December Newsletter 2012

BANNERMAN HIGH SCHOOL Bannerman Update Inside This Issue: Kids’Lit, The Right Thing To Do, Speakers for Schools, Public Speaking, Parliament Visit, Culinary Excellence, S1 Litter Pick, S3 Enterprise Challenge, CSLA, AU News, Football Update, Morocco 2013, Young Enterprise, Remembrance Day, S4 Malawi Fundraising, Malawi Partnership, Paris Youth Convention, Red Cross, Teacher Auction, Performing Arts News DECEMBER 2012 Chinese Stone Carving A group of S3 pupils including Ffion Berry, Cameron Coyle, Amy Duncan, Aqsa Hamid, Kieran Harkins, Sophie Howard, Alice Kenny, Darroch Murdoch, Bethany Walker and Andrew White, attended a stone carving workshop at Scotland’s National Centre for Language in Strathclyde University. The workshop was hosted by the Confuscious Institute, which sits within the university and which is partially funded by the Chinese Government. The Confuscious Institute aims to increase cultural awareness and Chinese language within Scotland. The ancient art of seal cutting had been explored by pupils in class along with Chinese ink painting and calligraphy however, the workshop gave pupils the opportunity to learn proper stone carving techniques from a master seal carver and calligrapher who had come from China in order to host these workshops. Pupils had previously made seals to print with from potatoes in school. This did not prepare them for the challenge of carving intricate Chinese characters in stone! However, the excellent tuition ensured that pupils and staff had a thoroughly enlightening and enjoyable time learning about the history of seal making and trying out the ancient skills for themselves. Miss Forrester

Transcript of December Newsletter 2012

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Inside This Issue: Kids’Lit, The Right Thing To Do, Speakers for Schools,

Public Speaking, Parliament Visit, Culinary Excellence, S1 Litter Pick, S3 Enterprise Challenge, CSLA, AU

News, Football Update, Morocco 2013, Young Enterprise, Remembrance Day, S4 Malawi Fundraising,

Malawi Partnership, Paris Youth Convention, Red Cross, Teacher Auction, Performing Arts News


Chinese Stone CarvingA group of S3 pupils including Ffion Berry, Cameron Coyle, Amy Duncan, Aqsa Hamid, Kieran Harkins, Sophie Howard, Alice Kenny, Darroch Murdoch, Bethany Walker and Andrew White, attended a stone carving workshop at Scotland’s National Centre for Language in Strathclyde University.

The workshop was hosted by the Confuscious Institute, which sits within the university and which is partially funded by the Chinese Government. The Confuscious Institute aims to increase cultural awareness and Chinese language within Scotland.

The ancient art of seal cutting had been explored by pupils in class along with Chinese ink painting and calligraphy however, the workshop gave pupils the opportunity to learn proper stone carving techniques from a master seal carver and calligrapher who had come from China in order to host these workshops. Pupils had previously made seals to print with from potatoes in school. This did not prepare them for the challenge of carving intricate Chinese characters in stone! However, the excellent tuition ensured that pupils and staff had a thoroughly enlightening and enjoyable time learning about the history of seal making and trying out the ancient skills for themselves.

Miss Forrester

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Kids’ Lit

On Tuesday 13th November, 6 brave S1 pupils took part in the West of Scotland heat of The Kids’ Lit Quiz 2012 at Kilsyth Academy. This heat was one of the biggest ever with over 40 teams from all over Scotland taking part in an exciting 10 round competition.

The Bannerman High Team fought tirelessly and came in at an amazing 22nd out of 42 teams.

A big well done to: Emma Jane Hastings, Ben Maxwell, Caillum Grantham, Kyle Matthews and Christopher Keegan of S1 who all took part… along with Scooby Doo.

Ms Taggart and Miss McGlinn

Library OpeningRememember the library is open for all year groups at lunchtime from 1 o’clock

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It is open on Wednesday for the Book Club.


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The Right Thing To Do

Bannerman pupils took part in a Learning Community Project to produce an Anti-bullying Charter. The Charter, based on rights and responsibilities is called ‘The right thing to do’.

