captive and like them waiting for the boat. But that was where any similarities ended. Chambers was counting on the boat for profit. Tarzan was headed straight for his death.

“Where have you been all your life, prick?”Chambers’ shoulders shrugged as he snorted in contempt.“Has the word not penetrated your jungle yet?”Head was shaking .. in mock amusement.

“For your information .. oh-jungle-lord ….”Chambers sniggered sarcastically,“ …. you put a gun in a man’s hand. He pulls the trigger. The target dies.”He smiled condescendingly.“Way of the world SIRE. That’s the way things work. Oh-mighty-jungle-lord …..”

“I won’t let this happen.”Tarzan glared up at the face above him. Chambers chuckled at the stupidity.“Strikes me, arsehole ….”Chambers sniggered back.“ .. the way you are .. your opinion don’t much count ….”Annoyed Tarzan kicked out with his bound legs. He wasn’t going to hit anyone. But he just had to vent his anger. And his growing desperation.

Tarzan snarled back.“There will be war. Slaughter.”

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Chambers looked down at his captive. Bound, zip-ties on wrists and ankles keeping him safe. He shrugged. Slaughter? Massacre more like .. total wipe-out, thought Chambers. What-the-hell did he care?“You can’t do this ….”Tarzan made sure his voice did not betray the fears he felt. He felt close to pleading. But he needed to sound strong. “People will die. Innocent people.”

Tarzan knew he was wasting his time. Only one thing got this gun-runner going. And he was already hearing the chink of silver dollars in his hand.“Don’t you understand ….?”Tarzan swallowed his sense of pride at feeling he needed to plead with this cold-hearted business man. Talking to him .. it WAS futile. A waste of time. But something in Tarzan needed this man to understand. Change his mind.“Either side of this river .. for years the tribes have been at each others’ throats.”For the past few years a delicate balance had kept the warring factions at bay. An uneasy peace had prevailed. A truce that Tarzan had brokered. By guile. By force. But put automatic weapons in the hands of one side …….

Chambers interrupted. He’d got tired of this half-man/half-ape laying down the law. Angered his heel stomped down on the prick’s belly. The fool tried to evade the kick. But still the force twisted him over. Chambers was rewarded by his grunt. Quickly followed by Tarzan’s angered curse.“What I do get, arsehole …..”Chambers was now sounding stern. Pissed-off. Tired of a persistent prisoner .. who was not behaving like he was being delivered up to a chief that wanted him dead. This prick thought he could preach ….?“I have a client. He wants to buy some guns. And that’s what I do .. I sell guns.”His boot lashed out.“That so hard to get …?”Tarzan looked up at this cold-hearted gun-runner. He was strongly built. His physique looked rock-hard. Just as hard as his heart. Only one thing moved this man. Money.

“And this client says .. Get me Tarzan. I’ll give you half-as-much-again.”Chambers’ boot stabbed his captive in the leg. To show who was getting the final word in here. Superior he looked down at Tarzan. The arsehole was near-naked .. in just that slight covering. A body built by the arduous demands of living it rough in the jungle. Muscular. And an angry glare on him that was just as built. Chambers twisted his cold-hearted screw.“Get me Tarzan, he says. Another 50%!”Feeling on top of things, Chambers feigned another kick. Stopping short. Snorting when Tarzan squirmed to evade the blow. Chambers sniggered when Tarzan growled back.“No contest, arsehole. Never could resist an invitation that good.”

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Tarzan had come-to tied-up. That pair of doctors who had turned up at Tarzan’s house .. they had tricked him. White men .. come, they said, because an epidemic had broken out.

But they’d got lost, they’d said. Could Tarzan help them to the village, they’d pleaded? They had the inoculations. Children most at risk.

The news hadn’t got to Tarzan about any great sickness .. but .. of course he was going to help.

After a few hours .. close to the river the “doctors” had to cross .. they had turned on him. Confused at the guns pulled out, Tarzan had gone into attack. A crack across the back of his skull had stunned him .. a leg had weakened. He was down on one knee. The thwack with a gun into his chin had sent him sprawling.

When Tarzan came to, his hands were tied behind his back, tight, biting in. He looked at his feet. Some kind of black plastic was bound around his ankles. He struggled with it. Every effort he had made since to work on those ties had been useless. That plastic was strong.

Mtwala had become chief, he’d been told. He had ordered guns. Arming his men. Going to settle scores with the tribes across the river. An uneven fight. Automatic weapons against hunting spears.“And he says ….”The gun-runner Chambers was gloating over a “jungle-lord” they had so easily tricked. Goading him when a helpless Tarzan still kept answering back.“ .. bring me Tarzan when you bring the guns .. I’ll give you half-as-much again.”

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Another triumphant stomp with Chambers’ boot into Tarzan’s stomach had got deflected. But the kick to his ribs still made Tarzan grunt.

Mtwala was arming himself against the old enemy across the river. But Tarzan had thwarted his ambitions .. years ago. Mtwala had another score to settle too. He wanted Tarzan back.“Don’t know what bad blood there is between you two. And you know what, arsehole? Don’t give a fuck either.”

Tarzan wasn’t that surprised. There WAS unfinished business. He had won last time .. defeated Mtwala by the skin of his teeth. And he had left Mtwala to be found .. in a way that could only make him look a fool. The laughing stock of the jungle. No longer seen as the esteemed champion of his tribe. But now somehow Mtwala had become chief. Now he was arming his tribe. And he had sent for that other old enemy.

Where would Mtwala have found the money? Tarzan had no idea. But knowing him it wouldn’t have been honestly gained. Worryingly Mtwala was going up against the unsuspecting tribes on the other side. Armed with deadly force. Tarzan couldn’t let him get away with it ….But he had got these gunrunners to run Tarzan down too. Paying them to grab him. There could only be one reason for that. Bad blood. Settling scores.

“Way I see it, arsehole …..”Chambers was stood on the river bank .. behind Tarzan’s head. Tarzan was being made to crane his head over backwards to see him. He didn’t like having to do that. It meant the gun-runner was making all the running. Somehow this businessman had an instinct for dominating the scene.“ .. when I remember the glistening in Mtwala’s eyes .. when he thinks of getting his hands on you ..”Tarzan could imagine. Mtwala’s pulse running .. his blood racing .. at the idea of having Tarzan his captive.“ … best thing since sliced bread! He’s thinking nothing else better more in the world. The fucker was nearly drooling at the thought …..”

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Chambers sneered down at Tarzan, feeling superior. Cocksure of that added bonus, he looked down the length of this near-naked muscle-head.

