Demotivators® - View All Demotivational Posters

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Transcript of Demotivators® - View All Demotivational Posters

  • 8/4/2019 Demotivators - View All Demotivational Posters



    AccomplishmentsYou can fool all of the people all ofthe time if your effects budget is

    large enough.

    AchievementYou can do anything you set yourmind to when you have vision,

    determination, and an endless supplyof expendable labor.

    AcquisitionThe discovery that you're no longer abig fish in a small pond, or even a

    small fish in a big pond, but a smallfish in a big fish.

    AdversityThat which does not kill me postpones

    the inevitable.

    AgonyNot all pain is gain.

    AmbitionThe journey of a thousand miles Apathy

    ArroganceThe best leaders inspire by example.

    292 140Me gusta

    Introducing Demotivators The Original Demotivational Posters

    MOTIVATION. Psychology tells us that motivation- true, lasting motivation- can only come from within. Common sense tells us it can't be manufactured or productized.So how is it that a multi-billion dollar industry thrives through the sale of motivational commodities and services? Because, in our world of instant gratification, people

    desperately want to believe that there are simple solutions to complex problems. And when desperation has disposable income, market opportunities abound.

    AT DESPAIR, INC., we believe motivational products create unrealistic expectations, raising hopes only to dash them. That's why we created our soul-crushingly

    depressing Demotivators designs, so you can skip the delusions that motivational products induce and head straight for the disappointments that follow!

    E.L. Kersten, Ph.D.Founder and COO


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  • 8/4/2019 Demotivators - View All Demotivational Posters


    sometimes ends very, very badly. If we don't take care of thecustomer,maybe they'll stop bugging


    When that's not an option, bruteintimidation works pretty well, too.

    BailoutsFrom each according to his ability,

    to each according to his lack thereof.

    BeautyIf you're attractive enough on theoutside, people will forgive you for

    being irritating to the core.

    BitternessNever be afraid to share your dreams

    with the world, because there'snothing the world loves more than the

    taste of really sweet dreams.

    BlameThe secret to success is knowing who

    to blame for your failures.

    BloggingNever before have so many people

    with so little to say said so much toso few.

    BurnoutAttitudes are contagious. Mine might

    kill you.

    ChallengesI expected times like this - but I

    never thought they'd be so bad, solong, and so frequent.

    ChangePoliticians are like diapers. They needto be changed often and for the same


    Change (winds)When the winds of change blow hardenough, the most trivial of things can

    become deadly projectiles.

    CluelessnessThere are no stupid questions, but

    there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.

    CollaborationWhen a motivated group of people

    join together, they can turn problemsinto opportunities. Especially drinking


    CompromiseLet's agree to respect each othersviews, no matter how wrong yours

    may be.

    ConformityWhen people are free to do as they

    please, they usually imitate eachother.

    CongressProudly defending the status quo long

    after the quo has lost its status.

    ConsistencyIt's only a virtue if you're not a


    ConsultingIf you're not a part of the solution,there's good money to be made in

    prolonging the problem.
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    CorruptionI want either less corruption or more

    opportunity to participate in it.

    CreativityHelps artists die young, miserable,

    and penniless- so their art can havemeaning to the old, satisfied, and

    obscenely rich.

    CuriositySome Places Remain Unknown

    Because No One Has Ventured Forth.Others Remain So Because No One

    Has Ever Come Back.

    Customer DisserviceBecause we're not satisfied until

    you're not satisfied.

    Customer CareIf we really cared for the customerwe'd send them somewhere better.

    Dare SlackWhen birds fly in the right formation,they need only exert half the effort.Even in nature, teamwork results in

    collective laziness.

    DefeatFor every winner, there are dozens oflosers. Odds are you're one of them.

    DelusionsThere is no greater joy than soaringhigh on the wings of your dreams,

    except maybe the joy of watching adreamer who has nowhere to land but

    in the ocean of reality.

    DemotivationSometimes the best solution to

    morale problems is just to fire all ofthe unhappy people.

    DespairIt's always darkest just before it goes

    pitch black.

    DestinyYou were meant for me. Perhaps as a


    DiscoveryA company that will go to the ends ofthe Earth for its people will find it canhire them for about 10% of the cost

    of Americans.

    DisloyaltyThere comes a time when every team

    must learn to make individualsacrifices.

    DisserviceIt takes months to find a customer,but only seconds to lose one... the

    good news is that we should run outof them in no time.

    DiversityBecause every person deserves an

    equal chance to prove theirincompetence.

    Do it LaterThe early worm is for the birds.