A group of pupils ranging from 3 to 18 years, from all the education establishments in the community met to look at the key issues in Anti-bullying. The young people came up with many suggestions and voted on the three most important responsibilities and the three main rights for all pupils in the Learning Community. Bannerman pupils from S1 to S6 took a leading role in helping the younger children put their thoughts and ideas into words. It was truly inspiring to see pupils of such varying ages working together, listening and respecting each others views and opinions. Bannerman pupils led groups, ensuring every young person’s voice was heard. Responsible citizens in action!

The next stage in the Charter involved all the schools and nurseries taking the chosen rights and responsibilities back to their own schools and bringing them to life with pictures. It was a very difficult task to pick just one picture for each responsibility and right. Staff and pupils involved selected the winning pictures from hundreds of entriesCongratulations to Jane Maxwell of 2N2, who designed the central logo for the poster currently displayed around all the schools. I am sure that you will agree that the finished product has the ‘wow’ factor!

The Posters were launched in Bannerman during anti-bullying week. This has been followed up by a survey of all pupils at tutor time. The information gathered will be analysed by the House Councils and used as a basis for our new Anti-bullying policy.

Mrs Peoples

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Speakers for Schools

Bannerman High School took part in the launch event of the charity Speakers for Schools which was launched across Scotland on 12 November. The charity aims to bring the leaders in Scottish business, media culture, academia and politics to give talks to students in state secondary schools to broaden horizons and raise aspirations.

As part of the programme we were lucky to receive a visit from Lord Robertson who spoke to pupils in S4-6 who are currently studying Modern Studies. After a tour of the school which was led by two of our young people who wish to go on to study Law, Lord Robertson spoke to the audience of young people about his own very varied career. This included advice on working hard, going the extra mile and what he believes to be an important aspect of being successful, getting noticed. Pupils then had the opportunity to put him on the spot and ask questions about his career and political beliefs.

Pupils’ comments after the event included that they thoroughly enjoyed the experience and found him very interesting to listen to.

Mrs Belford

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Public Speaking

On Tuesday 4th December, Hamza Ahmad of S3 represented the school in the final of the Glasgow Rotary Club Speaking Competition. He came in the top 4 in the initial heats, to win a place in the final.

Hamza made a very powerful speech on the topic, “The best things in life are free”, and received praise both in the heats and in the final.

The winner on the night came from the large group of senior pupils competing, but Hamza is gaining great experience by going against pupils at that level; and who knows, next year …

Mrs Perry

S6 Visit to the Scottish Parliament

Three 6th year pupils braved the December snow, to attend a series of workshops on Language in the Scottish Parliament. Sam Boyce, Heather Morrison and Christine Nicol were among a group of senior pupils looking at how language is used in a variety of aspects of parliamentary business. They looked at how bills and legislation are formulated, as well as how each parliamentary session is recorded in the Official Report. The day was rounded off by a Q/A session involving the workshop presenters and three Scottish MSPs. All in all it gave a useful insight into an aspect of parliamentary work.

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Culinary Excellence

Sixteen of our S5 Hospitality pupils took part in the course this year in The Millennium Hotel, Glasgow. This involved them going to there for ten afternoons where they learned front of house skills such as napkin folding, serving meals correctly and setting the tables beautifully. They also worked in the kitchen where they made tasty food.

The last week they were there they produced a banquet for fifty invited guests. They all worked in the kitchen at the start and then half of them went on to set up the tables while the rest continued to prepare the food. The menu on the night had a Scottish theme containing salmon for the starter, chicken Balmoral for the main course and cranachan shortcake for the dessert. They also made canapés to welcome the guests at the start of the evening. Half the pupils also served the food to the guests.

Two of the pupils stood up in front of everyone to do a welcome speech and a vote of thanks at the end.

As part of this course they also visited the fruit market at Blochairn which was a 6.30am start at the school! This was so that they could see where their food came from although looking at live lobsters at 7 am wasn’t the first thing they wanted to see. In the new year they will also go on a visit to Cameron House.

Some of the pupils have now applied for seasonal temporary work at the hotel and I hope they will be successful. It gives them a taste of what it would be like to work in the Hospitality industry.

