DEMOCRATIC ADVANTAGES IN CORRUPTION CONTROL … · Democratic Advantages in Corruption Control ......

DEMOCRATIC ADVANTAGES IN CORRUPTION CONTROL New Evidence from Anti-Corruption Cases across 154 Countries NAN ZHANG WORKING PAPER SERIES 2016:5 QOG THE QUALITY OF GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE Department of Political Science University of Gothenburg Box 711, SE 405 30 GÖTEBORG March 2016 ISSN 1653-8919 © 2016 by Nan Zhang. All rights reserved.

Transcript of DEMOCRATIC ADVANTAGES IN CORRUPTION CONTROL … · Democratic Advantages in Corruption Control ......

Page 1: DEMOCRATIC ADVANTAGES IN CORRUPTION CONTROL … · Democratic Advantages in Corruption Control ... 1974; Van Rijckeghem and ... with both the incentives as well as the necessary “breathing


New Evidence from Anti-Corruption Cases across 154 Countries


WORKING PAPER SERIES 2016:5 QOG THE QUALITY OF GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE Department of Political Science University of Gothenburg Box 711, SE 405 30 GÖTEBORG March 2016 ISSN 1653-8919 © 2016 by Nan Zhang. All rights reserved.

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Democratic Advantages in Corruption Control Nan Zhang QoG Working Paper Series 2016:5 March 2016 ISSN 1653-8919

ABSTRACT Does democracy reduce corruption? While much recent research has focused on the ability of citi-zens in democracies to hold politicians accountable through regular elections, other institutional features of democracy such as a free press and independent civil society may also strengthen ac-countability by lowering the costs of monitoring and sanctioning malfeasance. Using an original dataset of high-profile corruption cases across 154 countries, I find a strong positive relationship between democratic institutions and anti-corruption enforcement. Moreover, this relationship ob-tains after restricting attention to states without free and fair elections, suggesting that even in countries where citizens cannot reliably exercise accountability through the ballot, liberalization of the civic sphere can help hold malfeasance in check.

Nan Zhang Department of Social and Political Sciences European University Institute [email protected]

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Does democracy reduce corruption? In recent years, this question has been a topic of much debate,mostly focusing on the interaction between democratic citizens and their elected officials. On theone hand, democracy has been posited to reduce corruption and political malfeasance by providingcitizens with both the information and the means to hold politicians accountable through periodicelections (Adserà, Boix and Payne, 2003; Brunetti and Weder, 2003; Ferraz and Finan, 2008; Persson,Tabellini and Trebbi, 2003). On the other hand, studies have shown that voters do not always punishcorrupt politicians at the polls (Ackerman, 2005; Chang, Golden and Hill, 2010; Chong et al., 2015;Eggers, 2014; Klašnja and Tucker, 2013; Persson, Rothstein and Teorell, 2012; Wantchekon, 2003),and electoral competition may even encourage the proliferation of corrupt practices by drivingup the demand for illicit campaign donations (Golden and Chang, 2001; Montinola and Jackman,2002; Rock, 2009). In short, it remains an open question whether democracy reduces corruption bystrengthening accountability through electoral channels.

However, in focusing on electoral accountability, the literature has largely ignored alternative av-enues by which democratic systems may hold corruption in check. In this paper, I consider whetherdemocracy may help in the fight against corruption by strengthening accountability across govern-ment agencies. In particular, I focus on the activities of the judiciary and other government bodies(e.g. prosecutors, anti-corruption agencies, ombudsmen, legislative ethics commissions) chargedwith monitoring and sanctioning corrupt behavior. Such intra-governmental oversight has oftenbeen referred to as horizontal accountability, to be distinguished from the vertical (i.e. electoral)accountability exercised by voters (Grimes, 2013; O’Donnell, 2001). Compared to vertical account-ability, horizontal accountability is likely to be more effective in deterring corruption, as it directlytargets both elected politicians and bureaucratic officials, and its operation is not restricted toelection periods (Grimes, 2013).1

I hypothesize that democratic institutions can strengthen horizontal accountability through severalmechanisms. Here, I focus in particular on the liberal components of democracy, as embodied bya free press and independent civil society. These institutions fulfill an important “fire alarm” func-tion in democratic systems by uncovering and publicizing wrongdoing, thereby alerting enforcementbodies to incidences of abuse and triggering formal investigations and sanctions. In addition, theattention of the media and civil society groups may increase the pressure on oversight agencies to“do something” about corruption, while simultaneously insulating them from political interferencein unwelcome cases (Grimes, 2013; Smulovitz and Peruzzotti, 2000). In transactional terms, thesefeatures of democratic systems should reduce the costs to law enforcement of monitoring and sanc-

1In addition, when the state itself is seen as actively taking a stand against corruption, this may send the message thatmalfeasance is no longer the “norm” (Manion, 2009), and thereby reduce the moral justifiability of such behavior.


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tioning the abuse of office. As a result, we should observe a positive relationship between mediaand civil society freedom and anti-corruption enforcement ceteris paribus.

Empirically, I examine this prediction using an original dataset measuring horizontal accountabil-ity constructed from qualitative information on high-profile corruption cases covering 154 countriesover the period 2004-2014. I show that my accountability measure is meaningfully correlated withperceived corruption levels across countries, and that countries with greater media and civil societyfreedom also exhibit higher levels of anti-corruption activity. The link between democratic institu-tions and horizontal accountability is robust to the inclusion of controls for possible confoundingvariables, as well as to alternative modeling assumptions. Finally, the same conclusions apply evenafter dropping “electoral” democracies from the estimation. These last results suggest that, evenin countries where citizens cannot reliably exercise accountability through the ballot (Bauhr andGrimes, 2014; Klašnja and Tucker, 2013), greater media and civil society freedom can nonethelesssupport mechanisms of horizontal oversight that help hold corruption in check.

This paper makes three contributions to research on democracy and corruption. First, in contrastto much of the debate over whether democracy can strengthen accountability through elections,I highlight the importance of intra-governmental oversight in the fight against corruption, andfurther link accountability outcomes to features of liberal democratic systems. This research isamongst the first to address the specific question of why political systems vary in terms of theeffectiveness of anti-corruption enforcement (c.f. Alt and Lassen, 2008, 2014; van Aaken, Feld andVoigt, 2010). Secondly, my results demonstrate the importance of considering substantive aspectsof democracy apart from elections. While elections provide one means of keeping malfeasance incheck, this paper highlights how components of liberal democracy related to press and civil societyfreedom can support accountability through non-electoral channels. Finally, I introduce what is, tomy knowledge, the only extant dataset measuring horizontal accountability across countries. Thisdataset has the potential to open up new avenues of research by allowing scholars to directly testarguments about the causes and consequences of anti-corruption control.

In the next section, I review the existing literature to draw out some testable hypotheses linkinginstitutional features of democratic systems to greater horizontal accountability. Afterwards, Iintroduce my original dataset of anti-corruption enforcement, and describe the construction of thedependent variable. I also discuss the explanatory and control variables used in the analysis to follow.Finally, I present my estimation results and robustness checks, and conclude with a discussion ofcontributions and directions for future research.


