Delta2 PDA EP Stage 4 Background Essay

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Delta2 PDA EP Stage 4 Background Essay

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Task-Based Teaching for Lower Level Learners

PDA: Experimental Practice

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Table of Contents

1. Definition of TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching):.........................................4

2. Task Based Stages:.............................................................................................6

2.1 Pre-Task:......................................................................................................6

2.2 Task Cycle:...................................................................................................7

2.2.1 Task:......................................................................................................7

2.2.2 Planning:................................................................................................8

2.2.3 Report:...................................................................................................8

3. Language Focus:.................................................................................................9

3.1 Analysis:.......................................................................................................9

3.2 Practice:.......................................................................................................9

4. Professional Interest:.......................................................................................10

5. Objectives for Learners:...................................................................................11

6. Objectives for Teacher:....................................................................................11

7. Evaluation Procedures:....................................................................................12


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8. Commentary:...................................................................................................13




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1. Definition of TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching):

In teaching classes of English as a second language, the concept ‘task’ has become

a very important element. It is shaping how course books design their syllabi and

teaching approaches (Nunan, 2004). Tasks were used as a research tool in the

mid-1980s (Richards & Rogers, 2001); therefore a lot of classroom research on

second language acquisition is supported by TBLT.

“The idea behind TBL [Task-Based Learning] is that students will learn

to communicate in the language by doing tasks in the classroom…

The focus is completely on task completion and therefore students

are free to use whatever language they have at their disposal to

accomplish this.” (Willis, 1996:32)

TBLT was also defined as the approach based on the use of tasks as the main core

of planning and instructions in language teaching (Richards & Rogers, 2001).

Accepting task as the main core of this approach brings more questions about

task type, task purpose, and TBLT principles and practices. Long (1985) defined

the target task as a piece of work which includes almost everybody’s daily tasks


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(e.g. painting a fence, buying a pair of shoes, writing a letter, and … etc). In his

definition, Long (1985) included some non-linguistic outcome tasks like “painting

a fence” which might not require any language. This is very broad definition of

task highlights the need to connect learners’ real life needs to classroom practices

and their effect on learners’ outcome, but it can be classified as a definition of a

real task more than a pedagogical task.

To differentiate between the two task types, it is good to think about where every

task happens as Nunan (2001) noted “I will draw a basic distinction what I will call

real-world or target tasks and pedagogical tasks are those that occur in the

classroom” (p.1).

Seeking a definition for a pedagogical task we can simply refer to a task that was

taken from real-life to classroom. Richards, et al. (1986) noted that a pedagogical

task could be an activity which is carried out as a result of processing and

understanding language. The modification of a real-world task to become a

pedagogical task before introducing it in a classroom is very essential. For

example, asking students to draw a map to a certain place after reading about

directions to this place. These variant definitions of task have one common thing

which is that any task involves a communicative language use in which users’


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attention is focused more on meaning rather than form (Nunan, 2004). In

addition, learners are free to use a range of language structure to achieve task

outcome (Willis & Willis, 2001). However, it is a fact that in TBLT, grammar is

always used as a tool to illustrate meaning.

2. Task Based Stages:

As the first significant person in TBL, I would like to include his definition of TBL at

this stage. Prabhu (1987) defined task as “an activity which required learners to

arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought,

and which allowed teachers to control and regulate that process” (p.24). Getting

learners to arrive at an outcome requires certain stages which facilitate this

process. This section presents different stages of task based framework, according

to Willis & Willis (2001). See appendix 1.

2.1 Pre-Task:

At this stage, the teacher introduces the students to the topic in order to activate

their knowledge of the topic. The teacher outlines the task and then gets the

students to brainstorm some ideas of what types of things they might use for the

task. For example, getting them to see my last week shopping list and think about


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what they want to buy on this weekend for a shopping task. Only necessary

vocabulary could be taught here. This stage helps students to understand

instructions and students may hear a recording of other people doing the same

task (Willis, 1996).

2.2 Task Cycle:

This stage offers students a chance to use language they already know in order to

carry out the task and then to improve their language under the teacher’s

guidance, while planning their reports on the task. There are three components of

this stage:

2.2.1 Task:

Students are allowed to give suggestions in pairs or groups, about their ideas

about the task. The task phase is meant to be completely communicative and

student-centered, where the students use whatever language they have at their

disposal to achieve goals of the task. The teacher observes, encourages and

comments briefly on content (Willis, 1996). The teacher’s role during the task

stage is supposed to be less active, and he should encourage students, forgive


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errors, interrupt only to help, and notice the language students are using and act

as a time keeper (Willis, 1996).

2.2.2 Planning:

This stage just comes in the middle of a task cycle. It follows the task stage and

precedes the report one. At this stage, students prepare to report to the whole

class (spoken or written). The teacher’s role here is that of a language advisor.

Learners plan their reports effectively and maximize their learning opportunities.

The teacher may decide on different student roles in each group (e.g. speaker,

secretary, time keeper and chairman) in order to facilitate their participation in

the report stage.

2.2.3 Report:

The teacher selects the speakers from each group to report to the other groups or

to the whole class. The teacher’s role is to observe, sum up and comment on

contributions. See appendix 1.


