Default This zine #1



A zine to celebrate 5 years of putting on gigs!

Transcript of Default This zine #1

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To celebrate


years of gigs we would like to present the

Iop Alb u ns r'o* "" ffl"Jli Hl;'J?#"1'5

I thought nothlng of asking all the bands playing today toconpile a top 5 favourlte aLbuns l1st as if lt was sonethlngyou can just whack out in a few ninutes and be done with it.What I came to realise when conpillng ny own was that,whi.ttling down your nost neaningful records to a nere 5 isan incred.ible ehallenge. I short-listed about 20 albuns, eachof which r felt r had an incredible enotional conneetion to.These aren't just favourlte a]bums because I loved the nusicbut also becanse they represent a certaln tlne, a certalnplace- menoriesr ldeas, frlends. f love the i,dea that the samealbun can have a different signlficance for everyone andthat the muslc we listen to and l_ove so much can shape us aspeople. Picklng ;ust 5 albuns 1s a blt llke atlof the others that n.eant so lguch to us and r actually feltannoyed with myself for nlssing some out. Nevertheless, I'nsure no one wants an entire ehronological history of albumsthat we all love and so top 5 1t is.

Thanks so much to all the bands that took the tlne and effortto conplete thls arduous task! r hope someone finds and fallsin ]ove with at least one record that they haven't heardbefore and that some of these lists renind you of albuns youhaven't heard in ages but w111 go back and llsten to now!

- Kelly

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Kelly's lop 5

f don't have the words to descrlbewhat these albuns nean to lte, I'n justnot articulate enough. I picked nyfavourlte lyrics off eaeh albun instead.Cop out? Probably.

Red Housq ?ainters- Old Ranon'Flnd another corner of th€ houseIfhen you need to get awayHer gultar leane agalnst the couchSonetines I plck it up and playloosen anil stretch 1t's ancient stringsUntil 1t sounds the way I feel'

Slint- $pl<lerland'0oodnight noy loveReeenber lle aa you fa1)_ to sleepF111 your pockets with the clust and themenoriesThat rises f?on the shoes on ny feet'

Karate- ?oekets'Ihrough a pastlche of painlees princi-p1esand :'epeated dlstant-heart clesignsyour resi.lience ls your speclalway to share wlth ne your tine.'

gazl - 11 Songsonlseg are shltspeak the way we breathe

esent al,r will have to doarrange and see it throughrpld fucklng wordsey tangle us 1n our deslre€ee se frorn this give and takeee ne fron this great debate'

allac- At Actlon ?arkI could walk, I'd be a niner.I co[ld talk, I'd be a preacher.I ![as a ?reacher,-1 you what: I'd save a nillion soulslven you.I was a @iner,.1 you luhat: f'd be a dann gooii one.'

Rupe's ?op 5

Shel-lac - At Actlon laxtI renenber puitj-ng thls on for the flrsttloe o!1 ey dlscBan on a bus hone fronschool anal belng utterly conf,rsed.! buttotally hooked. It sss the flrst tlne I badtreard euslc ttrls dlscordant anal aggresslveb|l't at the saae tlne self a{are, latgh outIoud. fonny and bloody clever. Alblnl is acranky proptr€t that lets bls gultar do, ard Bob Weston and Toddtralner are THE tj.ghteet rhythE sectlonever. lavo[rlte TracX - bog and ?ony Sbori

Minus The Bear - illghly Refined ?iratesiI adore ldlnus The Bea!, ao ruch so tbat itused to be a runnlng joke anongst nytri,ends. T{.trenever the lfag a break 1n ![Bslcsone ki[d of sllence, or even €oBethlngplaylng that I dldn't 1lle, I'd stlck thlson and let the gorgeous, snooth Eath rocktake oyer. Irets face lt too, al1 songs arebaslcally about be€r and glrls, UTB justaren't very subtle with lt. lasourlte Tlack- .A,bsinths larty at the F1y ltoneyWarehouse.

Crystal SIulls - 3locked NunbexsAnother SeattLe export, Crystal Sku1ls arecrJ,nlna]ly ovellook€d. ?his ls their debutalbun and 1s a shlning exanple of theSeattle iound'of the late 90'slear1y 00's.Drea6y synth and organ leal nath pop, wlthsone truly toe tapping basellnes and nore .il

hooks than a fl,shernans satchel. Theylenot very actLve at al1 nor due to the leadslnger jolnlng Fleet 3oxes, but flngerecrosssd he sees the llght soon.

