Delta Communicator Issue 2

Delta Communicator UNITED FEDERATION STARFLEET Issue 22011 Stardate 110326 DELTA COMMUNICATOR Part of United Federation Starfleet Incorporated


Newsletter magazine for United Federation Starfleet, a Not For Profit Star Trek Fan Organization

Transcript of Delta Communicator Issue 2

Page 1: Delta Communicator Issue 2


Delta Communicator


Issue 2—2011

Stardate 110326

DELTA COMMUNICATOR Part of United Federation Starfleet Incorporated

Page 2: Delta Communicator Issue 2

A Word from the Editor

As time goes by many

things happen around the

world. Earthquakes,

Tsunami's, Famine,

Disease etc.

One thing that UFS can

always pride itself on is

coming together as a

group of people not only

in a fan organisation but as

the Human Species.

I would like to take this

opportunity to thank every

single person that has

donated time, effort,

lindens, or even a thought

to things such as Relay for

Life and the Tsunami

Relief Fund. This is one of

the reasons that makes it

worthwhile to write for this

publication, to report on

the great things that

people do throughout the


Be Strong

Be Proud

Be Starfleet

Editor - Kermie Mistwallow

[email protected]

This Issue

P.1 Word from Editor and Contents

P.2 Admirals Corner

P.3 & P.4 Getting to Know you

P.5 & P.6 Subspace Communications

P.7 & P.8 Featured Article - UFS Science Branch

P.9 Seeking out new grids and new metaverses

P.10 & 11 Recruitment

02 March - 2011

Page 3: Delta Communicator Issue 2

THE ADMIRALS CORNER The present world has been rocked by a tremendous tragedy . . . no pun intended. The massive earthquake off the coast of Japan, and ensuing tsunami, has

literally captivated the world, but the destruction is just literally heart wrenching. Even as this is being written, there are still no hard numbers in terms of the

number of lives that were lost, but the estimates are expected to be very high.

I would ask that all of you take a moment and say a prayer for the lives of those that were lost in the earthquake and tsunami. It's too early to tell if the UFS

will do a fundraiser for the victims in Japan, but if you would like to help on your own, information on how you can contribute can be found at

Although it's been a while since we last held a town hall, we had mentioned several open positions within Command. I'm very proud to say that the following

positions have been filled:

* Head of Public Relations & Marketing - Jen Clowes

* Recruiting & Retention - Jonathon Seriman

* UF Starfleet Historian and Archivist - Trennek Yuitza

* Heraldry - Decimuss Silverweb

* Quartermaster - Hidalgo Dorchester

* Support Services - Madadh Magic

* Sector Commander for Excalibur Sector (OSGrid) - Piper Mureaux

We still have a few more positions open within Command, that needs to be filled. Those positions are:

* Command Master Chief

* Director of Intellectual Property Management

* Web and Graphics Designer

* Sector Commander for Genesis Sector (UFS Grid)

These positions are important ones, as they help to keep things functioning behind the scenes. These are essential to continue to move the UFS forward into

the future. If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact my Chief of Staff, Zania Turner.

This brings me to the next and more important topic behind this edition's Admiral's Corner.


This is something that I know is a bit of a sensitive issue, as it's been over a year since the new duty uniforms came out for cadets and then also for officers.

Everyone is going to have their own opinions when it comes to the uniforms; however, something that can't be denied is the fact that we have been in need of

a new version for sometime.

The uniforms we previously had were created by someone who decided to sell them within his own store after he left the UFS. Our uniforms were then no

longer unique, as anyone could buy them from his store, or from the Marketplace. The potential of someone acquiring one of those uniforms, wearing it, and

then making the UFS look bad through their actions was very high.

Although the creator of the uniforms sells them, we provide them to our members for free. creation.

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As a result, we realized that it was in our best interest to start rotating out some of the uniforms for new ones. The new ones have taken considerable time to

create and develop, and that is due to the shading, texturing, and the overall quality involved. It's not an easy or quick task by any means; however, the

results can easily be seen when you compare our old uniforms to our new ones side by side. But, in order to maintain the high level of quality control, only

certain individuals are allowed to work on the uniforms. It's not something that we can just entrust to a person who doesn't have a lot of experience with

clothing creation.

