Deconstruction of a music magazine


Transcript of Deconstruction of a music magazine



NME’s distinct logo that be easily been seen. This allows the audience to pick the magazine out easily if it was on a shelf.

They also have what NME means under the logo. This allows the reader to clearly see the meaning behind the logo.

The main image on the front cover of this magazine is the ‘star’ of the magazine. They will have a double page spread dedicated to them somewhere in the magazine.

They have the date and the price of the magazine above their logo, this makes it easily accessible for the reader to see.

The mis-en-scene used for the main image shows that the character is quite moody and people don’t quite know what to think of her while she is looking like this.

The font used for the logo is very bold and big. This makes it stand out from any of the other font that is on the front cover.

There are not many cover lines on the front cover of this magazine however it does highlight some of the things that are going to be in this magazine.

The cover lines make the reader more intrigue to read what's inside.

The colour scheme is white and black but mostly white. This stands out against the main image.The barcode is in the bottom right corner, this allows the

most important things on the page.

This cover line “INTRODUCING THE NEW NME: 2 of 10 SPECIAL EDITION COVERS” intrigues the reader and it will make them want to buy the rest so that they will have a collection.

The title of the page clearly tells people what they are on. They have the logo that reminds them of the magazine they are reading.

The reader can see that the Artic Monkeys are the main headline for this magazine as the image on the contents page is bigger than any of the others used.

It also clearly states their name and what page to turn to, to find out more about them.

A small overview of the Artic Monkeys to inform the reader what the article may be about so that they can have an idea in their minds.

This advert on the contents page of the magazine will attract the readers eye because they will be getting a good deal if they subscribe to the magazine.

The use of an index down the side of the magazine, allows the reader to find something specific.

There is a consistent colour scheme throughout the contents page which makes the magazine look more professionally done.Red, white and black (with a bit of yellow.)

There are sub-headings for each of the categories in the magazine e.g. News.

The bold subheadings that are in capitals are eye catching for the read and it makes it easier to read and find what they are looking for.

The layout of the page is very full however it is easier to read and follow.

It is set out in columns which makes it easy because you can just follow the text down the page rather than looking all over the page for it which may make the reader frustrated. It needs to be right there in front of them so it is an easy read.

Everything on the page is structured. There are lines splitting things up – images from the text. Also, there is a good proportion from the large image to the amount of text that there is.

The singers body posture makes her look challenging and quite defensive. This reflects with the main title because it is defensive and it is a quote from her.

The main body of the article is at the bottom of the page. It uses columns to structure the set out of it which gives it an easy read. Also, there isn’t a lot and there isn’t a little, this makes sure that it isn’t too over facing for the reader because if they saw a lot of text, this may put them off from reading it.

The mis-en-scene used in this image shows that she is casual and quite rebellious because she isn't like other celebrities which would usually dress quite glamourous and ‘fancy’.

The title looks like newspaper cuttings and the letters vary in shape and size. This makes it more eye catching and it grabs the readers attention. It looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye which makes it of a good quality magazine.

The drop capital informs the reader to know where they start and it also makes the article look more professional.

This double page spread is set out like Lily Allen’s personality, it is very fun and quirky and it has its own unique style. This reflects Lily Allen as a person.

The main colours on this page are red, white and black. The title is white on black which makes it stand out more because they are outlined with the black. Also, small text has been used in the colour red, which is also like what type of clothing Lily Allen is wearing in the main image. It all links together with one another.