Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU...

Deconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigan ` o and David Basin Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland ARSPA’05 – Lisbon, Portugal – July 16, 2005 Deconstructing Alice & Bob – p. 1

Transcript of Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU...

Page 1: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Deconstructing Alice & Bob

Carlos Caleiro

CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal

Luca Vigano and David Basin

Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

ARSPA’05 – Lisbon, Portugal – July 16, 2005

Deconstructing Alice & Bob – p. 1

Page 2: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

The context

Formal analysis of security protocols

Strand spaces, multiset rewriting, theorem proving ...

– p. 2

Page 3: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

The context

Formal analysis of security protocols

Strand spaces, multiset rewriting, theorem proving ...

Distributed temporal logic

Caleiro, Viganò and Basin. Relating strand spaces and distributed temporal logic forsecurity protocol analysis. Logic Journal of the IGPL, in print.

Caleiro, Viganò and Basin. Metareasoning about security protocols using distributedtemporal logic. ENTCS 125(1):67–89, 2005.

Caleiro, Viganò and Basin. Towards a metalogic for security protocol analysis. InProceedings of the CombLog’04 Workshop, 2004.

– p. 3

Page 4: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

The problem

The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol

(nspk1) a → b : (n1). {n1; a}Kb

(nspk2) b → a : (n2). {n1; n2}Ka

(nspk3) a → b : {n2}Kb

– p. 4

Page 5: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

The problem

The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol

(nspk1) a → b : (n1). {n1; a}Kb

(nspk2) b → a : (n2). {n1; n2}Ka

(nspk3) a → b : {n2}Kb

How to formalize a protocol specified in Alice&Bob-notation?

What is the meaning of such protocol descriptions?

How much is made explicit or left implicit?

What is the expressive power of Alice&Bob-style protocolspecifications?

– p. 5

Page 6: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

A little philosophy and literary theory


“(noun) a method of critical analysis of language and text whichemphasizes the relational quality of meaning and the assumptions implicitin forms of expression”

taken from the Compact Oxford English Dictionary

– p. 6

Page 7: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

The plan


The standard semantics

Good examples and bad examples

Message forwarding and conditional abortion

Opaque and transparent messages

Incremental symbolic runs

Characterization theorems

Conclusion and further work

– p. 7

Page 8: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,


Messages are built from atomic messages (identifiers, numbers, andvariables) by pairing, encryption and hashing

Perfect cryptography

Every message can be used as an encryption key and has aninverse for decryption

Communication is asynchronous and takes place over a hostilenetwork

– p. 8

Page 9: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,


Messages are built from atomic messages (identifiers, numbers, andvariables) by pairing, encryption and hashing

Perfect cryptography

Every message can be used as an encryption key and has aninverse for decryption

Communication is asynchronous and takes place over a hostilenetwork

Honest actionss(M, A) — sending the message M to the principal A

r(M) — receiving the message M

f(N) — generating the fresh number N

– p. 9

Page 10: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,


In general, a protocol description in Alice&Bob-notation involves acollection of principal variables corresponding to protocol participants (ai)and of number variables (nj), and consists of a sequence 〈step1 . . . stepm〉

of message exchange steps, each of the form

(stepq) as → ar : (nq1, . . . , nqt

). M

These steps are meant to prescribe a sequence of actions to be executedby each of the participants in a run of the protocol. But how?

– p. 10

Page 11: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,


In general, a protocol description in Alice&Bob-notation involves acollection of principal variables corresponding to protocol participants (ai)and of number variables (nj), and consists of a sequence 〈step1 . . . stepm〉

of message exchange steps, each of the form

(stepq) as → ar : (nq1, . . . , nqt

). M

These steps are meant to prescribe a sequence of actions to be executedby each of the participants in a run of the protocol. But how?

– p. 11

Page 12: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

The standard semantics

(stepq) as → ar : (nq1, . . . , nqt

). M

The sequence of actions corresponding to the execution of a’s role in theprotocol is a-run = stepa