Eclrsky - Do DallasAe a 14 year o1d gru.nger I was lntrod[cedto the joys of nclusky via rather€ood.coaeoe'e psychotLc klttens singlng aboutllghtsabres and cock su.cklng. LO yearslater thls albun st11] gets regular playsand ls chock full of 2 atlal haif eirutespastlc outbursts of noise. lasourltelrack - to Eell Sith Cood Intentlons.

Archers of l/oaf - Vee VeeThls only recently cane back onto Eynuslcal raalar, but j.t is tEB best collegeradLo rock albun fron the go's, and wltha recentLy announced reuBlon shgw at AT?thls DeceEber you have plenty of tl,ne tocheck lt out and eee trhy. Crufl anduncoopronlslng on the outside, full ofsweet pop candy on the insid€.Pavourlte Track - 'llarnessed in SLtus'

[i Fo[.'f rF;"u

[:r'li*"I StttTh




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ii.:ii':it''1t: "].'.:,"'"':''.i":ii"::"j""'":'":i:';ij'?;rj':'

0n The Mlght 0f ?rlnces - Slrens iThls album nanaged to change ourl1ves unllke anY albun ever has'It has everythlng a classlc albunneeds and even liore on top. lilewere fortunate enough to catchthera llve a few Years back and

have been hooked ever since, tothe polnt of even travelllng toNeve York to see then on thereunlon tour. TheY've becoloe

good frtends to us over the Yearsand we even have the Pleasure ofJason guestlng on our albun too!


Refused - The Shape 0f punk To CoeeFor an albun that was released. well oversounds as fresh as any nodern record andboundaries far further and better than atoday, fully encapsulatlng everythlng the


a decade ago, thls albunstlLl ltanages to push thelot of its contenporarles

,rij::';.r:.:rL:1..-....'-i. :- :.. -,

Glassjaw - Worshj-P and fribute0tassjaw are wlthout a doubt one

of the pioneers of Post-hardcore'continually anazlng and

inspirlng. Thelr new XPs (Our

Colour Green and Colouring Sook)

are slnply stunning and 1t'sgoing to be a rnonentous day when

they release a new albun. Untl1then r,'r'e dare anyone to Put on

lYorship and Tribute and not getsucked in by it's eclectlc and

unlque sound.

tltle says.These ArEs Are Snakes - Sastertlle all found these Arns areSnakes at dlfferent tlnes andwere a]l lnnedlately blown awayAll three albuns posess greatqualities, but Easter's probablythe h1gh1lght (as dlfflcult asthat 1s to pinpolnt). 1AAS havedeflnltely played a part 1nbuildlng our sound, and alsowhi.ling away the hours on tourtoo. An addlctlve sound, whlchsomehow seetrs to be overlookedby a }ot of people, but reallyshouldn't be.

fhe Dillinger Escape Plan - Ire worksft's dlfflcult to plck a favourlte D1111nger album because they continuallyevolve and inprove with every record, Ire works hewever, offers every shadeof violence, beauty and loind blowing nusicality that we have cone to expectfron thls band. Fron the flrst second thj.s albun grabs you by the bal1s anddoesn't relent for the entlre duratlon but st111 manages to cover noreground ousically than nost bands can achieve ln a whole career.We as a band have deflnltely been insplred by their abillty to push youwell out of vour comfort zone but love everv nlnute of it.

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On the Might of Princes - SlrensIt doesn't happen very much, in fact 1 thlnk 1t's only happenedto ne this once. Where you hear somethlng for the flrst tineancl you understand straight away how incredible a record i.s.I'd say thls is the raost fuoportant reeord. ln my 11fe forpersonal reasons and also belng anct conti.nulng to be a nassivelnsplration.

?olson the Well -You Cone Before youI always get raasslvely frustrated with the way nany

1 people wrlte off Poison the We1l, lunplng then in wlthbands such as Killswltch Bngage and other standardnetal core bands. lyhen lt couldn't be further fron thetruth. YCBY 1s the perfect exanple of how ?Trfl havetheir own brand of hardcore, going from belng so brutalit feels like punch in the face to huge eplc ne1od1es.It's one f those records where you cant help but feelgutted you dldn't wrlte the part yourself before theydid. It's a great exanple of how nuslc can be so slnpleand stralght up but yet deliver so nuch. It's alsopossi.bly the greatest eoundlng albuns ever.

