DENTAL nd Attractlvi PLATES...Fourteen TORRANCE HERALD FEBRUARY 28, 1952 Herald Classified AdsBring...

Fourteen TORRANCE HERALD FEBRUARY 28, 1952 Herald Classified AdsBring QUICK Results! Hi-Lites Of Seaside Heights By CKAYC'K RYCKM/iN I'Kunllcr 5-1770 U'liat n glorious yonr this Is. Have soared with tho i thai bright on tho days? llavo you II mo 10) clu 10 42nd annl your spirit.^ vorsniy Scout Woolt. Tho. hoyt Dlnrfiil Uitos'havo received a largo signed sides thoso|coi-||floato which will always re- noticed tho main in tho hooks of tho troop, in so ninny I along with a largo groon and of tho houses and yards horo gold embossed rihlion of par- In tho Heights? It doesn't takejticipation. Tho window docorat-. much effort to really pork our ing project was sponsored by' places up. Several of our streolslB'nal B'rith. oven soom to be outdoing thol « « * others. Which street do you! I stopped by lo soo Emily think looks most attractive? j Robinson of 5364 Doris Way » » Mast Friday. She Is the lady Our own Boy Scout Trortji 730, who keeps her windows so Inter- through the capable1 leadership osling and varied with hor lovely of Floyd Holstin. has again! ceramics. Up close they are made a name for itself in South won more fetching. Her son, Bay Scouting liistory. This tlme'Diilcr, was then and still is limp- the troop received a Class A | lr>K wit,h a bndly sprained ankle, award for Its window display.acquircd at Torrance High while at tho HI-Tono Cleaners on Hlgh-|hlgh jumping. Or Is it pole The little Wngstaff bn Bohby, ago three months, had a most unfortunate accident In ordinary handling tho in his upper leg splintered, and the poor baby Is In a cast from pit to toes. Our sympathy Through The By BETTV IJNN TErmlrml 4-8884 BETTER! " Beautiful N EW Trubyte BIOFORM TEETH ««th In ilit, ihapo am lot with Trubyto tlofo or a Mor. Youthful i Added Hov m Tooth ... i nd Attractlvi DENTAL PLATES Dr. Cowen'i LOW PRICES and VEKY LIBfKAL CREDIT TERMS bring Good Denial Platei within the reach of practically every budget. Get your plates RIGHT NOW ... spread the small weekly or monthly payments over any reasonable length of time. PAY ONLY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD, weekly or monthly. No bank or finance company to deal with. QUICK PLATE REPAIRS SAVE TIME AHD MONEY of Dr. CowtiTil Spot promptly rtiol for lotttr >lt. DENTISTRY THIRt ARE NO EASIER CREDIT TERMS THAN DR. COWEN'S. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY OR UNNECES. SARY INVESTIGATION WHEN YOU ARRANGE FOR CREDIT. PAY IN SMALL AMOUNTS .AFTER YOUR WORK IS COMPLETED. AT DR. COWEN'S, YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE YOUR OWN REASONABLE TERMS, WITHOUT INTEREST OR EXTRA CHARGE, NO M/UTER HOW MUCH CREDIT YOU NEED. EXAMINATION WITHOUT APPOINTMENT TUNE IN KFOX.WORLD WIDE NEWS<6 PM DAILY IBM PARKINO 309 Wtsl Broadway ASK YOUR DENTIST about the Impor- tant improvements that make the new Transparent Material Dentures so much Easier To Wear than old-fashioned plates. These modern Dental Plates are scien- tifically-fitted fa help overcome clicking, wobbling and Irritation ... they are strong and durable, yet amaiingly light- weight for Added Comfort. See the samples now at your nearest Dr. Cowen Dental Office . .. you'll agree these new plates are "NATURALLY BETTER!" Genet 107 W* BROADWAY » Lotig Beach £36-231 OPpN DAILY 9AM to 6PM \ 5«t. Till ' STARY GANGK . . . Klwanls Governor Reception Set For Governor Of Kiwanis Club Stary Gangc, governor of the Californla-Ncvada-Hawaii district of Kiwanis International, will be the guest of honor at a Gov nor's Reception to be hold by Division 19 at the El Camino College Campus Center on Sat urday, March 8. . Announcement of the recep tlon was made yesterday by For rest G. Murdock, secretary of that way. Ho came through it * ho division and president of El and to nd Bob of 5230 certainly his folks. Hetty Bindewald. » Anita and Boh fioorge spent a very unoasy Friday morning last week when their little 5- month-old .Tod underwent sur- fiery for removal of'a tumor "on back, but paroVtp just < not serious, n't help being ell, in fact, that they brought him home Saturday afternoon instead of Monday, as originally planned. There was <|iiltc a little ex- citement on Vanderhill last Sat- urday afternoon. In fact, .it spread over our whole area. Little Danny Spear, age 4, of 5228. wandered off with Tlga (clog), and neither were seen for 3' hour By then the neighbors and tho poll wei'o on the alert. But he was finally found and returned homo, undaunted, by Howard Hat field. Incidentally, ho is the only child of Mr. arid Mrs, Charles Spear (Noroen), who moved to