



Transcript of Description

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DESCRIBIR: es contar o escribir como es de forma detallada un sustantivo, para lo cual se hace uso de los adjetivos LOS ADJETIVOS: son aquellas palabras que nombran cualidades, rasgos, características, propiedades de los sustantivos. En ingles se escribe primero , los adjetivos y luego los sustantivos Ejemplo: - Red skirt - Blue shoes

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ADJETIVOS COMPARATIVOS: Los comparativos se usan para hacer

comparaciones, indican que algo o alguien es: Mas grande bigger Mas alto taller Mas inteligente more intelligent Menos inteligente less intelligent Strong stronger ugly uglier intelligent less intelligent REGLAS DE FORMACION 1. Los adjetivos cortos se les añade «er» y la palabra «than» así: Ej: My sister is shorter than my brother 2. Los adjetivos de tres letras (consonantes+ vocal + consonante) doblan la última consonante así: 1. Big bigger 2. Hot hotter 3. Fat fatter Ej: My house is bigger than yours

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3. Los adjetivos cortos terminados en «y» cambian la «y» por «i» y sele añade «er» + than . Veamos: Pretty prettier than Ugly uglier than Tasty tastier than Ej: My teacher is uglier than yours 4. Los adjetivos largos como intelligent, beautiful, wonderful, etc se les añade la palabra more antes del adjetivo y than después así: More intelligent than More beautiful than More wonderful than Ej: I am more intelligent than my sister

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5. Cuando quieres decir que algo o alguien es menos bonita, menos inteligente, etc que otra persona o cosa se usa «Less… than» asi: - Less ugly than … - Less beautiful than … - Less tall than… Ej: Carlos is less ugly than Juan

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¿CÓMO DESCRIBIR PERSONAS? Para describir personas se usan los verbos

Verb to be (is – are) To have ( has – have)

General look Pretty, Beautiful, Ugly, Good looking, Hand some, Personality, Nice, Mean, Friendly, Aggressive, Cool, Sweet, Gentle … very handsome …. Is very pretty gentle

Hair: lenght + color + shape Blond, black , red, brown, gray, Length short, long, straight hair Shape, curly straught Spiky Long brown straight Short black curly He has short, black curly hair

Personality … is aggressive sweet and

Eyes Shape, size, appearance, color Blue, green, brown, black, hanzel, gray, Big, hanzel, bright, brown. German has big, hanzel,eyes Camila has bright beautiful brown eyes

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Age Young, middle aged , old … Is old … Is very young

Weight Weight, slim, thin, medium weight, fat , heave … Is very tall … Is medium height … Is short

Height Short, medium height, tall Built, strong

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USO DE LA NEGACIÓN Para el verbo « to be» se usa dela siguiente forma: 1. Is not isn’t / Are not aren’t Ej: He is not isn’t thin The children are nt aren’t heavy 2. Does not have / doesn’t have Siempre en forma simple Ej: He does not doesn’t havve geen eyes The women do not / don’t have short hair

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¿CÓMO HABLAR DE LO QUE ALGUIEN LLEVA PUESTO? Se usan las siguientes expresiones: Who’s that girl in the red sweater? That big, ugly guy, wearing the black leather jacket That girl with brown hair wearing the blue blouse? Cuando la prenda de vestir esta en plural no se usa a/an/the Ej. The boy wearing --------------sneakers The boy wearing -------------- sandals

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Para hablar del rostro se usan expresiones como:

He has…..on his face

She has…. On her face

La cara puede tener:

A happy expression

A sad expression

A worried expression

A relaxed expression

A smile expression

A scar expression


Ej. He has a sad expression on his face. She has freckles on her face