Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report

planting for the future DESERT BOTANICAL GARDEN ANNUAL REPORT | 2009


Year in Review, financial report, by the numbers

Transcript of Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report

Page 1: Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report

planting for the future


Page 2: Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report

the year in reviewcontents

Dear Friends, We are pleased to report that 2009 was a banner year for the Garden, marking our 70th anniversary with much excitement and success. The highlight of the year was the Chihuly: The Nature of Glass exhibition, which delighted members and guests through its closing on May 31, 2009. It was hard to say “goodbye” to the Chihuly exhibition, but his Desert Towers sculpture remains on display providing fond memories for all of us.

In addition to the Chihuly exhibition, there were many other accomplishments during the year:

• TheGarden’sapplicationforreaccreditationbytheAmericanAssociationofMuseums(AAM)wassubmittedinJanuary.Theapplicationrepresentedtheculminationoftwoyears’worth of intense planning by board and staff members, and we expect to receive notification this summer that the application has been approved. If so, our Garden will have maintained continuous accredited status since 1983, a distinction few other gardens can claim.

• TheGarden’sDigitalCurriculuminitiativewaslaunchedinSeptember2009,providing a highly interactive and engaging environmental education program available to teachers and students throughout the state. Garden friends are invited to log on to digitallearning to see for themselves the power of this new educational tool.

• TheBerlin Agave Yucca Forest opened in November 2009, accompanied by the unveiling of the Allan Houser: Tradition to Abstraction exhibit. The new forest highlights the beauty and natural history of agave, yucca, and nolina plants, and the Houser exhibit—displayed in conjunctionwiththeHeardMuseum—celebratestheworkofthedistinguishedAmericanIndian artist.

AsthereportfromGardenTreasurerSteveTuftsexplains,2009wasafinanciallysuccessfulyear for the Garden. The excess revenue generated by the Chihuly exhibition has shielded the Garden from the harsh realities of the current economic slowdown, and careful stewardship by theBoardhasassuredthattheGarden’skeymissionareas—education,conservation,research,and exhibition—continue to be fully funded.

TotheGarden’sdedicatedvolunteers,weexpressourgratitudetoallofyou,especiallyinlightof the current economic climate, for your continued support of the Garden with your financial contributions and gifts of time. In 2009 alone, the Volunteers in the Garden logged more than 80,000hoursofserviceinsupportoftheGarden’smission.TheGardencouldnotflourishwithoutyou, and we are indeed fortunate to have your personal commitment to our mission.


AndtotheGarden’smembersandgenerousdonors,wethankyouforjoiningusinourcontinuing celebration of desert plants.

With best wishes,

LeeBaumannCohn KenSchutz President,BoardofTrustees TheDr.WilliamHuizinghExecutiveDirector



Page 3: Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report

You do not normally find words like “beautiful,” “artistic,” and “awesome” in the narrative portion of the financial highlights. However, fiscal year 2009 was not a “normal” year for Desert BotanicalGarden.TheGarden’sChihuly: The Nature of Glass exhibition by the artist Dale Chihulywasahugesuccess.I’mnotquitesurewhetherthebeautyoftheGardenenhancedthebeautyoftheglassorvise-versa.Eitherway,thebeautifulandartisticscultpturesexhibitedthroughout the Garden drew record attendance and provided an awesome fiscal year. The Garden continues to maintain a healthy balance sheet and strong operating results. Below are some of the financial highlights for the year:

• Totalrevenueincreased45%from$11.2millionto$16.2million.

• RevenuefromAdmissionstotheGardenincreased221%from$1.9millionto $6.2million.Thiswasattributabletoa$5increaseinthepriceofadmissionaswell asrecordattendance.Attendancewasup118%toarecord640,529visitors.

• RevenuefromMembershipsgrewfrom$1.4millionto$2.0millionfora42% increase. Guests found great value in being a member of the Garden.

• WiththeriseinattendanceandadditionalChihulyofferingsintheGardenGiftShop, grossprofitonRetailandBeverageSalesincreasedfrom$1.4millionto$2.0million. Thisrepresentedanincreaseof43%.

• OthercontributorstothestrongrevenuegrowthincludedrevenuefromFacility RentalandConcessions,andSpecialEventsrevenue.Thecombinedadditional revenuefromthesesourcestotaledmorethan$349,000.

Totalexpensesincreased37%from$8.5millionto$11.7million.Themajorityoftheincreasedexpenses were attributable to the additional staff and supplies to support the Chihuly exhibition.

Thestrongoperatingperformanceprovidedapositivechangeinnetassetsof$4.5million (beforedepreciation).

TheGardenredeemed$4millionofoutstandingbonddebtthroughouttheyear.AsofSeptember30,2009,outstandingbonddebttotaled$4.3million,withplanstofurtherredeemthesebondsin fiscal 2010.

TheEndowmentthatresultedfromtheTending the Garden Campaigngrew21%from $5.5millionto$6.7million.

Fiscal 2009 was a great year for our members, guests, and the Garden.

StephenTufts Treasurer Board of Trustees

Fiscal 2009 Financial HighlightsOctober 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009

financial report


Page 4: Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report

Consolidated Statement Of Activities For the year ending September 30, 2009

(with comparative totals for the year ended September 30, 2008)(Before Depreciation)

TheStatementofActivitiesabovereportstheresultsofGardenOperationsexcludingtheeffectofdepreciationexpense. Depreciation refers to the systematic allocation of the cost of long-lived assets, including buildings, furniture,fixtures,andequipmenttotheperiodsthatbenefitfromtheiruse.RecordingdepreciationhasnoeffectontheliquidityorcashflowoftheGarden.Itreflectsanestimateoftheusingupoftheeconomicvalueoftangibleassets.InthefinancialstatementsitreducestheChangeinNetAssets(and,therefore,TotalNetAssets)andthecarryingbasisofPropertyandEquipment.

Unlikeindustrialfirms,not-for-profitorganizationsdonotprovidefortheadditionorreplacementofmajorlong-lived assets out of operations. Historically such entities look to capital contributions for those improvements. Hence,thefinancialperformancefornot-for-profitisbestevaluatedbyanalyzingoperatingresultsexcludingtheeffectsofdepreciation.Depreciationexpense recognized in theGarden’s records foreachfiscalperiodreportedherewasapproximately$1,201,000.

Auditor’s OpinionTheGardenhasreceivedanunqualifiedopinionfromitsauditors,SchmidtWestergard&Company,PLLC,ontheauditofitsfinancialstatementsfortheyearendingSeptember30,2009.CopiesoftheauditedfinancialstatementsareavailableuponrequestfromtheDesertBotanicalGardenbusinessofficeat480-481-8155.

REVENUE 2008-09 2007-08

GrossProfitonRetail&BeverageSales $2,064,155 $1,443,776

Admissions 6,237,656 1,942,915

Contributions,Grants&SpecialEvents 4,607,189 6,038,534

InvestmentIncome(net) 589,495 (396,170)

Memberships 1,959,893 1,377,352

OtherRevenue 740,056 772,911

TotalRevenue $16,198,444 $11,179,318


ProgramExpenses $6,076,998 $4,392,767

Retail,Marketing&VisitorServices 2,691,264 1,863,994

General&Administrative 1,584,597 1,039,449

Fundraising&Membership 1,306,049 1,240,942

TotalExpenses $11,658,908 $8,537,152

ChangeinNetAssets $4,539,536 $2,642,166

ASSETS 2009 2008

Cash&Investments $6,256,785 $7,981,405

Pledges&OtherReceivables 635,796 771,613

Inventories&othercurrentassets 311,418 607,561

TotalCurrentAssets $7,203,999 $9,360,579

Cash&Investments(noncurrent) $7,031,147 $6,397,212

PledgeReceivables(noncurrent) 1,383,251 1,829,769

Property&Equipment 17,905,644 16,716,846

BondIssuanceCost 58,746 81,982

OtherAssets 73,858 73,858

TotalAssets $33,656,645 $34,460,246


AccountsPayable $349,103 $397,957

AccruedExpenses 380,120 357,390

DeferredRevenues 1,237,824 1,326,073

AccruedInterest 12,639 39,289

AnnuityPaymentLiability 76,295 77,409

TotalCurrentLiabilities $2,055,981 $2,198,118

BondsPayable 4,300,000 8,300,000

TotalLiabilities $6,355,981 $10,498,118

TotalNetAssets $27,300,664 $23,962,128

TotalLiabilities&NetAssets $33,656,645 $34,460,246

Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position September 30, 2009

(with comparative totals as of September 30, 2008)

2008/2009 Expenses


Marketing & Visitor



Services, Fundraising &

Campaign Costs


14%General &


2008/2009 Revenue



Grants & Special Events

13%Gross Profits

on Retail & Beverage Sales






Garden Attendance (Number of visitors by thousands)




























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Page 5: Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report



HORTICULTURE Acres at Desert Botanical Garden 145Acres under cultivation 50Graduates from the Desert Landscaper School in 2009 86Desert Landscaper School Total Graduates to Date 1,067Plant Hotline Questions 929Annual Plant Sales 2Attendance at Plant Sales 10,210

LIVING COLLECTION Total number of accessioned plants 16,905Total number of accessioned seeds 4,212Total number of species (includes varieties, subspecies, hybrids and seeds) 4,255New accessions added 230New species added 67

RARE AND ENDANGERED Rare and endangered seeds 393Rare and endangered plants 955

HERBARIUM Total Specimens 64,000


SCHILLING LIBRARY Books 7,386Botanical Prints 600Journal and Newsletter Titles 342Maps 2,376

VOLUNTEERS Individual Volunteers 1,140Community Organizations and Corporations 60New Volunteers 176Total active Hardy Perennials (10+ years) 143Total Hours Contributed 82,740Awards for 100+ Hours Served in 2009 276

Length of Service Awards: 500 hours 33 1,000 hours 252,000 hours 6 3,000 hours 2 4,000 hours 4 5,000 hours and above 13

Docent Interpreter Interactions with the Public 116,691

EDUCATION AND TOURS School Tour Participants 46,158 Children in Eco Camp 107Children in Seedlings Preschool Program 199 Participants in Kid’s Corner 6,000+Life Long Learning Workshops 4,037 STAFF Full Time 93Part time and seasonal 104

by the numbersboard of trusteesFOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009

Thank you to the Desert Botanical Garden’s 2009-10 Board of Trustees! Pictured(lefttoright)onUllmanTerrace:

Row1:MartaL.Morando,TammyMcLeod,BarbaraHoffnagle,LeeBaumannCohn,WilliamHuizingh,Ph.D., OonaghBoppart,ShelleyCohn,MariKoerner,Ph.D.,MarthaHunter.


Row3: KenSchutz,MichaelSillyman,RobertBulla,H.CliftonDouglas,DonaldR.Ottosen,BartonFaber,MelodieLewis,WilliamWilder,HazelHare,GailBradley,ScottSchaefer.


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in appreciation

The Desert Botanical Garden is grateful to all 26,347* members and donors for their generosity. On these pages we recognize individual, company and foundation donors who made single or multiple contributions of $150 and more between March 16, 2009 and March 15, 2010* to support annual programs and special projects. In addition, special recognition sections acknowledge donors who made gifts to the Desert Towers initiative and during the past quarter provided Tending the Garden Campaign contributions, memorial and tribute gifts and /or gifts in kind.

