DEPARTMENT of PROCESS AUTOMATION ENGINEERING … Department_Undergraduat… · Integrating Factor...

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan, Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64 e-mail: [email protected] DEPARTMENT of PROCESS AUTOMATION ENGINEERING Undergraduate Studies Handbook Baku 2018

Transcript of DEPARTMENT of PROCESS AUTOMATION ENGINEERING … Department_Undergraduat… · Integrating Factor...

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    Undergraduate Studies


    Baku 2018

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    ENG 101 English 1 (0 + 20 + 0)*, ECTS 20

    While students learn General English and Academic English, which are very important for their English-speaking environment

    and further studies, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are improved through a number of activities at the same

    time. Program curriculum also covers teaching students advanced Academic Writing and professional presentations.

    * (Theory + Practice + Lab)

    COMP 101 Computer and Information-Communication Technologies (4 + 0 + 4), ECTS 8

    Introduction: The Role of Computer Science. The History of Computing. Information Fundamentals. Evolution and

    Generations of Computers.

    Data Manipulation: Computer Architecture. Machine Language. Program Execution. Arithmetic/Logic Instructions.

    Communicating with Other Devices. Other Architectures.

    Computer Hardware: System Block. Power Supply. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). Motherboard. Processor (CPU).

    CPU Cooler. RAM, ROM, BIOS, Cache Memory. Controllers and Buses (PCI, AGP, PCI Express). Ports. Wireless

    Technology (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPRS). Input Devices (Keyboard, Mouse, Other Manipulators). Modems. Optical Discs (DVD,

    Blue Ray). Hard Drive. RAID Technology. Flash Memory. Magnetic Tape.

    Data Storage: Bits and Their Storage. Main Memory.Mass Storage. Representing Information as Bit Patterns. The Binary

    System. Storing Integers. Storing Fractions. Data compression. Communication Errors.

    Operating systems: The History of Operating Systems. Operating System Architecture. Coordinating the Machine’s

    Activities. Handling Competition among Processes.

    Networking and the Internet: Network fundamentals. The Internet. The World Wide Web. Internet Protocols. Security

    Database Systems: Database Fundamentals. The Relational Model. Types of Data. Maintaining Database Integrity.

    Structured Query Language (SQL) Fundamentals.


    ENG 102 English 2 (0 + 20 + 0), ECTS 20

    Students start IELTS preparation in the 2nd term which enables them to advance their level of English and eventually complete

    the Foundation Program.

    COMP 102 Computer Applications in Engineering (3 + 0 + 5), ECTS 8

    Introduction to programming on C: Simple program in C. Output Text to the screen (printf). Input operator (scanf).

    Variables: Data types and variables. Arithmetic expressions. Input and Output Formats.

    Decision statements: Conditional control if – else. Multiple choice switch-case.

    Loops: Loop with a known number of steps (for). While loop. Loop with postcondition (do - while). Break and Continue


    Functions: Design functions. Logic functions. Functions that return two values.

    Arrays: Declaring, input, initializing, output and processing of arrays. Filling arrays with random numbers. Sorting an array.

    Arrays in procedures and functions. Two dimensional arrays (matrices).

    Strings: Declaring, input, initializing, output and processing of string. Functions for working with strings.

    MATLAB fundamentals: Creating M-files. Input and Output statements (fprintf). Variables, Naming Rules. Arrays (numbers,

    scalars, vectors, matrices). Arithmetical Operations. Defining and manipulating arrays.

    MATLAB functions: Basics of Built-in Functions. Help Feature. Elementary Functions (e.g., Polynomials, Trigonometric

    Functions). Data Analysis, Random Numbers. Complex Numbers. Debugging Code and Data Import/Export. Logical

    Operations. Logical functions and Relational operators.

    Plotting in 2-D, Plotting Multiple Curves, Plotting with Figures, Plot Settings, Scaling, Legends, Subplots, Curve fitting.

    MATLAB Loops for repetitive computations: The for loop construct. The while loop construct.

    MATLAB Decision structures: if construct, else statement and elseif statement.

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    MATLAB User-defined functions: Function: concept, syntax, and examples. Practice & exploration. Subfunctions:

    Functions within functions.

    MATLAB Symbolic Mathematics: Algebra, ezplot, calculus.


    MATH 221 Mathematics 1 (3 + 2 + 0) ECTS 6

    Introduction. Functions. Limit of a Function. Derivatives. Applications of Derivatives in Engineering. The Indefinite Integral.

    Methods of Calculation-Integration by Substitution, Integration by Parts. Improper Integrals. Definite Integral and its

    Applications. Complex Numbers. Definition and Arithmetic of Complex Numbers. Polar form and Exponential form of a

    Complex Number. De Moivre’s Theorem. Matrices. Operations on Matrices. Systems of Linear Equations. Gaussian Method

    and Cramer’s Rule. The Inverse of a Matrix. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. 1st Order Differential Equations:

    Simple Examples. Separation of Variables. Transformations. Integrating Factor Method. Elements of Theory of Probability.

    Statistics. Probability Distributions. Uniform and Normal Distributions.

    PHYS 221 Physics 1 (2 + 1 + 2) ECTS 6 Measurements and Uncertainties. Motion in One and Two Dimensions. Force and Motion. Uniform Circular Motion.

