Design Thinking and Innovation Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus: Design Thinking and Innovation v 1.2 (TEK 495) 4512 Division of Innovation Engineering and Management Course name: Design and Innovation Course code: TEK 495 Type: Elective MEI Course Course leader and examiner: 0720, Maria Elmquist ([email protected]) Lecturer: Ingo Rauth ([email protected]) Lecturer: Lisa Carlgren ([email protected]) Course administration: Angelica Linnehav (031772 1210) Merit points: 7.5 hp (7,5 ECTS) Study period: Lp 1 Year: 2015 Examination: Participation in seminars, course participation, project presentations, individual project documentation and diary. Location: Varies, please check online as well as Appendix A. General info: We will update the document based on your feedback. However, we will keep a changelog at the end of the document in case you wonder what happened. If you are in doubt or have questions, please contact Ingo. Design Thinking & Innovation course syllabus 2015 | 1

Transcript of Design Thinking and Innovation Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus: Design Thinking and Innovation v 1.2 (TEK 495) 4512 Division of Innovation Engineering and Management

Course name: Design and Innovation

Course code: TEK 495

Type: Elective MEI Course

Course leader and examiner: 0720, Maria Elmquist ([email protected])

Lecturer: Ingo Rauth ([email protected])

Lecturer: Lisa Carlgren ([email protected])

Course administration: Angelica Linnehav (031­772 1210)

Merit points: 7.5 hp (7,5 ECTS)

Study period: Lp 1

Year: 2015

Examination: Participation in seminars, course participation, project presentations, individual project documentation and diary.

Location: Varies, please check online as well as Appendix A.

General info: We will update the document based on your feedback. However, we will keep a changelog at the end of the document in case you wonder what happened. If you are in doubt or have questions, please contact Ingo.

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1. Course aim and content This course aims at introducing students to design thinking. Design thinking is a way of working with user­centered innovation to address problems where not all knowledge is available at the outset, i.e. the problem itself is an unknown (wicked problem). Design thinking rests on principles such as user involvement, problem framing, experimentation, visualization and diversity, all critical skills for management and innovation. Design thinking has gained in popularity both in industry and in governments in the last decade and is an important contrast to the more traditional linear view of problem solving. It is argued to develop the creative potential of individuals and enable them to deal with wicked problems.

2. Learning objectives This course has a special focus on skill development through active engagement in real world problems. Students work to find solutions to three challenges (projects): individually (Project I) as well as in groups of 4­5 students (Project II & III). Given this, the course has the following objectives:

Design Thinking and Innovation: Students are able to explain the role of design thinking in innovation and understand its limitations and benefits.

Ethnographic research*: Students will be able to describe the role of ethnography in innovation and use ethnographic methods (observations and interviewing) in their projects.

Framing and synthesis*: Students will be able to explain data synthesis and be able to apply their knowledge to frame problems as a base for further problem solving.

Experimentation*: When it comes to design and innovation, it is essential to develop and learn fast. Experimentation is one way to achieve this. Students will be able to explain and use sketching as well as various prototyping techniques in order to conduct experiments.

Creativity*: Creativity is essential in coming up with new ideas and potential innovations. The course will enable students to describe, explain and use idea creation techniques for idea development.

Team work*: Through working in interdisciplinary teams and the teaching of appropriate methods, students will gain the ability to recognize and improve their teamwork as well as their role within a team.

Reflection: The course will enable students to explain the importance of reflection in innovation, and practice its use through field diaries and short reflection sessions.

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Presentation: The course will enable students to use basic presentation techniques and reflect on their presentations.

* This will be assessed in the project work, through project presentations and individual project documentations.

Skill development will be supported through reflection sessions at the beginning of each class, where individual experiences will be discussed in relation to theory and research results, in class.

3. Course design The course is organized around three projects of different type and scope that students work with during several sessions. Since the course is built around the projects, students are required to participate in all sessions as they serve to support the development of critical skills.

3.1 Projects

• Project I. September 3rd – September 8th

Course introduction,

The course is introduced and the requirements are described. The outline of the course is also briefly presented.

Project I and the development of a mental framework

Students are introduced to a general framework for design thinking through a first, quick project. The first half of the project is carried out during the session and aims at addressing a concrete problem and experiencing the importance of user understanding. The second half, which is about creating the project documentation, is done as homework. The project documentations have to be handed in online and brought to class (in printed form) and presented in class during the second course day.

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• Project II. – September 10th ­ 24th

The second project will be done in collaboration with a partnering organization. It will introduce students to a variety of design and innovation methods, through specific exercises and project work. It will put special emphasis on ethnographic research and problem framing and understanding.

