Deploying Spring Boot applications with Docker (east bay cloud meetup dec 2014)

@crichardson Deploying Spring Boot applications with Docker Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson [email protected]

Transcript of Deploying Spring Boot applications with Docker (east bay cloud meetup dec 2014)


Deploying Spring Boot applications with Docker

Chris Richardson

Author of POJOs in ActionFounder of the original

@[email protected]://plainoldobjects.com


Presentation goal

Deploying Spring-based microservices using



About Chris


About Chris

Founder of a buzzword compliant (stealthy, social, mobile, big data, machine learning, ...) startup

Consultant helping organizations improve how they architect and deploy applications using cloud, micro services, polyglot applications, NoSQL, ...

Creator of

Organizer of @oakjug -

Co-organizer of



Introduction to Spring Boot

Why immutable infrastructure/containerization

Spring Boot and Docker

Docker-based deployment pipeline


User registration microservices

User Registration




POST /user

{ emailAddress: "[email protected]", password: "xyz"}


User Management Service Email Service


Queue Queue

User Registration

Web App


Confirmation page


Spring-based components


Building microservices with Spring Boot

Makes it easy to create stand-alone, production ready Spring applications

Automatically configures Spring using Convention over Configuration

Externalizes configuration

Generates standalone executable JARs with embedded web server

Provides a standard foundation for all your microservices


Spring Boot simplifies configuration

Spring Container

Application components

Fully configured application


•Typesafe JavaConfig•Annotations•Legacy XML

Default Configuration


Spring BootYou write less

of this

Inferred from CLASSPATH


Tiny Spring configurationScan for controllers

Customize JSON serialization


About auto-configurationBuilds on Spring framework features

@EnableAutoConfiguration - triggers the inclusion of default configuration

@Conditional - beans only active if condition is satisfied

Conditional on class defined on class path

e.g. Mongo Driver implies Mongo beans

Conditional on bean defined/undefined

e.g. define Mongo beans if you haven’t


The Main program


Building with Gradle

buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:1.1.8.RELEASE") }}

apply plugin: 'scala'apply plugin: 'spring-boot'

dependencies { compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web" compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb" compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-amqp" compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator"

testCompile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test"}...

Ensures correct dependencies


Running the microservice

$ java -jar build/libs/spring-boot-restful-service.jar --server.port=8081...2014-12-03 16:32:04.671 INFO 93199 --- [ main] n.c.m.r.main.UserRegistrationMain$ : Started UserRegistrationMain. in 5.707 seconds (JVM running for 6.553)

$ curl localhost:8081/health{"status":"UP", "mongo":{"status":"UP","version":"2.4.10"}, "rabbit":{"status":"UP", ...}}

Built in health checks

Command line arg processing



Introduction to Spring Boot

Why immutable infrastructure/containerization

Spring Boot and Docker

Docker-based deployment pipeline


Spring Boot simplifies deployment

Spring Boot creates self-contained JAR file

No separate application server to install/configure

Externalize configuration = immutable application

Just need Java

But which version of Java? 7.x? 8.y?

And, what about the other applications?

Tomcat, Play, NodeJS, ...

Deploying a system is complex


Package service as an RPMBenefits:

Encapsulates language, framework, application server, ...

Handles dependencies



Conflicting dependency versions

Conflicting ports, ...


Let’s have immutable infrastructure


Package as AMI,


Service-as-AMI is great BUT...

Building is so slow!

Booting is so slow!

AMIs aren’t portable - need to build for multiple platforms

Heavy-weight: Not practical to run multiple VMs on a developer machine



Package a service as a Docker image

Lightweight, OS-level virtualization mechanism

Runs on Linux (directly or via, e.g., Virtual Box)

Docker image:

Portable application packaging format

Self-contained, read-only file-system image of an operating system + application

Layered structure = sharing and caching ⇒ very, very fast

5 seconds to package application!

Docker container:

Running Docker image

Group of sandboxed processes

Builds on control groups and namespaces

Contains entire OS but typically the only process is the application (JVM) ⇒ fast startup



Introduction to Spring Boot

Why immutable infrastructure/containerization

Spring Boot and Docker

Docker-based deployment pipeline


Packaging a Spring Boot application as a Docker image

Install Java

Install application JAR file

Configure image to run Java on startup

Handle externalized configuration


Docker and Java


Dockerfile for packaging a Spring Boot application

Base image

Copy JAR into image /data is base image’s CWD

Expose 8080

Bonus question: why is the ADD command last?


Building the Spring Boot application copy jar to subdir so it can be

referenced by Dockerfile

Build image using ./Dockerfile


Running the Spring Boot container

docker  run  -­‐d  -­‐p  8080:8080  -­‐e    SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_URI=mongodb://  -­‐e  SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST=  -­‐-­‐name  sb_rest_svcsb_rest_svc

Map container port to host port

Run as daemon

Container name

Image nameSpecify environment




Introduction to Spring Boot

Why immutable infrastructure/containerization

Spring Boot and Docker

Docker-based deployment pipeline


My application architecture

API gateway Event


Service 1

Service 2

Service ...

Event Archiver

Indexer AWS Cloud


NodeJS Scala/Spring Boot


Jenkins-based deployment pipeline

Build & Testmicroservice

Build & TestDockerimage

Deploy Docker image

to registry

One pipeline per microservice


Smoke testing docker images

Smoke test

Docker daemon

ServicecontainerGET /health

POST /containers/create


POST /containers/{id}/start

Docker daemon must listen on TCP port


Publishing Docker images

docker tag service-${VERSION}:latest \ ${REGISTRY_HOST_AND_PORT}/service-${VERSION}

docker push ${REGISTRY_HOST_AND_PORT}/service-${VERSION}


Pushing only takes 25 seconds!


CI environment runs on Docker

EC2 Instance

Jenkins Container

Artifactory container

EBS volume





Updating production environment

Large EC2 instance running Docker

Deployment tool:

1. Compares running containers with what’s been built by Jenkins

2. Pulls latest images from Docker registry

3. Stops old versions

4. Launches new versions

One day: use Docker clustering solution and a service discovery mechanism,

Most likely, AWS container service

Mesos and Marathon + Zookeeper, Kubernetes or ???



Spring Boot is a great way to build Spring-based microservices

Docker is a great way to package microservices


@crichardson [email protected]