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Related Literature

Given growing recognition of the social, economic and political costs of corruption, the past threedecades have witnessed an explosion of interest in the issue of corruption control. The intellec-tual foundation animating many anti-corruption efforts builds upon the logic of principal-agenttheory (Klitgaard, 1988; Persson, Rothstein and Teorell, 2012; Rose-Ackerman, 1999). Under thismodel, principals (citizens or rulers) delegate some task (providing public services) to agents (pub-lic officials), but agents also have incentives and opportunities to abuse their discretion for privategain. Anti-corruption efforts aim to curb such (mis-)behavior by reducing information asymme-tries between principals and agents and / or increasing the severity of sanctions, thereby deterringcorruption at the margin (Becker and Stigler, 1974; Van Rijckeghem and Weder, 2001).

Responsibility for monitoring abuses and imposing sanctions lies in the hands of formals agenciessuch as prosecutors, courts and anti-corruption commissions with formal powers of law enforcement(O’Donnell, 2001). However, there is enormous variation in the capacity of these agencies to exercisetheir monitoring and sanctioning powers. Evidence suggests that the effectiveness of oversightinstitutions depends critically upon the skills and numbers of their staff and the material resourcesat their disposal (Alt and Lassen, 2014), as well as the degree of independence enjoyed by prosecutorsand judges (Alt and Lassen, 2008; van Aaken, Feld and Voigt, 2010).

These last results shed light on the fact that, in executing their powers of oversight, law enforce-ment officials are subject to a number of transactions costs. First, as many scholars have noted,law enforcement authorities often have inadequate time and resources to investigate all potentialinstances of malfeasance (McCubbins and Schwartz, 1984; Sunshine and Tyler, 2003). As a result,much corruption may simply go undetected.2

A second type of cost involves political interference in investigative, prosecutorial and judicial proce-dures. More specifically, when the career prospects of police officers, prosecutors and judges dependupon other political actors, law enforcement officials may shy away from vigorously pursuing “sen-sitive cases” for fear of offending powerful interests. Such retaliation can range from reductions insalary to demotion and even termination of employment (van Aaken, Feld and Voigt, 2010). Inaddition, overly-zealous investigations may result in weakened legal mandates or a sudden with-drawal of institutional resources (Lawson, 2009; Wrong, 2010). In sum, the potential for politicalinterference can significantly erode the effectiveness of horizontal accountability.

Keeping these costs in mind, the literature also suggests ways in which democratic institutionscan support the capacity of oversight agencies. Here, I focus in particular on features of liberal

2This is likely to be especially true in cases of collusive corruption where both parties benefit from the transactionand therefore have strong incentives to keep quiet. By contrast, in cases of extortive corruption, the injured partyhas some incentive to report the abuse, although “blowing the whistle” remains costly.


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democracy associated with a free press and independent civil society, as both of these institutionshave their own incentives to engage in the fight against corruption. In the media’s case, marketcompetition and the desire to “tell a good tale” push news outlets towards investigative reporting thatuncovers and publicizes incidences of abuse. With respect to civil society, anti-corruption NGOssuch Transparency International serve as platforms to unite concerned citizens, and can furthermotivate engagement by building awareness, coordinating civic activities, and resolving collectiveaction problems (Grimes, 2013).

One important role played by these institutions involves the sounding of “fire alarms” to exposecorruption and provide evidence against wrongdoers (Adserà, Boix and Payne, 2003; Brunetti andWeder, 2003; Freille, Haque and Kneller, 2007; Smulovitz and Peruzzotti, 2000). For example, thedownfall of Austrian MEP Ernst Strasser resulted directly from an undercover “sting” operationconducted by journalists from Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper, who caught Strasser on cameraoffering to amend European legislation in exchange bribes. Civil society groups have also playedan important role in both reporting illicit behavior directly to law enforcement (Manion, 2009),and acting as “parallel auditors” of government service provision. As a result of these activities,law enforcement agencies are able to gather evidence much more cheaply, and therefore bear fewermonitoring costs.

Secondly, with respect to the threat of retaliation, a free media and civil society can significantly raisethe costs of political interference by creating visibility and mobilizing citizens in support of the rule oflaw. Even powerful political actors will think twice about quashing unwelcome cases when the mediaand civil society NGOs have engaged the public’s attention.3 For instance, Grimes (2013) recountshow the prosecuting authority in a Brazilian municipality leveraged civil society support to defenditself against political meddling in its investigations of widespread administrative corruption. By thesame token, public scrutiny may also increase the costs of institutional inaction. For example, recentpopular protests in Guatemala upped the incentives for lawmakers to lift prosecutorial immunityfor President Otto Pérez Molina, who was subsequently ordered to stand trial on a multitude ofcharges linked to a wide-ranging customs scam. These examples show how, by focusing a spotlighton law enforcement and the judicial process, media and civil society organizations can counter thetemptation to cover up instances of wrongdoing, and provide investigators, prosecutors and judgeswith both the incentives as well as the necessary “breathing room” to act.

In summary, these considerations imply that features of liberal democracy associated with mediaand civil society freedom should reduce the transactions costs facing formal oversight agencies.We should therefore observe higher levels of anti-corruption activity in democratic settings. These

3In electoral democracies, these costs can include the destruction of public officials’ political capital and reputations,which can have consequences politicians’ future job prospects (Smulovitz and Peruzzotti, 2000). However, even inautocracies, public officials may face substantial “audience costs” if they are seen to be abetting corruption (Gillespieand Okruhlik, 1991; Lawson, 2009).


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arguments are consistent with existing empirical studies of the relationship between the media, civilsociety and country corruption levels. For example, Adserà, Boix and Payne (2003) and Brunetti andWeder (2003) show that lower (perceived) corruption exists in countries with (a) wider circulation ofnewspapers per capita and (b) better Freedom House “press freedom” scores, respectively. Similarly,Grimes (2013) finds that the density of civil society organizations is positively associated withbetter governance outcomes, and that this effect is driven by countries with supportive democraticinstitutions.

The present paper contributes to this body of work in two ways. First, with few exceptions (c.f.Grimes, 2013; Smulovitz and Peruzzotti, 2000), much of the literature focuses on the media andcivil society’s role in fostering electoral accountability by providing citizens with the informationand organization necessary to identify and punish corrupt politicians at the polls (Adserà, Boix andPayne, 2003; Chang, Golden and Hill, 2010; Chong et al., 2015; Ferraz and Finan, 2008; Treisman,2000; Winters and Weitz-Shapiro, 2013). By contrast, I highlight how these institutions can alsosupport horizontal accountability by serving as vital “fire alarms” and “political buffers.”

Secondly, existing cross-national research relies mostly upon empirical models using perceptions-based measures of corruption as the dependent variable. In these cases, scholars are left to infer thelevel of accountability from perceived corruption outcomes. However, the level of corruption may bedetermined by a variety of factors including economic growth, political culture, etc., and thereforeprovides only a very poor proxy of accountability. The present study addresses this problem byintroducing a direct measure of the dependent variable of interest - horizontal accountability - inorder to precisely test the proposition that media and civil society freedom is associated with moreactive formal investigation and prosecution of wrongdoing.