Because it takes considerable time to create these high quality uniforms and all of the accessories that go with it, it's the reason why we aren't rushing to try

and replace all of our uniforms right away. So far, we've replaced only the standard duty uniform and the light combat ones. We want to make sure that

anything that is created not only is unique and not used by any other Trek group, but also is of a very high quality and doesn't have any embarrassing newbie

mistakes when it comes to clothing creations - poor texture alignment, broken seams, or other things that would just detract from the quality.

Now, I understand that a few people have concerns regarding some of the remaining uniforms from our previous uniform creator, as well as the colours with

the existing uniforms. Please rest assured that eventually both the Mess Dress uniform and Class Bs will also be receiving a much-needed facelift. Once that is

done, the improvement in quality should be so high to where our Operations and Security officers won't think that they look like a banana.

But, the whole reason why we also have uniforms is so we can look exactly that . . . uniform. Starfleet is a military organization, where there are rules and

regulations to be followed. When one is on duty, they are expected to wear their standard duty uniforms. When there is a special ceremony, then the Class B

uniforms are to be worn, and in other special events the Mess Dress uniform.

Those that do disagree with the uniform policy are welcome to bring their concerns to me directly, however, I do expect a mature, adult, and civilized

presentation of the problem, as well as a number of solutions to resolve that problem. I am always open to such input, no matter what aspect of the UFS that

it involves.

I hope that, those who do have such concerns, will take advantage of our head of Support Services, Madadh Magic, as well as my Chief of Staff, Zania Turner,

to bring forth your ideas, input, and concerns. Only when you make your voice heard in a mature, respectful, and civilized way and to the right people can

your ideas really be considered and possibly made reality.

These positions are not easy ones, by any means. They involved a lot of hard work and effort, which some do not realize until after they've taken on the role,

leading them to either not be able to do the job as intended and they end up being reassigned or they step down. It takes a very dedicated person, who is

willing to step up and lead from the front - almost to the point of hyper-activity - in order to take on some of these positions.

This applies especially for the Sector Commander positions, where those individuals serve as my representatives on those grids. I know that some have

reservations about our expanding to other grids; however, the opportunities that are present there will help us to continue to see unprecedented growth and

ensure the future of the UFS for a long time to come.

BenjaminBastian Hermans may be new to the position, but he has been doing an amazing job so far. He's really taken the lead, and can serve as a role model

of how one can serve as a Sector Commander. I applaud him, as well as the efforts of Marie Lawson who helped to keep things running for so long in spite of

the difficulties that she endured.

One thing we also have to keep in mind is that many of these positions are filled by volunteers - individuals who give up their own personal time in order to

work for the UFS, with the only payment they get is the gratification and self-satisfaction that they've done an amazing job. Even if you don't believe that

you're cut out for one of the positions in Command, there are other ways to volunteer and get involved with the UFS, which I would highly encourage you to


You can help to greet visitors in the Welcome Centre. You could DJ and provide music for the entertainment of everyone, or even host one of the many events

scheduled by Events Management. You could write articles for the Delta Communicator, or help to represent the UFS at external events like Relay for Life,

Burning Life, the Resident vs Linden snowball fight, or other major Second Life social functions. If you are interested, please contact Zania Turner or Kermie


No matter what you see as your path within the UFS, I encourage you to step up and get involved. Only when you do so will your talents contribute to the

whole, and we can work together to create a much brighter and more successful future for United Federation Starfleet!

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Name: Mike Calhoun

Rank: Admiral

Position: Commander in Chief

Species: Xenexian

Bio: Mike entered Starfleet Academy in 2365, graduating in 2369. He had

several reprimands during his academy career ranging from

unauthorized use of simulators to execution of dangerous flight

manoeuvres during flight training. His career has been a long one,

starting as an Ensign aboard the USS Audacious to finally becoming

Commander in Chief of UF Starfleet in 2381.

Name: Jadia Triellis

Rank: Commander

Position: Commander UF Starfleet

Species: Advirian

Bio: Born on Adviria VII, a reclusive planet within the Delta Quadrant.