Mrs Bain

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S1Litter Pick

Thirty nine pupils in S1 took part in a litter pick in the local community in November. Looking at the impact of litter in the wider community has been built into the S1 PSE course and prior to taking part pupils received a talk from Gabe Wortman, Senior Development Officer for North & East Environmental Community Action Team and had a chance to discuss the impact of litter.

The S1 pupils taking part were able to highlight that they are effective contributors and responsible citizens through their participation in the project. During their litter pick approximately six bags of litter were gathered from the streets surrounding the school.

The remaining pupils in S1 will have the opportunity to take part in further litter picks scheduled for later in the session.

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S3 Enterprise Challenge

S3 pupils from the Business Education department took part in the annual Coca-Cola enterprise challenge to develop a new and exciting product. The pupils had to form a company and create a new sustainable healthy 100% fruit juice drink. In order for them to be successful in the challenge, pupils had to work in a team with each pupil having a dedicated role to perform. The challenge provided an opportunity for pupils to develop and demonstrate a range of business skills including teamwork, communication skills, thinking skills, time management skills and presentation skills.

The challenge involved pupils using the four P's or the "marketing mix" - Product; Price; Place and Promotion to launch their new product. They had to create a name for their product; research the market to determine target customers; choose the ingredients for their drink; set the correct price for their product; discussing where their product would be sold and finally creating a presentation to "pitch" and promote their product to a panel of judges, including a representative from Strathclyde Business School. All the teams presented their work to a very high standard. The judges commented on how innovative the product ideas were and on the high standard of the presentations. Once the judging was over, the decision was unanimous and the winning team was Frutos del Mundo.

The Managing Director of Frutos del Mundo, Ryan McNair said afterwards that he thought the challenge was really great fun and that his company worked really well together as a team. He said that he didn’t think they would have been a success if everyone hadn’t given 100% effort. Ryan and the rest of the team - Hannah Fulton; Amy Thomson; Rachael Thompson; Leah Menzies; Lucy Aldebert; Alice Kenny and Dylan Thomson are now looking forward to the regional final at Stirling University in January.

Well done to everyone who was involved. We may have found some budding candidates for Junior Apprentice!

Mr Reynolds

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The Community Sports Leadership Award (CSLA) students recently helped out at a junior Badminton event held at the new Emirates arena in Glasgow’s east end. Unbeknown to them they would actually be taking part in and coaching primary aged pupils right in the centre of the newly built velodrome named after Sir Chris Hoy!

The CSLA students recently sat a level 1 Badminton Scotland coaching course and this event was a culmination of their hard work and an opportunity to put their newly found skills into practice.

As you can see from the picture it’s quite an impressive place and being one of the first schools’ groups to use the facility was a great honour for the Bannerman group.

Performing Arts Future Dates“Such is the Kingdom” Glasgow Cathedral 22 and 23 JanuaryThe Talent Show 20 Dec 2012Drama Department London Trip February 2013Higher and Advanced Higher Drama showcaseEaster Concert 19 March 2013Gig at the Baby Grand Easter 2013School Show 19- 21 June 2013


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A U NewsHere’s one I made earlier

Nathan and the table he made as part of his furniture assembly college course. Sam is also doing well in his cookery college course, so far he has made a range of culinary delights: hamburgers; chilli; apple pie; sausage rolls; chicken curry and chocolate éclairs.

“We’ll be back!” And we will...

Allan and Mark have a go at being The Terminator at last year’s Unit Christmas trip. We are looking forward to our upcoming Unit Christmas trip to Braehead Xscape, where the activities will be mini golf, bowling and laser station.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Pupils have been busy preparing various goodies to sell at our upcoming unit Christmas coffee morning. Pupils will be selling soft toys, door stops, Christmas candles, decorations, sweets and lots more.

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Football Update

As we approach the halfway point in season 2012-13 Bannerman High schools five football teams have been busy with a mixture of both league and cup fixtures. Firstly, the S1 team had a slow start but after two wins in the past two matches they have fired themselves into the playoff hunt scoring thirteen goals in the process. In second year the team led by Mr Douglas are still within touching distance of qualification for the knockout stages with their most notable victory being a thrilling 7-6 win away at Lochend. Mr Douglas said " It has been a reasonable start and I believe we will qualify if we maintain our current form. I have some new tactics up my sleeve and this is only the beginning."