    Rotational Motion and Angular Displacement. Centripetal and Tangential Accelerations. Rolling Motion. The Action of Forces

    and Torques on Rigid Objects. Center of Gravity. Newton’s Second Law for Rotational Motion about a Fixed Axis. Rotational

    Work and Energy. Angular Momentum. Gravitation and gravitational force. Work Done by a Constant Force. The Work–

    Energy Theorem and Kinetic Energy. Gravitational Potential Energy. The Conservation of Mechanical Energy. Power. Work

    Done by a Variable Force. Conservation of Energy and Momentum. Molecular Mass, the Mole, and Avogadro’s number. The

    Ideal Gas Law. Kinetic Theory of Gases. Diffusion. Heat and Internal Energy. Heat Capacity. Heat and Phase Change.

    Thermodynamic Systems. The First Law of Thermodynamics. Thermal Processes. Specific Heat Capacities. The Second Law

    of Thermodynamics. Heat Engines. Carnot’s Principle and the Carnot Engine. Entropy. The Third Law of Thermodynamics.

    Basic principles of electricity. Electric charge. Coulomb’s law. Electric field and forces. Electric Flux and Gauss’s law. Electric

    potential. Equipotential surfaces. Conductors and Insulators. Capacitance and Capacitors. Current, resistance and

    electromotive force. Ohm’s law. Resistivity. Power and energy in electric circuits. Joule’s law. Direct current circuits.

    Kirchhoff’s rules. Simple resistive circuits. Direct current circuits with capacitors.

    PAE 201 Programming and Computer Applications 1 (2 + 0 + 3) ECTS 6 The course presents basics of C++ programming including: basics of C++ environment, data representation, control structures,

    functions, arrays, pointers, strings, file processing and classes. The course also covers Object-Oriented Programming concepts

    such as Inheritance and Polymorphism.

    AZL 221 Azerbaijani Language and Art of Speech, (1 + 2 + 0), ECTS 4

    Nitq mədəniyyəti fənninə giriş. Azərbaycan dilinin tarixi inkişaf mərhələləri.

    Nitq mədəniyyətinin inkişaf mərhələləri. Qədim və antik dövrdə natiqlik məharəti. Azərbaycanda natiqlik sənəti. Azərbaycan

    dilinin inkişafına dövlət qayğısı. Heydər Əliyev və Azərbaycan dili.

    Mədəni nitqin başlıca tələbləri. Dil və nitq. Nitqin dioloji, monoloji formaları. Yazılı və şifahi nitq.

    Natiqlik sənətinin sahələri: akademik natiqlik, məhkəmə natiqliyi, diplomatik natiqlik, məişət natiqliyi və s.

    Azərbaycan ədəbi dilinin fonetikası. Fonetikanın əhəmiyyəti, formaları, tədqiqat üsulları.

    Müasir Azərbaycan ədəbi dilində heca və vurğu.

    Azərbaycan dilinin orfoepiyası.

    Ədəbi dil, onun normaları: fonetik, leksik, qrammatik normalar.

    Orfoqrafiya. Azərbaycan orfoqrafiyasının prinsipləri.

    Azərbaycan dilində alınma sözlər. Müasir Azərbaycan dilində işlənən söz qrupları (neologizmlər, arxaizmlər, dialektizmlər,

    ümumişlək sözlər və s.).

    Funksional üslublar: bədii, elmi, publisistik, rəsmi-işgüzar üslub. Nitq etiketləri.

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    HIST 221 History of Azerbaijan (3 + 3 + 0), ECTS 8

    This course (taught in Azerbaijani) will cover Azerbaijan’s history from ancient to modern times using a non-conventional

    approach to learn history through case-study analysis.

    Theoretical, methodological issues and sources of Azerbaijan history.Ancient states in the territory of Azerbaijan.

    Azerbaijan in the early middle ages, as part of the Sassanian Empire. Azerbaijan as part of Arabic Caliphate.

    The Seljug Empire. The State of Atabegs. Azerbaijan in the period of developed feudalism.

    Shirvanshahs State in XIV-XV centuries. Feudal states of Azerbaijan in the XV century.

    The state of Safavids. The conversion of Azerbaijan into the international conflict arena. The reign of Nadir Shah Afshar.

    Azerbaijan in the period of Khanates.

    Division of Azerbaijan territories between Russia and Iran. Treaty of Gulistan (1813). The second Russian-Iran war.

    Northern Azerbaijan at the beginning of XX century.

    Azerbaijan during World War I. Political situation after the February revolution.

    The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

    Azerbaijan during World War II. Azerbaijan in the middle of 80s - beginning of 90s of XX century.

    The deepening of political crisis in Azerbaijan. The beginning and expansion of National Movement.

    The domestic and foreign policy of Independent Azerbaijan Republic.


    MATH 222 Mathematics 2 (3 + 2 + 0) ECTS 6 Geometry. Vectors: basic concepts. Operations on vectors. Scalar product of two vectors. Vector product. Lines and planes.

    Equation of the line in vector, parametric and Cartesian forms. Vector and parametric equation of the plane. Two intersecting

    planes. Parallel planes and the angle between two planes. Angle between a line and a plane. Functions of two or more variables.

    Partial derivatives. Higher order partial derivatives. Using the chain rule to find derivatives. Maxima and minima of the

    function of two variables. Procedure for finding and classifying critical points of the function of two variables. Integration of

    functions of two variables. Multiple integrals. Interchanging the order of integration. Applications of double integrals: volume,

    average value, mass and center of mass. Constant coefficient linear second order differential equations. Homogeneous linear

    ODEs: the principle of superposition. Overdamping, critical damping, underdamping. Solving nonhomogeneous linear second

    order differential equations: complementary function, particular integral. Method of undetermined coefficients. Definition and

    properties of Laplace transform. First Shift theorem. The inverse Laplace transform. Using the partial fractions. Using the First

    Shift theorem. Using the method of completing the squares. Solving differential equations using Laplace transforms. Laplace

    transforms of derivatives. Solution of the first order differential equations. Solution of the second order differential equations.

