Defendefse Explanation

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Transcript of Defendefse Explanation

IntroductionOur research is aim to do 2 objectives

First is to know how the students use the internet, where they usually use it and how often the use it.

Second is to find a connection between our first objective and the grades of the students, So that we may be able to answer our problem statement and also to give a proper conclusion to it.

Problem Statement

Is the Internet a good influence on grade 6 students of ADZU?

We ask this question since the internet today is already part of our daily lives, specially the students of ADZU, given the fact that ADZU is considered as one of the top educational facilities in Zamboanga City, we the researchers would like to know how the internet affects the academic performance of the students.


Our framework is a simple flowchart on how we think the internet and the students are connected

Grade 6 Students of ADZU are the main subject of the research

These students use the internet on a daily basis

By using the internet they are able to access multiple information and application

Thru exposure to this information, there are two possible outcome

First is that the exposure will give the benefits and will help them in their academic performance

Second is that exposure to this information will be a hindrance to their studies thus lowering their academic performance

Significance of the Study

To the parents so that they may know on what their children think of the internet and how they use it, so that they may discourage or encourage anything they find not suitable for their children to do.

To students so that they may see how their fellow classmates or schoolmates use the internet and so that they will have a chance to judge whether internet usage is beneficial for them.