Data Description

Anti-Corruption Enforcement

In this section, I present my strategy for measuring the level of intra-governmental enforcementactivity. Conceptually, this variable can be operationalized as some function of either (a) thenumber of implicated corrupt officials, or (b) the number of formal corruption cases. The firstquantity is important for estimating the capture rate, or the percentage of all corrupt individualswho are punished, while the second ratio is related to the audit rate, or the chance of being caughtfor any single act of malfeasance. While the audit rate is arguably a cleaner indicator of deterrence, Ioperationalize the enforcement level in relation to the capture rate for reasons described below.

To measure the number of implicated officials, I begin with Freedom House’s Freedom in the World(FITW) reports covering 154 countries over the period 2004-2014. These reports provide qualitative


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information on developments pertaining to political rights and civil liberties within each countryduring the previous calendar year. Importantly for my purposes, the FITW reports also contain aparagraph or section (organized in recent years under the heading “Functioning of Government")describing problems with corruption within the country, as well as any anti-corruption efforts thatthe country has undertaken. This qualitative information serves as the raw material for my codingof enforcement activity.

As with any effort to transform qualitative information into quantitative data, the researcher is facedwith a series of choices and tradeoffs in defining an appropriate coding scheme. Below, I describemy coding criteria in detail, providing examples where necessary, so that the choices I have madeare as transparent as possible. Readers can then decide for themselves whether they are convincedabout my operationalization of the dependent variable. Furthermore, this description can also serveas a basis for replication, amendment or extension of the dataset in future work.

As a threshold question, since my theory concerns the relationship between features of democracyand the extent to which the authorities are taking action against corruption, we must first definethe set of institutions to be included within “the authorities.” While the FITW reports containinformation about accountability arising from a plethora of sources (e.g. cases where private in-dividuals expose wrongdoing), here I am primarily concerned with intra-governmental oversight.Thus, a case is only counted if a formal public body (e.g. a prosecutor, a parliamentary committee,a court, police) initiates some sort of action against the target of the allegation.

In principle, we can also differentiate amongst different outcomes ranging from investigations toindictments to prison sentences. Along this spectrum, a jail sentence clearly sends a much strongersignal about the strength of oversight mechanisms compared to a preliminary investigation, and wemay wish to code this distinction. However, in practice, the FITW reports often do not follow acase to its final disposition.4 An even greater complication is introduced by the fact that judicialprocesses can often drag on over an extended period of time, as cases are opened, dropped, andthen re-opened with the discovery of new evidence, convictions are appealed and overturned, andprison sentences are commuted. Thus, even if the FITW reports did follow the same case overfrom its inception to the present, we can still never know the case’s “final” disposition. Rather,in the majority of instances, the FITW reports only provide a snapshot of enforcement efforts ata given point in time. For these reasons, I eschew providing a more detailed coding of the exact“level” of accountability. Instead, a case enters the dataset if any formal action - ranging from policeinvestigations all the way up to prison sentences - is mentioned.

4For example, the 2011 report on the United States notes that former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich was convictedon multiple counts of corruption related to his attempt to sell Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat, but fails to mentionhis 14-year prison sentence imposed later that year.


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Third, I focus on enforcement actions taken against public officials (i.e. politicians and bureaucrats).Investigations and prosecutions of private businessmen and companies are not counted, unless theyare linked to a public official. In practice, this leaves out cases where (mostly) European andAmerican companies are sanctioned for bribing foreign leaders. For example, when former CostaRican President Rafael Ángel Calderón was convicted for taking $800,000 in bribes from the Finnishfirm Instrumentarium, this incident is coded as a 1 for Costa Rica and a 0 for Finland, even thoughthe Finnish government initiated a formal investigation of the embezzlement scandal.

A fourth concern is to ensure that cases are roughly comparable across countries in terms of theimportance of the individuals who are targeted. For example, suppose that Country X arrests 100university professors for taking bribes in exchange for doctoring exam grades, while Country Yarrests the sitting president for stealing millions from the state pension scheme. Should we countCountry X as having experienced 100 enforcement events, compared to a single event in CountryY? Clearly, our intuition is that the capture of a “big fish” is more important than the punishmentof “small fry,” but how should we operationalize this distinction?

One solution may be to code perpetrators based on their formal titles, and then weight each case byhow highly perpetrators are placed within the governmental food chain. However, the practicalityof this solution depends upon attaching the appropriate weights to each position, and this processcan become quite muddy. For example, how should we weight, say, the Education Minister againstthe mayor of a major metropolitan area, who might also be a prominent member of one of themain political parties (compare: Arne Duncan vs. New York city mayor Rudy Giuliani)? As theseexamples illustrate, even if we had detailed country knowledge for all 154 countries in the dataset,we might still have no clear intuition as to who counts as the big(ger) fish.

One practical way around this problem is to simply count any target of an enforcement action whois mentioned by proper name in the FITW reports. The logic behind this coding rule is that “smallfry” are just statistics (e.g. “three government ministers”), but “big fish” (e.g. Rudy Giuliani) havespecific names. In effect, this coding rule increases the comparability of observations in the datasetby restricting attention to high-profile culprits. Substantively, this restriction might also provide a“cleaner” measure of accountability, since agencies that are able to take action in high-level casesare arguably sending a stronger signal of their seriousness in fighting corruption.

Having just stated the “proper name” rule, I make an immediate exception: specifically, I includecases in the dataset involving multiple unnamed defendants if a scandal has become so iconic inthe popular mind that the case itself has taken on a proper name. Examples include the “Anglo-Leasing” scandal in Kenya, which involved several senior members of President Mwai Kabaki’sgovernment, and the Marbella trials in Spain, which have been dubbed the country’s “biggest ever”corruption trials. These cases are so prominent that (I suspect) the only reason the FITW reportdoes not name any individual is because the report’s author has decided to use the popular umbrella


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Table 1: Summary of Coding Rules

Rule Description

Formal Authorities Rule The anti-corruption action must be taken by a formal pub-lic body (e.g. a prosecutor, a parliamentary committee,a court, police). Actions taken by media, private or non-governmental institutions (e.g. an NGO initiates an investi-gation) do not count.

Accountability Equivalence Rule Any formal action taken by one of the above bodies iscounted equivalently. No distinction is made between differ-ent “levels” of accountability (e.g. preliminary investigationsvs. indictments vs. convictions).

Public Official Rule Only offenses committed by a country’s public officials arecounted towards that country’s total. Offenses committedby private businessmen and / or firms (often in the courseof bribing foreign officials) are omitted.

Proper Name Rule Only those events where the defendant or perpetrator isspecifically named are counted (e.g. cases involving “threegovernment ministers” without further identifying informa-tion about the defendants are not counted).

Exception: Proper Names Cases involving large-scale scandals (e.g. “Anglo-Leasing" or“Marbella") are exempt from the Proper Name Rule, even ifno defendant is specifically identified by name.

