Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Demand and Elasticity

Transcript of Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Page 1: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Demand and Elasticity

Page 2: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.




Quantity12 16



h= (12-16)/((12+16)/2))/


= - (4/14)/(3/4.5)




- 0.429

Reviewing arc elasticity

Page 3: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.




Quantity110 16






A review problem with arc elasticity.

Page 4: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Point Elasticity

= (dQ/dP) x (P/Q)

Review Perfectly inelastic demand, Perfectly elastic demand.

Page 5: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Unitary price elasticity

Page 6: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Price elasticity and total revenue and marginal revenue

Page 7: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Price elasticity changes along a curve.

Page 8: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Empirical price elasticities.

Page 9: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Price elasticities by degree of luxury on an airline.

Page 10: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Supply curve





QSuppose that three different experts working for the Deptof Health estimated the demandfor cigarettes differently. Rate thedemand curves from perfectlyinelastic to the most elastic.

Elasticity is important for cigarette policy.

Page 11: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Supply curve








Then suppose that cigarettesare taxed by T dollars per pack.

Page 12: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.
Page 13: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Sup p ly c urve

D 1

D 2

D 3


QSup p o se tha t thre e d iffe re nt e xp e rts wo rking fo r the De p to f He a lth estim a ted the d e m a ndfo r c ig a re tte s d iffe re ntly. Ra te thed em a nd c urve s fro m p erfe c tlyine la stic to the m ost e la stic .

Page 14: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

So, how elastic is the demand of cigarette buyers?

The news item states the Surgeon General’s report that this demand elasticity in absolute value is between 0.3 and 0.5.

Page 15: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Increasing the Michigan price of cigarettes approximately $3.50 to $4.25 is a nearly 25% increase.

To calculate the implied reduction in MI smoking, multiple the 25% times the elasticity estimate (0.3 to 0.5).

That is, a 7.5% to a 12.5% reduction.

Page 16: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

On the tax revenue side:

Tax revenue is quantity change times tax change.

So, the change in tax revenue is likely to be:

A (1.00-.075) x Q x $0.75 to (1.00-.125) x Q x $0.75 increase.

Page 17: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Granholm’s administration estimates that this will amount to a $30,000,000 gain in tax revenue for the state, and 150,000 fewer smokers in Michigan. Because the cigarette elasticity for teenagers is larger, Granholm estimates that 94,000 (fewer?) teens will take up smoking in the state. Freep 2/10/04

Page 18: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

A useful formula involving price elasticity states that

MR = P(1 + 1/)

Proven this way: We know that d(PQ)/dQ = (dP/dQ)Q + P MR

So, MR = (P/P)[(dP/dQ)Q + P] =

P[dP/dQ)Q/P + 1] = P(1 + 1/)

Page 19: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Income elasticity:

nY = (dQ/dY) x (Y/Q)

Page 20: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Income elasticity empirically.

Page 21: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Cross Price Elasticity

XY = (dQx/dPy)x(Py/Qx)

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Min WageA B


The Minimum Wage Problem

Page 23: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Pric e

Q ua ntity



M in Wa g eB


The M inim um Wa g e Prob lem

Le ss e la stic la b o rd e m a nd m e a nsle ss d e c line in e m p lo ym e nt

Page 24: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.



De m A

De m B Sup p A

Sup p B

Whe the r fa rm e rs b e ne fit fro m a b um p e rc ro p d e p e nd s o n the e la stic ity o f d e m a nd

Page 25: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Pric e

Q ua ntity

Dem a nd (ine la stic c a se)





Revenue effect when demand is inelastic.

Page 26: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Q ua ntity

Pric e

De m a nd

Pe rfe c tly e la stic d e m a nd

Page 27: Demand and Elasticity. Reviewing arc elasticity A review problem with arc elasticity.

Q ua ntity

Pric e

De m a nd

Pe rfe c tly ine la stic d e m a nd