Denial: Tafseer Surah’s Al-Rahman and YaSin

Denial: Tafseer Surah’s Al-Rahman and YaSin Taught by Shaykh Dr. Reda Bedeir Notes By Gregory ( Abdul Muid, ُ د بَ ع د بِ عُ م ل ا) Morse Alhamdulillah (all praise and thanks to Allah) for #denial tafseer and special thanks to the ones whose hard work has paid off by giving us the most important type of knowledge, that which brings us closer to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him): Shaykh Dr. Reda Bedeir All Al-Maghrib volunteers! Disclaimer: these notes are the creation of the note-taker and although they attempt to do justice accurately portraying the discussed and presented class content not written in the course notes, there is no guarantee and clarification should be sought before relying on this material as well it is a best attempt at thoroughness but should not be considered complete. The tafseer of Surahs Ya Seen and Ar-Rahman is a vital component of our understanding the mentality of those who are rejecting Islam for whatever various reasons. Shaykh Dr. Reda Bedeir will keep you interested while sharing various gems and precious details of knowledge hidden within these chapters whose tafseer comes less from hadith than others. He will make these stories of old come alive in modern terms, and will impress you with his ability to switch between formal well pronounced English and a beautiful classic Arabic tongue. Such is the delight of an instructor who has a strong background in


Alhamdulillah (all praise and thanks to Allah) for #denial tafseer and special thanks to the ones whose hard work has paid off by giving us the most important type of knowledge, that which brings us closer to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him):Shaykh Dr. Reda BedeirAll Al-Maghrib volunteers!Disclaimer: these notes are the creation of the note-taker and although they attempt to do justice accurately portraying the discussed and presented class content not written in the course notes, there is no guarantee and clarification should be sought before relying on this material as well it is a best attempt at thoroughness but should not be considered complete.The tafseer of Surahs Ya Seen and Ar-Rahman is a vital component of our understanding the mentality of those who are rejecting Islam for whatever various reasons. Shaykh Dr. Reda Bedeir will keep you interested while sharing various gems and precious details of knowledge hidden within these chapters whose tafseer comes less from hadith than others. He will make these stories of old come alive in modern terms, and will impress you with his ability to switch between formal well pronounced English and a beautiful classic Arabic tongue. Such is the delight of an instructor who has a strong background in translation and linguistics. A powerful da'wah and foundational knowledge of Islam will be instilled by the Shaykh's tales from his own modern life and others he has met on his own spiritual journey. There is an important component of the foundational framework to having complete knowledge of the Quran found in this tafseer so I would recommend the course to anyone looking to dig deeper into Islam and wanting to have a stronger approach and way of thinking about da'wah. Alhamdulillah that we can learn such depth and breadth of knowledge in only 2 short days!

Transcript of Denial: Tafseer Surah’s Al-Rahman and YaSin

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Denial: Tafseer Surah’s Al-Rahman and YaSin

Taught by Shaykh Dr. Reda Bedeir


By Gregory (Abdul Muid, ِع�يُد َع�بُد� الُم� ) Morse

Alhamdulillah (all praise and thanks to Allah) for #denial tafseer and special thanks to the ones whose hard work has paid off by giving us the most important type of knowledge, that which brings us closer to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him):

Shaykh Dr. Reda Bedeir

All Al-Maghrib volunteers!

Disclaimer: these notes are the creation of the note-taker and although they attempt to do justice accurately portraying the discussed and presented class content not written in the course notes, there is no guarantee and clarification should be sought before relying on this material as well it is a best attempt at thoroughness but should not be considered complete.

The tafseer of Surahs Ya Seen and Ar-Rahman is a vital component of our understanding the mentality of those who are rejecting Islam for whatever various reasons. Shaykh Dr. Reda Bedeir will keep you interested while sharing various gems and precious details of knowledge hidden within these chapters whose tafseer comes less from hadith than others. He will make these stories of old come alive in modern terms, and will impress you with his ability to switch between formal well pronounced English and a beautiful classic Arabic tongue. Such is the delight of an instructor who has a strong background in translation and linguistics. A powerful da'wah and foundational knowledge of Islam will be instilled by the Shaykh's tales from his own modern life and others he has met on his own spiritual journey. There is an important component of the foundational framework to having complete knowledge of the Quran found in this tafseer so I would recommend the course to anyone looking to dig deeper into Islam and wanting to have a stronger approach and way of thinking about da'wah. Alhamdulillah that we can learn such depth and breadth of knowledge in only 2 short days!