She went through the Academy with a dutiful mind, learning, reading,

taking every class she could to become all the more well versed. Soon

after the Academy she became the CO of PRF and working her way

up to the Position she holds today, always helpful and always


Name: Taylorholic Durant

Rank: Commodore

Position: UF Starfleet Chief of Staff

Species: Human

Bio: Enrolling in Starfleet academy back in 2370, Tay Tay as she is known to

her friends has been around longer than most tribbles have infested the

plasma conduits. Her extensive career has shown many of her virtues she still

holds today, including loyalty, dedication and above all else being


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Name: Valerius Swansong

Rank: Commander

Position: Chief of UF Starfleet Operations

Species: Augmented Human

Bio: Valerius was "born" in 1970 and is five times stronger than an

average human. In 1996, just prior to the launch of the SS Botany

Bay he vanished, along with 91 of the other Augments commanded by

Khan. He suddenly reappeared in 2384, on the colony world of Pinastri

in the Delta Quadrant, the subject of a space/time anomaly. Following

his arrival, and prior to joining Starfleet Academy, Valerius worked as

Bar Manager aboard USS Shogun, NCC 73812.

Name: Kermie Mistwallow

Rank: Commander

Position: Chief of UF Starfleet Communications

Species: Orion

Bio: Hailing from a small blue patch of light in the far end of the Milky

Way Galaxy, Kermie Mistwallow proves consistently that although it's

not easy being green, a lot of fun can be had. Providing you don't tell

him about the ducks. He joined UFS Academy by accident, thinking

there was free wrong he was.... He can be found more

often than not spinning tunes, and the message of UFS, at events,

discos, and the Welcome Centre.

Name: Zed Drebin

Rank: Commodore

Position: UF Starfleet Academy Superintendent / Senior UFS Advisor

Species: Human

Bio: Zed spends most of his time sitting in his rocking chair watching as the

kids step on his lawn. Zed's most known phrase is "gerrof my lawn". Known

to have an army of gnomes to take over the galaxy he is well versed in a

multitude of languages ranging from typonese to the well coverted zedenese.

He remains to have his open door policy except when its closed.

Page 7: Delta Communicator Issue 2 Summoner Castaignede

A little known gem, the

Subspace Communications

Hub provides a cheerful – if

silly – and friendly space

for members and friends of

UFS alike, to meet, greet

and enjoy each other's

company. Founded and

owned by Sniper Schridde,

the Hub can be found on

an Internet Relay Chat

service (known henceforth

as IRC), which is easily

accessible. Yours truly

takes a look at those

means of accessing it...

I've been using IRC for quite a number of years now. I remember in my teens, joining a channel based around a musical version of a favourite cartoon I had. It's really not that hard to use or set up the software for IRC. In fact, those of you with Phoenix Viewer might already be aware of the IRC option provided in the program.

As mentioned above, Sniper Schridde owns and maintains the IRC. We also have other staff members – Zed Drebin, one of the maintainers, is the most senior after Sniper; then there's Kermie Mistwallow and myself (I go by the name of “Summ” there): we're the moderators, who keep an eye on the main channel and provide a hand to those users in need, from kicking a stuck nickname (although we generally prefer you use the Ghost command – more on that later), to offering reminders of basic IRC commands, such as changing one's nickname.

UFS Subspace


Hub: The IRCing on

the Cake

We talk to Summoner

Castaignede about Internet Relay

Chat (IRC) and how you can join.

Most conversation happens in the main room, labelled #ufstarfleet. However, we do have other rooms on the server that serve

other parts of the fleet. So, for example, the Marines have their own room, #TunTavern. The Academy also has their own

room, #Academy, where staff gather to talk.

So, how do you access the IRC?

There are a few ways to do this: the first is using Mibbit, a browser-based “client” which utilises scripts to provide access.

This is a common method, although back when we started using it, we did have some issues with people being unable to

access the IRC owing to limits on how many people could use it at once. This seems to have calmed down since, but it still

may occasionally disconnect without you realizing it. For this reason, Mibbit isn't a method I would encourage, but it's handy

if you just want to connect with minimal fuss. (Mibbit)

The second is via Phoenix Viewer, if you have it. To do this, go to your “Communicate” window and select the “IRC” tab.

Press the “New” button at the side, and fill out the following details:

Settings Tag: UFS IRC

Nick: please use your Second Life name so we know who you are. You can use your first name, or just run your fore and sur

names together into one word.

Nick Password: You only need to fill this out if you already identify to NickServ. We'll come back to this later.

Server: – and leave the 6667 alone!

Server Password: No need to fill this out.

Channel: #ufstarfleet

Channel Password: Ignore this.