The dude was certainly built. But this “jungle-lord” was dim. Tricked easy-as-pie. And an arsehole who didn’t seem to realise he was fucked. Kept going on about defenceless tribes.

He looked back up at Chambers like he had other worries than a chief who wanted him dead. Chambers gave him another kick to tell the arsehole to get real.

That got the arsehole’s attention, alright. He cursed back. Chambers smirked down at this dumb motherfucker who kept on trying to worm his way out of this .. soft-talking him. Like Chambers was going to let him go free! Only fair to put him straight …..

As if ….! Chambers was going to pass up on that bonus? Get real! Because some villagers were gonna get gunned-down. What did the prick think a gunrunner did? He had to put him in the picture.“Strikes me, arsehole … YOU .. you can stop worrying about a war. Who gives a shit about massacres and slaughter?”Tarzan was twisted over to snarl up into Chambers’ mocking face. His face contorted with righteous anger.“Ain’t nothing you can do about it …..”Chambers snorted. The heel of his boot stroked Tarzan’s bare belly. Then he leant forward. He needed to keep this prick’s attention. Chambers putting all his heavy-muscled weight into his heel ..

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gouging pointers into Tarzan’s muscled stomach.“NOT …. A … FUCKING .. THING.”Each word was a sharp jab into the gut. He’d flexed, the over-muscled prick .. but Chambers still saw him flinch.

Tarzan gasped out when the boot eased off.“Word of advice, dickhead.”Chambers chortled at the snarling arsehole. Stuck helpless down there in the mud.“ …. tell you for free. It’s always the best thing to do …..”

Suddenly Chambers was interrupted. He stopped his preaching, ears pricked. At the same time Tarzan heard it too. In the distance, further down the river .. the sound of a diesel motor. Again Chambers smirked down at Tarzan on his back in the river mud.“Sounds like our ride …”The boat they were waiting for. Loaded with deadly weapons for Mtwala. Soon to be loaded with another cargo .. human. Bound for a certain death.

Chambers indicated with his head .. directing Tarzan’s attention to the sound.“ .. my advice … arsehole .. Best thing you can do …. Look out for Number One. Always look out for Number One.”Chambers’ head cocked sideways, listening.“Hear that?”Chambers knew Tarzan did. The sound of doom chugging down the river.

“If I was you, arsehole .. I’d forget those tribes on the other side.”He shrugged.“They’re doomed anyway.”Again he cocked his ear. Both of them had heard the sound approaching. The boat .. come to take Tarzan to an old enemy. To settle unfinished business.“Strikes me, arsehole .. you’ve got enough troubles of your own …..!”

The sound of a diesel motor suddenly got closer. Rounding the bend. Bringing those guns. Fetching Mtwala’s other prize.“Here’s your ride, arsehole.”Chambers grinned. Already counting on Mtwala’s bonus for bringing in Tarzan’s precious hide.“Your one-way ticket to ride …..”

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A chief’s tale

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He should have known better. Tarzan had sorted things years ago. An unsettled peace of sorts had prevailed between the tribes. But he should have remembered there were some men who did not take easily to being told.

Tarzan should have known. Mtwala was not the sort. Tarzan had made him a laughing stock. His tribe had left with their tails between their legs. But Mtwala was not the sort to take things lying down.

Tarzan should have known. He had taken his eye off Mtwala. Other challenges had demanded his time. Mtwala had sulked. He’d nursed his grudges. He’d incubated his injured pride. He’d schemed, he’d plotted. And now he was ready to strike.

Tarzan should have known better. Now he was headed back on the river. Tied hand and foot. Mtwala had sent for him. He’d hatched his plans. And Tarzan was to play a major part.

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Special delivery

“Go get him.”Mtwala had handpicked a suitable escort to be assigned to Tarzan. Eagerly the chief spat out his order. In an instant the four of them, hulking muscular warriors each one of them .. they threw themselves into the task.

Wading into the river .. determined .. rushing out to the boat. Up to their waists in water, strong arms reached up and grabbed for the bare legs stood by the side of the boat. Yanking their chief’s captive over the gunwale and up-ending a helpless Tarzan into the water.

Tarzan had no defence against the move. Those plastic tied still dug into his ankles and kept his arms trapped behind his back. He twisted in the air to soften the fall. But still he set up a big splash and sank beneath the water. Instantly strong hands were roughly grabbing at him, not going to risk this slippery customer making any escape. Taking a strong grasp on his arms. A grip in his hair yanked upwards and hauled Tarzan’s head out of the river. Tied hand and foot and grasped by eager warriors who weren’t letting him go.

The river journey had been frustrating and hot. The gun-runner’s crew had manhandled Tarzan on to the boat, still bound hand and foot. A big lion cage was on deck .. brought along to keep Tarzan safe. And make sure that Chambers earned his bonus for bringing in Tarzan’s hide. In the full glare of the sun .. out on the river all day, no shade .. stuck in an animal cage, Tarzan had been getting increasingly bad-tempered. And desperate.He knew he couldn’t land into Mtwala’s hands. His old enemy would not think twice. Tarzan would end-up dead. And on top of that, Tarzan just had to warn the tribes what the chief was up to. Giving them a chance to get in a first strike before Mtwala was armed.

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But there was no shifting these plastic strips around his legs. And even if he managed, what chances of breaking free from a lion cage. It was designed to hold the strongest of beasts.

Some ray of hope came when Chambers got some men to haul Tarzan out of the cage. But it was only to mount him at the front of the boat. Stood with his back to a flagpole in the bow. A length of rope tying his neck to the pole .. “in case you take a liking to going for a swim,” Chambers joked. With frustration and a sinking heart at being trapped, Tarzan recognised the landscape floating past. To the left Mtwala’s side of the river. On the other side, the unsuspecting people he was planning to ambush. And Tarzan was stuck here .. figurehead on Chambers’ boat. Helpless. But not hopeless. Not yet. Not ever.

Tarzan saw the reason behind the move .. tying him to the flag-post in the front of the boat. He heard it as soon as he was spotted. The boat rounded a bend in the river and the shouts went up. They were expecting him. Chugging towards the landing where the reception party was waiting to take delivery of the guns. From afar Tarzan heard men whooping. On the bank where a smaller river emptied into this, a party of over thirty men yelling and waving spears. Going mad when they saw what was tied to the mast in the front of the boat.