Day 1: Introduction

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The Prophet (PBUH) said “Alhamdulillah” every day when awakening.

In the Quran, sleep is talked about as death and Allah takes the soul then sends it back every day.

When someone accepts Islam, ask them to make dua’a for you because they became better than you by having all sins forgiven.

Arabs are only 18% of the world’s Muslims.

Express love of Allah not only with tongue but through actions.

“Subhan Allah” means that Allah is the most far from imperfection, being perfect in every possible way.

There are 3 names of the Shaitan’s which come to whisper to you during prayer: khanzab, khanzib and khanzub.

“Bismillah” means not just in the name of but in the name of the one who gave me all things – a tongue wisdom, life, eyes to see, ears to hear, a mind to make right decisions, and it also means to please Him and only for the pleasure of Allah.

In this world we have control, in the afterlife we have no control.

There are 3 types of souls while the mutama’inna is the highest one reaching spiritual purity.

Allah will always leave the door open to redeem oneself.

Allah gives us 2 books, 1 is a closed book we can see, the Quran, and the other is an open book, the universe which has signs all around us.

Introduction to Ya Seen

The Prophet’s (PBUH) mission is 23 years, 13 years in Makkah and 10 years in Madinah. He still loved Makkah as his homeland but his love of Allah was greater. Makkan revelation of tawheed and stories of the past. Madinan revelation had most of the rules and laws to be applied enumerated.

There is no patriotism or racism in Islam, only pride in worship of and belief in Allah.

Ar-Rahman describes His nature, being exceedingly merciful. Ar-Raheem means that His actions are merciful. Allah and Ar-Rahman (and Rahman without “Ar-“) are the 2 names which nobody can ever use to describe themselves.

Weak hadith are accepted in 3 conditions. 1) Only slightly weak. 2) Only when it comes to virtue of deeds, not for aqidah, either to motivate to do good or to warn of bad. 3) Must mention that it is a weak hadith.

Quran references: 16:98, 38:82, 2:152, 24:24, 12:111, 7:197, 3:133, 33:23.

People who are like animals: take care of the body not the soul. Quran says they have minds but do not reason, have eyes but do not see the truth, have ears but refuse to hear the truth.

Allah can see what people hide, people deny the existence of Allah by sinning in secret. Taqwa which is developed during Ramadan means to be conscious of Allah and to fear Him out of love and respect.

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Mutaqeen: spend for Allah, control anger, those who forgive and forget. Allah is Al-`afu’ –forgives and takes away sin. Must forgive and forget as some people forgive but never forget and later remind.

There were 124000 Prophets of Allah. A Messenger is someone who was sent, and with a message. All came with one message: to submit to God, He is the creator and we are the creation. People say miracle violates the laws of nature but a miracle can be defined as something impossible for humans to do. “Stop being a zero, step up and be a hero”: we have the best religion so use it to lead and be a shepherd not a sheep.

Quran reference: 18:29.

If all books were thrown into the sea, only the Quran would come back because it is memorized by many Muslims until the Day of Judgment.

Revert is a more appropriate term than convert because we come back to the pure state we were born in.

Magic was common in the time of Musa (AS) so miracles correlate, medicine common in the time of Isa (AS) and in the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) linguistics, poetry and mastery of language was common, with the best in linguistics being the master of the tribe. Challenge of 3 levels referenced in Quran: make up a Quran like it, make up just 10 Surah like it, and make up even just 1 Surah like it. 1 Arab try who later named a liar, and imitate Quran with Surah Al-Fil saying “Al-fil, Wa ma adraka mal-fil, an elephant has a long trunk and short tail”. Can take an oath on the Quran if representing the speech of Allah but not if treating it as ink on paper. 3 letters before an oath are ba’, waw or ta’ as in billahi, wallahi or tallahi. A mushaf Quran is always kept highest in the house out of respect not to the creation of Allah but to the speech of Allah. The Quran is the oral form, the most authentic book in history, written in fragments but not compiled. Umar (RA) told Abu Bakr (RA) to compile the Quran but refused as was not done by the Prophet (PBUH) yet after a battle when 70 sahaba died, Umar (RA) again pleaded to Abu Bakr (RA) then out of necessity it became allowed with 2 witnesses for each ayah. 1 ayah was only heard by 1 sahaba, about the battle of Uhud how some men are honest in battle field and willing to die for Allah. The man who heard it the Prophet (PBUH) said never needed 2 witnesses because he was so trustworthy so it was included. The Quran is Al-Quran, Al-Kitab, Al-Furqan, Al-Thikr.