You can leave the “Connect Automatically” option ticked if you want, but I would personally un-tick it so you don't get

connected to IRC as soon as you log in to SL.

Click the “save” button, and your new option will appear in the “Communicate” window, then click, “IM/Call”, and you will

get connected to the IRC!

The third method is to use a dedicated client, such as Mirc, Quassel, Xchat, Colloquy, Lime Chat, Ice Chat, and many others.

Firefox browser also has its own client, Chatzilla, and some multi-purpose communications software such as Pidgin and

Trillian, have their own means of connecting. As with Phoenix Viewer, you would be filling out a tag, your chosen nick, and

these details:


Port: 6667 (6697 for SSL, which provides secure encryption.)

Some may also have a box for channels, in which you can type, “#ufstarfleet”. In the event that they don't, just type “/join

#ufstarfleet” once you're connected to the server, and you'll be added to the room.

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UFS Subspace Communications Hub: The IRCing on the Cake

Cont... We have a number of tutorials available on the forum, which are available here. Feel free to type up your own tutorials if we missed your chosen client and bring

our attention to it!

So, now that you're on IRC, what can you do?

As mentioned, we have other rooms – such as Tun Tavern or the Academy channel. To go to these rooms, just type “/join #TunTavern” or “/join #Academy”. You

can even create your own channels by using this join command – try it sometime!

You might also want to change your nick (especially if Mibbit gave you a generic number name), in which case, type “/nick yourname”, remembering that it

should be your SL name, and all one word. You might even want to protect your nickname from being taken by others – so for that, we would register with

NickServ, a service provided by our chatbot, M5.

Quick caveat: I would do the following in the server window rather than the #ufstarfleet channel window.

Go to your server window, and type in: “/msg NickServ REGISTER password email”, replacing password with one of your choosing – please make sure it's not

something guessable, but is at least memorable, and never EVER give away your password to anyone. Also provide your email address where it says email, and

press enter. NickServ will reply that your nickname has been registered. When you log in, from now on, you can give your password (“/msg NickServ IDENTIFY

password”) to identify yourself to the service. Some folks even have a timeout on how long before you will get kicked if you take a registered nickname without

giving the appropriate password. It's kinda nifty.

Registering with NickServ also provides a couple other benefits: the ability to Ghost your nickname, and the option of having M5 announce you when you arrive.

Why would you want to Ghost your nickname? Well, sometimes, our internet drops out on us, and – just like in SL – our previous connection remains. Which

means that your nick is still in use on the channel, and until it's no longer in use, you cannot use your own nickname. This is where Ghosting comes in handy: the

command kills the session that is hogging your nickname. It can be invoked as thus: “/msg NickServ GHOST nickname password”, providing your nickname and

the password. It will disconnect the previous session and allow you to change to your default nick.

Finally, the M5 announcements. These are commonly seen on IRC, with people providing their rank and billet normally – although some just use them for fun

(Sara and myself have messages reading, “Just Sara” and “Just Summo”. Eddie's is “Blargh”). To get one of these, type in the following: “/msg NickServ SET

greet yourmessagehere”, and provide your message. So, for example, that might be, “=/\= Lt. John Fleetdude: UFS Operations – Communications Specialist =/\=”,

or it might be something as simple as, “:: Just John. Really.::”.

All of this is just the tip of the IRCberg when it comes to what can be done in the Subspace Communications Hub. It's a great resource, providing not only a space

for spirited, and at times silly, banter but also a means of getting help, advice or even holding meetings in a place that everyone can access easily.

Now that you know how to get there, we hope to see you!

Page 9: Delta Communicator Issue 2

UF Starfleet Science Branch Mission Statement

The Science Branch of United

Federation Starfleet has been

making tremendous strides of

late in many areas such as its

Operations, New HQs Personnel,

Structure, Communications and


With 50+ members, Science is

the largest Branch within UFS

and continues to expand to fill

Ships and Stations with qualified

Officers for the purposes of

exploration, discovery,

investigation and research as we

venture out into the Delta

Quadrant from our Pinastri

Colony to colonize other sectors

and make first contacts with

unknown species.

As the UFS main purpose is to

explore, we in Science are

excited about being at the

forefront of discovery from the

time of our first colonization to

expansion into other sectors as

we examine this Quadrant.


The Science Branch is currently

made up of 6 Divisions with 4

Departments in each, as we

represent as many fields of

Science as possible to cover all

aspects of our research into

formerly unknown anomalies,

climates, planet structures and

life forms.