No Multiple Cases Rule Multiple cases or indictments against a single named defen-dant are collapsed and counted as a singular instance of theimposition of horizontal accountability.

moniker instead. In practice, since these cases often involve multiple individuals who would havebeen named (and therefore counted as separate observations in the dataset), the inclusion of thesecases is likely to introduce a downward bias in the count of implicated individuals. In the analysisbelow, I estimate alternative models with and without the inclusion of these “multiple individual”cases.

A final issue concerns how to treat multiple cases involving the same person. For example, ItalianPrime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been involved in over 20 legal cases during his political career.In principle, we might think that it would be desirable to count each case as a separate “enforcementevent,” as opposed to counting Berlusconi as a single “implicated individual.” This brings us back tothe question of whether we want to operationalize the audit rate or the capture rate. But while wemay think that the audit rate is more desirable as a measure of deterrence, in practice, such multiplecounting becomes impractical, not least because the FITW reports fail to specifically mention themajority of Berlusconi’s (many) trials. In addition, in a conceptual level, it can become difficult to


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Figure 1: Histogram of Enforcement Against Named Individuals

distinguish each case as truly independent crime, as some cases are clearly linked in terms of thechain of events, even though separate charges were filed.5

To avoid these issues, I have elected instead to count the number of different named individuals ineach country against whom formal action was taken over the period 2004-2014. Conceptually, theresulting variable captures the degree to which (high-ranking) members of the political class areexposed to prosecutorial and judicial oversight over the decade. Although the construction of thismeasure is undoubtedly sensitive to the series of choices and simplifying assumptions I have made,it nonetheless provides us with a broad picture of patterns of anti-corruption enforcement acrosscountries. Table 1 summarizes all of the coding rules just discussed, while the raw case data arepresented in the Online Supplement.

5For example, the long-running perjury trial against Berlusconi and his lawyer David Mills stems from allegationsthat the former Italian PM paid Mills $600,000 in 2000 in exchange for providing favorable testimony in two separatetrials against Berlusconi from the late 1990s. In a separate case from 2003, Cesare Previti - another of Berlusconi’slawyers - was found guilty of bribing Judge Renato Squillante in order to secure a favorable legal climate in relationto an earlier case alleging that Berlusconi had (surprise!) bribed judges in the 1980s.


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Across all 154 countries in my sample, the mean number individuals against whom enforcementaction was taken over the decade is 2.27 (sd = 2.99), and the median is 1. As shown in Figure 1, thedistribution is highly skewed with a long right-hand tail. In fact, 53 countries (34% of the sample)recorded no anti-corruption enforcement over this period, while 34 countries (22% of the sample)recorded actions taken against four or more individuals, with one country (Indonesia) as the clearoutlier with 22 individuals formally implicated. Appendix A presents the full list of country-levelcounts.

Enforcement Activity and Corruption Levels

However, before directly entering this number into our estimations, we must be cognizant of thefact that the enforcement count is actually the product of two data generating processes. Morespecifically, the number of implicated individuals reflects both (a) the vigilance of formal oversightagencies agencies, as well as (b) the total number of corrupt individuals “available” to be caught.Thus, a low enforcement count can characterize countries as different as Switzerland (where there aresimply few wrongdoers to sanction) and Somalia (where we can safely infer that oversight agenciesare ineffective).

This feature of the data can be seen in Figure 2, which graphs the enforcement and country corrup-tion levels. The x-axis displays estimates of the perceived corruption level within a country providedby Transparency International’s “Corruption Perceptions Index" (TI), averaged between 2004-2014.I have reversed the usual scale such that more positive values indicate higher corruption. The y-axis shows the enforcement counts over the same period. For aesthetic reasons, Indonesia (with its22 implicated individuals) is not in the picture. From the Figure, we see a clear non-linear, non-monotonic relationship between enforcement activity and the corruption level within a country: fewindividuals face accountability in low corruption countries, as well as in extremely high-corruptioncountries, which again supports the contention of two data generating processes.

Since conceptually the aim is to capture only the vigilance of formal oversight agencies, we mustadjust the raw counts to account for the underlying corruption level. In the regressions below,I therefore control for the country’s TI score as a proxy for the total number of corrupt officials“available” to be caught. In this way, I am able to disentangle these two data generating processesand operationalize the capture rate as a function of the level of enforcement activity.

Explanatory Variables

For my main explanatory variables, I draw upon data from the “Varieties of Democracy" (V-Dem)project coding various features of democratic institutions (Coppedge et al., 2015). First, to capture


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Figure 2: Enforcement and Country Corruption Levels

the degree of media freedom within a country, I use V-Dem indicators relating to (a) governmentcensorship of print and broadcast media, (b) harassment of journalists, (c) the extent of media self-censorship, and (d) the existence of print and broadcast media outlets that criticize the government.6

Next, to measure the independence of civil society organizations, I use the V-dem indicators relatingto (e) the free entry and exit of civil society organizations in public life, and (f) the extent to whichthe government represses civil society organizations. All items are scaled such that positive scoresindicate greater independence from the ruling regime.

In principle, variables measuring media and civil society freedom may vary independently, whichwould allow us to check the relative importance of each of these mechanisms. However, in practice,the correlation between the various measures is extremely tight, even though we are measuringconceptually distinct dimensions of liberal democratic systems. As shown in Table 2, averaging eachvariable within countries over the entire decade 2004-2014, every pairwise correlation coefficient isgreater than 0.80, and a factor analysis yields a Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.97. In light of this high

6The exact question wordings and answer categories are provided in the Online Supplement.


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Table 2: Correlation between Liberal Democracy Measures

Media Independence Civil Society(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Censor Harass Self-Censor Critical Entry Repress(a) Censor 1.000(b) Harass 0.897 1.000(c) Self-censor 0.898 0.859 1.000(d) Critical 0.879 0.837 0.908 1.000(e) Entry 0.831 0.783 0.830 0.844 1.000(f) Repress 0.882 0.864 0.836 0.822 0.885 1.000Note: 147 countries. All variables are constructed averaging the yearly V-Dem scores from2004-2014. In general, year-to-year correlations are extremely high (results not shown).

correlation, I combine all variables into a simple average Liberal Democracy Index (LibDem) whichis standardized to have mean = 0, s.d. = 1.

In addition to the Liberal Democracy Index, I also include a host of control variables in the analysesbelow. First, I control for the population size of the country. This control is important because,holding the corruption level constant, more populous countries may simply contain a greater numberof high-level public officials, which may yield a higher measure enforcement activity. Moreover, theFITW Reports may be biased towards more in-depth coverage of more “important” countries. Inparticular, as detailed in the methodology section of the report, country information is compiled byaround 90 experts and analysts from the academic, think tank and human rights communities, usingsources such as news articles, academic papers, NGO reports and individual professional contacts.As the number of countries in the report exceeds the number of experts, it is clear that not everycountry is covered by its own set of native analysts. And since non-native experts (and the secondarysources they consult) are likely to pay more attention to developments in large countries, my datasetmay skew towards counting a greater number of prosecutions in more populous states, simply as anartifact of the way in which the FITW reports are compiled. To account for both potential sourcesof bias, in my analyses below, I control for country population size (logged), using data from theUnited Nations population statistics.

