DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I...

DEECET – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students to learn lesson on Agricultural products. 1) Repeated listening 2) Repeated writing 3) Reading the lesson 4) Visit the field e«ekÍjáT ÔáÎÔáTï\T nHû bÍsÄ @ sÁ¿£yîT®q uË<q <Çs |¾\¢\T dT\uó+>± Hû sÁ TÌÅ£ +{²sÁ T? 1) mÅ£ ØeeÖsÁ T¢ $q& + 2) mÅ£ ØeeÖsÁ T¢ sjá T& + 3) bÍsÄÁ+ #á<e&+ 4) bõý²¿ì yî [ß #á Ö& & + 2. “Nai Talim” Education philosophy was proposed by 1) Ravindranath Tagore 2) Aravinda 3) Gandhiji 4) Annie Besant »»qsTTÔ*+µµ nqT $<«ÔáÔÇ ç|ÜbÍ~+ºq ysÁT 1) sÁ M+ç< H<ó sÄ ÖsY 2) nsÁ$+<T&T 3) >±+BóJ 4) n_d+{Ù

Transcript of DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I...

Page 1: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

DEECET – 2020

Set – I


1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students to learn lesson on Agricultural products.

1) Repeated listening

2) Repeated writing

3) Reading the lesson

4) Visit the field

e«ekÍjáT �ÔáÎÔáTï\T nHû bÍsÄ��� @ sÁ¿£yîT®q uË<�q <�Çs� |¾\¢\T d�T\uó�+>±


1) mÅ£�ØeeÖsÁT¢ $q&�+

2) mÅ£�ØeeÖsÁT¢ s�jáT&�+

3) bÍsÄÁ+ #á<�e&�+

4) bõý²�¿ì yî[ß #áÖ&�&�+

2. “Nai Talim” Education philosophy was proposed by

1) Ravindranath Tagore

2) Aravinda

3) Gandhiji

4) Annie Besant

»»qsTTÔ�*+µµ nqT $<�«ÔáÔ�Ç�� ç|�ÜbÍ~+ºq y�sÁT

1) sÁM+ç<�H�<ó� sÄ�>·ÖsY

2) nsÁ$+<�T&�T

3) >±+BóJ

4) n�_�d+{Ù

Page 2: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

3. Suitable action towards the students who is absent to school eventually

1) Arrange a person to bring him school regularly

2) Complaint to his parents

3) Throw him out from school

4) Identify the reason and provide proper counseling.

bÍsÄÁXæ\\Å£� ÔásÁ#áT>± �uÉà+{Ù njûT« $<�«]� ¿Ãd�+ #ûjáT<�Ðq~

1) ç|�ÜsÃE bÍsÄÁXæ\Å£� rd�TÅ£�e#ûÌ y�]� @s�γT #ûjáT&�+

2) Ôá*¢<�+ç&�T\Å£� |�¾s�«<�T#ûjáT&�+

3) bÍsÄÁXæ\ qT+&� |�+|¾yûjáT&�+

4) ¿±sÁD²�� >·T]ï+º $<�«]�¿ì ¿��à*+>́ #ûjáT&�+

4. Student’s particulars are entered in this register

1) Admission register

2) Censes register

3) Parent meeting register

4) Stock register.

bÍsÄÁXæ\ýË ç|�yûXø+ bõ+~q|�Ú&�T $<�«]� $es�\T B�ýË qyîÖ<�T #ûkÍïsÁT.

1) n&��w�H� ]�w�¼sÁT

2) �dHîàdt ]�w�¼sÁT

3) Ôá*¢<�+ç&�T\ d�eÖyûXø ]�w�¼sÁT

4) kͼţ� ]�w�¼sÁT

Page 3: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

5. Pre Primary Education is meant for this age group.

1) 0 – 3 years

2) 3 – 5 years

3) 6 – 8 years

4) 6 – 14 years

|�PsÁÇ çbÍ<̧�$T¿£ $<�« � ejáTd�T y�]¿ì �<ûÝ¥+|��&�q~.

1) 0 ` 3 d�+öö

2) 3 ` 5 d�+öö

3) 6 ` 8 d�+öö

4) 6 ` 14 d�+öö

Page 4: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students


6. Largest brackish water lagoon in Asia

1) Chilika lake 2) Loktak lake 3) Kolleru lake 4) Pulicat lake

�d¾jáÖýË nÜ�|<�Ý �|�ðú{ì d�sÁd�Tà

1) º\¿£ d�sÁd�Tà

2) ýË¿ù³¿ù d�sÁd�Tà

3) ¿=ýñ¢sÁT d�sÁd�Tà

4) |�Ú*¿±{Ù d�sÁd�Tà

7. DISA act – 2019 refers to

1) Domestic violence 2) Sexual offence against women 3) Child rights 4) Medical services

~Xø #á³¼+ ` 2019 B�¿ì �<ûÝ¥+|��&�q~.