The Divisions and their

Departments of UFS Science

with brief descriptions are:

UFS Science Happenings

Around The Fleet

Captain Kevin Fremont gives us

an update about the UF Starfleet

Science Branch and what is


Evolutionary Sciences Division

Anthropology: The study of

the evolution of a species over


Archaeology: The study of

ancient artefacts and the

advancement of cultures

Palaeontology: Discovering

and studying the remains of

animals and how they evolved

ArcheoAstronomy: Learning

how cultures viewed the stars

and what effect it had on their


Life Sciences Division

Botany: Studying plant life and

how it grows , survives ,


Ecology: The study of how

organisms relate to their


Zoology: Animal life studies

and the discovery of new


Microbiology: The study of

Viruses , Bacteria and that

which cannot be classified as

plant or animal life

Astro Sciences Division

Astronomy: Understanding

the makeup of the universe

thru observations.

Stellar Cartography: The

mapping of star systems to aid

in the exploration of our


Physics: Understanding of the

forces of the universe and

how they react

Quantum Mechanics: Learning

the forces of atomic , sub-

atomic to Quantum Particles

Physical Sciences Division

Chemistry: Understanding the

elements and how they combine

to form molecules and


Geology: Understanding Tectonic

plate shifts , volcanic activity ,

planet cores and the makeup of a


Meteorology: Observing Weather

, Climate , objects and the gas

makeup of a planet's atmosphere

Oceanography: Observing the

liquid makeup of a planet and its

effect on the environment

Technical Sciences Division

Computer Science: Researching and

understanding Computer systems and

how to improve them

Electronics: Studying how electrons

power devices and the research for


Robotics: Developing ways to use

machines in place of life forms for

exploration and discoveries

Research and Development:

Understanding and building of

equipment in the field of Science


Social Sciences Division

Sociology: Studying individuals to

civilizations and how they react to

one another

Psychology: The study of the mind

and how it works and reacts

Philosophy: The use of thinking to

try to explain and study

conclusions and ideas

Theology: The study of the belief

systems of different civilizations

and their effect on their culture

Page 10: Delta Communicator Issue 2

New HQ Personnel

Recently we have gone through a reorganizing of UFS Science, bringing in top notch people to fill positions at HQs.

Our new Vice appointed on February 1st is Commander Lenneir DeCuir. He is helping the BC in his work on Projects, the MSR, L-Cars

(Wiki), Cadet to Officer initiation, Science Doc and Roster, Crew Manifests and the running of the Branch on a day to day basis.

We have a new Yeoman, LT Commander Chronos Xaris, who was previously the Division Head of Physical Sciences. He transferred to the

Operations Branch in order to fill his new position and he is also Dean of Galactic Sciences.

The new Head of Evolutionary Sciences Division which was vacated when Commander DeCuir became Vice is a returning member of

Science. A former CSO of PRF and then a long time CO of PRF, Commander Nabuleone Rhode returns to us from the Command Branch to

fill the Evolutionary Sciences DH position.

There are also several new CSOs throughout the Fleet on board Ships and Stations.

Our expansion to other colonies continues as more are appointed to fill those areas.

Future Plans

Besides the current streamlining and restructuring already taking place, we are embarking on other projects such as increasing the total

number of Departments from 24 to 36, making 6 Divisions with 6 Departments under each to include every possible field within Science

and to give members more opportunities to study in the field of their choice.

A Science Career day will be instituted soon to showcase the Branch to perspective Cadets and Officers to facilitate future growth.

Expansion to other Colonies will continue to be emphasized so that we have representatives in all areas (Grids) in which UFS is located.

Our People

I am so proud of the people of Science and their work in every aspect of UFS. From Commander Rhodes adventures while arriving at SS

Nimbus to LT Offcourses Meteorological reports from PRF, Commander Allens missions as CSO and now CO of PRF, Commander Foxleys

Physics explanations, Commander Fleurys Ecological investigations, Commander DeCuirs work on the L-Cars, Commander Xaris fine work

as Dean of Science and Yeoman and to the many great CSOs and Officers on all the Ships and Stations of UFS. Great job by everyone.

We in the Science Branch go on Missions, conduct RPs, Experiments, Research, Teach, write Science Classes, Build and have alot of fun

learning and enjoying the Starfleet experience!