+ Patrons Circle members, including Saguaro, Curator’s, Director’s, President’s and Founder’s Circle contributors, are identified with a +

$25,000 +Billie Jane Baguley+Virginia Cave+Lee & Mike Cohn+Jacquie & Bennett Dorrance+Marilyn & H. Cliff Douglas+Hazel Hare+William Huizingh+Betty KitchellLaurie McWeeneyMarta Morando & William Moio+Barbara & Donald Ottosen+

$10,000 - $24,999 Rebecca Ailes-Fine & Peter Fine+Joy & Howard Berlin+Oonagh & John Boppart+Robert Bulla+Beth Byrnes & Barton Faber+Jeanne & Gary HerbergerJan & Thomas Lewis+Melodie & John Lewis+Mary Dell PritzlaffCarol & Randy Schilling+Louise C. Solheim+Nancy Swanson+Sandy Werner

$5,000 - $9,999Shirley & Thomas Bekey+Connie & James Binns+

Shelley Cohn & Mollie Trivers+Denise & Robert DelgadoBrenda Dennert & Frank AgnoneJo Ellen & Philip Doornbos+Ruth Ann & Thomas Hornaday+Barbara H. Johnson+Julie & H. J. Louis+Kathy & Charles Munson+Rosellen & Harry Papp+Christina & Eric ReussMarilyn & Jon Shomer+Connie & Craig Weatherup+Barbara B. WeiszBarbara & Charles Young+

$2,500 - $4,999Anonymous Donor (2)Susan & Bryan Albue+Susan & Claude Case+Karen & William Clements+Mary Kathleen CollinsGeri & Mike DeMuro+Ardie & Stephen Evans+Nancy B. FrySue & Mike Gregg+Pamela HeckamanPeggy Herz & Philip Smith+Carrie & Jon Hulburd+Marjorie V. LeboldJoyce & Randall LertSara &. J. L. Pete Morgan+Peggy Mullan+Catherine & Michael Murray+Carolyn & Mark O’Malley+Franca Oreffice+Mary & Matthew Palenica+Pat & Earl PetznickSuzanne & Peter Richards+Diane G. Roush+William Schoedinger+Kenneth J. Schutz+Martha & Donald Squire+Carolyn & John Stuart+Betty Lou Summers+Shoshana & Robert Tancer+Jennifer Theobald+Kathleen & Bruce Weber+Kathleen & Brian Welker & Irene O’Donnell+Liisa & William Wilder+

$1,250 - $2,499Anonymous Donors (6)Gene Almendinger+Jean Andino+Gerald AppellKathryn Baker & Armand Perry+ Kay Bechtel+Uta Behrens+Susan H. Belt+Marlene & Ralph Bennett+

Jean & Barry Bingham+Betty & Herbert Bool+Gail Bradley+Kathye BrownSonya Brunswick-Winter & Mary SarverLarry Bryson & Rich TibbetsKendra & John Burnside+Barbara & Richard Carlson+Bianne CastilloAnne & Fred Christensen+Amy S. Clague+Michelle & Henry Clarke+Pat Wentworth Comus & Louis F. Comus+Pamela Cooper & Margaret Wilson+Josephine Clark-Curtiss & Roy CurtissJo Ann & Ronald Davis+Rachel K. Dirkse+David D. Dodge+Julie & John Douglas+Beverly & Paul Duzik+Dolores EidenierDirk Ellsworth & William Schmidt+Betty & Bert Feingold+Barbara Pool Fenzl & Terry Fenzl+Amy Flood & Larry West+Cathy & Mark Frank+JoAnne & Harold Frede+Sheila & F. Michael Geddes+Deborah & Michael GilmanAmy Gittler & Michael Sillyman+Joan Goforth & Carlos Oldham+Kathleen & John Graham+Jean & Dee Harris+Betty Jane HeathMary Heiss & Harold Dorenbecher+Barbara & Tom Hoffnagle+Heather & Eric Holst+Martha & Ray Hunter+Nancy & Kenneth Husband+Mary & Robert Johnson+Alison & Richard C. Johnston+Maurine & Jeffrey Kahn+Faye & James Kitchel+Mari & Frank Koerner+Carole & Richard Kraemer+Shirley & Burnell Kraft+Mitzi Krockover & Jacque Sokolov+Mitzi & Stephen Kurtz+Barbara & Ron Lieberson+Dana & Bruce Macdonough+Heidi & Andy MacFarlane+Robert E. MacNeil+César Mazier+Carol & Howard McCrady+Tahnia & Jeffrey McKeever+Patricia & Gerald McKenna+Mary Melcher+Irene Metz+Cynthia & John Millikin+Greta Mock+Adrienne & Paul Morell+Sharon & Andrew Naporano+Nancy & Henry Newlin+Karen & David Paldan+Maritom Pyron & Anne Huffman+Linda & Leon Reivitz+Joyce RolfesPatti & Eugene Ross+John Sallot & Randy Lovely+Kim & Scott Schaefer+Sophann & Thomas Schleifer+Willa & Barry SchneiderJudith & William Schubert+Leanna Jo Shaberly+Susan Shattuck+

Barbara & Archer Shelton+Susan & Jim Shipka+Diana Ellis Smith & Paul Smith+Alice & Richard SnellMary Lou & PJ Stevenson+Anne & Robert Stupp+Kay & Charles ThompsonMissy & Stephen Tufts+Angela & Ken Udenze+Candice & James Unruh+Ginger Weise+Carol Whiteman+Diana & Allan Winston+Sylvia & Carl Yoder+Sheila & David Young+

$700 - $1,249Anonymous Donor (1)Jean & Harold BachmanSandra & Ralph BenellTed BrownBarbara & Ron BunnellStephanie Caldwell & Thomas KneidelMary & Paul CodyMolly & Nick DeFilippisJane DeuvallDianne DunnStephan Fincher & John SnyderTeny & Charles FisherTom FridenaJuan GaleanaNavaz & Darius GhaswalaElin Cantliffe-Guenther & Douglass GuentherDelbert J. HarrRojon & Jay HaskerJudy & Gary HewsonEsther & Robert KaratzS. Kyker KraussMelissa & Ted LagreidSue & Mark LandyHaskel I. LentzS. Ann Lloyd & Mary Ann BriaKathy & Robert LondereeSteve MaclellanSandra & M. Brian MaherRalph H. MartinRuth & Rex MaughanHelen A. MeadLois MihayloCarmine & Joseph MillerMark MillerJudee & David MorrisonCarolyn & Satoshi NakamuraGeorgia & Ronald NelsonJoan & Paul NykampMarti & Phil ParrishAnn B. RittDorothy & Harvey Smith+Susan & Rodo SofranacMargarete SomersJean TichenorRoberta & James UrbanMarsha & Charles Van DamHelen B. Wooden

$500 - $699Anonymous Donors (3)Gloria Anderson & Susan DuganKathy & Steven AshbySteven Berger & Johnny LopezMargaret & Charles BeyerRegina & G. Peter BidstrupGena & Harry BonsallCarol & Lawrence BreckerNancy & Marv BrodyRebecca L. Burnham

Mary Lee CakosVincent J. CalioNaomi Caras-MillerPatricia & John CaseDorothy M. CholnokyKathleen ChurchCharlotte & Sidney ClarkSue Clark-Johnson & Brooks JohnsonPatricia F. CockingB. J. & Ken DahlbergLeslie DashewPamela & Greg DeanMichele DeShaw & Tim SmeekensCheryl & Leonard DestrempsLaura DowlingJudith & Charles EcholsMary & Jeff EhretKaren & Kenneth EvansDorothy & Evert FarmerBruce GillelandSusan & Richard GoldsmithCaroline & Steven GonzalezJudith & Robert GottschalkMary & John GrayCheri GreeneAlfred GuhlBarbara & William GullicksonRoberta D. HallBarbara HenwardLeah HoffmanDouglas Holloway & Dave RiachBonnie & Mark HowardLinda & Frank HuffD. Jane & Douglas JamesMorley M. JohnHerbert KahnJohn N. KapoorEllen & Howard C. KatzRandy & Ken Kendrick+Susan & Frederick KleinG. William KlinglerKathy Kolbe & William RappSusan & Mark KolmanLyn LaflinSally & Richard LehmannJoyce Ann LongfellowSandra & A. Daniel LuechtefeldPatricia L. MayesRuth & Robert McGregor & Marie Van RoekelDonna & Howard McKennaTammy McLeod & John HamiltonLynne & L. Richards McMillan, IISusan & Stephen MoodyJoan & James MorgalVijaya & Sateesh NabarSusan D. NoackPatricia & Sam ObregonJean & James O’DonnellSandra & William PauleyLisa & Phil PetersenPeggy & Tom PhillipsRobert J. PlowrightLinda & Sherman SapersteinRonald F. SassanoStacie SchaibleAdrienne & Charles SchiffnerRebecca SeniorGlenna & Lawrence ShapiroHolly Smeekens & Ed RaiburnKeven Smeekens-McTavish & Michael McTavishMarilyne A. SmithPat & Don SodoGary S. StoneSandra & Vincent StreechSusan & Ronald TeleskoCandace & Michael TookeElsie Travers & Judy TraversCynthia & William TurnerCrystal & Marcos VossElaine WarnerDarlene WatsonNancy WayPatricia Weegar & Kurt SlobodzianLinda Wegener

Mary Jo & Robert WilmesElaine & Richard WilsonTina Wilson

$300 - $499Anonymous Donors (8)Maryann & Gerald AcuffSteen Allard-LawsonSidney AllenRichard C. AllenRebecca Allison & Margaux SchafferTalitha ArnoldRuss Ater & Don PollardChristine & John R. AugustineMarlinda & Ed BarnettOnnie & Sebastien BaronNorma & George BarrattBarbara & Craig BarrettPaula & Robert BeckLydia & Philip BellValerie & Leland BisbeeJean BlackEileen Bloom & Marvin SiegelDavid R. BornemannDebbie Bostian & Robert OchoaBeverly Brooks & Ivan DomaniewiczJean & Robert BrooksTeniqua Broughton+Charla & Leonard BucklinSue BunchShelly Bunn & Daniel SuhrSue Ann & Tim BurnsDebra & William CainKarly Fletcher & Larry CampbellCatherine N. ChurchSandy & Dennis CielaszykClara G. CistGayle & David ClinehensDianne CobbM. E. CongerAlice & David CookElva & Lattie CoorWilliam H. CopeJennie & Jerry CoxJane McKinley CraneBonnie J. CulverMargaret & Daniel CurtisDolly Davis & Frances DavisCarol & Jeffrey DawsonVivian & Daryl DawsonPam Del DucaEthelanne & George DembowTracy Denmark & Marc SchwimmerMiachelle & Christopher DePianoBea & Floyd DeWitFran & Paul DickmanNancy & Edmund DobakShannon & T. Kevin DoudsKate DownesKirsten & Steve DrozdowskiLinda & Mark EberleRuth L. EckertJennifer Kosten-Edwards & James EdwardsJohn H. ElkenAngelica ElliottJudith E. EltonKrystyna FedorciowShirley & Frank FitchSylvia ForteYvette FranklinNatalie & Sam FreedmanLoree GarciaLaurel & William GasserSuzie & Cal GaussGratia H. GibautKathleen & Joseph Giles & Meg GilesSusan & G. Grant GilfeatherJudi GlassMorris GlasserShawna Glazier & Henry BaldenegroSandra & Lawrence GoldenTucky & Grant GoodmanMargaret Green & Michael Cunningham