Mr McGillivray's third year boys are slightly behind with fixtures but after a win, draw and loss it is all to play for in the under 15s section. A very impressive win in the Scottish cup against high flying All Saints has breathed new life into their campaign. Mr McGillivray said, " Football wise were playing some fantastic stuff however, I am not getting carried away we must be more consistent."

The fourth year team led by Mr Pattison are enjoying a very good season this year winning all eight of their games so far. This has seen them reach the last thirty two of the Scottish cup and the quarter finals of the league cup. Currently sitting top of their section, they play Grange Academy from Kilmarnock for a place in the last 16 of the Scottish Cup. Mr Pattison said " It's been an excellent start however, we must remain focussed as nothing is won in December."

Last but not least is the senior football team who are without doubt the most colourful team in the school. Led by Sir Alex Ferguson A.K.A Ms Pearson they are currently sitting third in the under 18 section however, they can move top if they win their two games in hand. After a defeat against Eastbank in their opening match the team has been on an incredible run that has seen them win their last seven matches including a 4-0 win away to Castlemilk High that now leaves them in the last 32 of the Scottish Cup. Ms Pearson said " there is no way we are not going to win something this year.”

So it's so far so good for the football teams as we head into the second half of the season. One things for sure the excitement and drama in the coming months will be plentiful and here's hoping Bannerman end their long wait for some silverware.

Mr Pattison

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Morocco 2013The Morocco Team of Daniel Brady, Megan Reid, Hazel Topping, Alan Bothwell, Craig R Smith, Cameron Smith, Sarah Milligan, Robert Fleming, Andrew Barclay, Amy Peters, Kirsty Hay, Marcus McNab, Sarah Watson, Molly Tedeschi, Rebecca Brodie and Andrew Johnston (all S5) have been taking part in many different fundraising activities over the past couple of months raising money and having fun! Here are some of the highlights so far…

Race Night - This evening was hosted by the group on Friday 26th October. It was attended by over a hundred people who had a great time gambling and dancing the night away. We managed to raise over £1500.

Bag pack – On Friday 2nd November the group raised over £900 at ASDA in Robroyston where 16 pupils, 6 parents and 3 teachers packed as many bags as they could in three and a half hours. Thanks to the kind customers and ASDA for helping us raise that money.

Christmas Fete –A pupil from Smithycroft Secondary school organised a Christmas Fete for several nursery, primary and secondary schools in The Fort shopping centre on Saturday 24th November. Four pupils from the Morocco team attended, selling cakes, drinks, sweets and revision guides.


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Ladies night – This evening was hosted by three of the girls going on the Morocco 2013 expedition and their parents. The ladies night went really well; the girls raised £600 between the three of them. There was much fun and laughter during the evening with a raffle, pass the parcel game and finally dancing!

As you read this Rebecca Brodie and Andrew Johnston hopefully have completed a 3 Km swim and some lucky person(s) has won Hazel Topping’s Christmas raffle.

Thanks to all of those who have helped out the group.

Mr Boyle

Mr Boyle recently took part in the Santa Dash. He wrote:

With the amount of donations and a little Jessica Ennis inspiration I ran all the way, coming a couple of hundred metres behind the winner (he finished with a time just below 20 minutes and I finished at 21 minutes) so I tried my best. It was great seeing all the Santas, big, small, young, old and of the canine variety taking part. Some went all out to finish as fast as possible, others carried small Santa's little helpers, some were pulled along on little scooters and others were pushed in prams.

Money raised for entry to the event will go to the children's charity When You Wish Upon A Star, which sends Scottish youngsters with life-threatening illnesses to Lapland. The £214 I raised at school will go to the Morocco 2013 team.

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Young Enterprise

Following on from the Young Enterprise success of last year, the three companies formed by S6 pupils proudly represented Bannerman High School at the Royal Concert Hall Trade Fair in November. All three companies: Get Rich; Hashtag and Refined Edge were there bright and early on the day to transform their stands into minature market stalls using lots of innovative ideas. Refined Edge used a wooden Christmas Tree to help display their candles, Hashtag used sweet samples to encourage customers to come to them and the Get Rich girls turned their stand into a festive delight! The pupils were thrilled to have, in what is now becoming a Bannerman tradition, Ms Purdie as their first customer of the day. The pupils worked hard taking it in turns to work on the stall or go round the Concert Hall enticing potential customers to their stands and practicing their negotiating skills. It was a really long day and at times, the pupils barely had time to catch a breath but all three companies reported healthy profits from the day. They all received strong, positive comments from the Young Enterprise judges for their stands, products and sales techniques.

