Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic

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  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Design Studio methodology:Linking research, teaching and practice

    (Touristic Resort in Tekija, Public places around future metro stations inBelgrade, Drogenanlaufstelle area complex reconstruction in Bern)

    professor MSc Petar Arsi d teaching assistant Ivica Nikolid, PhD student

    a ssistant professor Mirjana Devetakovid , PhD


    International PhD & DLA SymposiumUniversity of PcsPollack Mihly Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    I _DESIGN- Complexity of Design- Design as a defined process ?

    II_Design Studio - Architectural education

    III_Design Studio and Practice - possible results

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Power of good design is in ourselfes and in our ability to learn

    the world both emotionally and by reason.

    Peter Zumthor

    DESIGN - Research as a priority

    Architecture and urbanism are related to the needs of theirsurrounding community, to the many variable factors.

    Research in Design* as a only logical way of successfulinterpretation and a possibility of creation of new-futurereality.

    Central question:

    How to include research in design and even how to usedesign in/for research?

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    There is a consensus in the acceptance andimplementation of the general guidelines of theresearch, which includes

    "transparency of :problem description, methods andresults , in order to enable others to confirm the value ofknowledge and to understand and if necessary repeatedresearch and experiments , leading to the acquisition ofknowle ge

    Akin (2008)

    Central problem:

    Understand design nature and design ambiguity, in a way to:

    -establish possible common methods- structure content and finally - define process of work

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    I _DESIGN brief story

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    DESIGN NATURE- Old dillemas about design

    1. In between nature - Intuitive and rational






    R E S E A R C H

    C R E A T I V I T YRational Intuitive

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    2. Complex nature

    Design encompass many different, even contradicted aspects withone goal to unify it in one whole solution (project,)

    3. Uniqueness and particularity

    4. Uncertainty an Work in progress

    5. Design as an activity of prediction and ofconceptualising the future

    There is always many different possible solution

    Constant review, development and changes from the initial idea tothe final solution

    Each problem represent different situation

    The design process is constantly facing"forward" to what "could be"

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    a) Decomposition of the elements how its work

    Designerly enquiryBreen (2005)

    In terms of specificity of design as a discipline, an importantconclusion is that the design is not solely focused on empirical andpre-existing facts and prescriptive knowledge and skills, not onlyexpressive, intuitive approach to the problem of the act, but isdetermined by the specificity of discipline - Designerly way ofknowing and thinking

    b) Reference design study un erstan ing i ea instea of i eal i ol

    c) Visualization and Communication presentation and representation

    d) Variations - scenario "could be" instead of "should"

    These attributes and specific design procedures are applicable andcan be used as a didactic setting in the educational process.

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    II_DESIGN STUDIO - Architectural education

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Design Studio is the central subject of the architectural curriculum,where through direct communication between students andteachers ("teacher-student") are examined the spatial problems andtasks.Communication and discussions in the studio are partly formal (alsocommon presenting papers - presentations and studio critic), while itis mostly informal communication "one-on-one" between teacherand student.During this process, the student is directed to move forward in theright direction, and practically student learns by doing.

    In line with this, the traditional setting, there are interpretations thataccuse Studio teaching procedure as much more oriented to finalsolution, less to the process and methodology, and that studentsknowledge remains tacit and on a subjective level . (Salama, 1999)This kind of Studio methods prevents the externalization of relevantknowledge, verification and further use of such results.

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Based on the structured content and the defined process (Salama,2007), this model of teaching in Studio deviates from the exclusivestudy of forms and skills of handling with form, and explaining tostudents : what to design and how to design.In this way the design can be studied, tested, and knowledge can betransferred, because the students, through a series of mostly clearlyspecified and structured activities, are guided to the realization ofidea, and final design and results.