Second, I control for some element of state failure. In cases of state failure, countries may notprosecute corruption because they are too busy trying to contain violence and insurgency withintheir borders. In addition, for much the same reasons just described, it may be difficult for FITWauthors to gather corruption-related information in contexts where the state struggles to maintainorder. To the extent that non-democracies are also more insecure, these considerations may alsobias our estimates of the relationship between democracy and accountability. To control for thesepotential confounds, I use data from the “security apparatus” subcomponent of the Fund for Peace’s“Failed States Index." This variable rates states on the extent to which they experience pressures


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related to internal conflict, small arms proliferation, riots and protests, fatalities from conflict,military coups, rebel activity, militancy, bombings, and political prisoners. Countries are scored ona scale of 1 - 10 (mean = 5.6, s.d. = 2.4), with higher values indicating greater insecurity.

In addition, I also add controls for “cultural” variables drawn from the literature that may becorrelated with both democratic institutions and stronger horizontal accountability. The first is ameasure of the strength of “traditional” cultural norms that erode the distinction between publicand private spheres, crowding out impersonal “arms-length” relationships with personal and networksolidarities (Banfield, 1958; Olivier De Sardan, 1999; Ekeh, 1975; Geertz, 1973; Husted, 1999; Lipsetand Lenz, 2000; Scott, 1969). In this context, prosecutors and judges may fail to act against corruptactors if they believe that legal norms clash with prevailing social norms. Traditional culturalnorms are usually assumed to weaken with (economic) modernization, and thus it is natural tooperationalize this concept using GDP per capita. However, per capita GDP is also highly correlatedwith the Transparency International’s corruption measure.7 To minimize multicollinearity, I havealternatively chosen to use the percentage of rural population as a proxy for “traditionalism,” on theassumption that urbanization encourages the development of impersonal values. Data are drawnfrom Unesco’s Institute for Statistics.

Second and relatedly, the literature has posited that religious traditions may influence the stringencyof anti-corruption enforcement. As noted by Treisman (2000), “Where more ‘hierarchical religions’ -Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Islam - dominate, challenges to office-holders might be rarer thanin cultures shaped by more egalitarian or individualistic religions, such as Protestantism” (p.403).Accordingly, I control for the percentage of the country’s population that adheres to a “hierarchicalreligion," using data taken from (La Porta et al., 1999).

Third, variation in law enforcement activity may differ across legal systems. More specifically,some “legal cultures” may be more rule-bound than others. For example, Treisman (2000) notesthat,

In Britain and some of its former colonies, scholars have noted an almost obsessive focuson the procedural aspects of law...By contrast, in many other cultures social order isassociated not so much with adherence to procedures as with respect for hierarchy andthe authority of offices...A willingness of judges to follow procedures even when theresults threaten hierarchy...clearly increases the chance that official corruption will beexposed. (p.403)

To capture this element of legal culture, I control for whether the country in question is a formerBritish colony, on the assumption that - regardless of the contemporary legal system is based inthe common law or civil law - the legal traditions implanted during the colonial period continue to

7For a discussion of possible reasons, see Treisman (2007).


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influence patterns of judicial practice today. This coding is taken from Hadenius and Teorell (2007).Appendix B reports the summary statistics for the variables just introduced.


To examine the statistical significance of this non-linear relationship, I estimate the following neg-ative binomial model, which accounts for the fact that the dependent variable consist of countdata:8

Enforcei = ↵+ �1LibDemi + �2TIi +⇥Xi + ✏i (1)

where Enforcei represents the count of implicated individuals in country i between 2004 and 2014,LibDemi represents the country’s standardized media and civil society freedom index score averagedover the entire decade, TIi represents the country’s average (perceived) corruption level as ratedby Transparency International for the same period, X represents a vector of country-level controls,and ✏i represents heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors.

The measure of enforcement activity is robustly and positively correlated with Libdem, conditionalupon the underlying corruption rate (Table 3, model 1). The bivariate relationship between democ-racy and accountability is roughly linear (Figure 3). The coefficient in model (1) implies that theincrease in democracy scores associated with going from a high-corruption, non-democratic countrylike Russia (Libdem = -0.85) to a high-corruption, democratic country like Romania (Libdem =+0.79) is associated with an increase in 54 log points x 1.64 = 89 log points, or approximately242 percent, in the enforcement level. To qualitatively illustrate this difference, while Russian anti-corruption efforts were mostly targeted at political opponents of the Kremlin such as energy mogulMikhail Khodorkovsky, Romania managed to convict several powerful politicians during the decade,including ex-Prime Minister Adrian Nastase, the President’s brother (Mircea Basescu), the leaderof a major political party (Dan Voiculescu), and several cabinet ministers.

The coefficient on Libdem is robust to the inclusion of log country population and country inse-curity (model 2). In addition, both log population and insecurity are significantly correlated withEnforce in the predicted direction: larger countries record a higher count of implicated officials,and accountability appears to be weaker in failed and failing states. In fact, as we might expect,weak states such Somalia, Chad, CAR, Sudan, DRC, and Iraq record very little enforcement ac-tivity (see Appendix A). Also note that the inclusion of covariates does not change the coefficienton Libdem. These results indicate that higher accountability in democratic contexts is not simply

8The Poisson model can be rejected at high levels of confidence because of over-dispersion of the outcome variable(result not shown).


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Figure 3: Enforcement and Liberal Democracy

an artifact of the fact that the FITW may contain more sparse coverage of corruption events insmaller, less secure countries.

Models 3 through 7 of Table 3 include controls to test for alternative theories linking cultural orhistorical factors to enforcement activity. Here, despite the arguments made in the literature, I findno support for the link between enforcement and (a) percentage rural of population as a proxy formodernization, (b) protestant culture, or (c) British legal traditions. The only notable associationis between the percentage of Muslims within the population and lower enforcement, although thisresult may simple reflect the fact that countries in the North Africa and Middle East region recordvery little anti-corruption activity.