The last day ends with a presentation of the projects to an expert panel, providing students with an industry perspective on their ideas and concepts and what it would take to make them happen.

• Project III. – September 29th ­ 22th of October

The third and most extensive project seeks to foster students’ design and innovation related skills by applying them in a collaborative project in industry. The project will be planned and executed by the students in collaboration with given industry partners. During the process, students will also learn to take basic project planning and business aspects into account. The project will put heavy emphasis on experimentation. Students are expected to iterate their ideas multiple times and show significant improvements and learnings through these iterations.

The project ends in a final, public presentation to the expert panel where industry representatives and other students will also be invited to participate.

3.2 Sessions

Each project is supported through a number of seminars in which students will experience various methods and tools. These are introduced through exercises which will be supported by lecturers, providing background knowledge and references. They will then be applied in the projects, supporting students in the project progress as their skills develop.

The table below outlines the sessions and the course hand­ins, common to all students. There will also be project related hand­ins/work required for each session, which will be further specified during the course in relation to the progress of each project team. In case there is any confusion regarding the dates, this table will be the main guideline regarding class times!

Please check time edit and the appendix I (room plan) for the location and time of the sessions!

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Project No.

Date Session Topic Lecturer/Coach

Deadline: 01.09.2015 15:00

Individual Hand­in: Write a short essay, max. 500 Words on: Why are you taking this course? What do you expect to learn? How much time can you invest outside of class?


I 02.09.2015 10:00­17:00 Wednesday

Course introduction Introductory lecture:

­ What is innovation. ­ What is design thinking. ­ How do they go together. ­ Intro: Reflection & Visualizing ­ Appointment of class representatives

Project 1

Homework: project documentation & reflection, read one article which will be announced during session.

Maria Elmquist, Ingo Rauth, Lisa Carlgren

07.09.2015 8:00­12:00


Project 1 presentations Introduction to teamwork and how to make collaboration work. Hand­in: Individual documentation. At the latest one hour before the session. A print­out has to be brought to class! Homework: watch

Ingo Rauth, Lisa Carlgren, Pamela Nowell

II 09.09.2015 10:00­17:00


Introduction of Project 2 User perspective in innovation and a practical approach to ethnographic research (field­trip)

Maria Elmquist, Ingo Rauth, Kira Krämer

14.09.2015 8:00­12:00


Data synthesis (from data to knowledge) Idea generation .

Ingo Rauth, Jan Schmiedgen

16.09.2015 10:00­17:00


Prototyping, Testing and iteration (Experimentation). Ingo Rauth, Julien Mauroy

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21.09.2015 8:00­12:00

Iteration of prototypes. Introduction to storytelling and presentation .

Ingo Rauth

23.09.2015 10:00­17:00


Final presentation Project II in front of an expert committee. Introduction of Project III topics . Hand­in: Individual documentation + presentation. At the latest one hour before the session.

Ingo Rauth, Maria Elmquist, Expert committee.

III 28.09.2015 8:00­12:00


Project planning and innovation , introduction. Planning of the project .

Ingo Rauth, Lisa Carlgren

30.09.2015 10:00­17:00


Project work (+ short presentation of project progress,exchange with other teams)

Ingo Rauth, Lisa Carlgren

05.10.2015 8:00­12:00


Project work (+ short presentation of project progress,exchange with other teams)

Ingo Rauth,

Lisa Carlgren

07.10.2015 10:00­17:00


Project work (+ short presentation of project progress,exchange with other teams)

Ingo Rauth,

Lisa Carlgren

12.10.2015 8:00­12:00


Business aspects of innovation (might be changed to the next Wednesday lecture, depending on progress)

Bengt Järrehult, Ingo Rauth

14.10.2015 10:00­17:00


Project work (+ short presentation of project progress,exchange with other teams)

Ingo Rauth

Lisa Carlgren

19.10.2015 8:00­12:00


Project work (+ short presentation of project progress,exchange with other teams)

Ingo Rauth

Lisa Carlgren

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21.10.2015 10:00­17:00


Final presentation Project III ­ public!

Maria Elmquist, Ingo Rauth,

Expert committee.


30.10.2015 13:00


Individual Hand­in: Final deadline for Project III documentation, diaries and a short essay, max 400 words. Topic will be provided later

At the end of each session students are expected to continue working on their projects! The work done in­between sessions serves as an input to the next session and is therefore mandatory for a successful participation.

Please note that this work may be extensive, therefore, make sure to plan and coordinate with your team members.