    Differential equations and the Dirac Delta function. Systems of differential equations. Summary of Laplace transforms.

    PHYS 222 Physics 2 (2 + 1 + 2) ECTS 6 Magnets and magnetic forces. Basic concepts of magnetic field. Types of magnetic fields (moving charge, current element,

    solenoid). Magnetic forces on electric current and moving charged particle. Lorentz’s force. Magnetic field due to a current –

    carrying wire. Biot-Savart’s law. Magnetic force on a current loop. Magnetic flux. Ampere’s law. Magnetic materials.

    Electromagnetic induction. Faraday’s law. Lenz's law. Induced electric field. Motional emf. Generators and motors. Magnetic

    medium. Self-induction and mutual induction. The transformer. Inductance. Inductance within circuits. Magnetic field

    energy. Alternative current circuits. RL and RC circuits. Effective Values of Alternating Current. Reactance. RLC series

    circuits. Resonant Circuits. Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves. Displacement current. Maxwell’s Equations.

    Production of Electromagnetic Waves. Energy and Momentum in Electromagnetic Waves. The Pointing Vector. Hooke’s Law.

    The Simple Harmonic Oscillator. Energy of a Harmonic Oscillator. Period of a Harmonic Oscillator. The Simple Pendulum.

    Damped Harmonic Motion. Forced Harmonic Motion and Resonance. Wave Motion. Pulses on a Rope. Harmonic Waves.

    Energy and Information Transfer by Waves. Sound Waves. Measuring Sound Levels. The Doppler Effect. Formation of Shock

    Waves. Reflection of a Wave Pulse. Standing Waves on a String. Waves in a Vibrating Column of Air. Beats. Laws of

    geometrical optics. Basic concepts of optics. Reflection. Refraction. Total internal reflection. Lenses & optical systems. Types

    of lenses. Spherical Mirrors. Wave optics. Huygens’ principle. Reflection and refraction of light waves. Interference. Coherent

    sources. Two-source interference. Interference condition. Observation methods for interference. Diffraction by a single slit.

    Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Various types of diffraction. Diffraction grating. Resolution and the Rayleigh Criterion.

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    Dispersion. Polarization. The Spectroscopy. Energy levels. Energetic transitions in atoms. Blackbody radiation. Photoelectric

    effect. Emission and absorption of light. Einstein equation. Corpuscular concepts of light. The Bohr’s model. Classical and

    Quantum mechanics. The Compton effect. De Broglie waves. Electron diffraction. Probability and uncertainty. Schrodinger

    equation. Wave function. Atomic structure. Hydrogen atom. Electronic shells. Zeeman effect. Pauli’s principle. Spin. Quantum

    numbers. Periodic table of chemical elements. Elements of Solid State Physics. Elements of Laser Physics.

    PAE 202 Programming and Computer Applications 2 (2 + 0 + 3) ECTS 6

    The course presents advanced C++ programming including: Exception Handling, Templates, Structured Data, Linked Lists,

    Stacks, Queues and Binary Trees. The course also introduces basics of Structured Query Language (SQL) and working with


    PAE 204 Introduction to Process Automation (3 + 0 + 1) ECTS 5 Process Automation Basics (Terminology, Control Loop Elements).

    Fundamentals of Electricity (Units, DC/AC circuits, Basic Laws, Multimeter usage, Grounding).

    Fundamentals of Pressure, Temperature, Level, Flow Measurement (Measurement principles, Device Types, Characteristics).

    Fundamentals of Final Control Elements (Control Valves and Pumps – Types, Characteristics, Sizing).

    Fundamentals of Process Control Techniques (Control Loops, Symbology, Algorithms, Control Modes, Single/Multivariable

    and Advanced Control).

    ESH 206 Electrical Safety and Helth (1 + 0 + 1) ECTS 2 Basic terms and definitions of the protection and work safety. Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical

    equipment against external mechanical impacts - IK code and IP code. Safety of electric appliances for measurement, control,

    management, and laboratory application. Safety of manual electric instruments. Electromagnetic compatibility of the devices.

    Fire safety and explosion-proof safety in the electric equipments. Protection for safety. Protection against over voltages of

    atmospheric origin or due to switching.

    Occupational safety and health regulations. Environmental protection and health.

    MATH 224 Numerical Methods in Engineering (2 + 0 + 2) ECTS 5 This course introduces students to a variety of numerical methods and then applies these methods to solve a broad range of

    scientific problems. These problems include examples from physics as well as several other disciplines, including chemistry,

    mathematics, economics, and finance. Numerical methods includes: Numerical Algorithms, Error; Polynomial Interpolation;

    Numerical Differentiation; Numerical Integration; Approximation of functions, Least squares; Solving Systems of Linear Equations; Solving of Nonlinear Systems; Approximating Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations.

    PAE 290 Training (4 weeks), ECTS 6

    Students are required to participate and work as industrial trainees in the industry of their chosen discipline. Industrial training

    is a credited course programme and thus is compulsory in order to satisfy the degree coursework requirements for graduation.

    An internship experience provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and

    skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need

    to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks.