Cathy Gregg & Larry WinterJosephine B. GriswoldAnne & Anthony GullyBarbara HaasAnn Stanton & Robert HaddockDarlene Hagan & Justin SenterBarbara & Ken HandCindy & Gene HansonKathryn Harris & Nicholas Salerno Jack HartleyMartha HayesB. Heavilin & Bernard PohlmanKatie & Zachary HenkelDiana & William HerronJulia & William HobartVictoria & Stephen HoffmanMary & Thomas HudakBetty Hum & Alan YudellGeraldine & Robert HurckesSally A. HwangHarriet Ivey & Richard BrashearScott Jacobson & Stan GondzarMerri & Michael JonesBeverly & Edward JonesNancy & Fred JonskeJane KayserCarol Ann & William KeaneCarolyn & Douglas KeatsJoy & Craig KingBonnie & Allyn KlugerElizabeth & John KostuikDiane & Greg KreizenbeckMaxine & C. A. LakinBeverly N. LaneLawrence R. LathomSusan & Jimmy LeungRodney S. LewisShirley & Dwayne LewisVictoria & Steven LindleyAmi & John LotkaGail & Charles LuckyAnnRose & Jeffrey LundElizabeth & Jim LunsethHalee LynchJanis & Dennis LyonLeeta & Ron MackeyJane Maienschein & Richard CreathSamantha Nicole MalteseDeidre & John MangumLuz Marina & James AtenJohn MarksAudrey Jane & Stephen MarmonBarbara F. MarshallKay Martens & Phil CramPatricia F. MartinAndrea Masters & Bruce PiaseckiKirti MathuraGregg MaughanRebecca & Donald MayberryJudy & Ed McDonoughJames V. Merritt, Sr.Carolyn & Donald MetzgerNikki A. MilesBrandi Minor & Lynn MinorEileen MitchellCynthia & Ted MontagueWinifred MurphyRosemary & Joseph NadeauJames Nafziger

Verity & Harry OberkfellLinda & Larry OffenbergSteve L. OlsonHilary Parker & John ParkerMaria Silva & William PasseySandra & Clarence PaulCynthia Peacock & Robert O’ConnorJudith Pelham & Jon CoffeeRobert B. PolacchiLinda & J. Michael PowersSandy & John RaffealliLaurie RamsbacherBarbara G. RankinJane E. ReddinNathalie RennellKathleen & John ReplogleHannah RiersonSonia RobertsonJanet & Roger RobinsonJulie & Glen RodolicoJ. Maxine & Paul RoseMerle & Steve RosskamNancy & Frank RussellVal & Ray SachsSamia Z. SalamKristin SchloemerJohanna & Robert SchofieldSandra & Bruce SchreiderVirginia & R. W. SchuffSally SchulzingerArleen SchwartzKathy & Dan ScottEnid & Mike SeidenJennifer L. SharlitEdrie & Tony ShenuskiSally & Clive SherlingLinda & Gerald ShieldsCatherine & Thomas ShumardMargaret Smeekens & Russell Van HornMargaret Sova & Robert KreitnerAnne SpeckJoann & Harvey StedmanLisa & Bill StephensCelia & Robert StretmaterCarolyn & Richard SzatkowskiMary Jean TateShari & Ben ThompsonMrs. Anson E. ThompsonMr. & Mrs. William C. ThorntonJoyce & Charles TiberSusan & David TruaxMichael Tucker & Gregory SaleAlice TulianoEdgar TurcotteRosamond & Thomas TurnbullBrenda TuxburyVivian & James Ullman & Alysa UllmanKathleen & Paul UlrichLinda Vance & Larry ReedLinda & Jim Vaughan & Jennifer VaughanMartha C. VizcayaBeverly Ann & Albert VoirinBarbara Walchli & Larry SeayPaige Walend & Larry TamburroNancy L. Walker

NancySwansonhasbeenaninspiration to the entire Board of Trustees. We are pleased to honor her this year as a TrusteeEmeritaandwethankher for her knowledge, vision, leadership, creativity and many years of dedicated service to the Garden.Bob Tancer Nominating Committee Chair

I regard the Garden as my secondhome.Absolutelythemost rewarding development in my life since I retired has been my relationship with the Garden’sleadership,staffandvolunteers. May it continute for a while longer.

Nancy Swanson Trustee Emerita

Dr. William Huizingh

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Page 7: Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report

Jackie & John WallacePatricia & Thomas WareWilliam E. WayKaren & Howard WeinerNancy WhitePamela & Wayne WightPatti & Gary WilhelmJane Rosenthal Williams & Stephen L. WilliamsLuella & Norm WilsonDonna & Daniel Winarski & Tyson WinarskiDavid G. YeagerJan Zieren & Jeff MewsDorothy Zusman

$150 - $299Anonymous Donors (12)Carrie AaronDebbie & Kenneth AbbottPatricia Abbott & John FranklinMaura AbernethyBetty L. AbseyMargaret & Quentin AchuffJan & William AckerRachael Lynn & Ricky Adelhelm

& Robin McEnanySusan & William AhearnCharles J. AhlbergMarian AlabackLindsay AlaishuskiMary & Walter AlbersMarietta & Murray AldrichAmy Alexander & Kelli ShepardMary Alexander & Chris McNicholCatherine & Scott AllenCynthia Grace & Robert AllenLisa A. AllenMary AllenTheresa & Steven AllenUte & Billy AllenLeAnn & Jacob AllgoodRoberta & Allen AlmendingerSusan & Jim AlmquistNancy & Donald AlpertBarbara & Christopher AlterCheryl & Jim AmatoJanet & Al AndersonJenny & B. AndersonCarol & David Anderson

Debbie J. AndersonHeather AndersonJeanne & William AndersonSandra & Michael AndersonFredrik AnderssonEllen Andres-Schneider & Ralph AndresJennifer & Raymond AndrewsRobin & C. Scott AndrewsStephanie Andrus & John OpelloCarol & Royal AnspachSandi & Clint AnthonyClaire & Ronald AntonMary Ann AppletonKim & Herman ArandaSophie & Raul Orlando ArcherClarissa ArcherJoyce & Richard ArdernHarold ArensMary & Robert ArmknechtLaura ArnoldYvette & Steve ArnoldKaren & Henry ArredondoInez ArticoBeate Assmuth-Ong & Kendall Ong

Kerry Atha & Kathy AthaCarole AtleeCharles AveryJeanette & Frank AzarCarl E. BabcockCatherine BabcockColleen & Joe BabcockRoxana & Aldro BaconJanis & Ron BadleyAssar BadriKim & Bill BaileyMichelle & James BaileyTara Bickford Bailey & Glen BaileyDale Baker & Michael BakerNancy Baker & Patrick ManionNancy & Robert BakerKate Baldoni & Dino CoppiCandace Ball

Moya & Alan BallGary BallantyneSue & Ron BallardNina L. BallingerLillian & Edward BandykBarbara J. BarberLorretta BarberKaren & Edward BarfootLoretta & John BarkellDiane BarkerMargaret Barney & Tracy BarneyAngelique BarniakKati & Noe BarreraMarianne Barrett & Raymond PernotWendy Castelli Barrett & Ted BarrettSusan Bartholomew & Carey DahlstromMaria & Dennis BartlettStephen Bartlett & John NessNadine & Edward Basha Lou Ann Basham & John ReynoldsHarold C. BassEsther BattockKimberly & Daniel BauerJoann Baxter & John HasenmillerMargery A. BaylessBerkeley & Christopher BayneMarjorie & James BeatonEugenia & Thomas BeckKaren Beckvar & David SprentallMaryEllen & Roger BedardBeverly Beddow & Floyd BienstockCarol BednerRonald BehmMary & Stephen BehrKen C. BehringerTracy Beian-KirkAnn Beisser & Kandy KendallLoAnn & Edwin BellCaite Bellavia & Christina BunkerLinda BenaderetElizabeth & Robert BenhamMolly Benton & Thorwald HerbertMadelaine BergMyrna & Charles BergerBarbie & Richard BergersonMarcel Bergmann & Jaime Shpall Lynn & Sheldon BermanSarah Ayres Berman & Neil BermanJoanne C. BernardRebecca J. BerryDebbi BertoletJohanna & Richard BestJoan & John BeverstockDiane & Fred BibeauDavid BickfordJan & Robert BiesbroeckDebra & Robert BlackKristine BlackJeanne Blaes & Gail AvrilJames E. BlevinsKat & Armand BoatmanSarah & David BodneyPatricia & Richard BogartMandy & Rod BoggsBill Bogle & Mark MooreKatherine & Charles BonitzTim A. BonninMary Ann & Charles BosnosVivian BoucherLucy M. BouchierBarbara & Brett BoutinDixie & Gale BowersTonya Bowes & Scott AttarianRoya & Glenn BowlusCarol & P. C. BoyleSusan & David BrachmanMariko & Chris BraggThomas BrandTerry Braun & Thurman CardwellHarry Bray & Paul HuffmanLisa Bredeson & Emily TickhillConstance BrekerMary BremerJean Brennan

Charles L. BrennerLouise & Gregory BridgesErica Brinker & Steven ZylstraPatricia Briseno & Edward GrabekCheryl & Richard BrockMartha BrodersenDiane Brown & Joan VrtisEna & Peter BrownMary Louise BrownMelinda & Charles BrownMichael D. BrownSallie F. BrownSusan Brown & Charles SorrelsMindy & John BruskyGlynis BryanRobin & Bryan BukovinaMildred Bulpitt & Jane MerrittLisa & Joel BunisJoy Bunt & Linda TurleyGeri BurgessAngela BurkeBarbara & Peter BurkholderNancy BurnettDeborah BurnsFrances & Jose Maria BurruelJane BurtnettJoan BurtnettKathleen & Dan BurtonMarcia J. BuschingOlympia & Larry BushCynthia & Brian BuskirkSusan & Kenneth BustinKelli & Kyle ButkiewiczBetty & W. L. ButtonLeonora & James ByrneLinda Byrne & Keith JacksonMarilyn CahoonSandra R. CailJohn N. CalderThomas H. CaldwellMary & Nick CaliseShirley CallJosi Callan & George ColeLaryn Callaway & Christiaan BlokMary CallisonAnton CamarotaSam CampanaEdward D. Campbell, Jr.Janie L. CampbellJennifer & James CampbellNorma Campbell & William FieldsJane & William CanbyKatie & Gene Cannarella & Karen SiglerMarilyn & Alexander CaplanSylvia & David CaplowPatricia & Anthony CarboneElizabeth Carey & Timothy HochbergStefanie & Jerry CargillGeorge Anna CarlenoDodee & Richard CarleyJulie Carll-Samulewski & Mary CarllDarlene & Franklin CarlsonJim CarlsonPeggy & Cy CarneyJudie CarpenterSuzanne D. CarreonSandra & Harry CarrollSally J. CarrollSue & Jack CarrollVirginia & Peter CarrollSusan & William CartmellCatherine J. CasavantJanet & Robert CasciolaLauren CasterJean & W. Thomas CastleberryDebra Cavanaugh & James RussellTiffany CawthronDorothy & Leonard CebulaKatherine & Rick CecalaPhillip W. CenskyGwen CeylonNancy & Terry ChalexWilliam Chambers & Daniel Lee & Sam LeeWanda Lee Chapel