From afar Tarzan squinted into the cheering mob. Mtwala would be there somewhere .. with those cheering men. Tarzan wondered which pleased him most. Taking delivery of those deadly weapons. Settling scores with the other tribes. Or setting eyes of Tarzan again. His old enemy. With a grudge to take care of, unfinished business to settle. That prize arriving stood proud in the bow of the boat. Stuck there to be spotted from far off. Tied up, no escape. Delivered. To settle scores.

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“This has been a long time coming, Tarzan.”Tarzan had been dragged out of the water. Stood upright, only paces from his old enemy. His feet bound together. “Too long,” Mtwala sneered smugly.

Bound. Yet still a pair of Mtwala’s warriors had him by the arm. To keep him upright? Or to stop him from rushing Mtwala? As if he could. A fair fight was not part of Mtwala’s plan.

Water dripped off Tarzan’s hair. He was trapped in those annoying plastic bonds. They looked like

nothing, nothing he couldn’t break. But they held him captive. And yet .. face-to-face with this smug-looking enemy . like hell was Tarzan going to look daunted.

“Long overdue.”Tarzan agreed. Sneering back at Mtwala.“As good a time as any …”Tarzan shrugged himself free from one of the warriors holding his arm.“What say we settle things .. right now?”He jerked unexpectedly sideways. The warrior still holding him was surprised. He loosened his hold out of shock. But then he grabbed back and crushed his grip on Tarzan’s bicep.“You and me …? Let’s get down to it.”

Tarzan’s head indicated at the warrior gripping him.“Get this moron to free these ties. Then .. you and me ..”Tarzan smirked .. looking fearless .. and sounding cocky .. getting himself into the mood.“One-on-one. Head-to-head. Let’s settle things. Long overdue ….”

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Tarzan’s elbow jutted out .. catching the warrior in the ribs. Angry at being shown up, he shoved back.“Let’s get down to it. You. Me. No need for these fools.”He sneered at Mtwala.“You up for it? Willing to fight this out. Head-to-head.”Tarzan’s lip curled in disdain.“If you dare …..?”

Mtwala laughed back. Tarzan hadn’t really expected to be taken on.“No need.”He shrugged.“You see …..”His arms opened wide .. shoulders shrugged .. his palms upwards in a gesture that said, Isn’t it obvious?“I’ve already won.”Mtwala grinned.“And you .. apeman .. you have lost.”He shook his head in disbelief. At Tarzan’s naïve idea. Fight him? What for?“And losers always pay the costs ……”

Mtwala ordered his men to take Tarzan to the village.“And guard him well ….”Tarzan noticed now he was up against four impressive men. Tall, broad-shouldered, every bit as muscular and strong as himself. Out-numbered, out-gunned. Four of them.“But don’t fret, apeman. They’ll look after you. Really well. Anticipate your every need.”He looked from Tarzan to each of the warriors in turn. His look as much a warning as a reminder.“They know too well. If they lose you .. they’ll finish up where you are themselves.”Mtwala’s smug look assured that Tarzan could not evade whatever plans he had for him.“Yes. They’ll look after you .. REALLY well ……”

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It was painful. It was meant to be. Painful and weakening .. the way the four guards got Tarzan back to the village. They had already cut down a young tree. Passing it between Tarzan’s raised calves.

A foot pressing hard down on Tarzan’s neck kept his front pressed down in the dirt. A warrior had already yanked Tarzan’s bound arms high up his back. Tarzan felt the tree trunk being shoved through his legs, he felt it pass through between his bound arms.

Two warriors at the front, two behind Tarzan’s feet. On a signal

they lifted the trunk up in the air. Centring it on their shoulders, jiggling it up and down to get it right .. the four guards set off for the village. Already as he was being lifted, Tarzan was gritting his teeth into the strain. His arms pulled high up his back, his whole being pulling down on his shoulder joints. Grunts of strain gathered in his throat.

They must have searched out every thick tree root on which to slip .. walking him suspended off the trunk. Tarzan hung .. the burn in his back-bent thighs quickly setting in. A jaw-clenching ache grinding into back-twisted shoulder joints as he swung. Until a carrier slipped on another muddy tree root. A sudden agony stabbed sharp into his shoulder. Tarzan grunted out loud.

Boys were looking out for the party. Cheers went up to greet the elite warriors. Hailing their return. Rejoicing in the burden they bore. Boys-not-yet-warriors rushed forward to greet the chief’s prize. Some just gave Tarzan a sharp slap in his sides. Others had come prepared, their cattle whips drumming a rhythm on Tarzan’s burning thighs. Good-naturedly the warriors shooed them away. But when the cheering escort of ambitious warrior-boys persisted, they shrugged their shoulders and let the boys have their fun.

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Tarzan was dumped in a large hut. Dropped unceremoniously on his front in their dirt as the warriors eased the strain of carrying their burden out of muscled shoulders. Like that, they left him. Trapped by a tree trunk down the length of his back. Caught tight between his calves. His burning arms now dropped down on his back. But the tree trunk trapped him there .. pinning him down.

It took a deal of wriggling to ease himself gradually along the pole. Inch-by-struggling-inch, Tarzan managed to slide his trapped torso up the length of the tree trunk. Hard work .. muscles under strain as he forced his calves enough apart to free himself from the pole. Harder still when his legs broke free and his body had less friction on which to pull.

Tarzan was hot and sweaty by the time he got his arms free of the tree trunk. He’d scraped his chest along the scratchy earth in the hut. He’d had to grit his teeth to edge his front across the hut .. freeing himself of that constraint.On his side now, fighting to try and wriggle his backside through the constraints of his tight-bound wrists. Having to keep quiet. Knowing his escorts would be on guard outside the doorway. They’d not risk any chance of him getting away. Keeping down the sounds of his frustrations as the tightness of those plastic ties refused to give.

What Tarzan hadn’t reckoned on .. they’d be kind to him. Never for one moment had he thought they’d bring him food. A warrior drew aside the animal hide in the doorway. He saw Tarzan had struggled himself free. Looking up from the earth. Body twisted with Tarzan’s struggles to get his hands in front. Their eyes met. Both as shocked. And panicky.

The warrior threw the warm gruel in Tarzan’s face. As he called out for his fellow-guards. Best thing they decided .. quickly a cord was found. Tarzan forced on to his front. The cord quickly tied the plastic ties on Tarzan’s ankles to the plastic strip on his wrists. Finishing up with Tarzan twisted into an arc. He’d given them a fright. But again they had him down on his front again. Wrists tied to feet. Let the damned apeman wriggle himself free of that!