There are 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet. Semitic languages are Arabic, Aramaic, and Hebrew as the previous Prophets used. 15% to 20% of a message is lost when it is translated.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 1-12 Historic Argument

Meaning of Ya Seen has 5 opinions. 1) Like Alif-Laam-Meem in Al-Baqarah, 2 separate letters of the Arabic alphabet. 2) Separate Arabic letters for name of person or something. 3) Name of the Prophet (PBUH) as ayat 3 talks to him as you. 4) The master of humanity as in Ya Sayeed Al-Bashar. 5) Ya insaan meaning ‘O mankind’. Al-Fil and Ash-Sharh both also start with Alif-Laam-Meem but not read as letters, read as “alam” meaning “didn’t we”. We recite as letters as we heard it directly from the Prophet (PBUH) who heard it directly from angel Jibrael.

Verse 2: Wa does not mean ‘and’ but is for taking an oath.

Verse 8: aglalan is iron collar, al-uthqani is neck.

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Denial – people of Quraish denied that Prophet (PBUH) is the messenger of Allah. A mursaleen is someone who is sent and ala means on.

4 enemies. 1) Self/nafs. 2) Desires. 3) Shaitan/Shushu. 4) Temptation/Shalwat.

Hakama means reins for controlling a horse, leading and thus can control one’s own life by taking the reins.

Sirat. 1) Track, position or path. 2) Bridge such as cross the hellfire which is 70 years deep and is hotter than fire, thinner than a hair.

Khashiyah – highest degree of fear out of love and respect. Ahsaynahu – counted. Imamin mubin – clear book.

The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight path.

Nazala means to come down.

Uses angels to watch us, 2 assigned to all souls.

Almighty – if obey, if not He is still Ar-Raheem, merciful in actions.

Warning is positive because if you care about someone, you warn them.

No one on earth wants you to be better than them except your parents.

Ma – not or that which is.

First thing Allah created was the pen to write all that happens now to the end of life, 50000 years before humans were created. So for Allah, all is done, no past and future, only for us there is the future. We still have a choice even though Allah knows our choice before we make it. Qadar is predestination, Allah knows before it happens but does not interfere in our justice, as we are only accountable for our choices. Some will believe, some will not, His knowledge of us will not interfere.

Abu Lahab is an example who lived 10 years after Surah about him revealed, showing it proved true. Heads raised up a sign of arrogance, like camels after drink and camels drink a very long time without breathing. Abu Jahal could not see Prophet (PBUH) and wife of Abu Lahab went to throw a rock at him yet could not see him even though right in front of him. Ayah 2-5 are about the mutaqeen, those who have taqwa, 6-7 about the kafiroon and 8-19 about the munafiqeen. Best way to explain the tafseer of the Quran is through the Quran itself, then hadith then companions understanding.

Bowing and sujood is only for Allah. Prepare for those things not seen – jannah and Jahannam, the angels and Allah. Among people or not we must still have Ihsaan – Ali (RA) says sincerity is to act the same whether among people or alone. Usually people described as having wisdom but here the Quran described as wise. People are usually described as generous but the reward here is described as generous. We, nahnu in the Quran is the royal we, like a King, and only used when it relates to His actions.

It would be unreasonable to make angels as messengers. Da’wah requires tawasaw bil-haqq wa tawasaw bis-sabr (teaching with truth and teaching with patience). Analogies and parables are a good means of driving the point home.

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Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 13-19

Useful knowledge is that which benefits you in this life. Useless knowledge is things like music and philosophy.

Allah supports the truth with a 3rd messenger.

Gratitude means attributing all that is good to Allah.

Don’t leave children to live in their own world, make things logical for them. Use the Quran as an incentive and not a punishment

The hypocrites contradict themselves saying the Most Gracious did not send anything yet confirming He is the Most Gracious. The Prophet (PBUH) liked to answer a question with a question when it was nonsensical. Using birds for omens declared to be nonsense by Prophet (PBUH). The idea of stoning then beating someone up is nonsensical showing the illogicalness of the hypocrites. An Arabic phrase is “what pain would a goat feel if you kill it and then peel off its skin.”

