Desire Lines

Througout this book- a man/ a woman/ human is represented as a POINT. A


Sketch book for "Desire lines project"

Transcript of Desire Lines

Througout this book- a man/ a woman/ human is represented as a POINT.


A line is the track made by moving point . . .It is created by movement- specifically throughthe destruction of the intense, self- contained repose of the point. Wassily Kandinsky

point |point|noun

1 the tapered, sharp end of a tool, weapon, or other object2 a dot or other punctuation mark, in particular a period3 point could also be defined as a sphere which has a diameter of zero.

line 1 |līn|noun1 a long, narrow mark or band2 a straight or curved continuous extent of length without breadth3 “breadthless length”4 a line marking the starting or finishing point

To understand a desire line or POINT i had to learn where do they start- where do they end, what do they consist of and most of all- what it is?I learned that lines ( in mathematics) usually are continuous movement of a point. Point is also a beginning of a journey- point A to point B.Here are few examples of POINTS that depict beginning or end of a journey. DESTRUCTIVE points made me realize that the fastest route is never the right one.

Destructive points stay as a reminder that the fastest route is never 100% right.

out of chaoscomes order

person desire line


W : 1. 4187 cm H : 1.4178 cm


Desire en route.

Since we are complicated human beings- there is no such “perfect” order in this world. That’s why we need chaos to progress. As long as we posses basic instincts of survival and existence, we will always desire the best and fastest.



loadsa’ monees


Me Google maps684 m / 9 min 793 m / 15 min


0- 12


12- 18

Wealth/ Stability



38- 55


26- 38

Who desires what?



University/ Partner

Property/ Stability


Employment/ Wealth


Most of us take vision for granted.

Our perception is not always perfect. Sometimes brain will interpret a static image on the retina in more than one way. Most of us don’t normally notice the difficulties associated with vision, becouse our brain automatically resolves them for us.Desire lines and this brain function have something in common- to make things or situations seem less complicated.

Does the grey centre square appear darker than its grey surround?

It is our eyes and brain that worked together and make it look darker, but in fact the grey value of both the centre square and its surround are identical.

Our eyes create “desire lines” when we view this picture, they trick our eyes, brain and our understanding into believing that there are grey circles between the black squares.

Desire lines not only exist in the form of a short- cut, but also in our vision. They determine how we see things around- how our eyes and brain adapt the image for us to understand it easier.




As a developed community we tend to make complicated things work for us in a more simple way. We tend to simplify our choices in order to get faster and more convenient routes for our peace of mind.

Desire lines also exist in design around us.There exist numerous speculative theories about how design (graphic/ arts/ advertising/ film/ music/ consumer products, etc. ) should be delivered and what choices should be considered when working on a piece of design.Colour theories, methodologies, layers, contrast, grid, pattern, time and motion, etc.Designers often are overwhelmed about their design choices for their creations- but little do they know what people really want to see- and most important- HOW they see it