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Old foes

Cautioned by their charge’s attempt to escape, that was how his guards judged it best to return Tarzan to the tribe. Hands tied to his ankles like some wild pig caught in the hunt.

They threaded the pole through the joining rope. Hoisted him up .. suspended in a tortured arc off the pole. At first sight of the hated apeman .. like that .. roars went up. Warriors stomping their heels to the ground. In mad approval.

Proudly his four proud guards delivered the hated apeman to the tribe .. hanging in pain .. dangling off his back-bent arms. At this parade of triumph, men could not contain their jeers. For the hated enemy. For seeing Tarzan delivered in style. Welcomed by the cheering tribe. Good omen for the start of a new age.

They had unloaded their guns. Hot hard work. In the heat they had dragged the heavy crates back to the village. And now they were in the mood for some fun, deservedly. Mtwala had ordered the booze broken out. Flasks of beers lay all around. In cheery mood, warriors cheered at the wondrous sight of the hated apeman .. paraded before them like meat on a skewer. Downing another big gulp of their chief’s best booze. Jeering. Dangling sideways off the pole, Tarzan the detested enemy of the tribe. Stupidly letting himself get caught .. deservedly paraded around the village. The fool deserved all he’d got coming to him. In his face jeering warriors and soon-to-be-blooded boy-warriors boys were punching an arm in the air .. in triumph. The tribe’s hated enemy helplessly paraded before heckling fighters. Unloading the crates had been hot and hard. But now it was turning out to be a good day.

Their chief’s old enemy hanging off the pole .. slung off the shoulders of fearsomely well-built guards. The pain of his torture written into every tortured fibre of his dangling body. A hog-tied wild boar brought back for the feast. For a celebration. Hands tied to feet. Swaying painfully as his guards strode along .. bringing an old enemy back to their chief.

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Mtwala waited, their triumphant chief.. under the ancient tree .. glorying in his enemy’s approach. Hearing the laughter. Enjoying with them the mocking. Eyes alert to his warriors’ cheering. At one with their chief. Laughing at the sight of this old enemy finally being brought to task.

“What a touch you have, apeman …..”Mtwala had pulled Tarzan’s face up by the hair. Tarzan was still suspended in tortured agony up in the air. Bending forward, yanking his head up, Mtwala was nose to nose with his long-time foe. Tarzan gritted his teeth into the pain in his scalp.“ .. to bring such joy ….”Tarzan let go his anger in a curse. His eyes burning with rage. Fighting to hide his struggles with the pain being gouged out of his back-twisted muscles and joints.“Just listen ….”Mtwala’s hand extended outwards. Towards the warriors surrounded this scene.“Have you ever been welcomed so ….?”

Mtwala gave Tarzan a sharp slap across the face. “Do you hear me?”A stinging bite across the cheek that Tarzan had no ability to avoid.“Listen.”Another eye-watering slap made Tarzan’s head jerk.

Tarzan’s escort dumped him at their chief’s feet. A knife came out .. meaning to sever the cord tying the legs to the wrists. But Mtwala intervened.“Leave him. Haul him up like that …..”The guards followed their chief’s demands. |

A strong rope already was hanging down from a branch of the tree. Strong enough to take muscular manly weight. Quickly they tied the rope to Tarzan’s legs. And laughing as they did it, maliciously they jerked their chief’s old enemy up in the air. Still twisted into his painful back-bent arc.

Tarzan glared back into Mtwala’s face. Swaying at head-height. Mtwala’s head only inches away from his own. Pulled up in the air, his feet and wrists still bound together .. his whole body still trapped painfully backwards.“Just fancy, Tarzan. What a lucky man. Listen. How pleased you have made my men.”Instead of another stinging slap into his face, Tarzan felt himself being turned. Revolving off the rope tied to his back-bent torso.

Mtwala was turning Tarzan slowly. As he was being revolved .. in a painfully twisted arc .. Tarzan saw a howling bunch of drunken warriors. Jeering him. Cheering their chief. Most with a gourd of booze in the hand. Pointing a mocking finger. Some punching the air in delight. Wild with delight at seeing him abused like this.

“Wherever you go, Tarzan .. you bring such joy …..”Tarzan yelled out. Suddenly swinging off the overhead rope. A sharp painful punch in his side. He heard Mtwala grunt with the effort. Giving the blow to Tarzan’s ribs his all.Still revolving. Still turning slowly. The cheers for Mtwala from boozed-up warriors greeting afresh Tarzan’s outburst of pain. Surrounded by a sea of delirious fighting men. Getting drunk on booze, intoxicated on Tarzan’s plight.

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“Such a lucky man …..”Tarzan grunted painfully again. A second sharp jab from Mtwala’s fist into his ribs was greeted with hoots of laughter. Greeting a helpless Tarzan’s pain.

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“You can imagine, can’t you, Tarzan? My men are itching for it.”Mtwala kept up the slow revolving. Tarzan was twisted in this painful backbent arc .. hung up at shoulder height .. seeing himself as he turned surrounded by warriors mocking his plight.

Having a good laugh at his expense. Tied hand-and-feet .. like a pig trussed up to be slaughtered. Slowly turning in the air. Derided by a grinning circle of dangerously boozed up warriors.“Itching to get on with the fight.

Itching to start a war that would set the jungle alight, Tarzan knew the risks. It would not end with one tribe being annihilated. Their allies would take up arms. Both sides of the river would join in the war. Mass blood-letting. But what was the point of arguing with Mtwala? He’s planned for this, Mtwala knew what he was getting into. He wanted this. He’d butcher the enemy on the other side of this river. Putting faith in his fire-power.

Tarzan exploded. A punch out-of-nowhere. Mtwala had slammed an upper-cut up into his belly. Up from below. The force threatening to lift Tarzan’s muscled weight. The pain broke out in a shocked yell. Stretched and twisted like this, there was little muscle power to block a punch to his stomach.“So impatient, they are ….”Mtwala carried on his narrative as if that punch had cost him nothing. But Tarzan was paying the price in his shoulder joints .. the force of the blow had set him wildly swaying off the overhead rope. Pain jabbing in.

“And it gets worse ….”Mtwala was jabbering away. As if he hadn’t noticed his fist had again slammed up into Tarzan’s

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exposed belly. Like he didn’t hear Tarzan fighting to get his breath back. Tarzan felt Mtwala’s hand on his leg .. still keeping Tarzan turning past the guffawing half-drunk fighters all around. Pointing, yelling. Enjoying Tarzan’s shock of pain.“Four days. Chambers reckons it’ll take him four days to train them up.”