Beyond the inclusion of control variables, I also conduct a series of sensitivity tests (Table 4). Model1 replicates the main result with a full set of statistically significant controls. Note that, once wecontrol for the percentage Muslim population, Insecurity is no longer statistically significant atconventional levels (although it is still correctly signed). As shown in models 2 and 3, the strongrelationship between the anti-corruption enforcement and Libdem is robust to different functionalforms: it holds if the dependent variable is estimated using a poisson regression model, as well as an


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Table 3: Country Characteristics and Enforcement Levels, 2004 to 2014

Dependent Variable: Count of Implicated Individuals(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

LibDem 0.54*** 0.53*** 0.53*** 0.53*** 0.53*** 0.49*** 0.53***(0.18) (0.14) (0.14) (0.14) (0.15) (0.14) (0.14)

TI 0.13* 0.23** 0.24*** 0.18 0.23** 0.22** 0.23**(0.08) (0.10) (0.09) (0.11) (0.10) (0.10) (0.10)

Pop. (logged) 0.30*** 0.30*** 0.31*** 0.31*** 0.30*** 0.31***(0.06) (0.06) (0.06) (0.06) (0.06) (0.06)

Insecurity -0.13* -0.12* -0.10 -0.13* -0.10 -0.13*(0.07) (0.07) (0.07) (0.07) (0.07) (0.07)

% Rural -0.23(0.55)

% Protestant -0.67(0.62)

% Catholic 0.01(0.26)

% Muslim -0.61**(0.31)

British -0.03(0.21)

Constant -0.00 -4.97*** -4.96*** -4.80*** -4.96*** -4.96*** -4.98***(0.49) (1.14) (1.15) (1.28) (1.16) (1.19) (1.13)

N 147 146 146 139 141 141 146Log Likelihood -292.2 -276.9 -276.8 -263.7 -269.9 -268.3 -276.9R

2 0.026 0.068 0.068 0.069 0.067 0.072 0.068Robust standard errors in parentheses*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

ordinary least squares specification with log(1+Enforce) as the dependent variable. The results donot change much if cases involving multiple unnamed individuals (e.g. “Anglo-Leasing”) are droppedfrom the sample (model 4), nor if Indonesia (a clear outlier) is excluded (model 5).

Finally, models 6 and 7 address the concern that these results may be the product of an ecologicalcorrelation. More specifically, it could be the case that, compared to the rest of the world, thegroup of established “old” democracies in Western Europe and North America have both (a) liberaldemocratic institutions and (b) more active anti-corruption enforcement. Thus, the relationship weobserve between Enforce and LibDem in the overall sample may be driven by the fact that this


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Table 4: Country Characteristics and Enforcement Activity: Sensitivity Analysis

Dependent Variable: Count of Implicated IndividualsNegative OLS Negative Negative Negative NegativeBinomial Poisson log(1+Enforce) Binomial Binomial Binomial Binomial

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)LibDem 0.49*** 0.48*** 0.25*** 0.47*** 0.43*** 0.52*** 0.50***

(0.14) (0.16) (0.07) (0.15) (0.14) (0.13) (0.14)

TI 0.22** 0.23*** 0.15** 0.24** 0.20** -0.02 0.01(0.10) (0.08) (0.06) (0.11) (0.10) (0.12) (0.13)

Pop. (logged) 0.30*** 0.28*** 0.19*** 0.29*** 0.26*** 0.34*** 0.41***(0.06) (0.08) (0.04) (0.07) (0.06) (0.07) (0.07)

Insecurity -0.10 -0.09 -0.09* -0.11 -0.10 -0.04 -0.02(0.07) (0.06) (0.05) (0.08) (0.07) (0.07) (0.06)

% Muslim -0.61** -0.43 -0.28 -0.57* -0.69** -0.37 -0.58*(0.31) (0.32) (0.18) (0.32) (0.31) (0.41) (0.30)

Constant -4.96*** -4.70*** -2.56*** -4.78*** -4.19*** -4.05*** -5.86***(1.19) (1.42) (0.67) (1.23) (1.10) (1.06) (1.23)

Note: Named Drop Region DropIndiv. Indonesia Fixed “Old”Only (Outlier) Effects Dems

N 141 141 141 141 140 141 113Log Likelihood -268.3 -310.1 -143.2 -265.1 -262.1 -260.6 -201.6R

2 0.072 0.165 0.236 0.062 0.065 0.099 0.110Robust standard errors in parentheses*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

group of states is simply unique from the rest of the world along both these dimensions, implying thatit is not democratic institutions per se which facilitate greater anti-corruption enforcement.

I examine this issue in two ways. First, column 6 includes fixed effects for world regions.9 Here,I find that even restricting our attention to variation within world regions, democratic institutionsare still robustly correlated with greater enforcement activity. Secondly, in column 7, I remove thesubset of established democracies from the sample. The coefficient on Democracy remains largelyunchanged. In other words, even amongst autocracies and weakly institutionalized democracies,those countries that enjoy greater civic freedoms associated with liberal democracy are also morelikely to “take action” against corruption.

9These are: (1) Eastern Europe / CIS, (2) Latin America / Caribbean, (3) North Africa and the Middle East, (4)Sub-Saharan Africa, (5) Western Europe, North America and Australia, and (6) Asia.


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Figure 4: Liberal Democracy Scores in Countries without Elections

Finally, I consider the extent to which the relationship between democracy on horizontal account-ability works independently of electoral channel. More specifically, in the subset of countries whichdo not hold free and fair elections, is greater media and civil society freedom nonetheless associatedwith higher accountability? The logic behind this approach is as follows: although we cannot knowwhether citizens will “vote the bums out” if they are offered the chance to participate in competitiveelections, we can be sure that this mechanism is closed off where elections do not exist. Therefore,studying the relationship between Enforce and LibDem in this subset of countries can provide aclean look at whether features of democracy associated with civil society and media freedom canfoster greater horizontal accountability, independently of the electoral channel.

Here, I focus on three recent and widely-cited classifications of electoral democracy provided byBoix, Miller and Rosato (2012), Cheibub, Gandhi and Vreeland (2010), and Geddes, Wright andFrantz (2014). Appendix C describes these measures in greater detail. Broadly, regimes are classi-fied based on criteria relating to political contestation and (with the exception of Cheibub, Gandhiand Vreeland, 2010) electoral participation. The use of three alternative codings for electoral democ-racy based on somewhat different classification criteria serves as a robustness check, although thecorrespondence between the three measures is quite high (see Appendix C for more details). Asthese are country-year data, and my analysis is cross-sectional, I collapse the time dimension bycoding a country as an electoral democracy (autocracy) only if it remains a democracy (autocracy)throughout the period 2004 - end of the dataset’s coverage. In other words, transition regimes areexcluded from the analysis below.

Figure 4 displays the distribution of LibDem for each of the three subsets of non-democratic regimes.Recall that LibDem is standardized in the full sample to have mean = 0 and s.d. = 1. In thesesubsets, the mean is substantially lower (between around -0.9 to -1.0), although we see that there isstill meaningful variation in the extent to which countries permit civil society and media freedom.


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Table 5: Enforcement Activity Excluding Electoral Democracies

Dependent Variable: Count of Implicated IndividualsBoix et al. (2012) Cheibub et al. (2010) Geddes et al. (2014)

(1) (2) (3)LibDem 0.46* 0.62*** 0.48

(0.27) (0.23) (0.29)Ti -0.44*** -0.34** -0.39***

(0.12) (0.15) (0.14)Pop. (logged) 0.48*** 0.48*** 0.40***

(0.07) (0.08) (0.09)Constant -4.53*** -5.04*** -3.38**

(1.37) (1.52) (1.58)N 56 57 50Log Likelihood -72.17 -78.06 -69.68R

2 0.136 0.129 0.099Robust standard errors in parentheses*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

In fact, there are a handful of countries that score between 0 and 0.5 on LibDem, which correspondsto roughly the degree of civic freedoms obtaining in countries such as Lebanon or Pakistan.