    Other possibility Studios defined process

    examination of the key elements, terms, processes, and learningthrough problem solving.- examination and problematization of the key elements, terms,processes, and learning through steping out

    - significance and importance of complex inter-related levels:analytical understanding, critical thinking and creative procedure

    - spatial synthesis

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    The idea was, not only to integrate teaching process model intothe Studio (bearing in mind the characteristics cited by Salama(2007), but also to facilitate the externalization of knowledge .Also emphasizing of research approache, structuring content anddefining process of work in studio, could provide the potentialuse of the results achieved in studio for the spatial andfunctional-program studies in practice.(realized projects-subjects in StudioBelgrade metro, Tourist settlement in Tekija, Cultural district Bern)

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Task exploration

    - Task presentation

    - Presentation and lectures- Defining preliminary



    - Standards overview


    - Conceptualizing of idea

    - Conceptualizing of possiblesolutions variety of ideas

    Design creation

    - Developing of different

    solution- Concepts selection- Final design

    Analitical understanding

    Creative synthesis / Spatial synthesis

    - Referential studies

    Applied Design process in Studio,according to Salama (2007)

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Studio Project 4 Synthesis, at 6th semester of Bachelor studies,school year 2011 .

    Studio subject:

    Touristic complex in Tekija, Serbia

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    1. Initial premises

    integrated approach to the study and analysis of the natural andbuilt environment and layered relationships between natural andconstructed environments

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    -Design research - studying examples from literature, familiarobject and context,

    - Context research (identity research of context) - the treatmentof certain typology of different concepts in a defined context

    - Typological research - research of defined building typologies indifferent contexts

    - Research design - refers to the critical approach, questioningthe object and context, and involves the process of innovationand creating solutions outside the established principles.

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Design research

    This included case studies, that are not simply gatheringinformation and forming repertoire of "ideal" form and solutions,but selection based on values and implicitly linking values with thealready set design issues and objectives.

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Context research

    -Introduction to the physical and morphological characteristics oflocation-area(topography of the terrain, compositional characteristics, physicalcapacity, etc.)

    - Analysis of the characteristics of ambient

    Studio exercise - RE: POSITIONING

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Typological studies and research the program settings

    - A critical review of program settings set by the Master Plan,- Testing spatial capacity and demands for specific program settings- Investigation of possible typologies and structural assemblies forthe proposed program setting

    Studio exercise - RE: PROGRAMMING

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    3. Spatial synthesis

    Spatial synthesis is the final act of the design process, and theentire design process involves different stages of the analyticalunderstanding, critical thinking and creative decision-making andinterpretation of all the information first to the schematic design-concept, and then to the final elaboration of the spatial forms andsolutions.

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Contextual algorithms

    The focus of the concept is not traditional in the sense of creating"autonomous" spatial structures and facilities, as well asindependent geometric code and the establishment of speciallyconstructed logic and structure.On the contrary, the essence of this approach is a shift towardscreative "action" of comprehensive design of place and territory.

    Group of student works metaphorically called "contextualalgorithms" has a dynamic relationship between the natural andbuilt, in terms of:- Landscape- mutual relations of topography-geometric structure of the

    natural terrain and geometric structure of urban settings andindividual buildings

    - Creative interpretation and transposition of known andfamiliar systems of spatial- functional organization into newmodels -typologies

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    - Architectural apstractionof ground geometry


    - adjusting - transformation

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  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    Final designFishing museum

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    - Natural system of spaceorganization-assemblies


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    - RE: COMPOSITIONof natural system intoVORONOI DIAGRAM


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  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic



  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    III_Design Studio and Practice - possible results

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


    - Database and Knowledge n addition, these data are part of awider network of information and have the potential to present a validexternal database and knowledge for all stakeholders in the teaching,

    practice. / e-learning portal /

    - Improving students' knowledge and teaching practicethis approach allows both students and teachers to have greater controlover all decisions and procedures conducted during school hours in thestudio, and directly in the design process

    - Knowledge transfer from university to practiceRedefining the approach of two often opposing poles of knowledge,"academic" that occurs within the Academy-University and "practical"oriented directly addressing problems and tasks in practice.

    - Continuous cooperationthere is a need "to build a network of knowledge transfer by increasingthe flow of knowledge from universities and public research centers tocreate appliance goods" (Gibbons et all, 1994)real test of project tasks through a variety of different solutions,proposals and possible spatial variations.

  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic



    Research projects



    Real projects



  • 8/13/2019 Design Studio Methodology_Arsic, Nikolic Et Devetakovic


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