Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology ...

Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology University of Allahabad, Prayagraj-211 002 Syllabus modified only for Covid-19 period due to unprecedented situation B.A. Part-1 Paper-I: Early Cultures and Civilizations of India Unit-I : Definition of Archaeology and relation with other disciplines; Palaeolithic Cultures: Salient features with special reference to Belan Valley & Son Valley. Unit-II : Mesolithic Cultures: Salient features with special reference to Vindhyas, Ganga Plains. Neolithic Cultures: Salient features with special reference to North-West India, South India & Vindhyas. Unit-III : Harappan Civilization: Origin, Salient features, decline. Unit-IV : Chalcolithic Cultures – Kayatha Culture, Ahar Culture, Malwa Culture, Jorwe Culture & Copper hoards. UNIT-V : (a) Iron Age: Antiquity of Iron. (b) Sites: Bhaghwanpura, Atranjikhera, Hastinapur & Kausambi.

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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

University of Allahabad, Prayagraj-211 002

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B.A. Part-1

Paper-I: Early Cultures and Civilizations of India

Unit-I : Definition of Archaeology and relation with other disciplines;

Palaeolithic Cultures: Salient features with special reference to

Belan Valley & Son Valley.

Unit-II : Mesolithic Cultures: Salient features with special reference to

Vindhyas, Ganga Plains.

Neolithic Cultures: Salient features with special reference to

North-West India, South India & Vindhyas.

Unit-III : Harappan Civilization: Origin, Salient features, decline.

Unit-IV : Chalcolithic Cultures –

Kayatha Culture, Ahar Culture, Malwa Culture, Jorwe Culture & Copper hoards.

UNIT-V : (a) Iron Age: Antiquity of Iron.

(b) Sites: Bhaghwanpura, Atranjikhera, Hastinapur &


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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

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B.A. Part-1

Paper-II: History of India upto the Kushanas (C.600 B.C. – C. 319 A.D.)

Unit-I : Sources :

Literary -Indian and Foreign


Unit-II : Early State Formation:

The Mahajanapadas ; Rise of Magadha from Bimbisara to

Mahapadma Nanda. Alexander’s Invasion, Monarchical States;

Nature of Republics.

Unit-III : Mauryan Empire and its Decline:

Magadhan Expansion in the time of Chandragupta Maurya –


Ashoka and his Dhamma

Decline of the Mauryan Empire.

Unit-IV : Political Fragmentation (C. 200 BC – AD 300):

Early History of Satavahanas, Achievements of Pushyamitra

Shunga and Gautamiputra Satkarni.

Shaka-Satavahana Struggle.

UNIT-V : Foreign Invasions and Dynasties - Shakas & Kushanas :

Kanishka–I : Date and Achievements

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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

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B.A. Part-II

Paper-I: Outline of Ancient World Civilizations

Unit-I : Earliest Civilizations-I:

Egyptian Civilization: Political development under the Pharaohs;

Egyptian Religion & Art.

Unit-II : Earliest Civilizations- II:

Mesopotamian Civilizations : Salient features

Sumerian Civilization

Babylonian Civilization

Assyrian Civilization

Unit-III : Greek Civilization:

Homeric Age

Periclean Age : Contribution of Pericles

Salient features of Hellenistic Civilizations.

Unit-IV : Roman Civilization:

Julius Caesar and Augustus –Their contributions

Roman Culture: Law & Art, Roman Legacy.

Development of Christianity under Roman Empire.

UNIT-V : Ancient Iran and China :

Achaemenid Empire, Zarathustra and his reforms, Parthian


Chin Periods : Shih Huang Ti Confucius.

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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

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B.A. Part-II

Paper-II: History of Ancient India ( C 319 AD to 1200 AD)

Unit-I : :

Gupta Dynasty:

Gupta Rulers their achievements : Chandragupta-I,

Samudragupta, Chandragupta-II, Kumargupta I,

Skandagupta, Decline of the Guptas.

Unit-II : Vakataka-Gupta Relation, Huna Invasion.

