Deoxyribose sugar - Home - Mitchell Community … to... · Web viewFrom DNA to Protein DNA contains...

Phos-phate Group Deoxyribose Sugar Nitro -gen Base Phos-phate Group Ribose Sugar Nitro -gen Base From DNA to Protein DNA contains genetic information in the sequence of nucleotides These information comes in the form of directions to build proteins DNA never ever leaves the nucleus DNA is the master copy of the directions a cell needs to live so it needs to be protected RNA is a copy of DNA that goes out into the cytoplasm to tell the cell what to do in order to stay alive RNA: ribonucleic acid You can always make more RNA so it’s ok if it gets destroyed (You can’t make more DNA!!!) DNA RNA How many strands? 2 1 Nucleotide subunit Deoxyribose sugar Ribose sugar DNA in the nucleus is safe But DNA in the cytoplasm can be destroyed

Transcript of Deoxyribose sugar - Home - Mitchell Community … to... · Web viewFrom DNA to Protein DNA contains...

Phos-phate Group

Deoxyribose Sugar


Phos-phate GroupRibose Sugar Nitro-


From DNA to ProteinDNA contains genetic information in the sequence of nucleotidesThese information comes in the form of directions to build proteinsDNA never ever leaves the nucleus DNA is the master copy of the directions a cell needs to live

so it needs to be protected

RNA is a copy of DNA that goes out into the cytoplasm to tell the cell what to do in order to stay alive RNA: ribonucleic acid You can always make more RNA so it’s ok if it gets

destroyed (You can’t make more DNA!!!)DNA RNA

How many strands?

2 1

Nucleotide subunit

Deoxyribose sugar Ribose sugarBases Thymine (T)

Adenine (A)Guanine (G)Cytosine (C)

Uracil (U) Adenine (A)Guanine (G)Cytosine (C)

Transcription Definition: RNA is made from 1 gene in DNA

DNA in the nucleus is safe

But DNA in the cytoplasm can be destroyed

T – A

G – C

U – A

G – C

Transcription happens in the nucleus. An RNA copy of a gene is made.Then the mRNA that has been made moves out of the nucleus into the cytoplasmOnce in the cytoplasm, the mRNA is used to make a protein

Cytoplasm of cell



The type of RNA made is called mRNA (messenger RNA) because it sends a message from DNA to the cytoplasm

Transcription o Unzip one gene in DNA o Match up bases to one side of a

gene in DNAo mRNA detaches from the DNAo mRNA moves out of the nucleus and

into the cytoplasm


DNA safe in the nucleus

Uses mRNA To send a message to the cytoplasm

For figuring out RNA:A binds UC binds G

How does mRNA tell the cell what to do? mRNA is a message that codes for a protein Proteins are made in the cytoplasm and then work to keep

the cell alive Translation (protein synthesis): Process of making a protein Proteins are made up of amino acids (small building blocks) There are 20 different types of amino acids


Amino Acids

Process of Translation

Genetic Code Code that matches codons in mRNA to amino acids on


1. mRNA moves out of nucleus and into cytoplasm

2. mRNA attaches to a ribosome

3. Transfer RNA (tRNA) decodes the mRNA and brings amino acids to build up the

4. Protein (chain of amino acids) detaches from ribosome and goes off to work in the cell




Anticodon (3 bases on tRNA): Matches up to codons on mRNA

Amino acid


mRNAcodons(3 bases)

Amino acids

1. Read your mRNA codon ACU2. Find 1st base on the left, 2nd base on the top, 3rd base on the

right. Find where they all cross in the chart. 3. Read your amino acid. Threonine

Central dogma of molecular biology

Stop codon – codes for the end of the mRNA (no amino acid added)

Different codons code for different amino acids!!!

DNARNA Protein

Transcription Translation

DNA to Protein Reading Guide Name _______________

1. Why does DNA stay in the nucleus?

2. What is the function of RNA?

3. Name two differences between DNA and RNA.

4. What type of RNA is made during transcription?

5. What RNA sequence would match up with the following DNA sequence?



6. Where does transcription take place?

7. What is mRNA used for?

8. What term is used for the process of making a protein?

9. The building blocks of proteins are _______________________.

10. What does mRNA attach to when it leaves the nucleus?

11. How does tRNA help build proteins?

12. How many bases make up a codon?

13. What amino acid does the codon AGU code for?

14. What happens when the codon UGA is reached?

15. Is there more than one codon for each amino acid?

16. Which process changes RNA directions into proteins?

17. Which process changes DNA into RNA?