“FOUR days! Just imagine!”Mtwala was keeping the talk going as he still kept turning Tarzan though the sea of mocking faces. But despite the pain .. this jeering keeping the reality of Mtwala’s threat full in his face . Tarzan still got the message through. Four days Chambers needed .. to turn Mtwala’s warriors into a ruthless fighting machine. Skilled in the use of modern weapons. Proficient at using them to cut their enemies down. Tarzan had four days before the slaughter was unleashed.

“They’ll be busting a gut.”Mtwala had stopped the turning. He was now talking face-to-face with his foe.“Can you imagine them? They’ve got the guns. And are being told to get some training.”Mtwala was finding this strangely amusing, Tarzan thought. The idea of his men fired-up but he was not giving them their head.“Can’t wait. CAN’T WAIT! Going mad with impatience.”

Tarzan was taken again unawares. Lost momentarily in calculating the opportunity of Mtwala holding his warriors back .. seeing the time he had before fully trained murderers were let loose. Skilled in the use of these deadly automatics. Mtwala blasted another fist up into Tarzan’s open belly. Shock and pain together .. Tarzan shouted out. Lifted by the force. Sent wildly swinging by his own reaction. Stabbing pains in his burning joints. Hearing loud guffaws all around. Tarzan giving up his pain. Agonisingly twisted into this jerking body-arc.

“BUT .. You’ve come back to us.”Mtwala had turned Tarzan back. The two old enemies again in each other’s face.“The reason you have come back to us ….”Mtwala was grinning sadistically into Tarzan’s scowling face.“PERFECT! That’s where you come in …. “Mtwala unloaded another stinging slap into Tarzan’s burning cheek.“What would we do without old friends?”

Tarzan cursed. But Mtwala was ignoring him. He was just some pawn in his greater game.“Just what is needed. Tarzan .. come back to help us out …. In our hour of need ….”Tarzan was hissing .. sucking in air. That explosion up into his guts .. the wild swinging off the rope .. stabbing pain into his joints .. his back-bent thighs on fire. Digging deep for breath. “SOOOO grateful. What better for the men?”Mtwala’s hand again started to steer Tarzan around. Slowly revolving. Displaying to Tarzan the sea of men rejoicing in his pain.

“Knowing .. after the torment of an enforced day of discipline made to train not fight .. forced against their will to look after their weapon .. boring stuff, keep it oiled .. learning to shoot with deadly force …..”Just the thing Tarzan knew he had to prevent. The idea that Mtwala got himself a deadly army ….. who knew where all that could end?

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“But then .. end of the day .. their patience tried beyond enduring .. fighters, men of action like these .. they need something to look forward to. After hours of being forced to train .. not fight. Itching like crazy to get on with the job ……”This time Tarzan got himself prepared. Convinced Mtwala was about to attack.“End of the day .. Tarzan. Knowing they have THIS to look forward to …... Tarzan. Here to entertain.”Tarzan had anticipated. Before he had heard how Mtwala had cut himself short. Tarzan imagined him summoning up the strength, fist balled. He tried to tighten his belly. But twisted backwards like this .. it was not enough.

Mtwala gave a grunt. The effort to slam an upper-cut up into Tarzan’s exposed gut. He felt the body lift with his punch. He heard the slap of knuckled fist into hard-muscled flesh. A flush of excitement. Hearing Tarzan yell out. Seeing him lift. Letting him drop. Shudder at the pain jarring in his joints.

Four nights, Mtwala thought. Four nights when his men would break out the beer. Tarzan’s suffering offered as reward for his men’s hard work. Payback for their patience .. every day of frustrating impatience .. having this to look forward to. Nights of celebration .. the hated apeman star of the show. Centre-stage in the torture show.Four nights of showing this apeman how he was honoured. Four nights facing the muscled hatred of the best of his tribe.

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A captive’s tale

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Was that all there was to it? This capture. Setting Chambers on a hunt to track Tarzan down? For a big fat fee? Just so that Tarzan could keep the troops happy?

Mtwala was appeasing their impatience. Getting them to put up with the training .. knowing himself how much more deadly they would be. But they’d be chafing at the bit. Busting a gut to turn those murderous guns on the traditional enemy. Settle old scores. For a once-and-final deadly time. Tarzan was to be their reward for the patience? Something to look forward to after the frustration? Something to swill down with the chief’s free beer?

He didn’t think so. Tarzan knew this old enemy too well for that. When he’d “entertained the troops” .. when they’d cheered as he took a beating .. when they jeered at him when he was brought back to consciousness, after he’d blacked out under their insufferable tortures .. what then ….?What did Mtwala have in mind for Tarzan then?

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No running off

“Come on, Tarzan ….. Help me out here ….”Mtwala had hunkered down, crouching .. talking quietly into Tarzan’s face .. supposedly like a pair of confidants .. almost as if Mtwala didn’t want his warriors to hear the intimacies he and Tarzan had to share.“You know, men like these … men of action .. put a gun in their hand .. they don’t want to be polishing it ….”

The ties between Tarzan’s wrists and ankles had been cut through. Tarzan’s upper body had jarred down .. painfully yanked to a halt by his ankles still tied to the rope above. Dangling upside-down swaying as Mtwala spoke candidly into his face

Tarzan knew exactly what the men would rather be doing. Luckily Mtwala’s plan gave him four days to prevent that.“You’ve gotta help me out here, Tarzan .. gotta give me something to give them …. keep them happy ….”Tarzan scowled.“What you on about ….?”

“I’ve got me an idea ….”Mtwala hadn’t bothered to share his inspiration with Tarzan. Abruptly he had ordered him lowered. Not too carefully Tarzan had been dropped. In time he’d swung his head forward to stop crashing on it to the dirt. Still upside-down his shoulders were resting on the ground. The rope over the branch overhead still held Tarzan up by the black plastic cutting into his ankles.

“ … something to put a spring in their step …..” Tarzan felt a hand on his calf. Mtwala was now leering down at him from the side. Stuck like this Tarzan could only scowl up Mtwala’s grin. Angry but helpless, he felt his enemy grip him by the leg.“ … something like this …..”

Tarzan jerked. He winced. His whole body jolted. Pain exploded down his legs. A stinging blow across the exposed sole of his foot. “ … and in case you get it into your stupid head to make a run for it …..”The shock could not be contained. Again Tarzan yelped. A tear of pain rushed to his eye. Whipped a second stinging time across the sole of his foot.