The S6 pupils are undertaking the Company Programme which allows them to start up and run their own company over a year. The Yes Company Programme contributes to the development of employability skills and raises awareness of social responsibility in S6 pupils. It is also documented that pupils who have been involved in this programme are more passionate about their jobs and satisfied with their career choices, are twice as likely to start their own business as their peers and are more successful in their careers regardless of social background. Skills such as teamwork; problem solving; decision making and time management are all incorporated into this programme which contributes towards a number of qualifications including the Intermediate level 2 award in Enterprise and Employability.

All three YES companies would like to thank everyone in Bannerman High who have supported them in the run up to the Trade Fair. Here’s to further success in 2013!

Ms Morin

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Remembrance Day

This year, the house captains continued Bannerman’s annual tradition of marking Remembrance Day; every year it is a hard task to live up to the efforts of the years before. This year we hoped to draw attention to remembering that not only did members of the Armed Forces give their lives in wars such as the World Wars, but also in more recent, and still on-going, conflicts such as Afghanistan and Iraq.

To do this, we included the works of poets from different generations, first-hand accounts showing the realities of war and photographs from a variety of conflicts in which the British Armed Forces fought. The display was placed outside the Workshop Theatre. We also gave a presentation over the tannoy, which featured a live performance of The Last Post from Jack Stevenson in sixth year and readings of several pieces.

Although Remembrance Day 2012 has passed, it is important to remember the continued dedication of serving personnel.

Lest we forget.

The house captains would like to thank everyone involved in

Remembrance Day preparations, particularly:

Mrs Roberts, Mr Miller, Mr Cook, Jack Stevenson and Kathryn Mills.

Sam Boyce

Livingstone House Captain.

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S4 Malawi Fundraising

This October S4 pupils started fundraising for Bannerman’s partnership with Masalani Community Day Secondary School in Malawi. On Friday 26 October many of the S4 year group choose to take part in a sponsored 12 hour fast. The event was a huge success and the fifty nine Pupils who took part raised over £2600!

The fast gave pupils an insight into the hunger that is experienced in a country where 76% of the population live on less than $2 a day.

On Sunday the 18th of November pupils gave up their spare time to help pack bags at Morrisons Supermarket at the Fort. It was a busy day and the pupils did a fantastic job raising over £1400. With the recent visit from the headteacher and some pupils from Masalani we were able to give them the money required to put electricity into one of their school blocks. Many of the pupils who did the bag pack and took part in the fast also came along on our trip to show our Malawian visitors around Edinburgh. Well done to all those who took part in the fundraising activities and a big thank you to all the families and staff that were so generous with their donations.

Mr Wilson

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Bannerman High hosted a visit from our link school in Malawi, Masalani Community Day Secondary School during November. The group consisting of Headteacher Cosmas Jamu and two pupils Wyson and Rose spent almost two weeks with us. This was the second part of a reciprocal visit as maths teacher Mr Wilson spent two weeks of his summer holidays in Masalani CDSS.

The partnership has been built into the S4 tutor programme and prior to the visit pupils in S4 spent time finding out about Malawi and exchanging letters with pupils there.

The pupils were very kindly hosted by the families of four pupils in S4, John Traynor, Matthew Davison, Zoe Harvey and Fiona Kerr allowing them to experience family life in Scotland. During their time in school they attended the classes of their hosts whilst the head teacher spent time shadowing pupils and teaching in RME and English. They also visited one of our associated primary schools, Sandaig Primary where they took part in a tour of the school and a question and answer session with pupils.

Malawi Partnership

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As well as going to school the group also took part in lots of different activities including sledging at XScape, 10-pin-bowling, city tours of both Glasgow and Edinburgh, a visit to the Science Centre, ice skating at George Square as well as attending a lunch at the City Chambers and being VIPs at the Glasgow Christmas light switch on.