1) >·�V�² V¾²+d�

2) eTV¾²Þø�|Õ �Ô�«#�s�\T

3) u²\\ V�²Å£�Ø\T

4) yîÕ<�«�de\T

Page 5: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

8. ‘World Teachers Day’ is observed on -

1) 5th September 2) 5th August 3) 5th June 4) 5th October

»ç|�|�+#á �bÍ<ó�«jáT ~HÃÔáàe+µ ÈsÁT|�ÚÅ£�Hû sÃE

1) �d�|¼+�sÁT ` 5

2) �>·w�§¼ ` 5

3) pH� ` 5

4) n¿Ã¼�sÁT ` 5

9. The singer who won Bharataratna award for the year 2019 was

1) Bhupen Hazarika 2) Mrinal Sen 3) Hari Prasad chowrasia 4) Priyadas

2019 d�+eÔáàs��¿ì >±qT uó²sÁÔásÁÔá� ny�sÁT¦ bõ+~q >±jáTÅ£�&�T

1) uó�Ö�|H� V�²C²]¿±

2) eT�D²ýÙ �dH�

3) V�²] ç|�kÍ<� #ûs�d¾jáÖ

4) ç|¾jáÖ<�dt

Page 6: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

10. The app that is used as a platform to solve people’s problems

1) Aarogya sethu 2) Raithu bandu 3) Spandana 4) Bhoodar

ç|�C²d�eTd�«\ |�]cÍØsÁ yû~¿£>± �|�jîÖÐ+|��&�TÔáTq� jáÖ|t

1) �sÃ>·«�dÔáT

2) ÂsÕÔáT�+<�T

3) d�Î+<�q

4) uó�Ö<�sY

Page 7: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students


11. Raghu is a fatalist. He believes in …………..

Choose the word / phrase to complete the sentence.

1) history.

2) wealth

3) fate

4) God

12. After she ………………………………. her teeth, she took her breakfast.

Choose the correct form of verb to complete the sentence.

1) will brush

2) had brushed

3) would brush

4) brushes

13. Choose the compound sentence from the following.

1) We like songs but they like games.

2) We like songs which are melodious.

3) We like songs if they are composed by Rehaman.

4) We like songs at the time of our breakfast.

Page 8: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

14. Choose the noun form from the following.

1) courage

2) courageous

3) courageously

4) encourage

15. Rip Van Winkle helped the short man.

Choose the passive voice of the sentence above.

1) The short man helped Rip Van Winkle.

2) The short man has helped by Rip Van Winkle

3) The short man was helped Rip Van Winkle

4) The short man was helped by Rip Van Winkle.

Page 9: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

GENRAL TELUGU (Q. No. 16-20)

16. ¿ì+~ y�{ìýË »»¿£µµ es�Z¿£�sÁ+

1) eT

2) sÁ

3) È

4) >·

17. »»|¾\¢\T nsÁTd�TïH��sÁTµµ � y�¿±«�¿ì e«Ü¹s¿£ nsÁ�+ e#ûÌ y�¿£«+

1) |¾\¢\T nsÁesÁT

2) |¾\¢\T nsÁe&�+ ýñ<�T

3) |¾\¢\T nsÁTkÍïsÁT

4) |¾\¢\T nsÁeýñ<�T

18. ¿ì+~ y�{ìýË »»q|�Ú+d�¿£*+>·+µµ

1) s�eTT&�T

2) \¿¡ë

3) e�¿£�eTT

4) kÍ$çÜ

Page 10: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

19. bÍe�, |�<�� �&�¿ì ....................... (U²°ýË d�]|�&�T |�<�+ >·T]ï+#á+&�)