A new convert to Islam can set all salah only saying Subhan Allah until learning the proper way.

Messengers, Prophets, scholars and dua’a show people the way to the straight path.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 20-27

Habibun aj-jal – a man who run to the people had leprosy and came running after he reverted, made dua’a for a cure and was cured so he tried to appeal to his people. All stepped on top of him and killed him.

All messengers in Quran except 2 say: “Obey those who ask no wages of you, and who are rightly guided.”

The punishment of Allah is unpredictable. Messengers were mocked and ridiculed by their own people.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 28-32

One blast killed all of them. Sayhatan is a loud blast and deafeningly so. Mudharoon – brought forcefully. Jamee’ – at same time, so the leaders of a people and their followers will be together.

Surah is a chapter when best translated. Ayah more meanings. 1) Verse. 2) Sign. 3) Miracle – something impossible for human beings to do. Like the 9 miracle of Musa (AS) brought to Pharaoh. 4) Lesson.

Hassa is inability to change the situation you are in. The disbelievers will want to end the torture on the day of judgment of waiting to receive the punishment they know is coming like someone waiting 10 days before execution.

Homework: Who were the 2 messengers that did not recite the “obey” verse 21 and why did they not say it?

Day 2: Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 33-36 Rational Argument

Plants in the Quran – palm tree, teen (fig), zaytoon (olive), dates, pomegranate, banana, bitter thorny plant

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Animals in the Quran – ants, elephant, spider, cow, camel, donkey, dog, bird

Birds in the Quran – ababeel, hubub

Gratitude is when use of tongue, heart and organs of the body translated into actions. The body is a trust from Allah.

Giving life to a dead land refers to rain, resurrection and sleep are symbolized.

Al-jannah is paradise with many jannah, jannah is a garden. Janah is the root for something not seen, hidden or covered. Jinn is from this root. Majanoon meaning crazy or the brain not working is from the same root.

Allah questions if he is worthy of gratitude. People should not remind to be grateful by listing their favors.

Tasbeer has 3 levels: His names, His attributes, His acts/plans. Pairs of everything – Adam/Eve, male/female, negative/positive as in electricity and technology.

Grain is a necessity first mentioned, fruits are next as a luxury. Date palm is tree while dates is fruit, mentioned because palm tree parts are useful not just the fruit whereas grapes, only the fruit is useful yet the branches whither and are useless. The body is 70% to 80% water from 2 sources – rain or river/springs.

Quran reference: 21:30.

Natural signs of Allah are things like the sun, moon or camel. Argument of a Bedouin. Only stars can see us. Then disbeliever asked can’t the one who created the stars see you also?

Scientists who saw the signs and refuse are going to be questioned. Those who reject have 3 reasons: arrogance (know what is right but not follow), ignorance (must seek knowledge) or fear losing status (worry it will hurt business, for example). Check out the dying sheikh video who died while giving a speech.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 37-40

Signs of land were first, now the sky is mentioned. Alaska has places with 6 months of day and 6 months of night. Night comes before day as fasting days begin with break of fast at sunset. Default is night, then the sign is that it breaks day with light to cover the darkness then peels off the light in the evening. To control the sun requires power and might and meticulous calculations with knowledge. The sun is 93 million miles away and if it left orbit life on earth would be finished, went away from orbit then freeze to death, if went closer than it would hit 50 degrees Celsius and too hot for life. The fire in this life is 1/70th

as hot as the hellfire. Bedeir means crescent, or small moon, representing the beginning of the lunar cycle. Dates are heavy on branch and so it withers and dries. Gregorian calendar versus the lunar calendar symbolizes what the sun and moon comparison represents.

There is a palindrome without the harakat in kulun fee falak, klf-flk and many appear in the Quran.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 41-46

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The story of Noah is here with laden referring to crowded from carrying 2 of each animal. Noah (AS) did da’wah for 900 years then built a ship on top of a mountain. The waves that came were made so high that Noah (AS) could not see his son dying as a mercy. Al-fulk is ship. 42: Refers to the coming use of ships for transportation. 43: He has the power to punish. 45: tells us that there is always room for da’wah, future and past.

If people got what they deserved, all would be destroyed and only out of mercy are we not. Sarikh – yell.