The next step in our partnership is a visit by a group of S4 pupils to Masalani CDSS in October 2013.

Mrs Belford

Read Rose and Wyson’s accounts of their visit on the next two pages!

Malawi Partnership

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I write this report to explain my experiences on a visit at Bannerman High School. I’m very excited to visit Scotland and more importantly I’m very happy because I have stayed with different families that welcomed me. It was very nice and I did not think that they could agree to stay with me in their homes. Special thanks shall go to Fiona’s family and Zoe’s family. We were doing everything together like eating, chatting and playing games, so I’m very happy with these families which hosted me in their homes.

At Bannerman High School there are a lot of education resources that improves education like computers, exercise books and etc. Also these things are free while in Malawi everything that is needed to school student we should buy. School is also free in Scotland while in Malawi we pay school fees every term. At Bannerman there are lunchtimes when everybody eats his/her food and there is more lessons and more materials that I had never seen before like Drama, Music, Dances and many more.

Also in Scotland there are very beautiful places where we went such as differentMuseums, bowling, cinema, Edinburgh Dungeon, City Chambers, Science Centre, Chinese Buffet, George Square and many more. We saw many things that I cannot remember. We also did go to New Lanark where we met with Father Christmas and he gave us gifts.

At Bannerman I had many friends and I was very excited with their behaviour. Also there are good teachers that allowed me to attend their classes and they were happy to see me. In Scotland almost everyone has a car while in Malawi there are few people that have cars. In Scotland there are may different types of foods while in Malawi our best food is porridge for breakfast and Nsima (from maize meal) for lunch and dinner.

In Scotland more students are very close to school and they go to school by cars while in Malawi many students are very far from school and walk more distances. In Malawi there is very warm and dry weather while in Scotland it is very cold. In Scotland most people sleep in their beds while in Malawi most people on the floor on mats.


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I write about my experiences of my visit to Scotland especially at Bannerman High School.

Firstly I’m very excited to visit at Bannerman High School. During my attendance in class I have learnt many things which I never learnt before. I’m interested to learn subjects such as Computing Studies, Home Economics, Music and Dancing. These have made me to be interested for my visit at this school.

Secondly I am surprised to see teaching and learning resources such as enough classes and books and also computers. These resources help students to know more and teachers may do their work easily, on top of that the lessons are done practically.

I had a chance to visit different places like George Square, X-Scape, New Lanark, Bowling, Dungeon and other interesting places. This will help me to aim higher than before because I’ve never seen the things that are found in Scotland.

Furthermore I’ve very impressed to stay with my friends in this Scotland. This has helped me to know more much about Scotland. I also thank the host families to allow me to stay together with them and their great hospitality they gave me.

Lastly let me thank Matthew and Johns’ parents for their hospitality. Therefore I’m wishing them all the best and I will pray for them that God should be with them and should give them long life.

On top of that I wish Merry Christmas and New Year to all my beloved teachers of Bannerman High School and my fellow friends of Bannerman High School.

Wyson Chester Simeon

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This November I was privileged to have the opportunity to go along with a group from my church group to Paris. We were invited for a youth convention and many of us got involved with the music aspect of the conference also. Our group consisted of members from the youth group and some from Harvest Bible College which is linked to my church – these students come from all around the world from the USA all the way to Ecuador and beyond.

During the convention when there wasn’t a music concert or service I was able to walk around the city. The city was set up for the Remembrance Day ceremony on the Sunday, which instantly brought the memory of the wars. Paris is so beautiful during the day and at night with all the bright lights and breath taking monuments!

The first night of the conference was a music concert featuring many different acts from across Europe, which was extremely interesting as the groups were all be singing in their native language and attempting to sing in French also, for example “Mieux vaut un jour” . I’ve never been so thankful for taking Higher French before in my life! Thankfully I was able to understand the majority of the convention - mind you the translators did help!