1) yîÞ²¢sÁT

2) bõ+<�sÁT

3) bÍ&�sÁT

4) #ûXæsÁT

20. ¿ì+~ y�{ìýË »»eTV�äçbÍD²¿£�sÁ+µµ Ôà @sÁÎ&�q |�<�+

1) >·sÁÞø+

2) ÈeTTq

3) nsÁ¿£

4) |��TqeTT

Page 11: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students


21. »»<ûXøuó�¿ì ïµµ - � |�<��¿ì d�ÂsÕq $ç>·V�² y�¿£«+

1) <ûXøeTT e\q uó�¿ìï

2) <ûXøeTT q+<�T uó�¿ìï

3) <ûXøeTT #ûÔá uó�¿ìï

4) <ûXø+ ýË|�\ uó�¿ìï

22. »»|�Ús�D |�+&� d�ÖsÁ« ç|�¿±Xø B¿ì�ÔáT\Tµµ ¿£$ jîTT¿£Ø ¿£\+ �|sÁT

1) ¿£sÁTD l

2) �<�jáT l

3) �w� l

4) nsÁTD l

23. »»¿£³¿£³! <ó�sÁD¡ ¿£{ìÔá³|�³µµ - � y�¿£«+ýË� Xøu²Ý\+¿±sÁ+

1) ý²{²qTçbÍd�

2) #óû¿±qTçbÍd�

3) jáTeT¿£eTT

4) e�Ôáï«qT çbÍd�

24. »»�dÇ#áÌÛ, >·sÁT&�jáÖq+µµ |�Úd�￱\qT sÁº+ºq~

1) �|�Î\ \¿£��Ds�eÚ

2) �&�T¦ ¿£�w��eTÖ]ï

3) |¾\¿± >·D|�ÜXæ�d¾ï

4) <�d�] neT¹s+ç<�

Page 12: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

25. »»HûqT HûÔ�J J$Ôá #á]çÔáqT #á~y�qTµµ � y�¿±«�¿ì ¿£sÁ�Dì y�¿£«+

1) H�#û #á<�e�&�q HûÔ�� J$Ôá #á]çÔá

2) HûqT #á~$q HûÔ�� J$Ôá #á]çÔá

3) H�#û HûÔ�� J$Ôá #á]çÔá #á<�e�&�ýñ<�T

4) HûqT, HûÔ�� J$Ôá #á]çÔáqT #á~y�eTT

26. »»�\µµ - � |�<��¿ì nsÁ�+

1) >·TV�²

2) uó�Ö$T

3) HÃsÁT

4) $<ó�+

27. »»¿±Þ²ß yûÞ²ß |�&�Tµµ - � C²rjáÖ�¿ì nsÁ�+

1) mesÁÖ |�{ì¼+#áT¿Ã¿£ bþe&�+

2) u²>± nuó²«d�+ >·\

3) ç�ÜeTý²&�T

4) <�T:Ï+#áT

28. »»|�<�̧+µµ - |�s�«jáT|�<�\T

1) eֳ, |�\Tţ�

2) uó�jáT|�&�T, È+Å£�

3) ��Ò+~, eÖsÁZ+

4) <�], eÖsÁZ+

Page 13: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

29. »»ç|�ÔáT«ÔáïsÁ+µµ - � |�<��� $&�BjáT+&�

1) ç|�ÔáT« G �ÔáïsÁ+

2) ç|�Ôû«¿£ G �ÔáïsÁ+

3) ç|�Ü G �ÔáïsÁ+

4) ç|�Ü G �ÔáïsÁTÇ

30. »»Xø+uó�T<�d�T&�T, ç|�u+<ó�|�sÁyûTXøÇsÁT&�Tµµ nHû$ � ¿£$ _sÁT<�T\T

1) miÀq

2) qq�jáT

3) Ü¿£Øq

4) kþeTq

Page 14: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

MATHEMATICS (Q. No. 31-40)

31. Value of (1 + 2 + 3 )

1) 2

2) 6


4) -

(1 + 2 + 3 ) $\Te

1) 2

2) 6


4) -

32. If x+y = 10 and xy = 20 then the value of x3 + y3 is

1) 400

2) 600

3) 1000

4) 1600

x+y = 10 eT]jáTT xy = 20 nsTTq x3 + y3 $\Te

1) 400

2) 600

3) 1000

4) 1600

Page 15: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

33. The value of the polynomial 5x-4x2+3 when x = -1 is

1) -2

2) -6

3) 2

4) 6

x = -1 e<�Ý �V�Q|�~ 5x-4x2+3 $\Te

1) `2

2) -6

3) 2

4) 6

34. The are a of a circle, if its circumference is 88cm is (in sqcm)

1) 154

2) 176

3) 576

4) 616

e�Ôáï|�]~ó 88 �d+.MT. nsTTq|�Ú&�T <�� yîÕXæ\«eTT (ºöö�d+.$T)