Lindsay & William ChapmanLynn A. ChapmanShannon Chappell & Colleen & Tom LeeJanice & Laurence ChartierSusan L. ChaseAnnetta & Robert ChesterSophia Chiang & Wayne GaafarBarbara Chicoyne & Robert PoynterDianne ChidlawMarilyn & Dale ChildsAlexis & Michael ChristieKarin & David CikraRichard Cirillo & Michael CirilloKathy Clark & Paul CoueySuzy & Rick ClarkeSue & Philip ClementJoy & Craig CliffordSusan A. CliffordMary L. CochranSonja & Larry CoffeltBetty & Monte CoffmanSamuel & Muriel CoffmanKim Coffman-Romero & Fred RomeroGertrude & Martin CohosBruce & Jane ColeMarcia & Nolan CollinsRobin Collins & Michael FowlerMary Collo & Nicole WestbyDianne & Greg CombsSuzanne Combs & Norberto PerezRebecca ComstockMauri & Mark CongletonMary Connell & Jeremy Mussman & Sarah HedbergJane ConrowHester Cook & Joyce CookMarilyn Cook & James CookBeverly Ray CoopeValerie & Stirling CooperPat & Bill CorbinMonique CordovaPaula & Joel CormanMarilee Cosgrove & Robyn McDonaldNancy & James CottermanAnick Coudart & Sander van der LeeuwHarry R. CourtrightElaine R. CoutureLarry CoxDavid CrabbJane Elizabeth CrafterDarlene M. CraigGary Craine & Michael SeaburghHanni Crissey & Lafe MeyersElizabeth & David CronkJames CrossElizabeth & Peter CulleyBeth & James CullisonPam Culwell & Charles CaseMary Cummins & Curt SmithLynne & Glen CunninghamKathie Cuomo & Dan ButtryVirginia & Holden CurryMr. & Mrs. Andrew CurtisArlene & William CurtisHalina Czerniejewski & Gary SollarsMarla DaileyMireille & Conan DaileyDoris & Richard DaleSue Dale & Patrick JohnsonAlice & Michael D’AmbrosioCathy Daniel & Bernard GoreLinda & Craig DanielsonDiane & Phillip DaspitSheryl & Ronald DavidowIrene Yu & Larry DavisJeanne Davis & Jacob CrutchfieldJoan I. DavisJudy & Michael DavisLynne Davis & Ted HicksMary A. DaySandra & Ron Dean & Will NovakSheree Deardoff & Kenneth Burbridge

Sharon Debowski & David DoyelLarry L. DeBusEdward W. DennyKarla & Richard DentKeith DeutscherDeborah DeweyEva Diaz-Gavigan & Kim GaviganMichael Dickey & Devon GrahamChristina & Charles DickinsonElizabeth Dickinson & Michael O’DonnellGail & Michael DicksonBonnie DicusMargaret & Regis DietrichThomas H. DiltsMary & Herman DirksMary Ellen Dirlam & S. Mark HayTina Dixon-Novie & Greg NovieSheila & Joseph DobbinTralee DobsonGianna DoddsSylvia & Alan DoerschelIrmela DomaschSharon & James DominguezKathy Donaghu & Amy Donaghu & Michael DonaghuCarol & W. Scott DonaldsonDiane & John DonnellySusan & Eugene DoswellSandra & David DoubledayElizabeth DouglasLinda & Gerald DouglasTracy L. DowdleCathy & Barry DownsKathryn & Larry DoxseeAnn & Tom DoyleJacqueline Doyle & Erin DwigginsJustine DoyleDiane Dreon & David KujawaAlice Draisin-Burmeister & David BurmeisterHeather DrielingLinda L. DrillingMyrtle A. DrotosDaryl & Daniel DubrovichAlice & George DuckworthLois & Joseph DuffyJanine & Douglas DunnAna & Chris DupontCasey DurhamArlene & James DustonCandace & Larry DyerJorge R. EagarMargaret Earle & Gregory ThorleyNancy & William EbbinghausBeverly & George EbersoleCathy & Dennis EbertDiane & John EcksteinMerrilee EdwardsSuki & Fred EdwardsNancy EhlenDerinda Ehrlich & James ManningSusan Ehrlich & James HairJeanne & Edward EimersKimberly & John EisenhowerJanet & Darrell ElfeldtRobert F. ElligAdrienne Elliot & Lorraine Faustino & Francine WertherKathryn N. ElsaesserGerri Tipton Empey & Michael EmpeyGretchen Engquist & Peter BurnsYvette & Kim EnsignJo & Glenn EnsorJane Evans & Gene JosephBeverly EnyartShirley & Henry EpsteinMilagro Escabona & John HolmesLisa & Robert EslerJeanette P. EvansVirginia & Robert EvansDoris & Lawrence EwertSandra & Ben EwingDena & David FacklerDonna & John FarmarPatricia & Kenneth Farmer

Louise & Jim FarrLara Farrar & Donald Althouse & Elizabeth AlthouseLisa FarrarWilliam G. FarrowHolly FaubelKristina & Robert FauerRose Stapley FauschPatricia & Terrence FaySusan A. FeaglerJason FegerSuzanne & Richard FelkerCathy Felkey & Sharon FelkeyCatherine & Edward FeltenJames Felter & John DeNioJane E. FergusonKaye FergusonBela P. FernandezBarbara Ferrari & Suzanna ZarlengoPam FerrariMary L. FerroKathleen FestinoSusan L. FetterJoanne & Robert FingerJean Finlayson & Lawrence MandarinoMartha K. FischerK. T. Fish & Chip FisherWalli & Robert FitzgeraldJeanne FitzgibbonsJanis A. FjeldJames A. FlanaganJohn FleckensteinJeanie Fleming & Robert KangasDaphne & Dick FletcherTerry FloodKristina Floor & Christopher BrownJeanne & Deane FooteCarla & Dennis Ford & Angela GrijalvaDorothy & John FordCynthia E. FossCynthia & Joe FosterArt Foxall & Evan TaberCynthia & Matthew FramiJuanita & Philip FrancisSybil Francis & Michael CrowBarbara & Peter FrankJoseph FrankKathleen & Jerome FrankelValerie & Donald FrazierBarbara J. Freehill

Susan & Robert Freeland & Binky M. JonesMaggie & Kurt FreundJune & Ron FriesenLynn FriessPolly & Stephen FriessChalma FrostNancy & John FryMonica FulkKay A. FulkersonAva & Andrew FurgaMarian & Ronald FurukawaGloria & James GablerWade GainesLynn Gale & Paul LibertoMarta & Mitchell GalnickMary GarbaciakEsther H. GardnerLois & David GardnerCheryl & Victor GarniceMartha & John GarrettGeorgia Garrett-Norris & Judith RosenthalJanet & Chris GartonCarol & William GasserRichard D. GehrkeJulie & Perry GereCarol & Paul GerlachPatricia Gerrich & Stuart GerrichSandra & David GerschultzRenee & Peter GertsmanJudith & Stanley GetchLinda & Vic GetsingerLee GibbsChristine & Edward GiebelAlice & Donald GieseMaya & Jeffrey GilbertMary Ann Gillispie & Aileen MunchCindy & Jack GilmorePatricia GimsonBarbara & John GlassLee Gleason & Bill GleasonCynthia Glidden & Tracey & Terence TraceyMarie & Richard GlitzJanet Glover & Jim MansenLisa & Keith GoadeDawn & Donald GoldmanPatricia GoldmanAndrea Gonzales & William QuanElizabeth & Frank GoodyearAmy Jo & John GottfurchtCarol GouldBetsy & Tom GrahamBarbara & David GralnekKaren & James GrandeTerri & Eric GravesMary Ann & Edward Gray

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It appears to us that the foresight that established the Desert Botanical Garden so many years ago is being carried on today.AswewatchtheValleydevelop,weseean ever more crucial role for the Garden as both a regional resource of science and conservation and a sanctuary of wellness for the people of the area. We treasure theGarden’sgiftoftranquility,peaceandbeauty and it is an honor to be able to work with the committee tasked with raising the moneytoacquiretheChihuly Towers.Anonymous Donors

In MemoriumJonathan Marshall was an extremely generous man. He and Maxine loved the Garden, and Maxine was particularly interested inabutterflyexhibit.Jonathanwantedtheircontribution to the MarshallButterflyPavilion to be in Maxine’sname.Itis a living testament to a great man and the generousity of a wonderful couple. Michael Sillyman Garden Trustee

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Rita & Gordon GrayDeanne & John GrecoBonnie K. GreenJoanne & C. Douglas GreenJudy & John GreenTeresa GreenArlene Green-KahrsPaula GreggSara & Brad GregoryTracy GrenobleVictoria Griego & Timothy MettlerSusan Lynn GrieshoberMaryJane Griffith & Stacey GubserNancy B. GrimmLeslie Grinker & John BroanJudi & Stephen GrossLegreta D. GuastelloMaggie Gunn & Bill BirtcilJoan & Kurt GustinKathy & Michael HaakeMargaret Hacker & Suzanne DulanySusanne HaffnerLylia & Michael HagertyDonna & Edmond HahnSusan HajekMargherita & James HallMadeline HalpernBernadette Halpin & Stephanie HalpinCatherine & William HalvorsenEva & Jim HamantJill & David HamblenDana HamiltonDavid HamiltonKathryn & Thomas HammDonna HammarJune & Harvey HammerElly & Steve HammermanJean HamsherPaul HandiboeKathryn & Arthur HankeHelen Hankins & Michael MauserLeigh & J. David HannAbby Hansen & Loretta HansenLise & Erik HansenMarla & Ron HansenDianne Hansford & Gerald FarinIrene HansonPamela & Jonathan HarberFran & Kenneth HarderJoan & John HardingChristine Hardy & William HoweCatherine Harmon & Katie HarmonMary & Rick HarringtonNancy & William HarringtonAlice HarrisLynn & John HarrisMarilyn HarrisLinda Harrison-Parsons & Rick ParsonsMartha & Kenneth HartMuriel HartLori & Jim HartmanMelissa HartmanShelly HartmanMargaret & Leendert HartoogNancy & Jeffrey HarwinChristiane Harzig & Dirk HoerderKathleen & Jack HaslupDiane & David HastingsJohn M. HaugenWilliam Hawgood IIJasper S. HawkinsPhyllis HawkinsBarbara & Shaun HawthorneMarilyn HaydenCorinne HayesMurial Hazelton & Fern MooneyhamJanet & Dick HearinJoan HedmanLin & Jo Heizer & Dee HeizerSharice Heller & Richard GadeDawn HelmsSharon HendricksonPatricia A. HennessyDonna & Robert Henning

Nancy & Lyle HenryKathleen Hensch-Fleming & Tracy FlemingAnn HenssRebecca & Kevin HerbstJanice & Richard HermanSteve HermannJaye HerrMargaret & W. L. HerzogElizabeth & Samuel HesselJanet & John HetheringtonJulie HetheringtonFaith Hibbs & Rick ClarkJanet & Howard HillRosalie & James HillPeggy & Neil HillerJackie & Russell HiltonLynette & Doug HimmelbergerSue & Ben HippeMary Hislop & Wilda HislopBettina Hisrich & Kary Hisrich & Katy HisrichKara & Keith HjelmstadShirley & Ernest HodasMary Hoff & Amanda TugwellAnna & Ronald HoffmanLynn R. HoffmanMarjorie G. HoffmanStephanie HoffmanEmily & Ernest HoganMargaret Hogan & Jim HoganBarbie HoldemanPamela H. HoldenCorinne HollYolanda Holly & John TrumpGloria & Stuart HollingsworthPhyllis & Donald HolmesPatricia & Ronald HookMelodie Hopeman & Amber & Steve HeywoodJulie & Dennis HopperCarol & Jim HorvathHeather & Edward HotchkissKathleen & William HowardFrances Howard & Ed BlundonDwight HoweLea & Tom HowellPeg F. HowertonLinda & Dennis HrebecFrancine HribarElaine Hsu & Ken DavisJoan Huang & Denny LootsMathilde & Charles HuckinsSarah HudelsonRuth & Melburn HuebnerDixie Lee HuemoellerBonnie Hughes & William WalshTeresa & Darrel HuishKathy & Dale HuizinghJanice & David HulinElaine & Steve HullRose & Harold HullMary & Mark HultgrenKathy & Lonnie HumeSheryl Briesh Hume & Ralph HumeKim HuntAmber Huntoon & Terry AtkinsSuzanne S. HurleyKathy & Jay HurstCarolyn HusemollerSally & Bob Hutchison

