December Secrets Worksheets

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Worksheets to accompany the book December Secrets. Appropriate for grades 3-5.

Transcript of December Secrets Worksheets

A Novel Unit Prepared for theScholastic Inc., edition 1984Printing December 2006

Each student in Ms. Rooney's room celebrates the December holidays by being a secret pal to a classmate.Name ___________________________ Before reading Chapters 1 3 study theseVocabulary Words

Name ___________________________

Sighed, spirit, patent, menorah, Hanukkah, bunching, diet, wreath, cigar, blackboard

Name ___________________________

Questions for Chapters 1 3, pages 1 - 23

1. What did Dawn ask Emily while the class was in line to ride the fire truck?


2. Why was Emily jealous of Dawn Bosco?


3. What did Emily think about Jill?


4. What did Emily want to do in the fire truck?


5. What did Emily decide to do for her secret friend?


6. Why did Dawn draw the picture of Emily with the green stain on her pants?


7. Emily judged Jill based upon what?


8. Why was Ms. Rooneys class waiting to go outside on the first day of December?


Name ___________________________

Questions for Chapters 1 3, pages 1 23 continued

9. What clue suggested that Jill probably didnt have friends in the class and was treated badly by the other students?


10. Jill always looked like she was going to do what?


11. What did Ms. Rooney have her class do to teach about the importance of being kind to others?


12. What did Emily hope no one would notice about her almost-new pink sweatsuit?


13. Who was the only person left for Emily to pick as her secret friend after she turned down Dawn?


14. What did Emily think about Jill? What was wrong about Emilys thoughts?


Name ___________________________

Theres a famous saying that a picture can be wortha thousand words. Now, Im not asking for a thousandwords just a sentence or two describing what is going on in these pictures.




Name ___________________________

Hanukkah: Jews celebrate Hanukkah to commemorate the Miracle of the Oil. The Hebrew word Hanukkah means "dedication". Over 2000 years ago, in 165 BC, the Jews in Judea rebelled against their Syrian ruler, Antiochus, because he insisted that all Jewish people must worship Greek Gods. After three hard years of fighting, the Jews defeated Antiochus and, to celebrate, they restored the Temple of Jerusalem - which had been taken over by the Syrians - and rededicated it to their God. Complete this activity to learn more about Hanukkah. A dictionary will help you.

Name ___________________________

Vocabulary for Chapters 4 -6, pages 24 48

A student given the task of helping to

The fastest pace of a horse, in whichall four feet are off the ground at thesame time.

Name ___________________________

Vocabulary for Chapters 4 -6, pages 24 48

Choose 6 of the new vocabulary words to write sixsentences. Each sentence must begin with a different word and be capitalized, underline the new vocabulary word, use proper punctuation, and have at least 5 words or more.1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________

Questions for Chapters 4 -6, pages 24 48

1. What did Emily notice about Jills red bows?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Emily gave Jill two pictures, what were they pictures of?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. How did Emily feel about Jills reaction to the pictures?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. How did Emily think Jill would feel when she saw the pictures on her seat?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Who did Emily think needed the spirit of giving?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Why didnt Emily want anyone to see her cry?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________

Questions for Chapters 4 -6, pages 24 48 continued

7. Why was Emily concerned when she didnt find anything in her desk?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Who did Emily think had chosen her as a secret friend?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. What was Emily's purpose for giving Jill the pictures?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. What did Ms. Rooney bring in baggies for her students to use as decorations for their boxes?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11. What did Mrs. Avery do when Emily got up in the middle of a song and didnt explain why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________

Questions for Chapters 4 -6, pages 24 48 continued

12. What did Emily and Dawn do while singing "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer"?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bonus Question: What was the first present Emily gave to Jill, her secret friend? What did Emily hope Jill would learn from the present? Was this a thoughtful present? Why or why not?


Name ___________________________

Contractions, Chapters 4 6

Contractions: A shortened form of a word or group of words, with the missing letters usually marked by an apostrophe ().Examples: I've --- I have --- Example: I've worked here for many years.You're --- You are --- Example: You're joking!She'll --- She will --- Example: She'll be at the meeting.

Find ten different contractions in chapters 4 to 6, pages 24 to 48. Write the contraction, the page where you found it, and the two words that came together to make the contraction.