Adebisl Shank - 'Thls i.s the Second Albun of a BandCalled Adebisl Shank.'Our favourj.te albun of 20]O and 1s looklng 1lke belng thefavourite of 2011 as we]}

Sear Ys Sharkf always argue3VS albun butgenius when it

- terrorhawkwlth ny frlend

I just love thiscones to }yrlcs

Klrk about the betterone. Marc laffl is a

Shapes - MonotonY ChicThislsabitofcheekyoneasweshoulcln'thavereallyheardlt'but we have and lt's awesone. Not only have these guys had the

pleasure to record with posslbly the best englneer/producer

ever(3ski1lijvstrbn)buttheyhaveconeouttheothersj'dewlthwhat nlght the best record t have heard 1n a long tine'

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B1lly Talent - S/T One of thewhat turned rne on to learnlng'Rlver Below'on kerrang radlothe albun was great and st11l

first albuns f bought, and probablythe guitar. Remenber hearlngand golng apeshit. Every track onls today. Rawk.

Hot Club De paris - Drop it tl11 1t pops3o11owlng 3i.1ly Talent I spent a conslderable anount of nyearly teens scourlng nyspace for bands. I liked a 1ot of crap,but one of the good finds was hot club. r'd never heard, renotely'twiddly' guitars before that and was coropletely bJ.own away bythe early deno's. When I found a l_eak of the albun I sat at nydesk listenlng to it on repeat, before burnlng cDRs to furlouslyhand. out to friends the next day. rn hindsight thi.s wasn't nygreatest nove 1n supporting the band, but I'11 but 1t down tonalvety. Sorry guys.

Srand New- Deja SntenduBrand New's four albuno could've pretty easily made up thebulk of ny l1st, but thought I'd narrow 1t down to one. lejaSntendu noves away fron the (stl.11 great) pop-punk-fest of'Your Favourite weapon', and geto a whole lot neatler andd,arker, pavlng the way for '1he Devl1 and God'.

Top track - '0kay I believe you, but ry tonny gun don't'.---.. --s-. ;i_. rr.:T.'tl:ictiFlil6ij. tfr,

Death Cab for Cutle- The photo AlbunDeath cab for cutie are one of the greatest bands 1n the world,and if you dlsagree you are wrong. An incredibLe albun,iteadler footlng'is ny overall favourlte openlng track to arecord.

Cap'n J azz - ^AnalphabetapolothologyCouldnt really rqlss thls out.I'm a nasslve follower of Klnselladynasty bands, and the hundredsthey've lnfluenced. This ls anaroazlng collectlon of songs, can'tbe]1eve how fresh and orlginal theyst1ll sound today' esPeclallYconeldering they were orlglnallYrecorded when I was I or 2 Years o1d.

Please come to the UK next tlne you'replanning a reunlon tour.

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Dartz - this 1s ny ship.Energetic indle punk at lt's best, hand claps and party riffs gaLore.

Brlght Syes - Fevers and MlrrorsMlke Mogj.s produces a whol who of Saddle Creek. Classlc.

Why? - AlopeclaThe super geeks take you on a sound oddity. Indle-hop, genrebashlng, noustache perfection.

Pretty Girls Make Graves - Goocl liealthRldiculously good gultar pop fronted by a potentlal ]esblan. Justl1ke us!

The Plot to Blolv up the XiffelAn aLbura of juxtaposlng spazzy


- Dj.ssertation Honeyand free jazz; nuslc to nlnce

In Utero- 0K Conputer- Stories Fros the Clty, Stories Fron the Sea- This Is The Way To RuleFuture ?erfect


Nirvana -Radiohead?J HarveyTen GrandAutolux -

- Fever RaY

- ?et SoundsYalentlne - T:ovelessUndergrorrnd - Vu and Nlco

- The Doors


tr'ever RaY

Beach BoYs

My 3loodYThe VelvetThe Doors

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- 3ass,/yocals

Future of the left - Curees'rf there 1s one albun responsibre for the exj.stence of 0ceanSottoe Nlghtnare, it 1s probably curses by Future of the left.r'd been ln to Mcrusky for a wnire before o'N started., but theturnlng polnt - the part where I declded f wanted to playdistorted bass in a heavy_alt_rock l_piece, wrltlng conclsesub-l-ninute barsts of off-beat aggresslon - was when songsfrom Curses started appearlng on youfube, vldeod fron earlyFot! g1gs. The flrst tlne I heard. Adeadeneayalwayssnellsgood Iknew exactly what sort of band r wanted, and when the fu'l ar.bumwas released 1t only relnforced that.,

Mtrse - Origln of Synnetry'fhis was a halLnark albun 1n ny nusical developnent. Before fhad pretty nuch excluslvely been 1n to pop-puni., uot fron theflrst hearlng of the openlng rlff of New Born to getting hold ofthe albun and sittlng through 1t 1n awe, this albun vsas arevelation to ne. rt devel0ped my tastes fron the narro*, sioplepunk power-chords to a whole new ,

soarlng rirrs and epic vocals, ,n".;#i"";ff; ;ff:l:;*t::',nost ln nuslc to thls day and shape the songs I write.