1) 154

2) 176

3) 576

4) 616

Page 16: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

35. Two supplementary angles are in the ratio 2:7 then the smallest angle is

1) 20º

2) 40º

3) 70º

4) 140º

Âs+&�T d�+|�PsÁ¿£ ¿ÃD²\ �w�ÎÜï 2:7 nsTTq n+<�* º�� ¿ÃD+

1) 20º

2) 40º

3) 70º

4) 140º

36. If the mean of the observations x, x+3, x+5, x+7, x+10 is 9 then the mean

of last three observations is

1) 10

2) 10

3) 11

4) 11

x, x+3, x+5, x+7, x+10 |�]o\q\ n+¿£eT<�«eTeTT 9 nsTTq ºe]

eTÖ&�T |�]o\q\ n+¿£eT<ó�«eTeTT

1) 10

2) 10

3) 11

4) 11

Page 17: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

37. The figure obtained by joining the mid points of the sides of a rhombus

taken in order is

1) rhombus

2) rectangle

3) square

4) any parallelogram

s�+�dt jîTT¿£Ø uó�TC²\ eT<ó�«_+<ó�TeÚ\qT ç¿£eT+ýË ¿£\T|�>± @sÁÎ&û |�³+

1) s�+�dt (d�eT#áÔáTsÁTÒÛÈ+)

2) BsÁé #áÔáTsÁçd�+

3) #áÔáTsÁçd�+

4) @<îÕH� d�eÖ+ÔásÁ #áÔáTsÁTÒÛÈ+

38. The Price of an article rises 20% and then falls 20% then the net rise of

fall present in the price of an article is

1) 4%

2) 6.25%

3) 20%

4) no change

ÿ¿£ ed�TïeÚ yî\ eTT+<�T 20% �|]Ð Ôás�ÇÔá 20% ÔáÐZq ed�TïeÚ yî\ýË �|sÁT>·T<�\ ýñ

ÔásÁT>·T<�\ XæÔá+ýË

1) 4%

2) 6.25%

3) 20%

4) @ eÖsÁTÎýñ<�T

Page 18: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

39. If sinA + sin2A= 1, then the value of cos2A + cos4A is


2) 1

3) 2

4) 3

sinA + sin2A= 1 nsTTq cos2A + cos4A $\Te


2) 1

3) 2

4) 3

40. Which term of the A.P. 21, 42, 63, 84, ..... is 210

1) 9th

2) 10th

3) 11th

4) 12th

21, 42, 63, 84, .... nHû n+¿£çXâDìýË 210

1) 9th

2) 10th

3) 11th

4) 12th

Page 19: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

SCIENCE (Q. No. 41-50)