“Can’t have you spoiling their fun.”Mtwala was laughing as he felt another sharp pain jerk in his hand. Another bite taken out of his

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damned enemy’s foot. Another judder .. pain rushing down Tarzan’s legs.“Listen to them.”Tarzan could hear the cheers. But he wasn’t interested in Mtwala’s warriors urging on the beating. Biting into the pain. From a cutting strike from a cattle whip bursting in flames into Tarzan’s foot.“Just think of their disappointment .. if you’re not here ….”Tarzan cursed. A burning slash into his exposed foot shot his body up. “ .. not here to entertain them after putting up with the training.”Tarzan rose .. shocked rigid .. smarting from a burn cutting into his soft flesh .. lifting him up on his shoulders off the ground.“Can’t have that …….”Tarzan couldn’t hold back the yell. Another tear-busting sting nipped at the flesh of his foot.“Wouldn’t want that … would we?”

Tarzan was panting. Looking up at his legs .. waiting for the next skin-blistering shot of pain. His chest was rocking .. fighting for the wind to beat back the next strike. Four days he had. Four days of this. Four days that Chambers needed for deadly weapons training. Four more days of this .. and worse. Pain shot Tarzan’s muscled torso upwards .. lifting him rigid .. torso shuddering .. up onto his shoulders .. chest thrown in the air. A sharp yap escaped. A stinging bite taken out of the soft flesh under his foot.“Don’t think you’ll be running far. Arsehole.”Tarzan’s torso twisted .. his legs in the air .. convulsed by a vicious smarting slash across his other foot. Pain shot to his eyes. Tears of pain burst free.“Not on those feet ….”

Tarzan’s yelp at another stinging blow was greeted with drunken jeers. His tortured twisting onto his shoulders had the enemy laughing their guts up. The fighters couldn’t see the pain twisting in his face. They didn’t see the burst of tears on his contorted face. But they cheered with each sharp yelp. The hot blood in their veins burst free in boozed-up joy .. cheering at his upside-down body twisted off another agonising strike.

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Keep them happy

The jerking from smarting blows had stopped. .. that damned Mtwala had had Tarzan’s feet severely beaten. First he’d managed to contain the pain. But Mtwala was not playing at this game. He kept the beating going until pain had Tarzan dancing upside-down off the rope. Until his restrained grunts had twisted into yelps.

Gratified he was getting his own way, Mtwala had then had Tarzan lifted by his feet back up into the air. Now sweating, feeling the soles of his feet swelling up, Tarzan was swaying up in the air, looking upside-down in Mtwala’s gloating face.

Mtwala was acting as if he was justifying his actions .. as if he really felt a need to. But he was enjoying playing this mock-role he had cut out for himself. And the part he had carved out for his old enemy Tarzan .. keeping his impatient warriors amused.“Chambers wants them for their first session.”He was talking to his prisoner as if nothing had just happened. As if Tarzan was not running with pained sweat.“Today. Now.”

Mtwala’s head had indicated at the wide ring of warriors circling Tarzan’s upside-down form.“Weapons-maintenance. I ask you ….? Deadly boring stuff.” He was pretending to be ignoring the red-face, the streaks of pain looking at him from upside-down.“Come on, Tarzan. You’ve gotta give the men something to look forward to ….”

Tarzan was angry, he was panting. Gasping for air. Pain raged down the length of him. His feet like stuck in a bath of liquid fire. But Mtwala was paying his pain no attention.“Dreary .. frustrating .. weapons training!”Tarzan was getting increasingly frustrated too. With having to listen to Mtwala’s claptrap. And with his growing sense of desperation to find some way out of this in time to warn the other tribes.“Torture .. for men like these. Weapons training. Deadly dreary stuff ….”For men that Tarzan knew were fired up with murder in their veins.

“Let’s welcome our visitor once again!”Jeers instantly punched at the air .. Tarzan was surrounded by waves of cheering warriors

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gladdened by the sight of him running with pain. Frustrated by his inability to save himself .. feeling tortured red-hot coals pressed to his feet, Tarzan was now looking man-to-man, on equal level, forced to stare into Mtwala’s smug grin. Both knowing Tarzan’s legs were burning him up. His torso trembling with the shock .. caught in a light fever of delirium.

“Let’s hear it for the apeman.”Cheers of “Tarzan. Tarzan” lit up the air. Tarzan felt Mtwala give his shoulder a shove. Tarzan started to revolve. His pain displayed. His plight held up for mockery. Seeing again as he turned the jeering hostile enemy .. who only wanted the worst for him. “Look at them …”Mtwala’s jeering fighters. High on booze .. tanked up on their hate for Tarzan. Drunk on the joy of their chief’s enemy caught like this .. suffering. “Weapons training .. hardly what they could do with right now ……”Tarzan, in pain from his tortured feet, heard the snigger in Mtwala’s voice .. talking to him through the cheering as Tarzan was revolved..“We both know what they’d RATHER be doing. Don’t we?”A thumb dug into the sole of Tarzan’s foot. He gasped. Mtwala .. making sure he had Tarzan’s attention.

Surrounded by violent men itching to get their hands on him. Soon to be skilled with deadly automatic weapons. Equipped to settle old scores. Busting to set the jungle alight with their brutality. Tarzan felt his desperation revolving before his eyes as he was turned.“Weapons training? Rather than this …?Mtwala gave the turning Tarzan another push .. to emphasise what he meant by “this”. Tarzan saw the maddened stomping warriors .. calling for his suffering. Both knew what his men would prefer right now. Torn between two more preferable choices that learning to oil their weapons. Either seeing Tarzan made to pay them back even more. Or impatient for the fight. Eager for the blood-letting. Instead having to buckle down for weapons training.“We know .. don’t we, Tarzan .. what they’d rather have ….”

Mtwala had given Tarzan a final hard shove. Sent him in a dizzying spin. Then he had stepped back. Getting out of the way.“C’mon, Tarzan. Find them something? Something to send them off with a spring in their step …..?”Tarzan jerked. He grunted. Wincing at a slap sharp across his back. “Find some way to put a smile on their faces ….”At the last second, revolving still, Tarzan saw the fall of a cattle whip. He tensed. But the whip slashed pain across his belly. Hard, stinging, biting. He jerked. He grunted out loud.

Again a hand pushed on Tarzan’s shoulder. Revolving him still. Hanging off the rope tied to his ankles. Pushed into the path of a cane slashing downwards. Catching him across the breadth of a strong muscled back. The force jerked him. His head shot backwards. The sharp stinging bite slashed a yell out of his throat. He was turning .. two of them, one front, one back. Lashing out at him as he was turned.