    The internship will provide students with the opportunity to:

    • Gain practical experience within the industrial environment.

    • Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.

    • Apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting.

    • Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.

    • Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.

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    MATH 321 Mathematics 3 (3 + 2 + 0) ECTS 6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalisation, Systems of Linear Differential Equations Series, Infinite series; Convergent

    and divergent series , Algebraic properties of infinite series; Tests for convergence , The divergence test; The integral test, the

    root test, the ratio test, Alternating series; Absolute and conditional convergence , The ratio test for absolute convergence,

    Power series; Radius and interval of convergence, Approximating functions by polynomials; Taylor and Maclaurin series,

    Fourier series; Complex Fourier series, Fourier Transforms, Engineering applications, Partial differential equations, The initial

    value problem for the heat equation, The initial value problem for the vibrating string, Finite-difference method, Metric spaces.

    Definition of Metric and Norm; Functional, Linear Spaces; Linear Operators, Linear programming problems, Inequalities and

    linear programming; the graphics of linear inequalities, Systems of linear inequalities; Region of feasible solutions, Corner-

    point method for linear programming problem, Simplex method for linear programming problem, Principle of duality.

    PAE 301 Electrical Engineering 1 (2 + 1 + 2) ECTS 6

    Course covers the basics of DC circuits which includes Basic quantities in electrical engineering: Electric voltage, current and

    resistance. Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws. Maximum power transfer theorem. Operational amplifiers which include operational

    amplifier basics and models of ideal operational amplifiers. Energy storage elements which include capacitors, inductors,

    energy stored in capacitors and magnetic field basics. Transient processes which includes natural and step response in first and

    second order circuits. AC circuits which includes resistor, capacitor, inductor, Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws in AC circuits.

    Resonant circuits and three-phase network which include three-phase generators, star and delta networks.

    PAE 303 Electrical Measurements (3 + 0 + 1) ECTS 5 Goal is to provide fundamental knowledge about electrical and electronic measurement. The course deals with topics such as

    Principle of measurements, Errors, Accuracy, Units of measurements and electrical standards, Moving coil and moving iron

    instruments, Dynamometer type instruments, Induction type instruments, Measuring of power and power factor, Bridges

    (DC and AC), Digital instruments, Oscilloscopes. Students will learn how to select and use appropriate instruments for

    various applications based on an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of modern instruments. Comprehension of

    the topics covered in lectures will be reinforced with a broad spectrum of laboratory experiments.

    PE 321 Petroleum-Gas and Petroleum-Chemistry Technologies (3 + 1 + 0) ECTS 5

    This course is a basic introduction to most aspects of the Petroleum Engineering discipline which includes Reservoir,

    Production, Drilling Engineering and also downstream sector.

    After this course, students will be familiar with a range of terminology used in petroleum engineering and will understand the

    concepts behind a range of exploration, drilling, production and refining techniques enabling them to communicate with E&P


    PAE 305 Algorithms and Data Structures (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms, Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists, Dictionaries, Hashing, Trees, Tree Walks /

    Traversals, Ordered Dictionaries, Deletion, Quick Sort, AVL Trees, AVL Trees, Trees, Red Black Trees, Insertion in Red

    Black Trees, Disk Based Data Structures, Case Study: Searching for Patterns, Tries, Data Compression, Priority Queues,

    Binary Heaps, Why Sorting, More Sorting, Graphs, Data Structures for Graphs, Two Applications of Breadth First Search,

    Depth First Search, Applications of DFS, DFS in Directed Graphs, Applications of DFS in Directed Graphs, Minimum

    Spanning Trees, The Union, Prims Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees, Single Source Shortest Paths, Correctness of

    Dijkstras Algorithm.

    PAE 307 Electrical Materials and Devices (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4

    Electrical and mechanical properties of conductors (aluminum, copper, still and etc.). High conducting and resistive materials;

    Ohm’s law; volt-ampere characteristics and its temperature dependence. Factors affecting conductivity/resistivity of materials

    (temperature, composition, alloying, aging); Superconductors. Properties of superconductors. Introduction to Semiconductors.

    Basics, Diode Applications, Zener Diode, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field Effect Transistors, Transistors Amplification.

    Frequency response, Thyristors, Diac, Triac, The Unijunction Transistors, MOS transistors, Optoelectronics, Integrated


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    PAE 302 Electrical Engineering 2 (3 + 1 + 1) ECTS 6 Nonsinusoidal Circuits: Nonsinusoidal waveforms. Fourier series. RMS and power in non-sine steady state circuits. Non-

    sine circuit analysis.

    Filters: Passive filters: BPF, HPF, BSP, BPF. Active filters.

    Resistive Nonlinear Circuits: Nonlinear DC circuits. Graphical and numerical analysis of nonlinear circuits. Nonlinear AC

    circuits. Inductors with ferrite core. Ferro-resonance.

    Nonlinear Inductive Elements in AC Circuits: Magnetic dipoles and magnetization. Losses in ferromagnetic materials.

    Current in coils with ferrite core. Ferro-resonance.

    Two-port Networks: Two-port parameters. Z/Y/H/G/A parameters. Input and output impedance. Voltage and current transfer

    coefficients. Connections between two-ports. Characteristic parameters of two-ports.

    Circuits with Distributed Parameters: Transmission lines and telegrapher’s equations. The lossless transmission line. The

    distortionless transmission line. The low resistance transmission line. Finite transmission lines. The load reflection coefficient.