41. Fragrant material is

1) carrot

2) cabbage

3) pepper

4) peanuts

�~ d�T>·+<ó� |�<�sÁ�+

1) ¿±sÁ{Ù

2) ¿±uñ�

3) $T]jáÖ\T

4) �sÄ�D¡\T

42. In bulb the part which gives us light

1) metal base

2) glass chamber

3) filament

4) terminals

�\TÒýË yî*¹> uó²>·+

1) yîT³ýÙ uñdt

2) >±¢dt #ó�+�sY

3) |�¾\yîT+{Ù

4) ³]�qýÙà

Page 20: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

43. Raw materials involved in the process of photosynthesis

1) carbon dioxide

2) water

3) sunlight

4) above all

¿ìsÁDÈq«d�+jîÖ>·ç¿ìjáTýË bÍý¤ZHû eTT&�|�<�s��\T

1) ¿±sÁÒH� &îÕjáÖ¿Õà&�

2) úsÁT

3) ¿±+Ü

4) �|Õeú�

44. Lemon contains this acid

1) Acetic acid

2) Citric acid

3) Oleic acid

4) Oxalic acid

�eT�|�+&�T ¿£*ÐjáTTq� �eT¢+

1) nd¾{ì¿ù �eT¢+

2) d¾ç{ì¿ù �eT¢+

3) z*¿ù �eT¢+

4) �¿±à*¿ù �eT¢+

Page 21: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

45. It is not a communicable disease

1) small pox

2) swine flu

3) typhoid

4) pellagra

n+³T y�«~ó ¿±�~

1) eTXøSº

2) �dÕÇH� |��P¢

3) fÉ®b�ÍsTT&�

4) �|ý²¢ç>±

46. This vitamin is essential for the health of eye

1) Vitamin-A

2) Vitamin-B

3) Vitamin-C

4) Vitamin-D

¿£+{ì �sÃ>·«eTTqÅ£� ned�sÁyîT®q $³$TH�

1) $³$TH� - A

2) $³$TH� - B

3) $³$TH� - C

4) $³$TH� - D

Page 22: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

47. Energy stored in

1) nucleus

2) mitochondria

3) ribosomes

4) cell wall

¿£D²\ýË Xø¿ìï �\Te �+&û ç|�<ûXø+

1) ¹¿+ç<�¿£+

2) yîT®{Ë¿±+ç&�jáÖ

3) ÂsÕuËkþy�T\T

4) ¿£D¿£e#á+

48. These are lives in aquatic habitat

1) Leech, hydrilla

2) may fly and dragon fly

3) fish and crabs

4) above all

�$ Èý²y�kÍ\ýË �ed¾kÍïsTT

1) È\>· eT]jáTT �VÕ²ç&�ý²¢

2) yûT �|�¢í eT]jáTT ç&�>·H� �|�¢í

3) #û|� eT]jáTT qÔáï

4) �|Õeú�

Page 23: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

49. Symbol of square centimetre

1) m2

2) m

3) mm2

4) cm2

#á<�sÁ|�Ú �d+{¡MT³sYÅ£� d�+¹¿Ôá+

1) m2

2) m

3) mm2

4) cm2

50. The respiratory organs in Fish are

1) lungs

2) spiracles

3) lenticles

4) gills

u¤~Ý+¿£ýË XæÇd� nejáTy�\T

1) }|¾]ÜÔáTï\T

2) �dÕÎsÁ¿ìýÙà

3) ýÉ+{ì�dýÙà

4) yîTT|�Î\T

Page 24: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students


51. Bison hills are spread along the river bank of

1) Ganga

2) Godavari

3) Indus

4) Kaveri

uÉÕd�H� ¿=+&�\T � qB rsÁ+ýË y�«|¾+º �H��sTT

1) >·+>·

2) >Ã<�e]

3) d¾+<ó�T

4) ¿±yû]

52. The powerful kingdom among Mahajanapadas

1) Vajji

2) Kosala

3) Magadha

4) Asmaka

eTV�äÈq|�<�\ýË Xø¿ì ïe+ÔáyîT®q s�È«+

1) e�¨

2) ¿Ãd�\

3) eT>·<ó�

4) �d��¿£

Page 25: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

53. Rocks which have cracks or pores (minute holes) in them and can contain

water are called

1) pervious rocks

2) impervious rocks

3) aquifer

4) sedimentary rocks

|�>·TÞø�ß, d�q�� sÁ+ç<ó�\T �+&� ú{ìÔà ţL&� �q�s�Ü bõsÁqT �ý² n+{²sÁT.

1) eT�<�TyîÕq s�ÜbõsÁ

2) ¿£]ÄqyîT®q s�ÜbõsÁ

3) È\d��sÁ+

4) ne¹¿�|� ¥\\T

54. ‘shalabhoga’- is a category of land used for the purpose of

1) land gifted to temples

2) land for the maintenance of a school

3) land donated to Jaina institutions

4) land gifted to Brahmins

»Xæ\uóË>·µ nHû sÁ¿±�¿ì #î+~q uó�Ö$T B� �$TÔáï+ �|�jîÖÐ+#á�&û~

1) <ûy�\jáÖ\Å£� �ºÌq uó�Ö$T

2) bÍsÄÁXæ\\T �sÁÇV�²DÅ£� �ºÌq uó�Ö$T

3) CÉÕq <ûy�\jáÖ\Å£� �V�Q¿£]+ºq uó�Ö$T

4) çu²V�²�DT\Å£� �ºÌq uó�Ö$T

Page 26: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

55. The earliest surviving maps on clay tablets were made by

1) Sumerians

2) Romans

3) Indians

4) Chinese

�|�Î{ì¿¡ n+<�Tu²³TýË �q� nÜ |�Ús�Ôáq |�{²\qT eT{ì¼ |�\¿£\�|Õ ÔájáTsÁT#ûd¾qy�sÁT

1) d�TyûT]jáTqT¢

2) sÃeTqT¢

3) uó²sÁrjáTT\T

4) #îÕújáTT\T

56. Bhoodan means donating land to the landless. Who started this


1) Rabindranath Tagore

2) Vinoba Bhave

3) Raja Ramamohan Roy

4) Dayananda Saraswathi

uó�Ö<�H� nq>± uó�Ö$Týñ� �|<�\Å£� uó�Ö$T� <�q+ #ûjáT&�+. � �<�«eÖ�� mesÁT


1) sÁM+ç<�H�<̧� sÄ�>·ÖsY

2) $HÃu²uó²yû

3) s�C² s�eTyîÖV�²H� s�jYT

4) <�jáÖq+<� d�sÁd�ÇÜ

Page 27: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

57. ‘Loo’ winds are

1) hot and dry winds

2) cool local winds

3) cold dry winds

4) cold polar winds

»\Öµ |�eH�\T

1) yî#áÌ{ì eT]jáTT bõ&� >±\T\T

2) kÍ��¿£ oÔá\ |�eH�\T

3) #á\¢{ì bõ&� >±\T\T

4) oÔá\ <ó��e |�eH�\T

58. ‘Liberty, equality and fraternity’ are the slogans related to

1) American revolution

2) England revolution

3) French revolution

4) Russian revolution

»�dÇ#áÌÛ, d�eÖqÔáÇ+, kåçuó²Ôá�ÔáÇ+µ nHû �H�<�+ B�¿ì d�+�+~ó+ºq~

1) nyîT]¿± $|�¢e+

2) �+>±¢+&� $|�¢e+

3) ç�|�+#Y $|�¢e+

4) sÁcÍ« $|�¢e+

Page 28: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

59. This is not a criteria for selecting a site for operations of MNCs

1) proximity to the markets

2) availability of skilled and unskilled labour.

