Decembrist Revolt




Transcript of Decembrist Revolt

Decembrist revolt

Decembrist revolt 26 December 1825BackgroundThe early Russian system of government instituted by Peter the Great, which consisted of various state committees.The responsibilities of those organizations were chosen very randomly and often overlapped.Soon after Alexander I inherited the throne in 1801, he formed a Privy Committee ( )They proposed reforms which introducing a parliament and a State Council (nowadays supreme court)Military Land Forces, Naval Forces, Foreign Affairs, Justice, Internal Affairs, Finances, Commerce, Education. The Manifesto facilitated the formation of the Russian State and unified the system of the executive power bodies were formedThey even prepared the Constitution projectEnd of reformThe reform was stopped by 1810 because of the Napoleonic wars and growing resistance from conservative nobility, as voiced by Nikolai Karamzin.after revolutions in Naples and Piedmont (part of nowadays Italy), France, Germany, and among his own people (foolish plot to kidnap him on his way to the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle among the officers of the guard)Alexander I became increasingly suspicious of those around him

Aftermatha series of repressions and a return to a former government of restriction and conservatism conducted by later tsarsIn response of the policy change and nasty experiences of the Napoleonic Warsa British style constitutional monarchy with a limited franchise, the abolition of serfdom and equality before the law (northern society)Abolition of the monarchy, establish a republic and redistribute land: taking half into state ownership and dividing the rest among the peasants (southern society On the morning of 26 December, a group of officers commanding about 3,000 men assembled in Senate Square, where they refused to swear allegiance to the new tsar, Nicholas I, proclaiming instead their loyalty to Constantine and their Decembrist Constitution. They expected to be joined by the rest of the troops stationed in Saint Petersburgresultits supposed leader Prince Trubetskoy, who had a last minute change of heart, and failed to turn up at the Square. His second in command, Colonel Bulatov also vanished from the sceneFor long hours there was a stand-off between the 3,000 rebels and the 9,000 loyal troops stationed outside the Senate buildingat the end of the day, Nicholas ordered three artillery pieces to open fire, with devastating effect.As the ice was broken by the cannon fire, many of the dead and dying were cast into the riverOthers were exiled or executedThey, among other factors, served as one of the inspirations for the February and October 1917 Revolutions in Russia