Rita & Michael HuttWinnie & Roger HydeLinda & Albert IamiceliJudy IhrigShawn & Steven IngersollElin & Sam IngramMartha D. IreiJacquetta & Varnum Irvine & Katherine StelterElaine IsbellHelen & Henry IwaokaJacqueline JacobPiya Jacob & William KincaidJudith & Howard Jaecks & Amanda JaecksLinda Jakse & Paul HirtCharles James & Don AmmermanJohn E. JamesCindy James-Richman & Steve RichmanJanet & David JanKaren & James JanasBetty & Joseph JanikJanet M. JansenPenelope & Robert JastrzabCarol Jatkowski & Steve MurpheyMary Ann & Del JeffersLinda & James JeffriesCaryn & Stuart JenkinsPatricia & Robert JenkinsonCarole & Peter JenningsGerda M. JensenIrene & Richard JensenKari & Buzz JensenLinda & Ralph JensenSusan & Reed JensenMax JerrellSuzanne Marie & Greg JimenezFrances JohansenFrankie & Lawrence JohnsenAgnes JohnsonCaroline JohnsonDeborah & Roy JohnsonGail & Robert JohnsonJacqueline & Andy JohnsonJudy Anne JohnsonLauren & Lloyd JohnsonLois & Michael JohnsonVictoria & David JohnsonApril & Thomas JonesCarol Anne & Robert JonesCharla & W. Steven JonesGail & Thomas JonesLeiAnne Jones & Shirley JonesLinda Jones & Karen & James VrabelSherri JonesSherry & Kevin JonesStephen M. JonesJerri Jordan & Rod SmithJoan & Helge JordanSusan & David JordanCheryl & Kent JosephsonMeredith L. JulianCynthia KainsLori & Joe KaipingDale Kalika & Robert McPheeJan Kanaba & Steve KanabaKathleen & William KanouseDianne KanzlerJanice Kaplan & Helen Walker

Ginette & John KarabeesPeggy & Richard KarapBettina & Gary KarapetianWilma Kaslly & Megan Carlyle & Nicole C. CarlyleMary Lynn KasunicJanet KatzGail & Bob KaufmanLynda & Myron KayesJennifer & Jim KayserTraci KeaneChrista KeatingCathy KeenanLorraine & Thomas KeilSylvia Keller & Bill DewaltAnn & Keith KellyJeri KelleyLoRetta Kelly & Don Stangle & Ted MoreheadCarole & J. Richard KelsoRaymond W. KempJeffrey KennedyAloma & Earl KernLeslie & Aaron KernMarcia & Joseph KetchumKathleen KienzlePeter KilleenLinda V. KillmerAmi & Jon KingNina & David KingOwena King & Saundra NicelyNancy KinneyBetsy & John KinterStefan Kirchanski Cheryl Kirk & H. Richard TuckerShalene Kirkley & Anthony CeaPeggy & Leonard KirschnerMargaret & Daniel KisielSally L. KitchGrace Klees & Jerry StromBillie KleinMargaret KleinschmidtEmily & Mark KlettJody KlingfussUwe Klueppelberg & Victor Howard Eva & Robert KnightKathy & Don KnoopDiane & Chris KnudsenKarl KochElizabeth & Kent KochheiserMartha & Philip KoffmanJanet KoltsPauline KomnenichJoan W. KoppenbrinkPaula & Larry KornegayGail & Ken KotterSusan Kovarik & Brian SchneiderLynn Krabbe & Bruce KilbrideCarol & Reynold KraftCheryl & Richard KrajewskiMilinda & Jeff Krauss & Jessica SilvaBette & Timothy KrenzkeKim & John KressatyMyrna & Robert KrohnKaren Kuecker & John GoranowskiLois LackoreLynne Lagarde & Robert StankusCynthia & Michael LakeyRobin LaksCatherine Lamb & Evelyn SantosAnna Rosa Lampis & Jon SlaughterDelight & Tim LaneSheryl Langford & Beth RodriguezAlexandra & Jay LangnerTeresa Lanier & Catherine DrezakZane LankfordConstance & Leonard LaPointeMarjorie & Dennis LaPorteJoyce Foster Larson & Arlyn J. LarsonSarah Larson & Ava, Kai, Dan Rockafield Cynthia Lasko & P. Douglas FolkMichael D. LatzDawn LauRalie Lawrence & Tamsyn Cilliers

Lester LaytonCarole & John LeachKaren & Jordan LeakeGregory Leatherman & Araceli Lopez & Corina LeathermanEllen & Philip LeavittAnna & Rene LeBlancLucinda & David LeeRobyn Lee & Richard RectorGlee H. LeetBev & Wayne LehstenTheodore LeombroniConnie & George LeonMary Kay & William LeonettiNathan Lepp & Kevin KriegelNancy Lesko & Mike QuinlanMartin Lesniewicz & Gene GardnerNorma & Robert LesterJudith Levin & Gloria Cuadraz & Larisa BoswellPam LevinMichael LevittCarol & Lenard LewisJoan LewisLeslie LewisKaren Lewsader & Brian SandsMillie & Larry LibbyClare & Max LicherLysbeth S. LieberRebekah & Dan LiebermanNorma & James LightcapElaine R. LincicomeJacklin & Nils LindforsKelly & Russell Lindgren & Betty LindgrenChristine LindleyGale LindquistRalph LingerfeltLeslie LocklearRonda & Robert LoftonKeith Longpre Susan & Tom LongworthPhyllis LoppKaty & Paul LorentzLois LorenzKay & John LorenzenClara Lovett & Benjamin F. BrownShirley & Douglas LoweMarcia & James LowmanKate LowryJudith & Clifford LowumPamela & Ned LueckeLynn & Matt LugerSally & W. L. LundellAntha & Lin LundgaardJune Lundy & Don ZastoupilLesley & Marshall LustgartenMary Lou LydingPamela L. MacChlerieColleen MaceCarol & Harvey MackayBarbara Macnider & Michael SullivanSuzanne MaddockRon MagawPatricia A. MahoneyJanine Mailhiot & Patricia MacLeanKathleen & Robert MalcolmLinda & David MaleCarole & William MallenderJulie Malloy & Bruce CarsonStephanie & Chris MaloneyHarold MannChristine Marshall & Robert MarcusJanet Margrave & Nat ReyesBeatrice MarkowDana & John MarsdenIrene & Warren Marsh & Manuel LopezPaul & Patricia MarshBetty & Seth MarshallKaren Martell & Emilie LeonHolly & Joseph MartinKathryn & Stan MartinKathleen MarvelLynn & Dale Mason

Mary Helen MasonCassandra Mason-Motz & Kevin MosleyMary Lou & Timothy MassalSusan & George MasterJeanne MattBeth & Robert MatthewsSandi Mattingly & Matthew SchroederJanet Maurer & Marty DavisCarolyn MayCarolyn McCarterJanice McCarthy & Jim ThompsonLori & Jeff McClellandBarbara & Beatrice McCloud & Robert J. McCloudBarbara & Sanford McCormickCindy & William McCrackenLisa & Mark McCrearyS. Dennis McDonaldBeth & Irvin McDonaldRobbyn McDowell & Scott FehrmanHugh McDowellCarol L. McElroyLoretta & John McEnroeElizabeth & Frances McGeeMary McGonigle & Cathy McGonigleLeah K. McGovernGean & James McGrathJill & Larry McGregorSarah & Brian McGuireJanet & John McKelveyKathleen McKenzieSandra McKenzieMarjorie & Allan McLeodMerrill McLoughlin & Michael RubyBernardine & Preston McMurryPriscilla McNeil Carol & William McNultyRobin McQuaidVirginia & Ron McRoyDebe & Jeff MederSharon & Richard MeffordJeannie & Donald MeierGina & Duane MeinenPatricia A. & John K. MeinertHelen Meinhold & David McClenaganJanet & John MelamedLourdes Melendez & John KuyasaLucinda B. MellottJoyce & John MelterNora Mendez & Bob HasslerKay & Dick MerkelMartha T. MerkleDebra & Jeffrey MessingSandee & Stewart MetoskyLinda H. MeyerMary G. MeyerCamilla Ann Mican & David MeyerDebbie & Greg MichalowskiAnn & Edward Miller & Eric MillerAlice & Charles MillerLinda & William MillerPamela & Scott MillerMarjory C. MilroyMarilyn & Fred MircoffDebra & Rick MishlerDenise & James MissimerCarolyn J. MitchellJacquie & Charles MitchellMarian MitchellPhilip MitchellBetty & Dennis MitchemSally Moffat & Scott MoffatKim & Jay MohrJoan & Patrick MondoneJennifer & Sam MoneyDeborah & Duane MonroeAdel Montasir & Fran MontasirCheryl Langenberg & Dorothy MoomawAna & Thomas MooreEllen M. MooreJulia & Everett MooreLilly L. Moore

Peggy & John MorehouseMichele Morgan & Sam KirklandCarolyn & Richard MorganPatricia & Dusty MorganMargaret & Robert MoroneyK. Jill Morrill & Grace WalravenFrances Morris & David RomeroLinda & Dillard MorrisMattie L. MorrisNina & Richard MorrisPatricia & James MorrisCharles J. MorrowMargaret & Duane MorseLisa J. MortensenCarol & Larry MortonVicki MotzkinBarbara & Mike MulhollandMary & Rafael MunozLona MurchisonLynne & Paul MurphyLou A. MurphyPamela & Brian MurphyPatricia A. MurphyPatricia & W. Robert MurphyWen Murphy & Curtis Weeman & The Soon FlynnPatricia & David MurrishMarion & Robert MyczekKaren NackardMarcia & Richard NadolnySteven L. NagyPureza NashCarolyn & Carl NauSusan & James NavranKaren & Walter NellisDiane & Richard NelsonMary Kay & Gary NelsonVan Nelson & Yuri GrevtsevDonald E. NemerConstance & Ronald NeumanNancy & Roger NewellSusan & Alan NewmanSylvia & Charles NicholsWendy & Alan NiemCindy & John NighBarbara & Lawrence NilsenNancee & Karl NilsenKelly Noble & Michael CeneriniBetty J. NorridCarolyn & Lynn OatesCarole O’Brien & Stephanie O’BrienSarah & William O’BrienDenice & Scott OddoCary & Otis OdellPhyllis & Michael O’DellDeborah Oldfield & John ReichSally A. OlsenJanelle & Richard OlsonMary L. OlsonCandia O’NeilElsie & Frank O’NeillLea & Peter O’ReillyJoAnn R. OsborneErin & Gary Ostendorf & Lee OstendorfBev & Tom OttmanJanice & John OverdorffSusan G. OwensDorothy & Steven PaceJulie Pace & David SeldenBonnie Pace-Duncanson & Dave DuncansonCindi & Stephen PackardKimberlee Reimann Padilla & Amador PadillaBobbi & R. Jay PalmerCarrol & Mauro PandoVirginia Pannabecker & Christopher MillerPamela PappasSuzanne Parelman & Alan SapakieGloria G. ParkLinda & Lyle ParkerJenifer PartchGary PatePremel & Ketan PatelDoris & James Patrick

Peggy & Gene PattersonPamela & Timothy PaulTracy PaulCheryl & David PaulovichDeeann J. PearceWilliam PearsonMariana C. PeckMara Pederson-Cranford & Darrell CranfordDebra Peevey & Candy CoxJody PelusiM. Pamela PennLinda & Dean PersonneCarol & Leo PessinBarbara PetersDarlene PetersenHarriet PetersenBernalei PetersonCristina & Alan PetersonMary PetersonPatricia & Richard PetrovichCamilla & Jon PettiboneM. Jean & George PettitKathleen & Bruce PettycrewSuzanne PfisterNancy Philippi & James LeValleyBarbara PickrellDennis PiluriMichele PitzerCharles PlattJoan & Richard PlattJanice Laurant Plewniak & Denis PlewniakAri PloskerHelen E. PohlGerold E. PokornyJody & Kerry PokorskiBetty Polanski & Casmer RuzyckiPaul PosillicoCatherine & Karl PoterackMegan PowersCarolyn PreiserCecilia & Wolf PreiserBarbara PreviteLinda ProctorDeShon L. PullenPeggy & Harry PurdyMarilyn Tucker Quayle & Dan QuayleCarol & Tom QuijadaJean QuinseyJennifer & Steve Rabin

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VolunteeringattheGardenhas opened up a whole world of friendships, activities, and education for us. Barb even brings our three-year-old grandson,Ethan,toSammySeedlingssohecanlearnabout nature at the Garden.

