Designing Research Activities In The Internet Age

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Transcript of Designing Research Activities In The Internet Age

  • 1. ED 199/ Miyagishima
    June 24-25 Linn-Benton Community College
    Designing research activities in the Internet Age

2. What was your most memorable research assignment (as a student)?
Please discuss in small groups and be ready to report on the following:
Describe the assignment
Why was it particularly memorable?
What sort of information resources did you use?
What did you learn from doing it?
Did you learn anything about research in general what was the most valuable lesson?
3. Research before the Internet
How did we ever accomplish anything?
4. Research before the Internet
What tools did students use?
What skills/concepts were necessary to access and understand the information?
Are any of these skills of value today?
5. Calvin amodel for research reports
6. Calvin amodel for research reports
7. Calvin amodel for research reports
8. Calvin amodel for research reports
9. Calvin amodel for research reports
10. Calvin amodel for research reports
11. Calvin amodel for research reports
12. Calvin amodel for research reports
13. The Big6
Task Definition
Information Seeking Strategies
Location and Access
Use of information
How many of these steps did Calvin actually go through?
14. Your favorite research assignment (that you give to your students)
Please discuss in small groups and be ready to report on the following:
Describe the assignment
What sort of information resources do your students use?
What research concepts/skills do they learn?
What do you think you could improve upon?
15. Lets talk about our students
16. What are some characteristics of this generation?
Millenials the term used in higher education
Digital Natives coined by Marc Prensky
17. The changing infoscape
Name as many national newspapers as you can / local or regional / international
Name as many news magazines as you can?
How many newspapers have gone out of business in the last year?
What is the Huffington Post?
18. 19. What lessons are our students learning?
20. Break!
21. Revisiting the Big6 (the Big3, actually)
Task Definition
Whats involved in the following assignment?
Write a paper at least 5 pages in length on . using at least 4 appropriate credible resources, only one of which can be an online source?
22. Revisiting the Big6 (the Big3, actually)
Task Definition
Considering the standards AASL, ISTE NETS, ODE
Which of the ODE standards do you employ with your students?
23. Revisiting the Big6 (the Big3, actually)
Information Seeking Strategies
The Information Cycle
Considering information need, audience, and publisher
24. Revisiting the Big6 (the Big3, actually)
Information Seeking Strategies
And what about credibility?
25. Revisiting the Big6 (the Big3, actually)
Location and Access
In the online environment, what resources will your students use?
How do you ensure that your students make use of high quality resources? What about flexibility/ student choice?
What habits can we instill in our students at this point in their research?
26. Improving Calvins next assignment!
27. Improving Calvins next assignment!
28. Improving Calvins next assignment!
29. Improving Calvins next assignment!
30. Improving Calvins next assignment!
Can we break down the tasks to make it easier to complete and assess?
What resources do we wish to use?
Lets consider different grade levels!
Ensuring access
Moving past copy and paste
31. and speaking of assignments!