Design, Formatting, CSS, & Colors 27 February, 2011.

Design, Formatting, CSS, & Colors 27 February, 2011
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Transcript of Design, Formatting, CSS, & Colors 27 February, 2011.

Design, Formatting, CSS, & Colors

27 February, 2011


“Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple. That’s why it’s so complicated” --Paul Rand

Bad Design...

Bad Design



ugly colors

pages too big for a normal screen

What’s a normal screen?

browser shots


A few examples, for fun:

news site

Mr. Bottles...


Good Design...

Mr. Jobs



Colors -- Paint(Subtractive Color Model)

Primaries: magenta, yellow, and cyan

This color system is called subtractive because:

each primary color absorbs (subtracts) a certain part of the color spectrum.

every time a color is added, less light is reflected.

When you mix all three primaries together, the entire spectrum of color is absorbed, and we’re left with black.

Colors -- Computer ScreenAdditive Color System

Primaries: Red, Blue, Green

Additive color systems start without light (black).

Light sources combine to make a color.

As colors are added, the resulting color is brighter.


We’ll be working with the additive color system

Mix various amounts of red, green, and blue to create a color.

Colors can be represented by


an rgb (dec, dec, dec) value

hexadecimal (# hx hx hx) value.

Colors (ctd)

For RGB, each color is indicated by a number from 0-255

(0,0,0) = black

(255,255,255) = white

For Hexadecimal (hex), each color is indicated by 6 values from 0 – F

#000000 = black

#FFFFFF = white


Some tips:

Each two letters/numbers represent red, green, or blue in that order.

Remember your color number!


#FF0000 = red

#00FF00 = green

#0000FF = blue




Helpful Color Links & Advice

Remember your color number!

A list of color names

Reminder: The div tag

• The <div> tag defines a division or section in the html

• Often used to group elements to style them a certain way.


CSS is for giving style to your content

HTML: content

CSS: style

CSS Zen Garden

Adding CSS to your HTML

The best (only way for this class!) way to insert CSS to your HTML is by using an External Style Sheet

Define all your styles in one place

Easily change the look of your site

Use the following <link> tag within the <head> tag

Save your external style sheet as a .css file.

Everyone make a style sheet…

1) New HTML file (or use an old one) in Komodo

2) New CSS file in Komodo (style.css)

3) Link CSS file from HTML (in head section!)

Syntax (how it looks)

Selector specifies the HTML element to style


always contains a property & value

ends with a semicolon

Property is the style element you want to change, Value is what you are changing the property to.

Formatting your CSS

Formatting Practices:some flexibility, but you must be consistent.always comment unclear code!

/* someCommentHere */curly bracestab alignment

Bad practices:multiple attributes on the same line

What does Komodo help you with?drop downsformatssyntax errors

Commonly Used Tags & Properties

full reference sheet


Property Value

background background-colorbackground-imagebackground-repeatbackground-attachmentbackground-position


background-color: #000000}


Can be used with any text based html element. [body, div, p, h1, h2, etc.]

Property Value

color color (RGB, hex, or name)

text-align leftrightcenter

vertical-align topmiddlebottom

text-decoration noneunderlineoverlineline-through


color: #110000;text-align: left;



Like text styles, this property can be used with any text based element.

If no font is defined, you’ll get the default font.

Don’t forget Browser Shots.

A nice list of fonts & font families


Quick refresher on html links:

<a href = “url”> someLinkText </a>


Link states a:link -- a normal, unvisited linka:visited -- a link the user has visiteda:hover -- a link when the user mouses over ita:active -- a link the moment it is clicked

Note: hover must come after link & visited. active must come after hover.

Box Model

• Used to discuss design & layout

• Allows us to place borders, and space elements in relation to other elements

Box Model

• Margin – clears an area around the border. Does not have a background color – it is transparent

• Border – a border that goes around the padding and content. Affected by the background color of the box.

• Padding – clears an area around the content. Affected by background color of the box

• Content – the content of the box, where text & images appear.