    DoubtIn the battle between you and the

    world, bet on the world.

    DreamsDreams are like rainbows. Only idiots

    chase them.

    DysfunctionThe only consistent feature in all of

    your dissatisfying relationships is you.

    EconomicsThe science of explaining tomorrow

    why the predictions you madeyesterday didn't come true today.
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    EffortHard work never killed anybody, but

    it is illegal in some places.

    ElitismIt's lonely at the top, but it'scomforting to look down upon

    everyone at the bottom.

    ExcusesIf you keep asking others to give you

    the benefit of the doubt, they'lleventually start to doubt your benefit.

    FailureWhen your best just isn't good


    FearUntil you have the courage to lose

    sight of the shore, you will not knowthe terror of being forever lost at sea.

    FlatteryIf you want to get to the top, prepare

    to kiss a lot of the bottom.

    FreedomI may not agree with what you say,

    but I respect your right to bepunished for it.

    FutilityYou'll always miss 100% of the shots

    you don't take, and, statisticallyspeaking, 99% of the shots you do.

    Get To WorkYou aren't being paid to believe in

    the power of your dreams.

    Give UpAt some point, hanging in there justmakes you look like an even bigger


    GoalsIt's best to avoid standing directlybetween a competitive jerk and his


    GovernmentIf you think the problems we createare bad, just wait until you see our


    HazardsThere is an island of opportunity inthe middle of every difficulty. Miss

    that, though, and you're pretty muchdoomed.

    HopeMay not be warranted at this point.

    HumiliationThe harder you try, the dumber you


    IdiocyNever underestimate the power of

    stupid people in large groups.

    IgnoranceIt's amazing how much easier it is fora team to work together when no one

    has any idea where they're going.

    IncompetenceWhen you earnestly believe you can

    compensate for a lack of skill bydoubling your efforts, there's no end

    to what you can't do.

    IndecisionThe mark of the leader is the abilityto make decisions. The mark of the

    survivor is knowing when not to.

    IndifferenceIt takes 43 muscles to frown and 17to smile, but it doesn't take any tojust sit there with a dumb look on

    your face.
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    IndividualityAlways remember that you are

    unique. Just like everybody else.

    IneptitudeIf you can't learn to do somethingwell, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.

    InnovationIf it can make your job easier, it can

    probably make it irrelevant.

    InsanityIt's difficult to comprehend how

    insane some people can be. Especiallywhen you're insane.

    InsightWhen the going gets tough, the tough

    get going.The smart left a long time ago.

    InspirationGenius is 1 percent inspiration and

    99% perspiration, which is whyengineers sometimes smell really bad.

    IntimidationNo one can make you feel inferior

    without your consent, but you'd be afool to withhold that from your


    IrresponsibilityNo single raindrop believes it is to

    blame for the flood.

    LazinessSuccess is a journey, not a

    destination. So stop running.

    LeadersLeaders are like eagles. We don't

    have either of them here.

    LegacyIt took millions of years to createsomething this extraordinary. You

    have about seventy-four.

    LibertyThe price of freedom keeps going up,but the quality keeps deteriorating.

    LimitationsUntil you spread your wings, you'llhave no idea how far you can walk.

    LonelinessIf you find yourself struggling with

    loneliness, you're not alone. And yetyou are alone. So very alone.

    LosingIf at first you don't succeed, failure

    may be your style.

    MadnessMadness does not always howl.

    Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at theend of the day saying, "Hey, is thereroom in your head for one more?"

    MarketingBecause making it look good now is

    more important than providingadequate support later.

    MaturityIf you're tired of others looking down

    on you, grow the hell up.

    MediocrityIt takes a lot less time and mostpeople won't notice the difference

    until it's too late.

    MeetingsNone of us is as dumb as all of us.
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    MercyTeach every child you meet the

    importance of forgiveness. It's ouronly hope of surviving their wrath

    once they realize just how badlywe've screwed things up for them.

    MisfortuneWhile good fortune often eludes you,

    this kind never misses.

    MistakesIt could be that the purpose of yourlife is only to serve as a warning to


    MotivationIf a pretty poster and a cute sayingare all it takes to motivate you, youprobably have a very easy job. The

    kind robots will be doing soon.

    NepotismWe promote family values here -

    almost as often as we promote familymembers.


    I am Dr. Adewole Aremu- a directorwith the Union Bank of Nigeria inLagos - and I wish to speak to you

    most urgently about a matterregarding the sum of $39,000,000 US


    OverconfidenceBefore you attempt to beat the odds,

    be sure you could survive the oddsbeating you.