1 � · · · � stepam, where stepa

q is defined by

stepaq =

〈f(nq1) . . . f(nqt

) . s(M, ar)〉 if a = as

〈r(M)〉 if a = ar

〈〉 otherwise

– p. 12

Page 13: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

A good example

The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol

(nspk1) a → b : (n1). {n1; a}Kb

(nspk2) b → a : (n2). {n1; n2}Ka

(nspk3) a → b : {n2}Kb

a-run : 〈f(n1).s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka

) . s({n2}Kb, b)〉

b-run : 〈r({n1; a}Kb) . f(n2) . s({n1; n2}Ka

, a) . r({n2}Kb)〉

– p. 13

Page 14: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

A good example

The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol

(nspk1) a → b : (n1). {n1; a}Kb

(nspk2) b → a : (n2). {n1; n2}Ka

(nspk3) a → b : {n2}Kb

a-run : 〈f(n1).s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka

) . s({n2}Kb, b)〉

– p. 14

Page 15: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

A good example

The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol

(nspk1) a → b : (n1). {n1; a}Kb

(nspk2) b → a : (n2). {n1; n2}Ka

(nspk3) a → b : {n2}Kb

a-run : 〈f(n1).s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka

) . s({n2}Kb, b)〉

b-run : 〈r({n1; a}Kb) . f(n2) . s({n1; n2}Ka

, a) . r({n2}Kb)〉

– p. 15

Page 16: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Another example

The Otway-Rees Authentication/Key-Exchange Protocol

(or1) a → b : (n1). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas

(or2) b → s : (n2). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

(or3) s → b : ( k ). i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

(or4) b → a : i; {n1; k}Kas

– p. 16

Page 17: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Another example

The Otway-Rees Authentication/Key-Exchange Protocol

(or1) a → b : (n1). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas

(or2) b → s : (n2). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

(or3) s → b : ( k ). i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

(or4) b → a : i; {n1; k}Kas

b-run : b-possrun :

〈r(i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas) . 〈r(i; a; b; m1) .

f(n2) . f(n2) .

s(i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

, s) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) .

r(i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs) .

s(i; {n1; k}Kas, a)〉 s(i; m2, a)〉

– p. 17

Page 18: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

A bad example

The Otway-Rees Authentication/Key-Exchange Protocol

(or1) a → b : (n1). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas

(or2) b → s : (n2). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

(or3) s → b : ( k ). i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

(or4) b → a : i; {n1; k}Kas

b-run : b-possrun :

〈r(i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas) . 〈r(i; a; b; m1) .

f(n2) . f(n2) .

s(i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

, s) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) .

r(i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs) .

s(i; {n1; k}Kas, a)〉 s(i; m2, a)〉

– p. 18

Page 19: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Message variables

The Otway-Rees Authentication/Key-Exchange Protocol

(or1) a → b : (n1). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas

(or2) b → s : (n2). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

(or3) s → b : ( k ). i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

(or4) b → a : i; {n1; k}Kas

b-run : symbolic b-possrun :

〈r(i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas) . 〈r(i; a; b; m1) .

f(n2) . f(n2) .

s(i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

, s) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) .

r(i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs) .

s(i; {n1; k}Kas, a)〉 s(i; m2, a)〉

– p. 19

Page 20: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Message variables

The Otway-Rees Authentication/Key-Exchange Protocol

(or1) a → b : (n1). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas

(or2) b → s : (n2). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

(or3) s → b : ( k ). i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

(or4) b → a : i; {n1; k}Kas

b-run : symbolic b-possrun :

〈r(i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas) . 〈r(i; a; b; m1) .

f(n2) . f(n2) .

s(i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

, s) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) .

r(i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs) .

s(i; {n1; k}Kas, a)〉 s(i; m2, a)〉


– p. 20

Page 21: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Another bad example

The Asokan-Shoup-Waidner Optimistic Fair-Exchange Subprotocol

(asw1) a → b : (n1). {Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1


(asw2) b → a : (n2). {{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a; H(n2)}K



(asw3) a → b : n1

(asw4) b → a : n2

– p. 21

Page 22: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Another bad example

The Asokan-Shoup-Waidner Optimistic Fair-Exchange Subprotocol

(asw1) a → b : (n1). {Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1


(asw2) b → a : (n2). {{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a; H(n2)}K



(asw3) a → b : n1

(asw4) b → a : n2

b-run :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

– p. 22

Page 23: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Another bad example

The Asokan-Shoup-Waidner Optimistic Fair-Exchange Subprotocol

(asw1) a → b : (n1). {Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1


(asw2) b → a : (n2). {{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a; H(n2)}K



(asw3) a → b : n1

(asw4) b → a : n2

b-run :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

Message VariablesNeeded

– p. 23

Page 24: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Even so ...

The Asokan-Shoup-Waidner Optimistic Fair-Exchange Subprotocol

(asw1) a → b : (n1). {Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1


(asw2) b → a : (n2). {{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a; H(n2)}K



(asw3) a → b : n1

(asw4) b → a : n2

b-possrun :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; m1}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

b-possrun :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1


〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; m1}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

– p. 24

Page 25: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Even so ...

