Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz.Handouts · Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz Master the...

Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz Master the Numbers and Stats in Your Office to Grow Your Dental Business and Avoid the Flying Monkeys We must know where we are going We must know why it’s important to get there We must have a plan We must be clear about our role We must be accountable We must be consistent We must develop our skill

Transcript of Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz.Handouts · Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz Master the...

Page 1: Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz.Handouts · Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz Master the Numbers and Stats in Your Office to Grow Your Dental Business and Avoid the Flying Monkeys

DentalMetricsandtheWizardofOzMastertheNumbersandStatsinYourOfficetoGrowYourDentalBusinessandAvoidtheFlyingMonkeys• Wemustknowwherewearegoing

• Wemustknowwhyit’simportanttogetthere

• Wemusthaveaplan• Wemustbeclearaboutourrole• Wemustbeaccountable• Wemustbeconsistent• Wemustdevelopourskill

Page 2: Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz.Handouts · Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz Master the Numbers and Stats in Your Office to Grow Your Dental Business and Avoid the Flying Monkeys


• IncomeStatements(P&L)

• Expenses–Fixed&Variable

• StaffExpenses


• Days&HoursWorkedByProvider

• ChairHourValue–calculatedbyreviewingthefollowingfortheprevious12months:o #of_________________o #of_________________o PracticeCollectionso PracticeIncomeStatemento Monthly_____________________________


________perchairhourcollections ________“nextlevel”perchairhourcollections ________break-evenperchairhour

Page 3: Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz.Handouts · Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz Master the Numbers and Stats in Your Office to Grow Your Dental Business and Avoid the Flying Monkeys

• TrackingBroken&CancelledAppointmentsTrackingNumberswithPracticeManagementSoftware

• Collections–Gross&Net

• Production–Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly

• Collection%toProduction

• ProductionbyDepartment

• TheGap:MonthlyGoal–WhathasbeenProduced+WhatisScheduled

• AccountsReceivableCurrent(<30days):______30–60daysold:_________60–90daysold:_________Over90daysold:________

• OutstandingInsurance

Page 4: Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz.Handouts · Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz Master the Numbers and Stats in Your Office to Grow Your Dental Business and Avoid the Flying Monkeys


• HygieneMembership–Thepercentageofpatientsactiveinhygienere-care

• NewPatientsperMonth

• CaseAcceptanceRatio/NewPatientFactor



Page 5: Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz.Handouts · Dental Metrics and the Wizard of Oz Master the Numbers and Stats in Your Office to Grow Your Dental Business and Avoid the Flying Monkeys




• PracticeOptimizer• PinpointSessions

• CoachingPrograms(byphone&inoffice)

• 90-DayCoaching

• MysteryShops

• DentalRetreats


[email protected].