AvisittoourGardenisahighlightofmanySundayafternoons for me. I believe DBGtobethemostuniquegarden in the Western World; and I love the addition of our wonderful special events!Uta Behrens

Ron and Barb Lieberson

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Anne & Steve ThomasCharles ThomasCheri & Gene ThomasElizabeth Thomas & Roger ThomasJoAnn & Arnie ThomasJoyce & James ThomasJudy & Charles ThompsonMarilyn & Charles ThompsonMelanie Thompson & Chris BaleRoseanne & Nancie Thompson & Cathy ThompsonGayle & Michael ThorneycroftMarlin E. ThuenteCathy Thuringer & John MartellLaurel D. TierneyMary Tipton-Gibson & James GibsonLaura TobinMary Lou & Stuart TobinRosemary & Robert ToddElizabeth Todd-Lockett & Joseph Lockett & Andrew ToddDorothy TolzmanChristine & Bill TomlinsonKathleen Ward Tonis & Frank TonisChristina N. TothJanet & Richard TowbinSammy & Leroy TownsendBarbara & Dan Trainor & Jeff PriceNoah A. TrockelMartha & Edward TroutCarol & John TrudeauJames Tucker IIIKimberly & Charles TuomiEvelyn & Joseph TuranyMargaret Turk & Robert WeberKari & Tutt TuttleTammy Tyree & Daniel BrooksTerry & Jim UffelmanAndrea Umlas & Greg PoulosFlorence UmphreyTamsinn & Jon UnderwoodDiane UpchurchPaula & Howard UtseyEva Valencia & Tom CoffeenSherry VamesKathy & Thomas Van ArsdaleJill & Joe Van DierendonckAudrey Van Kirk & Michael BittnerBetty Van Noy & Amy OtolskiAnn & Tom Van SlyckKatherine & Stephen VeltriWilliam VerdiniPatricia H. VestChristy Vezolles & John RasmussenVicki VickDeanna & Lee VickersWendy VillalbaDeborah & Mark VinsenMr. & Mrs. Richard VivianiMarilyn & James VogelPatty Vogel & Ron DaviniKaren & Gary VoirolDoug VolkerKarla & John von LeheEunice & John VoorheesDiane & Alex VreniosLeonora T. VulloBetty & Tom WagnerLaurie & David WaiteNancy & Gilbert WaldmanKen C. WalkerNadine & James WalkerLaurie & David WallMarjane & Neal WallNancy & William WallaceBarbara & Howard WallenbergLorene & Gerald WalterRenee WalterPeggy & Art WaltherJudith & Kevin Wandler & Matthew WandlerLinda Warner & Amber Eichenauer & Frederick EichenauerVirginia L. WarnerLinda & Richard WarrenFrances & Dennis Watanabe

Brennan M. WatkinsDiana & Douglas WatkinsGayle WatsonHope WebberDebra & Ronald WebsterJessica & Diane WebsterLorraine & James WebsterMelinda Webster & Jeffrey Lee William WeeseSue Weinert & Joe YoussefiGeorge Evan Weisz & Leesa MorrisonBonita WellingtonAbbe Wells & Marybeth Smith & Phil WalterCrystal WellsAmanda & Chris WentlandPamela & Wayne WesalaSusan & John WestoverMary Lu & Jameson WetmoreDebra WeworskiShirley & Garret WeyandErin Whalen & Mark CarnesCharlotte & Charles WhiteJean & Charles WhiteNancy & Edward WhitePhyllis & Haydn WhiteWillard E. WhiteLinda Whitecotton & Janet McGettrickAudry & Harry WhitehurstCarolyn & Christopher WhitesidesJoy & Douglas WhitneybellMartha J. WicksallPhyllis E. WideloPatricia Ann & Richard WiedhopfMuriel & Tim WielandGeorgeanna & Andrew WielkoszewskiLaurie & Mark WiesingerSuzanne & C. Anthony WightSue WilcoxCheryl & Jim WilksJanet & Arlyn WillAdele WilliamsCherrylee WilliamsDaniela & Gene WilliamsDemie & R. J. WilliamsGai WilliamsIlka Lelia & Max Williams & Sammy WilliamsJean WilliamsLinda & Jim WilliamsPenny WilliamsSandra WilliamsSandra & Jay WilliamsStephania & Bruce WilliamsMarva Willis-Perry & Dean MurphyNancy & Jon WilsonLea WiltsieMari WimerPatricia & Sidney WineShannon Winer & Edward FrederickLorita & Ivan WinfieldJeanne WinogradEileen & Terry WintersJoy & Ray D. WisemanSusan Wiseman & Bruce NelsonPeggy & Robert WithersJanet & Robert WitzemanJennifer Woelke & Mark WizynajtysKim WolfMarilyn WolfeJohn WolffMyra & Monte WolffJanice & Dennis WolterKathy & Roger WoltersKarren I. WoodPamela & Gary WoodDierdre & Ben WoodruffJeanne & John WoodsMary Jo & Joseph WorischeckJane & Bernard WorthJames WurglerCheryl Wyatt & John WenderskiSue Yaffee & Neal KurnSybil Yastrow

Eduarda & Ronald YatesSusan & Ray YorkKay YoungMary & Harry Young & Julia YoungJohn YourkMartha ZabalaMary & Darwin ZahnLynette A. ZangHector ZavaletaScott ZeiglerKathleen & Stanley ZeitzDiana & Joseph ZerellaMary L. ZicarelliNancy & Kenneth ZollElizabeth & James ZornSue & Andris Zvirgzdins

The Desert Botanical Garden is honored to acknowledge the following individuals as members of Sonoran Circle. These donors have thoughtfully included the Garden in their estate plans.

SONORAN CIRCLEAnonymous (35)Rebecca Ailes-Fine & Peter S. FineGail & John AllanSidney AllenMary Jo & Gene AlmendingerMason E. & Donna G. AndersonLou Ella Archer*Rev. Talitha J. ArnoldBillie Jane BaguleyJudy & Web BakerKathryn BakerKate & Greg BakkumValerie BanksDiane BarkerLewis Barnard, Jr.*David BarnettJudy & Larrie BatesRobert A. BeanePatricia Beauvais Trust*Shirley & Thomas BekeySandra & Ralph BenellMyrna & Charles BergerJean M. BesichGail BlissOonagh & John BoppartJane BurtnettVera A. Carpenter Trust*Joy & Craig CliffordLee Baumann CohnPatricia Wentworth Comus & Louis F. Comus, Jr.Harry R. CourtrightCarol & Richard CraneJerome W. Daub*Bernadette & Dean DeAngelisDiana DeckerPatricia Dickerman*Rachel K. Dirkse TrustRichard & Heather DohrwardtMarion & Jim DurhamRuth DuValBeverly & Paul DuzikLucille B. Earle*Alice Feffer*Donna & Mark FeldmanMary L. FerroVirginia & Ernest Ferry*Corleah S. Fiery*Rose & Harvey Goertz*Elaine & Dan GruberDelbert J. HarrFrank Hennessey*Florence L. Hinshaw *DeAnne & Mike HoltCharles A. HuckinsWilliam HuizinghDorothy D. & James L. JonesCheryl E. Kantor*Melissa KempRaymond W. KempBetty Kitchell

Debra Korobkin*Virginia KorteArthur N. Krein*Florence Arlene Kriz Trust*The Kulow Family TrustAnn & Michael LinnettFran & Dale LinowskiAnnelise Loeser*Beth Meyer Lohse & Rolf LohsePaul LorahShirley & Douglas LoweJonathan Marshall*Mildred F. May*Scott B. McMahonPatricia A. & John K. MeinertBetty & Denny MitchemLorene D. Mullineaux*Kathy & Chuck MunsonPatricia Anne Murphy*Arthur R. Murray*Marcia D. & Richard W. NadolnySherry NewSusan D. NoackCarolyn & Mark O’MalleyDeborah & Benedict OrnburnOpal Oyaas*Karen & David PaldanRosellen & Harry Papp

Mathilda M. ParkerKathleen Passey*Craig PearsonJoel PrescottDoris RedlinNancy & Robert H. Rheinlander*David J. RitchieMary Romero & Eric MargolisJo Rose & Cynthia A. RoseWallis Rae RozgaLeontine Sassell*Kimberly S. & Scott T. SchaeferCarol SchillingRuth K. Schonthal*

Jan & Shawn RadcliffMaxine & Michael RadtkeLinda & Thomas RaimundoBeth & Marvin RallisonShirley & Thomas RamaleyJothi & Ramesh RamanathanLaree & Arch RambeauDorothy & Donald RandallSally & Kyle RandichScott Raney & Aris GalliosDonna RanslemLana & Chris RaptoplousAnn & Dwight RawlingsLois & Jim ReabeDorothy & Martin RecchuiteLinda & Charles RedmanPatsy RedmondHarriet RedwineMary Lou ReedBettiann & Jeffrey ReeseMarit & Rich Reese & Kristine ReeseSharon & Ed ReeseLari-Ann & Frank ReichenbacherSuzanne Reimolds & Susan AndersonKenneth F. ReinertMartha & Lloyd ReiserGinger RennerMarianne & John ReplogleBlair & David RevakLinda Lee & Michael RevaneKenda & Dean RiceJohn D. RichardsonDeborah & Janet Richter & Mary Ann ClendeninKaren & Richard RichterVirginia & Donald RickenValerie & Kerry RiedlerNancy & William RiegelAnn & Dan RigbyErnestine & Joe RileyMichael J. RinegarJuanita & Tom RingerJulia & Wayne RishRachel RitchieJeni Rivera & Jaime RiveraWarren RizzoCarolyn RobbinsMarilyn & Donald RobbinsChad RobertCarol & Ken RobertsJackson RobertsJoan & William RobertsLeona Roberts-WilliamsBarbara & William RobertsonNancy Jean RobertsonSarah & William RobertsonErnest B. RobinsonKaren & Todd RobinsonDaryl Roche & Edward FerriePauline & Leonard RodgersRegina & A. Hugh RodgersLinda & Tim RodriquezVeronika & Kilian RoeverDenese RohrerCharles Roller & Jack SeylerTom Rolston

