Designing Java EE Applications in the Age of CDI

Designing Java EE Applications in the Age of CDI Michael Nascimento Santos Michel Graciano JavaOne 2012


Even though CDI has been available since the end of 2009, most people still do not realize its full power and the possibilities it brings. Attend this session to understand which CDI features make it excel in comparison with other dependency-injection-based solutions and see how they can be used to design flexible applications and frameworks that will stand the test of time.

Transcript of Designing Java EE Applications in the Age of CDI

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Designing Java EE Applications in the Age of CDI

Michael Nascimento SantosMichel Graciano

JavaOne 2012

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Michael Nascimento Santos

• +13 years of Java experience, from Java ME to Java EE, and over 19 years of practical programming experience

• JSR-310 (Date and Time API) co-leader and expert at JSRs 207, 250, 270 (Java SE 6), 296 (Swing Application Framework), 303 (Bean Validation), 349 (Bean Validation 1.1)

• genesis ( and ThinNB ( founder

• JavaOne Rock Star Speaker and speaker at JustJava, Abaporu, FISL, COMDEX, BrasilOne and Conexão Java

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Michel Graciano

• +9 years of experience with the Java platform• Former NetBeans translation project

coordenator and contributor• Active open source member of NetBeans and

other projects• Committer of genesis

(• Speaker at JustJava, The Developer's

Conference and JavaOne

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• CDI crash-course• CDI unique features• Putting it all together


• Q&A

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• JSR 299 - CDIContexts and Dependency Injection for the Java

EE platform

• WeldJSR-299 Reference Implementation

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“CDI is more than a framework. It's a whole, rich programming model. The theme of CDI is loose-

coupling with strong typing.” Weld specification

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@InjectGreeting greeting;@InjectGreeting greeting;

CDI crash-course

• Beans can be injected using @Inject• Injected beans can be filtered and/or

disambiguated using @Qualifier

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@Informal@InjectGreeting greeting;

@Informal@InjectGreeting greeting;

CDI crash-course

• Beans can be injected using @Inject• Injected beans can be filtered and/or

disambiguated using @Qualifier

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@Qualifier@Retention(RUNTIME)@Target({METHOD, FIELD, PARAMETER, TYPE})public @interface Informal {}

@Qualifier@Retention(RUNTIME)@Target({METHOD, FIELD, PARAMETER, TYPE})public @interface Informal {}

CDI crash-course

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CDI crash-course

• Beans can be named using @Named

@Named(“pageModel”)public class PageModel { public getName() { ... }}

@Named(“pageModel”)public class PageModel { public getName() { ... }}

<h:body> #{}</h:body>

<h:body> #{}</h:body>

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public class Shop { @Produces PaymentProcessor getPaymentProcessor() { ... }

@Produces List<Product> getProducts() { ... }}

public class Shop { @Produces PaymentProcessor getPaymentProcessor() { ... }

@Produces List<Product> getProducts() { ... }}

CDI crash-course

• Beans with special initialization can be constructed using producers

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public class Shop { @Produces @ApplicationScoped @Catalog @Named("catalog") List<Product> getProducts() { ... }}

public class Shop { @Produces @ApplicationScoped @Catalog @Named("catalog") List<Product> getProducts() { ... }}

CDI crash-course

• Beans with special initialization can be constructed using producers

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CDI crash-course

• Activation and some configuration is done by beans.xml file

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But what's the point of CDI anyway?

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Unique features

• Clean scope combination• Event system• AOP without interfaces• Access to injection point• Portable extensions

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Clean scope combination

• Scopes determine the bean instances lifecycle and can be safely combined as needed

@ApplicationScopedpublic class System implements Serializable { @Inject User user; ...}

@ApplicationScopedpublic class System implements Serializable { @Inject User user; ...}

@SessionScopedpublic class User implements Serializable { ... }

@SessionScopedpublic class User implements Serializable { ... }

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Custom scopes

• SeamRenderScoped

• MyFaces CODI@ConversationScoped@WindowScoped@ViewAccessScoped

• Apache DeltaSpike@TransactionScoped

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public void afterDocumentUpdate(@Observes @Updated Document document) { ... }

public void afterDocumentUpdate(@Observes @Updated Document document) { ... }

public void onAnyDocumentEvent(@Observes Document document) { ... }public void onAnyDocumentEvent(@Observes Document document) { ... }

Event system

• Loose-decoupled event producers from consumers by the event notifications model

• Events can be filtered using qualifiers

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@Inject @Any Event<Document> event;


public void someMethod() {;}

@Inject @Any Event<Document> event;


public void someMethod() {;}

Event system

• Loose-decoupled event producers from consumers by the event notifications model

• Events can be filtered using qualifiers

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@Inject @Updated Event<Document> event;


public void someMethod() {;}

@Inject @Updated Event<Document> event;


public void someMethod() {;}

Event system

• Loose-decoupled event producers from consumers by the event notifications model