    The line impedance in the general case.

    Maxwell’s Equations: Electric displacement and Gauss’s law. Maxwell’s equations. Consequences from Maxwell’s


    PAE 304 Signals and Systems (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4

    Signals and Systems is an introduction to analog and digital signal processing. This course forms an integral part of engineering

    systems in many diverse areas, including seismic data processing, communications, speech processing, image processing,

    defense electronics, consumer electronics, and consumer products. This course covers the fundamentals of signal and system

    analysis, focusing on representations of discrete-time and continuous-time signals, Fourier representations(Fourier transform,

    Fourier series), Laplace and Z transforms, sampling and representations of linear, time-invariant systems (difference and

    differential equations, block diagrams, system functions, poles and zeros, convolution, impulse and step responses, frequency


    PE 322 Engineering Mechanics (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4

    On Statics – Moments of Force about point and axis. Force couple. Reduction of a force system to the simplest form. Condition

    of Equilibrium of an arbitrary force system in space and special cases.

    On Kinematics – Kinematics of a particle. Translation motion. Rotational motion. Plane motion.

    On Dynamics - Basic concepts and laws of dynamics Work done by a force. Power. Moment of Inertia. Basic theorems of

    Dynamics ( Theorem of the change in the momentum, theorem of the change in the angular momentum, theorem of motion of

    center of mass, theorem of the change in the kinetic energy). Laws of conservation.

    On Strength of materials – Tensile stress diagram, Hooke’s law, Strength calculations in tension and compression, Strength

    calculations in shearing.

    PAE 306 Digital Electronics (3 + 0 + 2) ECTS 6 To provide a basic understanding of electrical measurement systems. To alert the students to the many varieties of meters,

    'scopes and transducers available, their operating principles, strengths and weaknesses. To give students enough applications

    information that they can select optimum meters, transducer, amplifier, recording and readout devices to assemble a system

    for routine measurements of electrical phenomena.

    PAE 308 Analog Electronics (3 + 0 + 2) ECTS 6

    This course develops a basic understanding of the fundamentals and principles of analog circuits and electronic devices in

    electrical and electronic engineering. It covers the key electrical variables and the application of fundamental circuit laws and

    theorems to DC/AC resistive circuits; the analysis of steady-state and transient RLC circuits including resonance; the

    principles, construction, analysis and modelling of basic semi-conductor devices; and experimental work involving diodes,

    transistor amplifiers and op-amps. It includes a communication and professional skills development component.

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    PAE 310 Electromechanical Devices (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4 Introduction to motor control. Basic principles to motor control. Motor control and schematics. Common control equipment,

    devices and symbols. Components of motor control schematics. Magnetic control. Magnetic control starters. Basic control

    circuits. Overcurrent protection for control circuits. Indicator lights and illuminated pushbuttons. Selector switches and truth

    tables. Reversing controls for three-phase motors. Reversing controls for single-phase motors. Sequencing control. Master stop

    function. Motor and controller disconnecting means in schematics. Miscellaneous motor control circuits. Motor winding

    connections. Miscellaneous control and signalling circuits.

    PAE 390 Training (4 weeks), ECTS 6

    Students are required to participate and work as industrial trainees in the industry of their chosen discipline. Industrial training

    is a credited course programme and thus is compulsory in order to satisfy the degree coursework requirements for graduation.

    An internship experience provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and

    skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need

    to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks.


    The internship will provide students with the opportunity to:

    • Gain practical experience within the industrial environment.

    • Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.

    • Apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting.

    • Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.

    • Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.


    PAE 401 Control Theory 1 (3 + 0 + 2) ECTS 6

    Control systems: basic concept and definitions, classifications. Mathematical models of linear continuous time control systems:

    differential equations, transfer functions, block diagrams. Time-domain and frequency domain characteristics. Stability

    analysis. Dynamic performance analysis. Steady-state errors. Control systems design methods. State-space description of linear

    continuous-time control systems. State-space design of control systems.

    PAE 403 Microprocessors (2 + 0 + 2) ECTS 5

    Overview of Microcontrollers and Microprocessors, Microprocessor and Microcontroller Fundamentals, Microcontroller

    Architecture - PIC16F Family, PIC16F887 Programming Model and Its Instruction Set, PIC Microcontroller: Architecture,

    PIC Microcontroller: C Programming, Timers and Interrupts, Data Converters: D/A and A/D interface, I2C and SPI interfaces,

    PIC Microcontroller: Applications and Design in Oil and Gas industry.

    PAE 405 Measurement of Non-electrical Quantities (2 + 0 + 2) ECTS 5 Measurements transducers. Structure of transformation. Static and dynamic characteristics. Measurement of mechanical values

    - electrical - resistance, induction, capacitance, force and weight sensors, piezoelectric and other transducers. Level

    measurement - capacitance, manometer and ultrasonic level transducers. Flow meters - electromagnetic, ultrasonic flow meters

    with variable - pressure drop meters. Active and passive temperature transducers and radiation thermometers. Humidity

    measurement - resistance, capacitance, absorption transducers and psychrometers. Pressure and vibration measurements,

    concentration of pH, CO2 and mechanical displacement measurement.

    PAE 407 Computers Application for Technical Documentation (2 + 2 + 0) ECTS 5 Introduction to the problems of creating technical documentation in the area automation and machine-building. Knowledge of

    standardization of creating technical documentation. Learn the basic of technical drawing, creating technical documents.