Unit-III : Harsha Career and Achievements; relation with contemporary

rulers (Harsha’s relation with Pulakesin-II)

Unit-IV : Gurjara-Pratihar, Pala & Rastrakuta :

Political History of Gurjara Pratihar, Pala and Rastrakuta,

Tripartite struggle.

UNIT-V : South Indian Dynasties:

Political History of Pallavas

Political History of Chalukyas of Vatapi,

Chola Dynasty; Political History, Administration.

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B.A. Part-III

Paper-I: Indian Culture

Unit-I :

Foundation of Indian Culture:

Sources of Study, Definition and Characteristics.

Vedic Culture.

Unit-II : Main Features of Ancient Indian Society:

Varnasrama System

Ancient Indian Education System & Centers: Taxila and Nalanda.

Position of Women

Guilds and their roles

Unit-III : Ancient Indian Religions:





Unit-IV : Socio-Spiritual Streams:


Bhakti Movement

UNIT-V : Interaction between Islam and Indian Society with special

reference to impact on Indian Society.

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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

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B.A. Part-III

Paper-II: Concepts and Currents in History

Unit-I :

Nature and characteristics of history, objectivity,

History is Science or Art.

Unit-II : Introduction to approaches of history – Nationalist, Marxist.

Unit-III : Philosophy of history with special reference to Hegel, Karl Marx,


Unit-IV : Nationalism: Germany & Italy.

UNIT-V : Imperialism and colonialism: World War-II.

Russian Revolution.

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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

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B.A. Part-III

Paper-III: Ancient Indian Art and Architecture

Unit-I :

Characteristic Features of Ancient Indian Art:

Pre-historic Art

Harappan Art & Architecture.

Unit-II : Mauryan, Shunga and Kushana Art :

Ashokan Pillars, Capital Figures,

Stupa : Amrawati

Rock-cut Cave Architecture-Karle.

Kushana Art: Mathura Style, Gandhara Style.

Unit-III : Gupta Art - Essential Features:

Beginning of temple Architecture - Bhitargaon temple,

Deogarh temple.

Ajanta Paintings

Temple architectural styles: Nagara, Dravid, Besara.

Unit-IV : Art & Architecture under :

Chalukyas : Aihole

Chandela : Khajuraho Temple (Kandariya Mahadeva temple)

Orissan Temple: Lingaraja.

UNIT-V : Art & Architecture under :

Rashtrakutas : Kailash Temple of Elora

Pallavas : Rathas of Mahabalipuram

Cholas: Brihadishwara Temple of Tanjavur.

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M.A. Ist Semester

Course Code: ANC-501 (Core)

Paper-I: Aspects of Ancient Indian Culture (Political, Social and Economic Institutions)

Unit-I :

Introduction to Ancient Indian Culture

a) The main characteristics of Ancient Indian Culture b) Methods and approaches to the study of Indian Culture:

Nationalist, Marxist.

Unit-II : Political Ideas and Institutions

a) Origin and nature of state b) Republics c) Monarchy and its feudal transformations

Unit-III : Social Institutions

a) Varna-caste system-origin and evolution b) Ashram system c) Hindu Sanskaras

Unit-IV : Social Institutions

a) Position of women- proprietary rights and right to education b) Education system and Educational Institutions : Taxilla and

Nalanda. UNIT-V : Economic Institutions

a) Guilds : Their organization, functions and their role in social and economic life

b) Varta : Meaning and Significance, Agriculture and cattle rearing c) Trade and commerce

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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

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M.A. Ist Semester

Course Code: ANC-502 (Core)

Paper-II: Political History of Ancient India (From 6th Century B.C. to C.185 B.C.)

Unit-I :

Sources a) Literary Sources : Indigenous and foreign b) Epigraphy as a source of Political History c) Numismatics as a source of Political History

Unit-II : Beginnings of Historical Age a) Second urbanization b) Mahajanapadas-Monarchical and republican states of sixth

century B.C. Unit-III : Pre-Mauryan Period

a) Persian invasion and its impact b) Rise of Magadha from Bimbisara to the Nandas c) Achievements of Mahapadmananda d) Macedonian Invasion and its impact

Unit-IV : Mauryan Period a) Origin of Mauryas, Achievements of Chandragupta Maurya b) Ashoka : Extent of empire, Dhamma and its propagation c) Mauryan administration d) Decline of the Mauryas