our hill just throe weeks ago. So, \volcome. the three of vou. Mrs. Spear would like to thanks lo all of you who aided In the search for little Danny. Other now neighbors on the same street are Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Crowo at 5245. They have been here only a few weeks,'at 133rd St (no Tho Mr. Is employed at I was blamed Camino. A resident of Lindsay, Calif., Gange has had a long service lth the Kiwanis Club and an outstanding record of civic in- terest in his community. He is an olive and orange anchor, has served as president af the Lindsay Chamber of Com- erce and at the present time vice-president of the Central Valley Empire Association and foreman of the Tulare County Grand Jury. Sharp Blast Rocks Area A sharp, jolting blast -was heard and felt of North Torn Saturday night. nost portions ut 9:15 citizens' :alls jammed police ahd sheriff's office switchboards An explosion in craft parts manufi small air cturlng plant and Western Ave. jolt. North American Aviation, andidamagc to persons or property the Mrs. at Douglas. They are was reported. The company re- from Detroit. ' |portcdly is conducting confiden- tial' government work. Radio cars from surrounding A birthday parly \vas last week for Nod Du< ...... Zakon Rd. Among h'is guests'track down the mystery shock, all of nunitles were dispatched to At the Mr. anil Mrs. William Panick home, also on Zakon, 5232, the visitor for the end was Mrs. Panick's brother, who is stationed in San Diego at the Naval Base. His Blaine Laing. Anil mo .•alloy, we C'arolcn locally, from the upper Gardena areas, laid callers told of h; Ing their doors blown open by the blast. re boys from the Heights and;Which apparently jwas felt hard- the Ranches Terry Znrvantian, Bobby .Sadavage. Donald Mat- Police field, Johnny Weber, Bobby Hql stin and Clifford Burk. Ned is now 14, and the way I hear it, the party was a big success. Visitor* from near and fa From Oshkosh, Wis., we have Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gansen visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. R. T. G: and their daughters, Virginia find Josephine, at 5120 Zakon Rd. We do hope they like it here Clerk Nabs Gals; No Color Change We have a lot of chltchnl along with some news this week We did gel our rag drive over with and while It Involved a lot of time and effort it was a cess, so (hey say. Mr. and Mrs. Marvln Pike, ol 101 E. Carson St., celcbratc'l their 13th wedding anniversary Feb. 19. Also observing the anni- versary date were Mr. and Mrs William Marshall of Long Beach The two couples wore mar '- J ... _ double-wedding ceremony In Lakewood Village Church Feo. 19, 1939. It has been their cus- tom to celebrate together each r, and this year it wa dinner In Long Beach. The Pikes ...... Judy, aged 8, to round out their family, while the Marshalls now have Mike, 8; Billy Bob, 9 and a brand new addition, third son who arrived Feb. named Timothy. Congratulations are in order. Birthday festivities, three In row, were taken care of this 1/ast week at the Rex Munsons, 22014 Grace St. First *o. ce1 ,-' 11 ate was Eugene, who WPS 11 m Feb. 18. Next was little San dy, 7 on Feb. 20, an! laat, but lot least, was Ricky, win wa; years old Feb. 22, Washing ton's birthday. All nad th? it a ditional birthday cake with can dies, along with gifts. Belated birthday greetings also go to Russell Brooks, who < iratod his third birthday Feb. 20, with festivities taking place at Banning Park In Wi'.ming ton. Games were played. A big ilrthday cake along with punch vas enjoyed by Russell and a group of little friends which in luded Dorothy and Clellenc Woods of Lomita, Jed Zimr , Lomita; Marilyn Hand, ita; Stcvon Kendrick, Ava- on Village; Linnae and Rita ntry, also of Avalon Village; Wyman Shanks, Wilmingtori; Chris Rasnlck, Wilmington; Theodore Nelson, San Pedro and Mary Rains and Dana Gilbert of Torrance. Mothers who helped he celebrants were Mmes Zimmerman, S. Hand, T. Nelson. M. Gentry, Don Woods, L. Ke drick, and Carl Brooks, the host- ess The Brookses reside at 22427 Moneta Ave., Torrance. Mrs. Jack Spence, president of Carson St. PTA, accompanied by M. R. Wallace, principal ot Carson St. School, attended he 10th District Health Confer- nce at the Biltmore Theater In Los Angeles Feb. 20. Discussion centered about "Mental Hy- giene." A luncheon at the Bilt tiore Bowl followed the meet- ng, Carson St. PTA members attending the 10th District meet- t Narbonne High School in ^omita Feb. 21 were Mmes. Jack Spence, president; Charles Linn, James Campbell, Alfred Barkan and Russell Gilbert. Two toon-age girls who prob- ably were going t< nature forgot lo do," were night red-handed while shop lifting at the McCown Drug 1327 El Prado Ave., last Sto week. Clerk James Skone told Tor- Police Sergeant A. S. Thompson and Officer Bob Wright that he nabbed the gals they made off with a bottle had Craig Jr. a'ndi"' hair bleach and a package Hayes visiting thel of Tmtalr. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack grandpa Milsom of Bindewald, for thi week-end. We know they like I here what fond memories, st;ay ing with grandpa and grandma do you romi Hot Sweaters Bring Arrests Three men who sold hlghl; Inflammable sweaters wcr found guilty of violating stat fire laws by a jury in a Lo Angt'le.s municipal court thi week. One of the men was John r Toregrase, 1818 W. 153rd St Gardena. Two others were victed In an earlier trial. Tho Herald recently ran a s rlcs of pictures showing the a tractive Sweaters bursting Int f 1 a m e when a match wt lumight near the fuzzy ga mi-iilH. They completely burne in less than 40 seconds. Slate fire mur:,lull's roprose lalive I.oui.s S. T ;il handled tt case for Die KOV.M nm.'ht. :urn Money In Your Spun Time lit Homo Phone Necessary. CALL TORRANCE 1157 Tho girls were reprimanded 29. "Name thi and turned over to their par- nts. HALF-A-MILUON There arc more students (409,- 411) in the Los Angeles City schools than there are people iving in Delaware (316,709) or Alaska (127,117). Carson St. School luul a somiv what busy week when Blinko clown visited the school Feb. 8 and entertained the children ith several performances in the hat Greek Theater, Tuesday, Feb. 19, morning tea was given for v kindergarten mothers. Host- esses to more than 59 mothers wepe Mmes. Lula Lee and June Claypool, Carson's kindergarten teachers. Then on Feb. 21 the school gave a program In ob- iorvance of George Washlngton'f birthday. Upper grade students >resented the program, which took place In the Greek Theater. A contest to end all contests vlll begin at Carson School Feb Sheep" Is tho with all children In the school invited to submit name! for tho sheep which are Carson's pet project. Up to now the ani- mals have been nameless, which of cours an't go on, so to remedy this sad situation names are wanted for one male and one female sheep. Prizes will be awarded winners of the contest icording to Mrs, M. Q. Wallace, principal. We'll tell you the re- Cub Scouts In Pack 230-C of 'ilmington, sponsored by the 3en Cluff Dairy, held a donut Irlve Saturday, Feb. 23 which, .ccording to Cubmastcr Andrev, jochran, was a great success rhe boys sold approximately 200 lozen donuts in two hours. They iromiso to have ynorc next time. Ben Cluff tolls me someone, icrson or persons unknown, help- id himself to 120 pounds of lUtter and 35 pounds of Ameri an cheese sometime during the light of Feb. 20, all at Bcn'i xpensc. He would like to get ;is hands on the so.-and-so. The cmoval took place at the Ben 3uff Dairy, 22210 S. Avalon 31vd., in Wllmlngton. Before we close we would like o apologize to Danny Spence >r a misprint last week which tferred to him as Annie. We re sorry, and won't let it hap- ?n again. - Remember, If you have any cws from hereabouts, be sure nd let us in on It. 'Bye now. AIRMAN PASLOV . . . Done With Basle PASLOV ENDS Pvt. Gene T. Paslov is com- pleting his basic airman indoc- trination course at Lackland Air Force Base In Texas, the Air Force announced this week. Paslov, who lives with h i s parents Mr. "and Mrs. Eugene Paslov, 2435 W. 235lh St., is preparing for entrance into Air Force technical training and tor assignment In specialized work. Lackland la the "Gateway to the Air Force." V At RAKER'S H KMTI IN] "WE DEFINITELY WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD" 1512 CRAVENS AVE. TORRANCE ACROSS FROM CITY HALL . ATTRACTIVE KITCHENWARE GIFT FREE! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY JUST STOP IN AND ASK FOR YOURS ADULTS ONLY, PLEASE At RURKES RARGAIN SPOT 2113 TORRANCE BLVD. Reg. $6.95 BABY SWING AND 'STAND $$ DAY $$ $395 •At GARSH AUTO SUPPLY 1324 SARTORI AVE. TORRANCE 100% PURE PARRAFIN BASE— EASTERN MOTOR OIL $1.08 Value Friday & Sat. Only....... 1 Big At AMERICAN AUTO STORKS 1323 SARTOR'1 AVE. TORRANCE 600 x 16 RECAP TIRES s /l 69 10,000 Miles or 6 Mo. Guarantee ^T EXC.1 . At TO18HSAM S HARDWARE 1515 CABRILLO AVE. TORRANCE SEE OUR BIG SPECIAL TABLE CHUCK FULL OF MANY, MANY ITEMS s-j Always Ready To SERVE YOU... \lalt Our Market Today and See lor Yourself the Low, Low 1'rieen That Prevail In Every Department. You'll Like the Friendly, Court eon H Atmo sphere, Tool I Wl Heitrv. I III* Right I 10 Limit I QunntltlM 1929 CARSON ST. TORRANCE PHONE TORRANCE 51 b WE CASH PAV ROLL CHECKS 3