Isabelle & Stephen RomanMary Romero & Eric MargolisLynn & Mark RoosaKaren Roots & Leora Schlaba & Leora C. RootsWendy & Jonathan Rose Mary & Robert RosenValerie J. RosenthalPatti & Eugene RossLaura Ross & Michelle BlasnigMary & Marty RothKeri & Justin RothMary Lynn & Gary RothJudith & Robert RothschildNicholas Routson & Edward SloskyLaura RouyerPatrice & Robert RowanDorothy & Roma Royer & Kevan RoyceEloise & Nathan RubinJane & David RubyDonna & Thomas RumphDiane RunfolaSally & Frank RuscittiDee Anne Russell & Robert MajorosRita Kay & David L. Ryan & Wendi RyanSharon L. RyanDavid RyderLane SabourinJulie Sadler & Thomas SadlerJennifer & Brian SadowskiDeborah A. SaintMargaret & J. W. Saint ClairMaria Salapska & Zoltan GelleriShirley & Anthony SallasKaren & Eric SallerGail SallustroLynne & Robert SaltzEstelle SaltzmanErik SamarpanVirginia M. SandersRobert SandersonNoemi & Luis SantaellaEmily & Mike SantellanesVicenta & Cayetano SantiagoCynthia & Alfonso Sapia-BoschYvonne SappenfieldMartha Spruell & Charles SargentMicheline SarrailWendy & Ken SatoyoshiNancy SavoyDorothy & Richard SawyerJanet Sawyer & Jeri StilesJoan & William SawyerLinda & Clif SawyerBetty SaylerDorothy & Michael SayrePat & Francis ScalziPeggie & Chuck ScarrottLorraine & Gregory ScavenStephen SchaitbergerLinda Scharf & Ruth ScharfBrenda & David ScheatzleElizabeth Scheinfeld & Sherri VirlinJoan & J. Anton SchiffenhausDoris & Alfred Schiller

Dawn & Jay SchlottCarol & James SchmidtLois I. SchnebergerArt Schneider & Kyle PaskeyPaul A. SchneiderAlice & Danny SchnellGayle & John SchofieldWilda & Alfred SchommerLyrna & Michael SchoonChris & Kenneth SchopenMary SchottstaedtEdward F. SchraithCaroline Schroeder & Eric JohnsonJane Schroeder & Maureen HarropSusan SchubertLisa & Don SchuldesKate Schumacher & Richard RobinsonPhyllis & John SchumacherKathryn & David SchwarzLinda ScottLinda & Dale ScottHeather & Walter ScottJeannette & Larry ScoufosHelene & Bryce SeamanSharon A. SecordGinny SederstromJulie & Wes SedgwickSandralyn SeidelCharles SeifriedMarcia & Jerry SeligEric Sellen & Ronald SeidmanIngeborg & Donald SenutaM. Teresa Seville & Panagiotis PanotopoulosSally & Ellis ShackelfordSande & Pat ShannahanShapiro Family PhilanthropicKristin & Tim SharpSusan Shatreau-Janisky & Michael JaniskyPamela ShellhornPaula & Jack ShemerAlva-Gay SheridanSandra & Donald SherlinePaula & Arlie ShermanCarol & Michael SherwinPauline & Paul ShetterLoretta & Donald ShieldsVictoria ShimpGinna & Rex ShortDiane Shuck & Michael La FauciJanice SickelsJan SiedlerKelly & Mark SiffermanCeleste & Eric SilvernailPatricia SimmonsHoward SimonMartha & David SimonciniSusan & Ronald SimonsgaardKristine & James SimontonWilliam S. SimpsonJeannine & Jeff SingletonJeanette Sinohui & Margie TorresJoan & Morton SitverBobbye & Dennis SkareckyMartha & Clark SkeansPatricia & Allen SkinnerGloria Skylstad & Matt WatsonFavour H. SlaterBarbie SlavkinLinda & Charles SlinghoffTana SmidtCathie & Glenn SmithCorinne & Art SmithDoris Ann SmithElizabeth & Pamela SmithGail & Thomas SmithKaren SmithLaura SmithLinda & Charles SmithMarcia & Peter SmithMelissa Smith & Robert DupreePatricia SmithSharon & Dennis SmithSusan & Ottis SmithChrystal Snyder & Richard Otto

Michelle & Steve SnyderNancy Snyder & Jack SombrioDale SobolSharmen SoderstromMarianne & Kurt SolemJoanne & John Solomon & Maria SolomonNan & Joe SommerCarolyn & Milton SommerfeldAnais Sonder & Phillip PonceCindy & Richard SonstelieMary SorlieRichard Sourant & Wilson JonesElke & Michael SpandauMichele & Gregory SpearDiana SpearsBridget SpectorMartha & Dan SpiroSuzanne & Austin SpitzerLaila & Roland SpokelyEd SpomerBrenda Sperouti & Tom Whalen & Annalis WhalenTomi St. Mars & Shane RogersHeather & Edward StaffordShea Stanfield & Nataniel KastelicCarol & Larry StanfordShirley C. StanhopeCelia & Adam StaperfeneTamra Stark & Joe StarkJil & Craig StarkeyMary Joy & Jerre SteadSusan J. SteadKelly Steele & M. F. WojciechowskiMusette StegerFloralou & S. Larry SteinNorma & Gerhard SteinbrennerJudith SteinhoffSharon & Gary StempleJean Craig & Leo StengelSandra SterlingAlicia & Randy SternaNancy, Kathleen & Bridget Stewart & Marcella Sacco & Frank SaccoPamela & Harold Stewart & Elizabeth StewartPatricia & Barry StewartRebecca Stewart & Steve LambertyJan StickneyMarsha & James StieberAmy L. StirrupAnne Stone & Eric HiserDeborah & Daniel StoneMaree StoneCarol StotkoConnie StraussOlga & James StricklandJane & Jim StripeHelga & Charles StubnerDottie StutzmanCheryl & Edward SucatoPatricia Sullivan & Marcela DorantesMary Louise SunderlandBeverly A. SuttonJacque Sutton & Elizabeth McGinnisBeth & Daniel SwadenerPhyllis & Leslie SwanCurtis R. SwansonCheryl Sykora & William WelbesSylvia & Michael SzpakStarr TaberPearl TangSelma & Jerome TargovnikDeborah Tasset & James FunkBetsy TatlockLenore & Richard TaubertJacqueline & Jack TaylorSuzanne & Charles TaylorVictoria & William Taylor & Jefffrey TaylorKimberly & Warren TeBruggeDanielle TerheggenInge TerpeningRose & James ThibodeauLinda & Paul ThistlethwaiteBruce C. Thoeny

I will always remember the evening my husband proposed to me in the Desert Botanical Garden. He had worked with the on-site staff, who helped make sure we had our own private, special moment...the sun was setting, the gardens were stunning, we felt like we were the only two people in Phoenix that night – the evening was pure magic!Renee and Bob Parsons

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We’vebeeninaweofthe Desert Botanical Garden since our first visitin2005,andweare proud to be a part of preserving and sharing this beautiful and valuable resource.

Adrienne and Paul Morell

Page 10: Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report

Kenneth J. SchutzSusan E. ShattuckDon ShawDorothy Lincoln-Smith & Harvey K. SmithGlenda SpringerDan SuhrNancy SwansonMarilyn SwobodaNikolaus TendlerBruce C. ThoenyShari & Ben ThompsonMichael J. TuckerCarol & Bob TulkEthel Twitchell*H. W. VanLoo*Nancy E. Wagner*Kathleen & Bruce WeberGertrude Webster*Virginia A. WeiseGary R. WolkovitsEugenia I. Wright*Karen WyndeltsSylvia D. Yoder*Those whose gifts have been realized.

The Garden is proud to acknowledge the following businesses and foundations for making annual gifts to support the Garden’s research, education and exhibition programs.

$20,000+APS – Arizona Public ServiceThe Arizona RepublicBlue Cross Blue Shield of ArizonaCharles Schwab & Company, Inc. ChaseThe Dorrance Family FoundationThe Fred Maytag Family FoundationGo® The National Science FoundationThe Ottosen Family FoundationSRP-Salt River ProjectSunstate Equipment Co., LLC Target CorporationThe Virginia G. Piper Charitable TrustThe Virginia M. Ullman FoundationWells Fargo

$10,000 – $19,999The Boeing CompanyCFG Business Solutions, LLCEmerson Electric Co.

Fabulous Food Fine Catering & EventsThe Ferry Family FoundationHerbert H. and Barbara C. Dow FoundationHotel Indigo - ScottsdaleMedia Buying Services, Inc.P.S. Studios, Inc.Santa Barbara Catering CompanyUS Airways

$5,000 - $9,999All About Catering CompanyArizona Office TechnologiesArizona Taste Catering, Inc.AventuraBank of AmericaCable One, Inc.Can-Do Now FoundationCésar Mazier Landscaping & Consulting, Inc.COP Properties, LLCCox CommunicationsCreations in Cuisine CateringDesert Living MagazineFennemore Craig, P.C.Greenberg Traurig, LLPHyatt Regency Phoenix at Civic PlazaIntel CorporationMarlin Ranching CompanyMeridian BankMichael’s CateringMidFirst Private BankNorthern Trust, N.A.Phoenix Home & Garden MagazineRK Group West LLC

Ryley, Carlock & Applewhite, P.A.Thunderbird CharitiesWells Fargo Private BankWiseman and Gale Interiors

$2,500 - $4,999Arizona Community FoundationArizona Golf AssociationBruce Brown CateringCenter for Plant ConservationHeidi’s Events and CateringKutak Rock LLPThe Maurice R. and Meta G. Gross FoundationPour Masters

$1,250 - $2,499ACME Ice Cream Events LLCAtlasta Catering Service, Inc.Creative PlantsDavison Benefits Group, Inc.Drumbeat Indian Arts, Inc.Hotel San CarlosRed, White & BrewScottsdale Insurance CompanyShamrock Foods CompanyThe Stockyards Restaurant

$500 – 1,249American Society of Botanical Artists, Inc.Arizona-New Mexico Cable CommunicationsArizona RichesArt Solutions LLCAzul-Verde Design Group. Inc.Baker NurseryCasino ArizonaCentral Arizona Cactus Succulent SocietyCharles G. and Rheta Krammer Foundation Desert Tree FarmsDesign Inspiration LLCDMB Associates, Inc.Environmental Fund for ArizonaHenry and Horne, L.L.P.Holler & Saunders Ltd., Inc.Jim Sudal Ceramic DesignKnoell & Quidort, Inc.Margate Homes and ConstructionMaricopa Audubon SocietyMcDowell Mountain DentistryNative Resources International, Inc.Nowell Tree FarmParadise DistributingR. J. Bromley Construction, Inc.Sam’s CafeSusich Design CompanyVollmer & Associates, Inc.

$250 - $499Ambassador Landscaping, LLCAravaipa FarmsArizona Grand ResortArizona Native Plant SocietyArizona Nursery AssociationArizona Wholesale GrowersBotanicals in ClayColumbine Garden ClubCosanti FoundationFairmount Scottsdale Princess ResortHarkins TheatresKornegay Design, LLCLinthicumLVA Urban Design Studio, LLCMetal Mamas, Inc.Radius Design GroupRancho de los CaballerosReed Brothers FurnitureScottsdale CateringSouth Mountain Landcare, LLCSpurlock Poirier Landscape ArchitectsTopete/Stonefield, Inc.White House Interior & Flowers TENDING THE GARDENListed below are donors who have made gifts and payments of $150.00+ from December 16, 2009 through March 15, 2010 to support the campaign initiatives advancing the Garden’s exhibits, education, research and endowment programs.

