Design thinking empathy.define, ideate, prototype and test

Assignment 1 Design Thinking Action Lab Stanford University Empathy and Define Submitted by: Anoop Sethi
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Stanfords University, Assignment 3 - Protype and test

Transcript of Design thinking empathy.define, ideate, prototype and test

Page 1: Design thinking empathy.define, ideate, prototype and test

Assignment 1Design Thinking Action Lab

Stanford University

Empathy and Define

Submitted by: Anoop Sethi

Page 2: Design thinking empathy.define, ideate, prototype and test


• A young Computer science engineering graduate is looking for a opportunity into the corporate world as a JAVA developer

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Empathy Map

• Customizing resume is a big challenge

• Preparing for technical questions

• Practicing coding skills

• Competition is becoming tougher day by day as larger number of qualified engineers are coming to market

• Need to work on English speaking skills

• Relocation may be a challenge

• Communication skills are not up to mark . Specifically English speaking

• Relocation is eminent as most of the jobs are in in southern part of India. For instance Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai and so are the future opportunities

• Updates resume on a regular basis

• Approach head hunters• Approach seniors and

relatives who can help him with referrals

• Works on his english speaking skills by reading newspaper, watch TV etc



Page 4: Design thinking empathy.define, ideate, prototype and test

Problem statement

• Reliable and cost effective methods to improve a student’s communication skills in English

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Assignment 2


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List of Ideas1. Read news paper2. Watch English channel3. Read ticker while watching news4. Watch english movies with subtitles5. Download self learning apps on smart phones6. Take help from Rapidex english speaking course7. Write short sentences8. Participate in theatres9. Think in english rather than translating10. Migrate to english speaking country11. Read articles online12. Enroll yourself to an online class13. Join a training institute14. Invest on Wren and Martin book for improving grammar15. Give commentary while watching anyone performing an act16. Download translation app on your Smartphone17. Download Lyrics of popular english songs (POP genre) and sing along18. Keep a pet and give all instructions in english19. Join a call center20. Write short passage21. Become story teller to kids22. Video graph yourself 23. Do news reading24. Speak without hesitation25. Create a rule amongst fronts to speak in english26. Gossip in english27. Enroll yourself to ANN COOK series28. Join British / American library29. Join Toast maters’ club30. Create an interaction script

31. Watch Peter Russell show32. Watch Dora / Thomas engine series33. Reward yourself when you feel growth in confidence34. Enroll to Tata Interactive channel for quick learning35. Hire a translator36. Join an intensive personality development program37. Teleport yourself to Canada38. Join Elementary class 39. Copy best of the English orator40. Imitate Jason Statham41. Subscribe talkenglish.com42. Practice pronunciation with the help of Dictionary.com43. Slow your speed of speech44. Carry pocket english dictionary wherever you go45. Listen to Westlife / Robin Williams46. Buy Barron educational series47. Buy English guru CD pack and practice48. Don’t hesitate no one is perfect49. Practice makes a man perfect50. Try singing in a pub with Karaoke series51. Explain movie review in english to your GF/ BF52. Take online pronunciation test53. Ask your best buddy to rate you54. Join domestic call center55. Participate in group discussion56. Ask an expert to evaluate you periodically57. Be motivate; people might laugh at you but hey! You are

improving58. Get into reading habit59. Pick any 5 words for the day and try implementing them the

whole day60. Use simple words

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Top three Ideas

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• Most practical idea: Give commentary while watching anyone’s performance

• Most disruptive idea: Migrate to English speaking country like USA, UK

• Favorite idea: Participate in Theatres

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Most practical idea: Give commentary while watching anyone’s performance

• English has been recognized as the mostly used business language becomes a challenging bottle neck to placement and career growth. Being a non-native language in India, people over a period of time develop a habit of thinking and then responding in the vernacular. Leading to active translation and MTI while communicating in the interview or otherwise.

• To counter this, quite a number of people resort to reading newspaper and watching english programs. It has not only been my observation but experience as well that people most of the times get engrossed in the news (as in case of newspaper reading) or the entertainment (as in the case of TV watching)

• Through this idea, we are trying to counter the basic reasons, because of which people translate and don’t do a genuine thinking and speaking in english

• Merits:– Student have enough words in their vocabulary to create a language– They will be their best judge– Develop self confidence– Practice thinking and responding in english– Remove hesitation

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Most disruptive idea: Migrate to English speaking country like USA, UK

• It is a disruptive idea, indeed; look at the merits it offers:– A Compelling environment: Best way to learn a language is to change your

environment. An environment that compels the aspirant to respond in english. – Transition from Thinking in vernacular and responding in english to Thinking in

english and Responding; will be much faster– Every second will be a moment of truth followed by introspection for a reality

check (how well am I doing)– Faster reduction in MTI as aspirants will try to imitate the native speakers

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Favorite idea: Participate in Theatres

• This idea emanates from the concept that the low self confidence in speaking english is due to lack of practice and self belief. That’s where theatres come in, participating in theatres is a great way to counter hesitation and building confidence.

• Initially a person may cram language from the script but with practice may start creating sentences and speaking; replicating success in regular communication

• While watching the recording an aspirant has an opportunity to do self reflection; can even take the recording to others’ for a feedback

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Prototype and Test

Assignment 3

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Idea – 1 (Prototyping)Give commentary while watching anyone’s performance

Translating news for someone who understands both native language and english

Local guide : facilitating A foreigner (Don’t think in terms of earning but the amount of exposure

Group Discussion

Be a part of environment moment

Start from creating captions / punch line for local or college events and then building capacity to write at length

Explain local traditions to those who do not understand local traditions

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Time consuming

Challenging as it may hamper studies

Idea – 1 (Testing)Give commentary while watching anyone’s performance

Translating news for someone who understands both native language and english

Local guide : facilitating A foreigner (Don’t think in terms of earning but the amount of exposure

Group Discussion

Be a part of environment moment

Start from creating captions / punch line for local or college events and then building capacity to write at length

Explain local traditions to those who do not understand local traditions


Can be done at home

Need like minded people Time consuming

Can be explored

Can be explored

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Idea – 2 (Prototyping) Participate in Theatres

College theatre/


Nukkad natak / Street shows

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Idea – 2 (Prototyping) Participate in Theatres

• Both ideas discarded as they will consume significant amount of time (away from studies)College theatre


Nukkad natak / Street