Transcript of DENTAL nd Attractlvi PLATES...Fourteen TORRANCE HERALD FEBRUARY 28, 1952 Herald Classified AdsBring...

Page 1: DENTAL nd Attractlvi PLATES...Fourteen TORRANCE HERALD FEBRUARY 28, 1952 Herald Classified AdsBring QUICK Results! Hi-Lites Of Seaside Heights By CKAYC'K RYCKM/iN I'Kunllcr 5-1770


Herald Classified AdsBring QUICK Results!Hi-Lites Of Seaside Heights

By CKAYC'K RYCKM/iNI'Kunllcr 5-1770

U'liat n glorious yonr this Is. Have soared with tho i thai bright on tho days? llavo you

II mo 10) clu 10 42nd annlyour spirit.^ vorsniy Scout Woolt. Tho. hoyt

Dlnrfiil Uitos'havo received a largo signed sides thoso|coi-||floato which will always re- noticed tho main in tho hooks of tho troop, in so ninny I along with a largo groon and

of tho houses and yards horo gold embossed rihlion of par- In tho Heights? It doesn't takejticipation. Tho window docorat-. much effort to really pork our ing project was sponsored by' places up. Several of our streolslB'nal B'rith. oven soom to be outdoing thol « « * others. Which street do you! I stopped by lo soo Emily think looks most attractive? j Robinson of 5364 Doris Way