3) pollution free environment

4) availability of other factors of production

�V�QÞ²sÁÆ kÍ<ó�¿£ d�+d��\T |�� ç|�<ûXæ�� m+#áT¿Ãe&��¿ì B�� |�]>·DqýË�¿ì rd�T¿ÃeÚ

1) eÖÂsس¢¿ì n+<�Tu²³TýË �+&�&�+

2) HîÕ|�ÚD«+ ¿£\ eT]jáTT HîÕ|�ÚD«+ ýñ� ¿±]�Å£�\ \uó�«Ôá

3) ¿±\Tw�« sÁV¾²Ôá y�Ô�esÁD+

4) �ÔásÁ �ÔáÎÜ￱sÁ¿±\ \uó�«Ôá

60. The curtain raiser of economic liberalization policy is

1) Rajiv Gandhi

2) PV Narasimha Rao

3) IK Gujral

4) VP Singh

�]�¿£ d�sÁ°¿£�Ôá $<ó�H��¿ì ÔîsÁ ýñ|¾qy�sÁT

1) s�Jy� >±+Bó

2) |¾.$. qsÁd¾+V�äs�eÚ

3) ×.¹¿. >·TçC²ýÙ

4) $.|¾. d¾+>´

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SET-I (61-100)


MATHS (Q. No. 61-100)

61. If f(x) = x + 2(x > 1)then f(3) =

1) 3 2) 1 3) 5 4) 6

f(x) = x + 2(x > 1) nsTTq f(3) =

1) 3

2) 1

3) 5

4) 6

62. If 3 2 8 5 22 6 2 4

x yz a- -é ù é ù

=ê ú ê ú+ - -ë û ë û then x =

1) 5 2) 8 3) 2 4) -8

3 2 8 5 22 6 2 4

x yz a- -é ù é ù

=ê ú ê ú+ - -ë û ë ûnsTTq� =

1) 5

2) 8

3) 2

4) -8

Page 30: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

63. If the vectors 2i j kl+ - and 4 2 2i j k- + are perpendicular then the value of “l ” is

1) 2 2) 4 3) 1 4) 3

2i j kl+ - eT]jáTT 4 2 2i j k- + nqT d�~Xø\T \+� d�~Xø\T nsTTq λ $\Te

1) 2

2) 4

3) 1

4) 3

64. The value of sin 210° is


2) −

3) √

4) − √

sin 210° jîTT¿£Ø $\Te


2) −

3) √

4) − √

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65. The value of is

1) tan 2) cot θ 3) sin 4) cos

jîTT¿£Ø $\Te

1) tan

2) cot θ

3) sin

4) cos

66. The principal solution of 2cos θ = 1

1) 90°

2) 30°

3) 45°

4) 60°

2cos θ = 1 jîTT¿£Ø ç|�<ó�q kÍ<ó�q

1) 90°

2) 30°

3) 45°

4) 60°

Page 32: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

67. If sinh x = 5 then the value of x is

1) log( 2 + 3) 2) log( 5 + 26) 3) log( 3 + 2 5) 4) log( 7 + 2 10)

sinh x = 5 nsTTq x $\Te

1) log( 2 + 3)

2) log( 5 + 26)

3) log( 3 + 2 5)

4) log( 7 + 2 10)

68. ∆ = 3, = 4 = ℎ ℎ

1) 30°

2) 60°

3) 90°

4) 120°

∆ ýË = 3, = 4 eT]jáTT = nsTTq¿ÃDeTT $\Te

1) 30°

2) 60°

3) 90°

4) 120°

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69. If the straight lines 2x − 3y + k = 0,3x − 4y − 13 = 0 and 8x − 11y − 33 = 0 are concurrent then the value of k is