“More like it! Let’s hear it for Tarzan!”Tarzan heard Mtwala burst out .. encouraging his men to jeer. Yelled out with pleasure at his pain. Another shove kept him turning .. into the path of a weapon slashing down .. ripping at him from

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shoulder down.“Let’s hear it, Tarzan”.The downward lash tore across Tarzan’s front. A hard strike across his belly .. shooting him up. A hard blow into his midriff. Robbing him of wind. “Give it to him, men.”The pair of muscular warriors were pulling no punches. Giving Tarzan their all.“GO FOR IT! ”Mtwala shouted out. A mixture of joy, sadism. And all part of his vicious plan.“Give ‘em all you’ve got. Apeman!”

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Winning time

Weaken him .. that would be Mtwala’s plan. A reward for his warriors’ patience and hard training .. seeing him beaten till he could not stand. Each evening Mtwala’s fighters were to be given a party. With Tarzan centre-stage. Taking a beating. Whipped till he cried.

Four nights Tarzan had been granted to live. Nights to placate the warriors’ impatience .. feeding them with Tarzan’s pain. Four nights before Mtwala was done with him. Would finally deal with him. Each night the pain building on already bruised muscle.

Fresh beatings setting the flames of old punishments alight. With each night it would get worse.

Mtwala had left Tarzan hanging upside down .. the soles of his feet on fire. The warriors had cheered as he’d been sent revolving .. a pair of warriors giving their all .. lashing out at the spinning top.

Revenge on his old enemy had had to be put aside. Mtwala still had his higher purpose .. slaughter, annihilation. Chambers was running his first instruction. The chief and his warriors had left to get the hands on the guns. Only Tarzan was left .. hanging .. feet burning .. torso stinging front and back. And his four attendant muscle-guards seated around. Just to make sure he didn’t get it into his head to up-and-run.

Tarzan’s situation looked dire. In a tight corner. But Tarzan had one thing on his side. Motivation. He had to get a warning out. He just had to put the tribes on the other side of the river on the alert. Prepare themselves for Mtwala’s deadly strike. Ideally get in a blow before Mtwala was ready. A mission like no other. To forestall a deadly blood-bath. To stop the jungle descending into a gory quagmire of death and destruction. A charge like no other to fortify Tarzan’s resolve. No matter how much they hurt him .. whatever they threw at him .. Tarzan had to stay strong. Strong to break free. He just had to …. That drive to warn the other tribes .. that would fortify Tarzan’s strength of will.

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First problem .. he had to free himself of Chamber’s damned plastic ties. They were impossible to break. Tarzan’s every effort to wriggle free some movement had only given him burning wrists. Tarzan guessed Mtwala had no more ties. Once Tarzan got himself out of these plastic strips, he’d be back in more conventional ropes. And Tarzan had got free of those plenty of times before ….

Viewing his guards from upside down, Tarzan wondered …. Mtwala had refused to Tarzan’s challenge to take him on. Tarzan had dared Mtwala to face him like a man. He laughed back in Tarzan’s face. But if Tarzan goaded him into setting Tarzan up against one of these muscle-heads …? As part of these four nights of “entertainment”. What better temptation? Tempting the warriors with the idea of Tarzan getting his come-uppance from one of their own? From their best?

Looking at them .. they’d not be a push-over. Hand-picked by Mtwala .. thinking they could keep Tarzan tied down. A tempting fight with one of Mtwala’s champions? Tarzan stupidly thinking h could pitch himself against their best. What better entertainment? How much better did it get? Assuming the warriors would see Tarzan having the shit beaten out of him. His men roaring on one of their own. Cheering on every punch that knocked Tarzan down into the dirt.Tarzan would be making himself take that risk .. allowing himself to have the shit beaten out of him .. deliberately. Worth it? Worth taking that risk? To get himself out of these plastic strips.

Tarzan didn’t fool himself. Men looking that good .. physiques like those didn’t come without work. Getting selected to nurse-maid Tarzan .. that had to be a mark of Mtwala’s respect for these men. The blows he had taken .. the lashings with the cattle whip .. they had been delivered with teeth-clenching hurt. By the look of them Mtwala had hand-picked the best of the bunch to mind him. There was no doubt in Tarzan’s mind. They’d fight as well as they looked.

And there was no telling .. if Tarzan looked like he was getting the upper-hand .. if he had his opponent on the ropes .. what was stopping a buddy stepping in .. fresh to the fight .. ? Moving in to take Tarzan on. Taking over to take an exhausted Tarzan down?

Of course .. Tarzan had to reckon on Mtwala out-thinking him. Accepting the challenge. But putting Tarzan up against all four. What would get the blood going better? What better way to give his warriors that release? Laughing at Tarzan going up against four of their own. Going crazy as they cheered Tarzan being taken apart .. systematically having the crap beaten out of him? By four of their own? Doing what every single warrior there would want to do himself.And with his feet like this .. it was madness. Fighting them on bruised and agonised feet ..hobbled .. his speed crippled by the pain of each-and-every step. There would be carnage. The warriors would be screaming like mad men at every devastating body-blow. Was that a temptation Mtwala could not resist?

It was a daunting thought. It COULD happen. More likely, it WOULD happen. Mtwala was a tricky customer. He could come up with that response. Accepting Tarzan’s challenge. But putting him up against all four of them at once. Tarzan could almost hear the roar of approval from his warriors. At their chief out-thinking Tarzan .. playing him at his own game.

It was a risk, a big one. But Tarzan would be free of these damned plastic ties. It was a risk but Tarzan was feeling increasingly anxious about Mtwala’s men, fired up and trained to use those deadly weapons. He had to break free. Tarzan’s challenge to take on one of his guards could be

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turned back on him. One of them might be a challenge. Taking on four would be a massacre. The thuds into his belly from shredded shoulders like those hammered into his guts as the others held Tarzan down. Evil-minded muscle cut to the finest shape .. brute force smacking the body-strength out of his lower back as he was held immobilised by others. No way would Tarzan come out of that on his own two feet.A desperate move. But he’d be free of these damned plastic ties! Then his chances of getting free and warning the others increased. A risk worth trying ……?

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Plans and more plans

Memory of Mtwala’s gloating face put steel into Tarzan’s resolve. He’d not let him get away with it.

What was it Mtwala had smirked? Before .. before he’d abandoned Tarzan to his minders, strung-up upside-down. Gloating after he had had Tarzan’s feet agonisingly beaten. And then had hauled him up in the air. And beaten the hell out of his suspended torso with whips.

