Decision Making & Solv

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    Managing Decision Making and Problem


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    The Nature of Decision Making

    Decision making:

    The act of choosing one alternative from among a set ofalternatives.

    e.g. Bharti could have selected any business for expansionbut they have selected businesses that are in line with their

    existing businesses i.e. DTH, 3G

    Decision-making process:

    Recognizing and defining the nature of a decision situation,identifying alternatives, choosing the best alternative, and

    putting it into practice

    e.g. Maggi Pasta is a new product that Nestle has come outwith as this product category is growing at 70%.

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    A View of Decision-Making Conditions

    Certainty Risk Uncertainty

    Level of ambiguity and chances of making a bad decision

    Lower Moderate Higher

    The decisionmaker faces

    conditions of:

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    Decision-Making Conditions

    State of certainty:

    A condition in which the decision maker knowswith reasonable certainty what the alternativesare and what conditions are associated witheach alternative.

    State of risk:

    A condition in which the availability of each

    alternative and its potential payoffs and costsare all associated with probability estimates.

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    State of Uncertainty

    A condition in which the decision makerdoes not know all the alternatives, therisks associated with each, or the likely

    consequences of each alternative.

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    Obtain complete andperfect information.

    Eliminate uncertainty.Evaluate everything

    rationally and logically

    The Classical Model of Decision Making

    When faced with adecision situation,


    and end up with adecision that best

    serves the interestsof the organization.

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    Rational Perspectives on Decision Making

    Classical model:

    A prescriptive approach to decision making that

    tells managers how they should make decisions.

    It assumes that managers are logical and rationaland that they make decisions that are in the best

    interests of the organization.

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    Steps in Rational Decision Making


    Recognize and definesituation.

    Identify alternatives. Evaluate alternatives.

    Select alternative.

    Implement alternative.

    Follow up and evaluateresults.


    Stimulus may bepositive or negative.

    Alternatives must begenerated.

    Feasibility check.

    Choose best fit

    alternative. Implementation.

    Does it work?

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    Evaluating Alternatives in the Decision-Making Process

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    Behavioral Aspects of Decision Making

    The Administrative Model: A decision making model showing that


    1. Have incomplete and imperfectinformation.

    2. Are constrained by bounded rationality.

    3. Tend to satisfice when making decisions.

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    Different Types Of Personalities

    1. Sanguine:Party types, Love to be centre of attraction,

    Enthusiastic, Low on details

    2 Melancholy: Lonely, depressed, high on details lowon enthusiasm, Will carry notebook for writing for any


    3 Choleric: Convert every situation in to competition,Always want to win, Ruthless, want to lead but

    sometimes ignore feeling of their people

    4 Phlegmatic:Peace at all costs,do not want to get intoany confrontation, can keep people in teams together

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    ...and end up with adecision that may or

    may not serve theinterests of theorganization.

    The Administrative Model of Decision Making

    Use incomplete andimperfect Information.

    Are constrained bybounded rationality.Tend to satisfice

    When faced with adecision situation


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    Bounded Rationality

    A concept suggesting that decisionmakers are limited by their values andunconscious:

    A. Values.

    B. Unconscious reflexes.

    C. Skills.

    D. Habits.

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    The tendency to searchfor alternatives only untilone is found that meetssome minimum standardof sufficiency.

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    Political Forces in Decision Making


    An informal alliance of

    groups formed to achievea common goal.

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    Intuition and Escalation of Commitment


    An innate belief aboutsomething withoutconscious consideration.

    Escalation of commitment:

    A decision makers staying

    with a decision even whenit appears to be wrong.

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    Risk Propensity and Decision Making

    Risk propensity:

    The extent to which a

    decision maker iswilling to gamble whenmaking a decision.

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    Group and Team Decision Making in OrganizationsForms of Group and Team Decision Making: Interacting group or team:

    A decision making group or team in which members openlydiscuss, argue about, and agree on the best alternative.

    Delphi group: A form of group decision making in which a group solicits

    input from a panel of experts who contribute individually;their opinions are combined and, in effect,


    Nominal group:

    A structured technique, in which the group members arebrought face to face to generate:


    Innovative alternatives.


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    Advantages and Disadvantages of Group andTeam Decision Making


    More informationand knowledgeavailable.

    More alternativesgenerated.

    More acceptance.


    Better discussions.


    The process takeslonger.

    Compromiseddecisions result fromindecisiveness.

    One person maydominate.