3.2 Faculty

The teaching team consist of:

Ingo Rauth, Division of Innovation Engineering and Management, Chalmers, previously on the faculty of the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam, Germany and an industrial designer.

Lisa Carlgen, Assistant professor, Chalmers, previously innovation specialist/design thinking driver at Ericsson AB.

Maria Elmquist, Professor Innovation Management at the Division of Innovation Engineering and Management, Chalmers.

The course will also include sessions with guest faculty (see table above):

Fredrik Garneij, innovation and design thinking driver/senior specialist, Ericsson AB Bengt Järrehult, Adjunct professor, Div. of Innovation Engineering and Management,

Chalmers. Kira Krämer, HPI Executive Trainings and Consultant at Releventive, Germany.

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Karl­Magnus Möller, Design Thinking Oriented Innovation Driver/Strategist and Technical Specialist at Ericsson.

Julien Mauroy, Course Director of Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship Pamela Nowell, Industrial Doctoral student at the Division MORE. Jan Schmiedgen, HPI Academy Program development & Coach, Germany.

Finally, there will also be an expert panel that will be introduced during the course.

3.3 Hand­in submissions & file names

Deadlines & Ping­pong: Project hand­ins (PDFs) must be submitted in time, according to the course plan, using Ping­pong! We expect students to have made sure that they have a ping­pong account and to upload in time to mitigate the risk of not delivering on time.

Put the following Hand­ins into the following folder:

Hand­In File name syntax Folder

Hand­In 1 (one pdf per person) TEK495 Date Name.pdf Example: TEK495 150131 Jan Janson.pdf

Hand­In 1

Project I Documentation ­ one pdf per person: consisting of project reflection (can be a picture of diary reflection of the day) & documentation.

TEK495 Date Name.pdf Example: TEK495 150131 Jan Janson.pdf

Project I

Project II Documentation ­ one documents per person: consisting of project reflection & documentation

TEK495 Group [#] Name.pdf

Example: TEK495 Group 1 Jan Janson.pdf

Project II

Project III Documentation & short essay ­ one pdf per person: consisting of project reflection, essay & documentation.

TEK495 Group [#] Name.pdf

Example: TEK495 Group 2 Jan Janson.pdf

Project III

Individual Diaries

(one diary per person)

Hand in using Chalmers mail or drop it in Lisa’s or Ingo’s post box.

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3.4 Individual diaries (Individual task)

The course requires you to keep a handwritten journal to train reflection! All students must write an individual diary where they reflect on their development and group work during course. This is intended as a tool to train reflection and crease individual learning. Students are encouraged to not only document tools and insights but to describe and reflect upon their experience throughout the course. Each session begins with a short reflection based on your diary entries.

Input to writing your diary: After each class and project group meeting, please reflect on and what you have learned and answer the questions below. Please note that a Yes or No is not enough, motivate your answers.

1. Document things you have learned during class. (This can be done by taking notes during the introductory lectures during Project I and II, Project III will require you to find your own methods and tools!)

­ Make a little drawing that points to the most important thing of each technique and that helps you remember what it was all about.

­ Write a short introduction to each method for future reference on how and when (in private or work life) to use each method that you learned.

­ Reflect upon how each of these methods relate to the skills that the course seeks to make you develop.

­ Write about how the use of a technique affected your project.

2. Reflect on your project progress and the interaction with your team members ­ especially in project III!

What was your role in the project? What was your role in the team? Which challenges did you face, personally? How did you overcome them? How would you like to improve during the next project/in the future?

3. One question or insight based on your reflections to be shared during class.

Reflection evaluation criteria

1) Did the student document what they did and learned? 2) Did the student reflect on the various experiences in relation to themselves, their (skill)

development and their team role? 3) Did the student make use of visuals to illustrate their learnings throughout the course? 4) Did the student reflect throughout the course?

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a) Are all course days covered? b) In case the student missed a session, (s)he should interview 3 fellow students and

reflect and document on what (s)he heard.

3.5 Individual project documentations

At the day of the final presentation of each project (I, II & III), you will not only present your concepts and ideas but also deliver a project documentation. These should train and show students’ ability to visualize and present their work in a focused way. The documentation consists of two parts:

Project description

the starting point of the project the main insight(s) based on your research data (supported by images/videos taken during

research). the process ­ crucial/critical steps in the development process (such as main learnings). the final solution and how it addressed individual, technical, and business needs (Project

3). A 140 character twitter text incl. hashtags, advertising your project work and make a

relevant target audience want to know more. Put the twitter message at the end of your reflection.

The format of the documentation should be in pdf and max. 3 A4 pages/slides. Here we encourage you to experiment with formats that you do not commonly use, and to put focus on visual and storytelling aspects.