Unit-V : Inscriptions Prescribed for Epigraphic study Inscriptions of Ashoka:

Bhabru Edict Thirteenth Rock Edict Seventh Pillar Edict Girnar Rock Edict

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M.A. Ist Semester

Course Code: ANC-503 (Core)

Paper-III: Indian Palaeography

Unit-I :

a) Inscriptions for Transliteration i. Rumindei ii. Reh Inscription iii. Ayagapatta Inscription of Kausambi iv. Ayodhya Inscription of Dhanadeva v. Gandhakuti Lotus Lamp Inscription from Kausambi

b) Translation from Devnagri to Brahmi of the given period (Maurya - Kushana)

Unit-II : Origin and Antiquity of Writing in India a) Indus Script – its nature, problem of its decipherment b) Kharoshthi Script – Origin.

Unit-III : Development of Brahmi through different phases a) Origin and antiquity of Brahmi Script b) Features of Mauryan Brahmi c) Brahmi of Shunga Satvahana Inscriptions

Unit-IV : Development of Brahmi through different phases a) Brahmi of Saka-Kshatrapa inscriptions b) Brahmi of the Kushana inscriptions

Unit-V : Gupta and Post Gupta Brahmi a) Brahmi of the Gupta period b) Development of Brahmi from Kutila to Nagari script

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M.A. Ist Semester

Course Code: ANC-551 (Elective)

(Paper-IV-A): Archaeological Theories (Archaeology Group)

Unit-I :

Ethnographical and Archaeological Perspective a) Archaeology, Ethnography and other allied disciplines–

Definition and relationship with allied disciplines. b) The goals of Archaeological inquiry ; archaeological context and

evidence c) Archaeological analysis, description & reconstruction

Unit-II : Basic Unit of Archaeological Inquiry a) Artifacts : Kinds of artifacts & technology b) Sites : Kinds of sites-geomorphological and functional c) Archaeological context : space and time d) Classification & nomenclature of archaeological cultures and

artifacts Unit-III : Environmental Studies

a) Time scales : geological, anthropological and archaeological b) The succession of climatic phases during the Pleistocene and

Holocene Unit-IV : Pleistocene Stratigraphy & Chronology Unit-V : Valley Formation

River Valleys, terraces and sections

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M.A. Ist Semester

Course Code: ANC-552 (Elective)

(Paper-IV-B): Elements of Indian Archaeology : Prehistory (Non Archaeology Group)

Unit-I :

Methods and Technique a) Archaeology and Ethnography-definition and relationship b) Introduction to Archaeological field methods & techniques

Unit-II : Palaeolithic Cultures of India a) Belan b) Son

Unit-III : Mesolithic Cultures of India a) Vindhyas b) Ganga Valley

Unit-IV : Neolithic Cultures of India a) Northern India b) Southern India

Unit-V : Transitional Phases a) Hunting, Gathering to Food Production b) Food Production to Urbanization

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M.A. III Semester Course Code: ANC-601 (Core)

Political History of Ancient India (From A.D. 319 to 550 A.D.)

Unit-I :

Source: a) Literary : (i) Indigenous (ii) Foreign Accounts b) Archaeological

i) Inscriptions ii) Numismatics iii) Architecture iv) Other archaeological Material (explored excavated, seals,

sealing, etc.) Early Guptas

a) Origin and original home of the Guptas b) Early history of the Guptas (up to Chandragupta-I)

Unit-II : Samundragupta : a) Accession of Samudragupta b) Samudragupta’s campaigns of Aryavarta, Dakshinapatha and of

frontier c) Estimate of Samudragupta d) Historicity of Ramagupta

Unit-III : Chandragupta-II : a) Identification of Chandra of Meharauli Pillar Inscription b) Chandragupta II (Career and Achievements) c) Relation with Sakas and Vakatakas d) Kumaragupta-I : Career and Achievements

Unit-IV : History of Late Gupta Period : a) Skandgupta (Achievements) b) Cause of the disintegratin of the Gupta Empire c) Huna’s Invasion and its impact

UNIT-V : Epigraphic notes on the following Inscriptions : a) Allahabad Pillar Inscription b) Junagarh Inscription of Skandagupta c) Mandsor inscription of Kumargupta I d) Eran Inscription of Bhanugupta e) Poona Copper Plate of Prabhavatigupta

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M.A. III Semester

Course Code: ANC-602 (Core)

Paper-I: Theories of History

Unit-I :

History and Introduction :

a) Origin b) Definition c) Relation with Social-Sciences

Unit-II : Scope : a) Nature b) Subject Matter c) Utility

Unit-III : Historical Methodology :

a) The issue of objectivity in History b) Is History Science?