Youre pg 24 you are

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________Name ___________________________

Vocabulary for Chapters 7 9, pages 49 - 75

Name ___________________________

Vocabulary for Chapters 7 9, pages 49 - 75Choose 6 of the new vocabulary words to write sixsentences. Each sentence must begin with a different word and be capitalized, underline the new vocabulary word, use proper punctuation, and have at least 5 words or more.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________

Questions for Chapters 7 9, pages 49 75

1. Dawn said that giving presents was more important that getting them. Why was Emily mad when Dawn said this?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What did Emily find when she reached for her rubber unicorn?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Why did Jill have only three red ribbons for her four braids?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. What did Emily find in her desk when she began to draw pictures on her blue ball?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Why was Emily angry at Dawn about the cookies?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________

Questions for Chapters 7 9, pages 49 75 continued

6. Emily said Jill looked pretty when Jill did what?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Emily told Jill that her bows were pretty. How do you know that Emily didn't mean what she said?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. What did Emily find at home to give to Jill?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Who had been giving secret presents to Emily all along?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. Dawn decided not to write a note telling Jill to try a diet. Why did she decide not to do this?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________

Questions for Chapters 7 9, pages 49 75 continued

11. Who received the cookies that Emily and her mother made?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12. When did Emily and Jill laugh together?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13. What was Emilys last secret present for Jill?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________

Bonus Question: Rooneys class talked about the spirit of giving. Would you know the Christmas Spirit if you saw it? It is fast becoming an endangered species in our culture today. We corrupt it without meaning to, with questions like, What do you want for Christmas?

Yet the true spirit of Christmas is a spirit of giving it is evidenced best in a generous heart. It shines out with amazing clarity in the lives of those who possess it.

What did Rooneys class do in the spirit of giving? Is your Christmas Spirit one of giving or receiving? Who in this story has the gift of giving and who has the need to receive? How do you fell about that? What kinds of thing can you do for others in the spirit of giving?


Name ___________________________

Final Review pg. 1

1. What did Emily finally decide to do with her macaroni box?a. Give it to Dawnb. Keep it for herselfc. Give it to her motherd. Give it to Jill

2. What did Emily receive from her secret friend?a. A picture of three girlsb. Homemade cookiesc. A red crayond. Both a and c

3. Who received the cookies that Emily and her mother made?a. Dawnb. Beastc. Jilld. Emily ate them herself.

4. Who did Emily think had chosen her as a secret friend?a. Jillb. Beastc. Dawnd. Matthew

5. Why did Mrs. Avery send Emily back to the classroom?a. Emily was singing too loudly.b. Emily got up in the middle of a song.c. Mrs. Avery wanted Emily to get the Christmas music.d. Mrs. Avery wanted Emily to get the Christmas tree.

6. How did Emily get back at both Dawn and Jill?a. Emily didnt give Jill and Dawn enough glue for their boxes.b. Emily didnt pick Jill or Dawn to be her secret friend.c. Emily gave Jill and Dawn fewer decorations for their boxes.d. Emily only gave Jill and Dawn one ornament each.Name ___________________________

Final Review pg. 2

7. Which of the following was NOT a reason why Emily wanted to be at the front of the fire truck line?a. She wanted to ride in front with the firefighter.b. She wanted to share the front seat with Jill.c. She wanted to wear the big black fire hat.d. She wanted to ring the siren.

8. Which of the following was an example of Emilys selfishness?a. Emily was upset about Dawns rude picture; Emily didnt think her pictures to Jill were rude.b. Emily thought Dawn was unfair for only giving her one star; Emily only gave Dawn one star.c. Emily didnt want to pick Jill as her secret friend; Emily thought about picking herself.d. All of the above.

9. Emily thought of Jill as what?a. A fat crybabyb. A skinny crybabyc. A shy girld. A loud joker

10. Emily judged Jill based upon what?a. Jills popularityb. Jills intelligencec. Jills raced. Jills weight

Name ___________________________

Crossword Final Review page 2The fastest pace of a horse, in whichall four feet are off the ground at thesame time.A student given the task of helping to Keep order within a school.

Name ___________________________

Sequence: tells you the order in which things happen or come. The following synopsis of December Secrets is out of sequence. Number the sentences in the correct order to tell the story properly.

_____ Because she was the last one to pick, Emily is stuck with fat Jill Simon.

_____ Jill is the class crybaby, and Emily makes up her mind she will make Jill happier -- and thinner.

_____ This month everyone in Ms. Rooney's room has chosen a special person to be kind to.

_____ December is a time for gift giving.

_____ All the kids are happy with their secret friends except Emily Arrow.

_____ Just before Christmas the secrets are told, and Emily learns what being a special friend really means.

_____ At the same time Emily's getting lots of super presents herself -- and she's almost sure they're from Dawn Tiffanie Bosco, who's been mean to her.