    Acquaintance with the most important principles of technical communication. Working experience in creating technical

    documentation using AutoCAD Electrical and EPLAN Electric P8.

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    ECON 421 Economics (2 + 1 + 0) ECTS 4 The course presents fundamental concepts of engineering economy including:

    Foundations of Engineering Economy, Time Value of Money, Nominal and Effective Interest Rates, Present Worth Analysis,

    Annual Worth Analysis, Rate of Return Analysis, Benefit/Cost Analysis, Breakeven and Payback Analysis, Cost Estimation

    and Indirect Cost Allocation, Depreciation Methods, Sensitivity Analysis and Decision Making under Risk. The course is

    designed to teach students to formulate cash-flow, perform analysis on engineering economic problems and evaluate between

    alternative of engineering investment/projects to make decision.

    PAE 409 Automatic Control Systems for Environment Parameters-elective (3 + 0 + 1) ECTS 5 Composition and properties of atmospheric air. Emissions. Quality indicators of atmospheric air. Methods and tools for air

    quality monitoring. System for ecology monitoring. Water pollution and purification methods. Quality indicators of water.

    Methods and tools of hydrophysical, hydrochemical and hydrobiological indices for water monitoring. Methods and tools for

    soil pollution analysis. Methods and tools to control the production damage, radiation and chemical pollution.


    PAE 402 Control Theory 2 (3 + 0 + 2) ECTS 6 Description of Discrete-Time Control Systems. The Z-Transform. Z-Plane Analysis of Discrete-Time Control Systems. Design

    of Discrete-Time Control Systems by Conventional Methods. State-Space Analysis. Pole Placement and Observer Design.

    Description of Nonlinear Control Systems. Analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems. Nonlinear Control Systems Design


    PAE 404 Programmable Logic Controllers (2 + 0 + 2) ECTS 5 Fundamental concepts of programmable logic controllers, principles of operation; and numbering systems as applied to

    electrical controls. Identify and describe digital logic circuits and explain numbering systems; explain the operation of

    programmable logic Controllers; Explain a Ladder Diagram, Explain a function block diagram FBD. Explain SFC condition

    diagram, Explain Instruction list language STL and structure text ST programming languages.

    PAE 406 System Identification (3 + 0 + 2) ECTS 6 Derivative methods for identification - transient response analysis and frequency response analysis. Spectrum analysis. Statistic

    methods for identification – Viener-Hopf equation. Linear regression. Identification of discrete times series models. Real-time

    identification - Recursive identification. Model validation. Continuous-time models.

    PAE 408 Processes Control (4 + 0 + 2) ECTS 8 Fundamental Principles of Process Control Motivation and Terminology of Automatic Process Control. The Components of

    a Control Loop. Control Architectures. Single Loop Control. Controller Algorithms and Tuning. Application of P, PI and PID

    controllers in process control. Proportional Action and P-only Control. Integral Action and PI Control. Derivative Action and

    PID Control. How the PID Tuning Parameters Influence on the Characteristics of the Step Response? Controller Design and

    Tuning. P-only Controller Design and Tuning. PI and PID Controllers Design and Tuning. Dead Time Problems. Open loop

    tuning. Closed-loop tuning. Control of Integrating. Processes Evaluating Controller Performance. Advanced Classical Control

    Architectures. Cascade Control for Improved Disturbance Rejection. Feed Forward with Feedback. Trim For Improved

    Disturbance. Ratio, Override and Cross-Limiting Control.

    PAE 410 Intelligent Sensors and Systems - Elective (3 + 0 + 1) ECTS 5 Basic characteristics of the artificial intelligence systems. Tactile sensors, tactile matrices. Tactile information processing. F/T

    sensors – basic characteristics, analytical transformations, applications. Location sensors – applications, main characteristics.

    Ultrasonic and optical sensors. Speech sensors and speech recognition. Computer vision systems. Visual sensors. Image

    processing. Multifunctional sensor systems. Application of the Kalman filter and Bayes networks for “multisensor fusion”.

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    PAE 410 Optimal Control - Elective (3 + 0 + 1) ECTS 5 General definition of optimal control. Optimization methods. Principles of Optimal control: The Pontryagin Maximum

    principle, The Bellman Dynamic programming method. Linear Quadratic optimal control. Optimal estimation: Kalman filter.

    Multi criteria optimization.

    PAE 490 Training (4 weeks), ECTS 6

    Students are required to participate and work as industrial trainees in the industry of their chosen discipline. Industrial training

    is a credited course programme and thus is compulsory in order to satisfy the degree coursework requirements for graduation.

    An internship experience provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and

    skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need

    to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks.


    The internship will provide students with the opportunity to:

    • Gain practical experience within the industrial environment.

    • Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.

    • Apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting.

    • Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.

    • Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.


    PAE 501 Automatized Control Systems of Industry (SAP) - (2 + 2 + 0) ECTS 5 This course is a basic introduction to process automation in SAP. The course starts with an introduction to Project management.

    Time management, cost and quality management, project management tools will be delivered in the first lectures. After project

    management the course continues with Enterprise Resource planning and manufacturing execution systems. The main ERP

    system used in the course will be SAP. SAP Modules Materials Management SAP MM, Sales and distribution SAP SD,

    Upstream Operations Management SAP UOM and Plant Maintenance SAP PM will be delivered in details. In the tutorials the

    students will work in project groups and at the end of the tutorial there will be a final presentation about the work using all the

    techniques and tools learned in the lecture.