Unit-IV : Vedic Historiography :

a) Gatha Narasamsi b) Akhyan

UNIT-V : Modern Historiography of Ancient India : a) R.G. Bhandarkar b) R.C. Majumdar

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M.A. Semester-III

Course Code: 603 (Core)

Main Currents of World History

(From 1789 A.D. to 1900 A.D.)

Unit-I :

Age of Revolution and progress

French Revolution : (1789 – 1795 AD)

Aims and Nature Causes and Consequences

Unit-II : Nepoleon Era Rise of Napoleon, Achievement and Downfall

Unit-III : Rise of Nationalism :

a) Unification of Germany b) Unification of Italy

Unit-IV : Eastern Question and The Turks

a) Crimean War (1853-56 AD), Russo – Turkish War (1877 - 1878 AD)

b) Making of Modern Turkey – Mustafa Kemal Ataturk UNIT-V : Far East : 19th Century

a) Meiji Restoration in Japan, Japanese Imperialism b) China – Opium War

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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

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M.A. IIIrd Semester

Course Code: ANC-651 (Elective)

(Group-A): Pre-History : Palaeolithic Cultures

Unit-I :

Introduction a) Prehistory : Definition, Scope, association with allied

disciplines b) Palaeolithic tool Technology and Typology

Unit-II : Outlines of Prehistoric Cultures of world a) Europe – with special reference to St. Acheul b) Africa – with special reference to Olduvai Gorge c) Asia-with special reference to Chaukoutien, Petjitinean d) Upper Palaeolithic art of Lescaux, Altamira

Unit-III : Lower Palaeolithic Culture of India a) Madrasian b) North-western Indian subcontinent – Sohan, Rewat c) Belan Valley d) Son Valley e) Excavated primary sites-Hunsagi, Chirki Nevasa, Paisara,

Maihar, Manigara, Didwana. Unit-IV : Middle Palaeolithic Cultures of India

a) General features of Middle Palaeolithic Culture b) Belan Valley c) Son Valley d) Pravara Valley

Unit-V : Upper Palaeolithic Culture and Art of India a) General features of the Upper Palaeolithic Culture b) Belan Valley c) Son Valley d) Andhra Pradesh

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M.A. IIIrd Semester

Course Code: ANC-652 (Elective)

(Group-B): Ancient Indian Architecture-I

Unit-I :

Introduction : a) Brief Overview of Legislations (National)on Conservation of Art

Heritage b) Patronage in Ancient Indian Art

Unit-II : Literary Sources :

a) Non-technical Text –Brihat Samhita b) Technical Text- Samarangansutradhara, Aparajitaprichha

Unit-III : Early Phase-I: a) Harappan town planning : Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Dholavira,

Lothal b) Residential and Public Utility buildings/Centers

Unit-IV : Early Phase-II: a) Mauryan Town planning with special reference to Arthashastra b) Ashokan Pillars- Form, technique and symbology

Unit-V : Early Phase-III: a) Stupa Architecture- Sanchi b) Stupa Architecture-Amaravati c) Rock-cut Architecture-Bhaja, Karle

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M.A. IIIrd Semester

Course Code: ANC-653 (Elective)

(Group-C): Social History of India (From Earliest Times to Circa 6th Century A.D.)