    PerseveranceThe courage to ignore the obvious

    wisdom of turning back.

    PersistenceIt's over, man. Let her go. PerspectiveLess is more. Unless you're standingnext to the one with more. Then less

    just looks pathetic.

    PessimismEvery dark cloud has a silver lining,but lightning kills hundreds of peopleeach year who are trying to find it.

    PlanningMuch work remains to be done beforewe can announce our total failure to

    make any progress.

    PossibilitiesWith focus, dedication and steroids,

    men can achieve impossible dreams.Like breaking a world record. Or

    growing their own breasts.

    PotentialNot everyone gets to be an astronaut

    when they grow up.

    PowerPower corrupts. Absolute powercorrupts absolutely. But it rocks

    absolutely, too.

    PressureIt can turn a lump of coal into aflawless diamond, or an averageperson into a perfect basketcase.

    PretensionThe downside of being better than

    everyone else is that people tend toassume you're pretentious.

    PrioritiesHundreds of years from now, it willnot matter what my bank account

    was, the sort of house I lived in, orthe kind of car I drove... But the

    ProblemsNo matter how great and destructive

    your problems may seem now,remember, you've probably only seen

    the tip of them.

    ProcrastinationHard work often pays off after time,but laziness always pays off now.
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    world may be different because I didsomething so bafflingly crazy that my

    ruins become a tourist attraction.

    PropagandaWhat lies behind us and lies before usare small matters compared to what

    lies right to our faces.

    QualityThe race for quality has no finish line-so technically, it's more like a death


    RecognitionHaving your moment in the sun isn't

    always a good thing.

    RecoveryTime heals all wounds. But it usually

    leaves a pretty big scar.

    RegretIt hurts to admit when you makemistakes - but when they're big

    enough, the pain only lasts a second.

    RetirementBecause you've given so much ofyourself to the company that you

    don't have anything left we can use.

    RisksIf you never try anything new, you'll

    miss out on many of life's greatdisappointments.

    The Road Not TakenTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood.

    And Robert Frost took the one lesstraveled. Of course, he also heckledhis rivals and started fires to disrupttheir poetry readings. But that makes

    for a terrible motivational poster.Unless you're a petty pyromaniac. In

    which case, here you go.

    RomanceLove is in the air. And it's pooping on

    my head.

    SacrificeYour role may be thankless, but if

    you're willing to give it your all, youjust might bring success to those who

    outlast you.

    Sacrifice (Temple)All we ask here is that you give us

    your heart.

    SanityMinds are like parachutes. Just

    because you've lost yours doesn'tmean you can borrow mine.

    The SecretWhat is The Secret? Pretend you've

    already achieved it- Then offer to sellThe Secret to others.

    Self-EsteemJust because you think you're a stardoesn't mean you're going anywhere.

    ServiceView all customers as beautiful buds

    that must be cultivated, watered, andperiodically buried under manure.

    StrifeAs long as we have each other, we'll

    never run out of problems.
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    StupidityQuitters never win, winners never

    quit, but those who never win ANDnever quit are idiots.

    SuccessSome people dream of success, while

    other people live to crush thosedreams.

    SurvivalThe less you stand out, the longer

    you'll last.

    SynergyA code word lazy people use whenthey want you to do all the work.

    TeamworkA few harmless flakes working

    together can unleash an avalanche ofdestruction.

    TraditionJust because you've always done it

    that way doesn't mean it's notincredibly stupid.

    TranquilityAs long as there are children in theworld, there will never be any real


    TroubleLuck can't last a lifetime unless you

    die young.

    UnderachievementThe tallest blade of grass is the first

    to be cut by the lawnmower.

    VictoryWinners never fly higher than when

    they're bouncing up and down on theegos of those they defeat.

    VisionHow can the future be so hard topredict when all of my worst fears

    keep coming true?

    WealthAll I ask is for a chance to prove that

    money can't buy happiness.

    WhiningIf you expect to score points by

    whining, join a European soccer team.

    WinnersBecause nothing says "you're a loser"

    more than owning a motivationalposter about being a winner.

    WisdomSometimes the only difference

    between a budding genius and ablooming idiot is where they choose

    to take a stand.

    WishesWhen you wish upon a falling star,your dreams can come true. Unlessit's really a meteorite hurtling to theEarth which will destroy all life. Thenyou're pretty much hosed no matterwhat you wish for. Unless it's death

    by meteor.

    WorthJust because you're necessary doesn't

    mean you're important.