    PAE 503 Digital Signal and Data Processing (2 + 0 + 2) ECTS 5 Digital signal Processing. The objective of this course is to provide a basic introduction to the theory of digital signal processing

    (DSP). Major parts of the course will concentrate on signal analysis using Fourier transforms. Linear system analysis. Filter

    design and implementation of digital filters. Digital Signal processing course covers the following:

    - Properties of digital filters;

    - Digital filter design methods;

    - Finite impulse response (FIR) filters. Window design techniques.

    - Infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. Bilinear transform method.

    - Structures and properties of FIR and IIR filters and review

    - IIR - Direct, parallel and cascaded realizations.

    - FIR - Direct and cascaded realizations.

    - Coefficient quantization effects in digital filters.

    PAE 505 Automation of Technological Processes (3 + 0 + 2) ECTS 6 Automation of drilling supervision and control, Theoretical foundations for automation of drilling supervision and control,

    Friction Devices for drill feed, Hydraulic Devices for drill feed, Electro machine devices for drill feed, Hole bottom devices

    for drill feed, Automated control principles of the drilling process, Automation of oil and associated gas extraction and field

    gathering, Characteristic features of oil producing enterprises and basic principles of their automatization, Typical

    technological scheme of automated oil producing enterprises, Oil well automation, Automated group measurement devices,

    Automated system of data collection and processing on oil well productivity, Automated separation devices, Automated

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    modular booster compressor stations, Automation of commercial oil pretreatment and pump-out, Technological process

    specification and automation purposes, Automated modular units for oil pretreatment, Automated mass and commercial oil

    quality measurement, Automation of intermediate pumping stations, Automation of reservoir pressure support objects,

    Specifications of reservoir pressure support systems, Automated modular units for waste water treatment and water inlet wells,

    Automated modular water inlet wells, Oil trunk pipeline automation, Oil trunk pipeline specifications as an automation unit,

    Oil pumping automation process, Automated prevention of oil pipeline reloading, Automation of gas production and field

    treatment, Characteristics of gas and gas condensate production fields as automation units, Automatic control of field

    productivity, Automatic control of low temperature gas separation, Automation of absorptive gas dehydration.

    PAE 507 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (3 + 0 + 2) ECTS 6 The goal of the course is to introduce students to the basic modern approaches, methods and solutions for Supervisory control

    and data acquisition (SCADA). The main topics discussed are related to the: fundamental principles of modern SCADA

    systems, SCADA hardware, SCADA systems software and protocols, landlines for SCADA, SCADA and local area

    topologies, modems used in SCADA systems, modulation techniques, error detection/correction and data compression,

    computer sites and troubleshooting, system implementation.

    PAE 509 Industrial Computer Networks (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4 Structure and architecture of computer control systems with industrial communication networks. Network models, standards

    and specifications. Open System Interconnect (OSI) network model. Network transmission methods. Media access methods -

    CSMA/CD, CSMS/CA, Token Passing, Demand Priority and CTDMA. Structure and basic characteristics of field-level

    industrial communication networks. Basic features of information level industrial networks. Network protocols ARP, TCP/IP

    and UDP. Basic OPC architectures and interfaces, Role of Communication Technology, Transmitter Communication

    Components, Basic Communication Components, Transducer, Signal Processor, Output Signal, Analog Communication

    Technology, Analog Signals, mA Signal, V Signal, psi Signal, Digital Communication Technology, Digital Communication

    Protocols, Advantages of Digital Communication, Decreased Wiring Costs, Remote Device Communication, Improved

    Accuracy in Data Transmission, HART Communication Protocol, Learning Objectives, HART Technology Overview, Digital

    Process Values, How A/D Converters Work, How D/A Converters Work, Advantages of HART Technology, Integration with

    Existing Equipment, Burst Mode, Multiple Process Variables, Remote Device Communication, Transmitter Self-Diagnostics,

    Multidrop Networking, Open Protocol, HART Communicators, Connecting a HART Communicator to a Loop, Device

    Descriptions, Foundation Fieldbus Protocol, Learning Objectives, Foundation Fieldbus Technology Overview, Foundation

    Fieldbus Layers, Physical Layer, Communications Stack, User Layer, Foundation Fieldbus Blocks, Resource Block,

    Transducer Block, Function Blocks, Advantages of Foundation Fieldbus, Protocol Design, Device Interoperability, Reduced

    Wiring Costs, Network Flexibility, Control in the Field, Foundation Fieldbus Networks, Segments, Trunks, and Spurs,

    Network Topologies, Device Communication on the Network, Intrinsic Safety, Profibus Protocol, Learning Objectives,

    Profibus Technology Overview, Profibus-FMS, Profibus-DP, Profibus-PA, Similarities to Foundation Fieldbus, Differences

    from Foundation Fieldbus, Proprietary Communication Protocols, Learning Objectives, Proprietary Communication,

    Protocols, Modicon Modbus, Honeywell DE, Foxboro FoxCom. Yokogawa BRAIN, Advantages of HART and Fieldbus,

    Comparing HART With FoxCom and BRAIN, Open Protocol, Widely Adopted in the Industry, Comparing HART With DE,

    Maintained Analog Signals, Simultaneous Variable Transmission, Broad Industry Support, Foundation Fieldbus Added


    PAE 511 Electromagnetic Conformability - elective (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4

    • Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatiblity, EMC Requirements for Electronic Systems, Signal Spectra - Time Domain

    and Frequency Domain, Nonideal Behavior of Components, Conducted Emissions and Susceptibility, Radiated Emissions

    and Susceptibility, Crosstalk, Shielding.