• Events can be filtered using qualifiers

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Event system

• Conditional observersIF_EXISTSALWAYS

public void afterDocumentUpdate(@Observes(receive=IF_EXISTS)@Updated Document document) { ... }

public void afterDocumentUpdate(@Observes(receive=IF_EXISTS)@Updated Document document) { ... }

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Event system


public void afterDocumentUpdate(@Observes(during=AFTER_SUCCESS)@Updated Document document) { ... }

public void afterDocumentUpdate(@Observes(during=AFTER_SUCCESS)@Updated Document document) { ... }

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AOP without interfaces

• Interceptors decouple technical concerns from business logicOrthogonal to the application and type system

• Decorators allow business concerns to be compartmentalized using the interceptor conceptAttached to a Java type, aware of business


• ConfigurableEnabled and ordered at beans.xml file, allowing

different behaviours for different environments

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@Inherited@InterceptorBinding@Target({TYPE, METHOD})@Retention(RUNTIME)public @interface Secure {}

@Inherited@InterceptorBinding@Target({TYPE, METHOD})@Retention(RUNTIME)public @interface Secure {}


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@Secure@Interceptorpublic class SecurityInterceptor { @AroundInvoke public Object manageSecurity(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception { // manage security... return ctx.proceed(); }}

@Secure@Interceptorpublic class SecurityInterceptor { @AroundInvoke public Object manageSecurity(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception { // manage security... return ctx.proceed(); }}


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@Securepublic class System { ...}

@Securepublic class System { ...}

public class ShoppingCart { @Secure public void placeOrder() { ... }}

public class ShoppingCart { @Secure public void placeOrder() { ... }}


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@Decoratorclass TimestampLogger implements Logger { @Inject @Delegate @Any Logger logger;

@Override void log(String message) { logger.log( timestamp() + ": " + message ); } ...}

@Decoratorclass TimestampLogger implements Logger { @Inject @Delegate @Any Logger logger;

@Override void log(String message) { logger.log( timestamp() + ": " + message ); } ...}

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Access to injection point

• Allowed at @Dependent scoped beans to obtain information about the injection point to which they belong

• Empowers producers with the ability to react according to the injection point

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Access to injection point

@ProducesLogger createLogger(InjectionPoint ip) { return Logger.getLogger( ip.getMember().getDeclaringClass(). getName());}

@ProducesLogger createLogger(InjectionPoint ip) { return Logger.getLogger( ip.getMember().getDeclaringClass(). getName());}

public class SomeClass { @Inject Logger logger; ...}

public class SomeClass { @Inject Logger logger; ...}

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Portable extensions

<T> void processAnnotatedType(@Observes final ProcessAnnotatedType<T> pat) { final AnnotatedTypeBuilder builder = new AnnotatedTypeBuilder(). readFromType(pat.getAnnotatedType(), true).addToClass(NamedLiteral.INSTANCE);


<T> void processAnnotatedType(@Observes final ProcessAnnotatedType<T> pat) { final AnnotatedTypeBuilder builder = new AnnotatedTypeBuilder(). readFromType(pat.getAnnotatedType(), true).addToClass(NamedLiteral.INSTANCE);


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Portable extensions

<X> void processInjectionTarget(@Observes ProcessInjectionTarget<X> pit) { for (InjectionPoint ip : pit.getInjectionTarget(). getInjectionPoints()) { ... }}

<X> void processInjectionTarget(@Observes ProcessInjectionTarget<X> pit) { for (InjectionPoint ip : pit.getInjectionTarget(). getInjectionPoints()) { ... }}

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Putting it all together

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Named queries are not safe

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Named queries are not safe

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Typesafe @TypedQuery

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Typesafe @TypedQuery

-------------------------------------------------------------COMPILATION ERROR : -------------------------------------------------------------and returns false.model/[47,25] error: Named query 'Customer.findByNme' not defined yet.model/[43,25] error: Named query 'Customer.findAl' not defined yet.2 errors -------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------COMPILATION ERROR : -------------------------------------------------------------and returns false.model/[47,25] error: Named query 'Customer.findByNme' not defined yet.model/[43,25] error: Named query 'Customer.findAl' not defined yet.2 errors -------------------------------------------------------------

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Features used

• CDIDependency injectionProducer methodsAccess to the injection point

• Annotation processors

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Auto-generated MBeans

• Portable extensions and event system allow deployed components to be easily detected

• Provide good entry point for enabling management for CDI components

• Metadata can be used to generate JMX MBeans on the fly

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Auto-generated MBeans

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Features used

• CDIDependency injectionProducer fieldsPortable extensionsCallback eventsInterceptors

• JMXMXBeanDynamicMBean

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• CDI is more than a simple dependency injection framework

• Unique features like access to injection point information, events and portable extensions enable creative typesafe solutions to be explored

• It is a new era, the age of CDI, so keep this in mind when designing your JavaEE applications

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Michael N. Santos | @mr__m

[email protected]

Michel Graciano | @mgraciano

[email protected]

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Thank you

Michael N. Santos | @mr__m

[email protected]

Michel Graciano | @mgraciano

[email protected]