1) -7 2) 7 3) 3 4) -13

2 3 0, 3 4 13 0x y k x y- + = - - = eT]jáTT 8 11 33 0x y- - =

nqT d�sÁÞø¹sK\T nqTw�¿±ýÉÕÔû $\Te

1) -7

2) 7

3) 3

4) -13

70. The distance between parallel lines 3x − 4y − 12 = 0 and 3x − 4y − 7 = 0 is

1) 5 units 2) 3 units 3) 2 units 4) 1 unit

3x − 4y − 12 = 0 eT]jáTT 3x − 4y − 7 = 0 nqT d�eÖ+ÔásÁ ¹sK\ eT<ó�« <�ÖsÁeTT

1) 5 jáTÖ�³T¢

2) 3 jáTÖ�³T¢

3) 2 jáTÖ�³T¢

4) 1 jáTÖ�{Ù

Page 34: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

71. The ratio in which YZ − plane divides the line joining A(2,4,5)and B(3,5, −4)is

1) - 2:3 2) 4: 5 3) 5: −4 4) 3: −2

A(2,4,5) eT]jáTT B(3,5, −4) \qT ¿£\T|�Ú ¹sKqT YZ − Ôá\eTT $uó��+#û �w�ÎÜï

1) -2:3

2) 4:5

3) 5: −4

4) 3: −2

72. 7






1) x 2) 1 3) 7 4) e







1) x 2) 1 3) 7 4) e

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73. ( ) =

1) sin x 2) sec x 3) tan x 4) - sin x

( ) =

1) sin x

2) sec x

3) tan x

4) - sin x

74. The slope of the tangent to the curve y = 5x at the point (−1,5) is

1) 10 2) -10 3) 5 4) -5

y = 5x nqT eç¿£eTTqÅ£� (−1,5) _+<�TeÚ e<�Ý d�ÎsÁô ¹sK y�\T

1) 10

2) -10

3) 5

4) 15

Page 36: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

75. The equation of locus of the point which is equidistant from the points A(-3,2) and B(0,4)

1) 4 + 6 + 3 = 0 2) 4 − 6 + 3 = 0 3) 6 − 4 + 3 = 0 4) 6 + 4 − 3 = 0

A(-3,2) eT]jáTT B(0,4) nqT _+<�TeÚ\ qT+&� d�eÖq <�ÖsÁeTTýË �+&û _+<�TeÚ

jîTT¿£Ø _+<�T |�<ó�eTT

1) 4 + 6 + 3 = 0

2) 4 − 6 + 3 = 0

3) 6 − 4 + 3 = 0

4) 6 + 4 − 3 = 0

76. The conjugate of the complex number 3+4i is

1) 3 - 4i 2) -3 + 4i 3) - 3 – 4i 4) 4 – 3i

3+4i nqT d�+¿¡sÁ� d�+K« jîTT¿£Ø d�+jáTT>·� d�+¿¡sÁ� d�+K«

1) 3 - 4i

2) -3 + 4i

3) - 3 – 4i

4) 4 – 3i

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77. If ω is the cube root of unity then ω =

1) 3 2) 8 3) 1 4) 9

@¿£¿£|�Ú |��TqeTÖ\eTT ω nsTTq ω =

1) 3

2) 8

3) 1

4) 9

78. If α and β are the roots of ax + bx + c = 0 then + =





a eT]jáTT b \T ax + bx + c = 0 jîTT¿£Ø eTÖý²ýÉÕq + =





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79. If 1,1, α are the roots of x − 6x + 9x − 4 = 0 then the value of α is

1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 5

1,1, α \T x − 6x + 9x − 4 = 0 jîTT¿£Ø eTÖý²ýÉÕq α $\Te

1) 4

2) 3

3) 2

4) 5

80. If n = 1680 then the value of n is

1) 6 2) 7 3) 9 4) 8

n = 1680 nsTTq n $\Te

1) 6

2) 7

3) 9

4) 8

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81. The number of terms in the expansion of( 2x + 3y + z) is

1) 36 2) 26 3) 25 4) 24

( 2x + 3y + z) $d�ïsÁDýË |�<�\ d�+K«

1) 36

2) 26

3) 25

4) 24

82. The mean deviation about mean of the data 3,6,10,4,9,10 is





3,6,10,4,9,10 nqT <�Ô�ï+Xæ�¿ì eT<ó�«eTeTT qT+º eT<ó�«eT $#á\qeTT





Page 40: DEECET – 2020 Set – – 2020 Set – I TEACHING APTITUTE (Q.No: 1 – 5) 1. Which teaching strategy is helpful to the students

83. The probability of the null set that is P(∅) =

1) 1 2) 2 3) 5 4) 0

XøSq« d�$TÜ jîTT¿£Ø d�+uó²e«Ôá nq>± P(∅) =

1) 1

2) 2

3) 5

4) 0

84. The radius of the circle x + y − 4x − 8y − 41 = 0 is

1) √75

2) √61

3) √67

4) √57

x + y − 4x − 8y − 41 = 0 nqT e�ÔáïeTT jîTT¿£Ø y�«kÍsÁÆ+

1) √75

2) √61

3) √67

4) √57

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85. The focus of the parabola x = −4y is

