DELEGATED COOPERATION State of Play (20 November 2012)

DELEGATED COOPERATION State of Play (20 November 2012) 1


DELEGATED COOPERATION State of Play (20 November 2012) . Summary. 1. Main principles & General definitions 2. Delegation Agreements and Transfer Agreements by year 3. Delegation Agreements and Transfer Agreements by region/theme - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of DELEGATED COOPERATION State of Play (20 November 2012)

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State of Play(20 November 2012)


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1. Main principles & General definitions

2. Delegation Agreements and Transfer Agreements by year

3. Delegation Agreements and Transfer Agreements by region/theme

4. Delegation Agreements and Transfer Agreements by agency

5. Some Lessons learnt2

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1. Main principles & General definitions Aid effectiveness:

• Paris Declaration (2005), Accra (2008), Busan (2011)• Agenda for Change (2012)• Code of Conduct on Division of Labour (2007)

Principles:• Ownership• Harmonisation• Alignment


• Use of country systems and Division of Labour3

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→ DELEGATION AGREEMENTManagement of funds entrusted by the European Commission to delegated body from Member States (or other third donor country) under the indirect centralised management mode

→ TRANSFER AGREEMENTManagement of funds entrusted to the European Commission by EU Member States, International Organisations and other public donors

These two types of agreement constitute delegated cooperation


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Management mode overview


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"6-pillar" compliance 1. Expression of interest by the donor body

2. Initial screening by EuropeAid services

3. External audit to assess the "existence and proper operation" on the following “6 pillars”:a. transparent procurement and grant-award

procedures; b. an effective internal control system for

management of operations; c. accounting system that enables the correct use of

EU fundsd. an independent external audit; e. public access to information at the level provided

for in Community regulations;f. adequate annual ex post publication of

beneficiaries of funds deriving from the budget 6

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2. Delegation Agreements (DA) & Transfer Agreements (TA) by year

*As at 20/11/20127

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3. DA/TA by region/theme


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4.1 Delegation Agreements by entity (EU)

9*Figures for DA/TA by entity may differ slightly from those collated by MS

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4.2 Transfer Agreements by entity (EU)

10*Figures for DA/TA by entity may differ slightly from those collated by MS

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4.3 Transfer Agreements by entity (non- EU)


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5. Some lessons learnt 1. Fragmentation

• DA average amount: 5.10 M€• No. of DA below 3M€ : 28/71Range:

• TA average amount: 4.87 M€Range:


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2. Co-financing

• Delegation Agreements

No. of DA signed with no co-financing: 24/71

• Transfer Agreements

100% of TA involved co-financing


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3. Balance: Delegation Agreements/Transfer Agreements

• 71 DA vs. 31 TA

• 362 M€ DA / 151 M€ TA

• Ratio= €2.40 delegated per €1 received