The Asokan-Shoup-Waidner Optimistic Fair-Exchange Subprotocol

(asw1) a → b : (n1). {Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1


(asw2) b → a : (n2). {{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a; H(n2)}K



(asw3) a → b : n1

(asw4) b → a : n2

b-possrun :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; m1}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

b-possrun :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1


〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; m1}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

Eager CheckNeeded

– p. 25

Page 26: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

With eager checking

The Asokan-Shoup-Waidner Optimistic Fair-Exchange Subprotocol

(asw1) a → b : (n1). {Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1


(asw2) b → a : (n2). {{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a; H(n2)}K



(asw3) a → b : n1

(asw4) b → a : n2

b-possrun :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; m1}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

b-possruns :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1


〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; m1}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

– p. 26

Page 27: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

With eager checking

The Asokan-Shoup-Waidner Optimistic Fair-Exchange Subprotocol

(asw1) a → b : (n1). {Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1


(asw2) b → a : (n2). {{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a; H(n2)}K



(asw3) a → b : n1

(asw4) b → a : n2

b-possrun :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; m1}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉

b-possruns :

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1


〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; m1}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; m1}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1)〉

〈r({Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K−1

a) . f(n2) .s({{Ka; Kb; t; H(n1)}K


a; H(n2)}K



, a) .r(n1) . s(n2, a)〉


– p. 27

Page 28: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Forwarding and conditional abortion


incremental symbolic runs


– p. 28

Page 29: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Forwarding and conditional abortion


incremental symbolic runs


– p. 29

Page 30: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Forwarding and conditional abortion


incremental symbolic runs


– p. 30

Page 31: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Opaque and transparent messages

analysisM1; M2


M1; M2


{M}K K−1


synthesisM1 M2

M1; M2





synthesis ︸ ︷︷ ︸


– p. 31

Page 32: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Opaque and transparent messages

a-run = 〈act1, . . . , acts〉 initial data D0a

act1 act2 act3 acts−1 actsD0

a// D1

a// D2

a// . . . // Ds−1

a// Ds


Di+1a =

Dia if acti+1 = s(M, y)

close(Dia ∪ {M}) if acti+1 = r(M)

close(Dia ∪ {n}) if acti+1 = f(n)

– p. 32

Page 33: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Opaque and transparent messages

a-run = 〈act1, . . . , acts〉 initial data D0a

act1 act2 act3 acts−1 actsD0

a// D1

a// D2

a// . . . // Ds−1

a// Ds


Di+1a =

Dia if acti+1 = s(M, y)

close(Dia ∪ {M}) if acti+1 = r(M)

close(Dia ∪ {n}) if acti+1 = f(n)

Executabilityfor each participant a and 1 ≤ i ≤ t, if acti = s(M, b) then M ∈ Di−1


– p. 33

Page 34: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Opaque and transparent messages

Given the closed dataset D

vD(M) =

M if M is atomicvD(M1); vD(M2) if M = M1; M2

{vD(M1)}vD(K) if M = {M1}K and K−1 ∈ D or M1, K ∈ D

H(vD(M1)) if M = H(M1) and M1 ∈ D

mM otherwise

– p. 34

Page 35: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Opaque and transparent messages

Given the closed dataset D

vD(M) =

M if M is atomicvD(M1); vD(M2) if M = M1; M2

{vD(M1)}vD(K) if M = {M1}K and K−1 ∈ D or M1, K ∈ D

H(vD(M1)) if M = H(M1) and M1 ∈ D

mM otherwise

Abadi and Rogaway. Reconciling two views of cryptography. Journal of Cryptology15(2):103–127, 2002.

– p. 35

Page 36: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Opaque and transparent messages

Given the closed dataset D

vD(M) =

M if M is atomicvD(M1); vD(M2) if M = M1; M2

{vD(M1)}vD(K) if M = {M1}K and K−1 ∈ D or M1, K ∈ D

H(vD(M1)) if M = H(M1) and M1 ∈ D

mM otherwise

A message M is

D-transparent if vD(M) = M

D-opaque if vD(M) = mM , i.e.

M = {M1}K , K−1 /∈ D and {M1, K} * D, or else

M = H(M1) and M1 /∈ D

– p. 36

Page 37: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Opaque and transparent messages

Given the closed dataset D

vD(M) =

M if M is atomicvD(M1); vD(M2) if M = M1; M2

{vD(M1)}vD(K) if M = {M1}K and K−1 ∈ D or M1, K ∈ D

H(vD(M1)) if M = H(M1) and M1 ∈ D

mM otherwise

A message M is

D-transparent if vD(M) = M

D-opaque if vD(M) = mM , i.e.

M = {M1}K , K−1 /∈ D and {M1, K} * D, or else

M = H(M1) and M1 /∈ D


– p. 37

Page 38: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Incremental symbolic runs

a-run = 〈act1, . . . , acts〉 initial data D0a

act1 act2 act3 acts−1 actsD0

a// D1

a// D2

a// . . . // Ds−1

a// Ds


– p. 38

Page 39: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Incremental symbolic runs

a-run = 〈act1, . . . , acts〉 initial data D0a

act1 act2 act3 acts−1 actsD0

a// D1

a// D2

a// . . . // Ds−1

a// Ds


a-possrun1 : 〈act11〉a-possrun2 : 〈act21 . act22〉a-possrun3 : 〈act31 . act32 . act33〉. . .

