Design of a Computer Table Using Triz

Contents Acknowledgement 2 Introduction 3 What do we mean by Problems?.....................................3 What do we mean by Solutions?....................................3 History of TRIZ 4 How to measure if we are improving the Design 4 Design Process 5 Normal Process of Design.........................................5 TRIZ process of Design........................................... 5 Design using TRIZ 5 STEP ONE – State the Problem.....................................5 STEP TWO- What do we want?.......................................6 Understand what we want........................................6 Understand what we don’t want:.................................6 Solutions using 40 Inventive principal 6 Design of Computer cum Study table 8 Modelling the Idea & Prototype: 9 Working Background 9 The Law Of Gearing............................................... 9 Chain Sprocket Arrangement.......................................9 Geometry 11 Advantages and Disadvantages 12 Advantages of Product........................................... 12 Drawback or Disadvantages:......................................12 The Future 13 Conclusion 13

Transcript of Design of a Computer Table Using Triz

Page 1: Design of a Computer Table Using Triz

ContentsAcknowledgement 2

Introduction 3

What do we mean by Problems?.......................................................................................................3

What do we mean by Solutions?.......................................................................................................3

History of TRIZ 4

How to measure if we are improving the Design 4

Design Process 5

Normal Process of Design..................................................................................................................5

TRIZ process of Design.......................................................................................................................5

Design using TRIZ 5

STEP ONE – State the Problem..........................................................................................................5

STEP TWO- What do we want?..........................................................................................................6

Understand what we want.........................................................................................................6

Understand what we don’t want:...............................................................................................6

Solutions using 40 Inventive principal 6

Design of Computer cum Study table 8

Modelling the Idea & Prototype: 9

Working Background 9

The Law Of Gearing...........................................................................................................................9

Chain Sprocket Arrangement.............................................................................................................9

Geometry 11

Advantages and Disadvantages 12

Advantages of Product....................................................................................................................12

Drawback or Disadvantages:...........................................................................................................12

The Future 13

Conclusion 13

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This coursework “Innovation and Product development using TRIZ” aims to make us understand Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.

TRIZ is used to get most from our brains and use world’s knowledge to solve our problem. TRIZ is being used by Innovators and companies to overcome ones limit of knowledge.

To understand TRIZ, we need to understand what is Problem and Solution.

What do we mean by Problems?

Problem = when a system does not fulfil what we want (it may be harms, insufficiency or conflicts)

What do we mean by Solutions?

TRIZ is a problem solving tool, which has long list of known solutions:

System to meet Requirement

DesignShape ?

Material ?How do we make it ?

ImproveMore benefits

Less CostLess harm

ImproveMore benefits

Less CostLess harm

InventTo create and find new


EvolutionNext generation system

Fix/ MendeWhat went wrong.

Find it/Fix itAnd Prevent it

TRIZProblem Solution

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History of TRIZ

In 1946, patent officer in Russian Nave, Mr. Genrich Altsuhuller discovered pattern in patents, published paper. He analysed 50,000 patents and identified what makes successful patents. He found out that most of the innovative patents solve contradiction and use knowledge outside their industries.

He formulated 40 ways of solving a Contradiction, 8 general tends of technical Evolution for all industries and sciences.

He found out that all designs contain contradictions which can be solved by applying 40 principals. By contradiction he meant that while designing/innovating/modifying/changing something gets better and something then gets worse. What gets better / worse can be defined in 39 ways on the patent database.

His matrix uses these 40 parameters like Length, Power, and weight of moving object etc.

In the matrix, Horizontal axis is for worsening parameter, while vertical axis is for improving parameter. (Refer to Appendix -1.pdf)

For example of we want table to be strong (improving parameter), then its weight (worsening parameter) will become more.

How to measure if we are improving the Design

When we are solving a problem, we are trying to increase the ideality

The use of TRIZ is to increase Ideality. That can be done by improving Benefits, while keeping Costs and Harms low. This can be achieved by Solving Contradiction and using 40 Principal of TRIZ.