Hope you have enjoyed this tour of the great things happing in UFS Science.

Captain Kevin Fremont

Science Branch Commander

Gijs and Josiane creating the Solar array

Page 11: Delta Communicator Issue 2

By Cmdr Jadia Triellis

Have you ever wanted to go seek out new life and new civilizations in different sectors? Would you like to explore other

metaverses and spread the name of United Federation Starfleet? Then this article will be the right one for you. United

Federation Starfleet has always been a group that has thus far been synonymous with Second Life. However this is something

that we hope will soon change. As of late UFS has started a massive colonization effort into other sectors and metaverses. The

future does indeed appear to be bright, as more and more officers have decided to take careers within other metaverses to

spread the dream that is United Federation Starfleet. Just where are these other sectors you may ask? The following article

will detail just where these sectors are located as well as what the future holds.

The first sector is Astraios Colony, which based in 3rd Rock Grid, an alternative service to Second life. Located in the Gamma

Quadrant in turbulent space, this colony has been a massive success thus far. This is due to the efforts of many officers

working as one. Astraios Colony is fully operational and includes an orbiting Space station, Academy, and Personal Quarters

that are available for all UFS members. The Colony is under the capable leadership of Lieutenant JG Poison Toocool who along

with her crew works daily to ensure that visiting travellers and new officers are well received. Other individuals who have

worked hard to ensure that Astraios Colony is a success are Osky Oldrich and Darren Reiner. The future appears to be bright

for Astraios Colony as numbers begin to grow, would you like to be part of the continuing adventure of Astraios Colony? Then

go sign up in 3rd Rock Grid, talk to Poison Toocool, and discover more.

Another Sector in which UFS has ventured is Excalibur Sector, based in OS Grid. Excalibur sector is located nearby to Pinastri

Sector and is a pivotal area for defence within the Delta Quadrant. Trailwan Sphere Colony is still developing, however it is

home to SS Excalibur, a weather station, as well as a park area that is quite useful on stressful days. Trailwan Colony is under

the leadership of Lt Piper Mureaux who was recently appointed to get the Colony up and on its feet. In this Colony many

Starfleet officers have a great chance for growth and many leadership positions have yet to be filled. Thanks to the work of

Osky Oldrich and Darren Reiner as well as others, this colony will we hope continue to grow. Would you like to be a part of

Trailwan Sphere Colony within the Excalibur Sector? Talk to Piper Mureaux to discover how you can start this adventure!

Our newest metaverse that we have established a colony within and which we hope will render many new discoveries is

Genesis Sector, based within UFSGrid. UFSGrid is a Star Trek metaverse and as such many different species are represented.

UFS has recently established and begun construction of a new colony. As construction is still in progress there is a great

potential for advancement within this Sector. Positions are available for all branches and temporary command has been given

to Commodore Darren Reiner until such a time as construction is completed or a new Sector Commander can be chosen. Osky

Oldrich and his engineers promise this sector to be a new and fresh start with many surprises and places to explore. Would

you like to get involved? Then visit and start your dream today!

Within these new metaverses and sectors, the future for UFS looks to be bright. With new members joining every day,

expansion is needed to ensure that UFS will continue to grow. Progress has been made both in relationships with other

groups as well as new, fresh leaders to carry the torch and spread the name of United Federation Starfleet. For those

members who decide to join a Colony within another metaverse your work and dedication will not go unnoticed. There are

many leadership positions available there, which provide a chance to show your dedication and commitment to UFS in a way

that not many others choose to do. As UFS continues to grow it is likely that expansions will continue to take place into other

metaverses, so get involved today and don’t be left behind!

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The Excalibur Sector

The Trailwan Colony is located in the Delta Quadrant, Excalibur Sector. It is approximately 13 light-years from the Pinastri System and it would take about

3 weeks to transfer from Excalibur to Pinastri at the cruising speed of Warp 5.

Its one of UF Starfleet's´ colonies and its primary mission is to supply UF Starfleet with rare minerals which are located in the Excalibur Star System.