» » Mast Friday. She Is the lady Our own Boy Scout Trortji 730, who keeps her windows so Inter-

through the capable1 leadership osling and varied with hor lovely of Floyd Holstin. has again! ceramics. Up close they are made a name for itself in South won more fetching. Her son, Bay Scouting liistory. This tlme'Diilcr, was then and still is limp- the troop received a Class A | lr>K wit,h a bndly sprained ankle, award for Its window display.acquircd at Torrance High while at tho HI-Tono Cleaners on Hlgh-|hlgh jumping. Or Is it pole

The little Wngstaff bnBohby, ago three months, had a most unfortunate accident In ordinary handling tho in his upper leg splintered, and the poor baby Is In a cast from

pit to toes. Our sympathy

Through The


TErmlrml 4-8884


Beautiful N EW Trubyte


««th In ilit, ihapo am lot with Trubyto tlofo or a Mor. Youthful i

Added Hov m Tooth ... i nd Attractlvi


Dr. Cowen'i LOW PRICES and VEKY LIBfKAL CREDIT TERMS bring Good Denial Platei within the reach of practically every budget. Get your plates RIGHT NOW ... spread the small weekly or monthly payments over any reasonable length of time. PAY ONLY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD, weekly or monthly. No bank or finance company to deal with.


promptly rtiol for lotttr >lt.




ASK YOUR DENTIST about the Impor­ tant improvements that make the new Transparent Material Dentures so much Easier To Wear than old-fashioned plates. These modern Dental Plates are scien­ tifically-fitted fa help overcome clicking, wobbling and Irritation ... they are strong and durable, yet amaiingly light­ weight for Added Comfort. See the samples now at your nearest Dr. Cowen Dental Office . .. you'll agree these new plates are "NATURALLY BETTER!"

Genet107 W* BROADWAY

»Lotig Beach £36-231


\ 5«t. Till '

STARY GANGK . . . Klwanls Governor

Reception Set For Governor Of Kiwanis Club

Stary Gangc, governor of the Californla-Ncvada-Hawaii district of Kiwanis International, will be the guest of honor at a Gov nor's Reception to be hold by Division 19 at the El Camino College Campus Center on Sat urday, March 8. .

Announcement of the recep tlon was made yesterday by For rest G. Murdock, secretary of

that way. Ho came through it * ho division and president of El

and to nd Bob of 5230

certainlyhis folks. HettyBindewald. »

Anita and Boh fioorge spent a very unoasy Friday morning last week when their little 5- month-old .Tod underwent sur- fiery for removal of'a tumor "on

back, but paroVtp just <

not serious, n't help being

ell, in fact, that they brought him home Saturday afternoon instead of Monday, as originally planned.

There was <|iiltc a little ex­ citement on Vanderhill last Sat­ urday afternoon. In fact, .it spread over our whole area. Little Danny Spear, age 4, of 5228. wandered off with Tlga (clog), and neither were seen

for 3' hour By thenthe neighbors and tho poll wei'o on the alert. But he was finally found and returned homo, undaunted, by Howard Hat field. Incidentally, ho is the only child of Mr. arid Mrs, Charles Spear (Noroen), who moved to our hill just throe weeks ago. So, \volcome. the three of vou. Mrs. Spear would like tothanks lo all of you who aided In the search for little Danny.

Other now neighbors on thesame street are Mr. and Mrs.C, J. Crowo at 5245. They havebeen here only a few weeks,'at 133rd St(no Tho Mr. Is employed at I was blamed

Camino.A resident of Lindsay, Calif.,

Gange has had a long service lth the Kiwanis Club and an

outstanding record of civic in­ terest in his community.

He is an olive and orange anchor, has served as president af the Lindsay Chamber of Com-

erce and at the present time vice-president of the Central

Valley Empire Association and foreman of the Tulare County Grand Jury.

Sharp Blast Rocks Area

A sharp, jolting blast -washeard and felt of North Torn Saturday night.

nost portions ut 9:15 citizens'

:alls jammed police ahd sheriff's office switchboards

An explosion in craft parts manufi

small air cturlng plant

and Western Ave. jolt.

