Ded digital ready social media sept 12 all ff and ct

World – Business and Social Media 1 Original image: 'swiss -memory ' 197028 by: Jamin GrayReleased under an Attribution- ShareAlike License


Working in an Online World - Business and Social Media

Transcript of Ded digital ready social media sept 12 all ff and ct

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Working in an Online World – Business and Social Media

Original image: 'swiss-memory' Jamin GrayReleased under an Attribution-ShareAlike License

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Purpose of this session?Social media…

1. What is it and what’s all the fuss about?

2. How can I use it and does it fit with my business?

3. What are the key services or tools?

4. What organisational issues are there?

5. How do I grow my ‘likes’, ‘tweeps’ and ‘followers’?

6. How do I measure it?

7. How do I monitor it?

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Process?Interaction and questions are welcome.

1. Presentation 2. Look at some examples3. Group discussions4. Share stories5. Question and Answers6. Practical activities

If anyone wishes to blog or tweet this session

please use the hashtag  #tasdrp

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• Debunk the hype

• Some ideas to get you started

• Links to ‘how to do this’

Image: 'successful business woman on a laptop'

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• KingThing – Beck King• ATDW E-Kit• Chris Toselli, GlobalNetICT• Frankie Forsyth Consulting• Polly McGee

Image: 'successful business woman on a laptop'

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Terms and definitions

Wikipedia – see

Video –Common Craft explanations see

Glossary of terms – see

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Here we go!

Image: 'Google Doodle'

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Social media…What is it and what’s all

the fuss about?

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Online spaces for social interaction

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What is social media really?

• A link to the community• A channel for two way + conversations• A source of commentators for your products/services• A channel to build the identity of your brand

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What it’s not…o A sales only channelo A waste of timeo Self managingo Anonymouso Magic

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Why would you bother?

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Benefits?1. Used social media to disseminate information2. Asked the audience how THEY want the company

to use the product3. Didn’t hit the customer over the head with a

sales pitch4. Not once did he ask the customers to buy the


…. Look at how many views…. Look how may videos they’ve put out!

Cost of YouTube: free!

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Australian user accounts August 2012

1. Facebook – 11,5000,000  (up slightly)2. YouTube – 11,000,000 (steady)3. BlogSpot – 4,000,000 (down slightly)4. LinkedIn – 2,200,000 (steady)5. Twitter – 2,114,000 (steady)6. - 1,600,000 (steady)7. Instagram – 1,283,5008. Trip Advisor – 960,000 (down)9. Flickr – 820,000 (steady)10.Pinterest - 620,000 (steady)11.Google Plus – 600,00 (up)12.MySpace – 390,000 (steady)13.Foursquare – 63,000 (steady)14.Delicious – 30,000 (down)

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Average Time per Visit August 2012

Average Time per Visit 1. Facebook - 21 minutes 40 seconds2. YouTube – 20 minutes3. Reddit – 18 minutes 20 seconds4. Tumblr – 16 minutes 30 seconds5. Pinterest - 13 minutes6. MySpace – 12 minutes 40 seconds7. Twitter – 10 minutes 50 seconds8. LinkedIn - 8 minutes 50 seconds9. TripAdvisor - 8 minutes 50 seconds10. StumbleUpon - 8 minutes 40 seconds11. Flickr – 8 minutes12. Delicious – 7 minutes 20 seconds13. Blogspot - 6 minutes 40 seconds14. – 5 minutes 30 seconds15. Digg – 5 minutes 30 seconds16. Foursquare - 4 minutes17. Yelp – 3 minutes 40 seconds18. Instagram – 3 minutes19. Google Plus – no data.

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Social Media

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Social Media

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How can I use it?Does it fit with my business?

Social media…10 minute discussion

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Where are you on the Social Media continuum?

Tutorial 28 Tourism E-Kit






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Social media…What are the key services or tools?

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Key ComponentsSocial Media tools provide a way to: 1. create and update your profile2. share your content / message3. have others share with you4. comment on others’ content and vice

versa5. own your brand (provides

authenticity)6. communicate publicly or privately7. advertise and/or sell your products

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Facebook - personal

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Facebook - business

To use Facebook as your ‘page’ persona make sure you have selected this BEFORE posting.

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Facebook - business

Use the admin panel (New Likes) to find who/ which pages have ‘liked’ you.

Thank them and like them back!

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Facebook timeline

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Facebook checklist:• Have you added a cover to your timeline?• Have you welcomed and acknowledged your

new likers?• Are you posting up images that build your

brand?• Have you responded to comments?• Have you linked your FB page with other

social media channels?• Have you asked your clients to ‘like’ you?• Have you rewarded them for doing so?• Are you liking and engaging with others in

your sector?

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Twitter – mini blogging

• Max 140 characters

• Pick who to follow and who can follow you.

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??? What’s happening with the internet?

Information about issue

(phew! It’s not just me!)

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Twitter checklist:• Have you created an @name that showcases

your brand?• Have you strategically followed hubs and

thought leaders in your sector?• Have you retweeted their tweets?• Have you responded to the tweet of someone

who doesn’t follow you?• Have you acknowledged new followers?• Have you participated in #ff?• Have you created or used a hashtag• Have you linked your account with other

social media channels?• Have you put a rolling twitter feed on your


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How am I using it?Is it bringing me business?Share YOUR favourite groups

Linked In…10 minute discussion

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How am I using it?Is it bringing me business?Share YOUR favourite groups

Linked In…10 minute discussion

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LinkedIn checklist:• Have you fully completed your profile?• Have you searched for people you know and

connected with them?• Have you searched for people you would like to

have a connection with and reached out to them?• Have you created or joined a LinkedIn group?• Have you written a recommendation for

someone?• Have you linked your account with other social

media channels?• Have you linked your website to your profile?