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Design Process

Normal Process of Design

To design an Innovative product or to solve a problem, we directly jump to solutions based on or previous experiences or by brainstorming.There is no systematic approach. It is random. The solution may strike your mind, when you are doing some other work.

TRIZ process of Design In TRIZ process of design or to solve a problem, we use a systematic and scientific approach to solve the problem. TRIZ is not Random.

We understand the problem and priority of all the requirements. We also understand the systems which delivers these requirements and its limitations.

We try to find out Analogy of the solutions and reduce the problem in its simplest terms to understand it in most general form to recognise the technologies that could deliver what is required.

We also map ‘where and when” to see what is needed and what can be used for good solutions.

Design using TRIZ

STEP ONE – State the Problem

Space in cities are getting less and less. There is great scarcity of land as its process are increasing by day. Generally flats are small and have small or medium sized rooms where we have to keep all our belongings suitably and also safely but this requires an amount of space which many times becomes difficult to be solved, so space constraint is an issue to be given thought to. That is why monitors and televisions of the decade have now been changed to TFT screens.

Space constraint is a problem; it is proved because even after being quite expensive and sensitive in comparison to traditional monitors, rate of monitor sales is negligible as compared to that of the TFT screens.

In today’s life every working professional or students, even kids use computers and they also have to study for their schools and colleges. To solve both their purpose they need a computer as well as a study table. But this requires a lot of space and as discussed before space constraint is a problem.

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Giving a solution to this problem, we propose a computer cum study table; normally we purchase two separate tables for our domestic use i.e. one for studying, which has flat table top and other a computer table.

The following is how the problem was mapped and how I used TRIZ to solve the Problem and subsequent problems associated with launching any new design.

In this study, I would like to use the same table as study table and computer table. Following are the problem, If we use the current design of table for both the purpose:

1) TFT screen takes space and very less space is left for Books.2) When PC is not in use, dust settles on the monitor.

STEP TWO- What do we want?

Understand what we want without getting bogged down in constraints:

1) TFT monitor is removed from table, when we use it as Study table2) TFT monitor comes back, when we want to use PC.

Understand what we don’t want:

1) We don’t want to remove all the wires connected to TFT and then keeping it down on floor.

2) It will be too much of work to again connect electrical connection and connection between monitor and PC, when we want to use it.

3) New Design should not be too costly.

Solutions using 40 Inventive principal

Ease of repair and operation (33)

Ease of manufacture (32)

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Principle 16. Partial or excessive actions

If 100 percent of an object is hard to achieve using a given solution method then, by using 'slightly less' or 'slightly more' of the same method, the problem may be considerably easier to solve.

That means it is difficult to rotate the complete table top, only portion should be rotated.

Principle 4. Asymmetry

A. A. Change the shape of an object from symmetrical to asymmetrical. B. If an object is asymmetrical, increase its degree of asymmetry.

This means we need to change the symmetry of the table. It need not be horizontal throughout. We should make it partially vertical

Principle 40. Composite materials

A. Change from uniform to composite (multiple) materials.

This means it is not necessary to manufacture table top of wood. We can make it of different material or cover it with different material.

Area of stationary Object(6)

16,440, 16

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Design of Computer cum Study table

This is a concept of a table which by a small mechanism fulfils the use of a computer as well as a study table. This concept increases the usability of a table, helps to keep the screen safe when not in use and reduces space captured by two different tables to a single one.

Description:Normally, we use two tables at our residence for studying and for using computer. This concept combines the two different tables into one using a small mechanism and saves a lot of space and cost and also provides safety to the tft screen.

Images of the Computer cum study table

Closed State: Study table Open State: Computer table

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Modelling the Idea & Prototype:

3-D modelling on Software like SolidWorks, Pro/E, Catia etc. will be quite effective to view the models and the assembly of the product. They are the most handy tools to this task.