North American Aviation, andidamagc to persons or property the Mrs. at Douglas. They are was reported. The company re- from Detroit. ' |portcdly is conducting confiden­

tial' government work.Radio cars from surroundingA birthday parly \vas

last week for Nod Du< ......Zakon Rd. Among h'is guests'track down the mystery shock,

all of nunitles were dispatched to

At the Mr. anil Mrs. WilliamPanick home, also on Zakon, 5232, the visitor for the end was Mrs. Panick's brother, who is stationed in San Diego at the Naval Base. His Blaine Laing.

Anil mo.•alloy, we C'arolcn

locally, from the

upper Gardena areas, laid callers told of h;

Ing their doors blown open by the blast.

re boys from the Heights and;Which apparently jwas felt hard- the Ranches Terry Znrvantian, Bobby .Sadavage. Donald Mat- Police field, Johnny Weber, Bobby Hql stin and Clifford Burk. Ned is now 14, and the way I hear it, the party was a big success.

Visitor* from near and faFrom Oshkosh, Wis., we have Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gansen visit­ ing Mr. and Mrs. R. T. G: and their daughters, Virginia find Josephine, at 5120 Zakon Rd. We do hope they like it here

Clerk Nabs Gals; No Color Change

We have a lot of chltchnlalong with some news this week We did gel our rag drive over with and while It Involved a lot of time and effort it was a cess, so (hey say.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvln Pike, ol101 E. Carson St., celcbratc'l their 13th wedding anniversary Feb. 19. Also observing the anni­ versary date were Mr. and Mrs William Marshall of Long Beach The two couples wore mar '- J ... _ double-wedding ceremony In Lakewood Village Church Feo. 19, 1939. It has been their cus­ tom to celebrate together each

r, and this year it wa dinner In Long Beach. The Pikes ...... Judy, aged 8, to round outtheir family, while the Marshalls now have Mike, 8; Billy Bob, 9 and a brand new addition, third son who arrived Feb. named Timothy. Congratulations are in order.

Birthday festivities, three Inrow, were taken care of this

1/ast week at the Rex Munsons, 22014 Grace St. First *o. ce1,-'

11 ate was Eugene, who WPS 11 m Feb. 18. Next was little San

dy, 7 on Feb. 20, an! laat, but lot least, was Ricky, win wa;

years old Feb. 22, Washing ton's birthday. All nad th? it a ditional birthday cake with can dies, along with gifts.

Belated birthday greetings also go to Russell Brooks, who <iratod his third birthday Feb.

20, with festivities taking place at Banning Park In Wi'.ming ton. Games were played. A bigilrthday cake along with punchvas enjoyed by Russell and a group of little friends which inluded Dorothy and Clellenc

Woods of Lomita, Jed Zimr , Lomita; Marilyn Hand, ita; Stcvon Kendrick, Ava-

on Village; Linnae and Rita ntry, also of Avalon Village;

Wyman Shanks, Wilmingtori; Chris Rasnlck, Wilmington; Theodore Nelson, San Pedro and Mary Rains and Dana Gilbert of Torrance. Mothers who helpedhe celebrants were Mmes

Zimmerman, S. Hand, T. Nelson. M. Gentry, Don Woods, L. Ke drick, and Carl Brooks, the host­ ess The Brookses reside at 22427 Moneta Ave., Torrance.

Mrs. Jack Spence, president ofCarson St. PTA, accompanied by

M. R. Wallace, principal ot Carson St. School, attendedhe 10th District Health Confer-nce at the Biltmore Theater In

Los Angeles Feb. 20. Discussion centered about "Mental Hy­ giene." A luncheon at the Bilt tiore Bowl followed the meet-ng, Carson St. PTA members

attending the 10th District meet- t Narbonne High School in

^omita Feb. 21 were Mmes. Jack Spence, president; Charles Linn, James Campbell, Alfred Barkan and Russell Gilbert.

Two toon-age girls who prob­ ably were going t< nature forgot lo do," were

night red-handed while shoplifting at the McCown Drug

1327 El Prado Ave., lastSto week.

Clerk James Skone told Tor-Police Sergeant A. S.