What had he smirked about? Looking into Tarzan’s face. When Mtwala had taunted Tarzan with the nature of his death.

The carousel had finally played itself out. Tarzan set turning. Two of his guards hitting him with cattle whips. Hurting him like mad. Intended to sting. Hitting him to make him cry out with the pain. Jeered when he could not hold in a cry. Cheers of encouragement for his attackers when Tarzan did manage to hold in the pain.What was it Mtwala had smirked?

“Four days of training.”Mtwala had had Tarzan hauled up higher. They were talking .. face-to-face. Like equals .. except it was only Tarzan suspended off his tortured feet .. burning up.“Four days when you will kindly temper their impatience with your pain.”Four days when Tarzan would do all he could to get the hell out of here and warn the tribes on the other side.

Mtwala was laying out his plans. As if he could not stop himself. Months in the planning. Planning for Tarzan to play an essential part in this planned massacre of the other tribes. Four days like this .. when viciously beating him up would set the tone. Getting the men worked up. Putting the fire of the fight in their bellies. Getting a taste for blood. It was like Mtwala could not stop himself from betraying what he had in mind for his old enemy.“Day five we strike.”Tarzan would do all he could to make sure that never happened. That the other tribes had set their ambushes before Mtwala expected anything.

“It will start with first light. The first blood-letting ….”Looking at his enemy from upside-down, Tarzan could predict what followed from the fire in Mtwala’s eye.

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“Yours ….”Planned for Tarzan to have the major part to play that dawn. First act of the massacre.“Your belly sliced open. Still alive. Your guts spilled out. Your heart beating like mad .. but still alive.”

Tarzan gave a shiver. The image sent a shudder up his spine. He knew Mtwala .. this was no empty threat. He would have been having wet-dreams about this for months. Tarzan knew .. before then, before that dawn .. he had to be free of this mess. If he was still here .. Mtwala would ruthlessly carry out his plan.“Every warrior will reach in. Coat their faces with your steaming blood. Bloody themselves. Before the fight.”Preparing for the blood-bath. Automatic weapons against spears. Tarzan could not let that be.

“The first flow of blood that day. Yours. Apeman blood. Blessing our enterprise. A good omen. The best ….”Upside-down Tarzan glared his look back into Mtwala’s blood-frenzied eyes.“Your blood will sanction our attack ….”Tarzan saw Mtwala grin.“ ….. when I reach in and rip out your still beating heart …..”

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Needs must …..

Four days of weapons-training. Four days rounded off with a tantalising reward for the men. Mtwala breaking out the beer. Recompensing his impatient fighters with nights of laughter and fun.

Getting Tarzan to play his part. Entertaining the troops. Getting their blood-lust going. Giving their raging blood what it desired. Violence. Pain. Revenge. Pay-back.

Mtwala’s plan for placating his restless warriors. Giving them the tribe’s enemy. Giving them Tarzan’s pain. Tarzan had felt those thwacks with the whip. Blows across his midriff that had knocked the wind

out of him. His guards were mean-minded. And fiercely loyal to Mtwala. They’d do their bit. They’d hit the hell out of Tarzan. To honour their chief.

Four nights of that. And if Mtwala got his way .. those four nights were the prelude to the fatal culmination. The fulfilment of Mtwala’s wet dreams. When his warriors blooded themselves on Tarzan’s spilled blood.Four nights of beatings and agony. But also four days of recovery. Four days of opportunity.

Would Mtwala deny his four hand-picked warriors the weapons-training? Tarzan’s escort, Mtwala’s elite. Four of his best .. not given a hand on a deadly weapon? Fighters as dedicated to him as these? Would he not want them skilled with the guns? Would Mtwala always leave four men glowering over Tarzan? Denying himself these men trained in the use of deadly weapons?Tarzan reckoned Mtwala’s hand-picked men would be sent for training as well. Leaving only one to keep a watch on the prisoner. After all, Tarzan would have had the crap beaten out of him. A nightly ritual of brutal beatings before boozed-up warriors. Tarzan looking like he could barely breathe, let alone put up a fight.

Once Tarzan had got himself out of those inescapable plastic ties .. that ploy of his, challenging his escort to a fight getting him released .. at worst he’d be back tied in ropes. And conventional bonds held little fear for him. A couple of these minders left to keep an eye on him. Confident Tarzan was not going to give them any trouble .. not the way he looked .. not after the pounding they had given the previous night.

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Food. There’d be food and drink. Mtwala would want Tarzan kept alive until the fifth morning’s sacrifice. His guards would offer him something to keep his strength up for that.Bodily functions too. They’d have to let Tarzan outside. Breathing down his neck as he crapped. But out in the free …..? Those plastic ties gone ….? Tarzan had known worse chances ….

Such thoughts would sustain him. Through the beatings. Through the tears of pain and the crippling hurt. Such hopes of breaking free would keep him going. The thought that an opportunity would arise. Each night they’d torture the hell out of him. Each night his chances of keeping up his strength would diminish .. with each night their hellish beatings would progressively weaken him. But he could not afford to fail. He could not let the tribes down. He could not afford to. He would not lose heart.

They WOULD be warned, the tribes on the other side. Tarzan WOULD get free. He was confident he’d get the message out. He HAD to. He just HAD TO ….! Forewarn the others. Thwart Mtwala’s evil plan. He break free of these minders. For all their physique .. for all their loyalty to their chief .. Tarzan had something they did not have. A mission. Charged to ensure Mtwala’s evil plan was foiled. Avoid a blood-bath.

And when this was over .. when peace was restored .. Tarzan promised himself. He vowed it .. he gave Mtwala his heart-felt pledge. He and Mtwala .. they’d settle their differences .. man-to-man.

A rendsz’ world story Page 38

Page 39: Desperation - Web viewNever for one moment had he thought they’d bring him food. ... Bending forward, ... lifting him up on his shoulders off the ground.“Can’t have that



Does anyone doubt it? That Tarzan keeps his word. Can there be a single Doubting Thomas that denies the obvious? Thinking that Tarzan will not carry off his mission? Prevent Mtwala’s bloodbath. Endure. Escape. Foil Mtwala’s evil plan.

Stand up those with a feeble heart, who don’t believe. Hands up those who dare DOUBT. With grim determination. Fists balled in certainty. Hard with resolve. Every fibre of Tarzan’s being set on one goal.

To return. To settle differences. No ropes and bonds. No elite warriors to back Mtwala up. To hold Tarzan down.A jungle bloodbath indeed.


A rendsz’ world story Page 39