Designing Intuitive SharePoint Sites

Designing Intuitive SharePoint Sites Using Visual Design Principles and Usability Best Practices to Improve Intuitiveness of your SharePoint Site Presented by Marcy Kellar Presentation based on slides presented at SharePoint Saturday, Indianapolis January 30, 2010

Transcript of Designing Intuitive SharePoint Sites

Designing Intuitive

SharePoint SitesUsing Visual Design Principles and Usability Best Practices to Improve Intuitiveness of your SharePoint Site

Presented by Marcy Kellar

Presentation based on slides presented atSharePoint Saturday, Indianapolis

January 30, 2010

About Me


SharePoint UI Consultant with PointBridge

Diverse background in life sciences, psychology, data management and technology

Over four years experience in SharePoint architecture design, branding & implementation

Over twenty years experience in fine art

Marcy Kellar


Topics To Cover

• Intuitive Sites

• Usability Best Practices

• Color

• Visual Design Principles

• Q&A

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Intuitive Products Change My Life

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Help Me Find My Keys

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Intuitive = Readily

learned or understood

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Defining the Intuitive Factor

What Your Users

Already Know

What You Want

Your Users To Do

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Target Knowledge


Defining the Intuitive Factor

What Your Users

Already Know

What You Want

Your Users To Do

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Target Knowledge



Jakob's Law of the Web User Experience

Users spend most of their time on other sites

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What Users Expect: Conventions

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Found at Universal Usability Guidelines

Questions Users Ask

• What type of site is this?

• Have I experienced a site like this before?

• Have I been to this site before?

• Where am I?

• Where have I been?

1/30/2010 @marcykellar

Questions Users Ask

• What type of site is this?

• Have I experienced a site like this before?

• Have I been to this site before?

• Where am I?

• Where have I been?

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The answers to these questions are generally first conveyed to the user through visual design.

Intuitive Site Summary

• The intuitiveness of a site is based on the user‟s knowledge

• If user base has already been using SharePoint, consider this before moving Site Actions, Search, etc

• If you don‟t have user information follow web conventions for where to place items, follow visual design guidelines and consider usability

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"Know thy user, and you are not

thy user."

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Arnie Lund~


Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. The word "usability" also refers to methods for improving ease-of-use during the design process.

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First Law: Don’t Make Me Think

Anytime a “guess” is brought into the equation you are adding unnecessary thought bubbles above the users head.

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The more challenging a website is for a user to use, the less likely they will use it.

Steve Krug, Don‟t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

What You Design For…

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Steve Krug, Don‟t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

The Reality…

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Steve Krug, Don‟t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

Usability Facts

• “Current best practices call for spending about 10% of a design project's budget on usability” Usability 101, Jakob Neilson

• “A key principle for maximizing usability is to employ iterative design, which progressively refines the design through evaluation from the early stages of design.”

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Organization Information

• Users Don’t Read: provide clues that allow users to find their „nugget‟ of information‟ by scanning rather than reading

• Users need to find information quickly and easily

• Organize information into schema/hierarchy

• „Chunk‟ information into small pieces

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“We find that people quickly evaluate

a site by visual design alone.”


Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility,~


Visual Design

Isn't About

Making Things


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Visual Design


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Brand Message

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Visual Design

Has Purpose

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Organizes Information

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Conveys Relationships

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Provides Visual Hierarchy

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2. Unclear Visual Hierarchy

1. Clear Visual Hierarchy

The Presentation Ecosystem

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• Educate users

• Establish relationships between content

• Guide users through actions

• Focus user attention

• Make organizational systems clear

• Provide situational awareness

• Maintain consistency to create a sense of place

• Effectively convey your message to your audience

• Emotional impact

• Engage and invite

• Give sites a unique personality

Slide Based on information created by Luke Wroblewski


1/30/2010 @marcykellar

• Red: passion, love, anger

• Orange: energy, happiness, vitality

• Yellow: happiness, hope, deceit

• Green: new beginnings,

abundance, nature

• Blue: calm, responsible, sadness

• Purple: creativity, royalty, wealth

• Black: mystery, elegance, evil

• Gray: moody, conservative,


• White: purity, cleanliness, virtue

• Brown: nature, wholesomeness,


• Tan or beige: conservative, piety,


• Cream or ivory: calm, elegant,


Color Meanings*

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*Western Cultures

Color Guidelines

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• A complicated color palette is for advanced designers