One day we will stand in front of Allah and be questioned – even lawyers will need lawyers. Including tyrants and oppressors killing and jailing people for submitting to Allah. It is easier for Allah to destroy the whole world than take the life of a Muslim.

On day of judgment, too late and useless to have yaqeen as proved in the Quran at the beginning of Al-Baqarah. The yaqeen in this world are guided and successful ones. It is a crime not to believe in the Day of Judgment.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 47-54

When Allah gives, He is testing you to see if you will share your blessing. Disbelievers deny their test though rizq is not yours, He can take it away any time. People think rizq is cash yet it is also a spacious house, a righteous spouse, good health, children, time and knowledge are all rizq. If you ask those who not want to help the poor because claim if that is Allah’s plan, if they want to be richer than they of course want more and want to change Allah’s plan for them. Saala – to ask but also to make dua’a. Allah will decide the Day of Judgment, people cannot ask for it. If fear Allah out of love and respect in dunia, safe in akhirah but if feel safe from Allah in dunia, then in akhirah will fear Him. Wa’eedu is threat. 47: passive voice used as until tomorrow they can still do the same thing though they can always turn to Allah. 49: arguing with you. 50: writing a will. Should write will even before going to sleep if have anything on the mind, asking in it for first support from Quran then from Sunnah and for sake of Allah, do it now while still have time as you never know when life comes to an end. Go to bed with a pure heart, forgive and forget. Have free will now, will not in hereafter. 51: many opinion on number of times trumpet blown. First all believers die, then all disbelievers die, then taken back, then put in the gathering area. Hadith say only 2 blows by referencing between the 2 blows. 52: they is the disbelievers. 53: the blast is qayimah on the Day of Judgment.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 55-58

In Jannah, when Allah says As-salaamu ‘alaikum, the reply is Allahuma anta sallam… Spirituality without religion is nonsense. People after partying are disappointed, depressed, tired and have a headache. Do not need a GPS in jannah when you go home you will internally know your place. Your place in jannah is made of pearl 60 miles long like a tent, things you’ve never seen or heard or even crossed your imagination are there. Your only job is tasbih see 10:10 is the etiquette of jannah. If want something then just tasbih and Allah knows what you want, angels will deliver, sweat comes out as perfume, it has neither heat nor cold, after finish eating say Alhamdulillah, and can see Allah, nothing more beautiful and more beloved than seeing Allah in jannah.

55: dwellers is also companions. Shughl – busy. In Jannah you have your own party and have your own music. Fakiha refers to fruits, and luxury though in jannah will never be hungry. Righteous women will

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be more beautiful than khooray. Believers will enter jannah for eternity, have everything you want plus more, even the cloud, a positive sign, that of rain, in jannah if you think of anything you want, it will just drop from the cloud. Only way to have peace of mind and peace of heart is to listen to the speech of Allah. 4 rewards of gathering to remember Allah: Angels record those who gather to remember Him and mention them by name in gathering of the seven heavens, also the angels make istighfarh and ask for jannah and other requests. We are created in a different way in jannah, all diseases kept away including diseases of the heart like jealousy and such. There is 500 years between each layer of jannah, all of the family members are upgraded to level of family member with highest rank.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 59-68

2nd best act of worship is to be best to parents as it is mentioned 13 times in the Quran. One of the best acts of worship is to bring happiness to a Muslim though also through feeding the needy or visiting the sick. Criminals – polytheists (mushrikeen), disbelievers (kufar), hypocrites (munafiqeen). 7:179. 2 excuses will be put forth on the Day of Judgment – that one did not know or blindly followed parents. Worship is obedience, not only rituals. You are either a part-time Muslim or a full-time Muslim, either practicing or not. The best Muslim is an all-time Muslim. Worship is an all-inclusive term of everything one might say or do external or internal to please Allah. When awake then thank Allah for giving the soul back and allowing you to worship Him. Then go to washroom and was then take wudu saying Bismillah. 2:223, Allah loves those in a constant state of purification. Then when looking in the mirror, praise Allah and ask to perfect manners like He perfected our forms. If worship does not change character, then it is a waste of time, even if do all the rituals. Aqidah, ibadah, akhlaq (change in character), dealings with others - how to treat others, if any one of these 4 is missing then something is wrong. Do not listen to the whisperings of Shaitan/Shushu and know that he does not come quickly but comes slowly and pushes successfully increasing, he is clever and smart. Abu Jahal, meaning ignorance was Abu Hakim meaning wisdom until Islam was revealed and the Prophet (PBUH) gave him a name representing him. 62: walaqad – singular worship me. 65: before they thought it was a gain but really a loss. 66: hotter than fire, thinner than a hair, sharper than a razor. 67: like the story where people turned into monkeys, though a stronger opinion is that they are frozen in place not transformed. Imtazi – segregated. Never ask a sister, how old are you? Only Allah controls and opens hearts, we are just guidance. In Jannah, we will have the same body of Adam which is 60 feet tall and 21 feet wide.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 69-76 Moral Argument