Judas - Druns/Yocals

Sikth - the Trees are Dead and Drled Out, Walt for Soroethlng Wild

Trees filled a need in ne that f'n not sure I knew existed:harclcore neta] wlth vocals that didn't bore ne after about a song

and a half. 0wo vocallsts screamlng, shoutlng, yelping' slnglng'speaklng - this band have 1t all, and while for some 1t nlght be

just too nuch to take ln, for ne it sounds glorious - true nusicalfood for the braln. The other instrunents are anazing (especlally

the druns), but it's the vocals that rea11y raake this band far nore

than a eun of lts parts. Essentlal llsten1ng'..4r. .*:

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i r..i,.' j:..T:,':_., : - . :. : j :a:-itr_tj.'_.4


The Blood Brothers - Burn, Piano Island, Burn'fhis album is anazing. I stunbled across Ambulance vs. Ambulancesomewhere on the j"nternet back in the day (when downloading freenuslc was seen l"ess as 'theft' and more br1llian'). I thlnk 1 cancredlt the noment f heard thls album as being the exact tlrne fwent frorn a baggy-jeaned, sklnny, pale netal-head thatlistened to Arch nnetry to a baggy-jeaned, super-buff, bronzecl godof a man who listened to awesome muslc. That 1s the effect thlsalbun wl]L have on you. f reali.sed recently that, unbeknownst toEe, i've pretty nuch been trying to replicate Cody's guitar styleever since i heard it. Dlschordant but catchy as the bubonicplague. 0n a slde note, produced by ny favourlte producer everand tought ne that electronics ln rock muslc don't have to be negalane. Nuff said.'

R€uben - Tery Fast Tery Dangerous'As nusic goes, we at 0cean Bottoa Nlghtnare Inc. tend to leansonewhat towards the nathenatleally challenglng and the bizarre,but every now and then a stralght-up roek alblln appears thatnakes you want to quit nusic out of repect for how awesone lt is.While VFY! is probably the sinplest of Reuben's offerlngs, it hitus at a tlne where we were wantlng rlffs and hooks. Soth ofwhlch are here in nore than plentlful supply. Janle lrennanbeing (in ny view at least) the greatest britlsh songwriter of thelast 20 years, candid and honest yet not lane sounding, and 1i.tt1eOuy Davls belng just. lncredible, nixed wlth awesone productionmakes an aLbun that w111 always be top 1 on our llsts wlthoutthought. It showcases the best placed crash eynbal ever in nusic(Return of the Jedi, 1:45) and gave us the opportuni.ty to say toChris Sheldon, a personal hero, ban you just nake 1t sound 11keAlpha Slgnal Three please?'. ?r1ce1ess.'

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Foo tr\ighters - Colour anci the Shapei tfris albun ls nothing but wa11 towall rock hj.ts wlth a toueh of pop

ifor good Eeasure. We have all lovedlistenlng to thls albun slnce wewere at school and even now nearlyJ-1 years later - any of these songsis stil1 guaranteed to bring thehouse down ln the car on the way toior fron a gIg or practlce. Everyoneshould own a copy of thls record noatter who they are. Favouriterack 'February Stars'

Karate - 595

It 1s safe to say that we are all huge fans of Karate, as a bandand 1ndlv1dual1y as nuslclans. lhe 595 albun not only representsfor us the quality of thelr songwrlting but shows off their talentas nuslclans and the quality of thei.r live perfornances. fhis bandare definitely a huge lnfluence on all three of us. tr'avourltetrack'Original Spies'.

ilffiT ru;; -;;; photo Alburo ffi ff"""i:"" F;G;;ff:T7Tuffi

i:i: *;:::::: 1'":T ":J."::1: " -

$ ffi::: f ;"::'il,'n'";","great bits of keyboards also' Fron:tt"$ u"" .i.*ur""1"ll], ,The gultar

* : "::l;l' ;"'"" il "il" :lffi J "i;:' "" f : ; i:i: :i:'iili;'"1: " ",,ptoaoJtion of the albun.l:-nutt""t and'"tt t; il'"t"-i:::ton tetw"unin* u"ooo sound is incredible' , realLv wor.,