Within the Colony you will find an starbase called the SS Excalibur the primary headquarters to UFS Excalibur and on ground level of the Excalibur II you

will find an Outpost which houses the UF Starfleet Academy Program (UFSA), Condo's and an weather station which monitors the Sectors weather

conditions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Excalibur Sector is being led by Lieutenant Piper Mureaux. She has been assigned by the Commander-in-Chief and the Director of UF Starfleet

Colonization to run the outpost on an effective and efficient way. Lt. Mureaux primarily will be stationed on the SS Excalibur (on which she also is the

Commanding Officer) to perform the day-to-day tasks which is needed to perform the duties of the Trailwan Sector as per requirements and beyond.

In this early stage of development an high-skilled crew has been assigned to re-construct and re-fit the Colony. This team is under the command of

Captain Osky Oldrich. Also known as Branch Commander of the UF Starfleet Engineering Branch. The work of Captain Oldrich was and still is very much

appreciated by the Officers and Civilians who are currently stationed at the Sector.

Rumours are being spread that several Intelligence Agents have been stationed at the SS Excalibur on an highly-classified mission. These rumours have

not been confirmed or denied by the Sector Commander.

To visit the Excalibur Sector make sure that you've informed your Commanding Officer so that he/she knows about your absence at HQ and inform Lt.

Piper Mureaux about your visit and its nature.

Lieutenant Piper Mureaux

Sector Commander, Excalibur Sector

*Please see the traveling information below for more information.

(To enter the Excalibur Sector you should use the viewer called 'Imprudence' or any familiar to that. Also you should be registered on the

website in order to grand access to the OSG, where Excalibur is located. Before logging in, open your viewer and insert below your name, where it says

'Login at last known location/home' "Starfleet Sector 005" this should be giving you access to the Excalibur Sector) website in order to grand access to the OSG, where Excalibur is located. Before logging in, open your viewer and insert below your

name, where it says 'Login at last known location/home' "Starfleet Sector 005" this should be giving you access to the Excalibur Sector)

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BOLDLY GOING OPENSIM Virtual life has its twists and turns. When I first beamed over to “3rd Rock Grid” I was unsure if I would like it. First of all, it’s not Second Life. “3RG” is an “OpenSim” grid, requiring you to create a new account and avatar in order to enter. Secondly, that meant starting again with one of those awful looking “Ruth” avi’s and building my identity from there (I must have good hair!). Thirdly, I would be part of a handful of Starfleet officers attempting to establish a colony in the Gamma Quadrant, far from Pinastri and the friends I have there. But I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge. There wasn’t much to see when I first arrived on our region. But slowly, over the past weeks, Captain Osky Oldrich, Branch Commander, UFS Engineering, and his team have built us an amazing colony. On the ground our Welcome Centre houses the Academy, Supply, Medical and Security as well as a Cadet lounge; across the way is a beautiful building with Condos for rent by Civilians or Starfleet personnel. Up in high orbit above “Astraios Prime” is the pride of the Sixth Fleet, our now fully operational space station, "SS Astraios". From this location we scan the sector for any threats to the system, study the planet and the surrounding area, plan and conduct our missions, train our cadets on the holo-bridge, and relax on the holo-deck or in the spacious lounge. From the very beginning, I found myself drawn to the 3RG community as a whole. Besides my activities with UF Starfleet, I can take skill-building classes like scripting, animations, clothes-making, terra-forming and others, all taught for free by residents. Not only do you learn some useful things, you get to meet some of the other souls who have made this grid their virtual home. Interesting, vital people who are creatively engaged in making 3RG more than the sum of its parts. Some have even joined us at UFS and we graduated our first cadets at the beginning of March. 3RG was an alien environment to me. A challenging place to be. Differences exist and need to be accepted, or creative ways to work around them devised. But I find myself embracing this strange new world and the people in it. Ensign Poison Toocool Vice Sector Commander Astraios Colony, 3rd Rock Grid