Next, I re-estimate the relationship between Enforce and LibDem, controlling for TI, for onlythis restricted subset of countries. Given the small sample sizes, to reduce multicollinearity, Iinclude the log of population as the only control. Results are shown in Table 5. We see that, evenafter excluding electoral democracies as defined by Boix, Miller and Rosato (2012) and Cheibub,Gandhi and Vreeland (2010), greater media and civil society freedom is still significantly associatedwith better accountability (models 1 and 2). If we restrict our attention to the smaller group ofautocracies as defined by Geddes, Wright and Frantz (2014), the estimated coefficient is still positive,although the significance level falls just outside the 10% range. Importantly, the substantive sizeof the coefficients in all three regressions are very similar to those from Table 3, although we arenow considering only the least democratic countries in the sample. In other words, this analysissuggests that even in countries where accountability cannot be reliably exercised through the ballotbox, a modicum of “democratic” freedom for the media and civil society can nonetheless help holdcorruption in check.


To summarize, this paper has investigated the relationship between democratic institutions andhorizontal accountability, defined as intra-governmental oversight exercised by the judiciary and


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other government bodies charged with monitoring and sanctioning corrupt behavior. Specifically,this study focuses on the importance of liberal components of democracy - as embodied by a freepress and independent civil society - in supporting oversight agencies by reducing the transactionscosts facing these institutions. Empirically, I leverage qualitative information on anti-corruptionactivities to construct an original dataset of horizontal accountability covering 154 countries overthe years 2004 - 2014. I find that, measured over the last decade, formal anti-corruption activity isstrongly correlated with media and civil society freedom across countries. Moreover, these resultshold even excluding “electoral” democracies from the sample, suggesting that even in countrieslacking vertical accountability, greater freedom in the civic sphere can nonetheless make a differencein the fight against corruption.

These last results highlight the importance of studying prosecutors, the judiciary, anti-corruptioncommissions and other law-enforcement agencies as sources of accountability. While much of theliterature focuses on accountability as exercised through the ballot, electoral mechanisms of corrup-tion control may be imperfect for several reasons. For example, citizens may lack information aboutmalfeasance committed by public officials (Bauhr and Grimes, 2014; Chang, Golden and Hill, 2010;Chong et al., 2015; Winters and Weitz-Shapiro, 2013), and even if citizens become aware of pub-lic perfidy, corruption is simply one issue amongst many (e.g. partisanship, economic conditions,etc.) that citizens must consider when deciding to support or punish a particular politician (Kon-stantinidis and Xezonakis, 2013; Zechmeister and Zizumbo-Colunga, 2013). Finally, as previouslynoted, electoral accountability can only be exercised every few years, and it cannot directly targetunelected public officials (Grimes, 2013). For these reasons, elections constitute a “blunt” and oftenineffective instrument for keeping corruption in check.

In this context, the everyday job of controlling corruption falls to formal oversight agencies. It istherefore somewhat surprising that, until recently, relatively little research has sought to explainvariation in the activity and effectiveness of these monitoring bodies (Alt and Lassen, 2008, 2014;Lawson, 2009; Meagher, 2005; van Aaken, Feld and Voigt, 2010). I contribute to this line of schol-arship by examining horizontal accountability from a comparative cross-national perspective, andidentifying the features of democracy that support anti-corruption enforcement by altering moni-toring and sanctioning costs.

Second, in relation to the larger democracy literature, my results illustrate the importance of consid-ering substantive aspects of democracy apart from elections in corruption research.10 As Coppedgeet al. (2011) argue, democracy can be approached as a multidimensional concept which encom-passes aspects of civil liberties, checks and balances, direct participation, deliberation, minorityrights and substantive equality (c.f. Cheibub, Gandhi and Vreeland, 2010). Elections may be key

10Of course, the ultimate choice between “thick” and “thin” measures of democracy depends on the research question(Collier and Adcock, 1999).


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for controlling corruption, or they may be ineffective, or even counter-productive, but they consti-tute only one dimension of a larger set of democratic rules and practices. My results suggest thateven in the absence of free and fair elections, efforts to liberalize other aspects of the political system(e.g. the media and civil society) can shape corruption outcomes by strengthening formal oversightmechanisms. In this vein, additional research might fruitfully study how changes along alternativedemocratic dimensions can affect accountability and levels of corruption more generally.

Finally, this paper contributes empirically to the literature on governance and accountability byintroducing an original dataset of anti-corruption enforcement covering 154 countries over the decade2004-2014. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first extant cross-national dataset that directlyaims to capture accountability outcomes (investigations, prosecutions, convictions, etc.), ratherthan ultimate corruption levels. The measure thus fills a niche in the set of available governanceindicators, and has the potential to open up novel avenues for future research.

In particular, the empirical focus on anti-corruption enforcement introduced in this paper could beusefully extended in several directions. First, due in large part to limitations in coverage in theFITW reports, I was not able to construct a full timeline of the corruption cases included in thedataset. However, one could, in principle, build a detailed case history of all of these cases fromnewspaper reports that includes the timing of investigations, prosecutions and convictions, as wellas the the time lag between when a scandal first breaks and when it is finally resolved. This levelof granularity would allow scholars to more directly study the efficiency of oversight mechanisms,as well as the determinants driving the progression of a case through the legal system.

In addition, a deeper analysis of this temporal dimension could yield interesting insights into globaltrends in the fight against corruption: for example, has the rate of anti-corruption investigationsand prosecutions increased over time? Future scholars could also advance existing lines of researchaddressing questions such as whether investigations are more likely to precede or follow leadershiptransitions (Bågenholm, 2013; Bågenholm and Charron, 2014), or whether anti-corruption effortsare effective in stabilizing a ruling regime (Fan and Grossman, 2001; Gillespie and Okruhlik, 1991;Lawson, 2009)? My ultimate hope here is that, by identifying a set of high-profile corruption cases,this dataset can contribute as a springboard for future research.


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Page 28: DEMOCRATIC ADVANTAGES IN CORRUPTION CONTROL … · Democratic Advantages in Corruption Control ... 1974; Van Rijckeghem and ... with both the incentives as well as the necessary “breathing

Appendix A: Country Counts of Implicated Individuals: 2004 - 2014

TI CPI ScoreCount of Implicated Average: 2004 - 2014

Country Officials: 2004 - 2014 (scale reversed)New Zealand 1 0.62Denmark 1 0.67Finland 1 0.73Sweden 1 0.84Singapore 2 0.84Switzerland 0 1.11Netherlands 0 1.28Norway 0 1.35Australia 0 1.36Canada 5 1.44Luxembourg 0 1.66United Kingdom 4 2.00Germany 1 2.03Austria 3 2.07Ireland 0 2.49Japan 1 2.51Belgium 0 2.67United States 2 2.68Chile 0 2.87France 9 2.89Uruguay 0 3.28Qatar 0 3.49Spain 5 3.51Estonia 3 3.51United Arab Emirates 0 3.66Slovenia 3 3.75Portugal 2 3.76Israel 8 3.92Cyprus 0 3.95Botswana 2 4.09Taiwan 5 4.15Cape Verde 0 4.64Oman 0 4.70Bahrain 0 4.73South Korea 7 4.73Hungary 2 4.93Mauritius 3 4.96Jordan 2 5.04

