Design Game/App/Lesson Plan

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Transcript of Design Game/App/Lesson Plan

  • 7/26/2019 Design Game/App/Lesson Plan


    Frontier Capstone Critical Theory & Media LiteracyDesign and/or Create a Game, App or Lesson Plan Due July 31stAfter your group has reviewed a MOOC, or TED-style educational video you are now ready to move from a researcherand consumer of information to a teacher and producer of information. However, each method for moving information(each medium) has built-in strengths, biases, limitations and other logistics. As a group you must decide which type ofLearning Experience best suits your project. (informal vs. formal, online vs. face-to-face, collaborative vs. one-on-one, etc.)As a group you will deliberate upon, and then describe the design of the Game, App or Lesson Plan, and then describe howit could be created, distributed and how data on the learning outcomes could be gathered.

    As an individual, you may be able to use some of the content for your written paper at the end of this semester.As a group complete all three sections below. As a group, write a 250-500 word essay completing each requirement.

    A)Create six Learning Outcomes (use the in-class worksheet for brainstorming & research)

    Based on the research from your Annotated Bibliography, decide what specific Skills, Knowledge,Attitudes and Tools you would like the users or students to have made progress toward after theyhave shown reasonable mastery of the Game, App or Lesson Plan.

    Two of these Learning Outcomes must be Perennialmeaning they have endured in the field for over 50 years,and will still be relevant 50 years into the future. These are the topics that we address in the Humanities andCritical Theory part of this course.

    Two of these Learning Outcomes must be Evolvingmeaning they have come about in the last 25 years or so, as

    your field has changed along with society based on new technologies, social progress and other innovations. Theseare the topics that we address in the Media Literacy part of this course.

    The other two Learning Outcomes should be linked directly to an idea, quote or data set in your groups research

    and cited to the page number from a source in your annotated bibliography.

    Describe each LearningOutcome in three to foursentences. Give a citationto anyidea that yourgroup has taken from awritten source.Remember to keep your

    Learning Outcomeswithin the S.M.A.R.T.Criteria, and useconcrete, specific andimaginative descriptions

    B) Decide which Learning Experience will best brings across your Learning Outcomes: a Game, anApp or a Lesson-Plan. Using McLuhans tetrad, answer each ofthe questions about the medium or media you are planning touse:


    What human trait or experience does the medium enhance?2. What pre-existing technology, method, system, or medium does this

    medium obsolesce?3. What technology, method, system or medium that was previously

    obsolesced or abandoned does this medium retrieve?4. When fully utilized or pushed to its extreme, what will the medium

    reverse into?

    Answer each question two to three sentences. Consider thecontext as part of the medium: Lesson Plan for college course,Board Game for recreation, Smartphone App for social medianetworking, etc. Remember, media areenvironments.

  • 7/26/2019 Design Game/App/Lesson Plan


    C) Describe your chosen Leaning Experience and Media in detail. Using the checklist/rubric for yourselected media as well as the ideas from the MOOCs and TED-style videos Rubrics as a guide forevaluation. Decide on the following ideas for your Game, App or Lesson-plan.

    Game Design: Content/Information

    Mechanics/Learning Curve, etc.

    Narrative/Plot, Etc.

    Graphics/sthetics, etc. Interaction

    Topic Framing


    App Design:same as above withAdditions: Integration into Mobile Device

    Balance for Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants

    Deletions: Narrative/Plot, etc.

    Lesson Plan Design:

    The Big Picture & Objectives Engagement & Stickability

    Links to other topics Assessment & Differentiation Activities (at least three) & Homework/Follow-Ups

    Create a writtenDescription of your groupsselected LearningExperience addressing atleast six of the categories in

    two or three sentenceseach. Assign a numericalvalue from 4 (highest) to 1(lowest) in each category forhow well you believe yourGame, App or Lesson plancan achieve your statedLearning Outcomes.

    Lastly, in four or fivesentences describe how

    your groups Game, App orLesson Plan could becreated, distributed and howdata could be gathered.

    Working as an individual, keep your notes on your worksheet. Follow the instructions of your groupscoordinator. Provide your written input to your groups writer.

    Working as a group, write your observations and assessments as a single Evaluation Essay (250-500words). Submit* a single Document for your group to Blackboard. Bring a copy to the class meeting

    onJuly 31st.

  • 7/26/2019 Design Game/App/Lesson Plan


    Worksheet for Game, App or Lesson Plan

    Learning Outcomes:(Skills, Knowledge, Attitude, Tools)

    #1 [Perennial] #2 [Perennial]

    #3 [Evolving] #4 [Evolving]

    #5 [Citation] #6 [Citation]

    Media Effects:

    (McLuhans Tetrad)

    Enhances: Obsolesces:

    Retrieves: Reverses:

  • 7/26/2019 Design Game/App/Lesson Plan


    For Game Design

    For App DesignAdditions: Integration into Mobile Device Balance for Digital Natives vs. Digital ImmigrantsDeletions: Narrative/Plot, etc.

    For Lesson Plan Design