Anonymous Donor (3)Lowell C. Bailey, Jr.Kathryn BakerVijayan BalanBank of America FoundationDavid J. BarnettPaula & Robert BeckConnie & Jim Binns In memory of Virginia UllmanNancy & Charles BrickmanArlene Brockmeyer & Patty ShepardSandra & James BrophyChevron Humankind Matching Gifts ProgramAnne & Fred ChristensenGayle & David ClinehensJoan & Terry CummingsMargaret & Daniel Curtis

Mireille & Conan DaileyPatty D’AngeloThe David E. Reese Family FoundationDavison Benefits Group, Inc.Stephan Fincher & John SnyderFran & Edwin GoldsteinSandra & William GoodheartGreenberg Traurig, LLPElaine & Daniel GruberDianne Hansford & Gerald FarinJean & Dee HarrisCarolyn & John HeatonMartha E. HunterNancy & Ken HusbandFaye H. & James D. KitchelLois Krahn & Eric GordonMelissa & Ted LagreidPatricia & Frederick LauBarbara & Ron LiebersonAnnRose & Jeffrey LundRebecca & Donald MayberryTahnia & Jeff McKeeverH. Catherine McKeownMotorola,Inc.Radha Nieburgs & John PappasCraig O. PearsonMary & Bill NovotnyJill & William PilcherCherie & Jerry RosenquistBarbara ShippeeMichael W. Sillyman & Amy J. GittlerSRPThe Stardust FoundationMaree StoneLinnea ThompsonMarsha & Charles Van DamVirginia G. Piper Charitable TrustPatricia & Thomas WareCindy & Mike Watts

HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTSHonor and memorial contributions are used to support the Desert Botanical Garden’s horticulture, exhibits, education and research programs. These contributions have been received from December 16, 2009 through March 15, 2010:

Honor Gifts:In honor of AAA Phoenix Branch Staff Mark ByamIn honor of Oonagh Boppart’s Birthday Julie & DeWayne HeveloneIn honor of Cindy Bowers Pam HoltIn honor of Judi Edwards’ Birthday Elaine & Michael GlazerIn honor of Scott & Roxanna Frische Tina & Leland FrischeIn honor of Ashley, Feliciaand Matt Huish Teresa & Darrel HuishIn honor of Aaron Jon Immel Renee & Peter ImmelIn honor of Mary Makaus Victoria PoultonIn honor of Dr. & Mrs. John Meunier’s 50th Anniversary Deborah & Michael GilmanIn honor of Jill Morrill & GraceWalraven’s Birthdays Harriet Redwind & Peggy AllaireIn honor of Michael Roberts Jason LaineIn honor of Linda & Ron Thornton Santiago Valdez & Ted ThorntonIn gratitude to Laura M. Burgis atBurgis Envirolutions Marketing Matters

Memorial Gifts:In memory of Mary Jo Almendinger Anonymous Donor Sidney Allen Roberta & Allen Almendinger Sharon Bornfleth Helene & John Burback Sandy & Dennis Cielaszyk Marlene & Quentin Fiala & Linda Reinartz Beverly Grausnick William Huizingh Renee & Peter Immel Arlene & Dean Knutson Barbara & Ron Lieberson Judith & Edward Miksch Ruth Napier Jill Russell Kenneth J. Schutz Favour H. Slater Margarete Somers George Stickney Shari & Ben Thompson Jan Trenter Nedra Weber-Sands Melanie & Robert WilliamsIn memory of Rubin Ageloff Dottie & Jay JeskeIn memory of Ann Monks Barry Ann Monks Barry Charitable FoundationIn memory of Nan Beyer Margaret & Charles Beyer & FamilyIn memory of Bettie Brenner Margarete SomersIn memory of Mary Enriquez Jessica MileyIn memory of Jan Gatto General DynamicsIn memory of Sylvia Gless Julie Palakovich & Richard Appleman Hilary Parker & John ParkerIn memory of Nedra Vaught Jacob Nancy Bowman Sue & Larry Hill Phyllis & Troy VaughtIn memory of Edna Klimpke Donna & John Farmar Tillie & Warren Klimpke Mary & Lang Tang The Yue Tang Family TrustIn memory of M. W. Lowell Linda M. HeroldIn memory of Louise A. Mason Renee & Stanley Babit Shirley Bowman Judith & John Callahan Linda & Robert Cappel Vicki & Clark Catelain Kathy & Jim Day Janet & Howard Hill Kevin Howe Alba & Robert McNiece Marcia & James Neeley Elizabeth & William Newell Arlene & John Nuckton Cynthia & Edward Rappaport Mary & William Scott Doris Sharman, David Sharman, Evin Sharman & Edwin Sharman Beth Solomon-Casper Mary & John Swift Winfield Men’s Hiking GroupIn memory of Sherrie Potter Cenpatico ArizonaIn memory of Charlotte Rexine Margaret & Tim FreundIn memory of Gary Schiller Martha C. VizcayaIn memory of Jan & Walt Selover Sheryl & Joseph Campanie, Pamela & Richard Campbell, Shirley Maycock and Sandra & Dennis Doran

In memory of Walter Selover Patty & James Apperson Sandra J. Chumack The Governor’s Offices of Strategic Planning and Budgeting & Office of Economic Recovery Mary Jane & Terry Kraus Masco Corporation Heather & Edward StaffordIn memory of Sharon Rose Smeekens Denise LundinIn memory of Louise Dellan Stanizzo Weber Group LCIn memory of Robert Reid Stewart Nancy Stewart, Kathleen Stewart, Bridget Stewart, Marcella Sacco and Frank SaccoIn memory of Alex Sykes Oonagh & John BoppartIn memory of Sylvia Vizcaya-Alderson Martha C. VizcayaIn memory of Ansel Vizcaya Martha C. VizcayaIn memory of James Vizcaya Martha C. VizcayaIn memory of Monica Waller Samantha Nicole MalteseIn memory of Margaret & Samuel Wilkinson Anne SpeckIn memory of Paula Zanni Geraldine, Valerie Francine & John Zanni

CHIHULY DESERT TOWER GIFTSListed below are donors who have made gifts and pledges of $100+ from June 1, 2009 through March 15, 2010:

Anonymous Donors (6) In memory of Arnold WesterSusan & Bryan AlbueGene Almendinger In memory of Mary Jo AlmendingerGerald AppellBillie Jean BaguleyKathryn BakerCarol A. BednerRebecca J. BerryLeland S. Bisbee IIIOonagh & John BoppartOonagh & John Boppart In memory of Morris CarllTeniqua BroughtonCharla & Leonard BucklinRobert BullaBeth Byrnes & Barton FaberVincent J. CalioNaomi Caras-Miller & Alvin H. MillerVirginia CaveDorothy M. CholnokyShelley Cohn & Mollie TriversLou & Pat ComusPamela Cooper & Margaret WilsonCliff & Marilyn DouglasTracy L. DowdleLois & Joseph DuffyDawn DuquaineTeny & Charles FisherAmy Flood & Larry WestMaya & Jeffrey GilbertDeborah & Michael Gilman

Amy Gittler & Michael SillymanJoan Goforth & Carlos OldhamSandra & Lawrence Golden In honor of the wedding of Deborah Lesser and Robert FeldmanElizabeth & Frank Goodyear In honor of Oonagh BoppartJudy & John GreenSusan Lynn GrieshoberAnne & Anthony GullyBarbara HoffnagleSarah HudelsonRita & Michael HuttSally A. HwangValerie IversonEllen & Howard C. KatzEllen & Michael KauffKay KellyFaye & James KitchelBetty KitchellKimberly Kittle In honor of Adele WilliamsBillie KleinG. William & Janeth KlinglerMari & Frank KoernerMelissa & Ted LagreidMarjorie V. Lebold & Marilyn ShomerJoyce & Randall LertJan & Tom LewisThomas W. Lewis, Jr. In honor of Jan Lewis’ BirthdayBarbara & Ron LiebersonKeith LongpreLouis Foundation, Inc.Steve MacLellanAlisa & Walter MaherTammy McLeod & John HamiltonLaurie McWeeneyMeridian BankCarmine & Joseph MillerGreta MockJulia & Everett Moore In honor of our children- Rachel & David MooreLily L. MooreMarta Morando & William MoioMargaret & Robert MoroneyJudee & David MorrisonVicki MotzkinPeggy MullanGeorgia & Ronald NelsonJean & James O’Donnell In honor of our grandsonsJoAnn R. OsborneLinda M. Overby In honor of Anya, Adaline and Olivia OverbyBonnie Pace-Duncanson & Dave DuncansonRosellen & Harry PappHarriet PetersenSharon & Ed ReeseKenneth F. ReinertVirginia & Donald RickenHannah RiersonJonathan & Wendy RoseHelen & Richard RuskinLinda & Sherman SapersteinYvonne SappenfieldKim & Scott SchaeferCarol & Randy SchillingLois I. SchnebergerSusan & Lee SegalMarilyn & Jon ShomerFavour H. Slater

Margarete SomersMartha & Donald SquireCutis R. Swanson In memory of Kathy SwansonShoshana & Robert TancerShari & Ben ThompsonJoyce & Charles TiberMissy & Stephen TuftsAngela & Ken UdenzeRoberta & James UrbanThe Virginia G. Piper G. Piper Charitable TrustVicki VickDarlene WatsonKathy & Bruce WeberSandy WernerPam & Wayne WesalaErin Whalen & Mark CarnesLiisa & William WilderE. Jane Rosenthal Williams & Stephen L. WilliamsAdele T. WilliamsLea WiltsieHelen B. WoodenJames WurglerMarilyn & John Zahart

IN-KIND GIFTSListed below are donors who have made valued gifts of $150+ fromDecember 16, 2009 through March 15, 2010:

Bach’s Cactus Nursery, Inc.Donald BergJeanne BlanchardMarjorie DanowskiDMB Associates, Inc.Go®Native Resources International, Inc.Peter PlesingerUS Airways

We attempt to ensure the accuracy of our donor’s names. If you note an error or omission, please contact Fran Linowski at 480-481-8144 or [email protected].

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Volunteeringprovidesasatisfactionlikenoother.That we as a Garden are able to duplicate the serenity and beauty of the desert within a major city is a spectacular achievement. It is thrilling to be a part of such as asset to the community.

Don and Dawn Goldman

For me, DBG is a treasure for our community; it showcases the breathtakingbeautyoftheSouthwestinthemiddleofourbusymetropolitanarea.Ilovewalkingthroughthegates.Asatrustee,I am honored to be included in a talented and energetic group of supporters who have made prudent decisions to protect and enhance the Garden over decades. This includes building the high caliber professional leadership at the Garden. I am excited fortheGarden’sfuture,asitgrowswithouryoungcommunity.Kathryn Baker

Page 11: Desert Botanical Garden 2009 Annual Report



is to advance excellence in education,

research, exhibition, and conservation of

desert plants of the world with emphasis


will ensure that the Garden is always a

compelling attraction that brings to life the

many wonders of the desert.



1201 North Galvin Parkway | Phoenix , Arizona | 85008-3490 | 480 -941-1225 |


PresidentLee Baumann Cohn


VicePresidentKathryn Baker

VicePresidentMarta L. Morando



TRUSTEESRebeccaAiles-FineTom BekeyGail BradleyTeniquaBroughtonRobertBullaJohnD.BurnsideShelleyCohnLouF.Comus,Jr.Barton FaberAmyFlood

Dawn GoldmanHazelHareBarbara HoffnagleMartha HunterMari Koerner, Ph.D. Melodie LewisTammy McLeodPeggy MullanDonaldR.OttosenRosellenPappScottT.SchaeferMichaelSillymanNancySwansonRobertTancerKenUdenzeBruce WeberWilliam F. WilderStevenG.Zylstra

TRUSTEES EMERITIH. Clifton DouglasWilliamHuizingh,Ph.D.

KennethJ.Schutz The Dr. William

Huizingh Executive Director