1) (0, -1) 2) (1, 0) 3) (0, 1) 4) (-1, 0)

x = −4y nqT |�s�e\jáTeTT jîTT¿£Ø H�_ó

1) (0, -1)

2) (1, 0)

3) (0, 1)

4) (-1, 0)

86. The eccentricity of the rectangular hyperbola is

1) 2 2) 3

3) √3

4) √2

\+� nÜ |�s�e\jáTeTT jîTT¿£Ø eÚÔûØ+ç<�Ôá

1) 2

2) 3

3) √3

4) √2

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87. ∫ 2 =

1) +

2) +

3) +

4) +

∫ 2 =

1) +

2) +

3) +

4) +

88. ∫ =

1) cot + 2) cos + 3) tan + 4) sin +

∫ =

1) cot +

2) cos +

3) tan +

4) sin +

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89. ∫ =

1) − 1 2) + 1 3) 1 − 4)

∫ =

1) − 1

2) + 1

3) 1 −


90. The order of the differential equation ( ) − 3 − e = 4 is

1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3

( ) − 3 − = 4 nqT ne¿£\q d�MT¿£sÁDeTT jîTT¿£Ø |�]eÖDeTT

1) 2

2) 1

3) 4

4) 3

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91. The angle between the two diagonals of a cube is 1) cos ( )

2) cos ( )

3) cos ( )

4) cos ( )

d�eT |��TqeTT jîTT¿£Ø Âs+&�T ¿£s��\ eT<ó�« ¿ÃDeTT

1) cos ( )

2) cos ( )

3) cos ( )

4) cos ( )

92. lim →

| || |


1) 8

2) 3

3) 1

4) 11 lim →

| || |


1) 8

2) 3

3) 1

4) 11

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93. [log(secx + tanx)] =

1) sin x

2) sec x

3) tan x

4) cos x


[log(secx + tanx)] =

1) sin x

2) sec x

3) tan x

4) cos x

94. The equation of the tangent to the curve xy = 10 at the point (2,5) is

1) 5x − 2y + 20 = 0

2) 5x − 2y − 20 = 0

3) 5x + 2y − 20 = 0

4) 5x + 2y + 20 = 0

xy = 10 nqT eç¿£eTTqÅ£� (2,5) _+<�TeÚ e<�Ý d�ÎsÁô ¹sU² d�MT¿£sÁDeTT

1) 5x − 2y + 20 = 0

2) 5x − 2y − 20 = 0

3) 5x + 2y − 20 = 0

4) 5x + 2y + 20 = 0

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95. when the origin is shifted to (4, −5) by the translation of the axes the

coordinates of the point (0,3) with respect to the new axes are 1) (4,8)

2) (8,4)

3) (8, −4)

4) (−4, 8)

d�eÖ+ÔásÁ n¿£� |�]esÁïq <�Çs� e~�+<�TeÚqT (4, `5)Å£� eÖ]�dï ¿=Ôáï n¿�±\

<��cͼ« (0, 3) jîTT¿£Ø �sÁÖ|�¿±\T

1) (4,8)

2) (8,4)

3) (8, −4)

4) (−4,8)

96. The modulus of the complex number 3 + i is 1) √10

2) 10

3) 4

4) 100

3 + i nqT d�+¿¡sÁ� d�+K« eÖ|�eTT

1) √10

2) 10

3) 4

4) 100

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97. If x = cisθ then the value of x + is

1) cos 6θ

2) 2cos 6θ

3) sin 6θ

4) 2sin 6θ

x = cisθ nsTTq x + jîTT¿£Ø $\Te

1) cos 6θ

2) 2cos 6θ

3) sin 6θ

4) 2sin 6θ

98. The quadratic equation whose roots are 7 + 2√5 and 7 − 2√5 is

1) x − 14x − 29 = 0

2) x + 14x − 29 = 0

3) x − 14x + 29 = 0

4) x + 14x + 29 = 0

7 + 2√5 eT]jáTT 7 − 2√5 \T eTÖý²\T>± eÚ+&û esÁZ d�MT¿£sÁDeTT

1) x − 14x − 29 = 0

2) x + 14x − 29 = 0

3) x − 14x + 29 = 0

4) x + 14x + 29 = 0

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99. The remainder when 3x − x + 2x − 2x − 4 = 0 is divided by x + 2 is

1) 32

2) 75

3) 0

4) 64

3x − x + 2x − 2x − 4 = 0 qT x + 2 #ûÔá uó²Ð+ºq|�Ú&�T e#áTÌ Xâw�eTT

1) 32

2) 75

3) 0

4) 64

100. If n = n then the value of n is

1) 10

2) 8

3) 6

4) 5

n = n nsTTq jîTT¿£Ø n $\Te

1) 10

2) 8

3) 6

4) 5