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Pinterest checklist:

• Have you created a Pinterest account?• Have you created pinboards relevant to your

business?• Have you followed others?• Have you shared others images and pinned your

own?• Have you used lots of your own images from your

website as pins so they link back to your site?• Have you asked others to follow you?

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YouTube Statistics

More than 3 billion views per day

48 hours of video uploaded every minute

More video uploaded to YouTube in one month than the three major US networks created in 60 years

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You Tube checklist:

• Have you created a YouTube channel?• Have you written a list of topics which are of

interest and relevant to your sector?• Have you created a space to record a video?• Have you shared your video with others?• Have you asked your clients to make

endorsements or video content about your product or service and share them?

• Have you embedded the video in your website?

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Social media…What organisational issues are


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What are they?Discussion time

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Flickr photos

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Policy – Processes - Risk

1. Who2. What3. Why 4. When5. How

Eg:• Can’t use a mobile because of business policy?• Can’t use Facebook because it’s blocked.• Posting comments that contravene company position /

reputation / personal information• Who’s responsible for your side? Where does the buck


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What are the issues?Can I manage them?Is it worth the risk?

Policies – Processes – Risk?

10 minute discussion

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Answers / suggestions?

1. Who – is going to look after it and how often? Outsourced?2. What – are they going to look after / post / respond to?3. Why – is it important to the business?4. When – how often will the business engage?5. How – will the business respond? Work hours / after hours /

mobile etc.

Eg:• Can’t use a mobile because of business policy?• Can’t use Facebook because it’s blocked.• Posting comments that contravene company position /

reputation / personal information• Who’s responsible for your side? Where does the buck stop?

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Social media…How do I monitor it?

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Searching and Exploring

Original image: 'Google' by: Jürgen Plasser

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Google Alerts – Track who is

talking about you, and where…

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Hootsuite and other aggregators

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Social media…How do I measure it?

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Social media…Measuring tools

• Facebook insights• Twitter followers and reposts• Increase in sales directly attributable? • How does your business track its marketing investment• Track backs – Google Analytics

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Ad on fb(

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Social media…How do I grow my ‘likes’, ‘tweeps’

and ‘followers’?

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Move up the Social Media continuum

Tutorial 28 Tourism E-Kit






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First StepsSome choices…

1. Document sharing Dropbox

2. Wikis - Wikispaces & Wikipedia suite

3. Mini blogging Twitter

4. Favourites & Bookmarks - Delicious Diigo

5. Presentations - Slideshare

6. Photos – Flickr & Pinterest

7. Videos – YouTube

8. Google’s tools -

• Google Alerts

• Google Places

• Google Reader for RSS

9. Social (and now business!) Facebook

10.One to watch – Google Plus

Image: 'Aily on ice'

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A Quick Summary Pt 1 File sharing (Dropbox)

A file sharing program lets you store, share and retrieve your content including files, photos etc. from ‘the cloud’ and from any computer. So you can access, manage and share it from anywhere. Examples include Dropbox and Box.

VOIP (Skype)Computer based voice and text communication – to other

computers and to landlines/mobile phones

Wiki (Wikispaces)A wiki is a program that allows users to work together to build,

organise and edit a webpage. You don’t need to be a multimedia guru to use a wiki. Some of the better known examples are Wikipedia and Wikispaces.

Micro-blogging (Twitter)Users send and read each others' text updates (tweets) which are

no more than 140 characters in length. Now can share photos, links and re-tweet updates.

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Social Bookmarking (Delicious & Diigo)Social bookmarking e.g. Delicious, Diigo is a way to store, organise and

share your favourite internet pages. Using this tool, you can access your favourite web pages from any computer that has internet access, share with your friends and search your friends’ favourites.

Blog (Blogger)A blog is a webpage that functions as a diary or journal. It can be used to

record activity or reflect on experiences and as such is a valuable learning tool. For example: Blogger, Wordpress (need a server).

Slide Show Sharing (Slideshare)Upload your slide shows and share with your colleagues. Good to search

for what others are presenting on topics of interest. Examples include Slideshare and Prezi.

Online Photo Repository (Flickr)

Store and share your photos with your colleagues Good to search for photos to use in your presentations. Free and pay options are available. Example: Flickr.

A Quick Summary Pt 2

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Online Pin Boards (Pinterest)Use this tool to collect images from websites or from your

computer and organise and share them on boards.

Video Websites (YouTube)Online website where you can view, upload and comment on


Social Networking Sites (Facebook)Hosts and connects individuals through providing individual

web pages, communication tools and a wide range of add on applications.

A Quick Summary Pt 3

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Original image: 'Kids # 43' Jean-Marie LBReleased under an Attribution-ShareAlike License

I’m not going online, ever!

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Image: 'Three girls using the computer at the+grand+opening.'

Working online? Sure!

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Frankie Forsyth – home office

Photo © Frankie Forsyth, all rights reserved.

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Frankie Forsyth – online

Own Forums and


Linked In






Plus other people’s web spaces!



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Mobile Office...

Photos © Frankie Forsyth, all rights reserved.

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Thank you

Original image: 'Rainbow Cafe's door knob' CarolineReleased under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Contact me: [email protected] and on skype: frankieforsythA copy of this presentation is available at

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CopyrightPlease feel free to use any of the material in this PowerPoint with the exception of any photos with an @all rights reserved on them.

Most of the graphics and photos were sourced from Flickr under a CC licence. Thank you to all who make this possible. If I have inadvertently used someone’s copyrighted photo please contact me and I will remove it.

Enjoy! Frankie