A bridge here as before talking about Quraish, now talking about the Prophet (PBUH) yet is coherent, if think there is incoherence in the Quran then it is because have not yet learned it, as it is not poetry. Quran is a book read over and over and over until the Day of Judgment and the most read book in the world. Bayin – clear. Mubeen – clarifies for others. What? True/false, right/wrong, good/bad. Prophet (PBUH) knowledge deep not poetry, many poets among the Arabs. Shift now as the main source of Islam is Allah. Quran, beginning talks about Allah, then Quran now tell about the Prophet (PBUH), as a reminder to be recited again and again from the living heart, not the same as poetry. 8:24 they call that which brings life to the heart. Real age is how long you connect with Allah. There are 89 Ya ayuhha amanou verses in the Quran. An Idolator said samat (idol) but once accidently said Samad and Allah responded. Arabs used to carry stones from house as “God” on a journey. The West even have explicit Shaitan worshippers. On day of resurrection they will bring fire and stones because of this. Quraish knew Muhammad (PBUH) was truthful but called him a liar and Abu Jahal admitted privately that what

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Prophet (PBUH) said was 100% true but the leadership of the Kabah is a competition in the tribe. Merely politics prevented them from accepted what they privately knew to be true. A camel is the “sheep of the desert”, lips of camel are designed to be able to pick a thorn, eyes created to see people as 10 times bigger, most patient animals on earth, some beat camel out of anger which Prophet (PBUH) said not to do. Beware of patient people when angry as camel when make it angry can put someone in hospital after loses its very large amount of patience. 71: riza from Allah given to us. 72: camel creation is a miracle. 73: gratitude is not forceful but gentle. Quran reference: 66:6.

5th gathering (halaqa) blessing is that at the end, if make tauba (repentance) and make intention to integrate what is learned into life then all sins are forgiven and sins are turned into good deeds 25:70.

Ya Seen Tafseer Verses 77-83

Man threw rotten bones at Prophet (PBUH) so he said yes, He can bring a body back to life and yours will be in the hellfire. Recreation easier than creation, and certainly He can do it. Allah has hand, not metaphorically, Allah says it, and His hand is not like our hand. We don’t ask or interpret it or liken it to ours, it befits him. He says to Iblis, why not prostrate to what I create with my 2 hands. It is similar to verses regarding being established on throne being questioned as metaphor. Mulk – kingdom, things can see in kingdom of Allah. Malakut – things cannot see in the kingdom of Allah. Are you ready to return? Example scientifically, Newton was hit on the head and discovered what was malakut and is now mulk. Electricity/power also has always been there but was not discovered. In Arabic, more letters usually indicates a more complex meaning. Iman takes patience, suffering and is not cheap and easy. Like Abraham had to catch 4 birds, cut them into 4 pieces and mix the 16 pieces then put them each at the top of a different mountain which required great effort then the birds came back to life and returned as a sign. 77: sperm and egg. 80: green trees which are full of water, give us wood which can make a fire. 81: constant state of creation all the time, not just one time creation. 83: can bring back to dust. Quran reference: 38:75. Stages of life are nutfah, alaqah, mudrah, then bones covered with flesh.