Then the 2-D manufacturing drawings of the parts and assembly are made through the above mentioned software. These are used for manufacturing and assembly of the product.

The main benefit to prototype digitally is save the physical resources and it provides results, which covers the wide aspects of the product development.

Working BackgroundComputer cum study table is designed to optimize the space constraints in domestic use.

Its main concept is based on chain and sprocket arrangement. Two chain and sprocket sets interlinked to each other solve the purpose completely and efficiently. The ratio of sprocket teeth is calculated through machine design concepts.

The Law Of GearingThe Law of gearing states “ the common normal to the tooth profile at the point of contact should always pass through the pitch point, in order to obtain a constant velocity ratio”. This law suits our mechanism since we require same tangential velocity of both the sprockets, for this there is a need to have a constant velocity ratio between the two sprockets.

In our case, we use chain and sprocket arrangement, the tangential velocity of the sprockets and the linear velocity of the chain remains the same. This helps us in having different angular velocities for different sprockets.

Chain Sprocket Arrangement

A chain drive consists of an endless chain wrapped around two sprockets. A chain can be defined as a series of links connected by pin joints The sprocket is a toothed wheel with a special profile for the teeth.

It is intermediate between belt and gear drives. It has some features of belt and some of gears drives.

There are two important rules in design of chain drive:The number of pitches or links of the chain should be always ‘even’.The number of teeth on the driving sprocket be always ‘odd’.

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There are different constructions for sprocket wheels. Small sprockets up to 100mm in diameter are usually made of a disk or a solid disk with a hub on one side. They are machined from low carbon steel.

Large sprockets with more than 100mm diameter are either welded to steel hub or bolted to cast iron hub.

In general sprockets are made of low or medium carbon steel.

The surface hardness obtained in sprockets for low speed i.e. around 3m/s is 180 B.H.N., for high speed it is almost 300 to 500 B.H.N.

Detail of Chain Sprocket Arrangement

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Taking a look at the geometry we see that when the knob will be given a rotational velocity the same velocity will be

transferred to the driver sprocket since the sizes of all the sprockets are same, the same tangential velocity will be transferred to the intermediate sprockets and then to the driven sprocket.

In this way the velocity given to the driver by our hand (through the knob), is exactly experienced by the driven. This helps us to control the exact speed of the tft screen rotation.

When the knob is rotated clockwise, the screen opens and when rotated anticlockwise the screen is closed.

When the table is in closed state, the TFT faces the velvet-covered case which is made to keep the TFT safe from kids and any other damage

Driver sprocket Two Intermediate sprockets mounted on one shaft

Driven sprocketKnob is mounted on the same shaft as the driver sprocket

Chain 1

Chain 2

TFT holder

Table Top

Table base

Velvet covered TFT case

Keyboard top

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Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Product

1) Computer cum study table is a highly advantageous product. It solves space constraint that we have in today’s life, by being a multipurpose table.

2) At the time when the computer is not in use one can keep it closed, this solves two purposes firstly, it helps in converting it into a study table and also in this state since the tft is in closed state so it is also safe from kids and also dust particles.

3) For manufacturers, it is convenient to be manufactured since it mainly requires wood that is used in table (easily available). Chain and sprocket arrangement which is also conveniently available in the market and it has a simple assembly.So overall it is also an ease at the manufacturer level.

4) Since our design is based on chain drive mechanism it is also advantageous since chains do not slip.

5) The efficiency of a chain drive is high. For properly lubricated chain, the efficiency of thechain drive is from 96% to 98%.

6) Chains are easy to replace.

Drawback or Disadvantages:

1) We needs to be lubricated it properly else it results in wear. The chain is then stretched and may leave the sprocket.

2) Chain drives generate noise.

3) Difficult to manufacture.

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The Future

As for all systems, invention and creativity are a journey along the S-Curve and theadventure never finishes.


The Design of Study cum computer table serves as an example of TRIZ as a powerful and innovative problem solving method. This example has showed and convinced that TRIZ is can be used for innovative problem solving method.