defense mechanisms.


Transcript of defense mechanisms.

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An assignment on Defence Mechanism

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Introduction :- The term ‘ Defence Mechanism’ was first

used by sigmund freud in his paper “The Neuro-Psychoses of defence” (1894).

Anna (1937) developed the ideas given by Freud and elaborated them, adding 5 other own .

In his psychoanalytical theory , Freud explained a defence mechanism is a tactic developed by ego to protect against anxiety .

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A defence mechanism is the act or technique of coping mechanisms that reduce anxiety generated by threats from unacceptable or negative impulses.The process is usually unconscious .

Meaning :-

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For example :- if you are faced with a particularly unpleasant task our mind may choose to forget your responsibility in order to avoid the dreaded assignment . In addition to forgetting , other defence mechanism include rationalization , denial , repression , rejection etc .

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Definition:- in Freudian Psychoanalytical theory, Defence

Mechanism are psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious mind to manipulate , deny or distort reality in order to defend against feelings of anxiety & unacceptable impulses to maintain one’s self schema .

Defence Mechanism , in Psychoanalytical theory , any of a group mental processes that enables the mid to reach compromise solutions to conflicts that is unable to resolve .

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Classification of defence mechanism :-

Based on primitiveness

Primitive less primitive Mature

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Rationalization . Projection .

Regression . Sublimation .

Withdrawal . Displacement .

Fantasy .

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Identification mechanism .

Repression .

Reaction formation .

Negativism .

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Is the substitution of a safe & reasonable explanation for the true cause of behaviour .It occurs when we tell an element of truth but deny the larger truth of the matter .Example:- a student who cheats on a test may say : “I only cheated on a few question , i know most of the answers”.


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2)Regression :-When someone is under a lot of stress, they return to behavior from an earlier stage of development.Also known as back journey .

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Ex:- a lady regressed into adolescent starts to walk , talk or dress like as her younger self .When a person is confronted to some loss may be back journey to a stage which had been more pleasant & successful in his lifetime .

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3)Sublimation :- Satisfying an impulse ( Ex- aggression) with a

substitute object in a socially acceptable way . This is similar to displacement but occurs when

we manage to displace our emotions into a constructive rather than destructive manner .

Refocusing such unacceptable or harmful impulses into productive use helps a person to channel the energy that otherwise would be lost or used in a manner might cause a person more anxiety .

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Example :-Sport is an example of putting our emotions into something constructive .

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4)Withdrawal :-If someone faces failure or rejection they try to withdraw from that situation .Ex:- fear of rejection in making friends .

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5)Displacement :- To transfer an impulse or idea from a

threatening object to a less threatening object .

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Denial involves blocking external events from awareness . If some situation is too much to handle , the person refuses to experience it . Most people use denial in their everyday lives to avoid dealing wit painful feelings or areas of their life they don’t wish to admit .

6)Simple denial

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7) Identification mechanism :- A focus on negative or feared traits i.e. if you are

afraid of someone , you can practically conquer that fear by becoming more like them .

It can be identified as a mental mechanism beyond conscious awareness through which an individual tries to make himself like someone else .

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Example:-an extreme example is Stockholm Syndrome whose hostage identifies with the terrorists .E.g.:- Patty Hearst & the Symbionse Libertian Army .

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8)Fantasy :- Is a sort of imagination which can provide an escape from frustration by giving us imaginary satisfaction .Fantasy is a mechanism of wishful thinking & important for creative thinking

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9) Compensation:- It is a process of psychologically

counterbalancing perceived weakness by emphasizing strength in other areas .

It may be positive or negative . Ex:- when a person says, “I may not know

how to cook but i can sure do the dishes”. or “OK, maybe I’ll never be able to pass the

class, but I’ll have fun and that teacher will be sorry”

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This defence mechanism helps to reinforce a person’s self esteem & self image .

Direct compensation Indirect compensation

when we try to make up the deficiency in the same area by putting more effort , by taking guidance from people, tutors , teachers , guides etc.

Ex:-a physically unattractive adolescent becomes an attractive dancer .

When we try to make up the deficiency of an area into some other area .

Extreme form of indirect compensation in found in parents .

Ex:- If one is not good in sports , they can overcome in studies .

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10) Repression :- This was the first defence mechanism that

Freud discovered & the most important one. It is an unconscious mechanism employed

by the ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts becoming conscious .

It is the withdrawal from consciousness of an unwanted idea, affect or desire by pushing it down or repressing it , into the unconscious part of the mind .

It can be defined as Motivated Forgetting .

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Example:- Hysterical Amnesia , in which the victim has performed or witnessed dome disturbing act & then completely forgotten the act itself & the circumstances surrounding it .

Repression is caused due to forces active within ourselves . We try to forget what makes us feel inferior , ashamed , guilty & anxious .

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11) Reaction formation :- Expressing emotions that are the exactly opposite

of what you feel.Conceal anger/hate with kindness.Teasing/bothering someone you like.

It is converting the dangerous or unacceptable thoughts , feelings or impulses into their opposites.

This is a point where a person goes beyond denial & behaves in the opposite way to which he or she thinks or feel .

It is also called Reversal Formation .

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Example:- a woman , who is very angry with her boss and want to quit instead may be overly kind and generous towards her boss .

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12) Projection:- Is the misattribution of a person’s

undesired thoughts, feelings or impulses onto another person who doesn’t have thoughts, feelings or thoughts .

Projection occurs when an individual threatened by his own angry feelings accuses another of harbouring hostile thoughts .

People deal with unacceptable impulses by acting as if other people have them .

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Example:- spouse cheats on wife and says that she is also a cheater .

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13)Negativism :- Is a mechanism by which an individual

draws the attention of other persons . The person develops strong and irrational resistance in accepting the suggestions of other .

The foundation of this mechanism is laid down in childhood . Most of the adults use negativism in milder forms in special situations . They don’t oppose but they do resist suggestion given by other .

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Conclusion:- Defence mechanism helps to reduce the

anxiety & help an individual to adjust better . But too much of everything is bad . Same is true with defence mechanism . Children should be guarded against too much use of defence mechanism . Because once they start using them it will became a habit with them & later on they will be using it unconsciously .

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References:- McLeod, S. A. (2009). Defense

Mechanisms. Retrieved from .

Defense mechanism: Encyclopaedia Briticana .

John M. Grohol. Psy .D , Psych central .

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Thank you