Unit-I :

Sources : i) Literary Sources

a) Indigenous – Religious & Secular b) Foreign Accounts

ii) Archaeological Sources a) Epigraphic b) Numismatics

c) Excavation/Exploration reports Unit-II : Study of Ancient Indian Society:

a) Social Life of Vedic Period b) Social Life of Mauryan Period and Post Mauryan Period (up to

Kushanas) c) Social Life of Gupta Period

Unit-III : Historical Study of Social Institutions : a) Varna and Ashram System-Origin and Evolution b) Caste System – Origin and nature c) Purusartha

Unit-IV : Study of Other Social Institutions : Position of Women

a) Their Proprietary rights b) Position of Widows c) Sati Custom

Education Institution: Taxilla, Kashi and Vallabhi

Unit-V : Study of Labour and Outcastes : a) Slavery : Types, its use b) Visti : Origin, Evolution and its Use.

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Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology

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M.A. IIIrd Semester

Course Code: ANC-655 (Elective)

(Group-A): Indian Proto-History

Unit-I :

Introduction a) Definition of Proto-history and its Scope b) Emergence and main features of Early Harappan cultures:

i) Mehrgarh, ii) Kil-i-ghul Mohammad, Rana Ghundai, Nausero, Mundigak,

Rakhigarhi,Kalibangan Unit-II : Harappan Civilization

a) Characteristic features b) Origin and extent c) Decline d) Legacy of Harappan Civilization : Cemetery H culture;

Harappan-Vedic relations Unit-III : Important Harappan Sites :

a) Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Lothal, b) Surkotda, Kalibangan, Dholavira, Rakhigarhi

Unit-IV : Chalcolithic Cultures of Western-Central India and Deccan a) Kayatha Culture b) Ahar Culture; Sites Ahar, Gilund Balathal c) Malwa Culture; Sites : Maheswar, Navdatoli, Nagda, Chandoli d) Nasik-Jorwe Culture; Sites-Nevasa, Inamgaon, Prakash, Chandoli

Unit-V : Chalcolithic Cultures of Northern India a) Middle Ganga Valley, Sites : Chirand, Senuwar, Taradih, Narhan,

Khairadih, Jhusi, Kausambi, Sringverpura b) Copper Hoards and O.C.P. Culture of Upper Ganga Valley; Sites :

Saipai, Atranjikhera, Jakhera, Hastinapur, Ahichhatra c) Vindhyan Chalcolithic; Sites : Kakoria, Koldihwa, Tokwa,

Malhar, Raja Nal Ka Tila

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M.A. IIIrd Semester

Course Code: ANC-656 (Elective)

(Group-B): Ancient Indian Art and Aesthetics-I

Unit-I :

Sources : a) Concept of Indian Art b) Characteristics of Indian Art

Unit-II : Elements of Aesthetics: a) Bharata b) Abhinavagupta

Unit-III : Dynastic Art-I a) Mauryan b) Shunga c) Satavahana

Unit-IV : Dynastic Art-II a) Kushana b) Gupta

Unit-V : Buddhhist and Jaina Iconography : a) Buddha and Bodhisattva (Avlokitesvara Maitreya) b) Adinath and Mahavira

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M.A. IIIrd Semester

Course Code: ANC-657 (Elective)

(Group-C): Economic History of India (From Earliest time to 6th C. A.D.)

Unit-I :

Sources: a) Literary sources

Indigenous–Dharmashastra, Secular, Religious and Foreign Accounts.

b) Archaeological Sources: Epigraphic ,Numismatics and Excavation/Exploration Reports

Unit-II : Historical Study of Economy : Economic Life a) Vedic Period b) Mauryan Period c) Post-Mauryan Period & Gupta Period

Unit-III : Study of History of Agriculture : a) Land Ownership & Land Possession b) Irrigation System c) Agricultural Implements and Labour : Slavery and Vishti

Unit-IV : Study of History of Trade and Commerce - International External Trade and Corporate Activities :

a) Trade routes (water) and Means of Transport b) Items of Import & Export c) Trade Relations with other Countries ; Rome, Southeast Asia &

China Corporate Activities, Currency System

a) Industrial and Traders, Guilds : Definition, Organization and Functions

b) Carvan Trade with Indigenous and Other Countries Unit-V : Revenue System, Money Lending & Currency System :

a) Agricultural & Trade Taxes b) Definition and Types of lending c) Rate of Interest d) Monetary Condition: State of Coined Money

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