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3. Language Focus:

This stage allows students to study specific language features presented during

the task cycle. Students examine the forms and understand the meaning and use

of the vocabulary presented in the task (Willis, 1986). Language focus has two


2.3 Analysis:

The teacher prepares these analysis activities to allow students to examine and

discuss specific features of the text. For example, students can read a description

of a neighborhood to notice the use of place prepositions. Also, this stage helps

students to broaden their understanding of meaning which they have become

familiar with during the task.

2.4 Practice:

At this stage, students get a chance to practice the target language correctly

through controlled practice exercise, which can be any typical practice activity

where the students are required to use the target language correctly.


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4. Professional Interest:

The exponents of TBL introduced it as a natural extension of the communicative

approach (Willis, 2001). TBL is applied to traditional classrooms to increase

learners’ motivation and performance. My interest in this approach came from

my experience with pre-intermediate Saudi students, as they are least motivated

to participate. Advanced students are usually more motivated than pre-

intermediate learners; therefore, TBL as an extension of communicative approach

enhances their motivation and performance.

In PDA action pan, I stated learner’s autonomy to be one of the essential issues I

need to equip my learners with. This group of learners is usually taught through

PPP teaching approach (present-practice-produce). Although this approach

seemed convenient for them as pre-intermediate learners, using PPP with this

group made them dependent. TBL is known as a good approach to increase

learners’ independence and enhance their autonomy (Benson, 2002). Lower level

learners usually look at their teachers as information sources, through this

approach they will be able to figure out the target language through a task.

TBL is leading to a less teacher-centered lesson (Nunan, 2004), as it is

implementing a student-centered lesson. In my observed lessons, it was noted


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that my lesson is more teacher-centered than student-centered one. TBL is my

option to run a student-centered lesson.

5. Objectives for Learners:

- The learners have the chance to work more independently, and have their

autonomy raised.

- Learners have the chance to work collaboratively on problem solving.

- Learners get a chance to have more learner-centered lessons.

- Learners get a chance to contribute to their learning outcomes by deciding

on what to do and how to do and how to do it.

- Learners have a chance to feel open to the possibility of planning and

monitoring their own work.

6. Objectives for Teacher:

- To increase learners autonomy and creativity.

- To provide a communicative atmosphere to enable learners to work

collaboratively to complete tasks.


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- To provide an opportunity for learners to engage in self and peer


- To experiment with, and decide, whether task-based learning is a

convenient approach for lower level learners.

- To provide learners with a chance contribute to planning and monitoring

their work.

- Getting learners to consolidate their understanding of meaning before


- To provide a chance to deal with the target language in a more analytical

than mechanical approach.

7. Evaluation Procedures:

To evaluate achieving both my and learners’ objectives, I decided on two

questionnaires. One will be completed by the learners, where they evaluate their

benefit of using the TBL approach. In addition, I will evaluate the difficulty of the

task and impact of pair and group work on students’ development. The other

questionnaire will be completed by a colleague who will observe the lesson and

evaluate the effectiveness of using the approach.


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The following observation procedures will be done as follows:

1. I will monitor the learners in the various stages to see if they are engaged

with the task and working collaboratively.

2. There will be a teacher peer observation where a form will be completed

during the session.

3. There will also be a questionnaire for the learners to complete after the


8. Commentary:

Creating a communicative atmosphere in classrooms and motivating students

were and still is the greatest interest for teachers. The teaching approach is one of

the main factors which decide on those areas in classrooms. TBLT is widely

accepted nowadays as the natural extension to the communicative approach.

Therefore, I choose the task-based approach for this experiment. I have not tried

this approach before, though I heard of it before in several teacher training

events. I liked the idea, but I have never got the chance to experiment with it

before this course.


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I choose the topic of shopping for a trip, as it is very common for my pre-

intermediate students, and they usually practice this at least once a week. I have

also decided on the task of completing a shopping list for a three-night prize in

Barcelona, as I expected my students to be excited about it. Therefore, I got some

shopping catalogues to make the task as authentic as possible. I planned my

lesson according to Willis’s (1996) framework for task-based teaching:

- Teaching objectives / Warmer

The teacher outlines the task and then gets the students to brainstorm some


- Task cycle

- Task demonstration / instruction

Students are allowed to give suggestions (in pairs or groups) about their ideas on

the task. The task phase is meant to be completely communicative and student-


- Doing the task


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At this stage, the students prepare to report to the whole class (spoken or

written). The teacher’s role here is that of a language advisor. The students plan

their reports effectively and maximize their learning opportunities.

- Preparing and giving a report

The teacher selects a speaker from each group to report to other groups or to the

whole class.

- Language focus

This stage allows students to study specific language features presented during

task cycle.


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- Long, H, M and Graham C. Volume 26, 1992.Three Approaches to Task-

based Syllabus Design, TESOL Quarterly.

- Nunan, David. 1989. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom.

Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

- Nunan D. (2004) Task Based Language Teaching, Cambridge University


- Richards J. & Rodgers T (2001) Approaches and methods in Language

Teaching, Cambridge University Press

- Skehan, P. (1998) A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford: OUP

- Willis J.(1996) A framework for Task Based Learning. Longman.


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1: TBLT Framework.