In my church I am heavily involved with the music department in Glasgow both playing an instrument and singing but while we were in France we sang instead of playing instruments. As this is a Christian Conference for the youth of Europe we sang in both French and English which was a huge challenge in itself. Thankfully it was a great success and through this I made more connections with the youth in Europe who also share a passion for music. We had a youth party that turned into a massive choir and we even started dancing and singing in the restaurant – with permission of course! There are videos and pictures of the big choirs but if they were put into words I would say, “Amazing unified choirs with God given talent!” I can’t wait for the next convention in Holland during the Christmas break.

Christine Nicol, S6

Paris Youth Convention

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Red Cross

The British Red Cross are a volunteer-led humanitarian organisation who help people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. On top of many other things, they give people all over the world skills and action plans so that they can prepare and respond to a disaster that happens in their country.

As part of the extra curricular activities in S6 there is an option to take part in the Red Cross week and about 30 of us took part in total. During the day, Sylvia, a trainer who works in Edinburgh came to talk to us and teach us about all of the different things that the Red Cross do. I was really surprised because I thought they just ran a few charity shops, but they do so much more! Not just here in the UK but all over the world. Recently they have worked in Nepal, Bangladesh and in New York in the aftermath of hurricane Sandy.

After we had been taught about everything they do, we then had to - in pairs or small groups - pick one of the aspects of their work to make a presentation on that we then had to present to S1 classes at tutor time. There were a wide range of topics such as; First Aid, Finding missing family, AIDS, Emergencies and disasters, Child soldiers and Refugee services.

Through doing this presentation it has really improved my confidence when talking to classes. I think this is good for me as I want to do primary teaching. I thought it was a good experience as I learnt a lot myself as well as teaching others. Mrs King even helped out one day and asked for a lolly pop; we gave her one as long as she kept it until break!

Lori Johnston S6

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Teacher Auction

In the build up to Children in Need, the S4 xl got their own back on their teachers!We came up with the fantastic idea of a teacher auction. This involved a lot of organisation and planning to ensure it was a huge success. First off we had to come up with a list of possible teachers and ask them if they would put themselves up for auction. To our surprise we managed to get twelve teachers rather quickly: Mr Sharp, Miss Clarke, Ms Gavienas, Miss Ramsey, Miss Martin, Mr Jones, Mr Tracey, Mr MacDonald, Miss Cairney, Miss Pearson, Mr Wilson & Mrs Belford. Mr Douglas and Mrs Mulholland were also sold in a private auction.

The whole group worked hard to arrange the date and venue in conjunction with the Drama Department and Mr Cook, and to advertise via posters, the bulletins and the tannoy.

The most important part of the advertising involved taking pictures and getting facts about each teacher which we put on to a power point presentation. This was then emailed to all staff to be shown during tutor time. Both auctions were led by pupils in the xl group with Patrick Hughes, John Duncan and Louise Dickson taking responsibility for conducting the auction. Everyone in the xl group carried out their role well to ensure the whole event ran smoothly.

All bidders were very generous and the successful bidders were quick at handing in their money. The total raised was £1,072 and the group and school got a mention on the live BBC broadcast of Children in Need.

During Children in Need day (16th of November), the winning bidders got to ‘humiliate’ the teachers … in a good way. The teachers were made to go for lunch, carry bags and do homework. Some were even made to dress up. The funniest ones were; Miss Martin, Mr Tracey and Mrs Belford. We would like to say a big thank you to all the staff and pupils involved for their support.

The S4 xl Group

In total Bannerman raised £2460.44 for Children In Need.

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Performing Arts News


Christmas ConcertWe had our Music Department Christmas Concert on Tuesday 4th December. It was a fantastic evening with an exciting and varied programme. We had contributions from our woodwind group, jazz group, string group, samba group, rock bands and our brass group set the festive mood by welcoming parents in the foyer.

I would like to thank our presenters Phoebe McBride, Scarlet McBride and Amy Johnston for their faultless contribution to the evening. The music staff would also like to thank all pupils for their dedication and hard work throughout the year. All funds raised will go towards the purchase of sheet music and musical instruments to support further events in the department.

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Stage Make-up Workshop October 2012

We had a fabulous day with students from Coatbridge College Hair and Beauty department. They visited the school for one day and demonstrated stage make-up techniques to all of our pupils in S4 S5 and S6. We had demonstrations of age makeup, fantasy makeup, cuts and bruises. It was lots of fun and very informative!