Thompson and Officer Bob Wright that he nabbed the gals

they made off with a bottlehad Craig Jr. a'ndi"' hair bleach and a package

Hayes visiting thel of Tmtalr., Mr. and Mrs. Jackgrandpa

Milsom of Bindewald, for thi week-end. We know they like I here what fond memories, st;ay ing with grandpa and grandma do you romi

Hot Sweaters Bring Arrests

Three men who sold hlghl; Inflammable sweaters wcr found guilty of violating stat fire laws by a jury in a Lo Angt'le.s municipal court thi week.

One of the men was John r Toregrase, 1818 W. 153rd St Gardena. Two others were victed In an earlier trial.

Tho Herald recently ran a s rlcs of pictures showing the a tractive Sweaters bursting Int f 1 a m e when a match wt lumight near the fuzzy ga mi-iilH. They completely burne in less than 40 seconds.

Slate fire mur:,lull's roprose lalive I.oui.s S. T ;il handled tt case for Die KOV.M nm.'ht.

:urn Money In Your SpunTime lit Homo

Phone Necessary.CALL TORRANCE 1157

Tho girls were reprimanded 29. "Name thiand turned over to their par- nts.


There arc more students (409,- 411) in the Los Angeles City schools than there are people iving in Delaware (316,709) or Alaska (127,117).

Carson St. School luul a somivwhat busy week when Blinko

clown visited the school Feb. 8 and entertained the children ith several performances in the

hat Greek Theater, Tuesday, Feb. 19, morning tea was given for v kindergarten mothers. Host­

esses to more than 59 mothers wepe Mmes. Lula Lee and June Claypool, Carson's kindergarten teachers. Then on Feb. 21 the school gave a program In ob- iorvance of George Washlngton'f birthday. Upper grade students >resented the program, which took place In the Greek Theater. A contest to end all contests vlll begin at Carson School Feb

Sheep" Is tho with all children In the

school invited to submit name! for tho sheep which are Carson's pet project. Up to now the ani­ mals have been nameless, whichof cours an't go on, so toremedy this sad situation names are wanted for one male and one female sheep. Prizes will be awarded winners of the contest

icording to Mrs, M. Q. Wallace, principal. We'll tell you the re-

Cub Scouts In Pack 230-C of 'ilmington, sponsored by the

3en Cluff Dairy, held a donut Irlve Saturday, Feb. 23 which, .ccording to Cubmastcr Andrev, jochran, was a great success rhe boys sold approximately 200 lozen donuts in two hours. They iromiso to have ynorc next time.

Ben Cluff tolls me someone,icrson or persons unknown, help- id himself to 120 pounds of lUtter and 35 pounds of Ameri an cheese sometime during the light of Feb. 20, all at Bcn'i xpensc. He would like to get ;is hands on the so.-and-so. The cmoval took place at the Ben 3uff Dairy, 22210 S. Avalon 31vd., in Wllmlngton.

Before we close we would likeo apologize to Danny Spence >r a misprint last week which tferred to him as Annie. We re sorry, and won't let it hap- ?n again. -

Remember, If you have anycws from hereabouts, be sure nd let us in on It. 'Bye now.

AIRMAN PASLOV . . . Done With Basle


Pvt. Gene T. Paslov is com­ pleting his basic airman indoc­ trination course at Lackland Air Force Base In Texas, the Air Force announced this week.

Paslov, who lives with h i s parents Mr. "and Mrs. Eugene Paslov, 2435 W. 235lh St., is preparing for entrance into Air Force technical training and tor assignment In specialized work.

Lackland la the "Gateway to the Air Force."








Reg. $6.95


$$ DAY $$





MOTOR OIL$1.08 Value Friday & Sat. Only.......

1 Big


600 x 16 RECAP

TIRES s/l 6910,000 Miles or 6 Mo. Guarantee ^T EXC.1 .





Always Ready To SERVE YOU...\lalt Our Market Today and See lor Yourself the Low, Low 1'rieen That Prevail In Every Department. You'll Like the Friendly, Court eon H Atmo­ sphere, Tool

I Wl Heitrv. I III* Right I 10 Limit I QunntltlM