'runents is,Favourite Track 'rive T,augh rndoors-'

__ t"r"o""r;"";::_nestrated. l

'*r*-r"**"".-* ;;: r'r'ac& Honestly. i

Ulchael Jackson - ThrillerWE T,OVE IIIIS RECORD' l think trood night even know every word to

'3eat 1t'. the drun beats are groovy and futuristic and King

Michaels,voca}perfornancesaretlneless.Apartyc}'avourlte traek'Hunan'Nature"

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ii; the exlstential angst and screams of a thousand dead-town nothingsd encapsulated in 9 tracks of lncredible punk psalns for the not yet defeatetl.i: Tne oana say lt best "here's to our rebel hearts, not iust anoiher 'fuck-you',

No singer can play with words like Joannaof amazing lyrlcsNewson does. Ys 1s fu1l

and arrangements, and properly epic songs.

!ax1 lax1! - Taxi. ?axi! Epfhls is two Swedlsh girlsbest vocal harnonles ever.

slnglng 1ove1y songs wlth sone of the

ln the woods, and that onlyMost of it sounds like it was recordedmakes it nore naglcal.

Sufjan Stevens -All }elighted People EP

The tltle track is sogood he put it on theretwice. It's Suf;an at hlsnost eplc and nostbrllllant. Stlck 1t outand you won't regret it.

San Araidon - Af1 1s rye]} ,f""'Thi.s albun ls alL Anerlcan folk songs, and San Anldon iioes tiren afiffibeautlfu]Ly. If f had a chalr by an open fire, I'd sit 1n iii#fr"ffissv,;;;; *

ri,. MF loOM - Mu... P00D ,..,.'..''..'.',{.' Y;"'-,'"oJ' J."r'::.1::lr"u1nJJ;'"

i.r whlch of hls albuns was best, ...:f....' so I've gone for thls one,

i.;,.,:,t..',, because nobOdv else eould f:,.,. r::.r:;, - ------r &'.1.i..,.::r.

;,:; declde to do an atbum about $irr,,r'dls fooO and nake it thls awesoloe. F''t......'n.

The perfect vitriolic expression of joy and ;iifrustratlon, Bear yS Shark tear through youri..,ears and into your nlnd wlth an lnconparable .i.iconbination of notown rhythn, post-hardcore iiiguitar ancl drun slanos and ridlculous and ..-..i

heart-breaking lyrlcaL epithets - peerless

!1fe Is r$ar - Wltness

i: tut a beilside love song, for a chosen few'ii:.. '. .. ..:i,q:..1;.....'...r,'....'..'....:.'..'r +..'.". :..'. -'.'.- "'.' -- -'

,:i,. feter Gabrlel - Sledgehanner Drlve lJlke Jehu - "7t' '

lhls band was one of the flrst that weall realised we had in connon, and thisalbun, for me at least, is the purestand nost frantlc offering frola then.Dlschordant, plercing and at tinestotally groovy.

iii;;;;;";" shourd have this sons on

lii,i trtuit persons at all tines f or

ilii security, in case of nusicaf


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an interviettl......kl nda.f ubelord


ii.Default Thls frlends, faves and regulars lubelordunfortunately couldn't nake 1t for the blrthday bash due i:'::lttir,.......


ffilay by the rules. Here's what they sent us...

key Guysl Attached 1s a jpeg containing the angwers through inage conpounded into one.

DT: tbe band's sound has s1l"ghtly changed directlon. {hat and factors havebrought thls aboui?TI'; }.ttg'. / /{atch?v=!dedanVTpek&feature=related

DT:How has the dynaolc of the baIId. changed. slnce the additlon of your fourth &e&ber,Janle?t I't ht t p z / / w ww.yo u t u b e. co!!.& a tc h ? v = d_h U I d t Ro I y

DT: Can you stled sone 11ght on Joe's xecent vocal probleas snd what inpllcations has 1thad on the band?!Il: httgz/ /wws.yoatube.coE /w atcin? \ =zg[rKrISwb_c

DT: What ean we exp€ct fron lubel-ord 1b the next 6 nonthe?! I'z ltt t p z / / w ww. y o u t u b e. coo /wa tc h ? v = sp S f Z U y f gOQ

DT: l'INlIrIrY- Whst bands are you l,lstenlng ta at the elnute?lI'z http'./ /

DT: lny finalI!: 'our fi-naIbelow:'

words for our readers?words can be read through tbe QR code j-n the ioage