• Limit to less than Four (4)

• Best to use two (2) if you aren‟t a designer

• Using different values of the same hue is acceptable

• Black/white counts as one color

Color Contrast

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Color Tips

• Use a palette of colors found in nature

• Perform a readability test before go-live

• Test for high contrast

• Do not use small fonts when using dark backgrounds

• Do not use high contrast color text on dark backgrounds (red on green, purple on green, etc)

• Consider accessibility guidelines

• Beware of “Wash out” (brown on green or yellow on clear white)

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Avoid High Contrast Text on

Dark Backgrounds

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Avoid High Contrast Text on

Dark Backgrounds

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Ouch… Make it Stop

Design Principles

The principles of design are guidelines used for putting elements together to create effective communication

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Design Principles:

Now They’ll Believe You!

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The study of visual opposition.

“If two items are not exactly the same, then make them different. Really different.”

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Contrast sometimes is used inappropriately or inadvertently in SharePoint thanks to the rich text editor.

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Contrast Tips

• Use typeface, color, whitespace, texture as contrasting elements

• Create a focal point on a page by contrasting elements together

• Avoid using attributes that are too similar

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The use of repetition to create movement occurs when elements which have something in common are repeated regularly or irregularly sometimes creating a visual rhythm

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• Adds consistency

• Unifies all parts of a design

• Organizes information

• Repetition develops the organization and creates a strong brand



Repeated elements are inherent in SharePoint.

Web part headers, navigation elements, etc




Repeated elements are inherent in SharePoint.

Web part headers, navigation elements, etc


What SharePoint doesn’t do, is provide proper whitespace or contrast with default styles

Repetition Tips

• Repeat some element of design throughout the piece such as color, shape, texture, bullets

• Repeat visual elements throughout your site

• Look for existing repetition to strengthen

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Human beings perceive items that are aligned vertically and/or horizontally to be more organized than those that are not, and people process, learn and remember organized information better than unorganized information.

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Don't center or justify lines of text

Never center headlines over flush left body copy or text that has an indent.


HEADLINENever center headlines over flush left body copy or text that has an indent.

Alignment: Example

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Alignment: Corrected

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More Examples…

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More Examples…

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Can you spot the issues?

Alignment Tips

• Nothing should be placed on the page arbitrarily.

• All page items should have a visual connection

• Use a grid

• Align elements along "hard vertical edges“

• Don't combine left and right alignment on the same page

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The principle of proximity allows similar or related elements to be grouped together to form a cohesive whole. Items that aren‟t related should be kept visually separate from those which are.

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Grouping several elements in close proximity they become one unit

We change our perception and see these 4 elements as 2 groups


Proximity Example: Good

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Proximity Example: Poor

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Proximity Example: Poor

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Proximity Tips

• Group related items together

• Keep non-related items far apart so that reader isn‟t confused

• DON'T use white space to break up items that belong together

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Design Principles

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People to People

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People to People

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Advanced Distributed Learning

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Advanced Distributed Learning

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Resources: Visual Design

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The Pursuit of Interface Design Simplicity -Luke Wroblewski

Visible Narratives: Understanding Visual Organization -Luke Wroblewski

Common Visual Design Misconceptions – Luke Wroblewski

Where To Find Me

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Resources and epiphanies in 140 characters or less.


The Non Designers Design Book, Robin Williams

Universal Usability Guidelines

Don‟t Make Me Think, Steve Krug, 2001

Site Seeing: A Visual Approach to Web Usability, Luke Wroblewski, 2002, Luke Wroblewski

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