Introduction Surah Ar-Rahman

Prophet (PBUH) went 3 months with no cooking just living with dates and water. All live in luxury, the prophets were poor except kings of David and Solomon who worked and did not take from their kingdoms. Appreciate what you have or you are living in denial. Appreciate what you have before you appreciate what you had such as appreciating health before sick or parents before they die. Do you serve what you have? No, so be grateful and share what you have. The essence of the seminar is to be grateful. Life on earth is based on justice and what that does not happen then the world is messed up like it is now. 20% of the world controls 80% of the world’s resources which is not justice. Many hats are worn in life – such as father, son, member of community, profession. Some only focus on work and are not balanced, like a father ignoring his son then wondering why when he grows up he does not talk to him, but it is because he threw away the hat. People teach kids professional lying, like telling a child to say on the phone that they are not there. Children copy what their parents are doing. Give all the roles their due right. Check your neighbor, do your job to the best of your ability, etc. Allah listens to your heart not the tongue. Sun and moon are balanced, trees and stars prostrate, do you? Sea is creation and soldier of Allah and the earth will bear witness against us. Can make sujood after hearing surah zilzalaha after ayah about the earth testifying. Problems in communities and world are from not following justice. Never judge anyone or say Allah will not forgive them. Ummah – someone good in characteristics. Rabb – one who creates out of nothing and provides for His creation whether they

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believe in Him or not. Gives dunia for those who love Him and not love Him yet only guide to Islam those He loves. Ila is a God we worship. Even after Abraham dua’a for the believers, He still says He will provide for the disbelievers.

Ar-Rahman Tafseer Verses 1-13

Only surah starting with a name of Allah. Quraish used to especially deny the name Ar-Rahman and at Hudabbiyah refused to allow more than Bismillah in the treaty. Ali (RA) refuse to cross it out and the Prophet (PBUH) erased it himself. Ar-Rahman is the most beautiful name, even without ‘Al-‘ it cannot be attributed to a person. Allah has the most beautiful names, and one should call upon them when making dua’a. Imagine hearing Ar-Rahman recite Ar-Rahman in jannah. It means the exceedingly merciful, the immediately merciful. Example of how many, list 10 mercies upon you right now: being present, being Muslim, having eyes, having parents, having children, having a job, having money, having security in country, etc. Abdullah ibn Masud first to go to Kaaba to recite Quran. The Prophet (PBUH) said his small Yemeni legs will be heavier in akhirah than Mount Uhud. Prophet (PBUH) said when recite the ayah repeated 31 times the jinn showed more gratitude and interacted more with Allah. Anzala not meaning revealed but teaching as a transitive verb must have a learner. Learn the qara (recitation) and alam (knowledge) of the Quran as the companions used to recite 10 ayah at a time then stop and learn to implement them in their lives. 3 blessings mentioned: taught Quran, created us, gave eloquence. Quran is the greatest blessing as ayah for Quran mentioned first because most important, even more important than creation. Living without knowing the Quran is as if living without knowing anything. 2: to everyone though indirectly, through sheikh, through the Prophet (PBUH). 3: 27:6, nara – can be seen unlike jinn, insan from nisian – forgetting, uns – love, mercy, compassion. 4: not speech but eloquence as animals and babies communicate but this is not just communication as have free will. 5: man not disciplined like the sun and moon, the open book of the universe can also learn from as the sun and moon are disciplined in an orbit of exact calculation. 6: najm – star. Trees have stalks as to prostrate. The whole universe around us is in worship to Allah. 8: establish justice, balance, universe, and balance in your own life. 9: 3 times balance is mentioned. Innocence of a Jew was even proved once by an ayah of the Quran. 10: Al-anam is all creatures, part, full and all-time Muslims, 60:8 says to deal with non-Muslims with righteousness and justice same as orders with parents. 11: small branches. 12: asf is ears as corn is in packaging, packed up. When take corn grains out of ears, it decays otherwise it lasts for years. It saved Egypt in the time of Yusuf (AS). Organic food movement goes back to way Allah provides the food, and to only eat what came from Allah is healthy. 13: most important conclusions are in this ayah. Both mankind and jinn have free will. Quran reference: 60:8. Raheem refers to actions, Rahman is essence and nature of Allah.

Ar-Rahman Tafseer Verses 14-25

Maarjin – smokeless fire. 14: clay meaning dust with water left to dry. Dust with water is mud and left to dry is clay. Most insulting thing to an Arab is to say he is made of dirt, so they are reminded. 17: 1 East and 1 west easy to interpret. Northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest explains 2 wests and 2 easts – 4 seasons. Many east and many west as the sun rises in different East and sets in a different West every day. 19: maraja – mix, salty sea meets the sweet river. 20: Sea and river do not mix or cross Allah’s boundaries yet people do. Mediterranean Sea meets the Nile River without mixing. 22: Pearls proven to not only come from the sea but out of the river as well.