    • Introduction to EMC. Introduction to EMC. EMC problem classifications. Physical and electrical dimensions of components.

    Common EMC units. Transmission line theory. EMC signal sources.

    • EMC Requirements. EMC standards. Conducted emissions standards and testing. Radiated emissions standards and testing.

    Antenna factor.

    • Nonideal behavior of components. Low frequency circuit approximations. Internal impedance of round wires. High frequency

    wire resistance approximation. External inductance, capacitance and conductance of parallel wires, coaxial conductors and

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    PCB structures. Nonideal behavior of resistors, capacitors and inductors. Noise suppression with capacitors and inductors.

    Common mode and differential mode currents. Ferrites and common mode chokes.

    • Signal Spectra and EMC -Signal classifications. Periodic signals as series expansions of orthogonal basis functions. Fourier

    series. Signal spectra. Efficient techniques for the determination of Fourier series coefficients. Fourier expansions of

    piecewise linear periodic signals. Approximate spectra of digital circuit clock waveforms. Aperiodic signals - Fourier

    transforms. Linear systems response to periodic and aperiodic signals.

    • Radiated emissions and susceptibility. Emission models for wires and PCB lands. Signal spectra and the spectra of resulting

    radiated emissions. Measured spectra and the effect of antenna factor.

    • Crosstalk. Crosstalk on three-conductor transmission lines. Multiconductor transmission line per-unit-length parameters.

    Electrically short, weakly-coupled three-conductor line. Common-impedance coupling. Time-domain crosstalk.

    PAE 511 Information Theory and Coding - elective (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4 Introduction to Information Theory and Coding, Definition of Information Measure and Entropy, Extension of an Information

    Source and Markov Source, Adjoint of an Information Source, Joint and Conditional Information Measures, Properties of Joint

    and Conditional Information Measures and a Markov Source, Asymptotic Properties of Entropy and Problem Solving in

    Entropy, Block Code and Its Properties, Instantaneous Code and Its Properties, Kraft-Mcmillan Equality and Compact Codes,

    Shannon`s First Theorem, Coding Strategies and Introduction to Huffman Coding, Huffman Coding and Proof of Its

    Optimality, Competitive Optimality of The Shannon Code, Non-Binary Huffman Code and Other Codes, Adaptive Huffman

    Coding part-1, Adaptive Huffman Coding Part-2, Shannon-Fano-Elias Coding and Introduction to Arithmetic Coding,

    Arithmetic Coding Part-1, Arithmetic Coding Part-2, Introduction to Information Channel, Equivocation and Mutual

    Information, Properties of Different Information Channels, Reduction of Information Channels, Properties of Mutual

    Information and Introduction to Channel Capacity, Calculation of Channel Capacity for Different Information Channel,

    Shannon`s Second Theorem, Discussion on Error Free Communication Over Noisy Channel, Error Free Communication Over

    a Binary Symmetric Channel, Differential Entropy and Evaluation of Mutual Information, Channel Capacity of a Bandlimited

    Continuous Channel, Introduction to Rate-Distortion Theory, Definition and Properties of Rate-Distortion Functions,

    Calculation of Rate-Distortion Functions, Computational Approach For Calculation of Rate-Distortion Functions, Introduction

    to Quantization, Lloyd-Max Quantizer Companded Quantization, Mod-01 Lec-38 Variable Length Coding and Problem

    Solving In Quantizer Design, Vector Quantization, Transform Part-1.

    PAE 511 Adaptive Control - elective (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4 Introduction to adaptive control. Adaptive schemes. Self-tuning regulators. Real-time parameters estimation. Pole placement

    design. Design of minimum-variance regulators. Adaptive predictive control. Model-reference adaptive systems. The MIT

    rule. Design of model-reference adaptive systems using Lyapunov’s direct method. Robust adaptive control. Design and

    applications of gain-scheduling controllers. Auto-tuning techniques.

    PAE 511 Process Simulation - elective (2 + 0 + 1) ECTS 4 Introduction to process modelling and simulation. Technology for computer modelling. Mathematical formalization and

    abstract description in computer modelling. Automata description of systems. Functional modelling. Analytical modelling.

    Statistical modelling. Computer simulation of processes and systems. Modelling and simulation oil and gas process by use

    GSE Systems. Modelling Tools for Oil and Gas Processing. Modelling Tools for Chemical Processing. Modelling Tools for

    Refining & Petrochemicals. EnVision: e-Learning and Universal Simulations tools.


    PAE 590 Practice (14 weeks) ECTS 21

    Students are required to complete 14 weeks of exposure to professional engineering practice to graduate.

    Industrial training is a great opportunity for students to learn about the industry, to establish important contacts and most

    importantly, to seed the beginnings for a career in chosen profession. Students get out of industrial training what they are

    willing to invest in the process.

    The attendance and performance in the training will be considered as a good practice for the final year project.

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    PAE 500 Graduation Project ECTS 10

    The Graduation Project is part of the final phase of the Bachelor’s programme.

    All students are required to complete a graduation project as part of their graduation requirements.

    The purpose of the graduation project is to provide students with an opportunity to engage in an activity that will allow them

    to demonstrate their ability to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout their years in the educational system.

    The project is designed to ensure that students are able to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and to

    communicate significant knowledge and understanding.

    The project is are normally graded on an A - F basis and will appear on the student’s official transcript.

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