The Hall of Fame Workshop Oct 2012 – March 2013

We have had a fantastic opportunity to work with a company called Hall of Fame. Since October the Higher music pupils have had the opportunity to work with Ewan McLeod a producer from the music industry. He has been introducing our pupils to the world of commercial music, looking at the production side as well as the presenting side of the industry. In December the pupils will have an opportunity to visit a working recording studio and there will be a live event at Easter where our pupils will gain performance experience and help manage an event in the Baby Grand in Glasgow.

Malawi Welcome November 2012

Pupils from the performing arts department participated in a concert to welcome our visitors from Malawi. We had performances from our higher drama students, our S6 mime group, our string group, samba group and woodwind group. Thanks to all who participated.

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BBC Waterloo Road Workshop

In November we had the opportunity to work with the BBC Learning Lab where we were visited by the production team from “Waterloo Road.” A small team of S5/6 pupils worked with BBC technicians on camera skills and presenting Skills and we had an acting workshop with Shane O’Mara, an actor from Waterloo Road. This was a fantastic experience for our pupils.

BBC River City Workshop

Due to the success of previous events we now have a further BBC workshop in January with the “River City” production team. Its very exciting where our pupils will have the opportunity to work with a script writer, then act out their script and film it in the River City set location. Watch this space!

Performing Arts Theatre Visits

A busy faculty, both the Music and Drama departments have been out to the theatre and musical events a number of times this year.


Advanced Higher Drama students at the Edinburgh Festival in August. We saw: “The Wicker Man” National Theatre of Scotland at The Assembly Room and “ Divine Words” by Fourth Monkey Productions at The Space.

Music Students saw the Glasgow schools Orchestra playing at the Royal Concert Hall

SeptemberDrama Students at “Oleanna” East Kilbride Arts CentreDrama Students at “The Laramie Project” East Kilbride Arts centre

OctoberMusic Students at “The Magic Flute” at the Theatre RoyalMusic students at “American Idiot the Musical”at the SECCDrama Students at“Medea” at the Citizens Theatre

NovemberDrama Students at “The House of Bernarda Alba” East Kilbride Arts centre Drama students at “One Man Two Guvnors’” at the Theatre Royal

Christmas Talent Show

This years Talent Show will be on Thursday 20th December 2012. There are two performances throughout the day concluding with a performance for parents in the evening- tickets priced £3.00(evening) available from the Drama department.

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Performance of "Such Is the Kingdom" 22nd and 23rd January 2013 Venue: Glasgow CathedralTicket price to be confirmed

Our music and drama students are currently involved in a huge Primary Transition Project with all Primary 7 pupils who are coming to Bannerman in August of next year. "Such is the Kingdom" is a choral drama and is a new work that has been written and composed by Matthew Todd a local musician for this purpose.

The story is based on the medieval Children's Crusades in the 13th Century where as many as 30,000 children marched across France singing songs of joy and preaching messages of hope and peace after the religious crusades swept across Europe. This production will involve hundreds of our local children and it will be performed in Glasgow Cathedral. It is not to be missed. More information will be advertised in the New Year.

School Show 19th – 21st June 2013

Our School Show this year is “We Will Rock You” by Queen and Ben Elton.With Mrs Campbell directing and Mr Murdoch as Musical Director it promises to be a great show.

Auditions are just about to get under way and rehearsals will start in January. Look out for further information on the performing arts notice board.


Performing Arts News

Mrs Borland

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Bannerman High School

Glasgow Road

G69 7NS

0141 582 0020

Principal Teachers of Pastoral Care

Burns: Mrs L Peoples

Livingstone: Mrs S Shah

Mackintosh: Ms L Morton

Napier: Mr C Gardiner

Telford: Mr J McGillivray

Wallace: Mrs R Guile

Depute Headteachers

S1: Mrs O King

S2: Miss M Smalls

S3: Mrs M van de Gevel

S4: Mrs N Belford

S5: Ms S Black

S6: Mrs O King

Parent ContactIf you want to make contact by email please use this


[email protected].

Please check our website for current information. The weekly bulletin is in ‘News & Events’- this will allow you to see forthcoming clubs and activities which you can encourage your child to join.