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Welcome to Relay For Life, better known as RFL! By now, you’ve likely seen the kiosks around in key areas of 001 and 002, and – if this is your first time encountering RFL – you likely have some questions. So, without further adieu, we’ll try and answer some of those questions for you! What is RFL? It is a fundraiser that takes place in real life, as well as Second Life, that raises funds for the American Cancer Society. These funds are then used to work with international organizations to try and find the cure for cancer. When does RFL take place? The Second Life component of RFL is from mid-March through mid-July, culminating in a 24-hour “relay” that takes place on a walking track. Camp sites are set up along the track for participants in the “relay” to see. How are donations for RFL collected? Donations are allowed only at approved kiosks and vendors. This insures that the complete amount of the donation is counted toward the team total, and goes to RFL itself. Why create teams for RFL? The amount of dedication necessary for RFL is tremendous, and too much for one person to handle alone. By creating a team for RFL, many individuals can assist with planning and implementing various fundraising events that can help the team increase the amount of donations made. How many years has the UFS participated in RFL? 2011 marks our third year for having a team in RFL. Why have the UFS participate in RFL? There are two simple reasons for our participation. First and foremost, the UFS has lost several individuals due to various types of cancer, including Jodo Questi, Slinky Shell, Azalia Cazalet, and others. Even now, there may be several UFS members who are silently fighting cancer, and we may not even know who they are until they step forth and decide to share their battle with this terrible disease with the rest of us. Second, our participation in RFL is a great way to make the UFS known to the greater Second Life community . . . and what better way to do so than by helping out with a charitable cause that could eventually save the lives of those who have cancer! What is this camp site thing at the end of RFL? All teams that have participated within RFL are welcome to create camp sites around the relay track. They build themed camp sites of their own creation, which the relayers (the individuals who run around the track) can see as they make their laps during the 24 hour relay itself. Some of the camp sites can be absolutely stunning, and people do visit them once the relay is over. We have requested a large camp site for 2011, which will give us extra room and extra prims to create a beautifully landscaped design. How much as the UFS raised during our participation with RFL? For the past two years, we have achieved silver team status (over L$100,000 in donations). When converted to US Dollars, we have made $536 and $480 for the past two years, respectively. That’s over $1000 USD! Does the UFS get any Lindens by participating in RFL? Even though kiosks and vendors may be owned by a UFS member (or someone else), the UFS itself does not get any Lindens from our participation in RFL. The donations at the kiosks and vendors are relayed through the owner to the American Cancer Society, although the teams get credited with the amount of the donation that was made. RFL does have a “sim sponsorship” where someone can donate $250 USD to sponsor one of the RFL sims during the relay itself, and that amount will be credited to our team’s total.

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Can you donate from outside of Second Life, including the other grids? Yes and no. You can donate from other grids, but kiosks and vendors for RFL do not yet exist within the other grids. Whether it's in real life, or from the other grids, you can donate using the Convio - a page through RFL for our team. This will also allow you to donate using a credit card directly, if you don't want to buy the Lindens to doante. Boards will be set up in the other grids soon, which will take you to the URL for our Convio page. We will share the URL for the Convio page as soon as it's ready - and when it is, you can share it with your friends, family, co-workers, on your Facebook page, Twitter account, and anywhere else you want to where the donations will roll in! Who is helping with the UFS team? Within the UFS itself, we have several volunteers who are helping with our RFL efforts, including but not limited to Kermie Mistwallow, Jonathon Seriman, Sarandel Llewellyn, and several others! We've also made an effort to get other groups to team up with us in our efforts to raise funds for RFL, including Galaxy Fleet Command, United Federation Gamma Quadrant, International Federation of Trekkers, Starfleet Galactic, FFESP, and several others. If you know of a Trek-related group that is interested in teaming up with us, please refer them to Zania Turner.

How can I get involved? There's a few ways that you can get involved and help us out, in general: 1) Volunteer to be an event host for the regular UFS schedule of weekly events. 2) Help find other locations where we can hold various RFL fundraisers. 3) Help us secure live entertainment for some of the fundraisers, including singers and bands. 4) Help create, plan, and implement various types of RFL fundraisers, from parties, to auctions, and much, much more! 5) Help us identify and bring other Star Trek related groups on board who are interested in helping out with this endeavour.

6) Help us identify and secure permission at various locations where RFL kiosks for our team can be set out. 7) Help support RFL in general by showing up for the events, and encouraging your friends to also show up and support our efforts! 8) Contact Zania Turner and Kermie Mistwallow to assist with any and all of the above items so you can get involved with RFL!


Special Thanks to


Admiral Mike Calhoun, Commodore Zania Turner, Commander Jadia Triellis, Captain Kevin Fremont, Lieutenant Piper Mureaux, Lieutenant (JG) Summoner Castaignede, Ensign Poison Toocool


The UFS Heraldry Department, Civilian Brandy Mumblewood, Lieutenant (JG) Bailey Brennan


Astraios Colony , Excalibur Colony, S.S Cascadia


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