a-possruns : 〈acts1 . acts2 . acts3 . . . . . actss〉

where each a-possruni = vDia(a-run|i), i.e. actij = vDi


– p. 39

Page 40: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol

(nspk1) a → b : (n1). {n1; a}Kb

(nspk2) b → a : (n2). {n1; n2}Ka

(nspk3) a → b : {n2}Kb

a-run : 〈f(n1).s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka

) . s({n2}Kb, b)〉

a-possrun1 : 〈f(n1)〉

a-possrun2 : 〈f(n1) . s({n1; a}Kb, b)〉

a-possrun3 : 〈f(n1) . s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka


a-possrun4 : 〈f(n1) . s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka

) . s({n2}Kb, b)〉

– p. 40

Page 41: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol

(nspk1) a → b : (n1). {n1; a}Kb

(nspk2) b → a : (n2). {n1; n2}Ka

(nspk3) a → b : {n2}Kb

a-run : 〈f(n1).s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka

) . s({n2}Kb, b)〉

a-possrun1 : 〈f(n1)〉

a-possrun2 : 〈f(n1) . s({n1; a}Kb, b)〉

a-possrun3 : 〈f(n1) . s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka


a-possrun4 : 〈f(n1) . s({n1; a}Kb, b) . r({n1; n2}Ka

) . s({n2}Kb, b)〉

– p. 41

Page 42: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

TheoremThe standard sequence a-run is representative if and only ifevery received message is transparent when it is received, i.e.if acti = r(M), then M is Di


– p. 42

Page 43: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

TheoremThe standard sequence a-run is representative if and only ifevery received message is transparent when it is received, i.e.if acti = r(M), then M is Di


For instance, NSPK fulfils this conditionOtway-Rees and Asokan-Shoup-Waidner do not

– p. 43

Page 44: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

The Otway-Rees Authentication/Key-Exchange Protocol

(or1) a → b : (n1). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas

(or2) b → s : (n2). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

(or3) s → b : ( k ). i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

(or4) b → a : i; {n1; k}Kas

b-possrun :

〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs

) . s(i; m2, a)〉

b-possruns :

〈r(i; a; b; m1)〉

〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2)〉

〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s)〉

〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs


〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs

) . s(i; m2, a)〉

– p. 44

Page 45: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

The Otway-Rees Authentication/Key-Exchange Protocol

(or1) a → b : (n1). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas

(or2) b → s : (n2). i; a; b; {n1; i; a; b}Kas; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs

(or3) s → b : ( k ). i; {n1; k}Kas; {n2; k}Kbs

(or4) b → a : i; {n1; k}Kas

b-possrun :

〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs

) . s(i; m2, a)〉

b-possruns :

〈r(i; a; b; m1)〉

〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2)〉

〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s)〉

〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs


〈r(i; a; b; m1) . f(n2) . s(i; a; b; m1; {n2; i; a; b}Kbs, s) . r(i; m2; {n2; k}Kbs

) . s(i; m2, a)〉

– p. 45

Page 46: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

TheoremThe symbolic sequence a-possrun is representative if and only ifevery received message preserves the message variables that occur inthe views of previously received messages, i.e.if j < i, actj and acti are receiving actions, and mM occurs invD


x(actj), then mM also occurs in vDi


– p. 46

Page 47: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

TheoremThe symbolic sequence a-possrun is representative if and only ifevery received message preserves the message variables that occur inthe views of previously received messages, i.e.if j < i, actj and acti are receiving actions, and mM occurs invD


x(actj), then mM also occurs in vDi


For instance, NSPK and Otway-Rees fulfill this conditionStill, Asokan-Shoup-Waidner does not

– p. 47

Page 48: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Characterization theorems

incremental symbolic runs



all protocols

– p. 48

Page 49: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Conclusion and further work

Denotational semantics of Alice&Bob-style protocol specificationsIncremental symbolic runsMessage forwardingConditional abortion

Operational semanticsBasis for automated protocol analysis toolsStep towards implementation

Fill in the gap between Alice&Bob-notation and HLPSL

Distributed temporal logic

Object level and metalevel reasoningReduction resultsCalculus

– p. 49

Page 50: Deconstructing Alice & BobDeconstructing Alice & Bob Carlos Caleiro CLC, Dep. Mathematics, IST, TU Lisbon, Portugal Luca Vigano and David Basin` Dep. Computer Science, ETH Zurich,

Conclusion and further work

Denotational semantics of Alice&Bob-style protocol specificationsIncremental symbolic runsMessage forwardingConditional abortion

Operational semanticsBasis for automated protocol analysis toolsStep towards implementation

Fill in the gap between Alice&Bob-notation and HLPSL

Distributed temporal logic

Object level and metalevel reasoningReduction resultsCalculus

Thank you!

– p. 50