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Q&A: Help dying person by putting watch which is sweet on lips and say shahada. After pray fajr or isha in jamaah then protected by Allah until evening or morning respectively. If working job not 100% like at hotel then change as soon as possible but can continue if need to feed family, as it becomes a necessity as long as not doing haram part of the work such as serving the alcohol themselves. Start preparing Ramadan now, recite Quran, pray 2 or 4 optional rakat extra, and give daily charity. Never put anyone in front of Allah and His Messenger. Memorize the Quran – make sure first motivation is for Allah, learn the meaning and keep revising, listen to the Quran as much as possible, read what you memorize in nafawal prayer even if holding Quran. Egyptians favorite Surah is Surah Yusuf as they can identify with him (AS). Pay 2.5% zakat to 8 categories of people, even the savings of a wife given to her from her husband, if in her possession or at the bank for a year.

Allah provides all our needs every day so do not waste things.

Ar-Rahman Tafseer Verses 26-36

27: Face of your Lord is like metaphorical Arabic expression for the sake of Allah. Dhu – owner, Jalal – majesty, Ikram – honor. 31: thaqalan – mankind and jinn, something heavy, so many will live between now and the Day of Judgment, and sins to be carried on back will be heavy. 33: Fire or smoke thrown on anyone who tries to escape so that Day, man will cry out not wanting fire so begin preparing now. The sky will be split on the Day of Judgment, blood red drinks will be given to the people of the Hellfire.

Ar-Rahman Tafseer Verses 37-45

37: wardah – rose, blood red, dihan – dye. 41: Their faces will be dark, believers faces will be bright and places where making wudu will be bright. Disbelievers will be cut from forehead and feet like animals are cut in this world. 43: Jahannam is Persian word for chamber of torture.

Ar-Rahman Tafseer Verses 46-61

Surah after Ar-Rahman describes people at different levels of Jannah. 2 are mentioned here. Ashabul yameen – fears Allah out of love and respect. Ashabul yaqub, Ashabul yahoor – for men and jinn, names of the levels, latter is for people. Ashabul sheerm.

46: 2 – one for mankind, one for jinn at different levels. There are many gardens inside jannah. 48: afnaan - beautiful large trees. 50: each garden have flowing river. 52: in each garden. 54: istabraq – fine silk. Near at hand – close to heart, outside is left to imagine yet dazzling. 56: in 2 gardens. qasirat’l-tarf – women so decent they lower their gaze. Never deflowered – touched by man. Best marriages is when both spouses lower their gaze. Biggest challenge for men is women and there is no greater challenge in terms of fitnah. Biggest fitnah for women is the tongue. Wife always will become a virgin again, wife and husband will be same age, keeps getting more beautiful. 1) Always happy and never sad. 2) Live forever and no death. 3) Healthy and never feel sick, no headache or cold. 4) Young forever and never get old. Poor people in the Ummah go to jannah ½ day earlier and since in jannah, 1 year is like 1000 years on earth that is equal to 500 earth years earlier. Every Friday, get a special invitation card for a meeting with Allah. After can meet all Prophets, even watch a movie of the battle of the Prophets. 61: perfection.

Ar-Rahman Tafseer Verses 62-78

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Ashabul yameen – people at this level. 64: Mud-hammatan – gardens up close are green and lush, far away looks black. Naddakhatan – this level is gushing, less luxurious than the last level where it was running. 70: khayrat hisan – very good and righteous woman who are very beautiful. 72: Hoor – just a part of her hair would fitnah the entire world, if she spit in water all of it would become sweet. 74: deflowered – touched. 76: rafraf – furniture cushions made of silk, abqariyy – literally means genius, or even from the valley of abqar, here means carpets or something dazzling, amazing and fascinating. 78: blessed – exalted.

The Prophet told Abdullah ibn Masud when he got injured by Abu Jahal reciting the Quran at the Kaaba, “An ear for an ear and the head will be a bonus.” Later in the battle of Badr, Abdullah ibn Masud killed Abu Jahal, brought his head back and with his ear bleeding, the prophecy was fulfilled.

Good believers avoid haram, lower gaze so men get Hoor since the biggest fitnah for men is women. Women will get rewarded with something that fits their nature, they will not be jealous, they are Queens in paradise. Prophet (PBUH) told his wife that you cannot compare her in akhirah to Hoor as she will have a very high level of status. Allah will take all the problems of this out of the hearts and this will not be a problem for the wife.