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TI CPI ScoreCount of Implicated Average: 2004 - 2014

Country Officials: 2004 - 2014 (scale reversed)Costa Rica 10 5.06Lithuania 10 5.06Malaysia 4 5.16Czech Republic 7 5.27Poland 3 5.30Latvia 6 5.41South Africa 5 5.45Italy 3 5.47Slovakia 1 5.50Kuwait 2 5.54Namibia 1 5.56Tunisia 1 5.64Turkey 0 5.79Cuba 3 5.88Greece 2 5.94Croatia 2 5.96Saudi Arabia 0 6.06Ghana 3 6.10Bulgaria 6 6.13El Salvador 5 6.17Montenegro 0 6.18Rwanda 0 6.19Brazil 4 6.24Colombia 3 6.29Georgia 1 6.35Lesotho 2 6.35Romania 10 6.37China 10 6.44Peru 8 6.44Macedonia 1 6.45Thailand 5 6.47Serbia 0 6.47Suriname 2 6.49Panama 1 6.55Jamaica 0 6.58Morocco 0 6.59Burkina Faso 0 6.63Mexico 6 6.63Sri Lanka 2 6.65Senegal 3 6.70India 2 6.71Swaziland 0 6.71

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TI CPI ScoreCount of Implicated Average: 2004 - 2014

Country Officials: 2004 - 2014 (scale reversed)Djibouti 0 6.85Gabon 1 6.88Malawi 6 6.91Egypt 1 6.92Algeria 2 6.96Moldova 3 6.97Mongolia 1 6.97Benin 2 6.97Madagascar 0 6.98Liberia 3 6.98Zambia 9 7.01Tanzania 2 7.01Albania 6 7.02Armenia 0 7.03Argentina 5 7.03Dominican Republic 1 7.06Mali 0 7.08Guatemala 4 7.13Lebanon 0 7.13Bolivia 6 7.16Gambia 0 7.20Mozambique 2 7.22Vietnam 1 7.24Mauritania 1 7.27Niger 3 7.30Philippines 5 7.32Ethiopia 2 7.34Indonesia 22 7.35Nicaragua 2 7.38Syria 0 7.38Uganda 0 7.39Togo 0 7.39Eritrea 0 7.43Nepal 4 7.45Belarus 0 7.46Kazakhstan 2 7.46Honduras 1 7.46Ecuador 1 7.46Iran 0 7.47Comoros 2 7.50Ukraine 1 7.52Russia 3 7.56

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TI CPI ScoreCount of Implicated Average: 2004 - 2014

Country Officials: 2004 - 2014 (scale reversed)Sierra Leone 0 7.59Pakistan 4 7.60Cameroon 3 7.67Nigeria 8 7.69Laos 0 7.69Libya 0 7.69Azerbaijan 1 7.69Yemen 0 7.70Paraguay 0 7.72Kenya 3 7.75Central African Republic 1 7.77Cote d’Ivoire 1 7.78Zimbabwe 2 7.79Bangladesh 6 7.79Congo 0 7.82Kyrgyzstan 4 7.86Tajikistan 0 7.88Guinea-Bissau 0 7.90Burundi 0 7.93Cambodia 1 7.93Angola 0 7.94Venezuela 3 7.95Guinea 1 7.99DRC 0 8.01Equatorial Guinea 0 8.10Uzbekistan 1 8.16Turkmenistan 0 8.18Chad 0 8.21Haiti 0 8.23Iraq 0 8.28Myanmar 1 8.40Somalia 0 8.84


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Appendix B: Summary Statistics of Variables used in Regressions

Variable Mean (Std. Dev.) Min. Max. N

Enforce 2.27 (2.99) 0 22 154LibDem 0 (1) -2.99 1.59 147TI 5.97 2.05 0.62 8.84 154Pop. (logged) 16.23 (1.51) 13.09 21.02 153Insecurity 5.60 (2.43) 1 9.96 153% Rural 0.43 (0.22) 0 0.9 153% Protestant 0.10 (0.19) 0 0.98 147% Catholic 0.31 (0.36) 0 0.97 149% Muslim 0.25 (0.37) 0 1.00 149British Colony 0.26 (0.44) 0 1 154


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Appendix C: Description of Electoral Democracy Measures

Cheibub, Gandhi and Vreeland (2010). As explained on page 69, for a regime to be democratic,both the chief executive office and the legislative body must be filled by elections. Contestationoccurs when there exists an opposition that has some chance of winning office as a consequence ofelections. This entails three features:

• Ex ante uncertainty: the outcome of the election is not known before it takes place.

• Ex post irreversibility: the winner of the electoral contest actually takes office.

• Repeatability: elections that meet the first two criteria occur at regular and known intervals.

In operationalizing the above features, a regime is classified as a democracy if it meets the require-ments stipulated in all of the following four rules:

1. The chief executive must be chosen by popular election or by a body that was itself popularlyelected.

2. The legislature must be popularly elected.

3. There must be more than one party competing in the elections.

4. An alternation in power under electoral rules identical to the ones that brought the incumbentto office must have taken place.

Geddes, Wright and Frantz (2014). As explained on page 6 of the codebook, democracy isdefined as a regime in which the executive achieved power through

a. A direct competitive election in which at least ten percent of the total population (equivalentto about 40 percent of the adult male population) was eligible to vote; or

b. Indirect election by a body, at least 60 percent of which was elected in direct reasonably fair,competitive elections (defined in the same way as for directly elected executives); or

c. Constitutional succession to a democratically elected executive.

In addition, elections are not considered reasonably competitive if

• One or more large party is not allowed to participate; and / or

• There are widespread reports of violence, jailing, and/or intimidation of opposition leaders orsupporters; and/or

• There are credible reports of vote fraud widespread enough to change election outcome (espe-cially if reported by international observers); and/or

• The incumbent so dominates political resources and the media that observers do not considerelections fair.


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Boix, Miller and Rosato (2012). As explained on pages 1530-1531, a country is defined asdemocratic if it meets the following conditions for both contestation and participation:

1. The executive is directly or indirectly elected in popular elections and is responsible eitherdirectly to voters or to a legislature.

2. The legislature (or the executive if elected directly) is chosen in free and fair elections.

3. A majority of adult men has the right to vote.

Table 7: Correspondence between Various Electoral Democracy Classifications

Cheibub et al. Dem = 0 Cheibub et al. Dem = 1 missingBoix et al. Dem = 0 50 3 4Boix et al. Dem = 1 4 76 1missing 2 4

N overlap = 133corr = 0.89

Geddes et al. Dem = 0 Geddes et al. Dem = 1 missingBoix et al. Dem = 0 47 1 9Boix et al. Dem = 1 1 75 5missing 6 1

N overlap = 124corr = 0.97

Geddes et al. Dem = 0 Geddes et al. Dem = 1 missingCheibub et al. Dem = 0 48 3 5Cheibub et al. Dem = 1 1 73 9missing 5 1

N overlap = 125corr = 0.93