Some inspirations regarding visual presentation, can be found here: (pdf)­foundation­girl­effect.html (video + text)­customer­experience­supercar (website)

Additional information on how to create project descriptions as part of a portfolio:

Hint: As project experience is central to develop design expertise, designers usually collect them as portfolios to show to future employees. As such, students might want to combine project

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documentations into a portfolio or, as some students did, add them under project experience in their linkedin profile.

Evaluation Criteria for project individual project documentations

Individual project documentation will be assessed for fulfillment, according to deadlines. Project documentations that are handed in too late, will result in a 5 point project score deduction. Individual project documentations will be assessed in the following way:


Mainly visual presentation

Smallest font­size 18pt.

Simple design, focus on content

Rememberable ­ special / distinct from the group presentation

Project presentations

Present your work in max 3 pages per project

Address a layman audience answering why, what and how for your project.

PDF format.

Project reflection

Project reflections are a meant as a summary and overall reflection on your project accomplishments. As such they should reflect upon the following topics:

How did the project unfold? How did you contribute to the team’s success? Which challenges did you face, personally? How did you overcome them? How would you like to improve during the next project/in the future?

Reflection on the project ­ aim for 500 words overall. This should be submitted together with the individual description as one pdf! They will be evaluated in the same way as the diaries.

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4. Examination The examination of the course is based on active participation in all seminars (participation, on timely delivery of hand­ins) and the individual project documentations (including the diary). In addition students will be examined based on the projects (I­III).

If you are unable to participate in one of the sessions, contact Ingo in advance ­ students will be asked to hand­in an additional task (desk research project) to compensate for absence.

To pass the course, students have to participate in all three projects as well as deliver the individual hand­ins incl. the diary.

Table 1: Overview of percentage of grades based on the tasks

Task Points

Project 1 10p: assessed based on individual project description and reflection

Project 2 20p: assessed based on team presentation (10 p), individual project description (5p) and reflection (5p)

Project 3 40p: assessed based on team presentation (20 p), individual project description (10p) and reflection (10p)

Individual Diary 15p

Participation 15p

Overall, 55% of the points are based on individual hand­ins and reflections on group work, 30% are based on group presentations and 15% are based on participation.

4.1 Projects

Altogether, the project work constitute 70 % of the grade (see distribution in the table above). Project I is graded by the teaching team. For project II, team presentations are assessed by a review board consisting of experts from industry and academia. For project III, team presentations are assessed by a review board consisting of experts from industry and academia (80%) and by your peers (20%). Presentation assessment criteria will be presented during the course. For projects II and III, the individual project descriptions and reflections are graded by the teaching team (evaluation criteria, see 3.5).

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4.2 Individual Diary

The individual diary is graded by the teaching team (evaluation criteria, see 3.4)

4.3 Seminars & Lectures

Students are required to participate in all seminars, and are expected to take an active role in discussions and feedback sessions (the level of active involvement is not graded). An attendance list will be kept to monitor participation; those who are not able to attend a seminar are required to do a hand­in to compensate for missing the class’ content (reading of key references and writing a short reflection, due before the next seminar). In the case of absence, students are expected to excuse themselves via e­mail and submit the compensation hand­ins on time. Failing to do so results in 5 points deduction from the participation score each time it happens.

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5. Course Evaluation Students are encouraged to respond to the on­line Course Evaluation Questionnaire. Responses are anonymous.

A course evaluation committee will be organized, consisting of the course leaders and two students, during the introductory lecture. The committee will meet twice, once during the course and once after the course ends to discuss the evaluations.

6. Course literature Journal articles and book chapters relating to the course, plus additional literature recommended by the discussion leaders or identified by students will be shared as optional reading throughout the course. Also, students are expected to search for and use additional literature in relation to the project tasks.

Initial optional reading list:

Tim Brown (2008) Design Thinking, Harvard Business Review

Lawson, Brian (2006) How Designers Think: The Design Process Demystified, Elsevier/ Architectural

Stanford University (2008) Bootcamp Bootleg­content/uploads/2011/03/BootcampBootleg2010v2SLIM.pdf

Dyer, Gregersen, Christensen (2011) The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators

Gray, Brown, Macanufo (2010) Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers

Additional resources will be provided throughout the course.

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Appendix I Room plan In case you are insecure about where to meet, please check time edit! This map is regarded as a supplement to help you find your way.

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Appendix II Change log 1.2 Improved reflections for hand in Project I and the instructions for reflection 3.4. Clarified Project I hand­in. We added this changelog

1.1 Small changes and clarification

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